Why do children dream on a swing. Why dream of swinging

How much our dreams can tell us! Sometimes what is revealed to us in night visions is sincerely surprising and amazing. We will learn a lot about what is happening around us now, and about what awaits us.

The symbolism of dreams is sometimes obvious to us, and sometimes hidden. Many symbols are so ancient that at present we are not even aware of their true meaning. Such an object from antiquity is a swing.

Today, this item is mostly considered part of entertainment or recreation, but earlier it had a sacred, magical meaning. Swinging on a swing was a mandatory practice for all young girls, because it was in this way that they attracted their future husband. Also, the swing saved from witchcraft and various types of damage.

Of course, in visions, this subject takes on a different meaning. To understand why the swing is dreaming, let's turn to the interpreters of dreams. As the dream book says, a swing is a symbol of variability and inconstancy. It is important to analyze this dream in detail in order to understand its true meaning. It is necessary to take into account all the main details, sensations and emotions at the time of sleep.

What can not be passed by when interpreting:

  • What swing?
  • Where were they located?
  • Who is lucky enough to ride?
  • Are you afraid to swing?

Over the abyss

So, if you are interested in what the swing is dreaming of, then the first thing you should consider is the appearance of this object. If you dream of a swing for children, then such a dream portends replenishment in the family. If you already have a child, it means that a new stage in life awaits him.

If you dream of a new, beautiful, bright swing, it means that you will meet a new, interesting person. Communication with him will be a real breath of fresh air for you. But do not overdo it and remember that in everything, even in a conversation, you need to know the measure.

If you dreamed of an old, dilapidated swing, then this indicates that you abandoned your dreams. Stop living on autopilot and thinking that miracles do not happen! You just need to want to change something, and then everything will go smoothly.

Dirty, wooden swings dream of as a symbol of your fears. You are afraid of dynamics and movement, so you don’t even try to change something in your life. All you have to do is take a deep breath and step into your anxieties.

Seeing them motionless means that at the moment you are in stagnation. This state will benefit you, in it you will gain strength and feel which path you should choose. To see how the swing moved intensively in night dreams means that you are currently in the stage of active changes. The main thing here is to stop in time before the changes turn out to be harmful to you.

Next, remember where the entertainment facility was located. If you dream that it is located on, then you are in for a period of growth and development.. A swing in the form of a tire on a tree, as the modern dream book says, is a symbol of your career growth.

If you had to swing at home, it means that you will have time spent with your family. You will feel connected both with your household and with your entire family. This will help you understand yourself better. If the swing hung high in a dream, then this indicates that you will have a high position in society. You will achieve amazing results if you follow your dreams and goals.

Also important is who exactly had the opportunity to swing. If it was you, then it is you who are now in the process of change.

To see in night dreams how your own or sways, means that you can be happy for him. He is in a positive dynamic, and if it suddenly seems to you that he is making a mistake now, do not try to stop him, because he is gaining the necessary experience in his life.

A swing in a dream is an unusual and very mysterious symbol. Solving it is not so easy, but if you succeed, then a lot of information will be revealed to you regarding you and your future.

Collection of dream books

Why dream of a Swing in a dream according to 24 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Swing symbol from 24 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

ABC of dream interpretation

The swing is a symbol of love adventures and erotic feelings.

To swing on a swing- a love affair can be dangerous. Be on your guard.

Swing yourself on a swing- have strong feelings for someone.

Fall off the swing- lose control over yourself.

Eastern dream book

Why dream of a Swing in a dream from a dream book?

If you are swinging with your lover It means that you will be tormented by jealousy.

I dreamed that you swung the swing too much and were afraid- you have taken on an unbearable burden of responsibilities and now you don’t know how to deal with it. In addition, it is possible that soon you will have to make some important decision.

Swing on a child's swing- to good luck.

Idiomatic dream book

To swing on a swing)- enjoy.

Swing - develop masculature.

Swing - decide on something (action, deed).

Imperial dream book

A swing in a dream is the need to shake up a stagnant internal situation with active external yang actions. In the body there are already not only psychological blocks, but also the stagnation of the movement of qi energy. The desire to swing and shake them favorably, but does not say anything about whether the dreamer has at least some further plans for movement. In addition, the results of shaking are unpredictable: shaking physically captures almost all organs with their possible pathology, especially in terms of emotional changes it is dangerous for the heart-kidneys (joy-fear). A dream can be favorable only with extremely careful behavior in reality after it: perhaps there are no energy blocks anymore, but there is still no correct rhythm and direction of movement.

See broken/stopped and empty swings- unfavorable, this means internal blocks, loss of sense of time and rhythm of movement without attempts by the body to recover. The reason in such cases lies in the distant past - in childhood. There is only one way out: remember what events the swing is associated with. This refers to events that pop up in memory by themselves, there may not be a swing there. Memories free a person from the stagnation of emotions, energy begins to flow freely and correctly.

Love dream book

A swing in a dream is a sign of volatility.

If you dream that you are swinging and your betrothed is nearby- then beware of strong zeal.

Small Velesov dream book

Swing - for fun, be decisive in your choice, a change in life.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Swing dreaming?

Swing - to a pleasant conversation with different, but congenial people.

Russian dream book

Swing - undefined, suspended position.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a Swing?

Swing in your dream- mean that soon you will try to answer the question: what is the meaning of your life?

Seeing a swing - your indecision will prevent you from succeeding in one important matter.

Sit on a swing, swing- a sign that you hesitate, choosing which of the two people close and dear to you to give your hand and heart.

Sit in thought on a swing- portends worries about the unpredictable behavior of your child or husband (wife).

Swing on the children's swing- in reality, your heart will rejoice at their success.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Swing - the need to get out of the influence of some kind of egregor. Reflection of the "swinging of the pendulum". You need to be determined.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Swing dream about in a dream?

