The full name of Alena is female. The fate and character of the modern "sister Alyonushka" - what does this name mean

It is traditionally believed that the name Alena is a modified form of the name Elena. Translated from the ancient Greek "hele" - sunlight, and "helenos" - fiery, torch, scarlet. However modern research came to the conclusion that these two names are absolutely unrelated and have different roots of origin. Alena is an old Russian name. Alens or Alans are warlike ancient tribes that lived on the territory of Russia during pagan times, whose symbol was fire and sword. Besides, in Ancient Russia among the pagans, Alena was called the goddess of the morning dawn. In the colloquial version, the name sounded like Olena, later it became an independent very common Russian name Alena.

Alena does not have an Angel's day, so the name is considered not church, it is not in the calendar. At the baptism of girls with the name Alena, they call Elena. Therefore, the patron saints of Alena are the same as those of Elena: the Holy Empress Elena, who devoted herself to religion, and Saint Elena. Alena celebrates the day of the angel on Elena's name day: January 28, March 19, June 3, June 8, July 24, August 10, November 12.

Short form of the name: Alyonka, Alyonushka Lena, Lesya, Alya, Lena, Lenusya, Elenka.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Alena

The energy of the name Alyona contains a powerful life potential, endowing its owner with charisma, strength, determination, along with childish spontaneity and simplicity. Alena is sincere, cheerful and incredibly sweet. She attracts people around her like a magnet, because her name means light and heat. This is an active, insightful and unpredictable woman who always has her own opinion, which she adheres to, it is unlikely that she will be able to impose another opinion on her. Among strangers, she is reserved and cautious. Among relatives and friends - sociable, open and trusting. Alena simply does not know how to dissemble and cunning, she openly expresses her feelings, emotions, has a good disposition. Not for nothing Russian heroines folk tales Those with these qualities were called Alyonushka. Most often, Alena inherits her father's character and is categorical and persistent.

Alena name traits

Alena is a cheerful and cheerful person, she seems to radiate inner light and warmth. Her energy and optimism charges everyone around, it is calm and pleasant to be around her. She is loved by friends and family for sincere feelings, simplicity and ability to support in difficult times. She has an amazing ability to empathize and sympathize, she can always help with a deed or give useful advice. It is enough to talk to her, to be near - and all problems seem insignificant and solvable. But, if you offend her or hurt her pride, she becomes withdrawn, avoids communication with the offender and experiences negative emotions for a long time.

Alena is incredibly feminine, she has an easy-going easy character, knows how to be weak and defenseless, conquering with this men's hearts. But this is only outwardly, in fact, she has a strong inner core, she can stand up for herself, defend her opinion. At the right moments of life, he shows determination, courage and perseverance. Alena has a high self-esteem that is not too high, she is demanding of herself, but she treats people more loyally and expects the same attitude towards herself. Indifference, inattention of people upsets her. She is alien to impudence, aggression, envy. One of Alena's shortcomings is her curiosity and inability to keep other people's secrets. Therefore, she often finds herself in an awkward position, likes to chat and gossip.

Possessing excessive emotionality and impressionability, she is prone to frequent mood swings: from sentimentality, unreasonable sadness to bright emotional outbursts. Alena is an active girl, loves change, change of scenery, travel and vivid impressions, which charge it with even more vitality. He cannot sit in one place for a long time, he gets tired of the monotony and everyday life.

Alena's family and love relationships

The femininity and mystery of Alena is very attracted to her by the opposite sex. She bathes in male attention, knows how to manipulate men, is well versed in male psychology. Her high self-esteem, the ability to dress with taste and look good, external defenselessness and fragility attracts a strong half of humanity. Men want to protect a sweet girl, to become a support for her. She is a coquette, loves to flirt, thereby often giving hope to a man, while not considering his candidacy for creating a serious relationship. Choosing a partner for living together, first of all, he draws attention to his rich inner world, sincerity, nobility, kindness and generosity. The material question for her is in last place, she may well marry a poor young man and be happy with him. Alena's feeling of love is associated with suffering, she is ready to sacrifice her well-being, interests in the name of love. Expects the same sacrifice and return from a partner. She is one of those women who can give up a successful career, move to the ends of the world for the sake of her beloved man and family.

