Archangels of "Supernatural" - who are they? Archangel Raphael Raphael supernatural.

Chairs rattle, glasses and bottles clatter everywhere. A man sings on the stage, sometimes howling. Two wendigo calmly drink vodka straight from the bottles, sitting at a table and growling something to each other. Garth and other werewolves sit near the stage and howl to the singer. Osiris and Isis have a romantic candlelight dinner, but they still manage to quarrel. Cas and Meg are slow dancing nearby and are soon joined by Kali with Baldur, Crowley with Abaddon, Azazel with Lilith, and Dick Roman with Eve. Benny peacefully drank blood from a box, and at first you might think that it was juice, but in this bar everything is not just like that. Ruby drunk almost got into a fight with Alastor. And only the intervention of Famine saved her from inevitable death. War and Plague followed the example of the demons and also fought with bottles and chairs. It seems that they then have to pay the owner of the broken furniture. Death, looking at them, only laughed out loud with his mouth full, and next to him there were already several packages of pizza and bags of fast food. Mercury hung on to a waitress named Jo Harvell, but after catching a scathing glance from behind the bar that belonged to the girl's mother, he quickly retreated to the restroom, just to avoid Ellen's wrath. Zao Shen ate sushi on both cheeks, washing it all down with sake. One sipped beer from a large mug in the form of a barrel and only grinned, looking at his “compatriots”. The angels preferred to stay away and just drink quietly and peacefully. Metatron has already eaten his fifth cake, and it seems that because of him, these treats will soon be completely gone. Anna and Balthazar were arguing about something animatedly, but then the angel began to flirt with her, and it became clear that this meeting would end at his place. Joshua stared at the potted flowers on the window sills. It was he who gave them to the institution and now every time he came, he visited his "treasures". Hannah, Samandriel and Naomi modestly sipped wine, looking at all this farce with unruffled calmness. Uriel and Gadreel, together with the pagans Baron Samdi and Ganesha, had a very interesting conversation about morals and the path of life, and everyone who listened to their conversation did not understand any of these drunken nonsense. And suddenly Zakharia, calmly drinking scotch, trembled all over when he saw one of the people who entered the room. He had a fresh memory of the torn wings. He whined and crawled under the table, pointing his finger at the Winchesters, or rather at Adam, who was already looking for an angel with a sly look to drink with him and pluck feathers again. And then glue them again with super glue. Sam again tried to fight off Becky, Dean sat down at the table and began to chat with Joe, smiling. John and Mary went behind the bar, opened an inconspicuous door on the side and went to the owner of the establishment. DJs Ash and Charlie put on some upbeat music and all the demons, and most of the angels, Riders, monsters, hunters and pagan gods began to dance. And the DJs themselves did not miss the opportunity to dance at the consoles. In general, the bar "Bobby's Ark" reigned complete idyll. No one tried to kill anyone, well, except perhaps on a drunken bench, and even then after a couple of minutes those fighting with laughter recalled what had happened and drank. The meeting between the demons and the leviathans turned out to be especially warm. This establishment was not a place for ordinary people, it was intended only for supernatural beings and hunters. Only four archangels were missing here. And suddenly the door opens and the music stops, everyone freezes when another person enters. The deathly silence is broken only by the rumble of a lone fallen body, when Abaddon threw up her hands, and Crowley was again a downed pilot. Only the newcomer looked at him sympathetically. The rest were in a daze and looked at God in amazement. Even the oldest Winchesters, along with Singer, went out to see why it had suddenly become so quiet. “Greetings to all,” the Creator smiled, and everyone who was here nodded in response, like Chinese doodles. - I came on business. And what did God require of us? Bobby crossed his arms over his chest. “Michael, Lucifer, Raphael and Gabriel,” God said, bending four fingers in turn. - Where are they? “We thought they were with you,” Mary said. We haven't seen them since the bar opened. And what happened? “They are gone,” the Creator answered curtly. – God lost four sons-archangels, well, cool! Abaddon spread her arms like a swan. Only with wings again brought down yourself-guess-whom. It seems that once again a quiet life is disturbed by an unforeseen emergency. And this time it's much worse. Now there is a loss in the form of four archangels.

