Why dream of a trip in public transport. Why is the bus dreaming

ABC of dream interpretation

Bus - symbolizes your social, everyday life.

Being a bus passenger means being on the sidelines in life.

Get off the bus - use your chance.

Eastern dream book

Why does the Bus dream in a dream from a dream book?

Riding the bus means that you will not be able to succeed where you counted on it.

If the bus is full and you have to stand, get ready for tough competition to keep your business position.

If you dreamed that you were riding the wrong bus that you needed, you chose the wrong path in life, but there is still time to stop and think.

Intimate dream book

If you dreamed that you were waiting for a bus, this indicates that in real life you are waiting for your other half. Your life is incomplete without sexual relations.

Getting on a bus in a dream - a dream signals that in real life you are in a relationship with a person whom you consider completely unsuitable for yourself. You just started a relationship with the one who 'turned up' to you in the first place. Loneliness was depressing, and so you decided to deal with it in this way.

If in a dream you were riding a bus, it means that in real life you expect much more from your partner than he can give you. Do not rush to show displeasure if you do not want your union to fall apart. Of course, a lot depends on sex, but by no means everything. After all, people do not spend their entire lives in bed.

Family dream book

Ride a bus in a dream - well, now you are unlikely to succeed there, you were counting on it. And if this bus was so crowded that there was no free place for you, get ready for fierce competition both in business and in love.

If, in addition to everything else, you find that you are traveling on the wrong bus at all, you have chosen the wrong path in life. Review your plans before it's too late!

Combined dream book

Riding in a bus in a dream - to communicate in the near future with unpleasant people; failures and disappointments in business and business are possible.

Seeing a bus in a dream is an entertaining and useful conversation.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a Bus?

Riding the bus means that you will not be able to succeed where you counted on it.

If the bus is full and you have to stand, get ready for competition so as not to be forced out of your business.

If you dreamed that you were riding the wrong bus that you needed, this means that you have chosen the wrong path in life. Stop and think about whether everything is right in your life.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Bus dream about in a dream?

A bus seen in a dream - as a rule, symbolizes your success in business, or an upcoming interesting and entertaining conversation, or the opportunity to have a good time.

The broken bus you dreamed about is a warning, because of your limited views on difficult life situations, you may find yourself in a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Being on the bus is a bad time with unpleasant people, disappointment.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Seeing a bus in a dream is a rethinking of all the experience that you have accumulated in your life. Perhaps there will be some reassessment of values, after which you will be able to take a fresh look at yourself and your lifestyle. Dreams associated with a specific situation have a different meaning.

Crowded bus - to the troubles associated with new acquaintances. They can make a huge difference in your position at work, and your career progression may be halted by the actions of some newfound "buddy." Beware of new acquaintances and do not trust them too much, at least at first. However, this interpretation is only true if in a dream you yourself are on a crowded bus.

Seeing yourself in a dream comfortably seated on a bus seat is a sign of fun and joy. Joy can be associated with the success of someone close to you. But do not rejoice too violently: it happens that a holiday turns into ashes.

Seeing that you are standing in an almost empty bus is a serious difficulty that you will have to deal with on your own, without any help. This is your task, albeit a rather difficult one. You should learn to firmly and confidently make decisions yourself.

Watching in a dream how one of your loved ones is catching up with the bus - you will soon have to help the one you saw in a dream. Most likely, you yourself suspected that this person needed you, but did not dare to offer your support. Try to help the person with maximum tact, otherwise you will feel extremely embarrassed.

To see a bus that passes by a stop full of people - someone has high hopes for you, counting on help in a difficult matter. It is in your power to make someone happier. The main thing is not to be proud of your achievements, otherwise everything that made you successful so quickly will disappear in an instant, and you yourself will not notice how and why this happened. This is the basic law of white magic, which must be observed.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Bus in a dream -

Crush or conflicts on the bus is a sign of difficulties in relations with others.

To be a bus driver yourself means that you yourself will be the organizer of some kind of undertaking.

Dream Interpretation of David Loff

Bus - is not the most convenient means of transportation. Indeed, bus stops are very cramped, but, nevertheless, they represent the place where the paths of people from different strata of society intersect.

Bus trips are usually long, but at the same time they provide an opportunity to admire the city and its surroundings.

If you dream that you are riding a bus, this means that, for objective or subjective reasons, you are not able to afford a more convenient form of transport. But bus travel has its own charm. This is especially evident in long-distance buses, where there is a certain community of passengers. See who is riding next to you and how you communicate with these people. Perhaps you are traveling accompanied by true friends and you are united by common interests. In this case, it is important to find a link between these people and the places you pass by.

A bus full of people - to the arrival of guests.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

To dream of a crush during rush hours on a bus - to participate in a mass event (rally, demonstration, meeting, etc.).

Seeing in a dream the bus on which you are going to work - to global changes in your work.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Bus in a dream?

If you dreamed of a bus packed at rush hour

An empty bus - on the contrary, portends a meaningless, empty conversation with an uninteresting interlocutor.

If you are on the bus

If you are driving, all obstacles are surmountable and success is guaranteed.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Waiting for a bus in a dream - indicates that in real life you are waiting for a meeting that is vital for you.

Getting on a bus in a dream means that in real life you are in connection with a person who, deep down, you consider a stranger.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Dream book bus?

Bus - current, minor, everyday affairs, moods.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a bus, it means that you will have a turbulent period of life.

If you dreamed of a crowded bus at rush hour, then you will get satisfaction from a meaningful conversation with an intelligent, erudite and pleasant person.

If you dreamed that you were riding in a half-empty bus, you should know that all obstacles are surmountable and you are guaranteed success.

If you dreamed of an empty bus, you will have an empty empty conversation with an uninteresting interlocutor.

If you dreamed that you were late for the bus, it means that you will face failure or difficult progress in your business.

If you dreamed that you became a bus driver - know that your happiness and the happiness of your family are in your hands, a lot depends on what decision you make.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or acquaintances became a bus driver, you should know that the happiness of your family is in the hands of a person close to you, and it depends only on him whether you are lucky in life or not.

If you dreamed that you were hit by a bus - know that in the near future all your plans will collapse due to circumstances beyond your control and your life can change dramatically.

If you dreamed that you saw someone hit by a bus - soon big changes will take place in your family's life.

If you dreamed that you were riding a bus - in the near future you will not be able to succeed in achieving your goals.

