I dreamed of an elevator that did not stop. Ride the elevator in a dream

An elevator is a construction that a person may encounter not only in real life. Also, this mechanism can be seen in night dreams. Ride the elevator in a dream, use it - what does it all mean? You can read the answer to this question in the article.

call him out

Suppose a person is standing in the entrance and waiting for an elevator to this? This indicates that in real life a period of stagnation has begun. Something makes a person do nothing where everyone expects decisive actions from him. Laziness, fear - only the dreamer himself knows the real reason for the decline in activity. The longer the sleeper spends his time waiting, the more difficult the situation becomes.

A man calls an elevator, and he immediately arrives? Such dreams warn that the sleeper will have a new interesting and profitable business. On how well the dreamer copes with him, his whole future life depends. He needs to gather all his strength and get to work.

Do other people come out of the elevator that the dreamer called? Such a plot is a sign that a person needs the help of experienced mentors. If he follows someone else's wise advice, he will only benefit from it.

Ride the elevator: Miller's dream book

What do such dreams mean, if you rely on the opinion of a famous psychologist. Ride the elevator along Miller's dream book - move along career ladder, grow rich. A person needs to make a little effort in order for his life to begin to change for the better before our eyes. It is possible that powerful patrons will soon appear who will help him succeed.

Getting stuck in an elevator while moving up is a bad sign. The dreamer is in danger. It is possible that the further development of events in night dreams will help to understand what exactly you should beware of in reality.

Collection of dream books

This guide is also worth a look. Riding the elevator in a dream is a plot that promises a change for the better. Also, moving up can warn that the sleeper wants to start new life. However, a person wants to achieve everything without the slightest effort, which, of course, he will not succeed.

Getting stuck in an elevator while going up is a sign of stagnation. In real life, nothing interesting and exciting happens, the sleeper suffers from boredom. Also, such a dream can be seen by someone who in reality finds himself in a hopeless situation. You will have to seek help from family and friends in order to get out of it.

Watch the elevator rise from the side - to promotion. It is highly likely that the authorities will finally celebrate the merits of the sleeper and offer him a leadership position.

Upward movement

Riding an elevator in a dream is a good omen. Such a forecast is contained in almost all guides to the world of dreams. In reality, a person is waiting for promotion through the ranks, luck in business. If he is torn apart by internal contradictions, then soon he will be able to find spiritual harmony.

In a dream, a person climbs to the roof? Such a plot warns that the sleeping person has a bright future. The dreamer's talents will help him get rich, take a high position in society.


What does it mean to ride an elevator in a dream, what awaits a person? The answer depends on how fast the cabin was moving. If the elevator was moving very fast, then this is a good sign. The dreamer is confidently moving towards his dream, nothing will make him turn or stop. Even if some obstacles arise, the sleeper will easily overcome them.

Is the structure moving very slowly? Such dreams warn that not everything will always turn out the way the dreamer wants. On the way to the chosen goal, various obstacles will arise that a person has to overcome. The hardships he has experienced will build his character.

Does the person himself manage the lift, choose the speed? Such a plot means that he has to move up the career ladder. FROM most likely the dreamer will be offered a leadership position.

Interpretation of Yuri Longo

What does the famous magician say about all this? Climbing up Longo's dream book means deceiving others. Some reason makes the sleeper hide the truth from his friends and relatives. If the secret ever becomes public, then many will be offended by the dreamer for his secrecy.

It is possible that the desire to protect someone forced him to deceive a person. The sleeper needs to make sure that the game is worth the candle. Does a person in need of help really deserve to risk relationships with all his immediate environment for him?

Getting stuck in an elevator when lifting - why dream of this? In real life, a person should beware of scammers. It is possible that someone will try to convince him to enter into a deliberately failed deal. Or the sleeper will be slipped a low-quality product at a high cost. It is better in the next few days to refuse to sign new agreements, make purchases. Such a simple solution will allow a person to protect their money from scammers.


Why dream of a terrible elevator? For example, the booth may be dirty, spat. Such a dream warns a person that he is in danger. It is possible that the sleeper turned off the intended path, is preparing to go someone else's path. Also, such dreams can disturb the night peace of someone who is waking up to something unkind. We need to think again about whether the game is worth the candle.

