Decipher the results of the study of prostate secretion. Analysis of prostate secretion to identify the cause of infertility and diagnose disorders in the genitourinary system

The main task of the prostate gland is the production of secretions. This substance is very important for the viability and motility of spermatozoa. The secret of the prostate can, during the analysis and its decoding, indicate the presence of prostatitis, adenoma or other pathologies that require mandatory treatment. Do a study in the laboratory, therapy is carried out to prevent possible complications.

What is the secret of the prostate

When talking about the juice of the prostate gland, they understand the liquid, which is the male biological composition. It is secreted normally during sexual arousal of a man. The secretion of the gland is part of the ejaculate process and is part of the semen. Normally, the prostate produces about 2 ml of juice per day, but if the gland malfunctions, it may not form at all or contain pathogenic microorganisms that cause the development of diseases. To conduct tests and identify abnormalities, a prostatic secret is taken for analysis.


95% of prostatic juice consists of ordinary water, like many body fluids. The remaining 5% is microflora and specific substances that can become a marker for the presence of any abnormalities. Among the elements of the composition of the secretion of the gland can be distinguished:

  • phosphates;
  • chlorides;
  • proteins;
  • salts of calcium, zinc;
  • different groups of enzymes;
  • bicarbonates;
  • citrates.

In addition to the above components, prostate juice must contain:

  • nutrient cells;
  • special amyloid bodies;
  • leukocytes;
  • lecithin grains.

Who is prescribed a prostate secretion test?

For sampling and analysis, it is necessary to undergo training and a special procedure, which among men is considered unpleasant. No one wants to do research without a reason, but serious reasons for this will be:

  • cramps, pain during urination;
  • diagnosis of male infertility;
  • pain in the groin, perineum;
  • frequent urge to urinate with a weak stream;
  • thick, yellow discharge from the urethra with an unpleasant odor.

Preparation for analysis

Before passing the sowing of the secret of the prostate, a man must fulfill certain conditions. they will help to obtain a reliable result and avoid inaccuracies in the laboratory study. There is nothing complicated in preparation, a man is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • refrain from sexual intercourse 5-7 days before passing the analysis of the secret;
  • it is not recommended to drink alcohol, visit a bath, sauna;
  • it is not advisable at this preparatory stage to train or receive any other serious physical activity.

How to take prostate juice

To collect prostate juice, a special massage is first performed. The study of the secret of the prostate can be carried out only in this way, you can carry out the manipulation in the laboratory or on your own at home, but the second option may be spoiled by inept conduct. For analysis, you need to take the material as follows:

  1. The man lies down on the couch.
  2. Takes a fetal position (elbows and knees pressed to the stomach).
  3. The doctor inserts a finger into the anus, gropes for the prostate and performs massage movements for about 5 minutes. For some men, even two minutes is enough.
  4. Immediately after this, the collected liquid is sent for research.

To conduct a study, only 1 drop of material is needed, this amount is enough to detect diseases. Sometimes the collection of a secret does not occur due to the psychological mood of the man, it simply does not stand out. Under such conditions, morning (first) urine is taken, but the reliability and information content of such a study is very low. You can take prostate juice at home, for this prostate massage can be carried out by a life partner. The material must be applied to one slide and covered with another and immediately delivered for analysis.

Deciphering the analysis

A small amount of material is applied to the glass and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Analysis of the secretion of the prostate helps to determine the presence of elements in the juice, the normal state or pathological deviations in the composition. The following indicators are taken into account when decoding:

  • amyloid body index;
  • the level of leukocytes;
  • the presence of epithelial cells;
  • indicator of lecithin grains.

Norm and deviations

When deciphering, the doctor must take into account all the indicators that he compares with the norm. The presence of certain elements indicates the development of prostatitis, adenoma, or the presence of an inflammatory process. There are certain indicators that may indicate the activity of an infectious disease caused by a pathogen that has entered, for example, through the excretory ducts. The following are important indicators that may indicate that a patient needs treatment.

Leukocytes in prostate secretion

This is one of the elements that is taken into account when deciphering the analysis of prostate juice. In a normal (healthy) state of a person, the number in the study area should not be more than 10. If there are more of them, then this indicates an acute inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Erythrocytes (red cells) are also taken into account, which should not be in the analysis at all. A single presence is allowed if the massage was too intense. If more than 2 units are found, then this indicates the development of prostatitis or a malignant tumor.

Lecithin grains in large quantities

The secret of this element should be very much. Under the microscope, grains are dotted with everything in sight, there are up to 10 million. A high indicator when studied indicates the health of the penis and the fertile function of sperm (the ability to fertilize). A decrease in the number of grains indicates a possible chronic inflammatory process. Sometimes lecithin elements are completely absent, which indicates improper prostate massage.

The same result will be if there is an inflammatory process and the ducts of the gland are clogged. In this case, the man will be prescribed a course of massages to improve blood circulation, remove inflammation. As a rule, therapy consists of 10-12 procedures for 3-5 minutes, after which inflammation should greatly decrease, pain should disappear and secretion should normalize.

amyloid bodies

This component from the secretion of the prostate gland (prostate) is a condensed component of the substance, oval in shape and with a layered structure, sometimes have an irregular shape. If a person does not have any pathologies, but they are not detected during the analysis. The content of amyloid bodies in the secret indicates the possible development of hypertrophy of the gland, adenoma or inflammation.


The last element of the secret, which indicates the possible occurrence of inflammation due to a malfunction of the gland or the penetration of bacteria. The absence of macrophages in the analysis is considered the norm, but if they are, then the pathological microflora has penetrated the tissues. Prostate juice of a healthy person should not contain these elements.

What is the secret of the prostate?

Tank seeding is a laboratory study of biomaterial that allows you to identify pathogens and test their sensitivity to antibiotics. This analysis is in demand by urologists, gynecologists, dermato-venereologists and other specialists. The research is carried out in two stages.

  1. Growing bacteria. The biomaterial is placed in favorable conditions for their growth and provided with an appropriate nutrient medium. The process is monitored and the degree (rate) of the increase in the number of bacteria is determined. Calculate in CFU / ml.
  2. The second stage is the identification of sensitivity to drugs. This is an extremely important study, since in recent decades there has been a serious problem that significantly complicates any therapeutic methods. This is the resistance of viruses and bacteria to drugs. Therefore, the antibiogram is so important, allowing you to choose the drug that is effective in this case.

In the secret of the prostate, the following pathogens most often grow:

  • Enterococci;
  • coli;
  • Staphylococci.

The secret of the prostate can also be sown on sexual infections. Often in this way the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases are detected:

  • Chlamydia;
  • candida;
  • Ureaplasma;
  • gonococci;
  • Mycoplasma etc.

An integral part of the ejaculate in men is the biological fluid of the body, called the secret of the prostate gland. The composition of the fluid has a direct impact on the ability of spermatozoa to fertilize.

Doctors determine pathological processes by changing the components of prostate juice. If there are suspicions of diseases or complaints from the patient, the specialist may prescribe a test of the functioning of the male reproductive system - to analyze the secretion of the prostate gland.

How they take

Prostate secretion analysis is an easy procedure to perform. How is prostate juice taken from men? To pass the analysis, the patient lies on his side, putting his knees to the chest, or becomes in the knee-elbow position.

Stimulation of the juice is carried out by massaging the prostate through the rectum. When carrying out a massage procedure according to the generally accepted method, a special liquid begins to be released, which the specialist collects in a sterile container.

In case of non-excretion of the secret, it is necessary to collect the first portion of urine. The sediment contains a small amount of prostate fluid.