If the bus is full of passengers and you have to stand - in reality you will have to enter into fierce competition with other people in order to succeed.

To dream that you are riding the wrong bus that you need is a sign that in life you have chosen the wrong direction or goal. Take this dream as a warning, carefully and carefully assess your position and try to get on the right path.

Freud's dream book

The bus, like the car, is an exclusively masculine and phallic symbol, but unlike the car, it symbolizes your various complexes.

If you drive a powerful and beautiful bus, you suffer from an inferiority complex, which turns into a pathological fear of sexual contacts, caused primarily by insufficient, from your point of view, the size of your penis and the fear of being not up to par and ridiculous.

If you are driving an empty bus, you are very careful in choosing sexual contacts; if the bus is full, then you tend to make contact with all the women you meet. But in any case, you do not get the expected pleasure and become more and more hardened.

If you happen to be a bus passenger, you tend to envy the sexual successes, real or imagined, of other people, especially your friends.

Universal dream book

If in a dream you want to get off the bus, it means that you want to get free and do not want to follow the predetermined route along which the bus takes you.

Esoteric dream book

Being in the cabin of a standing bus is a change in the weather.

Feel discomfort on the bus - the weather will not suit you, affecting your plans.

Run after the bus, wait for the bus - you will be dissatisfied with the weather conditions for a long time (drought or rain).

Being a bus driver is a person who shares your interests.

Ride the bus - the weather will suit you.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Bus according to the dream book?

As you know, the bus is an extremely inconvenient mode of transport, and bus stops are places where the most different people, therefore, dream books interpret dreams in which this symbol is present, as a rule, from a negative point of view, although there are pleasant exceptions.

Therefore, a bus in a dream is usually a reflection of a person’s life, his daily life.

If you rode in it, you are on the path to success, exactly where you strive for it.

If you dream of a crowded bus, there will be a struggle for a place under the sun in terms of a career.

We got out of it - soon you will be given a long-awaited chance.

Catching up with the bus means nothing more than problems and an extremely difficult situation, try to protect yourself from unwanted contacts, do not start new business.

Sits in it - a reflection of the fact that you may have a relationship with a stranger or an unfamiliar person.

I dreamed that the bus you are taking is not the one - a warning that you are not on the right track, but the situation is fixable.

If it is broken, you are not ready to solve problems, you have little experience.

It is convenient to sit in a bus seat in a dream - such a dream promises success and joy.

To be inside an empty bus according to the dream book - you will have to overcome all the difficulties on your own, no matter how difficult it is for you.

If in your dream a friend runs after him, he will soon need your service.

Running after the bus is a lost opportunity. Be careful not to miss the right moment.

To dream of a bus that did not stop at a bus stop - someone relied on you, try not to make a mistake.

If it is crowded in it, it will not be easy for you to communicate with people.

I dreamed that you were driving a bus - you would have to start a project.

Driving a bus means you have a huge impact on your surroundings, both at home and at work.

According to the dream book, a bus ride is a sign that you are extremely ambitious in life, you should not hope for much. Try to be less assertive and aggressive.

This type of transport is completely empty - you will waste time on empty chatter.

Waiting for a bus in a dream - our dream book says that in reality you are passively waiting for new acquaintances.

If you dream that the bus in your dream hit someone - changes in family life.

He shot you down - soon your plans will fail.

According to the dream book, riding a bus is an unpleasant conversation. Your enemies are not asleep, be on your guard.

If in a dream you happened to be late for the bus - do not expect an early resolution of your affairs. There may also be difficulties in relation to career advancement.

Get off the bus - to the unwillingness to comply with the social framework, the established order, the existing discipline. Try to restrain yourself and not go against everyone.

If you dream that the bus has overturned, this indicates that your everyday affairs may not go according to plan at all.

Waiting for a bus in a dream - your life is boring and monotonous, there are few joyful moments in it. Be patient, it is possible that soon everything will change for the better.

Getting on the bus - you bypassed the difficult path, preferring a quick solution to problems. It is also possible that doubts about a loved one have crept into your soul.

To drive the bus yourself - you have a great influence at work and at home, relatives, friends, close people listen to your opinion.



Dream Interpretation of Medea

Bus- symbolizes your social, everyday life.

Be a bus passenger- means to be in life on the sidelines.

Get off the bus- use your chance.

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that you were waiting for a bus- this indicates that in real life you are waiting for your other half. Your life is incomplete without sexual relations.

Get on the bus in a dream- a dream signals that in real life you are in a relationship with a person whom you consider completely unsuitable for yourself. You just struck up a relationship with the one who "turned up" to you in the first place. Loneliness was depressing, and so you decided to deal with it in this way.

If in a dream you were riding a bus- it means that in real life you expect much more from your partner than he can give you. Do not rush to show displeasure if you do not want your union to fall apart. Of course, a lot depends on sex, but by no means everything. After all, people do not spend their entire lives in bed.

Bus like car- is an exclusively masculine and phallic symbol, but unlike the car, it symbolizes your various complexes.

If you are driving a powerful and beautiful bus- you suffer from an inferiority complex, which turns into a pathological fear of sexual contacts, caused primarily by insufficient, from your point of view, the size of your penis and the fear of being not up to par and ridiculous.

If you're driving an empty bus- you are very careful in choosing sexual contacts; if the bus is full, then you tend to make contact with all the women you meet. But in any case, you do not get the expected pleasure and become more and more hardened.

If you are a bus passenger- you tend to envy the sexual success, real or imagined, of other people, especially your buddies.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Bus in a dream- symbolizes a certain event in which you may have to participate. The more comfortable the conditions in which you find yourself on the bus, the better your business promises to develop.

Crush or conflicts on the bus- a sign of difficulties in relations with others.

Be your own bus driver- means that you yourself will be the organizer of some kind of undertaking.

Jewish dream book

be on the bus- bad time with unpleasant people, disappointment.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

Bus- is not the most convenient means of transportation. Indeed, bus stops are very crowded, but, nevertheless, they represent the place where the paths of people from different walks of life intersect.

Bus trips- as a rule, they are long, but at the same time, they provide an opportunity to admire the city and its surroundings.

If you dream that you are on a bus- this means that for objective or subjective reasons you are not able to afford a more convenient mode of transport. But bus travel has its own charm. This is especially evident in long-distance buses, where there is a certain community of passengers. See who is riding next to you and how you communicate with these people. Perhaps you are traveling accompanied by true friends and you are united by common interests. In this case, it is important to find a link between these people and the places you pass by.