The cabin is terribly crowded, does it seem to a person that he is suffocating? Such dreams indicate that the sleeping person is "cramped" in real life. Other people (relatives, friends, colleagues) constantly put pressure on the dreamer, try to manipulate him. They do not allow the sleeper to reveal his full potential.

What else can symbolize a terrible elevator? For example, what promises a cabin with a floor swinging underfoot? Such a plot indicates the precariousness of the situation in which, due to his stupidity, the sleeper found himself. The person feels uncomfortable, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Get stuck

In a dream, the elevator goes up and gets stuck - what does this mean? Such dreams warn a person that nothing important has happened in his real life for too long. It seems to the dreamer that he is stuck in place, doing the same thing, not moving forward. It is possible that it is time for the sleeper to begin to actively express himself. If the person himself does not act, no one will do it for him.

Getting stuck in an elevator in the company of other people - why dream of this? Night dreams warn that a person is not satisfied with his current relationship. It is possible that he secretly dreams of parting with a partner who has not aroused strong feelings in him for a long time. The gap in this case will be a boon for both parties, so an important decision should not be postponed.

The elevator suddenly breaks down? Such a plot is a warning that the sleeper's plans may not come true. This will happen due to events that do not depend on it. However, if a person does not give up and starts to improvise, then everything will end well for him. The main thing is to be able to hide your confusion from others.

Cabin condition

Does the elevator go up in a dream? The interpretation also depends on how the cabin looks.

  • If she is old, then this is a bad sign. For a long time now, a person has been feeling broken, broken. He cannot come to his senses, return to normal life. It may be time for him to seek professional help.
  • The missing call buttons also do not bode well. The dreamer has accumulated many problems, and he does not see a way to solve them. It is possible that he should ask for help and advice from friends on whom he can rely.
  • A mirror on the wall is a sign that on the way to his goal, the sleeper can only rely on himself. Other people will not come to his aid, because they do not believe in the success of his idea. The correct decisions will be prompted by the dreamer's intuition, which you should definitely listen to.
  • A broken backlight symbolizes the loss of landmarks. A person has gone astray, cannot return to the right path. He needs to stop and think about next steps.
  • Is the elevator car brightly lit? Such a dream is a sign that the sleeper will be lucky in any endeavors. Careerists will get promotions at work. Lonely people will finally be able to arrange their personal lives.
  • What does the cabin, which has only a platform, symbolize? The missing walls in this case indicate insecurity. The sleeper cannot isolate himself from people who put pressure on him, deprive him of free will.
  • A small cabin is a sign of stiffness. Something suffocates the sleeping person, prevents him from developing and moving on. It is possible that we are talking about the feeling of gratitude that he feels for someone. He tries to pay his debt to this person, but it subordinates him to his will, manipulates him.


What else does it mean to ride an elevator in a dream? A person presses the call button, but the cabin does not arrive, which forces him to climb the stairs? Such a plot predicts changes for which the dreamer may not be ready. For example, we can talk about parting with loved ones.

Fall asleep in the elevator - what does it mean? Such dreams warn of the sleeper's attempts to isolate himself from the surrounding reality. A person does not want to deal with solving current problems, as a result of which they accumulate and risk one day turning into a snowball.

The interpreters of this dream book believe that the elevator is a reflection of the dreamer's spiritual state: this is his emotional background. Climbing in a dream - to a rise in life, to an increase in social status, etc. Going down the elevator in a dream speaks of a breakdown, a return to some starting point in life. If the elevator in a dream moved to the side along a horizontal line, household chores and problems are coming that impede the moral and spiritual development of the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation Longo: elevator

The white magician Yuri Longo ambiguously interprets this dream. A dream in which a person gets stuck in an elevator is a warning: in the first three days after waking up, you need to be careful, because fraud or deceit related to finances are likely in reality. Going down the elevator is a favorable dream: in the near future, the dreamer will meet an influential and authoritative person who can direct his life in the right direction. This meeting promises to be fateful.

Climbing the elevator in a dream - to intrigues and secrets both from those around you and from the dreamer himself. Perhaps he will hide some truth from everyone in order to help a loved one. In reality, this state of affairs threatens with a damaged reputation. However, do not despair, because the person in whose name this was done will be able to whitewash the dreamer's honest name, dotting all the "and".