Seeing in a dream swing- warning you against rash acts. The difficult tasks before you can not be solved very quickly, so you need to think carefully.

Swing in a dream on a swing- you will be overcome by conflicting feelings that can take precedence over common sense.

If you swing high and get scared- you can expect frequent changes in life and not always for the better.

Fall off the swing- suddenly and fundamentally change your lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation Longo

See in a dream a motionless swing- in real life, you can quarrel with a loved one. Try to prevent a quarrel, otherwise it will hang on your friendship like a stone around your neck, you will no longer be able to communicate as before, something important will leave your relationship.

If in a dream you tried to swing a swing- but they didn’t give in, which means that in reality you will be the object of obsessive courtship, you will want to get away from an unsympathetic fan (or fan), but you don’t succeed until you tell him directly that he (or she) is not your type . Do not be afraid to talk about it openly, otherwise you will have to constantly suppress your emotions, being forced to communicate with someone who you absolutely do not need.

Ride in a dream on a swing- in real life, you are trying to escape from solving urgent problems. Every day you put off the search for a way out until tomorrow, but even then you do nothing. Perhaps the whole point is that you simply do not have enough energy or time for this. You run the risk of being in a quagmire of difficulties that will cover you with their insolubility, like mud.

If in a dream you rode a broken swing- it means that in real life you prefer to go with the flow, not caring that sometimes you can try to counteract circumstances. Everything that happens around you, you perceive with humility, but is it right? Isn't it better to try to argue with Fate at least once in your life? You'll see, it's not so hopeless.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Do you feel like you're rocking up and down but can't get anywhere? Get off the swing, take a step, even if you are not sure of success. Your strength is in your determination.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Swing - you should not seek love in any way.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Swing in a dream - symbolizes emotional outbursts. Often such a dream portends a stormy joy from close communication with someone you know or a love adventure. The higher the swing flies, the stronger your feelings promise to be.

Swing alone- a sign of hidden feelings and hidden experiences that can greatly disturb you in the near future. If in reality you are busy with some important things, be careful, because a dream about a swing can warn that you seem to be spending too much time and effort on useless emotions.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

To swing on a swing- to varying successes: either you will succeed, or you will bear trials, fate will throw you up and down.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

To dream about how you swing on a swing- taking off high and falling again, so breathtaking - to experience unthinkable happiness in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

To swing on a swing- to variable success in your business.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Swing in a dream?

If you dreamed of a swing- in reality, a family celebration and a lot of related worries await you.

To swing on a swing- a harbinger of a variety of joyful events.

Just sit in thought on a swing- portends worries about the unpredictable behavior of a child or husband.

Swing on the children's swing- your heart will rejoice at their success in real life.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Swing - family life.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Swings are family joy.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Did you dream of a swing, or did you swing on a swing- there is a move ahead, and the new house will be much worse than the one that was before.

If you dreamed that you were watching someone swing on a swing- one of your friends will move soon.

Gypsy dream book

Seeing in a dream how someone is swinging on a swing, or swinging yourself means you will have an easy life.

Swing empty swing- to hard times.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Swing according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, swing- portend you a rich personal life and pleasures of an intimate nature.

More interpretations

She throws you high up and you get a feeling of awe- you have taken on too much, on your initiative you have so many worries that you have no idea how to deal with them.

I dreamed that you fell from it- You can't control your feelings.

If you're just sitting on a swing thinking about something- one of your close relatives will not behave quite adequately.

Ride your kids on it- you will have incredible success.

Riding it yourself in a dream- an innocent flirtation or an affair can end very badly, foresight will not hurt you now.

Someone else is riding it- a person from your inner circle will soon change their place of residence.

We saw that the swing is faulty- you are used to being a passive observer, and not the creator of your own destiny, but if you show a little determination, the problems will become much less.

Video: Why the Swing is dreaming

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I dreamed of a Swing, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Swing is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed of a playground where I used to live. then I saw my favorite swing on which I always loved to swing in the sun, I sat on it and swayed very strongly, I wanted to stop, she didn’t stop, then I mentally closed my eyes and then the swing stopped by itself, some unfamiliar girl stood nearby and all the time she pursued me where, I won’t go !!! then I reached my old apartment where I once grew up and lived, and that’s all my dream ended!

    I was swinging on a swing that went up high, high above the Earth, almost into space, I had a feeling of delight and happiness when I realized that I was so high, I feel freedom and see our planet in night beauty, then it was a little scary that I will fall, but a familiar guy was sitting behind me, who was holding me, and it became calm. (in life there is a loved one, in a dream there was just a familiar guy)
    On the swing, they only climbed up, I didn’t see the descent down. 🙂 Thank you.

    I went to a swing somewhere on the street, my classmate got up from it and gave way to me with someone’s child in my arms, a boy, I also told him to hold on tighter. the swing was double, that is, someone else rode nearby, it seemed it was dark and saw the blue sky

    I rode a bicycle, then I stopped at the swing, decided to sit on them, the next boy was swinging, then he came up to me and asked me to give up the swing to him, it turned out that he stood up on his own and got them dirty, I began to teach him and told him to wipe , after I talked to his father and he agreed with me, then I sat on those swings of his by accident and stained my jeans, then I rode a bicycle, met several horses, got scared. got off the bike, took the horse and led it home, on the way they met another horse and mine began to behave inappropriately, and after that all the horses began to behave like this. we reached the house, but went into the wrong entrance, went to another, it turns out that my apartment was not on the first floor, but on the 4th or 5th floor. got into the elevator with that crazy brown horse. went up on the elevator, there was a window in it and you could see the blue sky, got out of the elevator and it turned out to be a clinic, met a girl, she said that this is a common disorder and also happens in dogs and other animals.

