Economic construction. The cheapest material for building a house

gas silicate blocks, aerated concrete blocks, wood concrete, foam concrete, sawdust concrete - there are many building materials and technologies on the market. But which of them will allow you to build a really inexpensive, functional and reliable housing?

The development of technologies is more related to monolithic and frame construction. If you pay attention to frame technologies, effective are LSTK-structures, with thin walls made on the basis of a steel profile.

The finished object is distinguished by low weight, high strength, and the absence of "cold bridges". On the basis of LSTC, it is possible to successfully conduct low-rise residential construction of townhouses, cottages and other low-rise buildings (up to three floors). The cost of the finished object will be 13 tr/m² and more.

In forest-deficient areas, it makes sense to lighten the weight of the roof, reducing power truss system. This is not only economical, but will also affect the choice of type bearing base

The first step to effective construction should be the analysis of traditional housing, which is being built in a particular climatic region. Such functional and technological properties are optimal and economical.

Monolithic construction involves the installation of removable or fixed formwork, pouring concrete (heavy / light - to choose from), erecting a roof. The cost of a finished house made of concrete with your own hands on fixed formwork starts from 8 tr/m², on a removable one - a little cheaper.

Another the way to build a cheap house is to use wooden bricks. The material is made on the basis of solid wood. Each module is equipped with a four-sided lock, which eliminates shrinkage and blowing. Construction of the house will take 2-8 weeks. Manufacturers offer the most cheap wooden pine brick at a cost of 470 USD/m³, from which it is easy to calculate the cost of costs, knowing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls.

Aerated concrete blocks - which is cheaper

Advantages and disadvantages of blocks made of different types concrete, are considered in tabular data:

Block type pros Minuses Price
Polystyrene concrete (concrete with polystyrene balls) Warm, light, very cheap material that allows you to quickly build housing.

Blocks can be made by yourself, which contributes to greater savings.

Serious flaws with geometry will cause problems with finishing. Blocks are sensitive to ground movements, which can cause cracks to form. This is a great option for outbuildings - cheap, warm. The price starts from 3.1 t.r./m³
Arbolite (concrete with wood chips) You can safely consider all the previous advantages, but the wood concrete is more flexible due to the wood content. It is less prone to cracking Walls should not be overloaded, finishing should be started as early as possible (along the facade), and wetting should be avoided during construction. From 4.8 tr/m³
Aerated concrete (sand, lime, cement, water, blowing agent) Ideal geometry, environmental friendliness, minimum glue consumption, absence of cold bridges (with rare exceptions), ease of processing When finishing, there may be problems with fasteners. During construction, even one-story house indispensable without arrangement monolithic belts. By strength lightweight concrete inferior to a monolith, but optimal for private construction. Considering the pros and cons of aerated concrete blocks, the price of 3.6 - 4.7 tr / m³ should be taken into account
Foam concrete (water, cement, sand, foaming agent) A house made of foam concrete does not require a deep foundation, the material is easily processed, allows you to quickly implement masonry, which perfectly protects against wind, noise and frost Building houses from foam blocks can be costly due to the fragility of the material - there is a fight during transportation, masonry. If you do not lay a reliable foundation, hay can crack 2-4 tr/m³ (depending on dimensions and production technology)

Based on the tabular data, it can be seen that the cheapest building material for building a house is aerated concrete, foam concrete. Also on sale expanded clay concrete block but it is much more expensive. One price category with foam concrete there is sawdust concrete.

The production of cellular and porous blocks is progressing. A house made of gas silicate on two floors, lined with siding, can be considered typical. Finished project easy to choose online

natural wood

Considering all the possibilities of choice, it is impossible not to mention natural wood. This is the most environmentally friendly material that allows you to create durable housing. The construction of houses from logs or timber is based on cheap load-bearing bases., - columnar, shallow. You can build a house quickly, and finishing is not difficult.