What does an elevator mean in a dream? Freud's dream book

Psychologist Sigmund Freud interprets this dream in his usual manner. According to him, the elevator in a dream is a symbol of the female genital organs. Riding in an elevator in a dream - to "illegal" sexual relationships, which will be carefully hidden from others. If the elevator breaks down during the trip, you should be wary of the wide publicity of your secret sexual relationships. The elevator, which initially refuses to work, speaks of an imminent break in relations with his sexual partner.

Miller's dream book. Elevator

Riding the elevator up is a favorable dream: the American psychologist Gustav Miller believes that the dreamer will soon get rich. Going down the elevator is a bad sign: failures and troubles are coming that can destroy all life plans. If a person does not have time to enter the closing elevator, then in reality difficulties are coming that will be successfully overcome by the dreamer. To get stuck in an elevator in a dream - to waking troubles: enemies and envious people are not asleep, but are waiting for the right moment for their sabotage.

An elevator in a dream is a symbol of development and achievement of goals. The meaning of the dream in which you saw the elevator depends on the circumstances surrounding you. Why dream of an elevator? Let's figure it out.

An elevator in a dream is a symbol of development and achievement of goals.

The main meaning of the elevator in dreams indicates that you are trying to shift many of your worries and troubles onto other people's shoulders. You yourself pay little attention to your affairs. You want everything to work out at the expense of others.

  1. For a man, a dream in which he dreams of opening and closing elevator doors promises love story with several new partners at once.
  2. Seeing people getting out of the lift is a warning sign. Be attentive to the advice of others: they want to help you not make a mistake.
  3. Riding an elevator and driving it yourself means that you will be successful in business, especially in the financial sector.
  4. If you dreamed that an elevator that you didn’t have time to enter or didn’t get into for other reasons descends, then you will, by chance, avoid many problems. Completely unknown people will help you with this. The dream in which you got out of the lift cabin and she went down has the same meaning.
  5. To see a stopped lift from the side - a threat looms over you: you may have an accident or be injured.
  6. To call an elevator in a dream and stand waiting for it suggests that you have been inactive for a long time, waiting for the right moment. Such a moment is about to come, do not put off making decisions for a long time, act immediately, as soon as such an opportunity presents itself.

If in your dream you called the elevator, it immediately opened and you went inside, this means that in the near future you will have a chance to become a participant in a very interesting business. Such participation will give you a lot of unforgettable emotions and great life experience.

Elevator in the dream book (video)

Climbing up the elevator in a dream

Riding up in an elevator in a dream is a symbol of achieving a goal. You will achieve everything that you dreamed about, and you will not have to make significant efforts.

  • Such a dream suggests that you have a hidden desire to improve your life today, and you want to do this at the expense of others, you yourself do not want to do anything.
  • Moving up at a very slow speed means that the situation around you will change rapidly. But if in a dream the lift moves quickly, changes in your life, on the contrary, will occur slowly.
  • If in your dream you fly at high speed, when climbing up, in an elevator through the roof of a building, you will change your immediate environment, make new friends who will contribute to your development, both spiritually and materially.
  • Riding up in a dirty elevator suggests that you have chosen a bad way to achieve your goals. You are ready to go to fraud and betrayal, just to get what you want.
  • The situation when you go up in the elevator car and exit it into a large and bright room, especially if it is clean and comfortable - good sign. In the near future, you will receive a promotion and increase your social status. A calm, happy period will come in your life, during which you will not need anything.
  • Riding a lift at high speed and at the same time experiencing that everything inside you is yeast means that you will succeed, but damage your health. You should not give all your strength to achieve the goal, you need to take care of your physical and psychological health in advance.

Such a dream suggests that you have a hidden desire to improve your life today.

Taking the elevator to the last floor portends that in the near future you will find yourself in a situation in which you will be forced to deceive for the sake of another person. People around you will treat you with incomprehension, and the one for whom the deception was, will respect you very much and appreciate your act.

Seeing an elevator shaft in a dream

In a dream, looking into the elevator shaft from the highest floor portends that you need to be careful: do not make quick rash decisions, especially when it comes to money matters.

Ride, ride an elevator in a dream

Riding in a dream on a lift up and down can have several meanings:

  1. Such a dream characterizes you as an insecure person. You don't know what you want right now.
  2. Also, this dream may mean that you are at a crossroads and do not know which road to take.