    I dreamed that a person very close to me was swinging me on a swing ... at first it was fun, and then anger appears in his eyes and he starts to swing me harder and harder ... I get terribly scared, I shout to him: "stop it!", but he's still kicking...

    a swing hangs from the ceiling in the apartment and I sit in them and literally fly from one end to the other (together with the swing, that is, the swing is mobile - they move from the ceiling of one end of the apartment to the other. And then I don’t like something and I go buy a new swing and buy.Then I looked at the new swing and thought how to hang them and woke up

    She rode on a huge swing similar to a carousel made of wood. The view was very beautiful and bright, the sky was bright blue, the grass below was bright green. But at the same time there was a terrible fear that I was about to fall out of them. She clung very strongly and slipped off the swing when they went down from the top. And in the end, everything worked out well. The swings stopped and I got off of them in my opinion even without fear. But in reality there was a residue from this dream.

    Hello, in a dream, I saw how we communicate with my brother-in-law on the topic that he wants to buy a swing for his son, but does not want to leave them in his yard, since their neighbors are ill-mannered, I can break it, and therefore the swing will stand at us in the yard, I agree and return home, and I see how joyfully my husband enters the house and says: I bought a swing for our daughter ... Please tell me what my dream was about?

    spinning on a swing high, high, overwhelmed by such a light feeling and at the same time a feeling of fear, but later it disappears, and I spin and spin and it becomes so easy, but it feels like I'm afraid to fall but I don't fall .. everything is fine.

    there were a lot of swings in my dream, but mine was the biggest, I didn’t sit on it but just held the white rope from which the swing was made, it was a dark space, light fell on me from above

    Good evening! .. I dreamed that I was swinging on a swing from a thin white hank .. the dude was swinging high.. on level 2 on top of the booth ... I was not afraid .. the emotions of the radio ... receiving boules. look like a girl ... and a rich child bachila .. stink like angels bul..

    I come to the cinema, there I am with my husband, his business partner and his wife. In the lobby, I meet my former employees, they are glad to see me, we talk and I feel calm. Next, my husband calls me to the cinema, feeling restless and in a hurry. We sit in chairs, I'm scared the chairs turn into swings on long chains and begin to rise up. I look at my husband, he smiles and says that I will like it, but I'm scared inside of me protest, I want to leave. At the height of the swing in which I was, it breaks off and I fly down and wake up.

    I dreamed that I was my sister, my younger brother (3 years old) and my aunt, we walked around there were many different swings, all the people walked there were many children, everyone had fun, we rolled my brother on the same swing, then crossed the road, he almost ran under the car when we were already We began to reach the house, we met 3 cats, one of them was kind, the others were not very good, one of which was evil and bit me on the elbow. I woke up from standing touching street cats and I need to wash my hands.

    i dreamed that I was climbing a ladder high, about the same height as airplanes fly, then I realized that I was climbing on a swing, I was swinging, then they were swinging me sooooo much I was scared, then not) and I myself began to swing!

    I ride big swings, I like it. Around the summer, warm colors, you can see the forest, I ride around residential buildings, high-rise buildings. I'm flying over these houses, I'm striving for the forest. I raise my head, I see that my swing is so high attached that it is not even visible, only the blue sky is visible.

    The dream begins on a bright sunny day, I get into the minibus and go to the exams. I pass them and become a student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. I meet a girl. We became friends. We are going to a party in honor of our admission tonight. I find myself in some kind of village, on the outskirts. Nature is wonderful before my eyes, on the right is a field of flowers, on the left is a house. I go into the house. A family I know, an ex-boyfriend, lives in it. I am in his room, through the window I see how the children are swinging the swing, very strongly, then I turn around and see a lot of rats that start to run away and wake up

    Sunny day, good mood, playground, which is located in the place where I lived as a child. I, swing on a swing, and take off high, high. Unusual swing - a pole, a rope and a board.

    Sandy shore by the sea, the water is calm, the feeling is cool, although I am dressed lightly and ride on a swing. Not much at first, then more and more. Then a man appears (my godfather, with whom we have a "distant" relationship), and I see that he is rocking more and more. As a result, the swing makes a circle with me around its wasps and (at 360 degrees), I'm afraid, I scream to stop somehow, but they still continue to swing strongly .. Not that I was very scared, rather unusual and fearfully. The time of day in a dream changed in a short period from a cloudy day to evening.

    i dreamed that I was swinging on a huge swing, similar to an attraction .... I’m not scared and I don’t look down, but the swing is high ... and when they soar, it’s as if straight up to the sky and I see an unusual bright star or planet and try to reach it like as much as possible .... trying to swing the swing. I am comfortable, easy and good


    I am dreaming of an oak from a swing, I am with my ex and two kids: a smaller girl is with her mother next to me and an older boy is with me. But unlike the girl, he does not look like me, but like my enemy .... The house in the background, not from simple and everything is green and everyone is happy.

    Good afternoon! I dreamed that my friend and I were swinging on a swing, the one that was in a semicircle-up-down, and my friend was swinging me a lot - I could barely hold on and was afraid to fall. Then I fall down with my half of the swing, but it doesn't hurt. What does this mean? Thanks

    I dreamed that I was invited on a date by the guy T., who I like (Everything happened in my native village). At first, I chose shoes for a very long time with my aunt. I didn't like them all because they were pretty old fashioned. Then I went to the store, where our date was supposed to take place. When I entered the store, I saw a completely different environment (instead of shelves and refrigerators, there were round white tables, white wooden chairs were attached to them, and crystal glasses stood on the tables themselves). There I saw T. he came up to me, took me out of the store and led me to the swing. When I sat on the swing, we started talking about something, and then he gave me a wide black ring with silver letters ...
    And then I woke up.

