Marina Devyatova biography personal life family. Biography of Marina Devyatova

The biography of Marina Devyatova is the story of a bright, talented and purposeful young singer who managed to revive the people's love for Russian song. Our heroine was born on December 13, 1983 in Moscow in a creative family. Marina's father, Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatov, is a famous performer of Russian songs, and her mother, Natalya Nikolaevna, is a choreographer. For the girl, her star dad became the first music teacher. He instilled in his daughter a love not only for folk songs, but also for other genres. Marina from early childhood got acquainted with the works of classical composers, the work of Deep Purple, The Beatles.

Musical education

Devyatova had a voice and a sense of rhythm very early, and adults took her to a music school. At first, the girl's parents had a hard time, because she did not like to study. It even got to the point that Marina threatened to dismantle the piano for firewood. Gradually, the future singer fell in love with music and began to attend classes with pleasure. Today, the girl is grateful to her parents for not allowing her to leave music school. After graduating from it, she received the specialty of an academic conductor. After school, in 1999, Marina Devyatova continued her studies at the Department of Solo Folk Singing at the College of Music. Schnittke. Next came the Academy. Gnesins, in which the girl studied from 2003 to 2008.

The first performances of a celebrity

The creative biography of Marina Devyatova began very early. As the singer herself recalls, they gave their first concerts together with their older sister when she was barely 3 years old. The girls arranged performances in the family circle. The older sister, who was already attending a music school at that time, played the piano, and Marina sang.

First public speaking celebrity happened when she was 14 years old. Marina, in a duet with her father, performed the song "River-river" on the stage of the huge concert hall "Russia". This performance proved to be a turning point. Charged with the energy of the hall and feeling the views of almost two thousand spectators, the girl realized that the stage was her calling, and since then the biography of the singer Marina Devyatova has been inextricably linked with recording songs and concerts.

During the period of study at the college. Schnittke, the girl met the organizer and leader of the Indrik-Zver folklore ensemble Artyom Vorobyov. The team performed ancient Slavic and Russian folk songs in a fatal arrangement. Vorobyov invited Marina to sing in the ensemble, and she agreed. Together with the rest of the group, the singer traveled to many villages and villages in search of folklore material. Traveling through the Russian hinterland, the girl was so imbued with folk flavor that without a Russian song she could not imagine her future fate.

Participation in the "People's Artist" and life after the project

During her student years, Devyatova regularly performed at various music competitions and festivals, but the People's Artist-3 project (2006) brought her real popularity. Participation in the TV show was a kind of risk for the young singer, because she often heard that the genre in which she performs is non-format, and it cannot be of interest to the general public. Brilliant participation in the project brought Marina an honorable second place and a contract with producer Evgeny Fridlyand. But most importantly, the young singer was able to prove to all skeptics that the folk song is still popular and loved in society.

"People's Artist" made Devyatova a real star. Marina began to actively tour not only in the cities of Russia, but also abroad. In 2008, the singer gave her first solo concert in Moscow, which was sold out. A year later, she introduced Russian folklore to the royal family in London during a social event organized by representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Russian Orthodox Church.

Marina Devyatova has many songs recorded together with other performers. The singer successfully collaborated with Nikolai Baskov, Peter Dranga, Alexei Goman, the Pyatnitsky choir and, of course, with her father. The musical biography of Marina Devyatova could have been replenished with a duet with the legendary Zykina, but this was not destined to happen due to the death of Lyudmila Georgievna.

Singer's hobbies

Since her student years, Devyatova has professed Krishnaism. For this reason, she is a staunch vegetarian, does not smoke or drink alcohol. After a long tour, Marina prefers to restore her strength with the help of bhakti yoga and meditation, and regular fitness classes help her to always be in good shape.

The girl's passion is driving a car. Devyatova always manages her “iron horse” on her own, her driving experience has been for 10 years. The girl likes to spend her free time outside the city with her closest people, and she prefers to go on vacation to Asian countries.