In marriage, Alena is devoted and faithful to her husband, strives to create comfort in the house, she is an ideal loving wife and mother, a real keeper of the hearth. She not only manages to keep the house in perfect order, takes care of the children, but also constantly surprises her husband with extraordinary deeds and an ardent temperament. With such a woman it will never be boring and uninteresting, she is ready for experiments, new experiences. Routine, monotony in everyday life disappoints Alena, she is not picky in everyday life, she can be content with little, thrifty and economical.

Alena is an affectionate, feminine, gentle and caring wife. She is able to share all the hardships with her husband, support him in difficult situations inspire him with optimism and faith in own forces. She manages to be sweet, charming and stubborn, persistent, and to show her individuality at the same time. The ideal husband for Alena is a strong, calm and good-natured man who is able to take care of her well-being, like a father.

Choice of profession, Business, Alena's career

Alena is a passionate creative person, for whom there are no limits, rigid schedules. She brings joy and satisfaction to live communication with people, and not boring office clerical work. She is always looking for new experiences. She can manifest and realize herself in a creative profession, in social sphere. Alena is closer to the profession of a psychologist, social worker, journalist. This is a woman with a refined taste, she is drawn to everything beautiful, loves to surround herself. beautiful things, a profession related to design, needlework is suitable for her. Alena is a responsible worker, with a developed sense of duty, she will make every effort and effort to complete a job or a complex important task. Meanness is incapable, very peaceful, always ready to help colleagues, for which they respect and love her. It is preferable to engage in mental rather than physical labor. Alena strives for new knowledge, is engaged in self-education, tries to delve into all the subtleties of her chosen profession. If she gets bored with work, she can quit her job without hesitation and start all over again in a new field of activity, which she will find more interesting and promising.

Alena's health

Emotionality, resentment, frequent mood swings can lead to depression, cause unreasonable longing. Alyonushka has weak lungs, it is recommended that she walk more, be on fresh air, more often visit the sea coast, in nature, strengthen immunity. It is worth paying attention to the bladder, there may be problems with the lower back.

Alena name for a child

Little Alyonushka is a kind and affectionate girl, everyone's favorite. She is cheerful, open, very charming, knows how to make a good impression. Among unfamiliar people behaves wary, closed. Often this quality separates her from the team by initial stage communication. Later, after adapting, she becomes the soul of the company that everyone loves. He prefers to spend his free time in a cozy home environment, does not like noisy, active games. She loves nature, animals, is ready to carry home all homeless dogs and cats. In her school years, she is inquisitive and active, easily gets carried away, often changes her hobbies. She has talents: she sings, dances, she has an excellent memory. A good memory helps her to quickly learn the material, she studies well, but sometimes she shows frivolity in studying. Parents should develop in the child purposefulness, hard work and the ability to bring things to completion, not stopping halfway.

A feature of Alena is the ability to defend her point of view, to convince her that she is right. She does not tolerate other people's instructions, moralizing, does not give in to someone else's opinion. It can be overly trusting and disinterested, trusts people. If she is disappointed in the person who hurt her, she takes offense hard. Over time, he learns from his own mistakes, becomes wiser, carefully chooses the circle of his communication.

Alena is an open, cheerful and sociable girl, but only relatives see her like that, because with unfamiliar people she is reserved and a little closed. What does the name Alena mean and how to communicate with girls wearing it in order to win their attention and affection?

Alenka can be too stubborn, but she will never give up her goal, she does not give in to other people's opinions. It attracts attention with its innate charm and simplicity. The owners of this true feeling or dissemble, always try to be sincere and frank.

origin of the name Alena

It is believed that the name Alena is an Old Slavonic name and is translated as “fiery”, “scarlet”, “chosen one”. Translated from Greek means "solar" or "torch". Translated from Hebrew as "oak".

It is pleasant and easy to communicate with the owners of this name, they are open and sincere, listen carefully to the interlocutor, and will not refuse help.

The nature of the name Alena

The character of Alyonushka is similar to her father - emotional and categorical. Emotions are in a special place in her life. In her youth, she seems too shy and a little introverted. Close friends know how Alenka is a cheerful and cheerful person.

Love and sexuality

Sensuality, femininity, attractiveness and passion of the owners of this name will never go unnoticed by the opposite sex. Men are ready for real feats and great sacrifices to win Alena's heart. But she herself, completely ignoring her own bright temperament, chooses only one admirer, to whom she will give all her affection, attention, care and tenderness.

Alena makes rather high demands on her lover. For her great importance the sexual component also plays, because without a harmonious intimate life you can't build a happy relationship. The owners of this name are very capricious, but fans perceive this quality as a virtue, not a disadvantage.