However, neither the beam nor the log corresponds modern requirements thermal protection. It is cold in a house made of timber, that is, a mandatory additional insulation. There is a special material with insulation, but they are much more expensive. In addition, such a house burns easily.

wooden frame

How to build a house inexpensively? is a story about wooden frame. The master does not require special skills, a shallow-depth bearing base is enough. But, in such a house there is very poor sound insulation, environmental friendliness suffers due to the large amount of insulation rodents and insects are often present. Arrangement required supply and exhaust ventilation. Extremely low resilience to natural disasters has also been noted.

Panel materials

In a few weeks, you can build a house based on reinforced concrete panels. After installing the walls, you can proceed to finishing work. The cost of the material is 9-15 tr / piece, which depends on its series and purpose. Used wall material may be on sale, but it is not recommended to purchase it.

Sandwich panels allow you to build a house in a matter of months. The material is produced in accordance with standard projects in factories, so it is monotonous. If you follow the installation technology, you can get an excellent summer house, cottage, outbuildings.

Additional materials

When deciding what is the cheapest material for building a house, one should not forget about other structural elements.

The larger the house in terms of area, the higher its cost and costs in man-hours. By choosing a successful project, you can build good housing quite cheaply.

To save money, you can pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • the cheapest roof is covered with ondulin, corrugated board, roofing material, wave slate;
  • inexpensive windows can be equipped both from wood and from metal-plastic. The same applies to door frames. If wood is used, it must be softwood;
  • most economical material flat slate is used to finish the building, however, it is better to cover it with paint. In the economy class, plaster, tiles, facing bricks are appropriate;
  • for interior work, you can use lining, which can be cut independently from unedged boards 25 mm;
  • as an alternative, you can consider buying plastic lining, however, does not have a high coefficient of thermal expansion, which imposes certain restrictions;
  • an inexpensive house is not too hard, so the finish of the fiberboard is questionable, the seams may crack;
  • building a house on one floor does not require the cost of lifting mechanisms, forests, extra helpers;
  • do not be afraid of purchasing from domestic manufacturers. All materials, from metal trusses to various types of insulation, are no worse than imported analogues;
  • it must be understood that a certain part of the materials that are somehow involved in construction can be made by hand. For example, do-it-yourself plasticizer for concrete.

Do you need a quote to build a house?

When choosing from which material it is cheaper to build a house, it is worth relying on the actual conditions of construction and the purpose of the object. The most cost-effective work relates to the construction summer cottages, garden houses, that is, houses of seasonal residence. If it is planned to arrange a place for permanent residence, we should expect an increase in costs, albeit insignificant.

The calculation of the estimated cost will optimize the progress of work, which will eliminate disruptions in the flow of building materials to the construction site. When choosing even the cheapest building material, it is important to know how much of it will be required and what will be the cost of its purchase.

An enterprising person found an unusual, cheapest building material for building a house:

Living in your own home has many more advantages than even the most luxurious apartment. A private house- a place where you are free to do whatever you want. Here you will not be disturbed by noisy neighbors who want to make repairs early in the morning or late. Here you are not at risk of being flooded or experiencing the inconvenience that apartment residents face. Many are accustomed to believing that buying a plot, and even more so building a house on it, is fabulous money. However, with the development modern technologies in construction, the most cheap technology building a house has become several times more affordable. Now we will consider the main question: where to start, and most importantly, from what to build the cheapest house?

Preparatory stage

The first point that needs to be determined initially is the functionality of the house. What is it for.

If this is a country cottage for seasonal living, then only materials are needed,

if this is a full-fledged house for permanent residence, then it is completely different.

To decide what kind of house will be, you should thoroughly study the climate and weather conditions of the region where construction is planned. After all, the choice of building materials directly depends on the temperature regime during the year. A house for regular residence must be constantly heated during the cold season, which entails certain financial costs. Therefore, when choosing a material for a building, one should be guided by thermophysical properties: thermal conductivity and heat capacity, as well as shrinkage.

