What to eat after chemo therapy. Recovery after chemotherapy nutrition

Chemotherapy affects both diseased and healthy cells, which can harm the health of a cancer patient and cause serious side effects. That's why nutrition after chemotherapy directly depends on possible complications that can hit:

  • oral cavity (dryness, viscosity of saliva, ulcers);
  • throat (pain, trouble swallowing);
  • intestines (constipation or diarrhea);
  • stomach (nausea);
  • emotional and psychological state (fatigue, loss of appetite, change in taste and perception of smells);
  • physical appearance (increase or decrease in weight).
  1. Keep your mouth clean. After each meal, rinse the mouth with a solution of salt and soda in a ratio of 1: 1 per liter of water.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids (8 to 10 cups a day).
  3. Avoid spicy, salty, spicy, sour and pickled foods. It irritates the oral cavity and the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Refrain from sugary-sweet foods, as they can easily provoke severe vomiting.
  5. There are as many more raw foods.
  6. Eliminate tobacco, caffeine and alcohol-containing drinks.
  7. Chew food thoroughly.
  8. Avoid dry and hard foods (crackers, toast, nuts).

Nutrition after chemotherapy depending on the complication that has arisen

Dry mouth or saliva viscosity

This condition can increase the risk of oral infections.

What you can eat:

  • foods high in protein: poultry and fish with various sauces;
  • bakery and pasta, rice, cereals: grain dishes with milk, pasta and rice with any liquid;
  • fruits and vegetables that have a lot of moisture: oranges and peaches, watermelon, lettuce, zucchini, cabbage, etc.;
  • low-fat dairy products and ice cream;
  • from drinks hot tea with lemon, diluted juices.

What not to eat:

Nutrition after chemotherapy in the presence of dry mouth provides an exception:

  • dry meat and poultry;
  • pretzels, chips;
  • bananas and dried fruits;
  • cookies, cake, pie without drinks.

Sore throat and ulcers

They require special treatment, but do not neglect the advice on choosing food.

What you can eat:

  • mixed solid and liquid foods: muesli with milk, garnish with sauce;
  • soft creamy soups, cheeses, mashed potatoes, yogurt, eggs, cereals;
  • minced meat;
  • non-solid and moderately oily fish;
  • soft non-acid fruits;
  • vegetables with an unsaturated taste: broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, etc.;
  • from drinks it is recommended to use non-acidic juices, decaffeinated coffee, warm tea.

What not to eat:

  • citrus fruits and raw vegetables, including tomato juice;
  • drinks with caffeine and alcohol;
  • spicy food with the addition of spices such as chili peppers, nutmeg, curry, cloves, basil, oregano, thyme.

Swallowing problems

They can touch both solid and too liquid food. Therefore nutrition after chemotherapy cancer patients with this problem are divided into categories:

Difficulty swallowing liquid food recommended:

  • use product thickeners: gelatin or corn starch;
  • mash vegetables;
  • cook thick soups, while rice, melted cheese can be used as a thickener;
  • yogurt and kefir, milkshakes;
  • crushed fruits.

For problems with solid foods nutritionists advise:

  • watery light soups with crushed ingredients;
  • crushed bread products: crackers, bagels, simple cookies;
  • grains and cereals filled with a large amount of milk or water;
  • soft, well-cooked vegetables.

Complications from the gastrointestinal tract

May present with constipation, diarrhea, or nausea. Nutrition after chemotherapy In this case, it depends on the problem:

For constipation, it is advised:

  • choose foods high in fiber: bread products with bran, cereals;
  • legumes and nuts;
  • vegetables: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green pea and corn, carrots;
  • fruits: apple and pear with peel, banana, prunes, blueberries.

With diarrhea it is desirable:

  • eat foods high in sodium (salt), as they retain fluid in the body;
  • increase in the diet foods with soluble dietary fiber: applesauce, oats and cereals;
  • limit dairy dishes, fatty, fried and sweet foods;
  • avoid high-fiber foods: raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains;
  • eat foods containing potassium: fruit juices, boiled and baked potatoes with the skin, bananas;
  • cook soup from vegetables, in particular asparagus, beets, carrots, zucchini, celery.

With nausea, the main rule of nutrition is to limit the foods that cause it and drink as much water as possible. You should not eat fatty and fried foods, sausage and bacon, fatty milk and sweets, add a lot of spices.

The chemotherapy procedure, as a rule, negatively affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and interferes with the normal absorption of food. But at the same time, one of the main conditions for successful treatment is a favorable state of the body, which directly depends on proper nutrition.

Patients on a balanced and sufficiently nutritious diet are better able to resist the side effects of treatment.

Dietary nutrition during chemotherapy

Reasonably selected nutrition during chemotherapy will support immune system and will provide a weakened body with all the necessary substances.

The diet during chemotherapy can be divided into 2 types: diet during chemotherapy and nutrition between cycles.

  1. During the period of chemotherapy, the diet is used for disorders of the digestive tract, loss of appetite and the occurrence of nausea.
  2. Dietary nutrition, carried out between courses of treatment, allows you to strengthen the body and accumulate strength for subsequent therapy.

Let us consider in more detail the dietary nutrition recommended during the course of chemotherapy.

In cancer chemotherapy, it is necessary to follow clear rules for eating:

  • Chew food thoroughly.
  • In order to prevent loss of appetite, eat at the same time, after an equal number of hours, while not overeating or feeling hungry.
  • Calculate calories and determine the daily energy consumption of the body. Meals should be nutritious in order to replenish all the energy expended.
  • Keep your mouth clean. Use a saline or soda rinse after each meal.
  • Food should be varied and freshly prepared.
  • In order to reduce the load on the excretory system, do not forget to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It is preferable if it is still drinking water, but compotes, fruit drinks, tea with milk and low-fat broth are allowed. Green tea is undesirable.
  • It is necessary to abandon fried, fatty, salty and spicy foods, as well as smoked meats, artificial additives and preservatives.
  • Reduce sugar intake to a minimum or replace it with honey.
  • Alcohol is prohibited, but 50 ml of dry red wine is allowed between courses.
  • Instead of store-bought sauces, mayonnaise, and ketchup, make homemade yogurt-based sauces.

Diet for chemotherapy for lymphoma

Weak immune system is one of the negative consequences diseases of the lymphatic system. The general condition worsens, as well as a course of chemotherapy that depresses the immune system. That is why patients with lymphoma are more likely to suffer from infectious diseases.

