Universal business plan for dentistry. Development of a business plan on the example of a dental clinic "Hollywood"

- you can live until retirement age, then things are a little different with teeth. Only a few manage to keep a Hollywood smile until old age, while the majority of the population already from childhood knows all the “joys” of communicating with a dentist.

Yes, unfortunately, non-compliance with oral hygiene, preventive measures to prevent dental diseases that are in their infancy, malnutrition and, most importantly, the lack of truly qualified dental care in small towns lead to the fact that even if people go to the dentist doctor, then only with the aim of removing an almost completely destroyed tooth.

Reassuring yourself that the stomach is one, but there are many teeth. In fairness, however, it is worth noting that at the moment the situation is noticeably changing in better side. People are increasingly thinking about the safety of their incisors, canines, molars and premolars, and therefore the services of a dentist are becoming more and more in demand.

And, most importantly, the population is very reluctant to go to the state polyclinic, and having saved up the necessary amount, they try to turn to a private trader if possible. And although the competition in the dental services market is quite high, it would be wrong to say that this niche is already fully occupied.

Therefore, let's talk today about how, if there is a desire, to organize your own "dental" business so that it is profitable. And we will provide you with a short dental office business plan with calculations that you can rely on when creating your own business. But first things first.

What if I'm not a dentist?

There is a very erroneous opinion that only a person with the appropriate education can have his own dental business. It's a delusion. The question of how to organize a turnkey dental office can be relevant both for a person who has a diploma in dentistry and for, say, an engineer who has decided to take the path of entrepreneurship.

Just in the first case, you will provide a workplace for yourself and be able to provide services on your own, in the second case you will rent an office, receiving your percentage of the profits. Therefore, a business plan for dentistry, or rather, a future office, must be drawn up precisely with these features in mind. After all, you see, it’s stupid to start all the red tape to open this specific business just for the sake of renting out a single workplace.

Therefore, you need to work for the future and, when making calculations, assume that your office will have not one, but several chairs. And who knows, maybe over time your small office will turn into a mini-clinic that succeeds and brings really tangible income.

So to be an office or not to be?

If you are a graduate and feel like a duck to water in this field of medicine, then it will naturally be much easier for you to draw up a competent dentistry business plan, especially with our tips. But even if you still do not have a specific education, and you like the idea in all respects, then go for it. Everything will work out. The only thing to remember is that the path to opening your own "dental" business is long and thorny.

Some SanPiNs in dentistry (the so-called set of sanitary and hygienic requirements for medical organizations) are able to discourage people from engaging in this type entrepreneurial activity. After all, it is in accordance with them that you will have to look for a room, carry out its repair, and purchase equipment. But if opening a dental office is already a matter of honor, then you will go through all the stages of this difficult path and still be able to one day become the happy owner of a very profitable business.


First of all, you need to formalize your activities. If you plan to work yourself as a practicing doctor, then you can stop at the simplest thing - get IP documents. But if you are thinking of renting out an office or if you often dream of your own clinic at night, then you should register as legal entity(open LLC), because without this, dreams will never come true, and your office will not be able to work. As for the documents necessary for passing this procedure, we will not focus on them, since a list of them can always be taken from the tax office itself or on the website of this organization.

But, perhaps, the registration of entrepreneurial activity is the simplest thing to do. Because the opening of dentistry without an appropriate license is impossible. And here, of course, you have to run. Especially when you consider that both the premises and the equipment are licensed. Therefore, you need to start your business with finding a suitable place for an office, carry out repairs there, purchase and install equipment. And for this, it is desirable to have at hand a ready-made business plan for a dental office, in which all upcoming expenses should be taken into account.

Looking for a place...

There is no way to open America in this matter. There are few ways, more precisely - two: buy or rent. The first assumes the presence of a simply astronomical amount, so the second option is still the most preferable. But even here there are difficulties. Given the specifics of future activities, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the location of the future office (which, by the way, is also important), but also to its area and the availability of the necessary communications.

In our case, you will need the whole set: heating, electricity, sewerage and plumbing. Remember, you need to draw up your own dentistry business plan already taking into account how many specific jobs will function in your office. Because the licensing organization has its own very stringent requirements for each of them. And the area of ​​the dental office is specified very clearly.

Dental office design and turnkey equipment.

Everyone who wants to open a dental clinic / office from scratch is faced with the question: where to start? Our vision of the algorithm is as follows:

1) determination of the range of dental services provided and zoning of the existing premises

2) an approximate selection of dental equipment according to the budget, manufacturer, models and required parameters in accordance with paragraph 1)

3) placement of large equipment (installations, X-ray, compressors, aspirators, sterilization) and furniture on the clinic plan

4) technological design of the dental clinic

5) choice of room design, finishing materials, lighting of dentists' workplaces

6) repair of the premises of dentistry, taking into account the laying of the necessary communications according to the project

8) delivery, installation, commissioning of equipment, staff training

9) purchase of a minimum of consumable dental materials, tools, accessories necessary for the start of the clinic

In this article, we will focus only on point 4: "Designing a dental office / clinic", as the most complex, important and the only one of the entire list that only a specialized organization can perform.

Creating a private dental office in Russia from scratch requires the entrepreneur not only to own the market for these services, but also to know very specific requirements for the functioning of medical institutions. At the same time, the strict standards of the SES, the fire inspectorate and other regulatory authorities are the same for both small offices and a multidisciplinary dental clinic.

Let's take one example. The latest SanPiNs entered into force on September 17, 2010 (No. The fifth chapter of this document is completely devoted to dental medical institutions, regardless of the form of ownership. In the second appendix of these norms are given: the composition, purpose and requirements for the areas of premises of dental medical organizations. The minimum set of premises includes:

1. Lobby group (minimum area - 10 sq.m);

2. Dentist's office (minimum area - 14 sq. m. with an increase of 10 sq. m. for each dental unit);

3. Staff room (minimum area - 6 sq. m);

4. Toilet - at least 3 square meters. m;

5. Pantry - at least 3 square meters. m.

This minimum set is relevant only for a small dental clinic, since a multidisciplinary clinic, according to the same standards, must have a sterilization room, a surgical unit, an X-ray room, a dental laboratory, a physiotherapy department, etc. Separately, SanPiNs stipulate requirements for interior decoration premises, heating, ventilation, disinfection and air conditioning systems, lighting. It is especially necessary to highlight the requirements for equipping dental X-ray equipment.

