Useful properties of nutmeg. Nutmeg useful properties and contraindications

The world of spices and seasonings is still unknown and mysterious for many. To find out the taste and smell of a particular spice, it is enough to buy a coveted bag in a store or in the market. But you can fully appreciate the contents only by knowing all the ins and outs of the seasoning, in order to learn how to master it no worse than chefs, you need to follow the entire cooking process from start to finish.

Nutmeg is a popular spice that is added to meat, pastries, compotes.. It is very fragrant and dark brown powder to enrich the dish requires very little, as they like to write in cookbooks - on the tip of a knife.

The name itself speaks of the origin of this spice - it is prepared from nutmeg. Those who love an exclusively natural and fresh product do not buy ready-made ground, packaged seasoning, but whole nuts. If you want to add nutmeg to the dish, grind it yourself. It is believed that in this way the taste is more saturated and natural.

Just like many other plants, roots, fruits, which are raw materials for spices, nutmeg has many non-culinary properties, it beneficial features used in folk medicine. However, this product, if used carelessly, can cause significant harm to a person.

Useful properties of nutmeg

Nutmeg is high in calories 100 grams contains about 550 calories. But who will eat these savory nuts in large quantities?

It is used in microdoses - but even so it is quite effective. Its main action is tonic and stimulating. It is believed that regular intake of nutmeg has a positive effect on brain function, improves memory, helps protect or easily overcome stress and fatigue.

In Chinese traditional medicine, nutmeg has been used for thousands of years as a powerful aphrodisiac and effective remedy to increase potency and treat male impotence.

Also nutmeg fruits have the ability to improve digestion while they increase appetite. Because of this, nutritionists recommend the use of nutmeg as a supplement in the treatment of diseases such as anorexia. It will help you get the right healthy eating those who can no longer consume and digest food normally.

When applied externally, nutmeg has a burning and warming property. It is added to therapeutic massage mixtures, blood circulation products, masks and shampoos that stimulate hair growth.

When taken regularly, nutmeg shows good effectiveness as protective agent against viral, colds, it has a good effect on immune system keeping it at the right level.

The negative properties of nutmeg, its harm and contraindications for use

Nutmeg can be harmless and even beneficial use only in very small quantities, otherwise there is a risk of serious poisoning. This fruit is a powerful and dangerous hallucinogen that can cause various neuropsychiatric problems. With an overdose of nutmeg, coordination of movement is disturbed, severe drowsiness appears along with a feeling of euphoria, which transforms into a feeling of a very severe hangover syndrome. In some cases, an overdose of nutmeg can be fatal. A relatively safe dosage for a person is about one small nutmeg per ten kilograms of weight. Children under 7 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women should refrain from eating nutmeg.

Video recipe for the occasion:

The use of nutmeg in traditional medicine: recipes

To treat impotence and increase potency

As you know, nutmeg is good for men with sexual weakness. To achieve a positive effect, nutmeg can be added both to food and taken separately by diluting the powder in water. The main thing is to do it regularly, daily. The daily dose of nutmeg to solve this problem is 1/3 teaspoon.

For the treatment of neuralgia

For the treatment of neuralgia, nutmeg is used as follows: nutmeg powder is added to a cream, ointment, beeswax Or just vegetable oil. Before applying the product to a sore spot, it must be warmed up.

For colds, bronchitis, flu, cough

With any cold, the appearance of symptoms such as body aches, cough, runny nose, you can start treatment with nutmeg. To do this, you just need to add a pinch of spice to a warm drink, for example, to tea with lemon or raspberry jam.

For excretion of urine, to reduce the acidity of urine

To improve kidney function, remove excess urine from the body, relieve swelling, reduce the acidity of urine, dilute half a teaspoon of nutmeg in a glass of warm water and take the remedy in a sip throughout the day.

For the treatment of varicose veins

Effective for varicose veins tincture with nutmeg. To prepare it, you need to take 20 grams of nutmeg, 100 grams of honey and a glass of boiling water.

