Multicolored curtains. How colored curtains look on the windows in the interior

The choice of materials for interior decoration and furniture is not all the activities that complete the process of interior design.

Curtains are one of the most important elements of any design. It is the curtains that are responsible for the completeness and integrity of the image of the room, its stylistic direction and special atmosphere.

In order to create a cheerful bright atmosphere in your home, it is the colored curtains that will help in this.

Harmonious combinations of colored curtains

Colored curtains in the interior of any room should not be present as a separate element.

Bright ornaments and shades must certainly be duplicated in the interior composition of the room.

Designers do not adhere to any strict rules and guidelines when choosing colored curtain designs, colors and materials.

However, there are several features that you need to pay attention to when choosing them:

  • textured coating and color design features of wall and ceiling surfaces;
  • color palette of furniture items;
  • area of ​​the room;
  • individual preferences of the owners; It is not at all necessary that the curtains are combined with the color scheme of the entire room.

It is enough that the curtains are in harmony with the style and ornaments in the decorative selection of other interior items.

The choice of curtains for functional rooms

Photos of colored curtains prove that curtains should be selected based on the characteristics of each room in the apartment: area, functional purpose, shade of decoration, etc.

Curtains can be combined in the interior with carpeting, and with furniture finishing of the facade in the kitchen, and with flooring in children's rooms.

If the room is already filled with bright decor items, then it is better to give preference to plain curtains on the windows.

Depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living space, colorful curtains can affect the perception of space in different ways. So, for a small children's room it is better to use light shades of textiles.

This will contribute to the visual expansion of space. For spacious living rooms, you can choose plain colored curtains made in bright orange or rich yellow palettes.

For kitchens, it is preferable to dwell on shades of lavender, light greens, soft blue or pearl curtains.

If the room has high ceilings, then the best choice there will be curtains with a bright ornament or horizontal stripes.

Living room

To make the curtains in the guest room a real decoration, it is better to choose the same color as the furniture.

Since these elements rarely change in the interior, they must be in harmony with each other.

Since this is a fairly spacious room, curtains decorated with a large bright print, combined with the overall tone of the design, would be appropriate here.


For such a small room, it is advisable to select curtains made of light materials, made in peach, bluish or pinkish shades. But dark curtains for a small kitchen are not recommended, as this will visually reduce the room.

Also, do not use lush lambrequins and numerous complex folds to decorate the window opening in the kitchen.


In the bedroom, the main task is to create a warm atmosphere that would set the residents to rest and sleep.

It is worth choosing any interior details here very responsibly. As window curtains, it is better to use light-colored textiles, with a touch of beige, green or cream.

It is also important to choose the right density of the material for the curtains. It is better that it is dense enough so as not to let in direct sunlight, which can interfere with rest and relaxation.

But more saturated colored curtains in a beige lounge can give the atmosphere a little cheerfulness and dynamics. However, do not overload the interior with too bright prints and shades.


It is in this room that colored curtains are very appropriate, as they are able to create a playful and relaxed mood that little tomboys need so much.

Most often, curtains for a nursery are decorated with images of cartoon characters, and for the development of intelligence, you can decorate a window opening with bright orange curtains.

To appearance window curtains has been completed, you can use colored curtain ties that are made of the same material as the main product.

Photo of colored curtains in the interior

Now the choice of home curtains is very diverse. But in this article we will talk about floral curtains. Floral prints have gained considerable popularity in recent years.

This style of curtains is entirely suitable for any room in the apartment. Even the bath can be decorated with floral curtains. Naturally, when right choice backgrounds, colors and sizes you can give your room the best look.

It is worth noting that some styles are openly in contact with similar design solution curtains.

For example, the style of "Country" clearly merges with curtains that have a design of flowers. Flowers give us lightness and beauty, so they look serene and simple in the interior.

Flower country

Style "Country" has long been positioned in France. And as we know, this country is full of romance and tenderness. This style involves the use of only natural materials and natural colors.

In this case, floral curtains in the interior are perfect here. They will be combined with various textile elements present. In general, the environment itself will look quite attractive.

If you want to turn your room into a beautiful and cozy place where you can relax or have fun, pay attention to the following recommendations.

Many inexperienced owners try to diversify their room with different colors. But this should not be done, as the interior will turn out to be too colorful.

In other words, what wallpaper, curtains should be like that. Otherwise, you get a "traffic light". Such bad taste will repel all guests, and you will not be entirely comfortable in such a room.

