Where the stars celebrate the new year. Where Russian celebrities will celebrate the New Year

This holiday is rightfully considered the most domestic and family. However, many stars of our show business are not averse to spending the New Year in warm countries. Let's find out how the representatives of secular society spent the holiday.

Actress, star of the television series "Univer" Anna Khilkevich in December last year gave birth to a daughter, Arianna, from businessman Artur Volkov. The couple got married in 2015. Khilkevich published a touching photo with her one-year-old daughter in her microblog.

“If we talk about me first of all, what 2016 has become for me is that this year I felt like a mother. I learned what “my child”, “my treasure” means, which means “my family” in full. Thank you 2016, life is beautiful and amazing!!! Show us, 2017, something cool and amazing, it’s not for nothing that my daughter and I dressed up in red cockerel costumes, ”says the actress.

Singer Sergey Lazarev pleased fans with a joint photo with Santa Claus. Many fans suggested that the artist try on an outfit with a white beard next year and deliver gifts in a bag. In 2016, Lazarev represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest and took first place in the audience voting. After counting the votes of the jury, the Russian performer was in third place.

“I met Santa Claus, held on to the staff. Make a wish, he promised it would come true!!! Happy New Year,” said Lazarev.

TV presenter Olga Buzova does not lose optimism. The girl recently divorced her husband, Lokomotiv midfielder Dmitry Tarasov. While the whole country is resting and celebrating. The TV presenter is preparing for new shootings and has already gone to work.

“We rested, and I get to work. Plans for this year are grandiose. Today is my first working day this year,” says Buzova.

The king of the Russian pop scene, Philip Kirkorov, finds time for filming in New Year's TV shows and for his family. The singer has two children: son Martin and daughter Alla Victoria.

“Christmas is a special time. In these days and hours we are summing up the results of the next revolution around the sun. We make plans for the future, make wishes and dream. Let the old year remain in your memory, like an old and beloved song. A melody that evokes pleasant moments in memory, and the words have long been known by heart. Let the new year become a new hit for you, which surprises and pleases with unexpected rhymes, and the melody draws you to new adventures, meetings, deeds, ”the singer wished his fans.

Singer Victoria Daineko gave birth to a daughter in 2015. The artist is married to Dmitry Kleiman. Fans of the star do not cease to admire the external data of the singer. According to the artist, she tries to spend all her free time with her family and cherishes every minute, so she does not wear makeup in everyday life. Daineko is sure that makeup is needed only on stage and for going out. Victoria decorated the Christmas tree for her little daughter.

The long New Year holidays are not only unbridled fun and an occasion to bring the whole family together. It is also a rare opportunity to just be alone with yourself: lie in bed, spend the whole day doing nothing, walk around the house in pajamas and drink champagne for no reason. Three singers, an actress, a TV presenter, a rapper, a VJ and a figure skater told ELLE where, how and in what they will spend the first days of the new year.

The long New Year holidays are not only unbridled fun and an occasion to bring the whole family together. It is also a rare opportunity to just be alone with yourself: lie in bed, spend the whole day doing nothing, walk around the house in pajamas and drink champagne for no reason. Three singers, an actress, a TV presenter, a rapper, a VJ and a figure skater told ELLE where, how and in what they will spend the first days of the new year.

Petr Chernyshev, five-time US champion in ice dancing, beauty ambassador for the Head & Shoulders brand

Every time we celebrate the New Year in a different way - unlike the classic movie. Everyone has holidays, a break from work is a wonderful chance for the whole family to rush somewhere to sunbathe and relax.

What am I doing on my own? This is where you got me. Nothing original can please. Like most people, I take a handstand and think about life. In fact, I am alone with my thoughts when I drive home from work.

Alcohol is not an end in itself. This is a good pastime with a fragrant drink in the company of a pleasant person. In the evening, Nastya and I (actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. - Approx. ELLE) can drink a glass of red wine.

I walk around the house in sweatpants and T-shirts. And I sleep in what my mother gave birth to me.