In addition to complying with the specified requirements for the premises, it is very important to decide at an early stage on such key points as:

1. Will you have a centralized compressor room, or will a compressor stand at each unit;

2. The aspiration system will be unified or personal for each installation;

3. Whether you will have a network version of the software for dental X-ray with a radiovisiograph or not;

4. Calculation and distribution by consumers of electrical power supplied to the premises;

In addition, competent design of a dental clinic will save you from a lot of unexpected, unnecessary and very costly troubles in the future, such as:

The drain line into the sewer was clogged due to an incorrect section of the pipe and the angle of inclination + the inability to clean it (result - opening the floors, chasing, laying pipes again, repairing on a new one)

The compressor failed ahead of time and all work immediately stopped due to the wrong selection of its power, receiver volume and air duct diameter to the installations

The voltage sags when powerful consumers are turned on, the electrical wiring heats up, the contacts of expensive equipment burn out, it does not work correctly

During the audit, the fiscal authorities found a discrepancy with the norms and rightly demand to suspend the activities of the clinic until the identified violations are corrected

There are many more nuances, without which it is impossible to launch a clinic for full-fledged, reliable work. The purpose of this short article is just to acquaint you with possible difficulties and help you avoid them, saving your money, time and nerves.

All of the above factors require a very professional approach. In our opinion, this part simply needs to be entrusted to specialists who, for relatively little money, will make you a competent project that provides solutions to all possible problems concerning the laying of engineering communications, compliance with all norms and rules (SNiPs and SanPiNs). Our specialists, at your request, will carry out architectural supervision of the repair work, will give out all project documentation, including an explanatory note with sections: a general plan of the clinic, a plan for the placement of equipment and connections for the communications of the dental office, power supply and grounding, calculation of the energy consumption of dental equipment, a scheme for laying air communications, aspiration, sewerage, water supply.

You can list many more different problems in the organization of a dental clinic. But we did not aim to cover them all in this short article. We only urge you to entrust this most important part of the organization of the clinic to professionals.

We invite everyone to cooperate!

Sincerely, site team

With prices and fragments already made by our specialists, projects of dental clinics can be found below.

Technological design of a dental clinic price:




Initial data

Price ($)


Development of the concept of a dental clinic

1. Plan for the placement of offices, utility and technological premises in accordance with the norms of SANPin.

2. Explanatory note

BTI plan, client's wishes



Development of a technological project for one dental office without a centralized compressor, aspiration system and dental X-ray.

1. Connections and communications,

5. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections of the dental office.6. Plan of communications of air and aspiration



An additional dental office without a centralized compressor room, aspiration room and X-ray.

Explanatory note

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for one dental office with a dental X-ray and a radiovisiograph, without a centralized compressor aspiration system.

Explanatory note with sections:

1. Connections and communications,
2. Accommodation bactericidal irradiators, 3. Power supply and grounding,
4. Calculation of energy consumption of dental equipment

6. Plan of air and aspiration communications

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for an additional dental office with a dental x-ray and a visiograph, without a centralized compressor aspiration system.

Explanatory note

Layout plan for equipment and connections of the dental office

Plan of communications of air and aspiration

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for one dental office with X-ray and radiovisiographic equipment in a clinic with a centralized compressor and aspiration system.

Explanatory note with sections:

1. Connections and communications,
2. Placement of bactericidal irradiators, 3. Power supply and grounding,
4. Calculation of energy consumption of dental equipment

5. General plan of the clinic6. Layout plan for equipment and connections of the dental office

8. Plan for laying air communications9. Plan for laying aspiration communications

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for an additional dental office with a dental x-ray and a radiovisiograph, with a centralized compressor aspiration system.

Explanatory note

Plan for the placement of equipment and connections of the dental office Plan for air and aspiration communications

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for one dental office without X-ray and radiovisiographic equipment in a clinic with a centralized compressor and aspiration system.

Explanatory note with sections:

1. Connections and communications,
2. Placement of bactericidal irradiators, 3. Power supply and grounding,
4. Calculation of energy consumption of dental equipment

5. General plan of the clinic

6. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections of the dental office

7. Plan for the placement of equipment in the compressor room,

8. Plan for laying air communications9. Plan for laying aspiration communications

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for an additional dental office without dental x-ray and radiovisiograph, with a centralized compressor and aspiration system.

Explanatory note

Layout plan for equipment and connections of the dental office

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for an X-ray room without panoramic X-ray

Section of the explanatory note.

Layout plan for equipment and connections of the X-ray room



Development of a technological project for an X-ray room with panoramic X-ray

Section of the explanatory note. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections for the X-ray room,

BTI plan, client wishes, type of equipment



Development of a technological project for a sterilization cabinet

Section of the explanatory note. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of the technological project of the operating unit

Explanatory note with sections:

1. Connections and communications,
2. Placement of bactericidal irradiators, 3. Power supply and grounding,
4. Calculation of energy consumption of dental equipment

5. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections of the operating room

6. Plan of preoperative and hospital

7. Plan for laying air communications8. Plan for laying aspiration communications

BTI plan, client's wishes



Development of a technological project centralized system compressed air

Section of the explanatory note. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections in the technical room. Plan for laying air communications

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for a centralized aspiration system

Section of the explanatory note. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections in the technical room. Plan for laying aspiration communications

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for a centralized compressed air and aspiration system

Section of the explanatory note. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections in the technical room. Plan for laying air and aspiration communications

BTI plan, client's wishes



Development of a technological project for a dental laboratory

Section of the explanatory note. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections.

