An example of keywords for a page. What are keywords and how to use them

The question we are considering directly relates to the internal optimization of sites. Therefore, we will immediately give a general answer - keywords on promoted pages are necessary and very important. By optimizing the page for certain keywords, we will ensure that it will appear in the search results for these words. Let's see how it's done. All work is divided into three stages:

  • Parsing keywords from various services (most often this Wordstat from Yandex);
  • Selection of keywords in accordance with certain criteria;
  • Embedding keywords on pages.

Let's move on to the details.

Optimizing pages for keywords

Beginning webmasters often make websites without any emphasis on SEO. Some of them are lucky, and they immediately get traffic from search engines. Others are less lucky, as the pages of their sites are devoid of normal optimization. Let's see how to choose keywords and embed them on the pages of your resource.

Keyword search

You can’t just take and come up with keywords, as people who are far from SEO and who don’t know how to analyze embedded phrases do. First you need to find out what queries people make in search engines. Most often, optimizers analyze Yandex data, but queries can also be parsed from other sources, for example, from some services. Yandex keyword statistics are collected through Yandex.Wordstat. But collecting them here is not very convenient. We are ready to offer you three collection tools:

  • The KeyCollector program is a real harvester for searching for keywords and their further analysis;
  • Bookvarix is ​​a giant database of keywords (includes almost 2.2 billion phrases);
  • The Magadan program is another comprehensive tool for collecting and analyzing keywords.

By the way, Magadan is also represented free version, but with decent functionality. But the KeyCollector has more solid functionality - it can analyze the frequency of phrases, calculate competition by phrases, analyze data from link aggregators, extract data from Yandex.Direct, and be able to perform many other actions with keywords and their groups.

Collection of keys in Wordstat

In order to start collecting keys through Wordstat, you must select the initial phrase, for example, "buy an elephant." We drive it into the search line, after a few minutes we get the results - all the phrases in which this phrase occurred (in the left column). As for the right column, it indicates the phrases that were searched along with the main phrase.

After writing down all the relevant keywords, you can check their exact frequency - for this, we enter them in the search line in the format "!buy! elephant". In the results, you will get the number of exact queries with this phrase. Here you can also sort the results by mobile devices to estimate the level of mobile traffic. An additional useful feature is a search by region (required for promoting regional sites). But the easiest way to analyze words is through special programs. And remember that you need a Yandex account to access Wordstat.

Word analysis

Having picked up keywords in Wordstat, you can start implementing them on your site. But if there are a lot of keywords on your topic, then they need to be analyzed for effectiveness. Ideally, you need to find as high-frequency keywords as possible with a low competitive rate. According to them, you will get to the TOP of search engines with minimal labor and financial costs.

You can analyze keywords manually, but it is best to use the KeyCollector program for this - it automates many routine actions well. It is also able to determine parameters that cannot be found in other services. Despite the fact that the program can perform many actions on its own, certain knowledge is required to work with it - you must understand that it will not provide the necessary keywords for your site "on a silver platter". Therefore, we recommend that you purchase any video course on collecting the semantic core and familiarize yourself with its contents. Also, the network contains numerous materials on the creation of effective semantic cores and the division of keywords into groups for further implementation on the pages of promoted sites.

Keyword injection

Internal website optimization is not a very complicated process, but it is extremely necessary. It may take your time, but without it, you will not be able to reach the first pages of search engines and get traffic. Let's see how the internal optimization of pages for keywords is performed:

  • The selected keyword must be contained in the text content of the page. The density is selected experimentally, there is no consensus on this matter (someone achieves a density of 3%, and someone enters three repetitions of the key phrase for every 1000 characters);
  • The keyword must be present in the h1 and title tags;
  • The keyword must appear in the alt and title tags of the inserted images.

Also, keywords can appear in h2 and h3 subheadings. It is recommended to perform such an operation as relinking. For example, a page with the phrase “buy an elephant” is linked to with a similar anchor from other pages.

The main principle of internal optimization is that the optimized page is relevant to one or another group of keywords (or one keyword phrase). And if you do not add any key phrases to the page, then it will not be shown for target phrases (thus, which could bring targeted traffic).

Keywords are the basis of promotion on the Internet. The quality of their selection depends on the effectiveness and efficiency of all activities. A group of keywords for promotion is called a semantic core.


Keywords are queries that users submit in search engines. For example, "where to order pizza in Syzran." Then they are given a series of pages from which they choose one. If the text, design, price and delivery conditions suit them, the order is carried out. Thus, the company receives customers, and people - the satisfaction of their needs.

The more competition in the field, the longer, more difficult and more expensive the promotion is. If you can get promoted in information topics even without a budget, then commercial niches are already densely occupied. Therefore, if you are going to promote a resource for the sale of goods or the provision of services, then it is better to turn to professionals who will do everything as efficiently as possible.