The diet of a patient undergoing chemotherapy for lymphoma should take into account:

  • Drinking mode. Water must be boiled before drinking. The best option is bottled water, as well as tea, fruit drink, compote or decoction. If the choice fell on juices, then choose freshly squeezed and diluted with water.
  • Meat and seafood. Fast food is prohibited. This also applies to homemade whites, shawarma, dumplings or hot dogs. Avoid eating in public places. Food should be as fresh as possible, having undergone thorough heat treatment.
  • Dairy products. Pasteurized milk, yoghurt and cooked curd dishes (e.g. casseroles).
  • Plant food. Vegetables and fruits are preferred fresh, without rot. Do not eat contaminated vegetables and fruits. Opt for boiled and baked products.
  • Flour products and pastries. Any prepared confectionery is prohibited.
  • Keep track of product expiration dates. Do not buy unknown products or those of which you are not sure of the quality.

Diet for lung cancer chemotherapy

A patient with lung cancer needs to eat well, regularly consume balanced and healthy foods rich in proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Do not forget to divide your meal into 5-6 small portions. Give preference to meat and fish dishes, offal, legumes and nuts.

Sometimes it is difficult for a patient suffering from lung cancer to take solid food: in such cases, it is better to stop at a variety of cocktails, broths, purees, smoothies and cream soups.

Diet for Breast Chemotherapy

  • the basis of the diet should be plant foods and a variety of cereals;
  • prohibited alcoholic drinks and smoking;
  • reduce the amount of sugar, salt, red meat, processed foods and canned food, as well as foods with preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, flavors and other food additives in your daily diet.
  • choose foods that are rich in calcium;
  • add bran, whole grains and other foods containing fiber;
  • among fats, give preference to oils of vegetable origin;

Pay special attention to foods that are high in folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, magnesium, vitamin E, and selenium.

Nutrition taking into account the complications that have arisen during chemotherapy

It is known that chemotherapy affects both damaged and healthy cells, which causes irreparable harm to the health of the patient and can provoke serious adverse reactions. Therefore, the choice of diet should depend on the complications that appear in the patient during chemotherapy:

  • dry mouth, saliva viscosity, ulceration;
  • poor appetite, change in taste and smell;
  • sore throat, difficulty swallowing;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • sudden weight change.

Dry mouth or saliva viscosity

This side effect can be a dangerous occurrence of infections in the oral cavity.

  • protein foods, such as poultry and fish;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • pasta and bread made from whole grain flour, cereals;
  • juicy fruits and vegetables;
  • tea with a slice of lemon and unsweetened fruit drinks.
  • tough stringy meat;
  • bananas and dried fruits;
  • dryers, crackers, chips;
  • sweet lemonades;
  • cookies, cakes and pastries.

Loss of appetite, taste or smell

Nutrition during chemotherapy often requires a special approach due to loss of appetite, taste and smell:

If you have a poor appetite, you will need:

  • reduce water intake during meals;
  • eat several highly nutritious meals throughout the day;
  • increase physical activity;
  • turn a meal into a pleasant and beautiful ritual - decorate a dish, prepare fragrant snacks;
  • choose high-protein foods, such as meat, seafood, cheese, nuts, and boiled eggs.

With loss of taste and smell, you can:

  • before dinner, chew a slice of lemon or mint leaf.
  • hold a lollipop with a pronounced taste in your mouth;
  • experiment with spices in dishes;
  • choose fruits and vegetables according to the season.

Sore throat and ulcers

  • milk porridge and side dishes with sauce;
  • ripe sweet fruits;
  • soft mashed soups, cheeses, mashed potatoes, eggs;
  • meat and fish in the form of minced meat;
  • broccoli, cucumbers, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower;
  • juices, non-acidic fruit drinks, warm tea.
  • citrus fruits and raw vegetables;
  • coffee and alcohol;
  • spicy and spicy foods.

Swallowing problems

Properly selected diet during and after chemotherapy will help solve problems with swallowing.

With difficulty swallowing liquid food, it is advisable:

  • cook soups thickened with rice and melted cheese and mashed potatoes;
  • use natural thickeners: gelatin, agar-agar or corn starch;
  • make vegetable and fruit purees;
  • choose yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir and milk-based cocktails;
  • light soups with well ground ingredients;
  • cereals and cereals filled with milk;
  • soft, carefully cooked vegetables.

Complications from the gastrointestinal tract

Eating during chemotherapy relieves digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, or persistent nausea.

For constipation choose:

  • fiber foods, such as baked goods with bran and whole grains, and cereals;
  • legumes and nuts;
  • vegetables, fruits, dried fruits and blueberries.
  • salted soups and broths to maintain the water-salt balance;
  • reduce your intake of high-fiber foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables;
  • increase your intake of fibrous foods, such as fruit and vegetable purees, oatmeal;
  • reduce dairy products, fatty and fried foods;
  • eat foods containing potassium: juices, boiled and baked potatoes in their skins, bananas;
  • cook vegetable soups, such as beets, cabbage, carrots or zucchini.

When feeling nausea, the basic rule of nutrition is to remove the foods that cause it and drink more fluids.

Weight Change and Nutrition During Chemotherapy

When losing weight you need:

  • choose foods that increase appetite - sweet fruits, dates and muffins;
  • high-calorie protein foods: fish, meat, legumes, eggs;
  • oils, dairy products and high-fat cheeses.
  • choose lean fish, poultry, and legumes;
  • avoid pastries, oils and fatty foods;
  • cut down on sugar, candy, and processed breakfast cereals;
  • instead of baking flour premium eat bran and cereals;
  • steam, bake and boil food.

Diet for chemotherapy and radiotherapy

The load on the body increases several times if chemotherapy is carried out in combination with radiation therapy.

In order to reduce Negative influence aggressive treatment, it is necessary:

  • Eat small meals at least 5 times a day, using only fresh and natural foods.
  • Do not forget about the nutritional value and calorie content of the daily diet.
  • Before lunch, walks in the fresh air will be useful.
  • Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly.
  • Try not to overeat or feel hungry.
  • Desserts and confectionery products such as cakes, biscuits, pastries and sweets are prohibited.
  • Watch the temperature of the food, food should not be too cold or hot.
  • Do not drink water or other drinks with food.

Cook food in a slow cooker or double boiler, then chop or puree to reduce irritation to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Reduce your intake of rough and hard foods, raw vegetables and fruits. Opt for cereals, especially rice and oatmeal, as well as pureed soups, mashed potatoes and eggs.

How to eat right during chemotherapy - from personal experience

Hello my reader! I haven't blogged for a long time. I couldn't control myself. I have a terrible grief: at the age of 54, my husband was diagnosed with advanced cancer of the head of the pancreas with metastases to the liver a month ago! Still unable to recover.

But my husband and I did not give up. My husband is a very strong man, an officer, he went through Afghanistan, he does not intend to give up. And I'm with him!

Due to the inoperability of cancer, my husband was prescribed a course of chemotherapy with Gemzar. A very important question arose: “How to eat during chemotherapy? What should be the right diet for chemotherapy?

