What can be baked from corn porridge. Corn grits: recipes for delicious and healthy dishes

Dear friends, today I want to tell you how to cook corn porridge in the milk of a child. The fact is that corn grits are very healthy, and porridges come out of it wonderful, but, unfortunately, many simply do not know how simple and easy it is to cook them.

Yes, yes, there is nothing complicated in their preparation, I cook corn porridge in milk on the stove in just a few minutes, and it always turns out tasty and beautiful for me. Actually, this food is not only for the child: I am sure that adults will also not refuse this bright and mouth-watering porridge.

Just the amount of sugar in this case, you will need to adjust to the taste of an adult. This is a great breakfast - full of vitamins, beautiful and tasty. I will be happy to share with you how to cook corn porridge in milk - you will see for yourself how quick and easy it is. Let's go to the kitchen?

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

  • 4 tbsp corn grits;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of salt (to taste);
  • 1-2 tsp Sahara;
  • butter.

Grains are measured into a dry container.

We need milk - of course, good quality. If your child is lactose intolerant, then you can cook delicious corn porridge in lactose-free milk (lactose-free milk is now available in stores almost everywhere).

In a saucepan with a thick bottom, previously moistened with water (so that the porridge does not burn), pour the milk. Be sure to take a pan with a thick bottom, not enameled (in an enameled pan, porridge will definitely stick to the bottom, it will be difficult to wash it).

We put the pan with milk on a strong fire and warm it up to room temperature - if the milk is from the refrigerator. If the milk is at room temperature, immediately pour the corn grits into it (if you pour the grits into hot milk, lumps form - the porridge will turn out to be unappetizing, the lumps will remain hard).

Stir well the cereal in milk and put the pan on the fire.

Stirring all the time, bring to a boil.

And now we have reached the most important point - how much to cook corn porridge in milk. With minimal heat, stirring constantly, corn porridge is cooked for only 12-13 minutes. It is very good to cook porridge on a divider, then you don’t have to stir constantly, it’s enough to mix only 3-4 times - the porridge will not burn.

The groats gradually swell, by the end of cooking the porridge becomes thick.

Salt almost ready porridge and add sugar to taste, mix again. We cover the pan with a lid and set aside for 5 minutes, no longer on fire, but simply covered with a towel.

It is better to serve such porridge immediately - it is very tasty, it is hot.

Traditionally, butter is added to it.

But you can put honey, dried fruits or

Water or mixtures thereof. Porridge with milk - even if there is not much of it - will be more satisfying and more aromatic than a dish cooked only on water.

Water and milk are most often mixed in a ratio of 3:1 or 1:1.

How much liquid to take

The amount of liquid depends on what consistency of porridge you like. The standard proportion is 1 cup of corn grits to 4 cups of liquid. As a result, you will get 4-5 servings of medium density porridge:

If you add 5-6 glasses of milk or water to the same amount of cereal, the finished dish will look like liquid semolina. And if you pour a glass of corn with 2-3 glasses of liquid, the porridge will be thick, like millet.

Remember that cereals absorb liquid well. If the porridge seems too thick during the cooking process, you can dilute it a little with hot milk or water.

Liquid porridge can be left under the lid to infuse, then it will be thicker.

How to prepare cereal

Before cooking, the cereal should be thoroughly rinsed under running water. It is most convenient to do this in a sieve. As a result, the water should become completely transparent.

What to add to corn porridge

If you want sweet porridge, put salt and sugar in the liquid along with the cereal. For 1 cup of cereal, ½ teaspoon of salt and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar are enough. But it is better to focus on your own taste: try milk or water and add seasonings if necessary.

Sweet porridge is perfectly complemented by butter, dried fruits, as well as fresh fruits and berries. Add them at the end of cooking or just before serving. There is a wonderful recipe with pumpkin.

Corn porridge can also be cooked as a side dish. In this case, sugar is not required. In addition to salt, you can put ground black pepper, curry, turmeric and other spices in the dish. And at the end of cooking, add fried onions, carrots and other vegetables, tomatoes in their own juice, mushrooms or greens.

How to cook corn porridge on the stove

Bring water or milk to a boil in a heavy bottomed saucepan. If you cook porridge on their mixture, boil the water first: milk will be needed later.