My ideal New Year's weekend: I woke up at 9 am, the weather is amazing, my beloved wife is nearby ... An hour later we have breakfast together. The kids are up too. Let's go swimming in the ocean. Then everyone spends a little time on themselves - Nastya and I work a little. Then be sure to dive under the water, swim in a strange world for us. Well, it would be nice to have time to do a good deed.

The main place in the apartment, to be honest, is the bedroom. This is the place where you spend the most time with your loved one.

Shirt, Calvin Klein

Ravshana Kurkova, actress

I don't go out at night, and December 31 is no exception. Indifferent to Olivier and herring under a fur coat. Am I saying scary things?

I will celebrate New Year in Thailand. There, the festive table is a mountain of exotic fruits, rice with spices, fish, wine. And the morning of January 1 is freshly squeezed watermelon juice. And I look at the ocean - elegant, beautiful, tanned and happy.

I will get up at 7-8 in the morning - it is impossible to sleep longer near the ocean - and go to bed before midnight. And in the afternoon you sit on a scooter and ride - the wind is in your hair ... Although no, I will lie in the shade for the whole month, where beautiful Thai grandmothers will massage me. I'll sleep in and chat with friends that I just don't see at other times.

When I have the opportunity, I immediately take a horizontal position. I come home, change clothes and go to bed. Five minutes of rest helps me a lot. It is not possible to lie down longer - the cat Misha immediately comes, demanding attention. She sits down on the bed, begins to "tell" how her day went - rattle, "knead" the blanket with her paws. This unbearable character is impossible to change, and I'm not trying to fight.

I walk around the house in a warm cashmere suit. I look like a ridiculous fat bear cub in it.

Combination, Intimissimi; bracelet, Anton Heunis

Artem Korolev, MTV VJ, co-owner of Dandy cafe

I try to celebrate the New Year with my mother. You can always hang out in clubs even without the New Year. And mom cooks just a magical Olivier! In general, if I consume such food, I will quickly become chubby. I only spoil myself for breakfast or Friday night. My friends and I go to Pushkin once every two weeks - for the sake of real Russian cuisine. Vodka, pike marinated. I usually don’t drink vodka, I’m sick of just one look, but there it’s cold, with pickled cucumbers - magically, insanely delicious!

It so happened that from the age of fifteen, from the moment when I "cost" $ 200 for a corporate party, on the January holidays I always had "Christmas trees" with the same customers. And only the last two years I have been able to go to Miami.

I need solitude. Sometimes I can't even talk to my mom or my friends. I come home and just watch TV. I read books. Now here's "Boomerang" by Michael Lewis - a well-known financier talks with humor about how the crisis occurred in different countries.

It is important for me to stay at home - there I seem to be filled with energy. I can't relax like this anywhere else. Recently, I try to come home early to be alone, to light candles. I bought such a delicious “smell” in Amsterdam - the whole apartment smelled of it!

Pajama pants, Ralph Lauren

Julia Pankratova, host of Evening News on Channel One

My ideal New Year - with champagne, barefoot and on the beach! You know, woke up, ate, went to the beach. They spent the old year in Moscow time, met the new one, then they began to see them off in local time, met ... I love all kinds of herrings under a fur coat, Olivier, but in my life that was already enough.

I am an introvert and like to be alone, I am not bored with myself. I feel good at home. I'm not doing anything specific, terribly important. I can read, I can watch TV shows, I can even clean up - then everything is in order in my head. This is very connected: order in the house and in the head, in the soul. I can lie in my pajamas all day in bed, watch a series, drink yogurt.

In winter, I buy a stack of woolen socks that grandmothers sell near the subway. I don’t regret it, I wear it to holes and immediately throw it away.

Aperol is now my currency in the house. To come to visit me, you need to grab a bottle. And since it is difficult to find him in Moscow, for many it is a problem to get to me.