I'm a doctor myself, but I'm confused. After reviewing a bunch of medical literature, consulting with colleagues and cancer patients, I was able to find answers to my questions.

Remember! “Horror stories” that during chemotherapy there will definitely be excruciating nausea, debilitating vomiting, unbearable pain, monstrous weakness, severe depression should not be taken personally.

Each patient has a different tolerance for drugs. My husband was very afraid of the first procedure. But in fact, I began to eat better, and the pain in my stomach decreased. So, it is necessary to start chemotherapy without fear, but with faith in the effectiveness of treatment.

Question 1: Do I need to eat before the chemotherapy treatment?

There is no need to eat immediately before the procedure.

You should have a snack an hour and a half before a chemotherapy session. Food should be liquid: apple juice, tea, chicken broth.

Before the introduction of drugs, you do not need to drink, as this can provoke and increase nausea.

To increase the calorie content of the daily diet, honey, yogurt or milk powder can be added to water or juice.

Question 2: What should be the diet during chemotherapy if you do not want to eat at all?

If the patient stops eating, he will begin to lose more weight. And this cannot be allowed! Suggest: “You need to eat!”

You should eat little, but often. Food should be high in calories. To do this, add sour cream or mayonnaise, butter or vegetable oil to it.

Nuts, chocolate, marshmallows, marmalade, ice cream stimulate appetite well. Seasonings, herbs such as parsley, cilantro, dill, should be added to food to increase appetite.

You should not drink while eating. It is best to do this between meals. Do not overfill your stomach with water!

Want to eat more? Eat while watching an interesting TV show or in the company of interesting people for a conversation!

Very often during the "chemistry" there is an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth. That is why there is recommended plastic cutlery made of glass or ceramic dishes.

Remember! With poor appetite, you need to eat food that, with a minimum volume, provides the greatest amount of nutrients.

Question 3: How to reduce nausea during chemotherapy?

Yes, sometimes just eating during chemo can make you feel sick. Here are some recommendations.

  1. Something “sour” relieves nausea well: sweet and sour berries and fruits, pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, a slice of lemon, citrus fruits.
  2. It is necessary to avoid dishes that have a specific pungent odor, especially if it is unpleasant for the patient. This can provoke an attack of nausea that lasts for several days.

Soda, tomato juice, coffee and hot chocolate should be excluded from the diet. These drinks often induce vomiting.

  • Suck on a piece of ice before eating. For many, popsicles reduce nausea.
  • You should breathe through your mouth when nausea occurs.
  • On an empty stomach it is useful to eat dry chips, cookies, dryers, crackers.
  • A quarter cup of ginger root tea half an hour before meals will help to cope with nausea.
  • Question 4: What should be the correct diet for chemotherapy?

    • the daily calorie content of food should not be less than the energy spent per day;
    • in the absence of kidney pathology and edema, you need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day (especially if you are being treated with platinum preparations);
    • limit sugar intake to 40 g per day, ideally replacing it with honey;
    • minimize the intake of fatty foods, as they are difficult to digest, provoke nausea and can cause loose stools;
    • you need to eat more often than usual, but little by little;
    • food should be warm (neither hot nor cold);
    • do not eat before bed;
    • do not lie down immediately after eating.

    Here are some foods to watch out for:

    • berries, vegetables and fruits;
    • rosehip decoction;
    • dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, cheese);
    • light soups not based on meat broth;
    • prunes and dried apricots.

    To minimise toxic effect on the body of chemotherapy, you need to drink more herbal decoctions, for example, from lingonberry leaves, birch buds.

    It is good to include anti-cancer foods in the diet. They are shown in the diagram:

    Question 5: What foods are excluded from proper nutrition during chemotherapy?

    Spicy, salty, pickled, fatty and fried are prohibited!

    Weakened by disease and chemotherapy, the body simply cannot absorb such food.

    Forget about alcohol and carbonated drinks.

    How to eat when different types Cancer you can learn from this book:

    Question 6: How to eat during chemotherapy if hemoglobin in the general blood test (anemia) has decreased?

    If the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood has decreased, they speak of anemia. If the hemoglobin level is below 80 g / l, the doctor prescribes special preparations gland.

    Nutrition Tips:

    • do not abuse tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, which contain caffeine, as well as dairy products, as they interfere with the absorption of iron;
    • bee honey helps the process of hematopoiesis in the body;
    • be sure to eat eggs, as they contain a lot of vitamin B and protein;
    • between meals it is recommended to drink a decoction of wild rose;
    • in food, give preference to:
      • beef, rabbit, turkey and chicken meat;
      • liver and kidneys;
      • fish and seafood;
      • green apples, apricots, peaches and citrus fruits;
      • caviar;
      • buckwheat and oatmeal;
      • greens;
      • beets;
      • prunes and raisins.

    Walnuts are an excellent source of iron. During the day, you need to eat 100 g of walnuts mixed with 1.5 tbsp. l. bee honey, in 3 - 4 doses.

    A woman who had undergone chemotherapy gave me a simple recipe for anemia. You need to grate 300 g of carrots and 300 g of beets, mix it with the same amount of honey. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon half an hour before breakfast once a day.

    Remember our Soviet dietary supplement "Hematogen"? Remember. I give it to my husband every day instead of sweets.

    This recipe is very helpful. Within a month, throughout the day, you need to drink a decoction of oats. To do this, boil 200 g of oats over low heat in a liter of water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink. So you can increase not only hemoglobin, but also the level of leukocytes in the blood.

    Question 7: How should I eat during chemotherapy if white blood cells “fell” in the blood?

    In order for chemotherapy to be carried out, leukocytes in the blood must be at least 4.0 x 10 * 9 / l. The main danger of leukopenia is the likelihood of infections.

    Here are the foods that doctors and patients themselves recommend for leukopenia:

    • buckwheat, oats and barley;
    • beef or chicken liver;
    • fruits, nuts, beans;
    • blueberries, red and black currants, blackberries (fresh or frozen);
    • quality red wine;
    • fish (preferably steamed), caviar and seafood;
    • raw quail eggs(2-3 eggs in the morning on an empty stomach);
    • chicken eggs;
    • pork fat;
    • lettuce, parsley and cabbage;
    • homemade milk, sour cream, cheese and cottage cheese.

    Useful for low white blood cells herbal infusions from chamomile, nettle, calendula, oats, lungwort, knotweed, plantain, bergenia root.

    It is useful on an empty stomach to drink fresh juices from beets, carrots and pomegranates.

    One patient shared with me that she "raised" leukocytes walnuts, beetroot juice and black caviar.

    Folk recipe for increasing blood leukocytes:

    Pour 3 cups boiling water over 3 tbsp. l. wormwood. Let it brew, strain. Take the infusion before meals, one glass each.

    Question 8: How to eat during chemotherapy if there are few platelets in the blood?