Raphael is one of the few angels named by name in biblical writings. His name is of Chaldean origin and means "God has healed", or "the shining one who heals". His original name was Labbiel; in Hebrew, "rafa" means "healer", "doctor" or "surgeon". He rules over the angels of healing. It is often associated with the appearance of a snake.

Raphael first appears in the Book of Tobit, where he travels in disguise with Tobit's son. He shows Tobias, who has caught a huge fish, how best to use its organs: "the heart, bladder and liver ... they are needed for medical purposes ... the bladder is good to bury eyes in which a thorn has appeared, and then the disease will pass." At the end of the journey, Raphael reveals his essence and explains that he is "one of the seven holy angels" standing at the throne of God.

He is "one of the four who heal all diseases and all wounds of the children of men", and at the same time one of the "observers". Raphael - one of the three angels who visited Abraham (the other two are Gabriel and Michael). He is credited with healing Abraham from the pain of circumcision, which the patriarch was forced to perform in his old age, because he neglected this ritual in his youth. In addition, Raphael was sent by God to heal Jacob from the pain in his thigh after the battle with the "dark adversary" in Penuel.

As the ruler of the healing angels, Raphael is also the regent of the Sun, the head of the rank of forces, the ruler of the south, the protector of the west, the ruling prince of the second heaven, the overseer of the evening winds, the guardian of the tree of life in the Garden of Eden, one of the six angels of repentance, and also the angel of prayer, love, joy and light. Raphael is also the angel of science and knowledge and the mentor of Isaac.

Although Raphael is officially assigned to the rank of powers, it is believed that he has six wings, like a seraphim, and at the same time he belongs to the ranks of cherubs, dominions and authorities. He is considered the most sociable and funny of all angels, and is often depicted chatting nonchalantly with mere mortals.

According to the legend set forth in Frederick Conyber's The Revelation of Solomon, when Solomon asked God to help build the temple, God gave him a magic ring, which Raphael personally delivered to the king of the Jews. The ring had the power to suppress all demons, and Solomon was able to complete the construction of the temple by "enslaving" all the demons. A diagram of one of the Gnostic sects - the Ophites - depicts Raphael as an earthly demon in the form of a beast and accompanied by three other angels - Michael, Suriel and Gabriel.

Raphael is often depicted in company with Tobias, the main character of the Book of Tobit. He especially favors pilgrims and other travelers; he himself is often depicted in the guise of a wanderer - with a pilgrim's staff and shod in sandals. Sometimes a flask of water or a knapsack is thrown over his shoulder. His facial expression is usually benevolent, as if he is a human rather than a powerful angel. Raphael was portrayed in different ways: as a winged saint, having dinner with Adam and Eve, as a "sociable archangel", as a "six-winged seraphim", as one of the seven angels of presence.