Relationships with men

The biography of Marina Devyatova will be incomplete if it does not mention the singer's personal life. The girl had a long relationship with aspiring singer Nikolai Demidov. Marina, for whom family and children are priorities in life, hoped that their romance would lead to a wedding, but the young man was in no hurry to marry. After Demidov admitted in an interview that the main thing for him is a career, and he uses relations with Devyatova only for PR, the distressed girl stopped all communication with him. In 2014, information was leaked to the media that the singer had a new boyfriend involved in advertising. I would like to hope that soon all fans of the singer's talent will be able to see joint photos of Marina Devyatova and her lover.

I recently became a village dweller: I left Moscow, where I was born and lived for more than thirty years, in Vacation home. This was primarily due to the replenishment in our family. When Ulyana was born, I realized that we need to unite all generations in one big house. Since my profession is connected with constant traveling, and I can only leave such a tiny girl with my mother, I can’t even think of any nanny. But there is very little space in my Moscow apartment with my husband: it was designed for the two of us and is perfect place for two adult egoists living for themselves. The child does not fit in there. Therefore, we decided to move out of town, to a house that could accommodate all family members.

- Have you already experienced all the delights of life in the countryside?

It's still hard for me to get used to it. And by the way, it's good that I listened to the advice of my wise dad (singer Vladimir Devyatov. - Approx. "TN"). When my daughter was born and the question of expanding the living space arose, my husband and I began to think: should we buy an apartment or a house? Live in the city or on the ground? And dad said: rent a house for a few months, see how you feel there, and then decide.

- My husband has a taboo: he does not offend animals. Even insects. With husband Alexei. Photo: Arsena Memetova

And now we have been living in wooden house, we have our own garden, veranda, there is where to put the stroller. I am a child who grew up in the stone jungle, in an apartment on the 16th floor, at first I was even afraid of some features of life outside the city. For example, when some insects with large wings suddenly appear in the bathroom and start waving them. I must say that my husband has a taboo: he does not offend animals. None. Even insects. Therefore, when I see them in my bathroom, I immediately start shouting: “Lesha, if you don’t want me to kill this mosquito now, run quickly and save his life!” I'm not that principled. If a mosquito bites my daughter, then, of course, I will slap him instantly. But in general we are vegetarians and try not to harm anyone living. Lesha, for example, takes mosquitoes in his palm and releases them outside the house. They probably shout "thank you" to him in their own language. In general, our new life was full of surprises. But gradually we got used to it. Pluses were found instantly. First of all, silence. You fall asleep, and around the forest, nightingales - just some kind of fairy tale. Neither the rumble of cars, nor neighbors swearing behind the wall.

- Are you on maternity leave now?

My decree lasted three months. I left the stage a month before the birth, the last time I went out to the audience under New Year. In principle, I could have continued to jump and dance quite calmly, but my fans cautiously began to hint: “Marinochka, you should lie down and relax. Save yourself!" And I listened to their opinion - I went to prepare for the birth of Ulyana. And three months later she was again on stage and gave a solo concert. But it was preceded by more rehearsals, so I probably spent a month and a half on a clean decree. To be honest, I didn't even want to go outside. When I just returned from the hospital, my mother cooked food, my husband brought it to me, and I only did what I fed Ulyana, improved our relationship with her, and it took all my time.

But even when my daughter was very tiny, I thought not only about her, but also about work - about a new concert program, which will be released on September 28 at the Helikon-Opera Theatre. This is a serious academic platform, and the program will not be quite usual for me, a real theatrical production in which the leitmotif is the line female destiny. I have long wanted to do something on this topic, but while I was still unmarried and childless, it would look somehow strange if I suddenly started talking about the female share. And now it's natural.

- I can leave such a tiny girl only with my mother, I don’t even want to think about any nanny. With mother Natalya, husband and daughter Ulyana. Photo: Arsena Memetova

- And yet you spend more time at home?