    The norm of platelets in the blood of a healthy person.

    If they become scarce during a course of chemotherapy (thrombocytopenia), the risk of bleeding increases dramatically, which can be deadly. Are there bruises on your body? Suddenly bleeding from the nose or gums? Did the stool turn black during bowel movements? All this can indirectly indicate a decrease in platelets in the blood! Report these severe symptoms to your doctor.

    There are no foods that 100% increase platelets. Fruits and fresh vegetables containing vitamin C are recommended. A complete protein diet is also important.

    Our treating doctor - a chemotherapist advised Sodecor solution. This is a natural platelet booster. In addition, Sodecor has a general tonic, radioprotective and anti-inflammatory effect. You need to apply it drop by drop, dissolving in 200 ml of water, in the morning and afternoon. Unfortunately, I could not find this medicine in pharmacies. They say there is in St. Petersburg.

    I hope it became clearer to you how to eat right during chemotherapy.

    I believe that I will wrest my husband from the clutches of death. And we will still enjoy life, enjoying every day of it.

    And finally, I suggest you listen to your husband's favorite song.


    You are doing the right thing! hope, because hope dies last (even the most advanced forms of cancer can be defeated if you wish). Many of us have had this disease, or friends or relatives are sick (such modern reality) and all the delights of this difficult struggle, many felt what is called on themselves, but you did well and went further - you shared the skills of your difficult struggle. I think that many will need your invaluable experience. Your husband - a speedy recovery, and personally you want to wish excellent health, patience.

    Alice, thanks for your support! I really need her right now.

    This article is primarily intended for those people who need support. Proper nutrition during chemotherapy is, first of all, the key to success in the fight against this terrible disease. First of all, with chemotherapy, the liver suffers. Namely, to strengthen it, this diet is designed. The only thing I would like to add is that a person, with this course, must completely abandon alcohol in any form. Otherwise, the case may end in death. Unfortunately, such cases have already occurred more than once.

    Great article. I didn’t even think that there was any special nutrition during the course of chemotherapy. The author is well done, you are doing a very good job by posting such articles for free, you help many people. Perhaps the methods of nutrition described here will be very useful to someone. there was no material useful, and most importantly, everything is painted to the smallest detail.

    What can I say? Demons whispered to God. There is also a lot of good stuff there.

    My advice is to work well with the subconscious mind. Try qigong. Establish a personal connection with your subconscious.

    I am sure that your loved one will be endowed, as well as recovery. And so - in the long term, drugs - and everything else. Try it, there are no options.

    Husband's recovery. Do not give up

    Thank you for the detailed information!

    Thanks a lot for the article! She underwent chemotherapy, but here again the trouble is metastases, a new course of treatment, and in my head, well, absolutely nothing .... I don't know anything, I don't remember anything! One pain and fear, tears and despair! I know I need to pull myself together, but I can't! Previously, there was a strong belief that I could, I could overcome everything, but now the doctors, with their hints, surprise that I was still alive, somehow broke my faith in me! I need to read more articles by patients like me, maybe people will help me to believe in my strength again! I think the most important thing is that I want to live! Thank you very much for the article and God bless you and your husband!

    Larisa! I wish you to overcome this monstrous disease. Get yourself together. And believe that it is you who will win!

    Contact me with any question.

    Tatyana, you are great. You have so much power.

    I have the same grief... I am 37, my husband is 43 and he has stage 4 bowel cancer with metastases in the liver, they found out about it a little more than a month ago ...... They had an operation, yesterday they did 1 chemotherapy and was discharged home from the hospital, he is very ill. he doesn’t eat anything, everything lies, his mood is at zero, weakness is terrible and the worst, he has a temperature of 38.7 for the third day .... and I can't help him... I have the most depressed state, constantly crying ....

    Happy New Year to you and your husband! Hold on.

    Yulechka! Fortitude to you ... Unfortunately, on August 12, 2016, my husband passed away. And you fight, fight to the end.

    Try drinking black seed oil. The production of the Alkhavaj plant is the name of the oil "Messenger's Speech". I take it in the online store "Joy of Health". Either way, it won't get any worse. It is recommended for cancer. There are many different vitamins and minerals. Health and good luck to you. If anything, I can send mine (bought for myself).


    not knowing how to start, my wife was from BG while they were giving an analysis, so she blew her stomach that already for 9 months the right legs were edema, and those doctors had already fallen hemoglobin appointment for May 19 and I don’t want to talk about how I’ll ask Tanya for a thaw if she makes it to this time for my wife after chemistry, so that I wouldn’t give me advice then, if necessary, when I ask her, I live in Samara, I’ve gone crazy, I bought feratum in a hurry, don’t buy it, you’ll never get disgusting, you won’t reach toiletnat without resonance on panties, buy a totem and it weakens, but not like this disgusting thing latin tot hema and everything is absorbed into the body in vain not to go out without knowing what will be analysed, but it’s more or less normal for the body, but for drisk bloodworms, sachets are like teas for my wife, uterine cancer, God forbid, reach for chemistry grateful in PM sorry to lose my beloved wife, I left my family and homeland for 30 years and more in Russia with my beloved wife lived soul to soul, and now you are simply afraid of me, my heart may have been given to withstand the loss not God forbid, or Kamen Lyubenov Georgiev on the roof of the house, write my photo in a personal who can advise something, I’ll say one thing WOMEN DO NOT PULL THE RUBBER IF IT STARTS Smearing at the bottom IMMEDIATELY TO THE ONCOLOGIST HOSPITAL LINES IN SUCH WHICH WILL NOT BE IN THE FINITE COUNT EARLY WOULD BE ABLE TO DO AMA OPERATION WITH ANALYSIS AND THEIR WINDOWS AND WINDOWS ALREADY ... the last hope of chemo therapy

    while you go through the annalization of the analysis of the account in all the holes, you get a non-stop from constipation and no one prescribed at least one prescription, but go there, go here, and then to the oncology center, other analyzes are given until you pass all the analyzes, you already need to restart for HIV and complete blood from the venat to build and yam 8 days plus a day when you can be accepted shorter horror alone but I’ll tell you one trick of a woman and a man IT HURTS IT HURTS - IT HURTS - GO TO THE PIRAGOVKA there as soon as possible you will decide what you need to do and they will see that you have a map in the oncology center and pass then it sends you culturally ... if I knew I wouldn’t pull rubber, but I’d take it to my wife right in Pirogov’s earlier

    they eat good doctors there, but they will look at the oncology center, then finish the tests for you, and then they will tell you

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    Chemotherapy and Diet: How to Eat Properly While Being Treated with Anticancer Drugs?

    In oncological diseases, patients are often prescribed chemotherapeutic treatment, which involves the systemic administration of highly toxic anticancer drugs.

    These drugs cause a lot side effects Therefore, all organic systems with such treatment are subject to serious functional disorders.