    I saw that my ex-boyfriend, whom I still love, is swinging me. We categorically do not communicate now. In a dream, he rolled me so much that I felt fear of falling even in reality. What did this dream mean, please help

    Me and the girls who go to training with me run on the grass and laugh. Suddenly, someone sees three swings. They were so high above the ground that no one could either jump on them or pull themselves up on their hands to sit down. After many unsuccessful attempts, I was finally able to pull myself up on my hands and climb them. No one else could do it.

    Hello. My sister and I went to swing on the swings. they swayed and spun like a merry-go-round, very high, so that in the dream the head was spinning, it was scary, but at the same time delight. I said that before my head was not spinning, as it is now. then the swing stopped. we got off.

    It's like I'm on some street on a very sunny day. There were no cars. Along the edges of the road there were beautiful fluffy trees with pink flowers, the trees stood very close to each other, so the beauty was very dense. And on these trees there were many wooden swings, on one tree there were several swings, there were both large and smaller swings, they hung at different heights, some low so that I could sit others higher, I just walked and admired them. I thought right now I’ll look at the next ones and sit down, but I didn’t ride

    I am in a beautiful red puffy dress swinging on a very long swing in the forest, over a calm lake. The surroundings are beautiful and calm. I lean back and see the haze behind me. When I fly forward, the dress rides up a little, I try to fix it. Then I get on the swing and swing while standing. I see thick ancient trees, green foliage. A magical dream, very beautiful.

    I dreamed that I was swinging on a huge swing the size of a 4-storey building. Nearby was an abandoned building (hospital) and an unfamiliar old man told me from the window that I needed to get off the swing. Because the swing was very high (it was 6-8 meters to the ground), I asked him for help, but he left the window. Then I decided to act on my own, holding on to the swing, I went down on my hands, hung and unhooked my fingers and fell to the ground, I saw only grass. And ended up in another place, near the railroad. I watched the train go and then it went off the rails and crashed. That's all.

    Summer, I raced with my brother in a car along a road that changed, it was either paved, then across a field, or in general we jumped over ravines at great speed, then we rode bicycles, also at high speed, parted on two different roads and while my brother was riding somewhere in the lowland, along the way I met a field planted with bright large flowers, exactly planted, because they were neat, even beds, located close to each other, I saw a tree on which beautiful swings were fixed high, with laces hung from them, I would really like to swing, but it was impossible to get to them, which didn’t upset me much, I continued to admire the flowers, leaning against a tree, waited for my brother and we left, but I really remember the swing ....

    Hello) the swing was rope, fixed somewhere very high, parallel to my swing it was the same, my friend was swinging on it, although in reality I don’t know him, we were swinging synchronously, there was water below the swing, and when I went down , almost touched it, it was great, it was already breathtaking, it flew up very high!

    I sat on a swing in a place like a gym with windows at the top and a high roof. swayed very strongly, it seemed that I was about to go in a circle. for a moment, of course, it became scary because it was unexpected. it seemed that I was about to lunge out of the chair and at that moment I notice that I was not fastened at all and I could really fall, as the speed throws me into the air. I didn’t know what to do and decided to wrap my arms around so as not to fall. I remember that the swing stopped and I calmly went on. I want to add that since the ceiling was high, the chains, or the rope from the swing, were very long and therefore swayed at a great distance throughout the hall and rose to the ceiling. Thank you in advance

    I was swinging with a girl with whom I was in the same group in the kindergarten. I had fun easily, well, I smiled. then I rocked alone, and she was nearby, there were also two young handsome guys nearby, and I seemed to know them.

    it was summer, I saw a free swing at the neighbors, I climbed on it and started swinging with such joy, I swung high, and it was so great, I was overwhelmed with joy and freedom, especially because I have not been able to swing in real life on a swing for a long time , and then my mother called me as in childhood from the street, I didn’t really get off the swing, and I saw what my mother showed me, my boyfriend was standing on the roof of my house and waving to me, and again I became so happy because he did it for my sake and came to me and I ran to him. And I don't know, I felt happy as before as a child, and everything was so good and I was so light and free.

    Hello Tatiana. in a dream, I flew very high on a swing. there was a sense of flight. I had previously dreamed of something similar (that I was jumping or walking with huge strides, flying above telegraph poles, etc.) in this dream I saw that I was flying too high and gave a mental command to someone below to stop and everything stopped. such a dream. the singing was nice. and I was in control. what would that mean

    I dreamed about how I was swinging on a swing, the picture was divided into two parts. One half of the left was black, and the other half of the right was a field of wheat surrounded by forest, it was the beginning of winter, there was fog around me, I was swinging, it looked like a wooden seat in the form of a board on ropes, I was wearing a light beige dress with a long skirt, I had loose hair and on my head there was a wreath of small white roses I was barefoot, I swayed here and there on the right side there was silence lightness coolness and on the left there was nothing and I didn’t feel it, about the dream I felt how I swayed then when I woke up I was a little spinning head

    Hello Tatiana.
    I didn’t remember where I was walking, and on the way I saw a swing, probably 4 pieces. They had gymnasts in yellow suits and they had to do all sorts of tricks. It became interesting to see how it would all turn out and I stopped. there were 3 or 4 boys on one swing and they started to do different exercises while swinging. The spectacle was breathtaking. And I kind of read the announcement that all the tricks are performed for the first time without insurance by students. Then I see that I myself am sitting on a swing. They are not rope, but metal and begin to sway. I have a bag and a jacket on my knees, and I think they are uncomfortable, I should have put them on the ground. And the thought flashes through my head that I will approach the earth and put everything. I'm getting old swinging. Next to me, 2 girls are doing some kind of trick, now I don’t remember what it was, but it was interesting. It ended with the fact that they had to put on a special belt around their neck and spin high on it, and then go down. I already saw when the girls went down to the ground and walked from the swing with smiles. I've been swinging and swinging all this time. On the swing, I had rings for athletes and I held on to them, because the handles on the seat were small and I wanted to swing even more and not fall. I’m not scared at all, I’m glad, like in childhood, the feeling of flying ... The alarm clock rings and I woke up)