All autumn I have already painted by day, right up to the New Year. And now I try not to part with Ulyana, kiss her in all places, carry her in my arms, sleep next to me, I can’t breathe. Like many artists, I lead a seasonal lifestyle. After the New Year, there is a lull, and then I can stay with my family. In the summer, too, people are not very interested in concerts, rather in garden beds and outdoor recreation, and I have a vacation. But in spring and autumn - suffering. Therefore, while I am catching a buzz, especially since it is more comfortable to do it in nature.

- Have you been accustomed to such a schedule since childhood?

Yes, when I was born, my dad was already a fairly well-known artist, he gave solo concerts in the Kremlin, in the Hall of Columns and the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, he sang Russian folk songs and romances. I often went on tour with him. She first appeared on stage at the age of three. The older sister Katerina (she was nine at the time) sat down at the piano, and I stood next to me. My uncle comes out and gives me a microphone. And it was in the 1980s, then microphones were made in frightening sizes. “No,” I say, “uncle, I won’t keep it, keep it yourself.” And here Katya plays, I sing, my uncle holds the microphone - that was my debut.

Hall I was not afraid. In addition, while studying at a music school at the conductor-choir department, I stood with my back to this very hall for seven years and did not understand at all what to be afraid of there - I did not see the audience. It was only later, when I was turned around to face the public, I realized that there was a certain excitement, but I easily coped with it.

- Do young people go to your concerts too? After all, this genre can not be called trendy.

- I am a child who grew up in the stone jungle, at first I was even afraid of some features of life outside the city. Photo: Arsena Memetova

- Give jam?

I'm returning from a tour - as if I went to my grandmother in the village: I carry mushrooms, jam, twists in bags. Those people who know that I am a vegetarian are especially trying to feed them: for some reason it seems to everyone that vegetarians are always hungry, emaciated people who constantly want to eat. They give scarves and knitted socks so that I don’t freeze on my diet. And recently they began to give vests and booties. People know that I have become a mother, and they want to help in any way they can.

- Is it easy for you to be a mother?

At first it was scary, I categorically did not understand how I should take care of my daughter so as not to harm her - she is so small.
When Ulyana was just born and they gave her to me in my arms, I looked at her and thought: “Is this mine, or what?” Couldn't believe it. I had zero experience with babies, I didn’t prepare for childbirth at all, I didn’t go to courses, and therefore I was confused. “Lay on the breast, feed,” the midwife said. It's easy to say, "Feed!" There is milk, but how to pour it into a child? And I came up with an idea: I got up, hanging with the letter G over the bed in which Ulyana lay, and in this position I fed her. “And you, baby, are you going to stand like that for a long time?” - asks the entered doctor. I say: "Well, she eats, it's still normal." - “Yes, everything is clear. Will learn". She swaddled the girl, showed her arms and legs. I learned how to wash her, clean her nose, cut her nails. I also learned to feed normally, and not in the way that I myself came up with on the first day. I am very grateful for science, I would not have mastered it myself for a long time.

And, of course, life in the house has changed a lot. Now we have a little Lord in our house, her name is Ulyana. Therefore, everything and everyone around is subject to it. The whole space is organized so that it is convenient to communicate with the child - cribs, strollers, baby monitors, bottles. But we must pay tribute: Ulya does not bother us over trifles. The first month turned out to be somewhat heavy - gaziki, colic and all other "joys of life". But Lesha helped me a lot. Husband Ulyana has a second child, he is a more experienced parent. As soon as my daughter began to worry, he immediately put her on his stomach, and she calmed down. So we realized that dad's belly is a salvation from all troubles. I could keep her like that for four hours. True, the father himself then had to be scraped off the sofa and brought to his senses, but the child was pleased.

- I do not plan to take my daughter to work with me. Behind the scenes, she will have time to jump. Photo: Arsena Memetova

And now there are no problems with Ulyana. She is a gift. I call her "Soldier Jane" - she doesn't cry just like that. Dissatisfaction is expressed on a specific occasion: he wants to eat, or sleep, or it's time to change diapers. The rest of the time he is silent and is keenly interested in the world around him. We are friends with her. And with dad Ulya is generally a single whole, do not spill water. He is very kind and patient. You can sit on his head and try to pull out all his hair, and he will be happy and satisfied and shout: come on!

