Dream interpretation ship is big and beautiful. A ship at sea according to the dream book

Dreams, dreams - this is a whole world, inexplicable, immense, mysterious.

The signs and ciphers that fill it, symbols and associations - all this is sometimes so mysterious that not everyone can understand what dreams promise, where strange events and phenomena in dreams come from, and most importantly - what are they hinting at?

It's no secret that in dreams often appear not simple symbols, but warnings, important tips and indications of what awaits in waking life, how best to act, where to expect good luck or, on the contrary, disappointments.

It will not be possible to understand this on our own, without the help of dream books. On the contrary, there is a risk of making mistakes by misinterpreting dreams.

A very important symbol is the ship seen in night dreams. This is an ancient, important and powerful sign, which very rarely appears in people's dreams, but if it does, then with an important message that must be deciphered and taken into account.

The very first ship, as you know, was Noah's Ark, and it remains a symbol of refuge, salvation, and hope. But in addition, the ship can be a symbol of our integral inner "I" in the midst of changes and worldly events.

What happens around the ship is everything and is our life stream, the surrounding events and circumstances. And what happens to the ship is what happens in real life.

Also, you can judge by the state and type of the ship about your condition, behavior, life. But as the dream book indicates, the ship is a multifaceted symbol, and not everything is so simple.

What exactly did you see in your dream?

In order to correctly and accurately interpret what the ship is dreaming of, it is necessary to remember and analyze absolutely everything to the smallest detail - its appearance, what happened to it, the surrounding scenery of the dream. And then draw conclusions.

And the scenarios of such "ship" dreams can be very different, for example:

  • You just saw the ship from the side in your dream.
  • Or in your dreams he sails to the sea, sets sail.
  • You saw in your dream a ship named after you.
  • You dream of a huge ship standing on the shore.
  • You dreamed of a not very big, small boat.
  • A ship sinking in water, or a shipwreck.
  • You see in a dream how a ship enters the port.
  • The ship is at anchor.
  • A ship in the sea is sailing past you.
  • You saw in your dream a ship going into the distance.
  • He drops a big anchor in the sea.
  • You dream that he is swimming in a stormy sea.
  • You dream of a navy.
  • You see a wrecked ship in a dream.
  • Frigate with large billowing sails, majestic and beautiful.
  • Ships are dreaming in large numbers.
  • A ship sailing in a dream across the sky.
  • You go sailing in a dream, you are going to sail far.
  • You happened to sail on board somewhere.
  • You step off the ship onto land.
  • You had to sail as the captain of a ship.
  • You are building a ship in a dream.
  • Sailing in dreams on a calm sea.
  • Sail on the waves, in the turbulent sea.
  • Are you in sailboat in dreams.
  • You are in a drifting ship.
  • Being late on board in a dream.
  • You have your own ship in a dream, filled with goods.
  • You are sailing in the ship's cabin in your dream.
  • You are in a ship that has leaked, a sinking ship.
  • You die in a shipwreck.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for such dreams. And each such dream with ships, boats, ships is special, and it means something extremely important. Let's try to make out correctly what the ship is dreaming of, and find out what awaits in reality.

Sail somewhere far away...

Dreams with ships and boats can be of two types - either you saw the ship in a dream from afar, aside, or you were inside it, sailed and not only.

First, let's consider the first option. Here, in order to understand what the ship is dreaming of, you need to remember the dreaming ship to the smallest detail. And besides, take into account the surrounding factors and the scenery of dreams. All this is important for the interpretation of sleep.

1. As the dream book indicates, a ship in a dream, seen from the side, promises the dreamer a new position, promotion at work and in society, recognition. In this case, you can say the saying that "a big ship - a big voyage", and this will 100% apply to you.

2. Such a dream, in which the ship sets sail, goes majestically into the open sea or ocean, predicts a sleeping person good luck in love affairs.

For a family man, this is a sign of harmony in a couple, fidelity and peace. And for the young - a symbol of romantic feelings and new, fresh experiences that will give a lot of joy and happy moments.

3. To see a ship with your own name in a dream is a rarity and great luck. This is a sure sign that unconditional happiness awaits you in everything, true luck and a new life. Changes are coming soon that will amaze you!