BTI plan, client's wishes



On-site consultation



Control over the execution of works in accordance with the technological project. Written instructions for the elimination of comments and shortcomings


The content of the explanatory note of the project

1. The composition of the premises of the dental clinic…………………………. 3

2. Placement of dental equipment………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

2.1. General provisions ……………………………………………………………4

2.2. Ordinatorskaya..………………………………………………………. ……… four

2.3. X-ray room (Plan 2).…………………………… 4

2.4. Compressor / Aspiration (Plan 3).……………………..……….… 5

2.5. Utility room (Plan 4) …….…………………………………… 6

2.6. Orthopedic office (Room 1) (Plan 5) ……..…………………… 6

2.7. Therapeutic room (Room 2) (Plan 6)…………………….…. 6

2.8. Therapeutic room (Room 3) (Plan 7) ………….…………..…. 7

2.9. Sterilization room (Plan 7) ………..……………………………………. 7

2.10. Tambour (Plan 8) ………………………………………….…………………. 7

2.11. Surgical room (Room 4), (Plan 8) ………………..….…….. 8

3. Connections and communications……………………………………………….…….. 8

3.1. Air line ………………………………………………….……. eight

3.2. Aspiration line ……………………………….………….………8

3.3. Water supply and sewerage …………………………………..………….……9

4. Accommodation bactericidal recirculators air ………………… 9

5. Power supply and grounding……………………………………….…….………9

6. Energy consumption of dental equipment………………. ten

7. Local computer and telephone network………………………….…. 12

8. Conventions…………………………………………………………….12

9. Plan 1 Plan of premises ……………………………………..………………….14

10. Plan 2 X-ray room ……….................................................. 15

11. Plan 3 Compressor / Aspiration ……………………………..….. 16

12. Plan 4 Utility room ………………………………………….…..17

13. Plan 5 Room 1…………..………………………………..…………………..18

14. Plan 6 Room 2…………….………………………………….………………19

15. Plan 7 Cabinet 3 and sterilization room …………………………...…….20

16. Plan 8 Surgical room (Room 4) / Vestibule ..…………..…….21

17. Plan 9 Scheme of air communications …….…………………………..…..22

18. Plan 10 Scheme of aspiration communications ……….……….…..…………23

19. Appendix 1 Arcadia chair assembly diagram …..………..……….… 24

20. Appendix 2 EXPERT DC wall X-ray dimensions

Part 1 …………………………..……………………………. 25

21. Appendix 3 EXPERT DC wall X-ray dimensions

Part 2…………………………………….……………..….. 26

22. Appendix 4 ORTHORALIX panoramic X-ray dimensions

9200………………………………………………………..…. 27

23. Appendix 5 Position of holes in the x-ray wall

ORTHORALIX 9200……………………………………..….. 28

24. Appendix 6 Scheme for supplying hot, cold water and

sewerage for sinks.……………………………………… 29

  • Is special education important?
  • Equipment
  • The documents
  • Recipe for success
  • Profitability calculation
  • Helpful Hints

Dentistry is a popular type of medical services. Today, people pay a lot of attention to the health of their teeth, keeping them in perfect condition. Opening your own dental office or a small clinic with the right approach will allow you to make significant profits, because treatment and preventive procedures are not cheap, not to mention prosthetics. But creating your own business from scratch will require impressive investments and rational approach to the organization of its activities. It is necessary to disassemble step by step where to start this path. Next, we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to open dentistry from scratch in Russia and how much it will cost.

Is special education important?

There is a common misconception that without education, opening even a modest dental office for one chair is impossible. Rather, on the contrary, a profile diploma in a certain sense will become an obstacle, because it is difficult to combine professional growth and business development - a dental office. Here, to a large extent, the benefits of such a phenomenon as the division of labor are manifested, where everyone does what he knows how to do well. Some are engaged in the commercial part, organize work, others carry out treatment, removal, prosthetics. This is the only way dentistry will be successful, profitable business.

To open your clinic or office, you need a room. It is better if it is owned, renting creates certain difficulties for doing business, such as:

  1. The need to create a financial reserve in case of a sudden relocation and staff retention.
  2. Expenses associated with the search and repair of a new premises, transportation of equipment.
  3. The cost of an information campaign aimed at notifying clients about the relocation of the dentistry to a new location.
  4. Launching an advertisement to promote a dental office in a new location and attract customers.

In fact, resorting to renting a room, you will have to start a business from scratch every few years. This is due to the impressive financial costs that can be spent on business development - the expansion of the clinic, the opening of a new office.

Separately, I would like to talk about the calculation of the area for opening dentistry. On average, one chair requires from 10 m 2 of space to ensure full functionality. In this case, one should take into account the need to equip the reception desk, sanitary unit, household premises and waiting areas. As a result, to open a modest dental office, you need to use the standard one-room apartment with an area of ​​32–36 m 2.

Most often, dentistry is opened in re-planned apartments on the first floors of residential buildings or small detached buildings are being built. It is very important that the premises be removed from the housing stock and equipped in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. To open a clinic, it is recommended to buy several nearby apartments.

Attention! A common mistake is to invest significant funds in the renovation of the premises. Most entrepreneurs are driven by the desire to create an exclusive design. For this, expensive materials are used, but this is not the secret of success in the field of dentistry.

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The next important step in opening a clinic or office is the selection and purchase of equipment. Its standard set consists of:

  1. Armchair, its cost is 1,200,000 - 1,500,000 rubles.
  2. Additional equipment, tools - 370,000 rubles.
  3. Furniture - 200,000 rubles.
  4. X-ray, the cost of which starts from 1,500,000 rubles.

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In total, it turns out that from 3,270,000 to 5,570,000 rubles must be spent in 2020 to open a dentistry for 1 chair. It is easy to calculate how much an average clinic for 5-6 seats costs, and this is not counting the cost of turnkey repairs.