I can drink a glass of red wine alone in the evening quite calmly. Watching another series of Homeland and relaxing. The fact that drinking alone is bad, in my opinion, a little far-fetched story. All this from excessive sociality.

Pajamas, Roberto Cavalli

Vladi, rapper, member of the Kasta group

We used to celebrate the New Year as it should be - in a Russian company. Now my wife and I tend not to get drunk. It's even curious: everyone is so drunk that it's even fun to be among them, and then it's very easy to be at home - with fresh sensations, with relief.

This year we will break out to visit for a maximum of an hour. We had a son (on the day of the interview, Elisha was 12 days old. - Approx. ELLE). Perhaps we will invite guests. We have an unassuming baby. He can, of course, squeak, but he likes to sleep more.

Last year, we had a non-tour month in January. In the end they climbed the wall. Dentists work on holidays, so I decided: I will pull out three of my wisdom teeth. My friend did just that. Really saves from boredom. If you pull everything out at once, you can not transfer it. Better dosed. Moreover, it is necessary to stretch for 10 days.

I often forget to change clothes, I walk around the house in concert things. Fortunately, our outfits are not Kirkorov's fringe. Of course, I take off my sneakers under the pressure of household members. I can walk, walk around the house, and then go to a concert - there is some kind of buzz in this. Do not bother with wardrobe items, but allow yourself to do everything quickly: now you are at home, in three hours - on stage. Or I wear shorts. Not on stage. Houses.

Pajamas, Derek Rose; T-shirt, Topshop

I don't like holidays, I only love May 9th. Therefore, I am very happy when there is work on New Year's Eve. I've had one "home" New Year's Eve in 10 years. Like everyone else - TV, salad. I carefully watched the channels. The rubbish is full! She freaked out and fell asleep at one in the morning.

I love being at home. But that rarely happens. And then I clean up! I get some satisfaction from it. I also like to lie in bed and do nothing. I have a cool bedroom - just a bed, walls and a big, big window! I lie down and look at the sky.

I buy men's flannel shirts and wear them at home. I really love my sister's pajama shorts - huge, falling off me. I have a whole closet of home clothes! Seriously! We will design pajamas for the Be Baby brand, oh, there I will dream up a lot.

I love guests and try to lure someone to me - for food. I call Karpova and say: “I cook for you!” Seriously - I'll jump up early and start cooking whatever she asks. The girls and I get tired of each other a little. Even at the hotel we often stay in the same room. This is probably an indication.

I'm a happy person. Only the dog is missing. So I'm looking for a guy with a dog. Desirable husky, husky, shepherd, in extreme cases, a labrador. But who will meet with me if I'm always on the road?

Shirts, Van Laak

Anastasia Karpova, Elena Temnikova and Olya Seryabkina, Silver group

Lena and I lived together for a long time. It was cool - two poor students. But now we value time alone with ourselves.

When I'm alone at home, I write lyrics. It's like I'm in a flow. This is not work, this is something else - my feelings, feelings.

I walk around the house naked. And I sleep. And I cook. When you stand naked at the stove, the feeling ... It's like cooking cocaine. They are naked there so that no one hid anything in their pockets.

I'm a great cook. The girls and I now have a favorite word “fashion”. "Fashion" - every day there is a vinaigrette. Then "fashion" - every day borscht. My food is terrible, but delicious! Looks really awful - lumps are lying around, rustic style.

I got drunk once. It was so embarrassing that I didn't drink for three years. I love red wine, but I prefer white - I hate it when red wine paints my lips. It's horrible! You can immediately see how much a person drank.

New Year's Eve is not the same without Olivier. This is more sensual than gustatory - from grandmothers, parents. My generation is the last one to live in the Soviet Union. We were lucky: we found something that no longer exists. Do you know how people managed to live together for 50 years? There used to be a habit of fixing things instead of throwing them away when they break. I really like this approach. Something I think deeply, yes?