    To alleviate the condition, cancer patients are prescribed a special diet that provides the body with vitamins and essential trace elements, as well as reducing the severity of adverse reactions such as nausea and vomiting, problems with defecation, taste changes and aversion to food.

    How to eat during chemotherapy?

    For cancer patients who are undergoing or have already undergone chemotherapy, experts have developed a special diet.

    They identified several food groups that must be present in the menu of cancer patients.

    • Milk products. Products in this category are rich in vitamins and calcium, which help to restore the body weakened by chemotherapy and oncopathology. It is very useful to eat milk, cottage cheese, butter and cheese, yogurt and kefir several times a day.
    • Protein products. These include fish and various meats, eggs and liver, nuts and soy. These foods are rich in B-group vitamins and iron in addition to protein. Such food should be present in the diet twice a day, at least.
    • Seafood. Products from this category must also be included in the daily diet of a cancer patient. It is enough to consume at least 200 gr per day. seafood.
    • Cereals, bread. The most useful of cereals for such patients is buckwheat, eggs, oatmeal and oatmeal. These foods are rich various forms vitamin B and are easily digestible carbohydrates, which is important for an organism weakened by illness and chemotherapy treatment.
    • Vegetable and fruit products. It is recommended to eat them dried, raw or boiled. Especially useful are grapefruits, tangerines, apples and oranges, rich in ascorbic acid. Among vegetable crops, cabbage, carrots, eggplant and beets will bring the greatest benefit. Very useful for cancer patients and various greens - onions and dill, celery, garlic, etc. Broccoli deserves special attention, because it contains isothiocyanate, which suppresses cancer cells. Yellow vegetables like pumpkin and carrots are also helpful because they contain anti-carcinogenic substances.

    Nutrition of cancer patients after chemo

    After chemotherapy treatment, you need to eat a balanced diet. It is recommended to include foods with antitumor activity in the daily menu.

    Gastrointestinal activity is usually seriously disturbed after anticancer therapy, so the diet is organized in such a way that adverse reactions to chemotherapy are eliminated.

    Rules for nutrition after treatment with anticancer drugs:

    • Distribute meals so that meals are fractional. Eat more often, but keep the portions small;
    • Try to eat regularly, even when there is no appetite at all;
    • Do not combine meals and drinks. Drinking tea, juice or water is allowed half an hour before a meal and an hour after it;
    • Don't let yourself feel hungry. Always keep an apple, whole grain cookie, banana, or some other snack with you so that you can satisfy your hunger when the body needs it.

    Many patients report taste changes or lack of appetite after chemotherapy. It is possible to deal with this problem.

    It is recommended to eat the food that attracts you both externally and by smell. From food that is disgusting to you, it is better to refuse for now. It is better to eat dishes at room temperature, as their flavor is milder.

    Cancer patients complain after chemotherapeutic treatment and characteristic nausea-vomiting manifestations. You can get rid of them with the help of antiemetics. And do not forget about the small portion sizes, so you can avoid overfilling the stomach.

    Can I eat before chemotherapy?

    Usually, chemotherapy treatment is prescribed in sessions, so the nutrition system requires careful organization not only after the procedures, but also during and before them.

    There are several rules that should be followed before the systemic administration of anticancer drugs.

    1. Three days before chemotherapy, you will have to limit the diet.
    2. Portions should be small.
    3. The number of meals should be reduced, but within reason, so that the patient does not feel obvious hunger, otherwise you can bring yourself to exhaustion.
    4. It is also necessary to give up spicy-salty seasonings and spices so as not to overload the stomach.
    5. Be sure to exclude fatty and heavy foods.

    Food restrictions may depend on the type of chemotherapy, so it is recommended to clarify the nuances of nutrition with a doctor.

    Alcohol during chemotherapy treatment

    Course chemistry takes quite a long time, and after all, in every family there are some celebrations and holidays. How to be a cancer patient if a feast with alcohol is planned?

    Alcohol is known to have an irritating effect on tissues, which is accompanied by a vasodilating effect. With vasospasm in non-cancer patients, this action can be beneficial, but for patients with cancer it is dangerous.

    In cancer patients, organic reactivity changes greatly and can manifest itself as paradoxical or allergic reactions. Alcohol has a negative effect on all organic structures, which only more distorts their reactivity. Therefore, the use of alcohol soon after chemotherapy can lead to a catastrophic deterioration in the patient's condition.

    If there is a question about the use of drugs in the form alcohol tinctures, then cancer patients are advised to take them strictly drop by drop.

    Sometimes a few sips of light wine help a cancer patient increase his appetite. But it should be borne in mind that when interacting with alcohol, the effectiveness of anticancer drugs decreases, and side reactions, on the contrary, increase.

    Chemotherapy for some oncopathologies has established itself as a very effective method treatment. It is not devoid of side reactions, but subject to medical recommendations and a special diet, their severity can be significantly reduced.

    Most importantly, chemotherapy gives cancer patients a chance for a better life.

    Video about what kind of food leads to oncology and what is good to eat for cancer.

    Chemotherapy sessions cause significant harm to the patient's body. Nutrition after chemotherapy is selected depending on the degree of damage to the oral cavity, intestines, stomach, throat, emotional, psychological and physical condition of the patient.

    The degree of effect of chemotherapy on appetite for each patient is individual. During and after the sessions, nutrition should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace elements in the amount recommended for immunity restoration and cell regeneration. The diet should be aimed at reducing the impact of the negative effects of anticancer treatment on the organs and tissues of the human body.

    During chemotherapy

    Reducing the amount of food consumed during the course leads to a decrease in body weight and the occurrence of various malfunctions in the body, which makes it necessary to interrupt the course of treatment. Therefore, during therapy, it is necessary to establish a balanced diet that prevents a decrease in the patient's body weight, helps to support the overall strength of the body and increase resistance to the disease.

    • food intake should be carried out in small parts, at least 5-6 times a day;
    • preference should be given to liquid dishes;
    • on hand at any time it is desirable to have products used for a light snack, most often fruits;
    • it is recommended to increase the proportion of high-calorie foods in the menu, such as nuts or seeds;
    • you should drink plenty of fluids between meals;
    • it is desirable to use as many products as possible from the registry of specialized nutrition for patients with cancer.

    To improve appetite, change the functioning of olfactory and tactile receptors during chemotherapy, it is recommended to introduce dishes that have a pleasant taste into the diet. appearance and appetizing odors, use a variety of marinades, seasonings and sauces to improve the taste and aroma of food.

    If nausea and vomiting occur during therapy, it is recommended to contact your doctor for the appointment of antiemetic drugs. To reduce unpleasant symptoms in the digestive tract, you should dissolve on an empty stomach a slice of frozen lemon, cranberries or a piece of ice, eat a small piece of pickled cucumber or tomato, dry or crackers. If possible, participation in the cooking process during and after the course of chemistry should be avoided.