Why take

Taking a culture of prostate fluid is carried out to identify the causes of pathologies associated with the male reproductive system (oncological diseases, etc.). Also, indicators for passing the analysis are the signs detected during chronic inflammation prostate.

It is very difficult to identify the symptoms of this disease. An analysis of the prostate secretion will show the quality of sperm (which is especially important for male infertility), the causative agent of inflammation, and determine the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

Other indications for the study are the presence of the following symptoms in men:

  • pain in the lower abdomen or perineum;
  • decreased potency and male libido;
  • problems with urination (weak urine stream);
  • lack of erection;
  • discharge with an odor from the urethra;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • urge to urinate at night.

A thick, viscous, slightly alkaline whitish liquid, juice or prostate secretion is the result of the biological activity of the male glands. This is a significant component of sperm, due to which its fertilizing ability is ensured.

Prostatic juice is formed in the male body from the time boys enter puberty. The structure of the prostate changes as you grow older, its cells also mature and become able to produce a secret.

The chemical and biological composition of the juice changes until the body goes through puberty.

When talking about the juice of the prostate gland, they understand the liquid, which is the male biological composition. It is secreted normally during sexual arousal of a man.

The secretion of the gland is part of the ejaculate process and is part of the semen. Normally, the prostate produces about 2 ml of juice per day, but if the gland malfunctions, it may not form at all or contain pathogenic microorganisms that cause the development of diseases.

To conduct tests and identify abnormalities, a prostatic secret is taken for analysis.

Analysis of the prostate as a marker of men's health allows you to confirm or refute inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland. According to the results of this study, you can diagnose adenoma, prostatitis, or suspect a malignant neoplasm.

The juice is a whitish liquid produced by the prostate gland. Its main function is to ensure the vital activity of spermatozoa after ejaculation.

It is thanks to the secret that spermatozoa can fertilize the egg within a few days after entering the female body. The juice dilutes the seminal fluid, and also changes the acidity of the environment of the female vagina, allowing the spermatozoa to reach the egg.

Prostate juice makes up about a third of the total volume of seminal fluid. The composition of the juice contains special substances of a protein nature - lecithin grains.

It is they who color the juice in milky White color and provide the desired consistency of the liquid. This secret is produced in the prostate, but during ejaculation it is pushed into the urethra, where it mixes with seminal fluid.

95% of prostatic juice consists of ordinary water, like many body fluids. The remaining 5% is microflora and specific substances that can become a marker for the presence of any abnormalities. Among the elements of the composition of the secretion of the gland can be distinguished:

  • phosphates;
  • chlorides;
  • proteins;
  • salts of calcium, zinc;
  • different groups of enzymes;
  • bicarbonates;
  • citrates.

In addition to the above components, prostate juice must contain:

  • nutrient cells;
  • special amyloid bodies;
  • leukocytes;
  • lecithin grains.

The secret of the prostate gland is a cloudy whitish liquid secreted by the gland in response to natural or artificial stimulation. Normally, the prostate juice is at least 30% of the total volume of the entire ejaculate produced by the male body at the time of orgasm.

The secret of his appointment lies in chemical composition, rich in both inorganic and organic substances, among which proteins, amino acids, enzymes and other specific non-cellular particles are detected.

Among the latter, the most important are lecithin grains, also called lipoid, and hyaline (amyloid) bodies. Together with the rest of the components, these substances perform two important functions:

  1. Sperm activation.
  2. Protection against aggressive environmental conditions.

Thus, the prostatic secret guarantees male fertility and ensures the successful passage of spermatozoa to the egg for subsequent fertilization.

Prostate juice is a whitish liquid, which consists mainly of water and biologically active substrates. In the process of sexual intercourse, this substance enters the lumen of the urethra, where it mixes with seminal fluid and forms sperm. At the same time, the share of prostate juice accounts for 25% of the total volume of the seed.

The secret of the prostate gland is synthesized by glandular tissue, evacuation is carried out muscular system prostate and pelvic organs.

Prostate secretion or prostate juice is a clear whitish fluid that is secreted by the prostate gland. Prostate juice during sexual intercourse, along with male germ cells, enters the urethra.

The secret of the prostate accounts for about a third of the total volume of semen. The main function of this secret is related to childbearing.

Fluid released from the prostate protects the sperm from damage as it passes through the urethra. In addition, it gives the semen a more liquid consistency for increased permeability.

The secret of the prostate contains substances with antimicrobial action and nutritional components. It helps maintain sperm viability and increases male fertility.

The study of the secret makes it possible to assess the condition of the prostate and for this reason plays a special role in the diagnosis of male pathologies.

The study of prostate secretion is one of the main tests for prostatitis. It takes very little time for this analysis, and its results allow us to draw reliable conclusions about the state of men's health.

It is very important to conduct such an examination in a timely manner and prescribe the necessary therapy. After all, prostate diseases not only worsen the quality of life of men, but can also lead to infertility and other very serious problems.

Before you understand the features of the analysis of the secret of the prostate, you need to find out what it is. The secret of their prostate gland is allocated.

It is present in the body only in men. Secretion is released during intercourse.

It exits with sperm through the urethra. About a third of the fluid coming out of the penis is the secret of the prostate.

The main function of the secret is childbearing. It is thanks to him that spermatozoa pass through the urethra without damage. This is possible due to the fact that it gives the semen a more liquid consistency, which improves its permeability. In addition, it helps to keep the sperm active after they leave the body of a man.

The composition of the secret is quite voluminous. It contains a large amount of nutrients, antimicrobial. His condition, in fact, shows the state of the prostate gland, so the analysis of the secret of the prostate (the decoding must be correct) has such great importance when diagnosing.

Why take

Why take

Reasons for the lack of material

Prostatic secretion - a substance that is continuously produced in the prostate gland, provided that its function is not impaired. The secretion occurs during ejaculation during intercourse or after prostate massage.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. Prostatic secretion erupted into the bladder. In this case, the doctor suggests that the patient urinate into a special container to collect urine. In such a situation, the absence of a secret immediately after the massage does not indicate the presence of pathology, but the insufficient functioning of the gland.
  2. Blockage of the duct of the gland with pus, which prevents the release of the secret. In this case, a course of massage will be prescribed to the patient as a therapy.

Massage allows not only to eliminate stagnant fluid, but also significantly improves blood microcirculation, which has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland and men's health in general.

Types of prostate secretion analysis


The microscopic method of examining the secret is the main method used by specialists to detect prostatitis.

As a rule, the material is obtained after prostate massage. After that, the secret is collected in a special container and sent to the laboratory.

If the answer is positive, this indicates the course of bacterial prostatitis. Normally, the secret of the prostate is a sterile environment. Any oncological, as well as inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system can occur with the appearance of erythrocytes in the secretion of the prostate.

Normally, the volume of the collected secret is 0.5-2 ml. With prostatitis, this figure decreases. Epithelial cells are normal - 1-2, with a deviation - 10 or more. Normally, the secret has a specific smell. Erythrocytes should be absent (value 1 is allowed).

Buck seeding

Carrying out a tank of crops of a secret of a prostate is appointed in case of suspicions on a prostatitis. The analysis is recommended to be carried out even if the cause of the development of the disease was stagnant processes in the small pelvis.

In the event that the patient has symptoms of bacterial, infectious prostatitis, it is imperative to carry out a secret seeding tank.

Among the indications for carrying out - a decrease in libido, problems with conception, pain in the pubic, inguinal region, dysuric disorders. Bacterial culture of prostate secretion is the second analysis to identify the etiological factor of chronic prostatitis.