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At the same time, before purchasing equipment, it is worth attracting a specialist for advice so that investments are balanced and optimal. Ideally, it is necessary to recruit staff before opening a private dental clinic and order equipment according to their wishes. This will significantly improve the level of service.

The documents

Another stage that requires time and nerves will require the design of a clinic. To open a dentistry, you will need a lot of permissions:

  • for the redevelopment of the premises - the architectural department;
  • sanitary organization of the enterprise - SES;
  • fire safety of the premises;
  • medical license allowing to carry out dental activities;
  • permission to use the x-ray machine.

You can find out what documents are needed to register an enterprise with the fiscal authorities by going to their official resource. In short, if you need open a sole proprietorship, as well as to assign OKVED codes for the following activities: 85.13. "Dental practice" and 85.12 "Medical practice".

Recipe for success

Starting your own business is the beginning of a difficult path to success in the form of a high level of profitability. It is important for dentistry to provide services of the highest class, and this is impossible without a team of professionals. Therefore, if you can save on repairs and equipment, then you can’t save on personnel in any case, otherwise all investments will be in vain and the business will turn into a burden.

Due to this specificity, the selection of specialists should begin before opening a dental office. At the same time, it should be taken into account that an impressive part of the profit will need to be spent on personnel. How much does it cost to maintain a professional staff?

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Dentists work for a percentage of revenue, it varies from 20 to 25%. Nurses, orderlies, administrators receive a flat rate of $100 to $400. Approximately a quarter of the profits should be spent monthly on the staff. But it should be noted that it is the staff that makes the dental office, the clinic profitable.

The optimal level of profit is up to $ 20,000 per month from one chair. Provided that the business is untwisted. This is the average for the metropolitan area.

Profitability calculation

How much profit does successful dentistry bring? Let's say that a private clinic is equipped with five chairs, hence the total monthly income is $100,000. Of these, you need:

  • Pay staff salaries - 25%;
  • Purchase consumables - up to 10% of the profit. You can’t save on this, otherwise customers will go to competitors;
  • Current expenses, including business expenses - up to 5% of profit.

In total, you must pay 40% of the amount earned. Accordingly, the profitability of the business will be about 30%, which is a good indicator.

What does it take to open dentistry as the first step towards creating a brand, a well-developed, successful network of clinics? The main requirement is a rational approach to capital investments. This will create a powerful base for business, build its foundation. Secondly, you should not be afraid to start a business from scratch, just as you should not completely trust it to third-party people - managers, especially if they are specialized specialists. It is necessary to remember the division of labor and understand that dentistry requires attention, it is not enough just to open a business, it needs to be developed and promoted.

Speaking of promotion, a private clinic from scratch will quickly be brought to the top by experienced professionals who have their own client base. Therefore, you should by any means lure them into your dental office to work.

Attention! Opening a dental office franchise is a waste of money, as most projects use the standard scheme described above. An exception is marketing moves, but most of them can be found using specialized literature or the Internet.

Health and beauty of teeth is one of the important indicators of success modern man. Therefore, the services of dentists are becoming more and more in demand and are constantly growing in price. Dentistry business plan is a solution for those who have the opportunity to spend a solid start-up capital to start their own business.

Dentistry as a business as a whole can be considered the most promising of all medical fields. Nevertheless, all strategic and financial aspects must be calculated and recorded in the business plan. The optimal type of business activity can be considered a small dental clinic offering a wide range of services for treatment, prosthetics, etc. It is important to immediately plan the company's payback period by defining a plan for the development and opening of a dental clinic with a full calculation of the necessary investments and expected profit.

Dentistry as a business

Dentistry as a business area has experienced a slight decline for a long time. However, since 2014 and later, after the start of the market recovery and its gradual recovery from the crisis, the industry began to grow. In spite of high level the stability of such an industry as the dental practice, even this market sector experienced a relative decline until 2014. Today, this direction has not yet fully regained its former scale, so new market participants are given a good opportunity to take a better position and consolidate their leadership positions. This will be achieved by careful planning of activities, which is based on preliminary market research and financial preparation.

Business strategy is one of the key issues relevant at the planning and preparation stage. Despite the fact that this field of activity is quite narrow in itself, a dental clinic can have several different areas. The scope of services that will be offered to customers should be determined at the preparatory stage.

The purpose of the dental clinic is to meet the needs of a potential audience in the treatment and prosthetics of teeth. You can also get acquainted with the business plan of the pharmacy. An entrepreneur can choose one or more areas of dental activity. The most requested and prioritized are:

  • – Dental therapy – treatment of caries, periodontitis, pulpitis;
  • – therapeutic periodontology, including the treatment of periodontal disease and periodontitis;
  • – surgery: extraction of teeth, surgical methods for the treatment of diseases of the teeth and gums, elimination of benign neoplasms;
  • – orthodontics – bite correction, installation of braces and plates for teeth alignment;
  • — prosthetics, implantology;
  • – orthodontics, which provides for the treatment of various anomalies;
  • – aesthetic dentistry, including whitening, tartar removal and elimination of the so-called smoker’s plaque;
  • - children's dentistry.

One of the features of the industry can be called the novelty of many of its areas. Thus, previously there was practically no majority modern species services, and today they are at the stage of development.

Having studied the main areas of this activity that are present on the market, their distribution and demand, the business founder must accurately determine the list of services of the future clinic, establish the scope of its activities and analyze how much resources will be needed to achieve the goal. Be sure to study the offers of competitors, their pricing policy and marketing methods. At the same stage, it is important to determine which activities are sufficiently represented in the market, and which are scarce and will be successful.