Honey and nutmeg are poured with boiling water, mixed thoroughly, cooled and taken in a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

From insomnia

A glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey and a pinch of nutmeg helps to cope with insomnia.

Nutmeg is a fruit that grows on the fragrant Nutmeg tree. After ripening, the fruit splits, a bone is removed from it and the shell is removed. A spice is obtained from the kernel - nutmeg. The shell of the stone has also found application; another spice is made from it - mace.

To become a spice, nutmeg is processed. First, the kernel is dried in salt or in a drying plant. Dried nutmeg is soaked in lime water to prevent germination and insect infestation. After that, the nut is crushed. Nutmegs are sold whole or chopped.

Nutmeg is used in various areas of cooking. It is added to sweet dishes in India and salty dishes in the Middle East. It complements meat and fish dishes, and is also combined with vegetable side dishes and soups. Baked goods and sauces are also often flavored with nutmeg.

The composition and calorie content of nutmeg

Nutmeg contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also antioxidants. A special place is given to essential oils. Not only do they provide a nutmeg flavor, but they also have healing properties.

The chemical composition of nutmeg as a percentage of the recommended daily allowance presented below.


  • B1 - 23%;
  • B9 - 19%;
  • B6 - 8%;
  • B3 - 6%;
  • C - 5%.


Calorie content of nutmeg - 525 kcal per 100 gr.

Benefits of nutmeg include its ability to relieve pain, soothe indigestion, and improve brain function. It improves skin quality and reduces insomnia, strengthens the immune system, prevents leukemia and improves blood circulation.

For joints

Nutmeg oils relieve inflammation - they are used to treat joint and muscle pain. Walnut reduces swelling and pain in joints and muscles. Calcium in nutmeg strengthens bones and relieves symptoms of osteoporosis.

For the heart and blood vessels

Nutmeg contains almost all the substances necessary for heart health. Potassium in the nut dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, lowering stress of cardio-vascular system. Copper is an essential nutrient in nutmeg that supports heart rhythm. The iron in nutmeg increases the number of red blood cells and reduces the chance of developing iron deficiency - anemia.

For nerves and brain

One of the common problems nervous system is insomnia. Treating insomnia with drugs can make things worse because they are addictive and stop working. Nutmeg relaxes and relieves tension, allowing you to fall asleep.

Crushed nutmeg mixed with warm milk will improve the quality of sleep. in walnut reduces nervous tension and stimulates the release of serotonin.

The essential oils in nutmeg reduce the degradation of neural pathways and cognitive function that occurs in people with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. It eliminates fatigue and stress, and improves memory, concentration and attention.

For teeth and mouth

Nutmeg eliminates halitosis, known as bad smell from mouth. It kills bacteria and promotes healthy gums and teeth. With the help of this spice, you can eliminate bleeding gums, get rid of toothache and prevent the formation of caries.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Nutmeg is a natural remedy for treating indigestion. The fiber in the spice improves intestinal peristalsis. Eating nutmeg not only stimulates digestion, but also treats intestinal problems by reducing the frequency of constipation.

The spice cleanses the liver of toxins. They appear from alcohol, drugs or low-quality food.

For kidneys and bladder

Kidney health depends on proper urination. Nutmeg is considered diuretic and normalizes the urinary system. In addition, the presence of even a small amount of nutmeg in the diet will help dissolve kidney stones effectively and painlessly.

For the reproductive system

The essential oils in nutmeg endow it with many therapeutic properties. Some of them increase libido by acting as aphrodisiacs.

For skin

Nutmeg is a good remedy for skin care due to antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used to improve appearance and skin health, as well as avoid the early signs of aging in the form of unwanted wrinkles and age spots. Nutmeg is effective as a treatment for acne, pimples, and clogged pores. Its antibacterial and analgesic properties reduce acne marks on the face, eliminate irritation and redness of the skin.