New family dream book

Ride in a dream on a bus- well, now you are unlikely to succeed there, you counted on it. And if this bus was so crowded that there was no free place for you, get ready for fierce competition both in business and in love.

If you also find out that you are on the wrong bus at all You have chosen the wrong path in life. Review your plans before it's too late!

Modern combined dream book

Ride a bus- means that you will not be able to succeed where you counted on it.

If the bus is full and you have to stand- get ready for competition so as not to be forced out of your business.

If you dreamed that you were on the wrong bus that you need- this means that you have chosen the wrong path in life. Stop and think about whether everything is right in your life.

Eastern female dream book

Ride a bus- means that you will not be able to succeed where you counted on it.

If the bus is full and you have to stand- Get ready for tough competition to keep your business position.

If you dreamed that you were riding the wrong bus that you needed- you have chosen the wrong path in life, but there is still time to stop and think.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Dreaming of a bus that you take to work- to global changes in your work.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

To dream of a crush during rush hours on a bus- to participate in a mass event (rally, demonstration, assembly, etc.).

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

bus full of people- to the arrival of guests.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed of a bus packed at rush hour- it means that you will get satisfaction from a meaningful conversation with an intelligent, erudite and pleasant person.

Empty bus- on the contrary, portends a meaningless, empty conversation with an uninteresting interlocutor.

If you are on the bus- it means that failure or difficult progress of the business you have started awaits you.

If you are driving- all obstacles are surmountable and success is guaranteed.

Women's dream book

Waiting for a bus in a dream- indicates that in real life you are waiting for a meeting that is vital for you.

Get on the bus in a dream- means that in real life you are in connection with a person whom, deep down, you consider a stranger.

General dream book

If you dreamed of a bus- so you have a turbulent period of life.

If you dreamed of a crowded bus at rush hour- it means that you will get satisfaction from a meaningful conversation with an intelligent, erudite and pleasant person.

If you dreamed that you were riding an empty bus- know: all obstacles are surmountable and success is guaranteed to you.

If you dreamed of an empty bus- you have an empty empty conversation with an uninteresting interlocutor.

If you dreamed that you missed the bus- it means that failure or difficult progress of the business you have started awaits you.

If you dreamed that you became a bus driver- know: your happiness and the happiness of your family is in your hands, a lot depends on what decision you make.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or acquaintances became a bus driver- know: the happiness of your family is in the hands of a person close to you, and it depends only on him whether you are lucky in life or not.

If you dreamed that you were hit by a bus- know: in the near future all your plans will collapse due to circumstances beyond your control and your life may change dramatically.

If you dreamed that you saw someone get hit by a bus- soon in the life of your family there will be big changes.

If you dreamed that you were on a bus- in the near future you will not be able to succeed in achieving your goals.

If the bus is full of passengers and you have to stand- in reality you will have to enter into fierce competition with other people in order to succeed.

To dream that you are riding the wrong bus that you need- a sign that in life you have chosen the wrong direction or goal. Take this dream as a warning, carefully and carefully assess your position and try to get on the right path.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Bus seen in a dream- as a rule, it symbolizes your success in the business field, or an upcoming interesting and entertaining conversation, or the opportunity to have a good time.

The broken bus you dreamed about- is a warning, due to the limitations of your views on difficult life situations, you may find yourself in a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Dream about a bus- to rethink all the experience that you have accumulated in your life. Perhaps there will be some reassessment of values, after which you will be able to take a fresh look at yourself and your lifestyle. Dreams associated with a specific situation have a different meaning.

Crowded bus- to the troubles associated with new acquaintances. They can make a huge difference in your position at work, and your career progression may be halted by the actions of some newfound "buddy." Beware of new acquaintances and do not trust them too much, at least at first. However, this interpretation is only true if in a dream you yourself are on a crowded bus.

Seeing yourself in a dream comfortably seated on a bus seat- to fun and joy. Joy can be associated with the success of someone close to you. But do not rejoice too violently: it happens that a holiday turns into ashes.

To see that you are standing in an almost empty bus- to serious difficulties that you will have to cope with on your own, without anyone's help. This is your task, albeit a rather difficult one. You should learn to firmly and confidently make decisions yourself.

Watch in a dream how one of your loved ones catches up with the bus- you have to help the one you saw in a dream in the near future. Most likely, you yourself suspected that this person needed you, but did not dare to offer your support. Try to help the person with maximum tact, otherwise you will feel extremely embarrassed.

To see a bus that passes by a stop full of people- someone has high hopes for you, counting on help in a difficult matter. It is in your power to make someone happier. The main thing is not to be proud of your achievements, otherwise everything that made you successful so quickly will disappear in an instant, and you yourself will not notice how and why this happened. This is the basic law of white magic, which must be observed.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Bus- current, insignificant, everyday affairs, moods.

Modern universal dream book

If in a dream you want to get off the bus- it means that you want to free yourself and do not want to follow the predetermined route along which the bus takes you.

Esoteric dream book

To be in the cabin of a standing bus- to change the weather.

Feel uncomfortable on the bus- the weather will not suit you, affecting your plans.

Run for the bus, wait for the bus- you will be dissatisfied with weather conditions for a long time (drought or rains).

Be a bus driver- a person who shares your interests.

Ride a bus- the weather will suit you.

Collection of dream books

Dream about riding a bus- communicate in the near future with unpleasant people; failures and disappointments in business and business are possible.

Seeing a bus in a dream- to an entertaining and useful conversation.


Why dream of a bus ride?

A dream in which you have to go somewhere by bus predicts insignificant everyday affairs. If at the same time the bus is very crowded, then in real life you will have to participate in a public event like a mass demonstration or some kind of meeting.

A dream book for women interprets what a bus trip is dreaming of as a sign that in reality she is connected with a relationship with a man whom she subconsciously considers distant and alien to herself.

Medea describes the bus in her dream as a symbol of ordinary life. When a person rides a bus, in reality he always stands in the background. However, if at the end of the journey he manages to leave the bus, then in real life he will be able to take advantage of a good chance.

Freud claims that a dream in which a person is riding a bus with large quantity people in it, predicts the arrival of guests.

Since the bus is considered not very convenient vehicle, then a trip on a bus in a dream indicates that according to different reasons a person cannot afford to use a more convenient means of transportation.

However, such trips have their own charm. This is especially true for buses that travel long distances, when there is some commonality between the passengers. That is why, when interpreting such a dream, you should pay attention to the people who are traveling nearby.