The beloved must show all his generosity and ingenuity, of course, if he really wants to win the heart of the freedom-loving Alena. She will never intentionally break the hearts of guys, she is just actively looking for the only one with whom she wants to spend her whole life.

Marriage and family

She believes that only a family can help her become truly happy, so early marriage is quite normal for her. He cannot imagine his life without a beloved man nearby and joint children. Alenka is accustomed to constantly sacrificing herself, because of which the marriage may not be happy. She wants to receive no less dedication from her lover, but often she simply does not get it.

Many fans are not able to appreciate her desire to support and help in solving problems. For a family to really be happy and strong, it should start a relationship with a strong, demanding and self-sufficient person who can become her support and support.

She is interested in spiritually developed, self-sufficient and intelligent men, because she herself strives to constantly improve herself, discovering something new and unusual for herself. She is a good hostess, however, she is very far from ideal. She will never enjoy the process of cleaning or maintaining comfort in the house, but she always does this, because she loves to take care of loved ones.

In her house there will never be perfect cleanliness and she is rather indifferent to this fact. Material difficulties do not cause concern, because she is used to being content with what she has on this moment. However, Alenka will not be a soft and completely submissive wife. She will constantly try to become the undisputed leader in the family and dictate her rules to those close to her, which she does very well with.

A monotonous and routine life quickly bores Alena, so she needs a periodic change of scenery. He wants to spend his holidays as far away from home as possible. She is able to forgive a lot to her beloved man, but not betrayal. Constant secrets or reticences completely destroy the fragile trust, gradually killing the marriage.

Alena's birthday

January 29th.

March 19th.

June 8th, 10th and 24th.

August 10th.

September 17th.

November 12th.

Alena's magic

Alena's planet is the Sun, Pluto.

Alena's talisman stone - aventurine, chalcedony and onyx.

Alena's day of the week is Tuesday, Sunday.

Alena's number is 5, 7.

Alena's color - K red, orange, scarlet.

Many people think that the name Alena is just a colloquial form of the ancient Greek name Elena, but this is not so. Their meanings are completely different, and they endow people with completely different characters. The meaning of the name Alena is rooted in pagan times and is associated with the word "scarlet", that is, "beautiful". So often called old Russian girls.

Alena's character

In childhood, this is a small ray of sunshine that pleases parents, educators and teachers with its warmth, cordiality, kindness and tranquility. The meaning of the name Alena largely affects her character. The girl is very sociable and emotional, in the circle of friends she constantly laughs, she can be too trusting, which she suffers from. She is overly curious, so she repeatedly gets into various stories. She is patient, knows how to control her emotions, but still teasing, offending and joking with her is not worth it. Alena, whose name is sometimes translated as "fiery", can even rush into a fight to punish the offender. This is a big dreamer and optimist, she prefers to live in a fictional world.

growing up period

Alena is very sociable, so sometimes she can become a source of gossip. Wants to try everything in this life, so in early age may start smoking or drinking alcohol. The girl is overwhelmed with a thirst for new experiences, she is burdened by monotony. Her main enemy is laziness, if you manage to defeat her, then Alena will achieve a lot in life. This is a true friend who you can always rely on, but he doesn’t know how to keep secrets. The secret of the name Alain lies in the fact that only a disinterested and honest person can wear it, who does not need to seek a compromise with his conscience.

Family life

The girl builds relationships with men on mutual understanding, she really wants to find a strong-willed and strong-willed person who would become a real support and protection. In some cases, the meaning of the name Alena suggests compassion, so she can refuse a rich and prosperous groom without hesitation, and choose the one she regrets. The girl knows how to make concessions and sacrifice herself, but she demands the same from her partner. Family life radically transforms Alena, there is no trace of her laziness. She is quite successfully engaged in everyday life, but cooking and cleaning the house do not particularly appeal to her. The meaning of the name Alena suggests the presence of a certain core, therefore, in the family, she should be the main one, if the household members question her authority, then conflicts cannot be avoided. Prefers to live in a house rather than an apartment, rooms should be minimally loaded with furniture.

professional life

Alena is an excellent specialist, constantly improving her skills. If she occupies a leadership position, then subordinates will have a hard time, because as a boss she is strict and demanding. He is a recognized manipulator. He takes a little interest in everything, but quickly cools down to everything, knows how to see the whole picture, does not dwell on the details. When communicating with Alena, one should not forget that she is very trusting and vulnerable, although she is aloof and cold. According to the zodiac sign, the name is ideal for Gemini.