For immunity

Nutmeg relieves headaches and pain associated with injuries and wounds. What's more, it's effective in combating chronic inflammation.

Nutmeg contains a substance called myristicin. It is a drug that causes toxic side effects if taken in large quantities. Eating small amounts of nutmeg is harmless to the body, but eating 1 to 3 whole nutmegs a day can cause severe hallucinations, nausea, vomiting, and increased circulation within 1-6 hours of ingestion. Large doses may be fatal.

Where is nutmeg added?

The scope of nutmeg is great, but its main use is in cooking. Nutmeg is added to various dishes - desserts, salads, meat, fish or vegetables.

The most common are:

  • bouillabaisse;
  • baked potatoes with eggs
  • vegetable lasagna;
  • red fish baked with sesame;

In the East, this tree is highly valued. Rather, not the tree itself, but its fruits - nutmeg are very well known to the ancient peoples, especially the Sumerians, because it served them as a fragrant spice 5 millennia ago. Few condiments can boast such an interesting past and rich history. Nowadays, nutmeg is used not only in cooking, but also in perfumery and folk medicine. The Muscat tree is quite tall - from 9 to 12 m, lives on average up to 120 years, however, bears fruit only half of its life. The fruit of the tree is 6 to 9 cm in diameter, and its seed is nutmeg, the size of which is an order of magnitude smaller - 1-2 cm. The annual harvest of one tree has about 10 thousand nuts.

Benefits of nutmeg. Composition

Nutmeg is valued for the beneficial substances present in its composition and the healing properties due to them. The nut is quite high in calories, contains a lot of protein, about 3% essential oil (eugenol, linaool), about 40% fatty oil, 20% starch, pigment and pectin substances. Nutmeg is rich in trace elements such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, and magnesium. It also contains vitamin A and some of the B vitamins.

Nutmeg. Benefit and harm

Nutmeg is a kind of "double-edged sword". Excessive use of this spice is extremely dangerous and can be fatal (2 cases of nut intoxication have been recorded in the medical history)! The nut contains the narcotic substance elimycin, a well-known hallucinogen. It is undesirable to eat more than 3 nut kernels, and as a seasoning it is quite enough to add it on the tip of a knife - an excess leads to arrhythmias and intracranial pressure surges.

Nutmeg. The benefits and harms of spices in cooking

The spice is distinguished by its incredible aroma! When you inhale the smell of nutmeg, the hormone of happiness serotonin is produced, so it will not only make food even tastier, but also cheer you up! Residents of Europe, especially Holland, widely use this spice, adding it to almost all dishes. Nutmeg is seasoned with meat, fish, various sauces, with the exception of pasta and mushrooms, with which the nut is not combined at all. Best of all, the seasoning has proven itself in sweets (cakes and other pastries), drinks (cocoa, coffee, mulled wine, tea). For children healthy sleep, as well as for any adult, a drink made from milk with the addition of ginger, honey, cinnamon and nutmeg is suitable to relieve tension. Such a cocktail will have a beneficial effect on the entire body and calm the nervous system.

Nutmeg in medicine

With rational use, nutmeg will bring considerable benefits to the entire body. By their own healing properties it is not inferior to ginger and other valuable seasonings. Nutmeg "charges" the body with new strength and positive energy, strengthens blood vessels, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system (it helps to relax and cheer up). There is a positive effect of the spice on the reproductive system of both men and women. Various tinctures and dishes flavored with nutmeg help with colds and also enhance the immunity of the body. Nut perfectly warms both from the inside and outside, so nutmeg-based therapeutic ointments help to cope with rheumatism, osteochondrosis. It stimulates the intestines, increases appetite, cleanses the liver, eliminates flatulence, stimulates blood circulation, and has an excellent warming effect. It improves memory, prevents the development of tumors, helps with tuberculosis, is used as a pain reliever, and shampoos containing nutmeg strengthen hair roots, making them shiny and healthy.