At the same stage, it is necessary to think over the class to which the future clinic can conditionally be attributed. In the structure of the modern market, there are three main groups of companies that differ in terms of service level, target audience and price aspects:

- Economy class. Distinctive features - streaming customer service, low price and a limited list of services. The main emphasis here will be on the treatment, extraction and prosthetics of teeth;

- Dental clinics of the middle class. Their target audience is the widest in terms of coverage of potential customers. As a rule, these are representatives of the middle class, requiring comfortable and high-quality service. In addition to the main areas, clinics belonging to this category offer their clients a wide range of services from the direction of aesthetic dentistry. A wider range here belongs to orthopedics, there are special offers, for example, pediatric dentistry and more;

– luxury clinics designed for representatives of the wealthy segments of the population and providing for the use of the latest technical capabilities and an individual approach to each client. Accordingly, in VIP-level companies, prices for services will be an order of magnitude higher. At the same time, counting on the appropriate potential audience, one should not only pay attention to the quality of the implementation of procedures, but also ensure maximum attention and a high level of service.

When opening your own enterprise, you need to analyze the number of clinics of all three levels in the current market and correlate this indicator with the level of demand in your city.

The main properties and pitfalls of the dental business are in the video:

Stages of opening a dental clinic

There are several main stages of establishing and opening a dental clinic:

  • – preparatory – market research, planning and preparation;
  • – search for premises to open a clinic, purchase or conclusion of a lease agreement;
  • — registration of a business entity with the Federal Tax Service;
  • – purchase of medical equipment, repair and design equipment of the future clinic;
  • - recruitment;
  • - advertising, business promotion, creation and development of the company's website.

The required size of the premises for a dental clinic should be calculated taking into account the number and specifics of the services provided. You can calculate the required area using the following data:

Area name Area volume
Hall for receiving patients (possibly also a small shop) 20 sq.m
Therapeutic rooms (4 pcs. for one workplace) 56 sq.m
Cabinet of Implantology 15 sq.m
Orthodontic office 15 sq.m
Surgical office 15 sq.m
Children's dental office 15 sq.m
X-ray room 12 sq.m
Dental laboratory 15 sq.m
Sterilization room, manager's office, warehouse and other auxiliary facilities 42 sq.m
Total 200 sq.m

Depending on the expected scale of activity, the area of ​​​​the dental clinic may be larger or smaller. But on average, just such a space will be optimal for an average private dentistry. When renting a room, the requirements of the SES must also be taken into account. So, for only one dental unit, according to sanitary standards, you will need at least 14 sq.m. For the installation of each additional chair, you need to allocate at least 7 square meters. At the same time, despite the fact that, according to existing standards, several specialists are allowed to work in one room, it will be much more comfortable if there is only one dental chair in each room.

When planning to open a dental clinic, it is better to have a suitable space on the property, so buying will be a better option than renting. In any case, it will be easier if it previously performed the same functions and is equipped accordingly. The fewer changes and improvements that have to be made to start the clinic, the cheaper it will be to start a business. It is especially important that the object initially belongs to the non-residential fund, otherwise you will have to go through a lengthy procedure for reissuing documents. If the founder of the clinic buys an apartment that is to be transferred to a non-residential fund, before that, you need to obtain permission from the owners of all the premises located nearby. Such consent can be written in any form, but it must be certified by a notary.

As for the process of re-registration of an apartment into a non-residential premises, it can take a long time, provided that this issue is independently resolved. If you enlist the help of a specialized company, a positive result can be obtained somewhat faster. True, in this case the procedure will cost more. So, the translation will definitely have to be coordinated with the fire and sanitary service, the district administration, the residential trust, the BTI and some other government agencies. In each organization, obtaining the appropriate permit is paid, but this is the only difficulty - if all the requirements are met, there will be no obstacles to re-issuance. After all the norms regarding redevelopment are met, one will have to visit the state architectural and construction supervision, which will have to confirm the fact of compliance in all respects.

As for renting a space, this step has its advantages and disadvantages. At the initial stage of the business, renting can become more profitable from an economic point of view. At the same time, it is necessary to find a direct owner in order to conclude a lease without intermediaries. When planning a lease, it is worth choosing a room in which all the necessary communications are present, as well as all documents are properly executed. Otherwise, it may be difficult to obtain a pharmaceutical license.

A hotel building not located in the central area of ​​the city can be a good option for locating a dental clinic. The main advantage of this option is the availability of all necessary communications, which in most hotels meet all established standards. In addition, the layout of such buildings often meets the requirements set when opening a clinic. The work of several dentists at the same time throughout the day requires a large amount of electricity and uninterrupted water supply. This should be taken care of in a timely manner in order to avoid disruptions in the clinic in the future.

After the purchase or lease is completed, the premises will be put into operation. For this purpose, they turn to the same authorities as before: first, they receive permission from the fire service, then, when the clinic begins to operate, the same document will have to be issued in the sanitary service. This can be explained by legislative nuances: in order to obtain official permission from the SES, it is imperative to have an appropriate document from the fire service and start the clinic. It is after the commissioning of the organization that the specialists of the sanitary service consider the applications of representatives of new organizations and issue their approval.

In the process of obtaining all permits, you can start purchasing work equipment and tools. You can make this process faster and more profitable by putting it at the disposal of a specialist - a purchasing manager. By paying him a commission of up to 15% of the total cost of the equipment, the founder can be sure that the clinic will be equipped with everything necessary. Purchasing used equipment can save a lot on the start-up budget of a new venture, but this step can be a misnomer, as the quality of the equipment for many customers is an indicator of the overall level of service.

Procurement will involve the purchase of goods of several main groups:

  • – specialized equipment: dental unit, equipped with four sleeves;
  • - a set of dental handpieces, including a sufficient number of spare parts;
  • - a full range of tools;
  • — consumables: saliva ejectors, examination spatulas, disposable toothbrushes, bibs, masks, hypothermic bags, disposable gloves;
  • - medicines.

Already on initial stage it is important to find reliable suppliers - it is advisable to make direct purchases from the manufacturer. This gives confidence in the authenticity of the product and allows you to spend less money on purchases.

Licensing of clinic equipment is the most important step in establishing a clinic. All installed equipment must have certificates of compliance with existing regulations. The placement of specialized equipment must comply with the BTI plan and the standards regarding the size of the premises used.

When developing the layout of the future clinic, you should consider a waiting area sufficient in area for clients. This is especially true for large multidisciplinary clinics.