According to another dream book, a bus trip is a sign that a person must rethink his life experience. Probably, there will be a slight reassessment of the main values, as a result of which it will be possible to look at your life with different eyes.

If there are still a lot of people on the bus, besides the sleeping one, then in reality there are some troubles that will be associated with recent acquaintances. It is quite possible that they will significantly change the position in the service, due to which career growth will be stopped. You should beware of new acquaintances and not really trust new people.

When the trip on the bus is easy and comfortable, then in reality joy and fun events await, and this is due to the successful deeds of loved ones. However, one should not rejoice too much, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

A dream in which the sleeper rides in an almost empty bus predicts great difficulties that he will have to overcome on his own, without outside help. In real life, you need to learn how to make firm and confident decisions on your own.

Thus, the correct interpretation of sleep about traveling on a bus depends on various factors, the main of which is the degree of its workload. Or perhaps the dream is caused by the fact that in reality the person will soon really have to go somewhere.


I dreamed about the Bus, what is it for, what does the Bus mean in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Artemidorus What does the Bus mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a Bus, what is it for - Trying to get into a crowded bus A dream that occurred on Monday night means that unexpected difficulties and failures in business are coming. Dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that you will have to do several important and urgent things at the same time. Seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday - portends failures and sorrows, the cause of which is your stubbornness and unwillingness to listen to reasonable advice. Riding a bus without a driver A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will suddenly find yourself in a difficult situation. It may seem hopeless to you, but your despair will not last long. A dream that occurred on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will have fears that turn out to be unfounded or greatly exaggerated. Dreamed on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to painful doubts and hesitation caused by a real threat. Jump out of the bus on the move A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will have the opportunity to get out of an unpleasant situation. Having a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, the dream warns: you risk getting confused and commit an unreasonable act. On the night of Saturday or Sunday - to an unexpected change in life circumstances. Trying to catch up with a departing bus A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will regret that you did not fulfill what you planned, and only after a while will you realize that you are lucky. A dream that occurred on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will miss a good opportunity due to your slowness. To see this dream on the night of Saturday or Sunday is a vain expectation.

Dream Interpretation of K. Hall Interpretation of sleep Bus:

What does the Bus mean in a dream - traveling at high speed - hasty decisions, you should be careful, see yourself as a passenger in a full bus - spend an evening with old friends, be the only passenger - misunderstanding among friends, drive the bus yourself - take on a new business. A bus climbing a mountain winding road is ahead of an exciting journey that will be within your means. Lose control - be embroiled in a conflict. The bus travels on rough roads and shakes violently - you will have to deal with an unbalanced person.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does the Bus mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a Bus, what is it for - A break in relations with a loved one is possible. Imagine that the bus has become a car, a luxury limousine (see Car).

British dream book In a dream I had a Bus:

Bus - The bus is a prosaic mode of transport, but it is cheap, efficient and less harmful environment than many cars. Why dream: Waiting at a bus stop may indicate an internal feeling that you missed the bus.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does a Dream Bus mean?

Why do you dream about a Bus? What is it for - you dream that you are riding a bus; the salon is crowded, you are pressed and pushed from all sides; you can barely hold on to the handrails - do not relax in the coming days, get ready for fierce competition in business; perhaps you will feel in reality on your sides how others work with their elbows. Do not become like them, do not lose your human appearance; maybe even give in somewhere and, thanks to your reasonable behavior, you will soon gain a lot more. You entered the bus in a dream, and then it turned out that the route was not the same, and you are upset and rush around the cabin from door to door, from the window to the window and ask the driver to let you out, but for some reason he does not let you out - it is likely that in the coming days, regardless of your will, your status will change, and this change will not be for the better. You will face difficulties if you dreamed that the bus broke down. If you calmly ride the bus and feel comfortable in all respects - you will have a pleasant trip and, perhaps in good company, you see yourself riding an empty bus - if in real life you have ill-wishers, envious people, spiteful critics, then in the near future they will either be defeated by you, or they will punish themselves in some way and by this illustrate the common truth that evil is a boomerang that always returns to the one who threw it (as, however, good also returns) A man sees himself driving a bus - in real life, he makes responsible decisions on which the fate of many people depends; he makes decisions confidently; close people boldly rely on him and trust him; in the near future, such a person expects a progressive upward movement - perhaps up the hierarchical ladder (promotion). If a pregnant woman sees herself driving a bus, such a dream can mean a quick and safe delivery.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Dream had a Bus.

The bus (trolleybus) is a big problem. Ride the wrong bus, which is needed - the wrong direction or goal was chosen to solve the problem.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of a Bus, what is it for?

Interprets the dream book: You dreamed about the Bus, what is it for - see also Trip 1. If you dream of a bus trip, it means that we come to an agreement with the way we behave in the group and with new directions that we need to take. 2. We may experience the need to be individuals while belonging to a group with common goals. 3. The Greatest Good.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious What does the Bus mean in a dream:

What does a bus mean in a dream. Bus travel in a dream can help you understand exactly how you feel in relation to the "journey through life." It is very important to remember whether the bus was driving along a predetermined route or aimlessly rushing to no one knows where. The sleeper's position in relation to the bus (passenger or driver) may reflect the degree of control over one's own life or the lives of others.

Positive value

You dreamed of a Bus, what is this Bus Travel in a dream - you are probably on the right track to achieve your goal.

Negative implications

A long wait at the bus stop symbolizes the irritation that accompanies the implementation of plans.

Was the road smooth or bumpy? If the bus was shaking, how did you feel?

A road accident. A traffic accident involving a bus reflects a fear of financial hardship. Double decker bus. If the bus in a dream was a bunk, it may be worth looking at the pressing problems from the other side. Bus driver. Being a bus driver in a dream - you may feel responsible for a group of people, such as friends or colleagues.


Dream Interpretation Minibus

The Dreaming Minibus should be a hint for you about the events unfolding in real life. Dream Interpretations assure that a minibus in a dream is not the most favorable sign, since it is not very convenient to move around in reality with the help of a minibus. If in a dream the minibus left without you, it means that in the coming days you will miss some important meeting or event. A crowded minibus indicates another aspect - in your current relationship, you feel extremely cramped.

Dreamed of a minibus in a dream- specific stage of your life.