    Hello! I very rarely dream. For 10 years, my late father dreamed of only 2 ra. And recently for the 3rd time. I don’t remember the dream itself, but we swung on a swing with him. I would like to know, what is it for? Thank you in advance

    She dreams about how we swing with friends on a large swing that flies higher than the house, at the same time, and it’s scary and a feeling of delight. A girl swings, sitting on them, a classmate sits next to her, then the dream turns into another and there I am already at home with a friend and we are solving some problems, and in reality this person wrote to me that day after sleep, although we had not talked for a long time


    Hello Tatiana. My dream. I decided to show someone how to swing. This someone (the shadow of a man) was standing nearby. The swing is like a children's swing for one place, but very high. Iron, rusty. The height is about 10 m. It swung to the highest level, but rusty metal prevented the coup. At the very bottom, I sort of moved out, but I was “drawn back” into the seat. It was scary from the height. Then I deliberately stopped and got out of the swing. And in the continuation of the dream, I dreamed of a friend with whom I slept together. But then my husband came and I asked her to leave. It was as if there was no further husband, but there was clearly a man preoccupied with all the women in a row, either he licked under his skirt, or he just peeped at someone. I did not feel jealousy, I was irritated.

    Hello, I had this dream a few years ago, I leave a wooden 1-story house (it looks like a hotel) I turn to the left there is a wide wooden bed with white linen and sit on a rope swing and fly very high and far and see the same bed, but 2 girls are sitting on it I recognize one from my school, I fly over them and I see we are like deciduous green grass trees in the forest, and at the bottom of the river with red water, I got scared and woke up on a swing, it was also scary, it was a dream like December 3. And on December 2, our president dreamed in a black jacket and a blue shirt without a tie, we said something and both smiled, then he hugged me and I woke up.

    I really like one guy, but he is very far away. I dreamed that I was riding a chachel with him and smiling at each other. Then he said to get up early, went to bed and we fell asleep in the open air in an embrace

    HELLO. In an unfamiliar apartment, near the doorway, she jumped on a swing (it looks like it was made of a fire hose, without a seat) swayed not like a pendulum, but somehow chaotically, sometimes spinning. The swing swayed all fast, it was a little scary, but so good !!An unfamiliar woman was watching this process, but she knew her in a dream. She taught how to swing. There were 2-3 more young people nearby.

    My boyfriend and I were in an unusual place, the place was divided into two halves, one was green, something like a field and the other was very beautiful white, there were mountains in the distance and there was a house on the mountain, we seemed to be touching on a swing and talking

    I had a dream on Saturday, having come from the store, I fell asleep. In a dream, I rode on a swing in a store, almost like a “sun”. I don’t remember, it seems I was with some young man, then I rocked alone, then with him. There were three guys looking at us.

    I dreamed that my mother wore my boots, and then gave it to a neighbor, because they rubbed her, and I sat on the kochel where it was raining, and then I wanted to take the puppy for the place of the boots, I took it in my arms and stroked it, but didn’t take it

    Hello. In a dream, I swing on a swing high in the mountains, where there is a lot of snow. But the ground below me is close. There is a lot of white snow around, but I don't feel cold. There are relatives nearby, I have my child and a red cat with a smooth and well-groomed coat in my arms.

    My parents and I were just walking around. It was a warm sunny day. I don’t know why, but I have dreamed about this yard many times already. There I saw a swing, they seemed to grow from the sky! The swing was a head taller than me (and I'm tall) and I couldn't climb it. Although, in another dream, I was swinging on one of these swings ...

    My boyfriend and I entered the park, he wanted to ride her swing, but one of them was pulled up and untangled like a rope. But this is a metal swing, then we sat on another one and there a huge stone was not allowed to ride, so we didn’t ride ...

    As if we were creating an amusement park in order to earn money, suddenly the girl sat on the swing, the chain was big and I was nearby, but the impression was that she was my own, but who knows. At first they laughed, then as the swing rose higher, she got scared and almost broke, and I comforted her until the swing stopped completely

    She swung indoors either on a swing, or on a rope upside down. She called a small puppy from the floor and some other things. Not one was swinging. It was necessary to strongly tell the swing in order to escape from somewhere. They rocked hard, but there was no result. It wasn't scary.

    My mom decided to show a stack of photos to my man, who I'm currently in a relationship with. I managed to snatch his photos. About some other man in the photo, she said that we were legally married. I ran away. Then she returned, and he, finished watching the rest, left. Then I rode on a swing near the sea.

    I am swinging. The height from the ground is about the size of a five-story building. At first, I experience ordinary emotions, not to say that they are happy. I see my older brother walking downstairs, but he doesn't seem to notice me. At some point, when the swing has swung hard enough, I try to slow down, but the swing is swinging harder and I already experience panic fear. As a result, I crash to death on a metal staircase.

    I dreamed that a lot of children from another school came to our school. They were 9th graders. All the guys asked me to date them. I did not agree. But there were 2 more guys (just handsome) and they went to swing us on a swing, they rolled us very hard and we hit the swing. Then we came to school and my uncle was there. He kind of said if you're dating them, be careful. I am responsible for them. Well, everything seems to be.

    the background of my dream was first white, then changed to red. it was not possible to find the horizon of the floor and the sky. I dreamed of a black playground. (swing, slide, sandbox) and surrounded by a fence. also black.