4. A large frigate, standing in your dream near the shore, promises success in business, business, partnerships. Your business will improve, some new prospects will appear, and incomes will begin to grow.

5. A small boat in a dream is a sign of small but bright joys that will soon appear in your destiny.

6. But the sinking ship that you saw in a dream, a shipwreck, is a cautious warning to the dreamer that some not very joyful events, a short period of sadness, may await you.

In life, everything cannot always go smoothly, and a period of experiences and sorrows should be experienced, trying to be more optimistic. Know that any storm in life will end, and a clear sun will emerge behind it.

7. As the dream book says, a ship that majestically enters the port in dreams is a wonderful and valuable sign. Something or maybe even someone will save you from dangers. Difficulties and troubles will miraculously pass by, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

You can safely count on the reliable help and patronage of higher powers, as well as on the support of good and faithful friends who surround you and save you in any situation.

8. If you saw a ship anchored in your dreams, this is advice - do not deviate from your decision, even if doubts suddenly began to insidiously overcome you, and you think that it is wrong. Such a dream is very important - stand your ground, and do not doubt that you will be right.

9. Seeing a ship sailing past you in a dream promises the end of a certain life period, a big deal. A part of the past will leave, you will say goodbye to it, and enter a new period - without doubts and without the burden of past days.

10. It is also interesting if you saw that the ship in your dream goes into the distance, becoming a small dot on the horizon of the endless sea. This is a sign that some aspect of your life is fading into the past, you are letting go of something, ending - some kind of relationship, or business.

That's right, but just think - what is left with you, what do you go on with in life, and what are you going to build?

11. In a dream, a ship that anchors in the water promises you an important and unexpected message, news, and perhaps even a visit from a rare and dear person to you, whom you did not even expect to see. You will be surprised!

12. The ship, which in your dream is sailing in a stormy sea, hints at the difficulties in your life. But you are strong, and just as a ship is not afraid of storms, you should not be afraid of obstacles.

Know that you can handle everything. Fearlessness will become your weapon, before which any adversity will recede, do not doubt it.

13. Warships dream of predicting your move - perhaps even abroad. If you dreamed of changing your habitat, know that this will happen soon, opportunities will appear. A new one awaits you interesting life in some new place.

14. If you dreamed of a wrecked ship, know that at your work or in own business important changes await you soon, for which you should prepare internally.

This will not necessarily be trouble - just the usual flow of affairs will change, something will change, it will go to new way, and if you are not ready internally, then it will probably be very difficult for you to adapt. Just get ready for change.

15. Sails in a dream are a magnificent sign, rare and valuable. They are associated with the spirit, spirituality, inner strength. If you saw sails in your dreams, happiness, a high spiritual life await you, and you yourself will be overwhelmed with strength and inspiration.

16. For a pregnant woman, as the dream books say, the ship portends the birth of a brave and courageous son. Mom will be proud of him in the future, he will become a real support in the family.

17. But the ship promises a young girl marriage and a happy marriage! What to add here?

18. Ships in large numbers in a dream are a symbol of imminent promotion, honor, recognition and even glory. You will take a new position in your society or at work, match it, be worthy - they will take an example from you, and this is a big responsibility.

19. If, in a beautiful, fabulous dream, you saw a magical ship sailing through the sky, be completely sure that you can handle absolutely any business yourself. Even if they seem enormously difficult to you now.

be on board

Another kind of dreams are those in which the dreamer not only sees the ship from the side, but is himself directly in it. Here, too, there are a lot of options for dreams, and each is unique.

What did you do on the ship you dreamed about, and what was it like?

1. If in your dream you confidently set sail, look at the receding coast, the people standing on it become dots ... It's time for you to change your surroundings.

This does not mean moving or changing jobs - although this is possible. But you are probably "stuck" in the routine of everyday life, and your inner potential does not find a way out. Maybe it's time for you to finally try yourself in something unexpected, interesting, creative, or open your own business?