    Specialists in the field medical nutrition a special diet for chemotherapy was developed, including the mandatory use of the following food groups:

    1. Dairy. They contain a large amount of calcium and vitamins, the action of which is aimed at restoring the human body weakened by cancer and ongoing therapy.
    2. Products containing protein. This category includes meat and fish products, which are also rich in iron and B vitamins.
    3. Seafood. They are recommended to be included in the patient's diet at least 200 g per day during chemotherapy.
    4. cereals and flour products. The most useful for cancer patients are oatmeal, buckwheat, oatmeal. They are easily digestible carbohydrates and are rich in B-vitamins.
    5. Fruits and vegetables. The products of this group are saturated with vegetable fiber, which improves digestive processes. Nutrition during chemotherapy must necessarily include vegetables and fruits. It is preferable to eat fruits such as citrus fruits and apples. They are saturated with ascorbic acid, and green vegetables and broccoli contain isothiocyanate, which reduces the activity of cancer cells. Vegetables yellow color are rich in anticarcinogenic substances.

    After chemotherapy

    The occurrence of such complications after taking a course of chemotherapy, such as dryness and ulcerative lesions in the oral cavity, saliva viscosity, sore throat, problems with swallowing food, increase the risk of infections entering the body weakened by oncology.

    With such lesions of the digestive system, diet therapy is recommended by experts. It helps to reduce pain, discomfort when eating and is aimed at supplying a large amount of vitamins and nutrients to the body.

    To organize special nutrition for cancer, nutritionists advise following these recommendations:

    • every day to eat dishes containing poultry or fish seasoned with various sauces;
    • include in the daily diet rice and pasta with liquid, for example in the form of cereals, muesli with yogurt;
    • use gelatin or cornstarch for cooking;
    • eat large quantities of fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of moisture, such as zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelons, peaches, mash them;
    • when choosing desserts, give preference to low-fat dairy products or, in the absence of exacerbations of throat diseases, ice cream;
    • among drinks, you should make a choice in favor of hot or warm tea with lemon, diluted juices, decaffeinated coffee, yogurt, kefir, milkshakes.

    Food such as dry meat, chips, dried fruits, biscuits, buns, drying without liquid, spicy food is not recommended. From drinks, you should refrain from caffeinated liquids, concentrated juices and alcoholic products.

    For constipation, it is necessary to eat foods that have a laxative effect. These include high fiber foods, nuts and legumes, Brussels sprouts, prunes, banana, apple and pear with skin.

    With diarrhea, it is recommended to increase the proportion of foods containing soluble dietary fiber and rich in sodium (salt) in the diet, limit sweet, fried and dairy foods, and exclude foods high in vegetable fiber.

    Juice consumption

    The main requirement of such treatment is the use of at least two glasses of natural juice per day. You should start with 1/3 cup, diluting the juice with purified water.

    As you feel better, the daily dose is gradually increased to the recommended level. In the absence of contraindications, the use of undiluted juice is possible. We should not forget that the juice must be freshly prepared, as it quickly loses its beneficial features in the process of decomposition due to the contained enzymes.

    The main purpose of using juice therapy as part of the diet after a course of chemotherapy is to restore hematopoietic functions. of cardio-vascular system, preventing or treating anemia, improving the functioning of the intestines, liver and kidneys, strengthening immunity and eliminating the occurrence of allergic reactions.

    As a therapy to eliminate malfunctions in the digestive system, juices such as pumpkin-carrot, pumpkin-apple, beet-carrot-cucumber, orange-lemon, orange-grapefruit, carrot, pomegranate, beet-carrot-apple are used.

    The relationship of physical condition and nutrition after chemotherapy

    After chemotherapy, due to a violation of the diet, such negative changes in the physical condition of the body as excessive weight loss or its increase are possible.

    Loss of interest in food threatens the patient with a strong weight loss, which is dangerous for the life of the human body. It is quite difficult for the patient himself to solve this problem, so you need to contact a specialist who will adjust the diet and tell you how to eat in order to regain the weight lost during the illness.

    In this case, nutritionists recommend introducing high-calorie, high-protein meals into the diet, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs and legumes, a variety of oils and dairy products with high fat content, foods with a high glycemic index that increase appetite.

    With a significant increase in weight after therapy, nutrition should consist of foods that accelerate metabolism, help reduce appetite and lose weight. To achieve the desired effect without strict diets, experts advise replacing red meat. sea ​​fish, seafood, poultry, legumes and peas, refuse to eat flour dishes, fresh bread and pastries, sweets, sugar, ready-made breakfast cereals, give preference to bran and whole grain bakery products, cereals, brown rice.


    In order to avoid negative consequences for an organism weakened by chemotherapy, fried, smoked foods and hot spices should not be included in the diet. Too fatty dishes negatively affect health weakened by oncology and aggressive treatment.

    Black coffee and strong tea should be consumed with caution, and, if possible, completely excluded from the menu.

    Alcohol in any form is also prohibited. It is forbidden to add alcohol-containing products when cooking and use it in its pure form, as strong drinks.

    In patients who have undergone chemotherapy, the stomach and other organs of the digestive tract are more affected. It is quite difficult for a patient to return to a normal diet. Choosing the right nutrition for the gradual restoration of the usual diet should be based on the recommendations of oncologists and dietitians, depending on the severity and nature of malfunctions in the body.

    The process of choosing a nutrition system after chemotherapy necessitates the application of certain efforts on the part of the patient and his relatives. However, it must be remembered that the restoration of the patient's strength and his cure depends on the quality of nutrition, i.e. essential substances from food.


    You will learn about proper nutrition during chemotherapy from our video.

    Oncoprocess of any localization and severity requires the use of special antitumor drugs. In addition to their main purpose - to suppress the growth and reproduction of cancer cells, they have an extremely negative impact on the general health of a person. For, cancer patients require special nutrition after chemotherapy. Compiling a diet in this case requires special knowledge - it is necessary to take into account the preferences of not only the patient himself, but also the peculiarities of the activity of the digestive system in this difficult situation.

    About how to eat during the course -.

    Diet guidelines after chemotherapy

    As such, specialists have not developed a special diet therapy for patients who have undergone chemotherapy. Menu design should be based on the following principles:

    • rather high calorie content of dishes - at least 2600–2800 kcal / day;
    • careful balance in the content of the main nutritional components - proteins and fats, as well as carbohydrates;
    • maximum saturation with vitamins and useful microelements;
    • variety - dishes should stimulate the appetite, while satisfying the need for meat, fish, vegetables and fruits;
    • fragmentation - it is recommended to eat food in small portions, but often, at least 5-6 times a day;
    • compliance water regime- the use of at least 1.5-2 liters of purified water per day, is acceptable in combination with tea, juices, compotes, fruit drinks.