Study of the nature of crystallization

This is a diagnostic ancillary test given to patients with

In the process of research, experts find out the nature of the crystallization of the material obtained.


During the procedure, the number of leukocytes, as well as epithelial cells and erythrocytes, is recorded. Normally, the number of leukocytes should not exceed 10. A larger number indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. In this case, the laboratory assistant determines whether foreign microorganisms are present in the secret.

Buck seeding

Secretly, leukocytes are examined, harmful bacteria are determined, and the presence of lecithin grains is also detected. To identify the cause of inflammation, bacterial culture is carried out (with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics).

This is a diagnostic auxiliary test that is prescribed for patients with chronic prostatitis.

For an accurate diagnosis, the urologist suggests undergoing a set of studies of prostatic juice.

Microscopic testing allows us to assume a malfunction in the work of the male organ by the number of lecithin grains.

If chronic prostatitis is suspected, the secret is checked for the content of sodium chloride crystals. Based on the results of a bacteriological examination, the doctor determines the sensitivity of the pathogen to the antibiotic, which will allow developing a suitable therapy for a particular patient.

If the sampling of prostatic juice was performed only once, and the test results showed the absence of inflammation in the organ with the symptoms accompanying the disease, the diagnosis should be repeated.

A chronic disease provokes a thickening of the secret, which clogs the excretory ducts of the inflamed gland. After the massage, the juice is released from the part of the organ not affected by the infection, the analysis will not show any deviations.


Microscopic testing of the secretion of the prostate involves its study under the device in the laboratory.

Microscopic examination allows you to determine in the affected organ:

  • the number of leukocytes;
  • the presence of epithelial cells;
  • the number of lecithin grains;
  • the number of amyloid bodies.

An excess of white blood cells may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the prostate or in the urethra. A small amount of lecithin grains signals sexual dysfunction.

Tank culture for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics

Bacteriological examination of the biomaterial allows you to identify which pathogen provoked the onset of the disease.

The sowing tank is carried out in two stages:

  1. bacterial growth. The prostatic secret is placed in a favorable environment for the growth of microorganisms. Watch for their reproduction and increase in number;
  2. sensitivity testing to medicines. The procedure allows in the future to choose the right drug for the treatment of the disease.

Indications for analysis are any pathological conditions accompanied by pain in the perineum, which make it possible to suspect prostatitis. The reason for taking fluid for examination is the patient's complaints about urination disorders, burning and discomfort in the urethra after urination and ejaculation, spastic pain in the lower abdomen.

It is known that changes occur in the prostate gland with age due to physiological aging. Analysis of prostate juice allows you to detect the onset of the pathological process in time and take the necessary therapeutic measures.

With a decrease in fertility and unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, this examination is also indicated. It is carried out on a par with the analysis of seminal fluid to determine the fertilizing ability of a man.

Prostate juice as a marker of pathological changes in the prostate gland is studied in two ways - microscopic and bacterial.

Microscopic examination allows you to evaluate:

  • amount and consistency of juice;
  • the presence of leukocytes and erythrocytes;
  • the amount of lecithin grains;
  • the presence of blood in the composition of the secret.

Thanks to microscopic examination, the very fact of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland is established. The preparation for research is stained with a special substance, and then placed on a glass slide. All quantitative changes in the composition of the juice are evaluated by filling the field of view of the microscope. Based on these manipulations, the analysis is deciphered.

This is followed by bacterial culture to identify:

  • pathogenic microflora (fungi);
  • pathogenic staphylococci;
  • Trichomonas;
  • gonococci;
  • conditionally pathogenic bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa).

Deciphering bacterial seeding allows you to determine the type of pathogen of the inflammatory process. The norm implies the complete absence of any microorganisms in the juice. Based on bacterial culture, an assessment of the susceptibility of the pathogen to antibiotics and the appointment of drugs is carried out.

The essence of the analysis of the secretion of the prostate in men and the interpretation of the results

First of all, if any disease of the prostate is suspected, the doctor prescribes a study of the secret. The analysis carries a lot of information regarding the pathologies of the organ and the degree of development of the disease.

Prostatic juice is examined if the patient is suspected of infertility, pain in the perineum, urine staining bright yellow, frequent urge to urinate.

The sampling of prostatic juice will allow you to track the dynamics of the treatment taken by the patient. The biochemical composition of the substance shows how effective the medications prescribed by the doctor are. The analysis is also carried out to identify infectious agents and their sensitivity to the antibiotic.

The secret (juice) of the prostate gland performs multiple functions:

  • Provides a favorable environment for the urethra, which is vital for male germ cells.
  • The juice thins the semen, making it easier to pass through the urethra and cervical canal.
  • Protects spermatozoa from mechanical damage.
  • The secret contains components of a nutrient medium for sperm.
  • The antimicrobial composition of the liquid protects the genitals from infectious agents.

Analysis of prostate secretion normally gives the following result: prostate juice is 95-97% water.

Other components that sowing contains:

  1. Salts of potassium, calcium, zinc, sodium.
  2. Immunoglobulins.
  3. Enzymes.
  4. Prostaglandins.
  5. Sperm.
  6. Maltose, fructose.
  7. Phosphates, chlorides, carbonates.
  8. Citric acid.
  9. Inclusions of leukocytes, red blood cells, epithelium.

Pathology is detected when the culture shows an abnormal result in qualitative and quantitative terms.

What is a fern symptom?

The first symptoms indicating disorders in the prostate gland should be a signal for an immediate appeal to a urologist. Timely detection of a developing disease will allow you to get rid of it and restore health in the shortest possible time.

Self-medication is meaningless until the cause of the ongoing health deviations is clarified. Taking herbal medicines, special urological exercises can create a background for recovery. But if the cause of the disease is not eliminated, all these actions will only relieve the symptoms. After the abolition of drugs or the cessation of training, all the troubles with the urogenital area will return.

  • When pain occurs in the lower abdomen;
  • Lowering the level of potency or she completely disappeared;
  • Lost erection in the morning;
  • Going to the toilet, a man notices that urine from the canal is much weaker;
  • An analysis of prostate juice is prescribed if there is a frequent urge to urinate at night;
  • The appearance of secretions from the penis, regardless of whether they are odorous or not.

Please note: while collecting prostate juice, the doctor massages the prostate gland. Taking prostatic juice is performed from the penis, or rather the urethra. One drop of juice is enough for analysis.

Additional diagnostic methods

The study of prostate juice in the laboratory provides an opportunity for early diagnosis. This liquid has a certain composition. The doctor makes a comparison with normal indicators. After that, he makes a conclusion about the state of health of the patient.

Indicators are normal:

  • the secret is released in an amount of 4 ml to 2 drops;
  • in color, the juice should have more similarities with white, but a completely snow-white version is also considered abnormal;
  • the liquid should be sufficiently thick and viscous;
  • acidic environment.

Establishing only the presence of an inflammatory process for making an accurate diagnosis is not enough; its cause, the degree of damage to the prostate gland and nearby tissues, and the general health of the patient should be determined. Therefore, a man is recommended to undergo a full course of examination. It usually includes:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs: allows you to assess the size of the organ, the presence of tumors, calcifications, cysts, stones, etc., as well as lesions in nearby organs. Ultrasound diagnostics allows you to get a visual picture of the state of the prostate gland;
  • PSA (prostate specific antigen): is prescribed for suspected malignant neoplasm, is a tumor marker of the male reproductive system;
  • blood tests by PCR or ELISA: it is prescribed if a bacterial form of the disease is suspected to determine the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureplasma, trichomonas, mycoplasma, etc.);
  • biopsy: necessary to confirm the oncological process and determine its stage.