2. Sailing on a ship is often interpreted by dream books as an upcoming journey. But after all, this can be understood as a road directly somewhere, as well as a path to oneself, a path to a goal, a path to a person’s heart ... In any case, you know better - and go confidently, with pure thoughts and a light heart.

3. Going off board in a dream to land means that you will soon achieve an important goal in reality, which, perhaps, even seemed terribly distant and almost unattainable to you. The shore is already very close, gather your strength!

4. If you are lucky enough to be the captain of a ship in your dreams, even a small one, the dream book indicates your bright qualities, such as prudence and decency. You control your own destiny, and you know which route will lead you to happiness. Continue this path!

5. Building a ship in a dream is a sign of the imminent appearance of new love in your destiny, new harmonious relationships that you will build. And if you are tolerant and prudent, you can even build a prosperous and very happy family.

7. Did you swim in a dream on the smooth surface of a calm sea, cutting through a mirror of water? Expect joys in life, and in all its areas - nothing will overshadow the happiness that awaits you very soon.

8. And if you sailed in a ship on a rough sea, you may have to show strength of character and withstand everyday difficulties. But be persistent and get through it all. And the waves will pass, and the sea will become calm, that is, your life will improve and be happy.

9. Sailing in a dream under fluttering, large sails is a symbol of your spiritual development, successful and stable.

10. If you were in a drifting ship in your dreams, the dream book indicates that you are probably afraid of an aimless, meaningless life, worried about why you live.

But instead, it’s better to be active - get busy. Fear will not help in any way, and actions will correct the situation, and you will certainly come to something.

11. If in a dream you were late for your ship, which was sailing, dream books warn - if you are lazy and inactive, with your passivity you risk missing a happy opportunity, missing your happiness. What are you waiting for?

12. Seeing in dreams your own ship loaded with various goods is a sure sign of imminent and great wealth, profit, and stable well-being. What is poverty, you will not know, rest assured.

13. Being in a cabin in a dream is a symbol of an imminent change of place. You may be moving to new house, apartment, or even to another city. And new is always good.

14. If you were in a ship in your dreams, and it leaked and began to sink, this is a warning - you risk making the wrong choice. So in reality, being faced with a choice, think twice, and preferably three times - so as not to make a mistake on which fate may depend.

15. To be shipwrecked, even to die from a disaster, is not horrible dream as you might think. Nothing bad awaits you in reality, but the dream book advises you to show willpower. This may not always be enough for you - but now it is most important.

Such different, dissimilar dreams - that they just do not portend to you and me. Ships in dreams always say important things - listen to them, be careful, this is your destiny.

And only from you always, without exception, its course depends - after all, you are the captain. And the waves, even the strongest, always pass, and the further course of the ship on the sea of ​​life will depend on how you manifest yourself ...
Author: Vasilina Serova

Seeing a big ship in a dream is a sign that soon you will have the opportunity to visit those places where you have not yet been, but have long dreamed of visiting. However, this is not the only way dream books explain why such an image is dreamed of. Looking through the interpreters, you will understand that your life can change dramatically after such a dream.

What does Miller promise?

A dreaming passenger ship, according to Miller's dream book, means honor and respect in the team. But if you see in a dream a large ship carrying goods, then you can be sure that you will be promoted.

But, as this interpreter explains, what is the dream in which you are standing on the deck of a liner that has fallen into a storm: if you saw this, then you should beware, since a dream means future troubles.

The specifics of the work of the craft

When interpreting what a big ship is dreaming of, do not lose sight of the specifics of the ship’s operation. For example:

  • an international ocean liner promises a journey;
  • multi-seat passenger-and-freight ferry - predicts hard work;
  • fishing trawler - to profit and prosperity;
  • the icebreaker dreamed in a dream - to reconciliation.

Cruise liner as a symbol of the road

A dream in which you see off a huge ship with people leaving the pier at sea indicates that very soon you will have to change your circle of friends. Perhaps you will leave for another city or change jobs, Pastor Loff's dream book broadcasts.

Also pay attention to the interpretation of sleep proposed by the Eastern Dream Book. If you dreamed that you were sailing on the sea on a large ship, then this is a sign of a long journey. Remember, if you liked sailing on the sea, then you will go on vacation. But, if you didn’t want to sail, then this will be a working trip, and quite tiring.