An important stage in the promotion process is the competent selection of keywords and the compilation of a semantic core. At the same time, attention is drawn to two indicators: frequency and competitiveness. Let's say the query "pizza" has a very high frequency and competitiveness. The keyword “buy pizza” has significantly lower rates, and so on. However, a decrease in frequency does not always mean a decrease in competition.

In addition to the general, there is a morphological and exact frequency. To search for them, use the quote and exclamation mark operators, respectively. For example, if you enter the general frequency of the word "pizza", the statistics will return results for all keys that contain it: "how to make pizza the right way", "pizza in America", etc. Morphological frequency is a modified main key. In this case: "pizza", "pizza", "pizza". Exact particular - the number of times this request was shown exclusively.

After selecting all the necessary keywords, the grouping process begins. Similar keywords are combined to promote on the same page. For example, the queries “buy pizza in Syzran” and “order pizza in Syzran” can be safely promoted together, since they carry the same meaning. The more keys there are on one page, the more content it should contain.

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

Keywords are the words that users use to search for information on the Internet.

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What are keywords

To make it easier to understand what keywords are on a website, let's look at an example. You want to go to Turkey, so you decided in advance to find All system inclusive. Enter in the search "all inclusive in Turkey" and a list of sites appears in front of you. This phrase can be broken down into words or phrases "all inclusive" and "Turkey". These are the keys, each of which is searched for a certain number of times on the Internet. To make the sentence look more natural, the keys were combined.

Why should they be used on the site?

It is easier for users to find information on a topic, and for site owners to promote their resource. The optimizer includes keywords in the metadata and content on the site, while crawling, search robots study the description for these phrases, and then include the resource in the search results based on the correct distribution of words and their correspondence to the page content.

Search algorithms have gotten smarter lately. Keywords for site optimization still need to be used, search robots notice them when crawling the page. But at the same time, they must be entered naturally and correspond to the content of the text. With the advent of new algorithms based on a neural network, search engines began to recognize words and phrases that are close in content to the keys. Don't forget to use synonyms in your text and keep an eye on . If you spam the text, the site will lose positions in the search results.

How to choose keywords for website promotion

Making a list of phrases

Keywords for a site are a way to attract the target audience. It makes no sense to attract people who are interested in local attractions to the page about buying tickets. Key words must be selected taking into account all the nuances.

Let's continue the topic of buying tickets to Turkey. Create a page with text where you can immediately buy tickets. Optimize it for the main keywords, for example:

  • tickets to Turkey;
  • plane tickets to Turkey;
  • buy a ticket to Turkey.

You can choose a couple more requests. If you want to promote queries with related topics, you will need to create separate pages with relevant keywords. In order for users to find the answer to their question on the page, you need to learn how to separate topics.

For example, you want to write an article about tickets to Turkey. If you use the keywords "tickets to Turkey" and "cheap tickets to Turkey" in the same article, it will lead to worse behavioral factors later on. The user will come to the page in search of cheap tickets, and there is information about expensive and cheap tickets, for a train, for a plane. He will have to spend a lot of time looking for a block about the necessary information. Most likely he will just leave your site.

Wordstat service

To select keywords, go to the service from Yandex - Wordstat. Let's introduce the main key - tickets to Turkey. The service will have two columns. Start in the left column, because there is information about the keys associated with the main query.

In the picture you can see the main requests and the number of their impressions per month. The last indicator will help sort the keys by competition. To select keys for a project, distribute them by frequency:

  • up to 1,000 impressions - LF (low-frequency phrases);
  • from 1,000 to 10,000 - MF (mid-frequency);
  • from 10,000 - HF (high frequency).

You see that even the main phrase is MF, that is, to promote it, it is enough to write an article with direct and diluted keys. Diluted phrases - you can change the ending in words, rearrange them, do everything to make them look natural.

Let's pay attention to the right column - "system hints". In it, the service itself selects keys that are useful with basic phrases. "Air ticket Turkey" can be used in the text, bringing the phrase to a natural form - an air ticket to Turkey. Tips should definitely be used, they allow you to increase the semantic core, so you can attract more people.

How to identify keywords on a competitor's website

The main methods are: source code, services for checking projects on the Internet and texts.


The method should be used for small sites and highly specialized projects.

To view the HTML code of any page in a browser, follow these steps:

1. Go to a competitor's page.
2. Click anywhere on the right button page.
3. A menu will open where you must select "Source Code". In Chrome, the function is called “view page code”, in Opera it is called “view source code”.

To save time, go to the desired page and press "Ctrl + U". The HTML code will open right in front of you. The feature works in almost all browsers. Then press Ctrl+F to search for text. Enter "keywords" into the search bar and you will see the keywords that are used to optimize the page.