In a symbolic interpretation, a "minibus" is a certain interval of your life path, a period of time in which you are in this moment. It is necessary to remember as accurately as possible - with whom and where did you go in this minibus? In general, the minibus Seen in a dream has an unfavorable meaning, personifying your mechanical adherence to generally accepted standards. The minibus does not allow you to quickly and easily get to the end of the intended path. It is worth understanding yourself - why did you choose the "minibus"?

Ride in a dream in a crowded minibus- dissatisfaction with their surroundings; competitive fight.

People who rode with you in a minibus in a dream is your current environment. Crush, Fuss and hustle testify that you feel extremely constrained and uncomfortable in this team.

Skip the desired minibus in a dream- miss some important event; desire to change your life path.

If you deliberately didn’t get on the minibus, Continued to stand at the bus stop or decided to choose another mode of transport for your movement in a dream, This is a good sign in every sense. You probably subconsciously feel enough strength in yourself in order to change the direction of your life route. If the minibus left without you in a dream (you were late for it), get ready for the fact that in the coming days you may miss some social event or event.

Ride in a minibus in a dream- defective intimate life.

In the interpretation according to Freud, a "minibus" is a relationship that has developed in reality with your current sexual partner. Probably, your romance began by chance. By chance, you decided to start a relationship with this person at a time when there were no other options. You expect a lot from him, At the same time, you feel that your intimate life is not distinguished by harmony and is extremely scarce for events.


Ride in a full bus

Dream Interpretation Ride in a full bus dreamed of why in a dream Riding in a full bus? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Riding in a full bus by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bus

Dream Interpretation - Bus

Dream Interpretation - Bus


Dream Interpretation - Bus

Dream Interpretation - Bus

Dream Interpretation - Bus

Dream Interpretation - Bus

Dream Interpretation - Bus

Dream Interpretation - Bus

Symbolizes a certain event in which you may have to participate. The more comfortable the conditions in which you find yourself on the bus, the better your business promises to develop.


Riding in a bus

Dream interpretation Riding the bus dreamed of why in a dream I was riding a bus? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Riding a bus by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ride on a train, bus, tram

Well, what does it mean when in a dream you have to go (ride) on a train, bus, tram? In short, public transport.

Dream Interpretation - Bus

Bus - Being in the cabin of a standing bus - to a change in the weather. Feel discomfort on the bus - the weather will not suit you, affecting your plans. Run after the bus, wait for the bus - you will be dissatisfied with the weather conditions for a long time (drought or rain). Being a bus driver is a person who shares your interests. Ride the bus - the weather will suit you.

Dream Interpretation - Bus

See the Bus: to rethink all the experience that you have accumulated in your life.

Perhaps there will be some reassessment of values, after which you are on a crowded bus: to the troubles associated with new acquaintances.

They can make a huge difference in your position at work, and your career progression may be halted by the actions of some newfound "buddy."

Beware of new acquaintances and do not trust them too much, at least at first.

However, this interpretation is only correct if you yourself are on a crowded bus.

Seeing yourself Comfortably seated on the seat on the bus: to fun and joy.

Joy can be associated with the success of someone close to you.

But do not rejoice too violently: it happens that a holiday turns into ashes.

Seeing that you are standing in an almost empty bus is a sign of serious difficulties that you will have to deal with on your own, without any help.

This is your task, albeit a rather difficult one. You should learn to firmly and confidently make decisions yourself.


Behind how one of your loved ones catches up with the bus: in the near future you will have to help someone you saw.

Most likely, you yourself suspected that this person needed you, but did not dare to offer your support.

Try to help the person with maximum tact, otherwise you will feel extremely embarrassed.

To see a bus that passes by a stop full of people: someone has high hopes for you, counting on help in a difficult matter.

It is in your power to make someone happier.

The main thing is not to be proud of your achievements, otherwise everything that made you successful so quickly will disappear in an instant, and you yourself will not notice how and why this happened.

This is the basic law of white magic, which must be observed.

Dream Interpretation - Bus

Ride in a dream on a bus? Well, now you are unlikely to succeed where you counted on it.

And if this bus was so crowded that there was no free place for you, get ready for fierce competition both in business and in love.

If you also found out that you are riding the wrong bus at all, then you have chosen the wrong path in life. Review your plans before it's too late.

Waiting for a bus in a dream means looking for your other half. You are very lacking in sexual relations - this is obvious.

If in a dream you got on a bus, then perhaps in real life you are in a relationship with a person whom you consider unsuitable for yourself. Maybe he just met you in moments of loneliness? Indeed, in the absence of fish, as they say, and cancer is a fish.

From the point of view of sexual relations, a dream about a bus ride may mean that in real life you expect much more from your partner than he can give you. And if you do not want your union to fall apart, do not rush to show discontent. Maybe something as important as sex binds you.

Dream Interpretation - Bus

The bus, like the car, is an exclusively masculine and phallic symbol, but unlike the car, it symbolizes your various complexes.

If you drive a powerful and beautiful bus, then you suffer from an inferiority complex, which turns into a pathological fear of sexual contacts, caused primarily by insufficient, from your point of view, the size of your penis and the fear of being not up to par and ridiculous.

Riding a minibus symbolizes your excessive concern for the size of your penis, which you would like to increase in any way. Don't get carried away! If you are driving an empty bus, then you are very careful in choosing sexual contacts; if the bus is full, then you tend to make contact with all the women you meet. But in any case, you do not get the expected pleasure and become more and more hardened.

If you happen to be a bus passenger, then you tend to envy the sexual success, real or imagined, of other people, especially your buddies.

Dream Interpretation - Bus

The bus is far from the most convenient means of transportation. Indeed, bus stops are very cramped, but, nevertheless, they represent the place where the paths of people from different strata of society intersect.

Bus trips are usually long, but at the same time, they provide an opportunity to admire the city and its surroundings. If you dream that you are riding a bus, this means that, for objective or subjective reasons, you are not able to afford a more convenient form of transport. But bus travel has its own charm. This is especially evident in long-distance buses, where there is a certain community of passengers. See who is riding next to you and how you communicate with these people. Perhaps you are traveling accompanied by true friends and you are united by common interests. In this case, it is important to find a link between these people and the places you pass by.

Dream Interpretation - Bus

There may be a break in relations with a loved one. Being in the cabin of the bus - a person close to you is the source of a series of failures or difficult progress of your business. You are standing in a crowded bus - a business partner wants to force you out of business. Tough competition awaits you.

Imagine that an expensive car, a luxury limousine, is pulling up to the bus. You quickly get off the bus, get into the car that has arrived, and drive on comfortably (see Car).