To the question Who is Archangel Raphael? given by the author Νικος Θεμελης the best answer is Raphael said: - Soon you will see the heavenly government. This is a strong system, much better than your earthly one: computer, satellite and electronic..
- To believe in God and deny the angelic world is the same as not to believe. If Lucifer has principalities, authorities, rulers of the world, and spirits of wickedness, then does God really have fewer armies of heaven? Read in the Holy Scripture: You are the One Lord, You created the heavens, the heavens of heaven and all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the sea and all that is in them, and You live all this, and the heavenly armies worship You (Neh. 9 :6).
John said, "I saw and heard the voice of many angels around the throne...and their number was ten thousand thousand and thousand." Do not think that the angels fly randomly. They are organized into angelic hosts, which are divided into three hierarchies. The highest are the Seraphim, Cherubim and thrones that stand before God. The middle is the beginnings, the Archangels and Angels. The lower is the dominion of strength and power. All of them are engaged on earth as well. There are seven main Archangels, because this is God's number. Now I will name them: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Sarafil, Yehudil and Barahil. All of them have a special God's purpose and gifts, like you people, and each one with his army was assigned to a certain work, and the names signify their deeds and purpose:
Michael - Means that there is no one else like God. He is the prince of the heavenly host, so he fought with Lucifer (light-bearing, overshadowing), who wanted to raise his throne above God and was overthrown into the universe. Michael is Israel's chief strategist and protector (Dan. 10:13, Is. 14:12-15, Rev. 12:7). ..
Gabriel - Strength, omnipotence of God. He is the herald of God's revelations, beginning with Daniel, then Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, and finally his entire host working to carry out God's plan of salvation. He and the Angels guarded Christ on earth, and now - the converted and the elect.
Raphael - God's healing, close to all those who suffer. He gives hope for healing. Those who do alms and works of righteousness, fed on vegetable food, will live long (Tobiah 12:8-9,15). His Angel keeps many from illnesses, supporting faith and hope, and fights for the dying soul with the angel of darkness, accompanying it to the gates.
Uriel - Fire (light of God). He with the army goes ahead of the messengers of God: Moses, Jesus the Nanny, judges, kings, prophets. Under Elijah, the fire went out on the victim. It was the same with Abraham and Gideon.
Salafil - The Supreme Servant of Prayers. He, with his host of Angels, cleanses your prayers of all impurities, using spiritual promptings and, cleansed, lifts them up through Christ as an intercession to God (Rev. 5:8; 8:3-4, Ps. 140:2, Rom. 8:26) .
Yehudil - Praise of God (glorification). Under the guidance of his Angels, the praise of God rises up in heaven and on earth, divine singing and music. On earth, Satan subjugated many talents, but the regents-composers glorifying God received a divine gift, inspiration and a desire to work selflessly. Yehudil gives them rewards before the face of God, represents and lays crowns on those who labored measuredly for the kingdom of God, and with the unbelievers he reproves and punishes.
Varakhil - God's blessing on life. He is the patron of family happiness, protecting loyalty and trust. Protects the safe birth and life of children. Tell wives and husbands to turn away from abortions and demonic lusts and cling to Barahil and his Angels. They will accompany you in life, and through them God's generous gifts for vocation and destiny are distributed. They protect crops from hail, floods, fires and drought. .."
Evgeny Boyko. There is a future behind the door of life (excerpt)

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Who is Archangel Raphael?

Answer from Ivan Ivanov[guru]
Planet Earth is under the protection of seven Archangels. Here are their names: Chamuel, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Jophiel, Uriel, Zadkiel. 12 Angels obey each of the Archangels. Angels of healing (green color) obey Archangel Raphael. You can ask them about healing the body and soul in traditional and alternative medicine.http: //

Answer from Leonid[guru]
Nobody. Not mentioned in the Bible.

Answer from The dawn is very close[guru]
The angel you mentioned is described in Traditions and apocryphal books. In the Bible, the name of this angel is not mentioned. The Bible mentions the names of only two angels - the Archangel Michael 5 times (Dan. 10:13, Dan. 10:21, Dan. 12:1, Jude 1:9, Rev. 12:7) and the angel Gabriel 4 times (Dan. 8:16, Dan 9:21, Luke 1:19, Luke 1:26).

Answer from Hello again![guru]
"Archangel Raphael is a healer of human ailments, a guide, a doctor of God. "1. “Whoever has a heart filled with passions, their tongue is also set in motion. If he starts talking about spiritual things, he will reason under the influence of passion. A wise man notices such a person at the first meeting, and a pure one smells his stench.” Isaac Sirin.2. "Ignorance God - from insensitivity and madness of your soul." St. Anthony the Great.3. "God opposes the proud..." Prtch. 3:34.[b]Holy Mother of God, save us!

Answer from Assol[guru]
In the Jewish tradition, the seven archangels include Gabriel, Jerahmiel, Michael, Raguel, Raphael, Sariel and Uriel. In Catholicism, they believe that there are four archangels - Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. What does the Bible say? Besides Michael, the Bible does not speak of any other archangels, and nowhere in Scripture is the word "archangel" found in the plural. The use of the definite article before the word "archangel" in the original Greek letter of Jude 9 shows that the title refers only to Michael.