Each climatic region has its own temperature regime, wind speed and protection class according to the level of heat-shielding properties. Therefore, when choosing a material and calculating the thickness of the walls, two main parameters must be taken into account: the coefficient of thermal resistance and thermal conductivity.

For each region, its own specially calculated indicator of the thermal resistance of the CTS is used. In order to obtain clarity on the upcoming heating costs, it is necessary to calculate the CTS of the future design. To do this, the width (δ) of the wall is divided by the coefficient of thermal conductivity (λ), which is indicated in technical specifications building material R = δ / λ. The calculated value of heat transfer resistance must comply with the standard.

As an example, consider the use of cellular concrete, which has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.12 W / m * ºС. Let's take a block with a thickness of 0.3 meters and calculate: R \u003d 0.3 / 0.12 \u003d 2.5 W / m 2 * ºС. This figure is below the norm and is suitable, except perhaps for construction in southern regions Russia. A block with a width of 0.4 meters gives a heat transfer resistance of 0.4 / 0.12 \u003d 3.3 W / m 2 * ºС, which is slightly higher than the standard indicator and can be used in the construction of buildings in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The calculation is relevant only when laying blocks on glue.

To determine the wall thickness corresponding to the advanced generally accepted standards in terms of energy efficiency, you can use the same formula, where it will be equal to the product of the heat transfer resistance value and the thermal conductivity coefficient δ \u003d λ x R.

From this it follows that in order to obtain the standard value of resistance λ = 3.2, the thickness of the wall from a solid wood of coniferous species (pine, spruce) will be 0.18 x 3.2 = 0.576 m, from brick 0.81 x 3.2 = 2.592 m, and from concrete 2.04 x 3.2 = 6.528 m. At the same time, mineral wool insulation with a thickness of 140-150 mm complies with the standard: 0.045 x 3.2 = 0.14 m.

Therefore, when choosing a material and determining the thickness of a structure, one should take into account the resistance to heat transfer and the coefficient of thermal conductivity.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity,

specific heat

and the change in linear dimensions for each material is different.

In addition, when choosing a material for construction low cost home, you need to study the market of building materials characteristic of the region. Delivery of materials, as a rule, occupies a considerable share in their cost.

Now you need to decide on the size of the future home. For example, do you want to build cottage inexpensive or the house will have more floors. What will be the area of ​​the house in relation to the area of ​​your site?
You can calculate the area of ​​​​your plot online.

Windows of standard sizes;

Practical layout without frills;

simple roof;

Available building materials;

Flat small fireplace;

One should also take into account important nuance if you have a small area, then you can choose a simple project two-story house. Such a solution will be much cheaper than building a one-story large house.

The cost of a future home is determined by three components, on each of which you can save:

  • architectural layout is compact, maximum functionality and comfort and allows you to achieve 20% savings;
  • a simple design solution should be rational and not contain any architectural frills will provide another 10% savings;
  • modern materials make it possible to use the latest technologies in construction, allowing you to do the work yourself or with the involvement of a minimum amount of labor from outside, which guarantees end result up to 40% savings.

The optimal solution for a family of 2-3 people is housing consisting of three rooms with total area approximately 50 m2. A reasonable option would be a 6×9 house, which includes: two bedrooms, a living room in the form of a studio, with a kitchen, a combined bathroom and toilet, and a small entrance hall.

Layout: maximum functionality and comfort

The main principle of space planning is to extract the maximum benefit from each square meter of space. In our case, this is the ratio of total and usable space. This house, consisting of three rooms with a total area of ​​54 m 2, will fully satisfy your needs in modern housing. Moreover, the ratio of total and usable area (52 m 2) is 96.3%.

But over time, you will want to increase its area. Such a structure is most suitable for transformation. It can be expanded in width and height.

Second option

Important! The construction of the second floor must be thought out in advance in order to lay the appropriate foundation.