Dream Interpretation - Bus

Seeing yourself in a dream as a bus driver is a sign that your official position will change for the better and you will lead a department or some large project. Riding the bus is a harbinger of the fact that you will find yourself "in the same team" with other people. The success of your enterprise in this case will depend entirely on the circumstances of sleep, i. on the time of day, the quality of the road, the travel time, etc. While on the bus, pay attention to the people who are next to you, their clothes, their attitude towards you. If they look at you kindly, then you will receive good news about the successful completion of the case; if they are evil, then beware of rumors, slander and trickery. See interpretation: car, road.

Dream Interpretation - Bus

If you dreamed of a bus packed at rush hour, then you will get satisfaction from a meaningful conversation with an intelligent, erudite and pleasant person. An empty bus, on the contrary, portends a meaningless, empty conversation with an uninteresting interlocutor.

If you are in the cabin of the bus, it means that you will face failure or difficult progress in your business. If you are driving, all obstacles are surmountable and success is guaranteed.

Dream Interpretation - Bus

Symbolizes a certain event in which you may have to participate. The more comfortable the conditions in which you find yourself on the bus, the better your business promises to develop.

Crush or conflicts on the bus: a sign of difficulties in relations with others.

To be a bus driver yourself: means that you yourself will be the organizer of some kind of undertaking.

The bus is a huge car with an incredibly powerful engine. How to understand what a bus is dreaming of. According to the main meanings, any transport is a movement towards the goal, the fulfillment of desires. Public transport means that your desires will have an everyday realization even with the most fantastic content.

Transport can mean moving, a tourist bus usually means a long journey. Try to remember the route of the trip, this may be important in deciphering your desires. If the dream did not end with a trip on the bus, you got off and headed further along the planned route - you plan your life perfectly and do what you love.

Consider relationships with fellow travelers. It characterizes your relationships with people in life. If you were talking to interesting people all the way - you are an easy and sociable person. Especially if you are in your own company.

If you are driving alone and even doubt the presence of a driver, you are probably alone and this suits you at the moment. Troubles along the way mean dangerous and difficult situations in life. Accidents, collisions, falling into an abyss, riding on mountain paths means the risk of failure and serious failures.

The main meanings of what the bus is dreaming of

  • An ordinary regular bus dreams of people who are practical, stubborn, purposeful. You know exactly what you want and when you expect to get it.
  • Pushing in a crowded bus - you will have to withstand tough competition. You see a convenient place and push through to it - you will have to fight for your happiness, even if it is a slight promotion.
  • Seeing a bus from childhood in a dream, for example, the one that took you home from school - you need to remember something important and very personal, which is important only for you. It is possible to receive news from home.
  • If you dream that you are catching up with a departing bus, but do not have time, you may be trying to intervene in some business that does not really concern you. Even if at the moment it seems to you that this is the most important thing in your life.
  • Getting on the bus at the last second is like catching your luck by the tail.
  • Seeing a bus leaving is missing an opportunity.
  • You look out the bus window and see unusual landscapes - your desires are different from the average. You want something special. So far, your true desires are hidden even from you.
  • Tourist double-decker bus - get ready for a new exciting experience. Maybe you really go on a tourist trip with an unusual route.
  • Tour bus - a seminar awaits you, a useful training course that expands your horizons.
  • A falling apart, old bus - you think that all means are suitable for moving towards the goal, and in any case, driving is better than walking. It remains to envy your endurance and patience. On your old transport, you will be able to get more than reckless drivers on a Ferrari.
  • Riding a school bus - occupying a position too low for your qualifications, not being able to manage your life.
  • You buy a ticket on the bus, pay for the fare - it means that you are used to paying for your desires, you iron will, on occasion you are ready to fight for your rights. good habit, you yourself are the best good fairy. If you want - buy it for yourself - it's about you.
  • Toy bus - you are not serious about your desires.
  • Sitting on a bus that is in no hurry to move, standing at a bus stop for a long time - spending time in life is in vain. Perhaps you are looking for yourself in the wrong place. Or you're just unlucky. Try other options, stand still and wait, sit in a stationary vehicle - do not best idea. Sleeping about it is the best warning.

Why dream of a bus in dream books

  • A female dream book interprets a bus ride as a long, troublesome and not entirely successful relationship that is best completed.
  • Loff's dream book believes that sleeping with a bus means a desire to buy a car.
  • Miller's dream book promises unexpected success in your endeavor. A sharp exit from the bus means a break with loved ones. If the bus is not running, then the paths are blocked. You need to find new roads, and you have to do it yourself.
  • Driving a bus in a dream means managing a serious business, financial flows. You're doing great, even if you don't special education. Maybe you should think about changing the type of activity?
  • Watch the bus schedule in a dream - plan your life, calculate next steps.
  • Freud's dream book considers a bus ride as a sexual adventure. Stand at the bus stop and wait for the right one - choose a partner. Watch the buses - show indecision when meeting and courting. The buses are leaving, and with them the possibility of happiness.


A trip in any transport is interpreted as life, aspiration and progress towards a dream. Faulty transport means that you have chosen the wrong means to achieve your goals. Difficult road, blocked paths - you do not think through your plans well enough. The atmosphere on the trip reflects the current atmosphere of your life.

Seeing a bus in a dream is very good sign which will help you understand yourself. Any catastrophes and crashes in a dream are not prophetic. These are warnings that your own consciousness is sending you. Perhaps these are your doubts that will prevent decisive action, self-doubt, insufficient qualifications. Try to remember the dream in detail and analyze it.

This indicates that in real life you are waiting for your other half. Your life is incomplete without sexual relations.
Getting on a bus in a dream - a dream signals that in real life you are in a relationship with a person whom you consider completely unsuitable for yourself. You just struck up a relationship with the one who "turned up" to you in the first place. Loneliness was depressing, and so you decided to deal with it in this way.
If in a dream you were riding a bus, it means that in real life you expect much more from your partner than he can give you. Do not rush to show displeasure if you do not want your union to fall apart. Of course, a lot depends on sex, but by no means everything. After all, people do not spend their entire lives in bed.

dream interpretation modern woman

Seeing a bus in a dream means:

Waiting for a bus in a dream - indicates that in real life you are waiting for a meeting that is vital for you.
Getting on a bus in a dream means that in real life you are in connection with a person who, deep down, you consider a stranger.