Team selection

Unlike a regular dental office, in which only one specialist can work, combining the positions of a doctor and a founder, a full-fledged clinic should have a more extensive staff. The number of employees will depend on the variety of services offered and the overall size of the company. The determining factor will also be the norms of the legislation, which establish restrictions on the working hours of physicians. So, according to the law, one specialist cannot work more than 6 hours a day. Thus, even if there is one office, at least 4 doctors working in shifts will be needed to ensure the operation of the clinic throughout the day. If there are several offices or services of different specializations, there will be even more employees. In addition, you will need at least 2 administrators and a technical worker. When expanding the scale of the company's activities, it is desirable to hire an accountant or use outsourcing services. When opening a clinic of the middle or elite class, it is imperative to make sure not only that the specialists have specialized education, but also to make sure that they have sufficient work experience and their professional qualifications.

In the aspect of hiring specialized specialists, you need to immediately consider the issue of remuneration. As a rule, the income of a dentist consists of a rate (it is about 2.5 minimum salaries) and a percentage of the work performed. The latter indicator is negotiated separately in each case by both parties to the employment contract and depends on the qualifications and experience of the specialist, pricing policy and the geographical location of the clinic. Typically, the percentage is 10 - 30 percent of the clinic's revenue.

Advertising and promotion as one of the important stages of a dental business plan

The main methods of promoting any clinic will be its own website and outdoor advertising - primarily a noticeable sign. The creation and maintenance of the site should be entrusted to professionals. It is not necessary to hire such a specialist - there are special companies and private programmers that provide such services for a set fee. Since there are a lot of advertisements for dental clinics on the worldwide web, the site should be optimized so that it appears in search queries. It is desirable to do promotion in social networks - you need to create official pages clinics on the most visited resources, where to place useful information for users.

Traditional methods - advertising in the media, handing out leaflets and business cards on the street - will also be effective. A good promotional step would be the introduction of discount cards, the presence of which encourages clients to return to the clinic again. Various loyalty programs and discounts for certain categories of the population also contribute to the promotion of the company, especially at the initial stage.

Licensing. Paperwork business plan dentists

A license is one of the basic documents required to open any medical practice. The foundation of a dental clinic is no exception. It is a specific license that gives the right to engage in one or more types of medical activities. To obtain this document, you need to study specialized laws - on licensing, on health protection and others. Then it is necessary to provide the regulatory authorities with a list of documents that confirm that the applicant has the right to engage in the chosen type of activity and other grounds for opening a clinic.

In parallel with obtaining a license, it is necessary to formalize the business registration as a business entity. Of the two main formats (legal and individual) for the medical field, the first option would be more suitable. As a rule, the founders choose the status of a limited liability company.

To register an LLC, the founder must apply to the territorial body of the Federal Tax Service and prepare a number of mandatory documents. First of all, it will be an application for registration of a legal entity of the selected type. In addition to the application, the following documents must be prepared in advance:

- the charter of the enterprise;

— decision to establish an LLC (if there are two or more founders, minutes of the meeting of founders);

- decision on the appointment of the head of the company;

- authorized capital in the amount of 10 thousand rubles;

- a copy of the payment of state duty.

The application must indicate the exact details of all the founders, the official name and legal address of the company and other necessary data. The term for issuing constituent documents, subject to the fulfillment of all requirements, is up to 14 days. Only after receiving all the documents, including a pharmaceutical license and the conclusions of specialized services, the dental clinic will be able to start its activities.

One of the mandatory points of the documentary base for the clinic will be a special resolution on licensing activities (). The full text can be found below:

Financial calculations

The profit that the clinic will receive for its services primarily affects the success of the business. You can evaluate your prospects by examining the average prices for standard services in all major categories of enterprises. The table shows standard prices in rubles.

Taking such a pricing policy as a basis and, if necessary, modifying it and adapting it to the realities of your city, you can draw up such a cost plan in the process of opening an average dental clinic (data are calculated in rubles):

Item of expenses 1 month 1 year One-time costs Total for a year
Premises for rent (from 100 sq.m), repair From 83.3 thousand 1 million 167 thousand 167 thousand
Purchase of equipment 1 million 868 thousand 1 million 868 thousand
Purchase of consumables 60 thousand 720 thousand 120 thousand 840 thousand
Purchase of furniture 45 thousand 45 thousand
Website development 120 thousand 120 thousand
Advertising 60 thousand 720 thousand 720 thousand
Salary 369 thousand 4 million 427 thousand 4 million 427 thousand
tax payments 110.9 thousand 1 million 331 thousand 1 million 331 thousand
Unexpected expenses 2 million 320 thousand 2 million 320 thousand
Total 572.2 thousand 6 million 867 thousand 4 million 640 thousand 11 million 507 thousand

Starting with a mini-clinic, which will work in a reduced format and include only 2 jobs, you can reduce start-up costs, thereby reducing risks, and speed up self-sufficiency. In this case, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​about 50 sq.m. with one or two cabinets where 2 dental chairs can be placed. Fewer tool kits, consumables and specialized equipment will be needed, which will reduce costs. In general, the cost of rent, utility bills and wages to employees will decrease.

According to preliminary estimates, the mini-clinic at the start will cost about 1 million rubles, taking into account additional and unforeseen expenses. In this case, the following funds will need to be included in the monthly budget for the purchase of consumables and specialized medicines:

– filling materials – 15 thousand;

- anesthetics - 10 thousand;

- antiseptics - 1 thousand;

- disinfectants - 5 thousand.

In total, taking into account all the preparations necessary for the implementation of dental activities, 36 thousand rubles a month should be provided for medicines and consumables. Annual expenses in this category will be from 430 thousand rubles.

Funds for the development of the company can be obtained by taking a loan from a bank, finding an investor or using personal funds.