The results of all diagnostics will determine the further treatment of the patient, the fight against possible negative consequences. After recovery, the patient will be shown an annual preventive control in order to determine the recurrence of the pathology at an early stage.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the prostatic fluid is examined under a microscope. In the presence of certain symptoms and anamnesis, an additional tank analysis is performed.

In the event that the analysis of the prostate secretion showed a deviation from the norm for any of the above components, as a rule, a conclusion is made about the presence of a particular pathology:

  • amyloid bodies. In the event that the component is absent at all in the life expectancy taken for analysis, a conclusion is made about a decrease in the function of the pancreas and the presence of inflammation;
  • Leukocytes. If the norm is exceeded, the analysis of prostate secretion may indicate that the patient has inflammation of the prostate gland. Leukocytes remain normal in case of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome;
  • Lecithins. An underestimated result indicates a violation of the function of the pancreas;
  • Epithelium. Exceeding the normal rate by several times gives grounds for making a diagnosis of desquamation - scaly peeling of the epithelium;
  • Erythrocytes. If the norm is exceeded, the presence of prostatitis or prostate carcinoma is possible.

Examination of the secret of the prostate to identify its composition helps to establish the correct diagnosis in the event of a pathology of the organ.

The secret of the prostate: why is the analysis given

Prostate secretion analysis consists of two types of studies:

  • microscopic;
  • Bacteriological.

During the first study of the cellular structure. To do this, use two viewing glasses, between which a drop of secret is placed. Bacteriological research is a seeding tank.

Deviations from normal indicators are regarded by experts as a reflection of negative changes in the prostate gland.

So, the color of the resulting material should be whitish. The inflammatory process often gives the material a yellowish tint.

The secretion density is 1022. As for the p(H) reaction, a slightly acidic or neutral environment normally appears (pH = 6.4-7.0). With exacerbations, acute prostatitis, the pH begins to move to the "acid" side.

In addition, experts take into account the following nuances:

  • giant cells: normally absent, in case of violations they are formed during inflammation;
  • amyloid bodies: absent in the norm, their detection indicates current congestion;
  • lecithin grains: normal - an indicator of about 10 million / ml, their number decreases with prostatitis.

The sweet smell of the secret indicates that the patient has an inflamed prostate gland. An increase in the dose of the material also indicates an inflammatory process.

Deciphering the results of the analysis of prostate secretion allows you to diagnose the inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland and indirectly determine its functional state. First of all, this study is used to diagnose and confirm the presence of chronic prostatitis.

In addition, special techniques make it possible to identify the causative agent of the infectious process and even determine its sensitivity to different groups of antibacterial drugs.

Often, the study of prostate secretion is carried out by light microscopy by carefully examining a colored preparation deposited on a glass slide. In some cases, a bacteriological study of this biological fluid is carried out by applying (seeding) it to a nutrient medium in a Petri dish, followed by creating conditions favorable for reproduction. various kinds microorganisms.

This analysis allows you to determine the sensitivity of the infection to antibiotics, that is, to make an antibiogram, which is of great importance for prescribing treatment. This is a very accurate, time-tested diagnostic method, which has only one big drawback: a long analysis period.

Most modern method studies of prostate secretion for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms - polymerase chain reaction. This analysis of prostate juice is carried out using special equipment and gives accurate results.

Deciphering the analysis of the secret of the prostate gland by assessing its morphological and physiological qualities and subsequent microscopic examination is as follows:

  1. The amount of material normally ranges from 0.5 to 2 ml. Decreased quantity and difficulty secretion of the prostate often indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in its tissues.
  2. Color: normally resembles liquid (highly diluted with water) milk. White, with a yellowish tinge or a transparent color may indicate prostatitis.
  3. The density should be 1.022. Any deviation from these figures indicates inflammation.
  4. The reaction of the medium must be neutral, a slight deviation towards the alkaline side is allowed. Oxidation indicates an inflammatory process and may indirectly indicate a deterioration in the fertilizing qualities of sperm.
  5. Lipoid bodies (lecithin grains) under microscopy completely cover the field of view, in a milliliter of secretion they contain more than 10 million. With inflammation, their number is significantly reduced, up to complete absence. It also serves as an indirect sign of impaired sperm fertility.
  6. Leukocytes. When counting with a special device, their number approaches 300 cells in 1 µl of material. If the study is carried out with a microscope with a lens magnification factor of up to 280, up to 10 leukocytes are normally found in the field of view, and with a lens magnification factor of up to 400, their number decreases to 5 cells in the field of view. In this case, the complete absence of leukocytes is allowed. With any inflammatory process, an increase in the number of leukocytes in the field of view or 1 μl of secretion occurs.
  7. Erythrocytes are normally absent (their single appearance is allowed). An increase in the number of red blood cells may indicate an oncological process in the tissues of the prostate gland or a pronounced change in the prostate due to prostatitis.
  8. Cells of the desquamated epithelium of the excretory ducts of the prostate gland: normally there can be no more than two of them in the field of view. An increase in this number to 10-15 cells indicates a desquamative inflammatory process, that is, pathological desquamation of the epithelial lining.
  9. Giant cells are not normally detected, their appearance is associated with a chronic inflammatory process and congestion in the prostate gland.
  10. Boettcher's crystals (inclusions formed during solidification and drying of a mixed product of various secretory organs of the male reproductive system). They are not a diagnostic criterion, since both during normal functioning of the prostate gland and in the presence of an inflammatory process, they occur in single quantities.
  11. Pathogenic microorganisms (gonococci, Trichomonas) are completely absent in the norm, they are found in prostatitis.
  12. The mycelium of the fungus is normally not found in the secretion of the prostate gland. Its presence indicates a fungal or mixed inflammation of the prostate tissues.
  13. Conditionally pathogenic microflora (cocci and some types of rods that are constantly present in the body). It can be found in a single amount, a large number of opportunistic microorganisms indicates the development of nonspecific inflammation.

A study of the secretion of the prostate gland is prescribed to the patient when the doctor suspects prostatitis, or there is a suspicion of a chronic form. This analysis allows you to find out the quality of sperm, if there is a suspicion of male infertility.

The man lies on the couch, bending his knees as much as possible to the stomach. The doctor inserts a finger into the rectum, gropes for the prostate, massaging it for 5 minutes.

The collected culture is sent to the laboratory. In some cases, the collection cannot be made, since the man has set himself up psychologically and the prostate juice simply does not stand out.

The procedure is not pleasant, but you just need to relax and let the doctor take a drop of the secret. If it was not possible to take the secret of the prostate, then it may be suggested to pass a urine test.

But he is not informative.

Deciphering the analysis.

The taken biomaterial contains a large number of microelements. It contains leukocytes, lecithin grains and epithelial cells.

Norm and deviations


healthy prostate gland


red blood cells

Normally they shouldn't be.

If there are blood cells in the analysis, we can say that the man has prostatitis or a malignant tumor develops


Must not exceed 10

Exceeding the norm indicates an inflammatory process in the body


Complete absence

Chronic inflammation of the prostate

amyloid bodies

They should not be in the analysis

Indicates stagnation of seminal fluid or blood, as well as possible organ hypertrophy

epithelial cells

Normally, there should not be more than two

development of the inflammatory process. And if the analysis contains both leukocytes and epithelial cells, then this indicates a malignant tumor

Lecithin grains

The index must be greater than 10

If the indicator in the analysis is absent or below normal, then this indicates prostate cancer

Has a slightly white tint

Intense white color indicates inflammation

Must not be

The presence of a fungus can indicate prostatitis

In the secret of the prostate may be bacteria, but their number should be minimal. If there are bacteria of staphylococci or streptococci, then this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.