Anastasia Karpova

Anastasia Karpova, Elena Temnikova and Olya Seryabkina, Silver group

We spend a lot of time on tour, meeting people, constantly in some kind of turmoil. When you come home, you want to hide under the covers and not come out for a week. Weekends, of course, I spend at home. I read books, I clean, I surf the Internet. It happens that you start looking for some news, then you open more and more along the chain. I am drawn in for a very, very long time, I sit with red eyes and think: “So, sleep, sleep, sleep” - but I can’t tear myself away.

I like to be in places where there are a lot of people, and I'm alone. I'm calm there.

We perform in pajamas, and I have a few at home. They are neutral - although I am a blonde, all these sussi-pusi are somehow not very good for me. I'm more into skulls. And in the evening I take off my pajamas, and what is under it, I sleep in it. And what is under the pajamas - I will not say.

My favorite place in the apartment is the balcony. I have everything in my pillows, and in the area where I live, the real air is like in the countryside. In winter, you can warm up and sit on the balcony with tea and a book.

Only one thing reconciles me with the New Year holidays and winter. I'm waiting for it to be warm, sticky snow and you can make ... not snowmen, no. Imagine a tree, and it is as if a hare is hugging it. It's creative and makes you smile. I'll call Lenka, we'll stick different animals.

Shirts, Van Laak

How will the stars celebrate the New Year? We learned everything first hand - celebrities shared their plans and craziest stories with Cleo readers.

How will you spend New Year's Eve?

Almost all of the celebrities surveyed want to be at home with their families.

He is not going anywhere, because he is waiting for his son and his five grandchildren to visit.

Sighs heavily: “My husband and I will be at an event in Ukraine, maybe even take our son with us.” I would like to celebrate at home.

Popular music host Timur Solovyov turned out to be a terrible workaholic: he says that he will be upset if there is no work for him on New Year's Eve. The fact is that he was going to Thailand on vacation, and, as you know, they don’t let him in for free.

Singer Yulia Kovalchuk tormented by doubts: the New Year at work is profitable, but at home it is pleasant. But she knows for sure what she will do on December 31: “Before the New Year, I will go to the salon, get a pedicure and manicure. I am always very sensitive to beauty, it seems to me that a woman should have everything thought out to the smallest detail.

And here actor Maxim Loktionov in such an important matter as the meeting of the New Year, he relies on "maybe", which has never let him down: “When I make plans on how to celebrate the New Year, no matter where and with whom, it doesn’t work out well. When you happen to be in good company, you celebrate well.”

Tell us about the corporate party that you remember.

When cooperatives ended in Russia, corporate parties began. Companies grew, grew smarter, and it was already somehow embarrassing to treat employees to a tape recorder and home-grown contests. For cultural recreation began to invite "stars".

With bated breath, he recalls one of his first "corporate parties", which took place in the early 90s: “I will remember him for a long time! It was such a gathering of brothers, where there were only men. We were not even warned where, what, how much ... It was some kind of boarding house outside the city. When I arrived there, I was shocked by the audience in this hall. But, nevertheless, everything went fine. I was not the only artist, there were others, and only women. We were somehow uncomfortable, but where to go? Still dashing 90s. Then things went smoother, the brothers evolved into top managers or died out. And the newly-minted "tops" cared about the labor collectives entrusted to them.

The price of a real surprise and hot people's love was fully known, who recently returned from a corporate event in Alma-Ata. “At the moment when I announced the end of the celebration,” recalls Igor Vernik, “one of the women screamed:“ No ”and rushed to me. I joked that I was especially pleased that women do not want to part with me. And the minute I said that, this woman made some kind of wild jump over the guards, the stage, and clung to me. To somehow stop her, the guards grabbed her legs, but she continued to hold my jacket, that is, she literally hung in the air. When it was finally torn from me, blood was running down my arm. I'm sure she had the best of intentions, she just went overboard with the cocktails."

Did Santa Claus visit you as a child?

By the age of seven, almost all children lose faith in the existence of Santa Claus. By experience, they find out who he belongs to them by genealogy. Most often the father. Less often a neighbor.