In addition to color, there is also a pattern design. Here it is also important not to overdo it. For if the walls are saturated with large drawings that do not fit in with the flowers of the curtains, another spoiled motive will come out.

Before choosing curtains, you should pay attention to their pattern. What is it for? For example, than less room, the better to choose curtains in a small flower.

The dimensions of the room affect the overall outcome of the design. The huge size of the drawings is appropriate only when the room itself is superior in scale. If you do not know what to choose, be guided by the standard: the flower should be no larger than the palm of your hand.

Living room decoration

The design of the floral curtains also affects the living room. Harmony with wallpaper, furniture form the overall interior design of the entire environment. Also, here special attention is paid to fabrics for curtains in flowers.

In order not to make a mistake, a good guideline is the tone of the background, which should match the furniture. In the living room, it is important not to overload the space with unnecessary things, because of this, guests can get tired and not feel comfortable. Pay attention to the photo of curtains in a flower. Here, the curtains do not seem superfluous, but complement the interior of the room well.

How is the kitchen set up?

The kitchen is considered a romantic place, because there we can arrange a beautiful dinner for our beloved or loved one. And to give such romanticism, kitchen windows can not do without curtains in flowers.

As for the drawing itself, both large and small prints are appropriate here. For complete harmony, you can duplicate the pattern of curtains on tablecloths, towels and other kitchen items. When it comes to choosing a background, you need to be smart here.

Everything is quite simple: the smaller the room, the lighter and brighter the shades should be.

Bedroom in flowers

The bedroom is decorated with all tenderness and a measure of calmness. In preference, you can choose colors such as blue, green and cream. Beautiful prints can greatly decorate the bedroom, even if there are some defects.

By the way, to draw a parallel between the materials of curtains and bedspreads. That is, the fabric should be the same as possible. Thus the interior style is logically completed.

The print itself is considered both in large sizes and in small ones. Small and medium flowers look great both in a children's bedroom and in an adult. In general, no matter what room you add with floral curtains, any of them, with proper design, looks beautiful and attracts both guests and the owners themselves.

Photo curtains in a flower

Curtains can be almost invisible, or, conversely, very catchy. Sometimes curtains are more of a functional element (they protect from light and prying eyes), and sometimes they are only decorative. Great importance has the color of the curtains - it is he who determines what effect will be achieved.

It depends on what result we want to get. And also on the stage at which the interior is ready, we proceed to the choice of textiles. If the interior is already furnished and decorated, curtains can be chosen for any, absolutely any of its components. If the interior is under development, we need to choose one of the four schemes and, in accordance with it, carry out further work on the project.

Curtain color selection: four basic schemes

1. Curtains to match the color of the walls

This elegant solution is absolutely versatile and win-win. The color of the curtains can match the color of the walls or approach it. Different saturation of shades is possible: for example, dark beige curtains can be matched to light beige walls.

What are the benefits of this scheme? This combination is aesthetic, harmonious and safe. No need to worry about whether the curtains will match with the carpet, upholstered furniture, decor. They are related to walls, and that is enough.

Under what to choose curtains? Under the color of the walls

Walls and curtains merge into a single line, making the room seem larger. That is why this scheme is recommended for small rooms, as well as for rooms with several windows.

This combination option will be optimal even if there are several elements in the interior. different colors and invoices. Catchy curtains will add variegation, which will create the effect of confusion. Curtains in the color of the walls, on the contrary, will calm the atmosphere.

For a monochrome, serene interior with plain walls, you can choose curtains with ornaments. They will make the interior more expressive and interesting.

2. Colored contrasting curtains

Such curtains are a kind of exclamation point, adding expression and spectacular brightness to the interior.

This is the most daring, and therefore rather complex scheme. It is important not to make a mistake with the chosen color.

This plan is especially good for calm and even more boring interiors. Contrasting curtains are an eloquent touch that magically transforms the atmosphere.

If deep-colored curtains seem too bold, you can decorate the windows with pastel-colored curtains.

3. Curtains in the color of the interior as a whole

Many interiors, even if they contain several colors, can be described in one word: for example, gray-beige, bluish, black and white, in caramel colors, etc. Curtains of the same “arithmetic mean” color are suitable for such rooms.

Under what to choose curtains? Under the interior as a whole

Even if the curtains contrast with the walls, they still will not become too catchy. Such curtains practically dissolve in the surrounding space.

4. Neutral curtains

These usually include white, cream, and light gray curtains. They are suitable for most interiors. If you are in doubt about the choice, stop at this neutral scheme.