Propaganda healthy lifestyle life and attention to one's own appearance in the country has led to the fact that many citizens prefer to monitor the health of their teeth and their aesthetics, regularly undergoing examinations and taking preventive measures. This trend contributes to the development of dental activities as a business. Creating your own dental profile company will be promising due to the fact that many citizens choose a comfortable visit to private clinics, preferring them to traditional state structures.

About what you should pay attention to when opening your own dental clinic - in the video below:

Dentistry is considered a highly profitable business. This situation did not happen yesterday, it is typical for any time. The conclusions of many analysts are unambiguous: the owner of the business and his hired personnel receive a decent income. What is needed to open and operate a dental office? How much does it cost to open dentistry from scratch? How to make a business plan with cost calculations?

Dental services: studying supply and demand

The demand for dental services in Russia is quite high. Against this background, there is a steady increase in demand. This fact is not surprising. Impeccable teeth have always been considered an indicator of beauty and excellent health. Of course, the exorbitant increase in the number of private clinics recorded in the last decade of the last century has somewhat subsided. Yet private sector The area under consideration is actively developing, expanding the list of services provided. For example, in Moscow, private dental practice accounts for almost 50% of the total number of dental services provided, in Samara - up to 60%, in the Kaliningrad region up to 80%, and so on.

According to statistics:

  1. A city with more than 50,000 inhabitants is characterized by the presence of one private clinic or several dental offices.
  2. In larger settlements (up to 1,500,000 people), there are an average of 100 such medical facilities.
  3. There are at least 500 of them in the capital and Northern Palmyra.

If we turn to the analysis of specialists regarding those in need of dental treatment, then 50% of patients and more are ready to be treated for a fee.

What types of organizations are available in the dentistry market, where Russians treat teeth:

  • In state and departmental clinics

Their main purpose is to serve the poor. Differ in outdated equipment and poor quality consumables. Additional services are provided on paid basis. In professional terms, this sector is called a kind of forge of personnel, replenishing private offices.

  • In private clinics of various categories (higher, secondary, economy)

The class of dentistry is determined by the level of equipment, design, qualifications of numerous staff. This segment provides a full range of dental services - diagnostics, therapy, surgery, and so on.

  • In private dental offices

As a rule, they are located in small rooms up to 30-80 "squares", have no more than two dental units. The range of services provided is less than in clinics. However, it is difficult to do without contacting a specialist in cases where a preventive examination, teeth whitening, treatment of gums or pulpitis, and so on, is necessary. This is the front of activity for a good private dentist. That's why a real pro is always provided with a job.

From the point of view of business owners:

  1. Private clinics are characterized by: high attendance and, accordingly, high profitability. For example, the average monthly net profit from 15 offices located indoors on an area of ​​200 m² is 1,150,000 rubles. Opening of a multidisciplinary medical institution involves considerable financial expenses (several tens of millions of rubles), obtaining independent licenses (separate licensing for each type of activity), recruiting a large staff of specialists, organizing structural divisions and other issues.
  2. Opening a dental office is easier in every way and the initial costs are much less. It is easy to organize the work of two doctors involved in dental treatment (sometimes tooth extraction) and hygiene procedures. You don't even need to buy an x-ray machine. Clients can go to the nearest polyclinic for an x-ray. Of course, the availability of services for prosthetics, implantation and orthopedics significantly increases the attendance of the office.

What documents are required to register and operate dentistry from scratch?

It is most convenient for an entrepreneur who is recruiting a staff of specialists to register an LLC. If the business owner is a dentist himself and intends to see patients in person, then the best option- individual entrepreneurship (IP).

The next step is to obtain a license:

  • When registering an IP, a specific individual - an individual entrepreneur - receives a license.
  • In the presence of LLC status, employees with the necessary experience and education are licensed.

Attention . The license for medical practice indicates a specific premises. Accordingly, the registration of a business implies the presence of areas already prepared for work, that is, the purchase or lease of real estate, the implementation of repairs, and so on.

The fact of business registration is confirmed by the relevant documentation received in tax authorities, pension service, compulsory medical insurance fund (FOMS), social insurance fund (FSS).

Doing business is also impossible without a bank account, a seal, a book for accounting for income and expenditure transactions and a cash register registered with the tax service.

The list of services of dental offices and an approximate price list: what services can dentistry provide?

An approximate price list for a dental office may look like this (the main positions are indicated):

Type of service Price,

in rubles

Consultation with a doctor in order to determine a plan of therapeutic measures 300-500
Hygiene measures (removal of plaque, tartar) 2 000- 3 500
Whitening 9 100/19 100
Removal of a tooth 1 900- 7 900
Prosthetics per unit
Metal-ceramic (the cost of the pin is not included) from 13 000
Zirconia crown from 18 400
Removable prosthesis from 14 900
Implant with installation 19 100- 41 000
The price of a metal-ceramic/zirconia crown for an implant 26 100/30 000
Medium / deep caries + photopolymer filling from 2 900/3 400
Pulpitis + tooth restoration from 7 900
Periodontitis from 8 400
root canal from 3 900
Services of a pediatric dentist
Therapeutic collaboration from 550
The price of caries/pulpitis treatment for one milk tooth from 1 900/2 400
The price of removal / silvering for one milk tooth from 750/180
Hygiene measures from 1 500
Inspection + certificate of sanitation from 450

The list of services mentioned above can be reduced or expanded. However, when setting the price, it is important to understand that the following parameters affect the cost of dental services: the price of consumables and equipment, as well as the cost of a high-level service. In any case, prices cannot be low. In addition, taking into account many factors, one should not lose sight of the quality of services provided, including the professionalism of doctors, which fully justifies the considerable cost of treatment.

Choosing a room for a dental office. Requirements and permissions

The most suitable place for the location of the dental office are premises in business or residential areas.

Additional selection criteria:

  1. Proximity of stops public transport or metro.
  2. Availability of free parking spaces.
  3. Location on the first floor. What will be the building (residential or administrative) in principle, it does not matter.
  4. It is imperative that the selected areas comply with the requirements of the services responsible for sanitary and fire safety.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to find the appropriate object. Therefore, to best option refers to rescheduling. True, the costs increase and another risk appears - the refusal of the landlord to renew the contract. Which naturally results in the issuance of a new license already in relation to another premises and a new round of paperwork and expenses.