The meaning of the name Alena for a girl, a girl and a woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Read a full analysis of the nature, compatibility and fate of the name Alena in this article!

Full name: Alyona

Meaning: from the ancient Greek name Helene - "torch, light"

Similar names: Olena, Helen, Helen, Elena, Lean

Church name: Non-church (folk) version Elena

What does the name Daria mean?

The name Alena is of ancient Greek origin. Previously, the Greeks often called their newborn girls Helena, which means "light" or "torch". On the territory of Ancient Russia, the word "alens" were pagans who lived in its eastern part. These people jealously guarded their territory, living apart. Their symbolism was a bright red fire, so it is believed that this is the meaning of this female name. Even before the adoption of Christianity by the Slavs, Alena began to be called the pagan goddess of the morning dew. After baptism, the name Alena was given to newborn girls born at dawn. It is popular among female names, but it is far from the first line of the rating.

The name Alena in different languages ​​​​of the world

Arabic: ألينا

In Armenian: Ալենա

Belarusian: Alena

Greek: Αλένα

Georgian: ალენა

Spanish: Alena

Italian: Alena

Chinese: 阿蓮娜

Ukrainian: Alena

French: Alena

Characteristics and astrology named after Alain

Favorable day: Sunday

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Ruler Planet: Sun

Talisman Stone: Chrysolite

Color: red

plant: lavender

Animal: lioness

What does the name Alena mean for a girl, girl and woman?

As a girl, Alena is wise beyond her years, calm and reasonable. She is quiet and balanced. With all his heart he believes in Santa Claus and magic, loves to read fairy tales and take part in all matinees in kindergarten and events in primary school. The girl loves teddy bears and dolls. She often puts them to bed, reads to them at night or sings a lullaby.

In the company of peers, she is friendly and sweet, therefore she is always surrounded by friends, both girls and boys. But he chooses his girlfriends carefully, despite his young age. She likes to communicate with those girls who seem unusual and interesting to her.

Alena is flirtatious and playful, does not like to lose heart and be sad. She has a stubborn and strong personality, the expression of which is often mistaken for disobedience. She is tenacious and persistent in getting what she wants. This applies to both positive and negative desires.

As a teenager, Alena loves justice and does not accept the infringement of her rights. The years spent in high school are fun and carefree. The same is observed with the student period in life. Without making any special efforts in her studies, Alena manages to pass all the tests with "good" and "excellent".

Childish persistence has now taken the form of adherence to principles and a thirst for justice. Alena does not accept lies and flattery and quickly recognizes these qualities in people at the first meeting. He likes to communicate on various topics and if he is well versed in one of them, he will definitely show his knowledge to others.

Alena devotes a lot of time to her many friends, loves to wander around the city with them in search of adventure. He does not show much interest in guys, considering them only as friends with whom you can play football, joke, and laugh. He is friends only with those in whom he sees directness and sincerity. She will start looking at the opposite sex later than her girlfriends.

As a woman, Alena is charming, sexy and attractive. Men like her, they give her gifts, trying to achieve the attention and location of such a desirable person. She accepts courtship, gifts and flowers, but promises nothing to her boyfriend. Likes to keep his distance.

Alena's direct and firm nature can lead her to an early but happy marriage, because in relations with her beloved she does not like intrigues and showdowns, but simply wants to be close to him. After marriage, she is completely immersed in family life and household.

Alena loves to take a leadership position and subjugate people. But not with close relatives. With them, she is kind, sweet, sincere and caring. She will come to the aid of any of them, regardless of whether they are on her side or on the side of her husband. Values ​​family values, traditions and bonds. A woman is hardworking, can work well and have a good rest.

The nature and fate of the name Alena

  • industriousness
  • emotionality
  • intuitiveness
  • unselfishness

Intuition practically does not fail Alena and in her actions she often focuses on her. Relatives and friends love spending time with her because she is hospitable and friendly. If any of them has a serious problem, a woman can postpone her plans and selflessly help the needy.

Alena loves to spend her weekends at home, arranging general cleaning and exhausting carpets, washing and washing every corner of her apartment. But this is the case if she is married and has children. Before marriage, a woman does not like to do household chores. If the spouse is kind, understanding and loving, then Alena devotes herself completely to him, pleasing her beloved in his desires.