Archangel Raphael on Wikipedia
See the Wikipedia article about Archangel Raphael

Played by Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki respectively. In season 5, another important character appears in the series - an angel named Castiel, played by Misha Collins.

About the series

The brothers' mother died under strange circumstances, after which their father, John, began to fight evil spirits. The brothers also begin to do the same, becoming older. At some point, John disappears, and the sons rush to find him.

Despite the common type of activity, Sam and Dean are completely different. Dean is the older brother, more cold-blooded and capable of killing if the situation calls for it. Sam, being a younger brother, who was saved by an older brother as a child, is rather soft, opposes aggression and, of course, murders.

Archangels in Supernatural

A separate place in the series is occupied by archangels. They are the messengers of God. They have their own characteristics, for example, each of them can find a vessel that a person serves. But their specificity lies in the fact that not all people can become the vessels needed by the archangels, because the body of an ordinary person is not able to withstand the full power of the archangels. That is why the elder angels are looking for the descendants of certain people, for example, the descendants of the sons of Adam (Abel and Cain).

Another ability is invulnerability. It is known that only Death, God or Darkness can kill the archangel from living beings. In addition to them, there is a list of artifacts that can seriously injure or even kill the archangel, these include the sickle of Death, holy oil and the blade of the archangel. It should be borne in mind that the messenger of God can only be killed by the same messenger.

Who is the archangel?

Due to the fact that the archangels in the Supernatural series are the children of God, his first "creations", there are not so many of them. They raised each other, loved their father and ordinary angels, their followers. It was to the love of God that they were taught. Archangels were created by God in order to fight his sister - Darkness. After he won, he handed over the key to the place of imprisonment to his beloved archangel - Lucifer.

The eldest of all the archangels is Michael, it was he who was the first creation of God. In addition, only Mikhail had the ability to use the vessel without killing him in the process. It is worth considering that later Michael and Lucifer, whom he loved very much, had conflicts, after which Michael expelled him from Heaven. Some time later, the eldest of the archangels was imprisoned in the cage of Lucifer.

Lucifer is a fallen angel, he created demons. The first demon was Lilith - the first man. Lucifer seduced her to avenge her expulsion from Heaven. He used Castiel as a vessel (however, he was banished by Amara). Lucifer later died at the hands of Dean Winchester.

Another archangel in Supernatural is Raphael. After God left the archangels, Raphael and Michael took all power into their own hands. After Mikhail was imprisoned in a cage, Raphael "inherited" all power and became Mikhail's deputy. Raphael died at the hands of Castiel, who mutated before that.

The last name of the archangel from Supernatural is Gabriel. He is the younger brother of two warring personalities - Lucifer and Michael. During the so-called civil war in Heaven, Gabriel fled to Earth so as not to choose the side of one of his older brothers. Everyone assumed that on Earth Lucifer killed Gabriel, but later it became known that the younger brother still survived. Gabriel died while fighting Michael from the alternate universe.

Another archangel from the series is Michael, but he is from an alternate reality. An alternate universe is a reality in which the apocalypse took place. The "alternative" Michael ruled his own universe, and later, having learned about the existence of another, he decided to capture it too. In this he was helped by one of the main characters - Dean Winchester. Dean became Michael's temporary vessel and killed Lucifer, and Michael took a new "permanent" vessel.

Blade of the Archangel in Supernatural

The blade is an item that is one of the most powerful things in the universe, however, exclusively in the hands of the archangel. It is also called the sword of the archangel. He first appears in episode 19 of season 5 - Gabriel dies from him. Throughout the series, not all swords are shown, but only a few of them: Raphael, Gabriel, Lucifer, as well as an alternative Michael.

In the books of Enoch

Raphael buries the bound Azazel under the desert because he taught people various crafts and thereby corrupted them (En.10: 4-6):

And the Lord said again to Raphael: “Bind Azazel hand and foot and put him in darkness; make a hole in the desert that is in Dudayel and lower him there. And put a rough and sharp stone on him, and cover him with darkness so that he stay there forever, and cover his face so that he does not look at the light, and on the great day of judgment he will be thrown into the heat.