Yesterday we got out among the people, went for a walk on the Arbat, and my daughter spent the whole day in the "kangaroo", never uttering a word at all. Lesha says: “What is wrong with her? She doesn't scream. Everything is fine?" - “Yes, the child just likes it, everything around is interesting, why shout?” Ulyana charmed the whole Arbat. Even important uncles who invited their beautiful aunts to dinner and were not inclined to any sentimentality, seeing this little sausage with eyes, which turned its muzzle and looked at the lights around, involuntarily smiled at her.

- Do you often travel like this?

I am not a big supporter of such walks, Ulyana is still small. Grandma saves us. Now I can say with confidence that grandmothers are our everything. My job doesn't involve me getting stuck in maternity leave for three years. I'm afraid to leave the baby with the nanny. So there is only one way out - grandmother.

- But you have to argue with your grandmother about the methods of education?

Well, you can't do without it, of course. We even call her: "grandmother, so as not to blow." Because she worries all the time whether Ulyana is blowing, whether she will freeze in such a light blouse. But you can understand it. Her last child (that is, me) was born in 1983. Can you imagine how far the children's industry has come in this time? Diapers, for example, appeared. In general, I think that it is high time to erect a monument to the person who invented them. Recently I told my mother: “Listen, Ulya peed twenty times today. And how did we cope if there were no diapers? “And like this,” says my mother, “twenty times they would have washed it all. Handles."

So all mom's advice is from her rich and difficult experience. And everything she does is purely out of love. Dr. Komarovsky says that the baby's feet should be cool, because this is normal. But my mother would argue with Dr. Komarovsky, because she raised two and also knows something! What is my way out? Either come to terms with the fact that mom knows best, or live in constant conflict with her. So we are learning to build relationships so that everyone in the new family is comfortable: both mom and us, and above all the child. So far it seems to work.

Marina Devyatova

father - Vladimir Devyatov, singer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, mother - Natalya, choreographer; husband - Alexey Pigurenko, works in the advertising field; daughter - Ulyana (5 months)

Graduated from the Faculty of Folk Singing of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins

sang in the folklore ensemble "Indrik the Beast", then began a solo career, recorded three albums. Finalist of the project "People's Artist-3". The repertoire includes duets with Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Buinov and other artists. Performed at the reception of Queen Elizabeth II

Marina Vladimirovna Devyatova is a Russian performer of folk songs, a finalist in the television competition "People's Artist-3".

Childhood and youth

Devyatova Marina was born on December 13, 1983 in Moscow, in the family of an artist of the Choreographic Ensemble. Seeds of Dunaevsky Natalya Nikolaevna and People's Artist of the Russian Federation, performer of folk songs Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatov. Parents separated when Marina was five years old. Subsequently, Natalia married a second time. Marina had an excellent relationship with her stepfather.

The grandparents of the future artist (on the maternal side) are natives of Ryazan who once settled in Moscow. Grandmother worked as a cutter, and grandfather was a trolley bus driver. As Marina recalled, it was at her grandfather's work that her vocal career began: a man took his granddaughter with him, and she announced stops and sang while the trolleybus was traveling along the route from Ivanovsky to Vykhino.

Like her older sister Katerina, Marina was an artistic child, so she was sent to a music school early (piano class). In 1999, 16-year-old Devyatova entered the Music College. Alfred Schnittke, and in 2003, after graduating, she became a student at the Academy. Gnesins.

During her studies, Marina worked as a teacher at the vocal school at the Center for Russian Culture and Art under the direction of Vladimir Devyatov and actively traveled with classmates on musicological expeditions - students studied song folklore in the Russian outback.

Graduation performance by Marina Devyatova in Gensink (2005)

As for sister Marina Devyatova, she failed to connect her life with art. She works as a groomer and helps homeless animals find a new home.