Decoding can only be done by a doctor.

Please note: if the analysis is not normal, then the patient needs the right treatment. You don't have to be afraid to see a doctor. Due to the fact that at the initial stage the disease will be detected, you will save men's health.

The secret is 1/3 of the volume of the ejaculate. It is necessary to ensure the motor activity of spermatozoa. It is also known that the normal fertilizing ability of cells is preserved only when normal composition secret, therefore, with inflammation of the prostate, the fertilizing ability is impaired.

The secret is 95% water. The rest of them are salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, citrates, bicarbonates, phosphates and numerous protein enzymes. In addition, cellular elements are found in the liquid - leukocytes, for example, and non-cellular elements - lipoid particles, lecithin grains, amyloid bodies.

In addition, the content is important. citric acid- it determines the acidity of the biological fluid, and zinc ions.

For the analysis of the secret, a minimum amount is required - 1.5-2 ml. This is sufficient for microscopic examination in the laboratory.

An accurate diagnosis occurs after receiving the results of the analysis, the decoding of which is carried out only by a doctor. Bacteriological culture of prostate secretion will help determine the presence of fungi, bacteria and other pathogens.

Using the information received, you can find out the type of pathogenic microflora, the number of bacteria and find a group of antibiotics to which microbes will be most sensitive. Microscopy of an unstained preparation will tell laboratory assistants about the presence, absence or number of such characteristics:

  • leukocytes;
  • giant cells (macrophages);
  • erythrocytes;
  • epithelial cells;
  • lecithin grains;
  • amyloid bodies.



  1. Painful urination and frequent urge to urinate.
  2. Transferred diseases (STIs).
  3. Unable to conceive a child.
  4. Pain in the lower abdomen, in the groin and perineum.
  5. Erection problems.
  • refrain from sexual intercourse 5-7 days before passing the analysis of the secret;
  • it is not recommended to drink alcohol, visit a bath, sauna;
  • it is not advisable at this preparatory stage to train or receive any other serious physical activity.
  • amyloid body index;
  • the level of leukocytes;
  • the presence of epithelial cells;
  • indicator of lecithin grains.

When is such an analysis prescribed and possible contraindications

Contraindications to the procedure

Many men, concerned about their health, are concerned about the question: how do they take the secret of the prostate? The answer is: only with the help of gland massage. No other method has yet been invented or found. This procedure is unloved by men, but without it you can not get an accurate picture of what is happening in the prostate.

Massage of the gland is carried out by a doctor on an outpatient basis. Before starting the procedure, the patient is asked to empty the bladder. Depending on the build, weight and other features of the man, the urologist chooses the most comfortable position for the patient for the massage. Most often this is the knee-elbow position. But maybe lying on your side with your legs tucked in.

As a result of rectal massage, a small amount of secretion is released from the urethra. These drops are collected on a pre-prepared glass slide or in a test tube.

It happens that the juice after the massage does not stand out, but is thrown into the urethra. In this case, the patient is offered to urinate and urine is collected. It is subsequently passed through a special centrifuge, which allows you to separate the liquid into its components.

The secret of the prostate is released during prostate massage. This can be done most effectively rectally:

  1. The man is asked to take the most comfortable knee-elbow position.
  2. Introduced into the rectum forefinger, iron is groped.
  3. Massage is done by stroking, performing special “expelling” movements.
  4. When prostate juice is released, it is immediately taken and placed in a sterile container. Then the sowing of the secret of the prostate on nutrient media and microscopy will be carried out.

The patient lies on his side and rests his knees on the chest. Also, the most common posture during this research method is the knee-elbow.

The urologist, having inserted a finger into the rectum, conducts a special massage for several minutes, bringing the man to excitement. As a result of this, the secretion of the prostate is released, which enters the sperm. Juice in the amount of 1-3 ml is collected in a special sterilized beaker.

If the secretion did not occur in this way, the doctor at the end of the procedure takes the initial dose of the patient's urine.

With the help of prostate secretion analysis, you can get reliable results about its work, identify diseases and start high-quality and effective treatment.

What does it show?

REFERENCE: The study will help start timely treatment under the supervision of a doctor in order to avoid serious complications and diseases.

When is prostate secretion released? To obtain a secret, the gland is stimulated by massage.

Before the procedure, the patient needs to urinate. The urologist conducts rectal stimulation of the gland with expelling movements.

The secret is released from the urethra, applied to glass or collected in a test tube, and then sent to the laboratory for analysis.

If the secret remains on the walls of the urethra, then the patient is offered to urinate again, and an analysis is made on the basis of the obtained urine centrifugate.

If after the massage the secret is not released, the doctor can perform a banishing massage of the urethra or use a Volkmann spoon for sampling. The urine centrifuge gives the least accurate results.

Read this article about how to check the prostate in men through the rectum.

Some men fail to take prostate fluid for analysis the first time, in such cases, with repeated sampling 2-3 days before manipulation, it is worth refraining from sexual intercourse, visiting baths and saunas, as well as from any strong physical activity.

In any case, it is forbidden to drink alcohol for several days before the procedure. It is necessary to do a cleansing enema in the morning before visiting the doctor.

You can read about preventive exercises for the prostate in this article.

Analysis of prostate juice is carried out after a little preparation. To do this, a man needs to refrain from sexual intercourse for 3-4 days before the procedure, and immediately before taking the test, undergo a cleansing enema.

Consider how they take an analysis of the secret of the prostate:

  • The patient undresses to the waist and lies down on the couch.
  • At the request of the doctor, the patient takes a knee-elbow position.
  • The specialist puts on gloves, then inserts a finger into the anus and massages the prostate gland.
  • When pressed on the prostate, it releases its secret, which must be collected in a sterile container.

Sometimes it happens that the secret is not released during the massage. In this case, the patient passes urine into a sterile container. As a rule, it is possible to detect a small amount of secretion in the urine and study it.

There are no special rules for preparing for the procedure for taking biological material. However, doctors recommend a week before going to the urologist, if there is willpower, to refrain from intimate relationships. You should also refrain from drinking alcohol, performing heavy exercise visiting a bath or sauna.

To get an accurate result, the juice is taken using a special painless, but unpleasant technology.

There is only one contraindication: an acute inflammatory process localized in the prostate area. In this case, it is required to conduct a comprehensive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms and only then prescribe a study of prostate juice.

Elevated temperature (more than 38 degrees).

Anal fissure.

- Increased temperature (more than 38 degrees).

Inflammations, even if they are not related to the prostate.

Hemorrhoids in the period of exacerbation.

Tuberculosis of the prostate.

Anal fissure.

Indications and contraindications

In the prostate, as in any other organ, pathological processes can develop. Most often they are provoked by sexually transmitted infections. These troubles, as a rule, occur with young men who are sexually active.

Laboratory examination is prescribed in cases where the patient has the following symptoms:

  • pain and cutting sensations during urination - inflammation of the urinary canal often affects the prostate;
  • discomfort and pain in the perineal and groin area;
  • too frequent urination, especially at night;
  • too frequent urination with a low jet density;
  • discharge of yellow color from the urethra;
  • frequent - several times a year, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. In this case, it is necessary to examine the prostate gland;
  • decrease in potency;
  • infertility - when examining the analysis, it is mandatory to carry out, especially in cases where sperm culture did not reveal the cause of the disease.

The procedure for conducting the analysis is quite simple, and the examination itself is safe.