Hardworking Ship: Face both joy and misfortune

Do you dream that you are watching a huge self-propelled barge walking along the sea surface and leaving marks on the water? There will be some event that you will remember for a long time.

Did you dream that you were driving a large ship for the transport of goods, which had just been launched? In the near future, you will be entrusted with a responsible task, having coped with which, you will earn not only money, but also authority.

But if in a dream you happened to witness how a cargo ship is sinking, and you see bags and trunks floating on the water, then you should not go anywhere, advises Lunar Dream Book. You will fail along the way.

Sunken boat, or Be careful!

Remorse of conscience will torment the dreamer who discovered a sunken ship in a dream. You probably offended someone, and now reproach yourself for it. And if you dreamed that the sunken ship was with sails, then look for the reasons for real failures in the past. Think about whether someone is angry with you, Medea's dream book suggests.

Traveling at sea is a beautiful story that occurs quite often. Sailing on a ship evokes vivid feelings in people - joy, the desire to fulfill their dream, to visit distant lands, to feel like the captain of their own destiny. Various dream books they interpret differently what dreams of sailing on a ship.

But the general meaning is the same - the emergence of new impressions or new life tests. What exactly do you expect in reality? Prompt analysis of such details as the weather during the voyage, appearance sea ​​vessel, your role during sleep.

Sailing on a beautiful, modern ship in a dream means moving towards the fulfillment of your desires, increasing your well-being and generally feeling great in all areas of life! This meaning is especially true if you see that the water is calm and transparent, the wind is pleasant, the sun is shining cheerfully and brightly.

Absolutely new prospects await you at work and in your personal life. It is possible that we can also talk about acquiring real estate (if you have dreamed about it for a long time and set such a purchase as your goal) or about a good, successful trip. General value dreams - fulfillment of desires, realization of plans.

You can judge the scale of luck by the size of the ship - if you are sailing on a huge liner, then you will have significant success. If you are traveling on a more modest ship, then this suggests that your successes, of course, will please you, but they will be expected and quite real.

Dream Interpretations believe that one of the best signs of fate is a dream in which you find yourself in a storm, but your ship withstands a natural phenomenon, as a result, bad weather is replaced by calm. This means that you will pass the test of fate with honor and emerge victorious from it.

Also good sign when you are driving the boat yourself. The dream says that you are a completely independent person who is not subject to someone else's dangerous influence. You make all the decisions yourself, and that's great!

A dream that portends problems

A dream that portends problems for you is associated with bad weather, the poor condition of the ship, or your anxiety on board the ship.

Bad weather suggests that external circumstances are stacking against you, now is not the time to act, it is better to lie low for a while and wait for the best moment. A ship that looks unreliable - perhaps old or damaged, indicates that your internal state now leaves much to be desired. You are not in good shape now, there is no energy, no strength to move forward. See a doctor, get some rest.

If you are sailing on a beautiful ship, but for some reason you are anxious and scared, then such a dream has a negative meaning. You are in for a big trouble, it is recommended to analyze all areas of your life. Think: where can trouble come from?

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Miller believed that a dream about bad weather at sea speaks of possible problems in your life. Great weather is a prediction of good luck, joy, family happiness. If a strong wind blows on the sea, then this indicates possible troubles that will not hurt you too much. The time of day also matters - traveling at night warns you that you are inclined to take risks. At this time, do not get involved in adventures.

Why dream of a floating ship on the water? The dream book gives diverse interpretations to this symbol. So, the plot can promise a journey, honor, profit, stability. However, sometimes a dream vision warns of an incorrectly chosen course or the need to resort to outside help.

Dream details

Remember what happened to the ship:

  • arrived - unexpected success;
  • anchored - do not deviate from your decisions;
  • sailed - good luck in love;
  • walked in the distance - news;
  • many people on it - well-being;
  • boarding a liner is great for the poor, but dangerous for the rich;
  • swim - there is a road ahead;
  • go - reach the goal.

Miller's dream book: bad luck in business

Did you dream of a ship in a stormy sea? The dreamer will not be lucky in business: he will not be able to hide some kind of intrigue from strangers. Meanwhile, the sleeping partner will do everything to deceive him.