Third option, first floor

Third option, second floor

The exterior of the house economy option

Exterior view of the house after expansion

The key to savings: simplicity of design

Designs should also be approached as simply as possible, without additional frills. With economical construction, there are a number of points that must be considered:

  • The selected house width of 6 m will allow you to easily install floor slabs. The standard size will not require the construction of an additional load-bearing wall.
  • Combining the dining kitchen and the hall into a modern living room, according to European standards, will save on the absence of walls and doors.
  • A sufficient width of the walls will be 30 cm, and heat resistance can be achieved due to the thickness of the layer of heat-insulating material when facing the house. In this case, the plinth is reduced in width to 25 cm.
  • It is advisable to make the walls in the house from drywall, they do not require a foundation and are easy to install.
  • The roof is made gable, without unnecessary frills - this is the most cost-effective design.

Building a cheap house with your own hands is the most economical option

Approximately half of the cost of construction is payment for the performance of work. When building a cheap house, it is more expedient to do the maximum amount of work with your own hands, without involving hired workers.

Why you need to purchase only modern material. Its installation technologies are designed for a simple average person, so construction will not require professional skills from you and will provide an opportunity to save money. As a labor force, you can attract one assistant. If you do not have free time to build a house with your own hands, hire a team of two people with the appropriate qualifications, leaving control over the work.

Another option is the construction of standard projects. Here you do not need to participate in the construction, it is enough to take the finished house into operation, be sure to draw up an act of acceptance of the work performed, clarifying the warranty obligations of the developer.
This 6×9 house is a great version of a two-story transformation.

Reviews and disputes: which cheap house is better?

To explain which of the cheap houses is better, we invite you to read the comments we have collected from various forums:

Alexander V.

I want to talk about building a cheap house. And I will touch not only the monetary side of the issue, but also the labor-intensive one. We buy modern materials, preferably in a construction hypermarket, where prices are much cheaper. We discard ideas about buildings from improvised materials (clay, straw, savage stone) as untenable. In the 21st century, we can talk about how walls made of clay and a foundation made of rubble. We are talking about modern housing, not Grandpa Pumpkin's house. We will not even consider the environmental friendliness of building materials. At the time of the developed world wide web, you can find the most controversial opinions about any material.
Hired builders will not be considered either. This multiplies the estimate at least twice initially. We carry out construction on our own, everyone can do it. The issue is the duration of the process.
And so the foundation. When building a house, you can not do without it. The most expedient and cost-effective - strip foundation on piles. The job is not difficult. Every 2m we drill piles, the length depends on the soil, and pour the grillage.
Nevertheless, the cheapest construction will be a frame house, insulated with mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Building a house of brick or sides on cement mortar will increase the cost of the estimate, take a lot of time, as a result we get a cold building that requires insulation.

Bogdan S.

I was going to build a house 6 × 9. For the past two months, I have been doing a personal project and drawing up a construction estimate. I read smart books, I participate in forums on all topics of interest, I watch videos. Now I read it and understand that everything is as you said: the foundation is piled, the house is frame, the roof is slate. Finishing inside: drywall, OSB boards and wallpaper. Of course plus heating and lighting. One thing I can say is that I do not invest in 10 thousand conditional raccoons. A bit more.

Sergei Zh.

I developed a project for a house of 50 m2 for my friend. Nothing special budget option, but house for year-round use. The foundation is solid. Wooden frame house insulated with mineral wool. Outside vapor barrier film, inside hardboard. The roof is slate. Pretty warm building, suitable for winter use. Appearance is not very good. Just covered with vapor barrier. Subsequently, you can sew up the siding. But the budget is the most modest. A friend spent only 4 thousand USD. True, he built it himself, he didn’t even want to hear about any hired brigade.

Looking at my house, I am more and more convinced that it is hardly possible to build anything cheaper than a frame house. I insulated the walls, rollers, the roof with mineral wool 15 cm thick. In addition, I built an attic floor. My roof is the simplest gable, covered with zerolin. Outside finished with siding, and inside the OSB and pasted wallpaper. It cost me a pleasure of $ 9,500.