Black is also a neutral color, but when it comes to the interior, it can hardly be called universal. However, in some situations it will be quite appropriate. For example, in a white Scandinavian-style interior.

Curtains "two or three in one"

If you are attracted to a scheme with colored curtains, but there are doubts that it will be successful, it is worth considering something else. interesting solution- bicolor and tricolor curtains. For such color combinations there is an established term - color blocking (color blocking).

The main part of the curtain fabric, as a rule, is neutral, repeating the color of the walls or the interior as a whole. At the same time, a wide accent strip adorns the top, middle and / or bottom of the curtain, echoing other contrasting elements of the interior.

Choice of scheme and color

If the interior is being developed, as they say, from scratch, it is advisable to immediately decide how you would like to see it: monochrome-calm or contrast-expressive. In accordance with this, a decision is made on which of the schemes will be taken as a basis.

Under the color of the walls

Under the interior as a whole

Colored contrasting curtains

Colored contrasting curtains: option 2

Three in one

How to choose a color if it is decided to make the curtains colorful and contrasting? It is logical that preference should be given to the range that is most attractive and pleasant to the owners of the premises.

If there are already colored elements in the finished interior, you can choose curtains for them. For example, in a living room that already has a blue sofa, blue curtains would be appropriate.

Under what to choose curtains? For existing furniture

What to combine curtains in the interior?

What details can be used to support curtains? What do they usually rhyme with? The answer is simple: anything.

Curtains can overlap with carpet, upholstered furniture, headboard, lamps, cabinet furniture facades, decorative pillows, and etc.

In the bedroom, the bedspread and curtains can be made in the same color. At the same time, it is desirable that the fabric be different. Otherwise, it looks like a curtain was put on the bed or a bedspread was hung on the window.

Curtains - perhaps not the most catchy, but undoubtedly an important part of the interior, a necessary element that crowns the overall composition of the room. To approach the choice of curtains in the bedroom - a space especially personal and intimate for the owner of the house, it is necessary to consciously and think through every detail. About creating the perfect image in the bedroom in order.


Colored curtains are an additional responsibility and risk, because miscalculations in choosing a color palette will inevitably lead to the fact that interior items simply will not combine with each other and become unpleasant for visual perception. To prevent curtains from becoming a daily eyesore, before buying, you should decide on some points, namely:

  • With the style in which the bedroom will be executed. Whether it's classic or pop art, the main thing is that the curtains do not stand out from the general concept.
  • With the main interior item of the bedroom, namely, what occupies a central place in it. If this is a bed of bright colors, then you should not focus on the curtains, but hang them in soft, pastel colors. It is possible and vice versa - contrasting curtains that will be in the spotlight.
  • What exactly should curtains be in harmony with: with furniture or walls (maybe just with some accessory in the room, even with pillows).
  • With the role that curtains should play in this interior. It can be decorative (decorating the window and the room) or functional (in addition to decorating the room, curtains serve certain tasks and can be darkening, heat-reflecting, noise-absorbing, motorized).


A particularly refined and sophisticated way to drape a window is curtains made of veils in two colors, which will look great in any interior. One solution is to make one color dominate over the other by choosing one veil that is the same color as the furnishings and leaving the other neutral.

There are several secrets for decorating curtains in two colors:

  • light colored veils it will be beneficial to visually increase the space of a small bedroom;
  • for large rooms an interesting solution may be a combination of dark and light fabric;
  • a combination of various patterns and ornaments in curtains perfectly emphasizes the theme of the bedroom (for example, light curtains with golden embroidery are suitable for historical design);
  • patterns are also used to visually change the skeleton of the room(vertical lines on long curtains will visually make the ceiling higher, a horizontal pattern will expand the room space and enlarge the window opening, a large bright print will bring the window closer, and a small print will move it away).

In any case, you should be guided by the advice of professionals, who, in turn, There are 3 key pillars for creating an impeccable bedroom design:

  1. Harmony. No matter what, the shade of the curtains must be in the same color scheme as the furniture and walls. It can be several tones lighter or brighter than other interior items, or create a contrast, depending on what the main focus will be on furniture or curtains. In addition, curtains and furniture should create single ensemble by cooperating with each other. So, in order to correctly emphasize the dark shades of furniture, it is better to opt for light curtains.
  2. Moderation, or otherwise - caution when combining plain designs with patterns. If the wallpaper in the bedroom is monotonous, then you can successfully complement them with an expressive pattern on the curtains, but it is more correct to choose ordinary plain curtains if there are already expressive prints in the interior.
  3. Single concept. Each style has its own color palette: in classic-design bedrooms, colorful, rich-colored curtains look ridiculous, but pastel and beige shades- the most advantageous. And curtains in bright colors are ideal for bedrooms made in the style of Pop Art.