However, there are some limitations under which analysis is not done:

  • anal fissure - makes the procedure extremely painful;
  • too high temperature - above 38 C, the composition of the secret changes;
  • inflammatory diseases, especially acute ones. Fluid analysis will only confirm the presence of inflammation, but will not allow clarifying the diagnosis;
  • acute hemorrhoids - painful sensations make the procedure impossible;
  • tuberculosis of the prostate.

An analysis of the secret of the prostate gland should be taken annually by every man over 40 years of age as part of a preventive examination. There are also a number of indications when a diagnosis should be made outside of screening. This:

  • problem with conception;
  • pain in the groin and above the pubis;
  • decrease in potency, problems with erection;
  • violation of urination (frequent, painful urge);
  • general weakness, fatigue, malaise.

The material is taken if necessary diagnostic value. Before the procedure, the doctor examines for contraindications and restrictions:

  • general poor health;
  • calcifications;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • inflammatory process in the acute stage;
  • heat.

The study allows you to determine the inflammation of the prostate gland at the initial stage of development. The analysis is used to determine the fertility of a man and possible deviations in the composition of seminal fluid, which may lead to problems with conceiving a child.

  • Difficulty urinating (pain, inability to urinate).
  • Painful spasms (genital area).
  • Fertility.
  • Inability to fertilize a partner.
  • Diagnosis of prostatitis (advanced stage).

The prohibitions include all ailments in the male body, which are accompanied by elevated temperature body (more than 38 degrees). With hemorrhoids and fissures, it is also not recommended to conduct a microscopic examination of the secret. If a man has tuberculosis (penis area), the analysis will be refused, since the analysis obtained will not provide reliable information.

Macroscopic indications

Microscopic indications

  1. lipid bodies. They give the juice a whitish tint, which is normal. There should be up to 10 million of them in 1 mm of juice. With any violations, their number is less or they are completely absent.
  2. Leukocytes in the secret of the prostate - the norm: with an increase of 280 times - leukocytes should be from 0 to 10, and at 400 the norm is 0-5. With the norm of leukocytes in the secretion of the prostate gland, they may also be absent. If the number of leukocytes in the prostate juice is higher, this indicates inflammation or the presence of prostatitis.
  3. Erythrocytes. The norm is 1-2 or complete absence. If there are more of them, there are suspicions of prostatitis or tumors.
  4. Epithelial cells of the ducts. The norm is no more than 2. Them large quantity indicates the presence of a desquamative process, or pathological peeling of the lining.
  5. IMPORTANT: In case of deviation from the norm, immediate treatment is necessary.

  6. giant cells. This type cells must be absent. Their presence indicates stagnant and inflammatory processes.
  7. Boettcher crystals are formed due to drying or stagnation of products from the juice of the gland. There can only be a single number of them.
  8. amyloid bodies is an oval-shaped prostate clot. They shouldn't be kept secret.
  9. Microorganisms. Their complete absence indicates a healthy prostate. When they are found, a special bacterial culture is done to accurately identify their appearance.
  10. Slime. In the normal analysis of prostate juice, it should not be.
  11. atypical cells. Their presence indicates the presence of adenoma and cancer.
  12. macrophages. If the norm of macrophages in the secretion of the prostate is exceeded, this indicates a chronic inflammatory process.

What is the analysis of prostate juice for is a question that worries many patients. The procedure is carried out in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • pain in the small pelvis in men;
  • burning during urination;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • infertility for an unknown reason.

It often happens that inflammation or prostate cancer is the cause of infertility, and the analysis of the secret allows you to identify violations and start treatment in a timely manner.

It is impossible to take an analysis of the secret of the prostate in the following cases:

  • at high temperature body;
  • in acute inflammatory diseases;
  • with prostate tuberculosis;
  • with hemorrhoids and fissures in the anus.

If there are contraindications, you must first get rid of them, and only then you can take an analysis of prostate juice.

Stones in the prostate gland are an absolute contraindication to rectal examination of the organ and digital stimulation of the prostate. Otherwise, the stones can move and damage the tissues of the organ.

The prostate gland is not examined rectally for malignant neoplasms, acute inflammation or tuberculosis of the organ.

If the patient has a cold, feels unwell, or notices an increase in body temperature, the analysis is postponed. About any anxiety symptoms on the day of the examination, it is necessary to warn the doctor, any deterioration in well-being is a reason for postponing the study.

The secret of the prostate, secreted by the prostate gland, allows sperm to remain viable and mobile. The study of the fluid allows you to evaluate not only the function of the prostate, but also the presence or absence of serious pathologies in the male genitourinary system.

The indications for the procedure are the following conditions:

  • painful syndrome in the groin, perineum;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • cutting pain that disturbs a man at the time of urination;
  • the process of urination is carried out with difficulty;
  • increased frequency of urination, mainly during the night;
  • urination is carried out in small portions, the stream is sluggish;
  • the presence of impurities of blood or pus in the urine;
  • decline sexual attraction, decrease in potency;
  • experiencing difficulties when trying to conceive a child;
  • deterioration in general condition.

The statistics are such that prostate diseases are rapidly “getting younger”. And if a few years ago, prostate pathology was diagnosed in men no younger than forty years old, today young people from 25 to 30 years old are also becoming patients of a urologist.

In this regard, the analysis of prostate secretion is recommended not only for patients who have crossed the forty-year mark, but also for younger men who, by virtue of their profession, lead a sedentary lifestyle, as well as professional athletes who regularly experience excessive physical exertion.

Urologists are FUCKING! On the Internet they sell a POWERFUL remedy for PROSTATITIS.

When is the analysis shown? The analysis is carried out if there are such symptoms:

  • Soreness in the groin.
  • Problems with urination.
  • Cutting, pain during the process of emptying the bladder.
  • Frequent night calls.
  • Urine is excreted in small doses, the stream is sluggish.

Deciphering the analysis of the juice of the gland is also shown to determine the fertilizing ability (the couple is being treated for infertility).

How to prepare for the analysis? In order for the result to be accurate, and the decoding to help in diagnosing and therapy, exclude alcohol 3 days before visiting the urologist's office, do not bathe in saunas and baths - high temperatures inhibit the activity of the gland, 4-7 days before the analysis refrain from ejaculation, sexual intercourse. It is advisable to put an enema before the manipulation.

An analysis of the secret of the prostate is carried out in order to assess the functionality of the male gland, to identify diseases of the reproductive system. Diagnostics is actively used in clinical practice, as it is informative and accessible to patients of all social strata.

The essence of the analysis of prostate secretion

Analysis of prostate juice is a microscopic examination of biological material, which determines the following conditions:

    acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the gland;

    sexually transmitted infectious diseases;

    functional disorders of the organ ─ insufficiency of secretion production, smooth muscle tone (difficulty in urine outflow), decreased barrier function (protection from infection);

    quantitative and qualitative composition of prostate juice.

The normal physiological composition of the secretion of the prostate gland ensures the vital activity and fertilizing ability of male germ cells (spermatozoa). Laboratory examination allows for differential diagnosis, to determine the type and severity of the pathology, to prescribe adequate treatment for a man.

For laboratory evaluation, the biomaterial is taken according to a special technique to prevent seminal fluid from entering the prostate juice. The analysis is prescribed when the patient has symptoms characteristic of various pathologies of the reproductive system ─ delay or increase in the frequency of urination, pain in the urethra, aggravated by emptying the bladder, discomfort in the groin, pubis.

Diagnosis is indicated for erectile dysfunction and ejaculation (premature ejaculation), difficulty conceiving, decreased sexual desire. The analysis is done to determine the degree of fertility ─ the ability of a man to reproduce healthy offspring.