Such a dream characterizes you as an insecure person.

If in a dream you eat not up or down, but to the side - this means that you are in stagnation, you are not developing, in life you always have the same thing. If you want to change something - change, now is the best time for this.

If in a dream the elevator falls down: what does it mean

General value falling elevator in a dream - problems that lie in wait for you in the near future. Most often, difficulties are associated with work and financial affairs.

The general meaning of a falling elevator in a dream - problems that lie in wait for you in the near future

And also such a dream can be a harbinger of dismissal or demotion.

Rapidly falling down in the elevator cabin means that in the near future you will meet a person who will be very interesting to you. Perhaps you will have romantic feelings for him.

Why dream of a broken elevator: 7 interpretations

  1. A dream in which you are riding in an old, collapsing elevator means that your well-being will be under attack in the near future. There will be a chance of losing everything acquired and accumulated. Be careful!
  2. Stopping in the lift cabin predicts stagnation in business, your indecision. You can't make up your mind which way to go.
  3. If you dreamed of a broken elevator and you are not alone in it, it means that your relationship with this person has come to a standstill.
  4. Another broken elevator is a harbinger of difficulties in work. You most likely have envious people who interfere with your career advancement.
  5. Most likely, in reality the dreamer feels cornered and believes that he is in a hopeless state. Gain courage and take action. You will succeed!
  6. If you are stuck in an elevator car and you have nothing to breathe, in real life you need to pay attention to your health, especially your airways.

A broken elevator is a harbinger of difficulties in work

A dream in which you are stuck in an elevator indicates that they want to deceive you. Moreover, the likelihood of deception is high in the first few days after seeing such a dream.

Elevator in Miller's dream book

Seeing you rise in an elevator means that in the near future you will get rich and raise your social status. But if in a dream you are going down in an elevator, you will have to endure failures and all sorts of obstacles on the way to your goal.

During a ride in an elevator, you feel stuffy and cramped - this situation symbolizes discomfort in the business sphere. You are under pressure from the obligations that you have taken on and now you are afraid of not fulfilling them.

Why dream of an elevator (video)

An elevator in a dream is similar to a staircase, only the descent or ascent on it does not depend on the dreamer's efforts. Rise is possible in the level increase value life force, moving up the career ladder or learning something new, access to new stage spiritual development. The meaning of going down the elevator shaft is exactly the opposite.

Attention, only TODAY!

Did you see an elevator in a dream? Be sure to find out what the plot you see is dreaming of. This will help you avoid mistakes and learn more about yourself. The dream interpretation believes that this symbol characterizes the desire to rise in life, to achieve something more, to improve one's life status. Particular attention should be paid to where the moving booth was heading in the night dreams.

To go up

If you dreamed that you were climbing, then in reality you can fruitfully solve your problems, but with someone's help.

The modern dream book believes that going up in night dreams on the elevator is very high, and going out to be in a spacious, bright room is a great success.

For careerists, a lift seen in a dream, rushing up, symbolizes a promotion at work.

Miller's dream book says that if you moved up in an elevator, it means that in reality you will get rich or achieve a high position.

Tsvetkov interprets a little differently why this is a dream. If you rise very slowly in a dream, this portends a rapid and unexpected course of affairs. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov is sure that the dream of a quick rise, on the contrary, predicts obstacles and slowness in business.

Riding an elevator to the last floor in a dream is a sign that in reality you will have to hide the truth from others in order not to harm a loved one.

to go down

If you dreamed that you were sinking, it means that important life changes will occur very slowly. The universal dream book even warns that some difficulties may not be resolved at all.

If the elevator going down can dream of demotion or dismissal.

Miller claims that if you go down to the last floor in a dream, misfortunes will overwhelm you.

Did you dream that you were striving down the elevator at great speed? This is to get to know a person like whom you have never met before. It will radically change the worldview and become spiritually close to you.

Stuck in an elevator

If in a dream you get stuck in an elevator, this symbolizes the uncertainty of the situation in reality.

It seemed in night dreams that the booth stopped - some kind of danger threatens you.

Why the elevator is dreaming, Longo also explains. Dream Interpretation Longo reports that the plot in which you get stuck inside the cabin portends a deception. Perhaps we are talking about buying some low-quality goods, so try not to buy anything in the first days after such a dream. Don't waste your money!