For those who monitor their health, nutmeg will be very useful. The benefits and harms of this spice are now well known to you, be careful and do not overdo it. And take care of your health!

Nutmeg (Nutmeg tree) is an evergreen dioecious tree, the Muskatnikov family. About 10 species of this plant genus are known. The tree grows up to 13 meters, with a wide crown, evergreen. The leaves are arranged alternately, the upper part of which is: dark green, smooth, elliptical in shape, and Bottom part- matte, finely veined. The flowers are located in the axils of the leaves, most often white color. A drupe-shaped fruit, 5-9 cm long, fleshy pericarp, with a red thread-like seed (which then changes to brown).

It grows all over the world in tropical regions. The Moluccas are considered to be their homeland. Rune Island was the main nutmeg grower. The dense center is edible. Most often, nutmeg is used in cooking as a seasoning for meat, fish, in sauces, creams, pastries and in the preparation of winter drinks, for example, mulled wine. without this type of nuts, it is impossible to recreate the unique taste and aroma. But its use does not end there, very often body cream, shampoos, essential oils, decorative cosmetics. Inventive entrepreneurs use the scent of nutmeg for scented candles, perfumes. This nut contains many useful substances, namely minerals and fats, which can improve health.

Nutmeg calories (100 g)

Vitamin content in nutmeg (100 g)

Mineral content of nutmeg (100 g)

Useful properties of nutmeg

  • contains a rich set of vitamins and minerals;
  • raises taste qualities dishes;
  • since ancient times, nutmeg has been known as a strong pain reliever;
  • will be useful for nervous excitability, help to calm and normalize sleep, streamline thoughts and emotions;
  • in small doses with systematic use will help strengthen the immune system;
  • can improve mood;
  • causes appetite;
  • you need to remember that nutmeg is more often a spicy seasoning in the human diet, you need to use it with caution, no more than 1 g per day.

Harm from eating nutmeg

With an overdose from the illiterate use of this spicy seasoning, side effects such as:

  • dizziness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • migraine;
  • vomit;
  • with a systemic violation of the dosage, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible;
  • problems can also affect the liver and pancreas.

Benefits of nutmeg for men

  • with the help of nutmeg, impotence is treated or used to prevent this disease;
  • useful in premature ejaculation;
  • relieves general fatigue, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Benefits of nutmeg for women's health

  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • prolongs youth;
  • with mother's milk, sedative and beneficial properties are transmitted to the baby through milk, it can quench pain during teething in infants;
  • women use nutmeg to prevent the development of venous disease.

Medicinal properties of nutmeg

  • can cure pain in the joints, arthritis, muscles;
  • restores the epithelium, promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • reduces headache attacks;
  • useful for problems with teeth and gums, eliminates bad breath;
  • speeds up digestion;
  • with regular use in small doses, nutmeg improves blood circulation in the brain and the quality of mental work;
  • with a cold, they often do a massage using essential oil, it has an expectorant and warming effect;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • will bring indispensable benefits in the fight against tuberculosis;
  • treats diarrhea;

It is better to store nutmeg whole and grate it just before serving, because the essential oils from the chopped spice evaporate quickly.

Nutmegs are the seeds of the nutmeg, a fragrant, spicy plant that has a sweetish aroma. Nuts are widely used in cooking as a gourmet addition to meat and sweet dishes, as well as in folk medicine to improve blood circulation, digestion and strengthen the immune system.

The beneficial properties of this product are due to the content of many useful vitamins and minerals in it, which contributes to the effective treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Nutmeg is even used for weight loss. The product is known for its unique property to speed up the digestion process, so that any food is digested faster. Even spicy and fatty foods are perceived by the stomach much easier than usual, which prevents the deposition of fat in the body.