    Good morning! I dreamed of a high swing, like a tower crane, and they were not on rigid supports, but on chains, I swung very hard, flying over the city .. but suddenly it turned out that in one hand I was holding a child (or a cat, I don’t remember) and I only hold on with one hand, so I was afraid that the chains would come off and we would fall. Feelings of excitement and fear. We didn't fall in the end.

    The swing was terrible, everyone was afraid and screaming, I was also afraid when I sat down at the actraceon, I was shocked that there was almost no insurance there, and then when it started turning over and circling, I was not at all afraid

    I rode on a swing, I sat alone in the booth and was not fastened, the rotation speed was very fast and at high altitude, at first I was scared, and then I decided to look at how beautiful everything was around and the fear disappeared

    I rode on a swing over the lake, which is located near my house. There were drakes swimming there. The swing ropes were made of iron parts. They were very long and started in the sky. I skated very hard, almost made the sun

    I dreamed that I was sailing on a boat, along the river, and I saw a swing 2, they seemed to be installed from the sky, I sat down to swing, I felt so good, and then I started swinging against my boat and it hurt me.

    My boyfriend and I were in a store, and then we went into some kind of park with a round swing that stood on the edge of a deep ravine, in no dream did he fall into it, although I was very afraid of it, but this time he fell, but survived , I ran for help and they helped me get it, when I came he was lying near the swing, I sat on top of him and we started kissing, he had no injuries

    I dreamed that an earthquake had begun, I was in an apartment, but not in my own, but as if it were my home. I want to jump out the window, but some woman tells me, how will you go back later if the door is closed from the inside, take the keys and run out through the door. I do just that when I ran out on the landing, saw a lot of shoes, put on blue sneakers (not mine) and ran out into the street and sat on a swing. But the sun was shining and everything was calm.

A swing in a dream symbolizes a certain life stage of a person, which, like a pendulum, will be dotted with ups and downs. To figure out what this image is dreaming of, you need to carefully, in the smallest detail, recall the dream - your actions, emotions, plot and other characters in a dream, analyze everything you see and put it into one meaningful picture. Then turn to the dream book for clarification.

Seeing a swing in a dream means increased attention from the opposite sex. The desire (often unconscious) of a person to frequently change sexual partners and a frivolous attitude to love and affection can lead to disastrous consequences.

Miller's dream book is a swing, interpreted as a symbol of variability. Swinging too much on a swing, having experienced fear, is explained by the fact that in real life, a person has taken on an unbearable burden of duties and now does not know how to resolve everything. It will be necessary to make an important decision, on which further participation in such events will depend.

To find out why the swing is dreaming, one should recall their appearance and condition. Rope swings symbolize carelessness, fun and pleasant emotions, "boats" portend a grandiose entertainment event in the future, according to the "up and down" type - to an unstable relationship with a soulmate, children's, with special mounts for kids - to unexpected chores and anxiety for their relatives and relatives.

It is useful to know why a broken swing is dreaming of. According to the dream book, such a vision characterizes the dreamer as a lazy and weak-willed person, unable to take responsibility and make decisions. An empty swinging swing personifies the inner disharmony of the sleeping person, if the person himself swung them, it means that an unfavorable period awaits him in reality.

Ride someone, swing yourself, someone rides.

Riding a swing in a dream, near which a loved one is located, is interpreted by a dream book as an opportunity to experience jealousy in real life. Rocking with the chosen one - the upcoming showdown on the topic of trust and harmony between each other.

Sitting on them, but not riding, is indicated by the dream book as the occurrence of problems due to the fault of relatives and close people. To succumb to negative emotions and the influence of circumstances, that's what pictures are dreaming of, where it happened to fall from a swing.

Swinging on a swing in a dream, experiencing joy and excitement, according to the dream book, is a sign that in reality the dreamer will have a short, but very stormy romance. For girls, a dream portends an innocent flirtation that will end very quickly. Men who see such a vision should beware of fleeting romances that will not bring pleasure, but will only empty their wallets and morally "pat".

To see a friend who was rolling on a swing in a dream portends a breakup or a quarrel with this person in a dream book.

A dream where a sleeping child rolls children on a swing means a successful event that will end successfully and bring good results.

Dreams on the topic 👇

Hey! 🤗

Now let's find out together if your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night.

Likes are spinning 😍⭐️


    24-Feb-2018 Julia:

    My daughter and I used to swing a lot on the swings. In a dream, I struggled with fear and at the same time enjoyed skating. My daughter is now expecting her first child. Please clarify. I am very worried about my daughter.

    And I dreamed that my friends rode on three rope swings, under them at first there was a sea, and then a forest, it felt like the swing was clinging to the sky, the wife laughed with joy and rocked her swing, the child was afraid, and the husband was very upset, as if he was deciding jump off those creepy swings.

    I was swinging on a swing, and a stranger shook me, and they were swinging themselves very strongly, I screamed and asked them to stop. And someone stopped them. And then a guy sat down and the same situation, and a lot of people stood and watched, and could not do anything. Please interpret the dream.

    26-Mar-2017 Elizabeth:

    I dreamed that I was swinging on a swing, in front of me some handsome guy of about 25 was swinging. Then I felt that someone came up from behind and it was some thin woman with black hair and my grandmother, who died 3 months ago, I had a little fear and excitement. Then we went to the brick house.

    18-Feb-2017 Tatiana:

    My mom saw a dream, in a dream dad was swinging on an old iron swing, swayed strongly and flew away from it, please explain what this can mean?