Since the early 2000s, Devyatova has often performed at music festivals and competitions, and in 2003 she became a laureate of the competition for young pop song performers Slavonic Bazaar.

In the senior years of the Academy, the girl was invited to the Indrik-Beast musical group, the main repertoire of which was old Russian and Slavic songs in modern processing. In 2005, the band successfully performed at the Wings rock festival in Tushino.

In 2006, Devyatova passed the casting of the TV project "People's Artist". Actor Gennady Khazanov, singer Alena Sviridova, composer Maxim Dunayevsky and producer Yevgeny Fridlyand were permanent judges of the competition. The winner of the project was the singer of Mongolian origin Amarkhuu Borkhuu (until 2013 - the lead singer of the Prime Minister group). Marina took second place, but there was no reason for frustration: the girl gained thousands of fans from different countries.

"People's Artist": Marina Devyatova, first performance

After the end of the project, Friedland offered Devyatova to sign a contract with the production company FBI MUSIC. From that moment, Marina began the life of a sought-after artist, filled with filming, touring and recording songs.

In 2007, as part of a delegation from Russia, Marina went to Guatemala for the ceremony of choosing the capital of the upcoming Winter Olympic Games 2014 - during the event, the singer sang "Katyusha" several times for an encore.

Marina Devyatova - "Katyusha", 2007

In 2009, Devyatova released her first album, “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess,” after which her first solo concert took place on the stage of the Moscow Variety Theater. Following is a performance in London in front of Elizabeth II and other members of the royal family. She also had occasion to speak to Russian leaders Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, the head of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In 2011, Marina released the album "I'm happy." Two years later, the girl left FBI MUSIC and went on a free voyage - already six months later, in November 2013, the third acoustic album of the singer "In the Moonlight" was released.

Marina Devyatova and Pierre Narcisse - Cossack (2011)

Devyatova has hundreds of concerts on her account, including joint performances with famous artists: Alexei Goman, Nadezhda Kadysheva, Moldavian opera singer Methodie Bujor, Nikolai Baskov, Italian singer Al Bano, Varvara and other international pop stars.

Personal life of Marina Devyatova

In her youth, Marina Devyatova was in love with a man much older than herself. He died of cancer. After a long relationship that ended so tragically, as well as an unsuccessful romance with actor Nikolai Demidov, Marina found happiness with Alexei Pigurenko, founder of the YogaBoga brand.

The difficult relationship of the young lasted about five years. Young people either dispersed or lived separately from each other, but in the end, at the end of October 2016, they signed at the Moscow registry office.

The girl's father said that Marina is a Hare Krishna - practices help the girl to know herself and find inner peace.

Marina Devyatova now

In parallel with raising her daughter, the singer continues to lead an active creative life. Less than a month after the birth of the child, Devyatova returned to the shooting of the program “It is allowed to laugh” on the Russia 1 channel, of which the girl has been a regular participant for several years now.

"Laughing is allowed": Marina Devyatova - "Quadrille"

The girl also took part in a concert at the Kremlin Palace dedicated to the 75th anniversary of maestro Valery Obodzinsky, starred in the Mood program on the TV Center channel, and then went on with a series of solo concerts around Russia.

In the future, Marina plans to work on choir projects and build a country cottage in the style of a Swiss chalet.