Various interpretations

Such dreams often indicate that in reality you are constantly trying to solve your problems at the expense of other people, and even when you can easily cope with them yourself. Perhaps you lack confidence or are not putting enough effort into solving certain problems.

An elevator is a very useful invention and an indispensable attribute of modern high-rise buildings. In dreams, such a symbol appears often, and therefore many are interested in what the lifting device is dreaming of. Most often, the elevator is associated with business events. But there are other interpretations, depending on storyline dreams.

It is not difficult to interpret dreams in which an elevator was dreamed up. But in order to understand what he dreamed about, you need to remember the smallest nuances of night dreams. Very often, such dreams simply repeat all the usual actions that a person performs using an elevator. But there are also stories that resemble science fiction films, so they carry a different meaning.

Why dream of a dirty elevator

First of all, for correct interpretation dreams with an elevator need to remember it appearance. If he turned out to be dirty and spat, then such a dream is a warning. He indicates that in real life you can take on the wrong thing or choose the wrong path.

Fairytale elevator - interpretation of sleep

If you dream of a fabulous elevator that is very bright and colorful, and you control it with the help of magic, then this is a wonderful dream. Why dream a wonderful dream? It indicates the well-being of your life. For you in reality, as if by magic, a fabulous period has come when all your undertakings will be successful. Your new ideas that you bring to life will bring you recognition and profit. You will be able to realize yourself to the maximum if you start to act and be confident in your abilities.

broken elevator

A broken elevator that does not work, seen in a dream, indicates that something in life has gone wrong. Most likely, your plans in reality will not come true. But one should not despair, one should modify them, because improvisation often gives good results.

Empty elevator - dream book

When you dream of an empty elevator, this may mean that:
    you will be able to succeed in the things you have begun with ease; all your efforts will not bring the desired result and satisfaction.

But if you dreamed of an elevator with big amount people, then in order to get closer to the real goal, you will have to work very hard.

Why dream of waiting for an elevator

If you dream that you are waiting for the elevator, standing at the entrance, then this indicates that your actions in real life are not enough to become successful person. It's time to be active. If you dream that you called the elevator, and it instantly opened the doors in front of you, then this personifies the fact that in the near future you will have to do a new, very interesting business for you. It will take a lot of time and effort, but the results will justify themselves.

Going down or up in an elevator

If you dream that you are going down or going up in an elevator, but at the same time you feel terrible discomfort, then this indicates that in real life at a certain stage you have completed all your tasks and you need to move forward. In reality, a period has come that is very favorable for changes in the business sphere. Also, such a dream may indicate that family or colleagues are a deterrent for you. If you get rid of pressure from outside, then you will be able to reach new heights.

Get stuck in the elevator - the meaning of sleep

Not very good if you are stuck in an elevator according to the plot of the dream. Such a dream has a direct interpretation, that is, it indicates that you have been doing the same thing for a very long time and are not able to move forward. You need to start expressing yourself more actively and in life there will definitely be an opportunity for career growth. But if you are stuck in the plot of a dream in an elevator with other people, then this indicates that the relationship with certain person or other people have reached a dead end. You need to urgently make a decision in order to start a new life. Not a favorable symbol is a dream in which you are stuck in an elevator alone. This promises deceit or a rash acquisition. In addition, such a dream may indicate that you will not make a vital choice in any way and are in limbo. After such a dream, it is recommended to pre-think over each step. During this life period, you need to rely only on yourself to find a way out of a difficult situation.

elevator movement

The movements of the elevator in different directions, which you noted in night dreams, can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, the question of why such a dream is of interest to many. And so, the interpretation is as follows:
    a rapid upward movement portends the dreamer's grandiose success in reality; the slow upward movement of the elevator symbolizes your prudence and prudence in making decisions; the elevator going down indicates your passivity, and if you do not change your behavior, then such an attitude to life will lead to degradation.
An elevator falling down as a result of a breakdown portends in reality a long streak of bad luck, which, if you are not ready for it, can lead to depression and nervous breakdowns. When deciphering dreams with an elevator, you should remember that this symbol represents a person’s desire to become successful in life. It is from this perspective that interpretations of dream books should be applied in relation to events in real life.