So it was with Oscar Kuchera: “I remember I was so disappointed when I found out that Santa Claus is not really Santa Claus, but Alexander Borisovich Belyavsky, this is our actor neighbor who came to us in the form of Santa Claus.”

Singer Sergey Lazarev turned out to be more far-sighted ... and in general, in childhood, he did not believe in Santa Claus: “I always had a suspicion that he didn’t exist. So there was no disruption." However, " the whole truth about Santa Claus"does not take away the joy of jumping with a bunny or a snowflake at the New Year's party from the kids.

She admits that she hated going to the garden, but she loved matinees: “I have always been at the forefront. I was both a Bunny and a Snowflake. And at school once I was even a Snow Maiden, it was so honorable. Can you imagine, I’m the Snow Maiden for the whole school? ”

New Year will come very soon. Domestic celebrities prefer to spend a holiday in the family circle, away from the hustle and bustle. However, there are also such stars who decide to earn extra money: to speak at a corporate party or take part in filming.


Edgard Zapashny

The famous trainer Edgard Zapashny prefers to celebrate the New Year with his family. However, this time it will work on December 31 and January 1.

"New Year is a family holiday, and every year I rejoice when all family members gather in our big house at a huge table. This New Year, my brother and I will amuse 12,000 Muscovites: on December 31 we have two performances, and on January 1 we will work again.Therefore The New Year will be sober for us and for our team. It is a great happiness for an artist to work and understand that people have come to create a New Year's mood for them," Zapashny quotes Woman's Day.

Larisa Kopenkina

Larisa Kopenkina, who became famous thanks to her marriage to singer Prokhor Chaliapin, has been celebrating the New Year on the seashore for the last few years - she likes warmth more than Russian cold and snow. But this year she was persuaded to change her habits. " I was persuaded to meet the New Year in the mountains. After all, I've never been there. But recently I had a fight with this man and changed my mind. So for now I can’t say where I will celebrate New Year’s Eve, but in early January I’m going to Miami. You know, under the chiming clock, I like to make many wishes. And they always come true. Even the most incredible ones! So dream more, "the Interlocutor quotes Kopenkina.

Tatyana Kotova

A former member of the sexy trio "VIA Gra", popular singer Tatyana Kotova is going to work on New Year's Eve. However, he will spend January 1 with his family. "From childhood, my parents taught me and my sister that New Year is a family holiday, an occasion to gather at a large table and say words of love and gratitude to each other. These are very valuable moments. Usually we cook delicious dishes together, and every year we try to try some new and unusual recipe, set the table, make wishes and remember what we remember last year," Tatyana said. Days.Ru.

Julia Volkova

Ex-member of the Tatu group, singer Yulia Volkova has not yet decided how she will celebrate the New Year. But the artist admitted that she prefers to spend this holiday in the family circle. Julia told Days.Ru: "So far in limbo. Always in different ways, last year I performed in Kazakhstan, the year before last I celebrated the New Year in the family circle. A little later I will make a decision about the celebration of the New Year. If possible, I try to celebrate the New Year in family circle.It gives me great pleasure. Be sure to decorate the house and the Christmas tree with the whole family!"

Natalya Krachkovskaya

This year was not easy for the 77-year-old artist: she ended up in intensive care with pulmonary edema. Doctors literally pulled the legendary artist from the other world. Now Krachkovskaya has many plans. Particularly for New Years. On December 31, the artist will play on stage. "I play the main role in the Taganka Theater in the comedy production of Alexander Vasyutinskiy" The Bride for the Banker ". A friend from Volgograd with her daughter will come to me on New Year's Eve, we will celebrate at my place. The grandson, son and daughter-in-law will celebrate at the dacha, with us there is a dog, it cannot be left unattended for a long time. As always, I will set the table, I will definitely cook my favorite jelly, I myself make excellent boiled pork, aspic fish or marinated - I haven’t decided yet. I’m not particularly worried about gifts to relatives and friends, I usually give an envelope with money, and let them buy what they need, I think it will be more correct, ”the Interlocutor quotes Krachkovskaya.