Recognition, luck

Why dream of a ship on the water? According to the dream book, this is a good omen, promising honor, recognition, an unexpected promotion.

Seeing him in a dream also means that the sleeping person will win, but not only the lottery. Luck can smile when making a bet or competing for a good deal.

A floating ship on the water represents life course dreamer, a purposeful movement towards something new.

Relationships with others

Did you dream of seeing other ships, boats from yours? There will be a difficult situation when you need the help of friends, acquaintances.

Why dream of sailing on it? The dream interpretation explains: you will have a change in relationships. To go to distant countries - you have to console your loved ones.

What was he like?

The interpretation of sleep also takes into account the type of vessel:

  • a sailboat is romance, but you should not lose control of your life, as if surrendering to the will of the wind;
  • boat, boat, canoe - a symbol of spiritual development;
  • lifeboat - you need help;
  • tanker - hard work ahead;
  • steamer - stability, reliability;
  • motor ship - a person will appear who can change your life and teach you a lot;
  • military - separation from loved ones;
  • liner - a profitable business ahead.

Beware: Danger Ahead

Did you dream of seeing a ship on the water that is wrecked during a storm? You have chosen the wrong path, so a catastrophe, a failure is possible.

Being there during a storm in a dream, feeling the pitching, means: the dreamer constantly doubts, gives in to panic. Doubts should be analyzed and the goals set should be changed.

Why dream of drowning on a ship, especially if you drove it yourself? The dream interpretation gives two interpretations: a warning of impending danger or a loss of control over oneself.

Your initiatives will be successful

Did you dream of seeing a big ship on the water near the shore? The dream interpretation promises: a successful course of affairs awaits you - both professional and personal.

A ship in a dream symbolizes a community of people, a large one means that this is a fairly powerful, strong community.

Imagine that you were lucky enough to get on board a three-masted frigate, and now you already hear the creak of the wooden deck, feel the tart, salty smell of the sea. Squinting from the midday sun, go aft and, picking up a telescope, look into the distance. Here it is, real sea romance.

It’s not every day that you manage to get on board an old ship, and what’s there, and few people were lucky enough to swim on a modern yacht. But a dream is a place where you can ride on any type of transport, even across the sky on a sea galleon.

Why is the ship dreaming? Usually this symbol is associated with dynamics and the discovery of something new, both for oneself and for others. Almost any dream book considers a ship as an increase, honor and rapid upward movement.

Let's take a closer look at the main plots and details. When interpreting, consider all the circumstances of sleep, this will help you better understand the secret meaning of the dream.

  • Vessel dimensions.
  • The age of the ship.
  • By river or by sea?
  • Crash or sinking?
  • Jung or captain?
  • Spaceship.
  • Other options.

So, if you have a small boat in front of you, then it means that soon you will need the help of your friends, since you cannot cope with the solution of the current situation on your own. Friends will help you gain a sense of stability and faith in the future. Seeing a snow-white yacht in a dream is a pleasant acquisition. You will have additional funds that you can spend on yourself and your family.

If you dreamed of a ship resembling a large ship sailing on a river, it means that soon you will meet a person from a distant country. You will be lucky enough to exchange experiences and learn something new about the customs and traditions of another state.

A huge frigate appears in visions as a harbinger of great joy that is about to overtake you. It can be anything, the main thing is that you will experience an incredible spiritual uplift. The autumn dream book considers a huge ship as a symbol of the opportunities that fate will soon provide you with.

Sailing on a new, modern ship means that you are a very lucky person. A wave of success and financial recovery awaits you. To do this, you will practically not need to do anything, everything will work out by itself. If the ship in a dream was very ancient, for example, a Viking or Egyptian ship, then it means that you will soon gain access to sacred knowledge. You will be able to get in touch with the secrets of ancient civilizations.

If the ship in a dream is from past centuries, resembling the Titanic in appearance, then the resources that you use to achieve your goal are a little outdated. To succeed, you need to modernize the existing concept.

Where did you swim and who were you?