Please note that this method is rarely used now, because many sites get rid of the tag or enter words that are far from the main topic. It should be used for small sites, highly specialized projects, product descriptions. Most often it is just an addition to other methods.

Website verification services

There are many services for checking websites. The best of them are paid, while for little money you get a lot of features: keyword selection, analysis of site positions by keywords, unlimited resource analysis, and so on. Among these services, it is worth highlighting, for example:

  • - more than 76 million keys in stock, their quality is high level, the service creates group reports on your site.
  • SEMrush - analyzes the search results and keys of competitors in it, advertising strategy, texts and budgets for context, allows you to study backlinks.
  • SpyWords - allows you to find out queries in contextual advertising, Google and Yandex search engines, positions by keywords and much more.

There are free options, such as It allows you to check the robots file setting, thematic citation index, resource description, and other indicators. For this we go to home page. In a special form, enter the website address and click on the green button next to it.

After checking the resource, go down to the columns “visibility in Yandex” and “visibility in Google”. Before you will be the keys and the number of impressions per month from your competitors. That is, the phrase “check the text for uniqueness online” has more than 5,000 impressions on Wordstat, of which the resource we are studying is shown 850 times. This method is best used in conjunction with others, as it only provides general information.

Text verification services

popular and free method checking articles from competitors. One of the most popular services is Text ru.

We enter into the search engine "tickets to Turkey." We find a page in the TOP-3 and copy information from it. We go to the site, find "SEO analysis".

Click and automatically go to the next page. Paste the copied and click "verify SEO data.

Scroll down, find the column "keywords" and study them. It is best to select them in groups. Immediately click on the “+” to open up options for using individual words in a phrase and the number of keywords on the site. “Ticket to Turkey” and “book a ticket” are used twice in a 2,500-character text with spaces. This can already serve as a hint for writing articles. Just do not focus on one project, because it could be promoted with the help of links or it has a large trust, age, so analyze several resources.

What is the optimal number and density of keywords

It is necessary to monitor the density of keywords. If there are too many of them, search engines will immediately notice this and may exclude the page from the search results.

Density is best checked on Advego. Go to the resource, find SEO analysis, insert text, check. Next, see that the word density is no more than 3%. academic nausea should not exceed 8%. Now these figures are relative, as search engines have changed their algorithms. Keywords are taken into account, but behavioral factors play a big role.

Title, Description, Keywords - these terms confuse every novice blogger and Internet entrepreneur.

I remember once I looked up the meanings of these words on Google. After reading more than a dozen articles and doing a lot of experiments, I studied meta tags in great detail.

As a result, having learned how to correctly compose meta tags for my blog, I was dumbfounded by the results (no exaggeration).

In this article, I will save you time: you will learn what meta tags are, why they are needed and how to compose them correctly.

But there is another side of the coin: spam of this tag. Remember, the title is primarily written for people.

⛔ An example of an unsuccessful Title:

How to travel to Asia fast cheap tickets trips China Japan

✅ An example of a good Title:

How to travel to Asia: all the details including tickets, accommodation, food

👍 Ideal option:

How to go to Asia and not regret it (tickets, accommodation, etc.)

Secret #2. intrigue

Your title should not only contain search queries, but also arouse people's keen interest.

The logic is simple:

The more intriguing your headline is, the more people will come to the site. Seeing the interest on the part of users, search engines will begin to raise its position. The higher the site in the issue, the more successful it is.

Impressive statistics: the first three sites from organic results receive 61.5% of all clicks. Therefore, try not to get into the top ten, but into the top three.

But how do you write a really catchy title?

Here are some tips:

  1. Add numbers and percentages to the title. For example: 10 Tips for... ; 5 reasons why...; Top 3...
  2. Use the following adjectives and adverbs: Effective , Flying , Incredible , Non-standard , How , Step by step , Simple , Easy , Quick .
  3. Try to make people feel strong emotions when reading your headline.

Most importantly, take the time to write eye-catching headlines. Always remember the words of the "father of advertising" David Ogilvie:

After I wrote a more intriguing title for an article about plugins, search click through rates went up a lot:

Secret #3. Ideal length

Your title must not exceed 60 characters. Otherwise, search engines will cut it off at the 61st letter on their own.

Ideal: Stick to a range of 50 to 60 characters.

Too short a title in most cases looks unconvincing.

Compare for yourself:

How to write a title tag

Websites powered by WordPress have one interesting detail:

The title of the article is automatically duplicated in the Title. If you really want to increase website traffic, you need to write the title of the page yourself.

Blogging, earnings on the Internet, blog monetization.

Now you know literally everything about meta tags and are one step closer to success. If you think this article can be useful to others, please share it on social networks.