Nutmeg: useful properties

Composition of nutmeg

It is not for nothing that nutmeg is called a universal spice, because it is ideal for almost all dishes in the form of spices - from meat dishes to desserts. It is noteworthy that the product is also used in the form of whole nuts. Nutmeg: the beneficial properties of the product allow you to use it literally every day, and its composition indicates incredible benefits for the human body:

  • a large amount of phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B3, A;
  • The product contains essential oils and folic acid.

Useful properties of nutmeg can be seen in the following situations:

  1. In case of indigestion, the product has an astringent effect.
  2. When the body is weakened, the nut restores and strengthens the immune system.
  3. Improves memory, enhances cerebral circulation.
  4. Can increase appetite and eliminate bad breath.
  5. It is an excellent prophylactic for various oncological diseases.
  6. For women, the product is important in that it normalizes the menstrual cycle, enhances uterine contractions.

Many women are interested in the question of whether nutmeg is good for weight loss, because it is a fairly high-calorie product. Despite the calorie content, the fruits of this plant contribute to weight loss. First of all, this is due to the unique properties of the product to accelerate metabolic processes in the body. In addition, nuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which favor the production of insulin. For this reason, a person’s feeling of hunger disappears, and the body is not overloaded with harmful carbohydrates and fats.

Nutmeg: contraindications

Why is nutmeg harmful if it contains a large amount of nutrients? This is not to say that nuts in themselves are unhealthy. They can be harmful only in case of individual intolerance to the product, as well as during pregnancy, if consumed in large quantities.

Nutmeg contraindications:

  • it is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age;
  • it is contraindicated to consume in large quantities, otherwise you may face serious food poisoning.

As you can see, there will be harm from nutmeg only if you ignore the basic rules for using this product.

Nutmeg and weight loss

Nutmeg has been used for weight loss for a long time. In India, for example, it is believed that the fruits of nutmeg are one of the most the best means not only to improve well-being, but also for active weight loss.

Nuts have a general strengthening effect on the body and become an effective stimulant that speeds up digestion.

You can lose weight with nutmeg if you follow these rules:

  • add nuts to salads and side dishes;
  • do not eat fruits with sugar, honey and other sweets;
  • if you use whole nuts, then it is enough to eat 2 nuts a day, washing them down with unsweetened strong tea;
  • nutmeg can be added in the form of spices or special cocktails based on nuts can be made.

About how to lose weight with nutmeg, and what dishes you can cook, read on, and you will learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Ways and amounts of nutmeg

  1. Non-alcoholic cocktail. Grate 20 g of chocolate and the same amount of nutmeg. Chill 150 ml milk and 30 ml orange syrup. Mix milk and orange juice with a mixer. Pour the cocktail into a glass and sprinkle with nutmeg and chocolate on top. Such a drink will be quite satisfying, but a cocktail is ideal for a fasting day.
  2. Cauliflower salad with peas and carrots with nutmeg. Take cauliflower, divide it into small inflorescences, put them in a saucepan and pour a mug of water. Add half a cup of milk, salt, 60 g of nutmeg. The mixture should boil, and after 15 minutes you can put peas (half a cup) and carrots (70 g) in a saucepan. Simmer the vegetables for another 10 minutes, then cool the contents of the pan. Season the salad with herbs vegetable oil add pepper to taste.
  3. In cooking, nutmeg is often used in the following proportion: 0.5 g of product per 2-3 liters of liquid. This is enough to not spoil the taste of the main dish and add special sophistication to it.

Nutmeg during pregnancy

Can nutmeg be pregnant? Many doctors and nutritionists say that it is not only possible, but also necessary, because this product contains substances important for the female body. What is only worth one folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

The expectant mother is recommended to consume about 4-5 nuts per day, preferably in chopped form. The product normalizes the digestive system, protects against constipation, and has a positive effect on the development of your baby's nervous system.

Nutmeg during pregnancy should not be consumed in large quantities, as this can lead to allergic reactions and a rush of blood to the internal organs. A moderate amount of consumed product will only benefit your health in such an important period.