Pour seasonings and corn grits into the liquid and mix. Cook over low heat for about 40 minutes, stirring constantly.

If necessary, pour in hot milk about halfway through cooking, when the porridge has thickened.

How to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker

Put the cereal in the bowl of the multicooker. Add milk and/or water, salt, sugar and stir. Cook in the "Milk porridge" mode for an hour.

Stir well after cooking.

How to cook corn porridge in the microwave

Pour the cereal into a glass or ceramic container. Pour in hot liquid, add salt and sugar and stir.

Cover with a lid and put in the microwave. Cook 4-5 minutes at 800 watts. Stir and cook for another 6-8 minutes, stirring every 1.5-2 minutes.

Leave the finished porridge in the closed microwave for another 10 minutes.

How to cook corn porridge in the oven

Place the corn grits in a ceramic or glass bowl. Add milk and/or water, salt, sugar and stir.

Close the container with a lid and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 30 minutes. Then stir the porridge and cook for about 20 more minutes.

Corn porridge is famous for its useful properties. It restores blood flow to the brain, improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, fights rashes and inflammation. Due to the completely natural and dietary composition, the dish is consumed by people with diabetes. Also, cereals remove toxins, poisons and chemicals from the body, which has a beneficial effect on the health of workers. industrial enterprises. You can enjoy all the benefits only if corn porridge is cooked correctly.

Corn porridge on the water: a classic of the genre

The recipe is not particularly difficult, but it will take you about 45-60 minutes to cook. Some housewives prefer to cook porridge as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, others indulge the younger generation with a sweet culinary masterpiece. It is important to observe the proportions and follow the instructions clearly.

  • drinking water - 670 ml.
  • butter - 1 slice
  • cereals - 220 gr.
  • salt - to taste
  1. Rinse the cereal under the tap, use a sieve or colander to drain excess liquid. Pour water into a thick-bottomed saucepan, place over medium heat and bring to a boil.
  2. After the appearance of the first bubbles, pour in the washed grains, add salt and wait for the boil. As soon as this happens, reduce the power to a mark between medium and minimum.
  3. Boil the porridge for about half an hour, stirring occasionally. Remove the mixture from the walls so that it does not stick. The final mass should be thick and viscous.
  4. After the allotted time, remove the dishes from the heat, add the butter, let stand under the lid for 35-45 minutes. Optionally, diversify the technology by adding other components (at your discretion).
  5. Some housewives prefer to mix corn porridge with fried onion half rings, mushrooms, stewed vegetables or meat. Also suitable are sweets like fruits, candied fruits, etc.
  6. You can chop seasonal berries in a blender, and then mix with honey and add to already finished product. Thus, you will get a hearty breakfast that everyone in the household will enjoy.

Corn porridge with pumpkin

  • pumpkin pulp - 175 gr.
  • cereals - 200 gr.
  • butter - small cube
  1. Chop the pumpkin into slices or cubes, send to a container of boiling water. Boil the mixture for about 10 minutes over low heat, pre-salt the liquid, add sugar at your discretion.
  2. After cooking, pour out some of the water, make pumpkin puree using a potato masher. You can use a blender, it is much more convenient with it.
  3. Again, send the porridge to the burner, pour in 100 ml. clean water, languish a quarter of an hour. After that, pour water into another container to cook corn grits.
  4. Rinse and dry the grains first, only then send them to boil. The duration of heat treatment is 20 minutes. During this period, the porridge will become dense and thick.
  5. When the specified time has passed, mix the two compositions into one, add a slice butter and cover. Wrap in a warm towel, let stand for half an hour.
  6. Top with honey, dried fruits, berries or whipped cream if desired. Serve in deep serving bowls, topped with grated chocolate.

Not many people know, but cereals are hypoallergenic products, so you can feed the younger generation with them. Porridge is easily digestible, suitable for breakfast, lunch and even dinner. The recipe is not difficult, we will analyze the steps step by step. Babies up to six months can be given porridge as complementary foods, one tablespoon a day.