A popular rap artist and one of the mentors of the next season of the show "Voice" Basta is going to celebrate the New Year in the country, despite the fact that for the opportunity to dance to the song "Zhora, where have you been?" people are willing to pay a lot. But the family of Vasily Vakulenko (real name of the rapper) December 31 will go to the country: Vasya, his wife Elena, two daughters, Lenin's mother - journalist Tatyana Pinskaya, who specially flies from Paris, and an 86-year-old grandmother. There, Vasily will put on a sheepskin coat, attach a beard, take a bag of gifts, and children's delight will begin, Tatler competently reports.

Oksana Fedorova

When the TV presenter Oksana Fedorova did not have children, according to her confession, she did not even notice the New Year, immersed in the bustle of work. Only with the advent of Fedor and Elizabeth did this holiday again turn into a fairy tale for Oksana. Fedorova spends the New Year at home and prepares for it very carefully. “First, we decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the house with garlands. And at the appointed hour, Santa Claus will knock on the door. Usually this is one of our friends who knows Fedya and Lisa well. Grandfather makes riddles for the children, asks how they behaved. For good actions Fedya and Lisa receive gifts. And then they shout: "Christmas tree, burn!" And Santa Claus lights the garlands. At this moment I rejoice no less than children, because again, as in childhood, I begin to believe in a miracle, "Fedorova is quoted

How the stars celebrated the New Year. A PHOTO

Showbiz stars shared the details of their New Year's Eve.

Roman Abramovich and his wife Dasha Zhukova held a New Year's party off the coast of the island of St. Barth - on the yacht Eclipse. They were accompanied by journalist Derek Blasberg and model Karlie Kloss.

Danila Kozlovsky and Olga Zueva celebrated the New Year in the mountains

Dmitry Dibrov and his wife Polina celebrated the New Year in Brazil. “We celebrated the New Year on the beach. A large number of people were around us and many were dressed in yellow outfits. As soon as the clock struck 12, fireworks sounded, people began to lower candles and flowers into the water, some went for a swim. Very fun, ”said the wife of the TV presenter.

Dmitry and Polina Dibrovs celebrated the New Year in Brazil

Victoria Lopyreva celebrated the New Year in Dubai in the company of her best friend Inna Zhirkova and her husband, the famous football player Yuri Zhirkov. It is not known whether Victoria and her companions became witnesses.

Victoria Lopyreva celebrated the New Year in Dubai

Anastasia Volochkova did not deviate from tradition and celebrated the New Year in an oak barrel in her favorite Russian bathhouse, which she built near her house. Straight from the bath, Anastasia went to one of the Moscow clubs.

Anastasia Volochkova celebrated the New Year in a Russian bath

Singer Victoria Daineko went to the Moscow region to celebrate the New Year. As an outfit, the young mother chose a white boho dress, and to pay tribute to the Red Monkey, she decorated it with a belt with red flowers.

Andrey Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva celebrated the New Year together

Timati celebrated the New Year with friends

The star of the series "Real Boys" Zoya Berber, who recently became a mother, limited herself for the New Year. However, this did not affect the festive mood of the actress. “I didn’t drink champagne, pineapples past my mouth, but I was on a par at the table!” Berber said on her Instagram.

Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan celebrated the New Year in a chalet in the ski resort of Courchevel.

Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan celebrated the New Year in Courchevel

Actress and deputy Maria Kozhevnikova celebrated the New Year in the company of the godmother of her eldest son Vanya, Belarusian actress Alesa Kacher. Moreover, the girls were in dresses of the same color - blue.

Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov, who got married last year (and are now expecting their first child), celebrated the New Year with friends. Future parents glow with happiness along with sparklers.

Ksenia Borodina met the arrival of the new 2016 year in the family circle with her husband Kurban Omarov and children.

Alena Sviridova celebrated the New Year on Red Square