Sailing on a ship means that you are not yet ready to enter the big water. Your potential is great, but you are not fully realizing it. Try to do what you are really interested in, and then you can achieve outstanding results.

If you dreamed of a ship that was moving along sea ​​water or cuts through the ocean waves, then you are on the right track. What you have recently begun to do is your key to success, as well as to material and spiritual growth.

And if, on the contrary, a boat is rocking on the sea waves, then, in order to resolve all issues, you will need the advice of a person more experienced and wise than you. You need to get under the protection of a strong and courageous friend in order to cope with the difficulties that you have.

If you dream of ships that sail not in the ocean, but in the sky, and you dreamed of real flying ships, then everything in your life is possible. All you need is a drop of faith in yourself - and higher powers will give you an easy solution to all problems.

  • Being the captain of a ship means that you are in control of your own destiny. You are in every sense the master of your own life.
  • Being an ordinary sailor on a ship suggests that you need to try hard to reach the heights. But hard work and natural determination will help you to take a high position in society.
  • Sailing on a powerful ship, on which you are just a cabin boy, who first saw the sea - to the prospects that open up before you. Miller's dream book also considers such a vision a symbol of spiritual growth.
  • To be the builder of a schooner that floats on the waves - to build harmonious relationships. Soon you will have a soulmate worthy of becoming your wife.


If you yourself are shipwrecked, then it means that the day of your triumph is ahead, but for now you need to gain strength and patience. A shipwreck can also be seen on the eve of quarrels and conflicts with relatives. Broken boats are usually dreamed of as a warning of possible financial difficulties. Young people dream of a shipwreck as a harbinger of marriage.

Seeing a sunken ship in a dream means learning from the mistakes of others. You will have the opportunity to get the necessary knowledge first hand and avoid the mistakes that others have made. If you see a ship sinking into the sea before your eyes, then you need to pay more attention to charity.

A sinking ship dreams of difficulties in implementing the plan. Apparently, you have bitten off too much of a piece of cake and cannot chew it. You need to moderate your appetites and deal with a single problem, and not try to do everything at once.

A ship that is sinking is a dream, as a rule, on the eve of energetically difficult days. Also, a sinking ship, according to Miller's dream book, is considered a symbol of fatigue and emotional decline.

Other options

If you dream of a ship setting sail in, it means that you should not take active steps yet. This applies to both work matters and heart issues.

A warship in a dream is like a harbinger of separation from loved ones. Perhaps you are waiting for a long business trip or watch in another city. Also this ship modern dream book considers it a symbol of a future move abroad. The icebreaker dreams as a symbol of your perseverance and perseverance. You can handle everything and you can easily overcome any difficulties.

If you dream of a ship that is at anchor, then this promises an acquaintance with an influential and wealthy person. If you anchor in the water, it means that a fateful event will happen in your life soon.

Sailing on the sea on a pirate ship - to intrigue and a double game. In order not to become a participant in such an action, just stay a little aloof and do not judge other people.

The dream, in which the ship enters the port, speaks of overcoming difficulties. Moreover, a happy accident, as well as complete strangers, will help you overcome them. Be open to new acquaintances, perhaps one of them is your lifesaver.

Seeing in a dream a ship going into the distance - to a change in life priorities. One period of your life has ended and a completely new one begins, with new values ​​and worldview. Sailing under white sails on calm water - to the fulfillment of desires. And also to spiritual revelations. Someone will appear in your environment to whom you can open your heart without fear.

If you dreamed of an alien spaceship, such a dream speaks of unexpected luck. Miller's dream book also predicts the dreamer the fulfillment of all his dreams. Getting on a spaceship means the need to be more restrained in your emotions. A random splash of negativity can play a bad joke on you.

If a spaceship crashed before your eyes, then it's time for you to slow down. You are trying to rush things, but in this situation you should not do this. Remember the old proverb: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."

If you dreamed that you were a space tourist and surf the expanses of the Universe, then soon you will begin a new round in development. Read more spiritual and scientific literature, it will help you.

All dreams in which you see a ship bring inspiration and a desire to move on. No matter how many answers to the question of what the ship is dreaming of, they are all about one thing - about you and your potential.