    People dreamed. They moved like dust into the building, but there was only a wall on one side, and then there was a street, but there were columns around the entire perimeter. The whole wall was golden and painted in such noble colors too. Well, these people, who are like dust, they were something like inner demons. And people were being killed. They brought tourists, it seems, and sent them on a train, and the train crashed. Then the fat boy was fed, and he choked and died. And the last girl, about 14 years old, lived in a high-rise building and they pressured her from the inside to jump, and she roared and talked to someone that she didn’t want, but from the inside she had to, but that one was hysterical, she was yelling at the one she said goodbye to that she didn’t want to, but she needed to, and those demons clouded her mind, and now she was a little girl, the swing almost didn’t swing and she had to get down from the swing, but she roared and didn’t want to, and then someone said that it’s not high here and she got down and flew from her balcony.

    I dreamed that I was painting a swing and I was running out of paint. And I thought - tomorrow I'll take a new can of paint and finish it. The swing was made of iron, painted in such colors: blue, almost white. Then red and then green. The brush was a paintbrush, on a long handle.

    I see my mother swinging wide and high on the swing, and it’s not so safe that I catch the swing with such difficulty and stop it so hard, sliding with my soles, as if I had stopped it without touching some kind of barrier.

    And I had a dream that I was riding a big iron swing with some girl, and my ex was standing opposite me and throwing stones at me, but he couldn’t hit me and he constantly hits the swing.

    I was walking and saw a dog barking at me from afar. I slowly climb the stairs to tease her. I find myself on a large iron swing. When she ran up, I was afraid that she would jump and began to swing them. She ran around and barked, and somehow I realized that the swing belonged to her. She grabs her purse and storms off. I run after her. I run across the road, where cars are rushing at speed, I overcome the danger with maneuvers and fear and on the other side I found a handbag, but without some important book in it. I randomly, but with confidence, go through the yards and find the book easily and quickly. If you interpret dreams, then I wait with hope for my vivid dream.

    • A very similar dream. I ran away from a pack of dogs and climbed onto a swing and swung them in the same way, while the dogs watched. They didn't leave. In the end, I had to get down and one of the main dogs bit me on the arm. Well, I was ready to hit her on the nose with all my might. She bit not painfully and eventually let go. And we sort of parted ways with the world.

Rocking in a rocking chair is inconstancy in business.

Swing on the Summer Dream Book

Swing on a swing to see in a dream - Swing on a swing - to variable success in your business.

Swing on the Autumn Dream Book

Swinging on a swing - Seeing in a dream how you are swinging on a swing, taking off high and falling again, so breathtaking - to experience unthinkable happiness in reality.

Swing on the dream book from A to Z

If in a dream you swing on a swing - this is a sign of joyful events.

Rocking in a rocking chair is inconstancy in business.

Swing along the Noble Dream Book of N. Grishina

Swinging on a swing in a dream - you will be overcome by conflicting feelings.

Swing high and get scared - constant changes in life, change of connections, loss of control over your love adventures.

In a woman's dream: a man is rocking you - a thirst for a romantic victory over a certain person.

A friend is rocking - to be dependent on her, to want to beat her secretly.

To swing a woman in a dream for a man - a new and strong love interest is on the threshold.

Falling off the swing is a decisive change in the order of life.

Swinging on a hammock is a good time to come / live in erotic dreams, unconsciously reduce everything to sex / headaches in the coming hours.

Swing on the Christian dream book

An action that can at first glance be a pleasure, because swinging, for example, is a rather pleasant activity. But, on the other hand, no matter how high we take off, all the same, the movements that we carry out do not allow us to move forward and achieve some goal, even swinging, we actually do not move from a certain point. These are meaningless actions, the illusion of movement. This means that it is precisely such false, meaningless activity that prevails in your life, which in fact does not move at all from the "dead center" and is about to lead you into a dead end if you do not thoroughly reconsider your life goals and ways to achieve them. To varying successes: either you will succeed, or you will bear trials, fate will throw you up.

Swing on the dream book of the sorceress Medea

A dream to see about Swing - Swing on a swing - A love affair can be dangerous. Be on the lookout Being in an unstable position or being on an unstable structure - You rely too much on others, but not all advice is worthy of attention. More confidence in yourself

Dreaming of Swinging (in a rocking chair) - Inconstancy in business.

Swinging on a swing - To varying successes: either you will succeed, or you will bear trials, fate will throw you up or down.

Swing on the Home Dream Book

To swing on a swing. Tip of the day: A love affair can be dangerous. Be on your guard. Be in an unstable position or be on an unstable structure. Tip of the day: You rely too much on others, but not all tips are worthy of attention. More confidence in yourself. Imitation of sexual intercourse, desire for pleasure. Defense mechanism of the psyche: return to the energy matrix of infancy in connection with a bad event.

Swing on the dream book of catchphrases

SWING (on a swing) - have fun. Swing - develop masculature. Swing - decide on something (action, deed).

Swing on the Italian dream book Meneghetti

Despite the apparent external charm of this action, the image symbolizes the swing of the pendulum as a repetitive action of the reflective matrix. Indicates an obsessive latent fixation of the mother complex or deviation monitor complex.

Swing on Shuvalova's dream book

An action that may at first glance be a pleasure - after all, swinging on a swing, for example, is a rather pleasant activity. But, on the other hand, no matter how high we take off, all the same, the movements that we carry out do not allow us to move forward and achieve some goal - even swinging, we actually do not move from a certain point. These are meaningless actions, the illusion of movement. This means that it is precisely such false, meaningless activity that prevails in your life, which actually does not move from the "dead center" and is about to lead you to a dead end if you do not thoroughly reconsider your life goals and ways to achieve them.

Swing on the Idiomatic dream book

Swing (on a swing) - Have fun. Swing - develop masculature. Swing - decide on something (action, deed).