    At the same time, experts recommend eating throughout the rehabilitation period in such a way that the reserves of forces in the body are restored evenly - it is undesirable to adhere to any special diet. With cancer, it is desirable to abandon preservatives, sugary-sweet foods that exacerbate the feeling of nausea, caffeine and alcohol-containing products in the diet.

    Equally important is oral hygiene - it is necessary to rinse it after each meal. After all, cytostatics have an extremely negative effect on local immunity, its parameters are significantly reduced. And pathogenic microorganisms get the opportunity to actively multiply. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to accustom yourself to such a rule as a clean mouth after eating.

    Right products

    Bananas and oranges, baked potatoes and apricots help to replenish the depleted reserves of potassium and magnesium. It is better to fill all salads with olive oil - it has long been valued by doctors for its healing properties. Turmeric and bay leaf, cardamom and cinnamon, cloves and sage, thyme and rosemary are recognized as natural oxidants - substances that increase the body's immune barriers. Therefore, their presence in the daily diet is only welcome, in small volumes.

    What foods should be avoided

    Since chemotherapy in any form negatively affects all the structures responsible for the absorption of nutrients in the human body, the list of dishes that can aggravate the situation is quite large.

    First of all, experts point out that all those who like to cheer themselves up in the morning with a cup of coffee will have to switch to less harmful varieties of tea - green, with the addition of citrus fruits or herbal decoctions. Alcoholic products are completely prohibited.

    Overload digestive tract and fatty, fried foods, preservative and so-called convenience foods. They force the already weakened liver cells to work in an enhanced mode, which is manifested by increased nausea, heartburn, and bitterness. Honey and artificial sweeteners are not recommended - they force the pancreas to produce additional insulin, which, in turn, provokes the growth of atypical elements.

    If the oral mucosa is damaged by chemotherapy drugs, hot and spicy, as well as sour dishes act as an additional traumatic factor. The best option are pureed soups and cereals at room temperature, cottage cheese and yoghurts.

    Temporarily, until the diarrhea stops, it is recommended to give up fatty meats and poultry, fish and fresh bread, as well as rich broths and whole milk. They are allowed to be eaten after the activity of the intestinal loops is adjusted by the body's own defenses.

    Possible digestive disorders can deliver any offal, mushrooms, legumes, cabbage and radishes, as well as tomatoes and peppers, garlic and spinach. It is also recommended to refrain from using them.

    Nutrition depending on the complication

    Chemotherapy, even if its effect was directed to the organs located below the belt, one way or another, affects the activity of the digestive system. Therefore, depending on the complication formed after the introduction of cytostatics, specialists recommend the following nutrition:

    1. With pain in the oropharynx, the formation of ulcerative defects - green warm tea and non-acidic juices are better suited from drinks. It is better to cook carefully chopped meat and moderately fatty fish, eat everything warm, better diet option, eat soft, non-acidic fruits and vegetables. Avoid tomatoes and caffeinated drinks. As well as, from spices and seasonings.
    2. If there are problems with swallowing - both solid and liquid food, the principles of nutrition are different. So, in case of difficulties with solid food, the diet should be light watery soups, cereal flakes, filled with a large volume of milk. Soft, well-boiled vegetables and chopped bread products - cookies, crackers, bagels are excellent. With the problem of eating liquid dishes, it is recommended to use natural thickeners - gelatin or corn starch. From vegetables it is better to cook thick soups, mashed potatoes. Grind fruits, and add yogurt to the curd mass.
    3. With dry mouth and saliva viscosity, protein dishes should be present in the diet: rabbit meat, turkey, fish different varieties, as well as pasta and cereals, fruits and vegetables with a high moisture content, for example, peaches and watermelon, oranges, zucchini. Under the ban: chips and dried fruits, pretzels and cookies, as well as cakes and dry meats. From drinks it is better to give preference to hot tea with a drop of lemon, diluted juices.

    With frequent urges to nausea, it is necessary to analyze the situation and identify the products that provoke it. After their exclusion from the diet, the problem can be dealt with.

    Physical changes after chemotherapy and their diet

    If, after a course of cytostatics, a person notes a threatening weight loss, the basis of his diet should be high-calorie foods - fish and meat, legumes and eggs. It is recommended to add various oils to dishes, especially olive, cheeses and fatty dairy products. Sweet fruits and muffins, as well as confectionery and juices, help to raise appetite parameters.

    With weight gain, which is also quite possible after chemotherapy, it is better to replace red meats with lean fish, skinless poultry, as well as legumes and cereals. Preference is given to bran and whole grain products, as well as brown rice. Exclude all types of confectionery products from the diet, as well as dry sweetened breakfasts. Cook dishes in ways that do not require the addition of oils - bake, boil, use a double boiler.

    Of course, after chemotherapy, the principles of nutrition change somewhat, more effort is required. However, the well-being of a person, the speed of his recovery and recovery directly depend on the adequacy of the intake of all the substances required by him. Therefore, these priorities should be guided by: healthier food- a quick victory over cancer.

    Hello my reader! I haven't blogged for a long time. I couldn't control myself. I have a terrible grief: at the age of 54, my husband was diagnosed with advanced cancer of the head of the pancreas with metastases to the liver a month ago! Still unable to recover.

    But my husband and I did not give up. My husband is a very strong man, an officer, he went through Afghanistan, he does not intend to give up. And I'm with him!

    Due to the inoperability of cancer, my husband was prescribed a course of chemotherapy with Gemzar. A very important question arose: “How to eat during chemotherapy? What should be the right diet for chemotherapy?

    I'm a doctor myself, but I'm confused. After reviewing a bunch of medical literature, consulting with colleagues and cancer patients, I was able to find answers to my questions.

    Remember! “Horror stories” that during chemotherapy there will definitely be excruciating nausea, debilitating vomiting, unbearable pain, monstrous weakness, severe depression should not be taken personally.

    Each patient has a different tolerance for drugs. My husband was very afraid of the first procedure. But in fact, I began to eat better, and the pain in my stomach decreased. So, it is necessary to start chemotherapy without fear, but with faith in the effectiveness of treatment.

    Question 1: Do I need to eat before the chemotherapy treatment?

    There is no need to eat immediately before the procedure.

    You should have a snack an hour and a half before a chemotherapy session. Food should be liquid: apple juice, tea, chicken broth.

    Before the introduction of drugs, you do not need to drink, as this can provoke and increase nausea.

    To increase the calorie content of the daily diet, honey, yogurt or milk powder can be added to water or juice.

    Question 2: What should be the diet during chemotherapy if you do not want to eat at all?

    If the patient stops eating, he will begin to lose more weight. And this cannot be allowed! Suggest: “You need to eat!”