  • incredulity
  • conflict
  • isolation
  • excessive talkativeness

Despite the seeming militancy of character, inside a woman is vulnerable and sensitive. Sometimes in a society of strangers she is closed and closed, unable to liberate herself. At these moments, she is very wary and perceives everything with some apprehension.

Although Alena likes the opposite sex, there is such a category of men that this woman annoys. Especially her inattention and inability to pay attention to small details. Alena often encounters this attitude at work. They are also annoyed by her excessive talkativeness and curiosity. This category of men may be among close relatives.

Alena's fate

Alena, by virtue of her character, can marry early and live with one man all her life, completely surrendering to her family. She tends to take care of loved ones, pushing aside her own needs and desires. He loves children, so he can decide on a large family.

Throughout her life, Alena will skillfully realize herself, both in the family and at work. Can become a business woman, not forgetting about her children. Free time from work will be spent with children qualitatively. This is the woman who does it all. Earning a lot, he does not exalt himself over her husband, he is her main earner and head of the family.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Design, philosophy and economics are areas of business that attract Alena. Having chosen one thing, a woman is completely “immersed” in the topic and becomes a master of this field of knowledge, constantly improving and educating herself. It is important for her to become a good specialist.

Alena prefers that the work is not associated with a rigid schedule and time frames. If her work is limited by something, she cannot fully realize herself. Therefore, the woman is engaged entrepreneurial activity to make up your own work schedule.

Such a loose schedule labor activity Alena needs her to have time for her family - her beloved husband and children. Mobility and love of freedom are what she wants from her profession. He does not choose to work at a factory or any large enterprise. Can work there remotely, so as not to spend a lot of time in production, but to be useful while sitting at home.

Marriage and family

Only a generous, open and kind gentleman can melt Alena's heart. Novels begin quickly, are passionate. If the attraction between partners is irresistible, people decide to live together and tie the knot. There is such a desire in Alena and her companion at the same time.

At the beginning family life she can show irritability and capriciousness, despite the fact that most of the time she is very caring and reverent. Because of this, quarrels and misunderstandings can arise between spouses. But if a husband is wise enough, he will be able to find an approach to a woman and minimize the negative.

Alena can take a leading position in the family if the spouse is too soft and supple. But with a strong and strong-willed man, he gladly concedes a dominant position. A woman triples family life in such a way as to avoid monotony and boredom. He organizes any joint holidays on a grand scale so that the children will remember. She is a model of a loving wife and caring mother.

Sex and love

Alena is the conqueror of men's hearts. She is sexy, attractive, erotic. In terms of sex, she has many ideas and fantasies, for the embodiment of which, being temperamental and playful, she chooses a partner similar to herself. Her irrepressible energy requires that it be squandered to the end.

In a love relationship, Alena prefers freedom, to be trusted, and she trusted in return. Dislikes surveillance and persecution. If he lives with a man under the same roof, then he can leave for a while (go on a visit, on vacation) to miss his beloved man, he believes that this way the relationship is getting stronger, and the sensations in sex take on a new color.

Independent and strong in life, Alena in an intimate sense completely obeys the will of her partner. But this happens if the temperament of a man is stronger than her character. Intuition tells a woman whether a new boyfriend will suit her as a permanent lover or will not justify her desires and fantasies.


As a child, Alena has problems with the constitution, suffers from overweight. You can lose weight only from the beginning of the puberty process. Before that, he will actively go in for sports, but he will not get a big result in losing weight. Adolescence will be for her a period of getting rid of excess weight.

Having matured, Alena looks younger than her years, but suffers from depression and nervous breakdowns, because she takes everything that happens to her to heart. Worries about loved ones further exacerbate her condition. nervous system. Then only the strong character of the woman and her determination will help her get out of this state and never return to it.

At retirement age, Alena suffers from diseases genitourinary system or chronic inflammation lungs. An elderly woman spends a lot of money, time and effort on the treatment of these ailments. He copes with them if he feels the support of his husband, children and close relatives.

Interests and hobbies

Alena quickly lights up in her work and cools down just as quickly. Often, as a creative activity, he chooses an active lifestyle and constant sports. He can also get carried away with computer or art graphics, drawing, theater and cinema.

There is no such hobby that Alena would devote several years of her life to. Because she is interested in everything. She learns something new, immerses herself in this activity, improves and begins to understand that she has dried up. Then the woman tries something completely opposite.