Microscopy of the secret reveals such diseases:

    acute and chronic prostatitis;

    prostate adenoma - a benign tumor of the organ;

    Features of the gland massage for diagnostic purposes:

    1. The person assumes a comfortable position.

      The doctor inserts the index finger into the rectum and gropes for the gland.

      Within 1 minute makes progressive strokes, massaging the organ. Such "expelling" movements provoke the release of a secret.

      As soon as prostatic juice begins to stand out from the urethra, it is immediately taken into a sterile test tube or a special reservoir.

    If the secret is not released in a minute, continue to massage for 5-7 minutes. If the procedure fails, other methods are used. A small amount of juice can be obtained with a portion of residual urine. To do this, produce a banishing massage of the urethra.

    The secret is also removed from the urethra using a Volkmann spoon, a disposable sterile tool made of heat-resistant polystyrene for taking samples from the mucous membranes. It is extremely rare, when after all the methods used it was not possible to obtain a biomaterial, the patient is asked to urinate. Urine is sent for analysis, but the decoding of the results of a laboratory test will be less informative.

    Neglecting the rules for collecting prostate juice leads to diagnostic errors and in the future to the appointment of ineffective treatment for the disease.

    After the end of the material collection procedure, the patient immediately returns to normal life, rehabilitation measures not required.

    For research, 0.5-2 ml of secretion is enough. Before doing the analysis, the material is applied to a glass slide without a field. Lead time ─ 1 day. If necessary, storage of prostate juice in the refrigerator at a temperature of +8 to +20°C for 7 days is allowed.

    Contraindications for examination

    Microscopy of the prostatic secretion is not done in the midst of an acute inflammatory process in the body, regardless of its location, at a high body temperature, more than 38.5 ° C.

    Absolute contraindications to taking an analysis:

      malignant neoplasms of the urinary and reproductive system;

      anal fissures;

      acute stage of hemorrhoidal disease;

      tuberculous prostatitis (formed during dissemination of pulmonary tuberculosis, covers the testicles and their appendages).

    In acute inflammation and tuberculosis, the analysis data are distorted; in case of pathology of the rectum, the procedure for taking biomaterial can aggravate the course of the disease and worsen the general condition of the man.

    Physiological norms of the test material

    The biomaterial is evaluated by macroscopic and microscopic parameters. Normally, the secretion of the prostate is viscous, thick, whitish in color. The reaction of the pH environment is slightly acidic.

    With microscopy, the first criterion by which the condition and functionality of the gland is assessed is the number of leukocytes. According to normative indicators, the number of white cells in the field of view does not exceed 10-12 pcs. They may not show up at all.

    Other microscopic parameters (normal):

      erythrocytes (red blood cells) ─ absent or single elements in the field of view;

      squamous epithelial cells that are exfoliated from the mucosa ─ absent or single fragments;

      macrophages (cells that digest bacteria, toxins, foreign bodies) are not detected;

      amyloid bodies (irregularly shaped inclusions that form due to the concentration of proteins) ─ not detected;

      lecithin grains (a component of prostate juice, give texture and color due to the fact that they poorly refract light rays) ─ are present in large quantities;

      atypical cells (structure of malignant neoplasms) ─ absent;

      mycelium and fungal spores are not detected.

    A single examination with normal results does not always guarantee the absence of the disease. For example, in non-inflammatory leukocyte counts are within the reference values.

    In the presence of an inflammatory process in the prostate, infiltration (densification of the parenchyma) is observed, which compresses the secretory ducts, through which thick pathological juice should be released. In this case, during the massage, fluid from healthy areas is evacuated from the gland, which, under microscopy, gives false diagnostic information. That's why tests need to be done multiple times..

    Deciphering analysis indicators

    According to macroscopic signs, the pathological secret is not always possible to collect in full. With inflammation of the prostate, it is less, with chronic congestion more. The presence of leukocytes in excess of the norm gives a pronounced white or yellow color. The juice has an unpleasant non-specific odor, its density indicators shift up or down relative to 1020 kg/m 3 . During an exacerbation, the pH environment becomes acidic.

    Deciphering the analysis of the secret of the prostate allows you to judge the functional disorders of the gland. The more extensive the damage to the organ, the lower the number of lecithin bodies (they are the physiological product of the prostate epithelium). The detection of amyloid bodies indicates positive dynamics in the work of the organ (inflammation disappears, the normal functioning of the gland is restored). The presence of leukocytes in the field of view of more than 10-15 allows us to suspect prostatitis in a man.

    In chronic inflammation, deviations are observed from the side of erythrocytes, macrophages. Lecithin grains are found with difficulty in the form of single fragments. Trousseau-Lallemand's bodies (formations of unexplained origin of a cylindrical shape) and Betcher's crystals (needle-shaped pyramidal or prismatic formations that appear as a result of mixing prostatic juice and sperm) appear in the field of view. Crystallization is valuable diagnostic information, it indicates latent chronic disorders, even if there are no disorders of sexual and urinary function.

    Analysis indicators for acute bacterial prostatitis

    Analysis indicators for chronic bacterial prostatitis


    Reference values

    Deviations from the norm


    10-12 in sight

    ½ of the entire area of ​​the surveyed field

    red blood cells

    20-40 in sight

    epithelial cells

    1-2 in sight or missing

    ½ of the monitored area


    15-20 in sight

    amyloid bodies

    from ¼ of the monitored field

    Lecithin grains

    ½ or whole field

    1-2 in sight

    Betcher crystals

    Trousseau-Lallemand bodies

    Analysis indicators for non-bacterial chronic prostatitis

The analysis of prostate juice is a microscopic, bacteriological diagnosis, as well as determining the nature of the crystallization of the liquid. These research methods are designed to determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland, its severity, the type of pathogen in the bacterial form of prostatitis, and the functional state of the organ. Prostate fluid sampling for diagnostic purposes is carried out directly in the urological office.

Since the examination is microscopic, the price is low, it is affordable and effective way clarification of the diagnosis, and it is used quite often, in the following cases:

  • If the patient complains of pain in the groin, perineum, rectum, in the lower abdomen.
  • With painful urination, which are accompanied by pain.
  • With dysuria, in the form of frequent urge to urinate, in the absence of a feeling of relief after urination.
  • With male infertility (since prostate juice dilutes sperm and accelerates motor activity sperm), decreased libido and potency.
  • If it is necessary to determine the dynamics of the development of prostate disease, the completeness of the main function of the gland.

Carrying out analyzes and deciphering the results takes a little time, so the procedure is especially popular for detecting acute pathology.

In order for the analysis of prostate juice to be of high quality, before taking the material, one should refrain from sexual intercourse, drinking alcohol, increased physical exertion, overheating, including visits for a week. gym and saunas, and immediately before the procedure, you need to conduct a cleansing enema.

To take the secret of the prostate gland, a man should lie on his side or stand on his elbows and knees. The urologist massages the prostate through the rectum, painlessly stimulating the gland. Pressing on the isthmus of the organ promotes the release of juice and its movement through the urethra, which makes it possible to obtain a liquid for research from the urethra, which is collected in a sterile container.

It is worth noting

If for some reason the material sampling fails, then after prostate massage the patient must urinate, the first portion of urine will contain prostate juice necessary for diagnosis.

Microscopy is the examination of a liquid under a microscope. By examining the taken material deposited on a glass slide under magnification, one can study in detail its morphophysiological, biochemical properties, as well as its quantitative composition in order to compare it with physiological norms.

  • Insufficient content of lecithin grains occurs in various pathologies of the prostate.
  • A decrease or increase in white blood cells indicates the presence of an infection.
  • With the development of inflammation, the number of epithelial cells increases.
  • The presence of amyloid bodies indicates congestion.