ABC of dream interpretation

A dream with a bus in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Sleeping with a bus means:

If you dreamed of a bus, it means that you will have a turbulent period of life.
If you dreamed of a crowded bus at rush hour, then you will get satisfaction from a meaningful conversation with an intelligent, erudite and pleasant person.
If you dreamed that you were riding in a half-empty bus, you should know that all obstacles are surmountable and you are guaranteed success.
If you dreamed of an empty bus, you will have an empty empty conversation with an uninteresting interlocutor.
If you dreamed that you were late for the bus, it means that you will face failure or difficult progress in your business.
If you dreamed that you became a bus driver - know that your happiness and the happiness of your family are in your hands, a lot depends on what decision you make.
If you dreamed that one of your relatives or acquaintances became a bus driver, you should know that the happiness of your family is in the hands of a person close to you, and it depends only on him whether you are lucky in life or not.
If you dreamed that you were hit by a bus - know that in the near future all your plans will collapse due to circumstances beyond your control and your life can change dramatically.
If you dreamed that you saw someone hit by a bus - soon big changes will take place in your family's life.
If you dreamed that you were riding a bus - in the near future you will not be able to succeed in achieving your goals.
If the bus is full of passengers and you have to stand - in reality you will have to enter into fierce competition with other people in order to succeed.
To dream that you are riding the wrong bus that you need is a sign that in life you have chosen the wrong direction or goal. Take this dream as a warning, carefully and carefully assess your position and try to get on the right road.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Sleep bus meaning:

A bus seen in a dream - as a rule, symbolizes your success in the business field, or an upcoming interesting and entertaining conversation, or the possibility of a pleasant pastime.
The broken bus you dreamed about is a warning, because of your limited views on difficult life situations, you may find yourself in a difficult situation.

Freud's dream book

What does it mean if you dream of a bus:

The bus, like the car, is an exclusively masculine and phallic symbol, but unlike the car, it symbolizes your various complexes.

If you drive a powerful and beautiful bus, then you suffer from an inferiority complex, which turns into a pathological fear of sexual contacts, caused primarily by insufficient, from your point of view, the size of your penis and the fear of being not up to par and ridiculous.

Riding a minibus symbolizes your excessive concern for the size of your penis, which you would like to increase in any way. Don't get carried away! If you are driving an empty bus, then you are very careful in choosing sexual contacts; if the bus is full, then you tend to make contact with all the women you meet. But in any case, you do not get the expected pleasure and become more and more hardened.

If you happen to be a bus passenger, then you tend to envy the sexual success, real or imagined, of other people, especially your buddies.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What the bus may dream of:

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Bus, in a dream means:

It symbolizes the subordination of the programmed situation or the lifestyle that corresponds to the settings of the mother matrix *. Means life and movement in a pre-programmed context.
* The maternal matrix is ​​a core stereotype learned in childhood and setting the typology of the complex.

Family dream book

If you dream of a bus, then this means:

Ride a bus in a dream - well, now you are unlikely to succeed there, you were counting on it. And if this bus was so crowded that there was no free place for you, get ready for fierce competition both in business and in love.
If, in addition to everything else, you find that you are traveling on the wrong bus at all, you have chosen the wrong path in life. Review your plans before it's too late!

Combined dream book

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Bus in a dream Esoteric dream book

Being in the cabin of a standing bus is a change in the weather. Feel discomfort on the bus - the weather will not suit you, affecting your plans. Run after the bus, wait for the bus - you will be dissatisfied with the weather conditions for a long time (drought or rain). Being a bus driver is a person who shares your interests. Ride the bus - the weather will suit you.

Bus in a dream Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Bus in a dream Dream interpretation of birthdays in January, February, March, April

Bus in a dream Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Bus in a dream Loff's dream book

The bus is far from the most convenient means of transportation. Indeed, bus stops are very cramped, but, nevertheless, they represent the place where the paths of people from different strata of society intersect.
Bus trips are usually long, but at the same time, they provide an opportunity to admire the city and its surroundings. If you dream that you are riding a bus, this means that, for objective or subjective reasons, you are not able to afford a more convenient form of transport. But bus travel has its own charm. This is especially evident in long-distance buses, where there is a certain community of passengers. See who is riding next to you and how you communicate with these people. Perhaps you are traveling accompanied by true friends and you are united by common interests. In this case, it is important to find a link between these people and the places you pass by.

Bus in a dream Small dream book

Riding the bus means that you will not be able to succeed where you counted on it. If the bus is full and you have to stand, then prepare for competition so as not to be forced out of your business. If you dreamed that you were riding the wrong bus that you needed, then this means that you have chosen the wrong path in life. Stop and think about whether everything is right in your life.

Do you believe in dreams? “Of course, but who doesn’t believe?” - you will surely answer. There is no person in our world who would not want to decipher what he saw in a dream. What is this? Is it really something otherworldly, or is it the secrets of our subconscious? Or maybe dreams are realities that await us in the near future? In any case, it is impossible to find an unambiguous answer to this question.

Some believe that the kingdom of Morpheus shows us some mysterious combination of fragments from the past. However, in most cases, our dreams do not correspond to reality in any way. No, well, maybe someone had to watch how green bills fall from the sky, or maybe someone was lucky enough to ride a purple dragon and have a sincere conversation with an elephant - everything happens in life. But in most cases, after an unusual event seen in a dream, a magic book called "Dream Interpretation" is taken, and an interesting interpretation of this or that dream is sought out with enviable speed.

It's so common that everyone sees different dreams. Some, like real babies, smile stupidly, being surrounded by beautiful girls, others sob, watching a bloodthirsty zombie, others twitch their legs and arms, imagining themselves to be Kostya Ju, and the fourth are calm, like a boa constrictor, because they are riding in a normal public transport and watch natural beauties from the window. That's just the last dream we will devote our article. So, what does the night vision mean in which the bus appeared? Interesting? Then let's start!

Waiting for a bus in a dream: loneliness or hope for bright love?

If in a dream you are waiting for a bus, this means that in reality you want to meet your love, because life is so empty without relationships and affection.

Looking out of the bus means the next vital meeting.

If in a dream you cannot decide whether to go on a trip or not, this indicates uncertainty and a changeable character, so learn to make clear decisions.

What do the dreams in which you are late for the bus mean? They warn of upcoming failures in business, so do not plan anything global, otherwise all plans will collapse, and you will lose a lot of effort and money. Also, being late can mean your laziness. Inside you are simply teeming with fruitful ideas, but because of your inaction, they are not given to come true in the near future.