For a long time and stubbornly, Alena can only do one thing - to decorate and ennoble her family nest. This is where her energy and fuse are embodied. She loves when the apartment has a homely and cozy atmosphere. A woman is constantly improving the design of the home.

Alena name compatibility with male names

Strong, loving and trusting relationships are possible with Alena with men whose names are Illarion, Leonty, Samuil, Timur and Jan. They will justify the expectations of a woman regarding what a man should be in her eyes and ideas. A particularly passionate romance is possible with Jan or Timur, who will do everything to please their beloved woman.

A good marriage, in which mutual understanding and mutual support reigns, is possible with Alena with Cyril, Miron, Semyon, Thaddeus and Yaroslav. They will all be able to wisely and condescendingly treat the whims of a woman and teach her to fully open up to her spouse in what worries her. They will be stronger than her in character and temperament, so they will be able to take power in the family in own hands and solve family problems quickly and with dignity.

Relationships can be passionate, but not long-lasting and sometimes upset Alena with Artemy, Vladimir, Daniil, Yegor and Naum. None of them is able to come to terms with her love of freedom. They go too far in the matter of a woman's personal space, tracking her movements, because they are jealous and do not trust.

Alena's relationship with men, who were named Boris, George, Dmitry, Konstantin and Yakov, can develop completely unsuccessful relationships. By themselves, they can be sweet and sympathetic men, but in relation to Alena they turn into real tyrants. This happens simply because they are not compatible with it. They may well be happy in marriage and love, but not with Alena.

It is traditionally believed that the name Alena is a modified form of the name Elena. Translated from the ancient Greek "hele" - sunlight, and "helenos" - fiery, torch, scarlet. However, modern research has concluded that these two names are absolutely unrelated and have different roots of origin. Alena is an old Russian name. Alens or Alans are warlike ancient tribes that lived on the territory of Russia during pagan times, whose symbol was fire and sword. In addition, in ancient Russia, the pagans called Alyona the goddess of the morning dawn. In the colloquial version, the name sounded like Olena, later it became an independent very common Russian name Alena.

Alena does not have an Angel's day, so the name is considered not church, it is not in the calendar. At the baptism of girls with the name Alena, they call Elena. Therefore, the patron saints of Alena are the same as those of Elena: the Holy Empress Elena, who devoted herself to religion, and Saint Elena. Alena celebrates the day of the angel on Elena's name day: January 28, March 19, June 3, June 8, July 24, August 10, November 12.

Short form of the name: Alyonka, Alyonushka Lena, Lesya, Alya, Lena, Lenusya, Elenka.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Alena

The energy of the name Alyona contains a powerful life potential, endowing its owner with charisma, strength, determination, along with childish spontaneity and simplicity. Alena is sincere, cheerful and incredibly sweet. She attracts people around her like a magnet, because her name means light and heat. This is an active, insightful and unpredictable woman who always has her own opinion, which she adheres to, it is unlikely that she will be able to impose another opinion on her. Among strangers, she is reserved and cautious. Among relatives and friends - sociable, open and trusting. Alena simply does not know how to dissemble and cunning, she openly expresses her feelings, emotions, has a good disposition. It is not for nothing that the heroines of Russian folk tales possessing these qualities were called Alyonushka. Most often, Alena inherits her father's character and is categorical and persistent.

Alena name traits

Alena is a cheerful and cheerful person, she seems to radiate inner light and warmth. Her energy and optimism charges everyone around, it is calm and pleasant to be around her. She is loved by friends and family for sincere feelings, simplicity and ability to support in difficult times. She has an amazing ability to empathize and sympathize, she can always help with deeds or give good advice. It is enough to talk to her, to be near - and all problems seem insignificant and solvable. But, if you offend her or hurt her pride, she becomes withdrawn, avoids communication with the offender and experiences negative emotions for a long time.

Alena is incredibly feminine, she has an easy-going easy character, knows how to be weak and defenseless, conquering men's hearts with this. But this is only outwardly, in fact, she has a strong inner core, she can stand up for herself, defend her opinion. At the right moments of life, he shows determination, courage and perseverance. Alena has a high self-esteem that is not too high, she is demanding of herself, but she treats people more loyally and expects the same attitude towards herself. Indifference, inattention of people upsets her. She is alien to impudence, aggression, envy. One of Alena's shortcomings is her curiosity and inability to keep other people's secrets. Therefore, she often finds herself in an awkward position, likes to chat and gossip.