Marina Devyatova was born in Moscow on December 13, 1983.
From early childhood, her father, People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Devyatov, instilled in her a love for good music. Marina grew up not only on folk songs, but also on the classics, as well as on bands such as The Beatles and Deep Purple.
Already at the age of three, the girl sang well and felt the rhythm, so the decision to send her daughter to a music school in the family was unanimous. And then - the Schnittke Musical College (1999-2003), the Gnessin Academy (2003-2008), performances at vocal competitions and festivals, including the Slavic Bazaar, and, finally, a television project that made her a star.
In 2006, Marina went to the casting of "People's Artist - 3" to prove that the Russian song is interesting to the public and has the right to be performed on the air. On the TV project, the young singer reached the final, losing quite a bit to the winner Amarhuu Borkhuu, and after the end of the show, she signed a contract with producer Evgeny Fridlyand.
Even during her studies, Marina, together with her friends, went on student expeditions to collect Russian folk songs from villages and villages. Now the singer continues to travel around the cities of Russia, where she not only gives concerts, but also studies local traditions, because she is interested in everything related to folk art.
Marina often represents Russia in countries near and far abroad: repeated performances at the German-Russian festival in Berlin, trips with concerts to Italy, Estonia, the USA, China, Laos, Vietnam - these are far from all the achievements of the young singer. And at the festival "Slavianski Bazaar" in Vitebsk, the artist has long been a regular guest: there Devyatova has been coming every time since 2002.
In 2007, as part of the Russian delegation, Marina was present at the choice of the capital of the Winter Olympic Games in Guatemala, where she spoke with representatives of the IOC and Vladimir Putin.
In 2009, the production center of Yevgeny Fridlyand took a risky step - the first solo concert of Marina Devyatova took place at the Moscow Variety Theater. The risk was justified, for such a young artist a sold-out concert was a bid for success. Some time later, the singer presented the Russian song to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the entire royal family at a social reception in London hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation together with the Russian Orthodox Church.
During her artistic career, the singer managed to perform a duet not only with her father, Vladimir Devyatov, but also with such stars as Nikolai Baskov, Pyotr Dranga and the Bayan-Mix duet, and also repeatedly appeared on the same stage with her beloved choir. Pyatnitsky. Lyudmila Zykina was going to do a joint number with her, but the duet was never destined to take place due to the sudden death of the great Russian singer.
In addition, Marina showed her talent as a host - with Yuri Stoyanov and Anastasia Chernobrovina, she conducted several super show programs " Best years of our life" on TV channel Russia, on TV channel "Culture" is now working on a series of programs about folk crafts and traditions. Together with Sergey Zhigunov and Alexander Oleshko Marina Devyatova held a festival of Slavic culture "Slavyansk-2011", and a little earlier - the opening of the "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk 2011".
The singer is truly in love with folklore, and this cannot be overlooked when she takes the stage. Few of the young performers with such enthusiasm, with such a twinkle in their eyes, sing songs loved by the people, for which Devyatova and earned the sympathy of the audience even at the time when she participated in the popular TV show "People's Artist - 3".
“The Russian song has always been, is and will be,” says Marina. “As long as there is a Russian person, the Russian song will also live - this is the feeling I want to convey to the public through my work.”
In her free time from concerts, Marina is actively engaged in fitness, which explains her excellent physical form. She leads healthy lifestyle life, is a staunch vegetarian, loves and knows how to cook healthy meals. “The profession of an artist obliges you to always look good,” the singer is sure. - The audience does not want to see tired faces and sad eyes. The audience needs a holiday, and the artist is obliged to give him this holiday.
The secret of success for Marina is to do what she loves and be moderately ambitious: “What secrets can there be? You need to be honest, decent, work hard and have a goal. We need to believe in God, because he has his own plans for us. Only he can find shelter when you feel bad and you feel that you can’t cope.
In the frantic pace of megacities, Marina believes, it is important to be able to stop in order to think about spirituality and eternal values. Such a “stop” will be a large-scale musical project, which the singer thought about together with her producer Evgeny Fridlyand a few months ago. “I think for the audience it will be a real journey into the depths of time. We will talk about the main pagan and Christian traditions, we will try to convey the atmosphere of Orthodox holidays, ”Marina reveals the essence of the upcoming project.
One of Marina's favorite activities is driving a car. She spends a lot of time behind the wheel, preferring to go to concerts and filming by car. The artist has been driving for about eight years.

Singer Marina Devyatova revived the youth's love for folk songs. Thanks to her, forgotten songs received new life in the original processing, and famous songs sounded in a new way, remade for folklore.