Swing on the dream book of the past

Swinging is an action that can at first glance be a pleasure, because swinging on a swing, for example, is a rather pleasant activity. But, on the other hand, no matter how high we take off, all the same, the movements that we carry out do not allow us to move forward and achieve some goal, even swinging, we actually do not move from a certain point. These are meaningless actions, the illusion of movement. This means that it is precisely such false, meaningless activity that prevails in your life, which in fact does not move at all from the "dead center" and is about to lead you into a dead end if you do not thoroughly reconsider your life goals and ways to achieve them.

Swing on the Italian psychoanalytic dream book of A. Roberti

Swinging is an action that at first glance can give us pleasure and is fraught with a secret charm. But on the other hand, no matter how high we take off, all the same, the movements that we carry out do not allow us to move from a certain point. This illusion of movement may be associated with the obsession with the constant repetition of actions performed as if according to a given program. The appearance of this image is due to the latent fixation of the maternal complex.

Swing on the Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Rocking is a regressive form of tranquilization. Associated with childhood.

Swing on the ABC of dream interpretation

Being in an unstable position or being on an unstable structure - you rely too much on others, but not all tips are worthy of attention. More confidence in yourself.

Swing in a dream- symbolize emotional outbursts. Often such a dream portends a stormy joy from close communication with someone you know or a love adventure. The higher the swing flies, the stronger your feelings promise to be.

Swing alone- a sign of hidden feelings and hidden experiences that may greatly disturb you in the near future. If in reality you are busy with some important things, be careful, because a dream about a swing can warn that you seem to be spending too much time and effort on useless emotions.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Swing You don't have to seek love by any means.

Modern combined dream book

Swing in your dream- mean that soon you will try to answer the question: what is the meaning of your life?

See the swing- your indecision will prevent you from succeeding in one important matter.

Sit on a swing, swing- a sign that you hesitate, choosing which of the two people close and dear to you to give your hand and heart.

Sit in thought on a swing- portends worries about the unpredictable behavior of your child or husband (wife).

Swing on the children's swing- in reality, your heart will rejoice at their success.

Eastern female dream book

If you are swinging with your lover It means that you will be tormented by jealousy.

I dreamed that you swung the swing too much and were afraid- you have taken on an unbearable burden of responsibilities and now you don’t know how to deal with it. In addition, it is possible that soon you will have to make some important decision.

Swing on a child's swing- to good luck.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Swing- to pleasant communication with different, but close in spirit to you people.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

To swing on a swing- to variable success: either you will succeed, or you will bear trials, fate will throw you either up or down.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed of a swing- in reality, a family celebration and a lot of related worries await you.

To swing on a swing- a harbinger of a variety of joyful events.

General dream book

Did you dream of a swing, or did you swing on a swing- there is a move ahead, and the new house will be much worse than the one that was before.

If you dreamed that you were watching someone swing on a swing- one of your friends will move soon.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Do you feel like you're rocking up and down but can't get anywhere? Get off the swing, take a step, even if you are not sure of success. Your strength is in your determination.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing in a dream swing- warning you against rash acts. The difficult tasks before you can not be solved very quickly, so you need to think carefully.

Swing in a dream on a swing- you will be overcome by conflicting feelings that can take precedence over common sense.

If you swing high and get scared- you can expect frequent changes in life and not always for the better.

Fall off the swing- suddenly and fundamentally change your lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

See in a dream a motionless swing- in real life, you can quarrel with a loved one. Try to prevent a quarrel, otherwise it will hang on your friendship like a stone around your neck, you will no longer be able to communicate as before, something important will leave your relationship.

If in a dream you tried to swing a swing- but they didn’t give in, which means that in reality you will be the object of obsessive courtship, you will want to get away from an unsympathetic fan (or fan), but you don’t succeed until you tell him directly that he (or she) is not your type . Do not be afraid to talk about it openly, otherwise you will have to constantly suppress your emotions, being forced to communicate with someone who you absolutely do not need.

Ride in a dream on a swing- in real life, you are trying to escape from solving urgent problems. Every day you put off the search for a way out until tomorrow, but even then you do nothing. Perhaps the whole point is that you simply do not have enough energy or time for this. You run the risk of being in a quagmire of difficulties that will cover you with their insolubility, like mud.

If in a dream you rode a broken swing- it means that in real life you prefer to go with the flow, not caring that sometimes you can try to counteract circumstances. Everything that happens around you, you perceive with humility, but is it right? Isn't it better to try to argue with Fate at least once in your life? You'll see, it's not so hopeless.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Swing in a dream- a sign of change.

If you dream that you are swinging and your betrothed is nearby- then beware of strong zeal.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Swing in a dream- the need to shake up the stagnant internal situation with active external yang actions. In the body there are already not only psychological blocks, but also the stagnation of the movement of qi energy. The desire to swing and shake them favorably, but does not say anything about whether the dreamer has at least some further plans for movement. In addition, the results of shaking are unpredictable: shaking physically captures almost all organs with their possible pathology, especially in terms of emotional changes it is dangerous for the heart-kidneys (joy-fear). A dream can be favorable only with extremely careful behavior in reality after it: perhaps there are no energy blocks anymore, but there is still no correct rhythm and direction of movement.

See broken/stopped and empty swings- unfavorable, this means internal blocks, loss of sense of time and rhythm of movement without attempts by the body to recover. The reason in such cases lies in the distant past - in childhood. There is only one way out: remember what events the swing is associated with. This refers to events that pop up in memory by themselves, there may not be a swing there. Memories free a person from the stagnation of emotions, energy begins to flow freely and correctly.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Seeing in a dream how someone is swinging on a swing, or swinging yourself means you will have an easy life.

Swing empty swing- to hard times.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Swing- to fun, be decisive in your choice, a change in life.

Collection of dream books

Swing- indefinite, suspended position.

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.