Restlessly waiting for any kind of public transport means that in the near future you will not like living conditions.

What does it mean to see a bus

Seeing a bus in a dream means rethinking the past for the sake of the future.

Watching the bus pass you due to the fact that there are a lot of people in the cabin indicates that there is a certain person who has great hopes for you and counts on your help in difficult times. Don't pass up the opportunity to make someone truly happy. The main thing in this situation, as the youth says, is “not to star”, so as not to get into an absurd situation.

What do dreams mean in which you see a bus suddenly overturning? This suggests that your business will get worse, so do not make important decisions in the near future, let everything take its course.

If a dream showed you a bus with children passing by, know that good news awaits you soon.

Running after the bus does not bode well in terms of weather conditions, so the planned picnic or walk through the forest will have to be canceled.

What if you saw in a dream how a person you know well is running after a bus? This suggests that you will help someone who appeared to you in a dream, so do not refuse someone who needs you, otherwise you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

What if the bus is broken? This means a difficult situation in which you may find yourself due to your limited views on difficult life situations. So think about how well you live.

Sleep: bus, ride the bus

Entering the bus interior means that your roommate is not the person with whom you would like to spend your whole life. Rather, this person has become your "savior from loneliness." Therefore, do not torture yourself and do not hurt others.

If you took a quick ride in public transport in a dream, this means that you are expecting something more from your loved one. But do not rush to show your dissatisfaction, because not only intimate life is important in a relationship.

If your trip is very tiring and long, expect unexpected guests or replenishment of the family.

I had a dream: I was on the bus? This means your envy of other people's relationships, even though the stories of your friends may just be fiction.

If your trip is convenient and comfortable - this is a very good sign. Success and great joy await you.

Different circumstances during the trip in a dream

Getting on a bus in a dream and seeing the driver's back means that your role is secondary, and in every way.

If you got on the bus for a while not for the purpose of the trip, this indicates the time that you will spend with bad people in an unpleasant environment.

Being in the cabin of a standing bus means a change in the weather.

I had a dream: I was on the bus, but there was no money! The inability to pay the fare speaks of your unreasonable anxiety in front of everyday problems.

If in a dream you managed to ride a "hare", do not expect anything good, especially if the bus was crowded. This means competition in every way.

What to do if in a dream you were on the wrong bus? This means that you have chosen the wrong one. life path so check it out before it's too late.

What if the bus is full?

How else to interpret the dream "bus"?

Riding a bus that is overcrowded does not bode well. Get ready for action from competitors who will go out of their way to ruin your business.

A full bus can also mean serious problems at work, which will appear thanks to a "new" colleague.

A crowded bus standing in a traffic jam in a dream indicates what you will get. good advice from an intelligent, erudite and pleasant person.

If you watch from the sidelines how other people suffer in a crowded bus, this means that close relatives will quarrel thanks to you. Therefore, one should be careful in conversation so as not to hurt the interlocutor and his relatives with his own words. Try to remember this dream.

A bus full of people means job competition that will oppose your career advancement.

If there is a crush on the bus, this means participation in a social event in the coming days.

If the bus in a dream turned out to be empty

How else can you decipher the dream "bus"?

Riding a bus in which there is not a single person means an empty, stupid and uninteresting conversation.

You dream that the transport is half empty, this indicates success awaiting you soon.

If in a dream the bus is empty, and you are standing holding on to the handrail, expect serious difficulties that you will have to deal with on your own. Although it will be quite difficult, it will teach you how to make solid decisions.

Dream: bus, driving a bus

Being at the wheel of a bus means a person who fully supports you and you are in control of the situation in the same way.

If in a dream you were appointed a public transport driver, expect happiness in business and family relationships.

Is your friend or relative driving? This means that your immediate future depends on this person, so trust him.

If you dream that you are driving a beautiful comfortable bus, you are suffering from an inferiority complex, gradually turning into a fear of sexual relations, so there is no need to be afraid that something will go wrong in intimate relationships.

In a dream, you were hit by a bus. What does this mean?

If you were hit by public transport in a dream, this means that all your plans will soon collapse, and life will change dramatically for the worse, so be careful.

If a bus hit a stranger, this indicates that serious changes will take place in your family.

What does it mean to get off the bus in a dream?

If you dreamed that you were leaving the bus, this indicates that you will soon leave the common cause and move away from it.

What does it mean to get off the bus at your stop? Life will give you a chance not to be missed.

If you want to get off the bus, this means your desire to leave the common cause.

Feeling uncomfortable on the bus suggests that the weather will ruin all your plans.

As can be seen from the above, there are different interpretations of sleep. A bus that was dreamed about once does not always carry a negative. The main thing is to remember what circumstances surrounded you in the process of vision. And if the decoding did not completely please you, there is still time to fix everything.

according to Loff's dream book

The bus is far from the most convenient means of transportation. Indeed, bus stops are very cramped, but, nevertheless, they represent the place where the paths of people from different strata of society intersect. Bus trips are usually long, but at the same time, they provide an opportunity to admire the city and its surroundings. If you dream that you are riding a bus, this means that, for objective or subjective reasons, you are not able to afford a more convenient form of transport. But bus travel has its own charm. This is especially evident in long-distance buses, where there is a certain community of passengers. See who is riding next to you and how you communicate with these people. Perhaps you are traveling accompanied by true friends and you are united by common interests. In this case, it is important to find a link between these people and the places you pass by.

The meaning of sleep about the bus

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that you were waiting for a bus, this indicates that in real life you are waiting for your other half. Your life is incomplete without sexual relations. Getting on a bus in a dream - a dream signals that in real life you are in a relationship with a person whom you consider completely unsuitable for yourself. You just struck up a relationship with the one who "turned up" to you in the first place. Loneliness was depressing, and so you decided to deal with it in this way. If in a dream you were riding a bus, it means that in real life you expect much more from your partner than he can give you. Do not rush to show displeasure if you do not want your union to fall apart. Of course, a lot depends on sex, but by no means everything. After all, people do not spend their entire lives in bed.

Expert Answers


I dreamed that I was riding a bus, and there were a lot of men, women and 1 child. There was nowhere to sit, but I found 1 free seat. (Stepanova, Jelena)

Riding a bus in a dream reflects the course of your real life. Judging by the description of the dream, in reality you are constantly in the midst of people, but you do not feel confident and it is difficult for you to find your place in life.