Raphael and other angels guard the fallen angels and their mortal wives until the end of time; in the book he is described as "one of the holy angels, the angel of the spirits of people" (not all, since Michael is placed "over the best part of the people - over the chosen people").

Raphael told Enoch about the construction of the four resting places of human souls, where they live in anticipation of the Last Judgment; when a man came to the Garden of Truth, Raphael designated the tree he saw as “the very tree of wisdom from which your ancestors, your old father and old mother, ate and gained knowledge of wisdom, and their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked and were expelled from the garden.

Standing at the Throne of the Lord, Raphael "glorifies the Chosen One and the elect, who are weighed by the Lord of spirits." He and three other angels will go into battle against Azazel and his troops and throw them into hellfire:

And I asked the angel of the world, saying: "These chains are weapons - for whom are they prepared"? And he said to me: "They are prepared for the troops of Azazel to take them and throw them into the nether hell: and their jaws will be covered with rough stones, as the Lord of Spirits commanded. Michael and Gabriel, Ruphael and Phanuel will seize them on that great day of judgment and throw them on this day in a furnace with a blazing fire, so that the Lord of spirits would avenge them for their iniquity, for the fact that they submitted to Satan and deceived those living on earth.

In Catholicism and Orthodoxy

The angel Raphael appears in the non-canonical / deutero-canonical book of Tobit, where he appears in human form and becomes a companion to Tobit's son Tobius (Greek: Τωβίας), calling himself "Azaria, from the family of Ananias the great" (Tov. 5:13). During the journey, the protective forces of the archangel are indicated, for example, the expulsion and binding in Upper Egypt of the demon who killed the seven husbands of Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, who later became the wife of Tobias (Tov. 8: 3). After returning home and healing the blindness of Tobit, Raphael reveals himself (Tov. 12:15):

I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels who lift up the prayers of the saints and ascend before the glory of the Holy One.

Perhaps there is a connection with the nameless angels from the Revelation of John the Theologian.

As for the healing abilities attributed to Raphael, little more is known about them than from his statement to Tobit that he was called by God to heal a man from blindness and free Sarah, the future wife of Tobias, from the evil spirit Asmodeus. Among Catholics, Raphael is considered the patron saint of doctors and travelers, and also helps people in need of their services.

The day dedicated to Raphael was first included in the Roman liturgical year in 1921 and was celebrated on October 24th. With the reform of the calendar of 1969, the holiday was moved to September 29 and united with the day of the Archangel Michael and the Archangel Gabriel, however, the Catholic Church still allows the possibility of celebrating according to the old calendar.

Archangel Raphael (Bartolome Romain)

Raphael is often depicted with a large fish in his hand. This is a reference to the Book of Tobit - the archangel ordered Tobias to catch a fish, and then taught the young man how to cure his father's blindness with the help of a fish gallbladder, and also drive away the demon by burning the animal's heart and liver.

Raphael is revered in Islam as one of the great archangels. According to the hadith, it is Raphael who will sound the trumpet as a sign of the coming of the Day of Judgment. It is believed that the trumpet will sound twice: the first time as a sign of the Judgment Day, the second - when all souls gather at the Last Judgment.

In Islamic tradition, Raphael is known as Israfil (Isrāfīl). According to the Qur'an, he holds his breath in anticipation of Allah's order to start the Day of Judgment.

Archangel Raphael in Judaism and Christianity

It is believed that Raphael can be called on someone else's behalf. Raphael will go where he is invited, but he cannot intervene unless there is the good will of that person. If a suffering person refuses spiritual healing, he cannot be forced. And yet, according to believers, the presence of Raphael itself has a calming effect, and this helps to naturally reduce stress and anxiety.

Archangels Raphael and Michael often work together. According to legend, it was Raphael who brought King Solomon a magic ring with a powerful six-pointed star carved on it, and Solomon used this ring and symbol to subdue the demons.