  • cereals - 7 gr.
  • drinking water for children - 110 ml.
  1. Rinse the cereal thoroughly with filtered water (not under the tap!). Dry it off with a paper towel. Transfer the grains to a blender and grind thoroughly several times.
  2. Pour drinking baby water into an enameled container, pour in the cereal and put on the stove. Simmer at low power for about 15 minutes, after which the porridge can be considered ready.
  3. It is important to remember forever that corn grits for children are prepared without salt, sugar and other additional ingredients. Otherwise, when an allergy occurs, you will not understand what the body acts negatively on.
  4. If you wish, from the second feeding, mix ready-made porridge with purchased baby puree (banana, apple, peach, etc.). In no case do not add honey, it is a strong allergen.

Corn porridge in the oven

For cooking corn porridge, both electric and gas ovens are suitable. The recipe can be varied at your discretion by adding additional ingredients to the dish (dried apricots, raisins, nuts, etc.).

  • cereals - 140 gr.
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • salt, sugar - optional
  1. Rinse the cereal under the tap several times, discard on a sieve and let the excess liquid drain. Dry the beans naturally if possible.
  2. The ratio of water and cereal should be 3:1. Therefore, at 140 gr. composition you will need 420-450 ml. liquids. It is better to use drinking filtered water, so the porridge will turn out soft.
  3. Pick up a heat-resistant container with a thick bottom and walls, designed for cooking in the oven. You can use pots for baking, it all depends on the dishes at hand.
  4. Place the grains in the cavity, fill with water (preferably boiling water), add butter and mix. Salt, sweeten to taste, do not preheat the oven.
  5. If dried fruits or nuts are used, they must be thrown into the porridge before cooking. Thus, the composition will give juices, the dish will turn out to be more saturated.
  6. Put the dishes inside the oven on the middle shelf, set the temperature to 200 degrees. Cooking time is 40-45 minutes. The final product will be thick with a ruddy golden crust on the surface.
  7. Periodically take out the porridge and stir, two procedures are enough. After cooking, let the mixture brew under the lid, then proceed to the tasting. Many people like to drink porridge with baked milk.

  • cereals - 220 gr.
  • butter - 1 slice
  1. Pour the cereal into a colander, rinse under the tap several times. Dry at room temperature. Pour 650 ml into the multicooker bowl. hot water, salt, add oil.
  2. Close the device, set one of the functions (“Porridge”, “Buckwheat”, “Extinguishing”). Wait for the timer to turn off, then do not rush to open the lid.
  3. Insist porridge for another half hour, then proceed to use. Add your favorite ingredients as desired (raisins, banana, kiwi, etc.).

Corn porridge takes pride of place in the list of hearty and healthy dishes. Consider the recipe for cooking in the oven or slow cooker, use classical technology using a plate. Prepare a composition for baby foods, introduce porridge gradually, do not add strong allergens (sugar, honey, berries).

Video: how to quickly cook corn porridge

How to cook porridge

How to cook corn porridge in water? Thanks to this step-by-step recipe with photos and videos, you can delight yourself and your loved ones with this healthy porridge!

35 min

140 kcal

4.56/5 (9)

Kitchen appliances:

  • Pot.
  • Sieve.
  • Cup.
  • Thick kitchen towel.


How to choose ingredients

To choose the best corn grits, you first need to make sure that it contains no extra impurities. This is easy to do even with the naked eye. Check your grits for black grains and additives. If they are not there, feel free to take the cereal. Another important criterion is the color of the cereal. For quality corn grits he should only be bright yellow. The ratio of cereals and water for porridge of medium density is 1: 3, that is, 1 part of cereals and 3 parts of water.

Today's recipe for porridge on water from small corn grits will definitely come in handy in your life.

Step by step recipe

  1. Use a sieve to rinse your corn grits. You should rinse it until the water from under it becomes absolutely clean. If you are in doubt about whether it is necessary to wash corn grits with water before cooking, do not hesitate - you must! Once you throw the cereal into the water and see what it becomes, doubts will disappear by themselves. We put it on the stove and pour corn porridge with three cups of boiling water.

  2. How long to cook corn porridge in water? About fifteen or twenty minutes! During cooking, you should not leave the stove even for a minute. Corn grits are very delicate and require constant attention. You need to stir it constantly while cooking. Don't forget to salt the water.