Successful performers in this direction in music can be counted on the fingers. Some do not find the recognition of the audience, some doubt that folk songs will bring popularity.

But Marina Devyatova turned out to be a very purposeful girl who decided to prove to herself and the audience that she could achieve success by performing with folklore on the largest stages of the country. In this, she was especially supported by her parents, who knew the world of show business from the inside.

Marina's father instilled in her a love of music from an early age. Already at the age of three, the baby felt great music. Later, the father took the girl with him on tour. She liked it so much that she decided to also become an artist, like her parents.

Despite the divorce of her parents, Marina did not stop communicating with her father, and he continued to develop his daughter's musical talent in every possible way. The real popularity came to the girl after participating in the competition "People's Artist". After the competition, Marina's career began to develop rapidly. A few years later, she had the honor of speaking to the Queen of Great Britain, the President of Russia and many well-known political figures.

But popularity did not affect the character of the girl. She did not seek to advertise her personal life and increase interest in herself with high-profile novels and partings. In her personal life there were misfortunes, partings, but now Marina has found happiness and peace with her beloved man.

Looking for a real man

Marina met her first love in young age. She fell in love with a man who was much older than her. He worked as a doctor and saved human lives. Their feelings were mutual and, perhaps, everything would have ended in a wedding, if not for a fatal illness. Marina's lover was diagnosed with cancer.

The girl until the last hoped for the success of the treatment, but her beloved could not be saved. He died, and Marina was very upset by this loss. For several years, her only solace was music.

Next Marina Devyatova had a relationship with a young aspiring singer Nikolai Demidov. At first, everything was perfect in the personal life of young people. But, as it turned out later, everyone wanted their own from these relationships. Marina dreamed of creating a strong family. She wanted her future husband to become her support and support. Nikolai dreamed of popularity. For him, an affair with Marina was a chance to be noticed.

Naturally, such a relationship could not last long. The girl felt that their relationship lacked sincerity. After talking with Nikolai, she understood everything and decided not to continue them.

Interesting Notes:

After breaking up with Marina, Nikolai began to tell everyone how hard it was for him. He believed that the girl overprotected him and put pressure on him. He wanted to fulfill himself, and then think about the family, but Marina did not want to wait. The girl also did not remain in debt. She simply said that Nikolai was still a child not ready for serious deeds. A little later, passions subsided and everyone went their own way.

Strong and reliable

The hope of meeting a real man did not leave the singer. And it happened. Unfortunately, she couldn't see him right away. From the moment they met to the wedding, five whole years passed.

Marina's chosen one this time was absolutely not a public person. It was the owner of an advertising agency and businessman Alexei Pigurenko. Young people met in 2008. At that time, they were in a different relationship and there was no question of romance between them. Alexey and Marina just started talking and even became friends.

The relationship of young people moved to a new level a little later. Alexey supported the girl in a difficult period for her. It was then that she lost a person close to her, and Pigurenko helped the singer survive this. This time, Marina was able to see in the man what she was looking for. Their romance was fast and beautiful. Just a few months later, they began to live together.

Although Marina appreciated Alexei's personal qualities, she was in a hurry to formalize the relationship. Moreover, the lovers at some point quarreled and decided to live separately. But, after a while, they realized that they could not live without each other and reunited again.

In 2016, it became known that Marina and Alexey formalized their relationship. The couple simply signed at the registry office, and fans learned about the event from social networks.

In one of the interviews, Marina revealed the secret of her personal life. She said that parting with Alexei made it possible for her to understand how dear and close he was to her. After their last reunion, the lovers decided not to leave. The news of Marina's pregnancy pushed them to the wedding. It was then that they decided to formalize the relationship.

Now Marina and Alexey are raising a beautiful daughter, Ulyana. They spend a lot of time together and at the same time devote time to work. The singer did not stay long on maternity leave and went to work just a few weeks after the birth of her daughter.

Now she manages to do a lot. She believes that the pledge of this beloved man is nearby, who will help and support at the right time. She dreamed of such a husband.