    You should eat little, but often. Food should be high in calories. To do this, add sour cream or mayonnaise, butter or vegetable oil to it.

    Nuts, chocolate, marshmallows, marmalade, ice cream stimulate appetite well. Seasonings, herbs such as parsley, cilantro, dill, should be added to food to increase appetite.

    You should not drink while eating. It is best to do this between meals. Do not overfill your stomach with water!

    Want to eat more? Eat while watching an interesting TV show or in the company of interesting people for a conversation!
    Very often during the "chemistry" there is an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth. That is why there is recommended plastic cutlery made of glass or ceramic dishes.

    Remember! With poor appetite, you need to eat food that, with a minimum volume, provides the greatest amount of nutrients.

    Question 3: How to reduce nausea during chemotherapy?

    Yes, sometimes just eating during chemo can make you feel sick. Here are some recommendations.

    1. Something “sour” relieves nausea well: sweet and sour berries and fruits, pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, a slice of lemon, citrus fruits.
    2. It is necessary to avoid dishes that have a specific pungent odor, especially if it is unpleasant for the patient. This can provoke an attack of nausea that lasts for several days.
      Soda, tomato juice, coffee and hot chocolate should be excluded from the diet. These drinks often induce vomiting.
    3. Suck on a piece of ice before eating. For many, popsicles reduce nausea.
    4. You should breathe through your mouth when nausea occurs.
    5. On an empty stomach it is useful to eat dry chips, cookies, dryers, crackers.
    6. A quarter cup of ginger root tea half an hour before meals will help to cope with nausea.

    Question 4: What should be the correct diet for chemotherapy?

    • the daily calorie content of food should not be less than the energy spent per day;
    • in the absence of kidney pathology and edema, you need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day (especially if you are being treated with platinum preparations);
    • limit sugar intake to 40 g per day, ideally replacing it with honey;
    • minimize the intake of fatty foods, as they are difficult to digest, provoke nausea and can cause loose stools;
    • you need to eat more often than usual, but little by little;
    • food should be warm (neither hot nor cold);
    • do not eat before bed;
    • do not lie down immediately after eating.

    Here are some foods to watch out for:

    • berries, vegetables and fruits;
    • rosehip decoction;
    • dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, cheese);
    • light soups not based on meat broth;
    • prunes and dried apricots.

    To reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy on the body, you need to drink more herbal decoctions, for example, from lingonberry leaves, birch buds.

    It is good to include anti-cancer foods in the diet. They are shown in the diagram:

    Question 5: What foods are excluded from proper nutrition during chemotherapy?

    Spicy, salty, pickled, fatty and fried are prohibited!

    Weakened by disease and chemotherapy, the body simply cannot absorb such food.

    Forget about alcohol and carbonated drinks.

    How to eat with different types of cancer, you can learn from this book:

    Question 6: How to eat during chemotherapy if hemoglobin in the general blood test (anemia) has decreased?

    If the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood has decreased, they speak of anemia. If the hemoglobin level is below 80 g / l, the doctor prescribes special iron preparations.

    Nutrition Tips:

    • do not abuse tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, which contain caffeine, as well as dairy products, as they interfere with the absorption of iron;
    • bee honey helps the process of hematopoiesis in the body;
    • be sure to eat eggs, as they contain a lot of vitamin B and protein;
    • between meals it is recommended to drink a decoction of wild rose;
    • in food, give preference to:
      • beef, rabbit, turkey and chicken meat;
      • liver and kidneys;
      • fish and seafood;
      • green apples, apricots, peaches and citrus fruits;
      • caviar;
      • buckwheat and oatmeal;
      • greens;
      • beets;
      • prunes and raisins.

    Walnuts are an excellent source of iron. During the day, you need to eat 100 g of walnuts mixed with 1.5 tbsp. l. bee honey, in 3 - 4 doses.

    A woman who had undergone chemotherapy gave me a simple recipe for anemia. You need to grate 300 g of carrots and 300 g of beets, mix it with the same amount of honey. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon half an hour before breakfast once a day.

    Remember our Soviet dietary supplement "Hematogen"? Remember. I give it to my husband every day instead of sweets.

    This recipe is very helpful. Within a month, throughout the day, you need to drink a decoction of oats. To do this, boil 200 g of oats over low heat in a liter of water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink. So you can increase not only hemoglobin, but also the level of leukocytes in the blood.

    Question 7: How should I eat during chemotherapy if white blood cells “fell” in the blood?

    In order for chemotherapy to be carried out, leukocytes in the blood must be at least 4.0 x 10 * 9 / l. The main danger of leukopenia is the likelihood of infections.

    Here are the foods that doctors and patients themselves recommend for leukopenia:

    • buckwheat, oats and barley;
    • beef or chicken liver;
    • fruits, nuts, beans;
    • blueberries, red and black currants, blackberries (fresh or frozen);
    • quality red wine;
    • fish (preferably steamed), caviar and seafood;
    • raw quail eggs (2-3 eggs in the morning on an empty stomach);
    • chicken eggs;
    • pork fat;
    • lettuce, parsley and cabbage;
    • homemade milk, sour cream, cheese and cottage cheese.

    With a drop in leukocytes in the blood, herbal infusions of chamomile, nettle, calendula, oats, lungwort, knotweed, plantain, and bergenia root are useful.

    It is useful on an empty stomach to drink fresh juices from beets, carrots and pomegranates.

    One patient shared with me that she "raised" leukocytes with walnuts, beetroot juice and black caviar.

    Folk recipe for increasing blood leukocytes:
    Pour 3 cups boiling water over 3 tbsp. l. wormwood. Let it brew, strain. Take the infusion before meals, one glass each.

    Question 8: How to eat during chemotherapy if there are few platelets in the blood?

    The norm of platelets in the blood of a healthy person is from 180,000 to 320,000.

    If they become scarce during a course of chemotherapy (thrombocytopenia), the risk of bleeding increases dramatically, which can be deadly. Are there bruises on your body? Suddenly bleeding from the nose or gums? Did the stool turn black during bowel movements? All this can indirectly indicate a decrease in platelets in the blood! Report these severe symptoms to your doctor.

    There are no foods that 100% increase platelets. Fruits and fresh vegetables containing vitamin C are recommended. A complete protein diet is also important.

    Our treating doctor, a chemotherapist, advised the Sodecor solution. This is a natural platelet booster. In addition, Sodecor has a general tonic, radioprotective and anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to apply it in 20 - 30 drops, having dissolved in 200 ml of water, in the morning and in the afternoon. Unfortunately, I could not find this medicine in pharmacies. They say there is in St. Petersburg.

    I hope it became clearer to you how to eat right during chemotherapy.

    I believe that I will wrest my husband from the clutches of death. And we will still enjoy life, enjoying every day of it.

    And finally, I suggest you listen to your husband's favorite song.