  3. When the corn grits are cooked, you can cover it with a lid. Give her one hour to "rest". After that, the porridge is ready to eat. Enjoy your meal.

Porridge recipe video

I invite you to watch a very exciting video. In this video you can find the complete step by step recipe cooking corn grits. This will give you a unique opportunity to save your energy on the process of preparing such a healthy dish. From this video you will also learn the proportions of water and cereal for corn porridge.

What is this porridge served with?

The serving of corn porridge depends on the variation in which the dish is prepared. If it is made with milk, then this dish should be served with jam. Porridge, which is cooked on water, can be served with meat side dishes, additives. This will help you form an excellent and complete dish.

cooking options

It's no secret that corn porridge is cooked in various forms and variations. There are two most common recipes - cooking porridge with milk and water. If you cook with water, then the porridge is salty. But the recipe for milk allows you to make it sweet. as simple as on the water, but the taste will really surprise you. If you have tried corn porridge with milk at least once, then you will forever remain a fan of it! Learn to make it with your own hands and you can please yourself with it at least every day.

Corn porridge can be prepared and served using vegetables, fruits, and meats. Very popular is corn porridge with dried apricots or raisins. You and your loved ones will definitely like this dish. If you cooked porridge in a salty form, for example, using meat, then you can decorate it with fresh herbs.

Everyone knows that corn grits need to be cooked for a long time, but if this can save you a lot of time, and the result may surprise you. When using a slow cooker in the process of preparing such a dish, you can achieve a completely different taste than using a saucepan. How to cook corn porridge in water, you know, you can start this process.

Be sure to share the results of your culinary fantasies! Enjoy your meal!

Many people love it, and those who do not love it simply do not know how to cook it properly. Don't believe? Try to follow the recommendations, take into account the secrets of delicious porridge in practice, and you will see that corn porridge is not only very healthy, but also very tasty.

How to cook corn porridge with milk

Corn is popular for its low calorie content, the indicator of which is only 86 kcal per hundred grams of the product. For this reason, corn grits are desirable in dietary nutrition. Another big plus of cereals is that it does not contain gluten, so people whose body is sensitive to this substance can eat corn porridge without fear. It is calmly introduced into the diet of babies whose age has reached six months.

Before cooking corn porridge, regardless of whether it will be in milk or water, you should know some principles for working with it, and these are:

You can cook corn grits not only in a saucepan, but also in the microwave and in the oven. In the first option, you need to use a glass dish with a lid, turn on the device at maximum power and set the timer for seven minutes first, then mix and set for another five minutes. In the oven, it is convenient to cook porridge as a second course with vegetables in clay pots. Cooking time at 180°C about an hour.

Corn porridge with milk is one of the tasty and healthy treats for kids, and adults too. If the dish is prepared for the smallest, then the fat content of milk should not exceed 1%. If you could not find this in the store, then take the usual 3.2% and dilute it with boiled water.

Corn porridge is prepared in milk as follows:

  1. Pour 150 ml of milk and half a glass of water into a saucepan with a thick bottom, dissolve a small spoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt.
  2. Pour in two large spoons with a slide of corn porridge after boiling and start stirring.
  3. Continue to cook the porridge over low heat for a quarter of an hour, then add a piece of butter, cover and leave to simmer for another quarter of an hour. Turn off the stove, remove the pan, stir the porridge.

How to cook corn porridge in water

Corn porridge boiled in water is ideal as a side dish for both meat and fish, and cooking it is as easy as shelling pears:

  1. Pour three cups of water into a heavy bottomed pot and bring to a boil.
  2. After boiling, add a pinch of salt and one glass of corn grits.
  3. Boil the porridge, stirring frequently, for half an hour.

Such porridge should be boiled immediately before serving and offered while still hot, otherwise it can become very thick.

How long to cook corn porridge

It is necessary to determine the cooking time for corn grits based on the grinding of grits. On average, it's half an hour. But if a second course or soup is prepared from porridge, then the cooking time can be adjusted by the recipe itself, pay attention to the recommendations of the author of the recipe. By the way, if you grind the porridge in a coffee grinder, then the cooking time can be reduced from half an hour to 15 minutes.