Possessing excessive emotionality and impressionability, she is prone to frequent mood swings: from sentimentality, unreasonable sadness to bright emotional outbursts. Alena is an active girl, she loves changes, a change of scenery, travel and vivid impressions that charge her with even more vitality. He cannot sit in one place for a long time, he gets tired of the monotony and everyday life.

Alena's family and love relationships

The femininity and mystery of Alena is very attracted to her by the opposite sex. She bathes in male attention, knows how to manipulate men, is well versed in male psychology. Her high self-esteem, the ability to dress with taste and look good, external defenselessness and fragility attracts a strong half of humanity. Men want to protect a sweet girl, to become a support for her. She is a coquette, loves to flirt, thereby often giving hope to a man, while not considering his candidacy for creating a serious relationship. Choosing a partner for living together, first of all, he draws attention to his rich inner world, sincerity, nobility, kindness and generosity. The material question for her is in last place, she may well marry a poor young man and be happy with him. Alena's feeling of love is associated with suffering, she is ready to sacrifice her well-being, interests in the name of love. Expects the same sacrifice and return from a partner. She is one of those women who can give up a successful career, move to the ends of the world for the sake of her beloved man and family.

In marriage, Alena is devoted and faithful to her husband, strives to create comfort in the house, she is an ideal loving wife and mother, a real keeper of the hearth. She not only manages to keep the house in perfect order, takes care of the children, but also constantly surprises her husband with extraordinary deeds and an ardent temperament. With such a woman it will never be boring and uninteresting, she is ready for experiments, new experiences. Routine, monotony in everyday life disappoints Alena, she is not picky in everyday life, she can be content with little, thrifty and economical.

Alena is an affectionate, feminine, gentle and caring wife. She is able to share all the hardships with her husband, support him in difficult situations, instill in him optimism and faith in his own strength. She manages to be sweet, charming and stubborn, persistent, and to show her individuality at the same time. The ideal husband for Alena is a strong, calm and good-natured man who is able to take care of her well-being, like a father.

Choice of profession, Business, Alena's career

Alena is a passionate creative person, for whom there are no limits, rigid schedules. She brings joy and satisfaction to live communication with people, and not boring office clerical work. She is always looking for new experiences. She can manifest and realize herself in a creative profession, in the social sphere. Alena is closer to the profession of a psychologist, social worker, journalist. This is a woman with a refined taste, she is drawn to everything beautiful, she loves to surround herself with beautiful things, a profession related to design and needlework is suitable for her. Alena is a responsible worker, with a developed sense of duty, she will make every effort and effort to complete a job or a complex important task. Meanness is incapable, very peaceful, always ready to help colleagues, for which they respect and love her. It is preferable to engage in mental rather than physical labor. Alena strives for new knowledge, is engaged in self-education, tries to delve into all the subtleties of her chosen profession. If she gets bored with work, she can quit her job without hesitation and start all over again in a new field of activity, which she will find more interesting and promising.

Alena's health

Emotionality, resentment, frequent mood swings can lead to depression, cause unreasonable longing. Alyonushka has weak lungs, she is advised to walk more, to be in the fresh air, to visit the sea coast more often, in nature, to strengthen her immunity. It is worth paying attention to the bladder, there may be problems with the lower back.

Alena name for a child

Little Alyonushka is a kind and affectionate girl, everyone's favorite. She is cheerful, open, very charming, knows how to make a good impression. Among unfamiliar people behaves wary, closed. Often this quality alienates her from the team at the initial stage of communication. Later, after adapting, she becomes the soul of the company that everyone loves. He prefers to spend his free time in a cozy home environment, does not like noisy, active games. She loves nature, animals, is ready to carry home all homeless dogs and cats. In her school years, she is inquisitive and active, easily gets carried away, often changes her hobbies. She has talents: she sings, dances, she has an excellent memory. A good memory helps her to quickly learn the material, she studies well, but sometimes she shows frivolity in studying. Parents should develop in the child purposefulness, hard work and the ability to bring things to completion, not stopping halfway.

A feature of Alena is the ability to defend her point of view, to convince her that she is right. She does not tolerate other people's instructions, moralizing, does not give in to someone else's opinion. It can be overly trusting and disinterested, trusts people. If she is disappointed in the person who hurt her, she takes offense hard. Over time, he learns from his own mistakes, becomes wiser, carefully chooses the circle of his communication.