What color to choose?

Now, having understood the basic techniques for working with the color design of the bedroom, it's time to go directly to color combinations in various styles.

Classic options

Classic is always in fashion. It is calm and restrained, so you will not find bright colors and noticeable patterns in it. Beige, gray, brown and black and white tones. Light beige and chocolate colors will go well together, and milky will suit literally anyone.

Minimal risk - the simplicity of the bedroom, executed in one color palette. In this case, neutral tones of fabrics for curtains are ideal. Snow-white curtains will always look elegant, creating some lightness and airiness in the interior of the bedroom. Even against the background of light walls, such curtains will not get lost, but on the contrary, they will visually make the room larger.

When choosing a print, it's time to stop at a floral or geometric pattern that perfectly complements a room with a light monochromatic design.

Creation of comfort

The climate of a room in which blue or blue curtains are present will be peaceful, conducive to self-contemplation and carrying a sense of security. Combining blue curtains according to Feng Shui will be correct in bedrooms with predominantly light and delicate flowers- beige, sand, lilac. Blue is the right color for curtains in a beige room, as it can emphasize its simplicity and sophistication, giving the bedroom a sense of completeness.

Since the bedroom is a place where a person should feel calm and solitude, then it is necessary to choose the appropriate colors that create such an atmosphere. You should turn to the techniques of Feng Shui philosophy, which insists on choosing a blue palette in the bedroom.

However, it should be remembered that blue color in the interior, although relaxing, it makes the room feel colder. Therefore, in order to dwell on the general concept of the interior (after all, warm colors are rightfully considered cozy), it is better to soften this effect with shades of yellow and beige instead of combining blue with white. In addition, you should not use only monotonous blue, as it dims the light, making the room darker and visually narrowing it.

Warm pastel shades also contribute to creating a cozy, relaxing atmosphere in the sleeping space. It can be purple, peach, pale pink. Lilac color harmonizes well with creamy, creamy tones, additionally creating an effect of luxury.

A cozy, warm combination creates a mix of light-colored furniture and coffee-colored curtains. This is a completely unobtrusive contrast, referring to classic style, but at the same time does not let you get bored with its monotony and formality of the palette.

As in the case with classic design, it is best to avoid flashy blues, reds, greens and orange flowers, since they will only "cut" the eye and excite the psyche, not allowing the owner to fully relax and take a break from everyday hustle and bustle.

joyful moments

The color spectrum gives vent to emotions, starting with a light olive and ending with neon green. Such curtains will go well with neutral interior colors - gray, white, as well as beige and pastel shades. But still, you should be careful with the green color, combining it with dark shades of interior items. Emerald green will clearly play out in a small bedroom against a background of burgundy or dark brown wallpaper.

Orange shades, as well as green, create expression in the interior, symbolize the spring and summer periods, and with them cheerfulness and growth. A stylish and noble solution is the terracotta shade, which is at the peak of fashion today. It can be successfully combined with any light wallpaper - from snow-white to cream and pastel. Curtains in orange tones will look great in a room with a predominant white color. Especially if you add the interior of such a bedroom bright accessories in the color of the curtains (these can be paintings, lamps or vases).

An interesting pronounced or abstract print, with the right combination with pieces of furniture, will also help create a festive atmosphere.

With two-tone staining of curtains, one should selectively approach the combination of two different bright shades so as not to overdo it with the intensity of the overall colors bedrooms.

Feeling of freshness

Escaping from the summer heat, it is nice to enter a room made in fresh cold colors, as they, like an air conditioner, will create a feeling of comfort and desired coolness. These shades are turquoise, lavender, pearl, blue and mint, which create the perfect combination with white wallpaper.

However, such a combination can lose value if the bedroom is overloaded with a large number of fittings and accessories, while minimalism in the interior will only help create a feeling of freshness. In addition, this design looks modern and expensive.

An ideal example of a minimalist style is if, in the same white room, only curtains and bedding are highlighted in turquoise or blue tones.

Turquoise is simply indispensable when creating an interior in nautical style and according to Feng Shui, stimulates creativity, helps to concentrate. The right combination for turquoise curtains in the interior - walls stylized as white marble - stylish and elegant. But it is best to use not just plain turquoise curtains, but along with some additional color accent in order to maintain a sense of proportion. In this case, a combination of turquoise with gilding is suitable.