There are two safe ways:

  • Long-term type of lease with the right to buy the leased area.
  • Acquisition of premises. Here, the only downside is the high cost at the start.

For reference . The object of housing stock is subject to transfer to the category of non-residential premises. Among other things, redevelopment is accompanied by the preparation of technological and architectural projects with subsequent approval in city services (fire, architectural, consumer supervision). It is better to entrust this part to professionals in the field of approvals.

The choice of premises is started if there is a clear business plan, which indicates the layout of the future office (how many jobs, what equipment and where it will be), taking into account the future expansion of activities.

List of basic requirements of consumer supervision for dental offices:

  1. One dental unit is located on an area of ​​14 "squares".
  2. Each subsequent installation assumes an increase in footage by 7 m².
  3. Three-meter ceilings.
  4. Maximum for a room depth of 6 meters.
  5. Single sided daylight option.

Thus, one workplace requires an area of ​​​​up to 30 m²:

  • Dentist's office (14 m²).
  • Hall (10 m²).
  • Bathroom (5 m²).

For expansion plans, the following criteria apply:

  1. Six "squares" for the sterilization room, if the number of dental units exceeds two units.
  2. For the X-ray room 11 m², for the processing room another 6 "squares".
  3. For other rooms (children's, orthopedic and others) 15 m² each.
  4. For a warehouse, toilet, administration - 30 "squares".

After the completion of the redevelopment of the premises, its commissioning and recruitment of personnel, permits to carry out activities should be obtained in the following instances:

  • In consumer supervision.
  • Fire inspection.

You should also not lose sight of the issuance of a license to conduct medical activities in the selected premises.

Equipment necessary for the operation of the dental office

Without which the work of a dentist is unthinkable, or what equipment a dental office is equipped with:

  1. Dental chair in four sleeve design (this is the minimum). The sleeves are used to connect a water-air gun, a micromotor with a variety of tips, a turbine, an ultrasonic scanner that removes tartar and plaque. The average cost is from 350,000 rubles. The price of monthly maintenance is from 3,500 rubles.
  2. Heliocuring lamps. Their price starts from 11,000 rubles.
  3. Apex locators - electronic devices that determine the length of the canal in the root of the tooth. This technique costs 32,000 rubles.
  4. Autoclave for processing tools - 61,000 rubles.
  5. Sterilizer - 33,000 rubles.
  6. A radiovisograph is an analogue of an X-ray machine. Its cost is comparable to a dental chair - about 260,000 rubles.

Approximate equipment costs in the range of 500,000-600,000 rubles, if the purchase of a visograph is postponed for the future.

Materials and equipment for work in dentistry

The technical base is supplemented with inventory and consumables:

  • Replaceable and additional tips. This is a kind of insurance against failures. Price from 4 600 rubles.
  • Filling compositions, hygienic and chemicals. Costs from 5,000 rubles.
  • Dental instruments at a price of 35,000 rubles.
  • Lockers in which instruments and preparations will be stored - 75,000 rubles.
  • Other furniture (table, chairs, wardrobe, sofa, chairs for visitors) - 56,000 rubles.

The total goes up to 180,000 rubles. Of course, savings on office furniture are acceptable.

Staff for the functioning of the dental office

It would be useful to remind you of a separate license for each area of ​​activity, the high qualification of doctors and the compliance of personnel with the necessary criteria:

  1. Availability of special certificates (therapeutic, surgical, and so on) depending on the specialty of the doctor.
  2. Granting the diploma of the intern and the resident.
  3. A proven five-year experience is required (this is the minimum).

Middle-level employees with appropriate medical education can also be enrolled in the state. They, as a rule, assist doctors, perform hygiene procedures.

Attention . Based on the rules, maximum duration the working day of a dentist is six hours and no more.

Thus, the full-fledged activity of dentistry with one dental chair is provided by staff consisting of: two doctors, two nurses, a nurse and an administrator.

How to Advertise New Dentistry: Business Advertising and Marketing

Launching information about the opening of a new dental office is performed in the usual proven ways.

They mean:

  • Advertising in the media (in the section of free ads).
  • All kinds of outdoor advertising - a memorable sign, a billboard placed near the office, distribution of flyers in local shopping and entertainment centers, advertising at bus stops, in transport, and so on.
  • Creation of a website with a description of services, price list, patient reviews and other information. Promotion is facilitated by online appointments and online consultations of specialists.
  • Creating a page or group in social networks. Friends are often approached in connection with the search for a good dentist. Of course, many have their own specialist, but there are moves, the dismissal of a dentist, or other reasons for going to a new dentistry. This is where the advice of an internet friend comes in handy.

A few words about e-mail marketing, it is good when working with the client base and site visitors:

  1. To notify you about special offers and promotions.
  2. To inform existing customers about the need to undergo a scheduled inspection. This increases repeat sales.
  3. To send news. For example, a new “super” device was bought or a new “extra class” doctor appeared on the staff.

Ready-made business plan for dentistry with calculations to help a beginner

Costs of the preparatory stage for opening an office with one dental chair:

Monthly salary payments:

Amount of monthly expenses:

Note . The monthly salary of doctors is a variable value. It consists of a fixed amount (salary) and interest.

The amount of initial investment is 1,210,850 rubles.

The profitable side of the issue. Suppose the office works 12 hours (two doctors for 6 hours) 5 days a week. Theoretically, in one day, dentistry is able to serve 12 patients. In practice, their number will be less. Let's say 7 people and each will pay an average of 3,500 rubles to the cashier.

Revenue calculation:

7 x 3,500 x 22 (working days of the month) = 539,000 rubles

When current expenses are deducted, the revenue will be 211,750 rubles. The payback period in this situation is 6-7 months. Profitability indicator at the level of 60%.