Bacteriological seeding of the prostate gland secretion analysis makes it possible to establish the etiology infectious disease urinary system. To do this, the juice is placed in a nutrient medium and provide favorable conditions for the reproduction and development of microflora. After some time, a colony of pathogens can be examined under a microscope and it will be possible to determine exactly which antibiotic should be used to treat the patient.

By studying the nature of the crystallization of sodium chloride present in the secret, it is possible to establish the presence or absence of prostatitis. In the juice of a healthy person, the crystal lattice of salt is a fern leaf.

Prostate juice: the norm of indicators when deciphering the results of the analysis of prostate juice

The norm or deviations of prostate juice can seriously help in the diagnosis of major diseases of the prostate gland.

Analysis of prostate juice - norm and deviations, main indicators and interpretation:

  1. Normally, the amount of secreted prostatic juice is from 0.5 to 2 ml, a smaller amount of fluid may indicate inflammation, an increased amount of stagnation.
  2. In a healthy man, prostate juice is whitish in color, has a specific spermine odor, yellow or white liquid is a sign of inflammation, and reddish indicates the presence of blood in it.
  3. Physiological density - 1022 (viscous consistency), pH reaction from 6.4 to 7.0 (slightly acidic or neutral), other indicators indicate the presence of pathology.
  4. The number of leukocytes should not exceed 10 and 1 - 2 epithelial cells in the field of view, an increase in the number is a sign of inflammation. It must be borne in mind that leukocytes can get into a portion of prostate juice during passage through the urethra.
  5. When an erythrocyte appears in the secretion, one can suspect prostatitis, as well as cancer (single red cells are allowed in the norm).
  6. The presence of macrophages, giant cells in the material indicates the presence of an inflammatory process, and amyloid bodies indicate a congestive phenomenon.
  7. The concentration of lecithin grains less than 10 million in 1 ml indicates the development of prostatitis.
  8. The presence of gonococcus, Trichomonas, fungus or other pathological microorganism during bacteriological seeding of material taken from a patient by a doctor using prostate massage is observed during an infectious process.

Laboratory secretory analysis allows you to more accurately determine the patient's condition and prescribe effective treatment.

Leukocytes are increased in prostate juice: what do leukocytes in prostate juice say in case of deviation from the norm

The doctor pays special attention to the result of the analysis, when leukocytes are increased in the prostate juice or there is a red body (erythrocyte) not in a single amount.

Blood in the prostatic fluid may indicate the presence of a malignant neoplasm, and therefore is a reason for additional thorough diagnosis.

White blood cells in the prostate juice: the norm is their absence, and their presence indicates inflammation. In the acute form of prostatitis, in addition to an increased number of leukocytes, there are mucopurulent threads in the secret, the number of lecithin grains is reduced. If the disease is pathologically infectious, gonococci, Trichomonas, etc. are found in the material.

In chronic prostatitis, in addition to an increased number of leukocytes and a reduced number of lecithin grains, a deformation of the crystal lattice of secretion salts, a shift in pH to the alkaline side, an increased activity of lysozyme, and an increase in the number of epithelial cells and mucus are recorded.

The following points must be taken into account:

  1. Approximately 10 hours before the procedure, you should not eat.
  2. Immediately before the procedure, it is recommended to empty the intestines and make a cleansing enema.
  3. To prevent the secret from mixing with the remnants of urine, it is also necessary to empty the bladder.
Note! The basic rules for preparing for the delivery of a secret should be described in detail at the appointment by the attending urologist.

Abstinence before testing

Photo 2: An important condition that the doctor must definitely mention is the mandatory abstinence from sexual contact 3-5 days before the procedure. The features of male physiology are such that in some patients who had intimacy the day before, the secret may simply not stand out. Source: flickr (Teen Impact).

The sampling procedure

  1. The fluid required for analysis can be obtained after simple massage manipulations. The man lies on his side on the couch and pulls his knees as close to his stomach as possible. The doctor inserts a finger into the patient's anus, finds the prostate, massages it for several minutes. As a rule, this is enough to allocate the required amount of secret.
  2. Sometimes secret allocation does not occur. This may be due to the presence of any pathologies, or the negative psychological attitude of the man. In this situation, the patient will be asked to urinate: the urine will necessarily contain a certain amount of secretion, although the information content of such an analysis will be much lower.
  3. It is quite possible to get a secret at home. A more relaxed atmosphere and the absence of psychological barriers make this option the only one available for some. Ideally, a man can be helped by his partner by giving a prostate massage.. To collect the biomaterial, you will need two pieces of glass. Between them it is necessary to place a drop of secret and deliver it to the laboratory as soon as possible.

What does prostate juice analysis show?

The study of prostate juice helps to identify foci of inflammation in the tissues of the organ and determine its functional state. The main task of the analysis is the confirmation of chronic prostatitis. A deeper analysis can determine the causative agent of the infection, and even find out its resistance to one or another.

Research methods

Most often, the study is carried out using a light microscope., where the biomaterial placed on the glass is carefully examined by a specialist.

It is possible to carry out bakposev in a Petri dish where a favorable environment is created for the growth of various bacteria. This method gives very accurate results, but has a fairly long duration.

The most modern technique to date is the polymerase chain reaction.. The method gives the most accurate results, but requires special expensive equipment.

Normal composition of prostate secretion

Biochemical analysis allows, with a fairly high degree of certainty, to determine the presence of such components:

  1. Water. Normally, it can be up to 95% of the volume of the liquid.
  2. Lemon acid.
  3. Salts of calcium, potassium, zinc and sodium.
  4. Sugar.
  5. Sperm.
  6. Enzymes.
  7. Protein structures.
  8. Various inclusions of cellular and non-cellular nature.

Deciphering the results

Name of indicator
amyloid bodies
  • Are not found.
  • If present in any quantity, they may indicate congestion in the prostate.
pathogenic microorganisms
  • A small amount of non-pathogenic bacteria is allowed.
  • The presence of staphylococci, Escherichia, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa indicates the development of an inflammatory process.
Betcher crystals
  • Single.
  • This indicator does not carry great diagnostic value.
Secret color
  • Opaque whitish liquid.
  • A yellowish color will indicate inflammation. Blood impurities can impart a reddish tint to the liquid.
  • 1-2 in sight.
  • Higher values ​​indicate inflammation.
Material quantity
  • Depending on the individual characteristics of the body - 0.5-2 ml.
  • With prostatitis, the volume of the secret will decrease, in the presence of stagnation, it will increase.
  • Any other value.
Environment reaction
  • Slightly acidic or neutral. pH in the range of 6.4-7.0.
  • A shift in the indicator to the acid side characterizes the presence of acute inflammation, to the alkaline one - about the chronic form of the disease.
Lipoid bodies (lecithin grains)
  • High concentration - about 10 million in 1 ml.
  • With prostatitis, their number is sharply reduced.
  • 0-10 in the field of view of the observer (magnification 280).
  • 0-5 in the field of view of the observer (magnification 400).
  • 300 cells in 1 µl using a counting chamber
  • Exceeding the norm for this indicator indicates inflammation. Do not forget that a certain amount of leukocytes can be added to the secret in the process of passing it through the urethra.
red blood cells
  • The appearance of red blood cells may indicate prostatitis and even cancer of the organ.
giant cells
  • They can be detected as part of the secret in chronic prostatitis and stagnant processes.
fern symptom
  • There is.
  • With deviations from the normal value is absent.
  • Absent completely, or single ones are registered.
  • The number rises sharply in chronic inflammation or congestion.