The frame is the cheapest and warmest, but this does not mean that it is free. Everything is relative. My friends built a house from Sibit. They were happy until winter came. They froze through the winter, and now they are deciding how to insulate themselves and what it will be like.

Of course, the main costs are building materials, which we will talk about in more detail.

Modern building materials - the cheapest way to build a house

There is a lot of competition in the building materials market today. Therefore, by making a small detour of the main points of purchase, building materials such as a hypermarket, a bazaar or a warehouse, it will not be difficult to find the most reasonable price. But different material differs significantly in price.

The author of the article does not pursue the goal of promoting this or that building material, since the site does not sell them. The main thing is that a person who has a limited budget for construction can become the owner of a good and solid house.

Before reading the various options for houses, pay attention to Compared with other houses, it is characterized by cheap construction.

Cheap brick house?

  1. Brick.

As many people know, brick is one of the most durable, but at the same time heavy materials. Based on this, it has both advantages and disadvantages.


  1. high strength and durability;
  2. excellent sound insulation;
  3. availability;
  4. environmental friendliness.


  1. large mass - laying a solid foundation will be required;
  2. insufficient energy saving;
  3. poorly processed;
  4. long construction process.

Modern brick allows you to build any size and design of the house.

Cheap steel structure house

  1. Steel strong constructions.

Today it is one of the most durable and affordable building materials, which allows you to build reliable structures, houses, etc. in the shortest possible time.


  1. affordable cost;
  2. quick and easy installation;
  3. versatility - you can build any structure;
  4. using modern finishing materials, you can create a unique exterior.


  1. low strength;
  2. poor and thermal insulation sound insulation without the presence of additional insulating materials.

Steel durable structures are becoming more and more popular today in the construction of private houses.

Cheap wooden house - is it true

  1. Log or timber

A modern stylish log house looks amazing, and high environmental friendliness, durability and thermal insulation distinguish this building material from others.


  1. high strength;
  2. environmental friendliness;
  3. excellent sound insulation;
  4. quick and easy installation;
  5. high thermal insulation;
  6. easy to process;
  7. relatively small weight;
  8. amazing appearance.


  1. price;
  2. the need for additional pest control;
  3. fire hazard without special impregnations;
  4. low water resistance.

A modern house made of logs or timber is stylish, practical and comfortable.

Favorite: cheap foam concrete house

  1. Foam concrete is the most profitable material for building a house.

A lightweight building material that outperforms others in its characteristics.


  1. quick and easy installation;
  2. high load capacity and low weight;
  3. over time, high strength;
  4. excellent sound and heat insulation;
  5. light weight;
  6. acceptable cost;
  7. easy to process;
  8. environmental friendliness.


  1. the first few years after manufacture has a low strength;
  2. the porous structure of foam concrete will require additional finishing work;
  3. hot in the summer.

Foam concrete is the cheapest way to build a house.

We looked at some of the most affordable building materials that can be used to build an inexpensive home. Today they are also widely used: twin blocks, monolith, ceramic stone, etc.

For example, the cost of a one-story frame house with two rooms, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom will cost 600-700 thousand rubles. Thus, the cheapest frame houses can be built for relatively little money.

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Hello! Tell me, what material is now best to build a country house? I want to build myself a small house in the country.

- Sergey, Moscow.

Hello! The choice of material for building a house is a key issue. From this will depend on the period of work, the cost and durability of the building. It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer, a lot depends on climatic conditions and financial capabilities. To help you with the choice, we compare the characteristics of houses made of brick, foam blocks, wood, SIP panels and determine the advantages and disadvantages of each building material.

Brick as a building material has great architectural potential. A brick house can be of any shape, from a simple rectangular structure to a complex Gothic structure. Therefore, if you want to bring to life the most daring design projects, then the brick will do just fine.

brick house

Like any other building material, brick has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of a brick house

  • Prestige - a house made of good brick is still considered an indicator of the financial security of the owners.
  • Thermal insulation - brick houses perfectly retain heat in harsh climatic zones.
  • Service life - with proper observance of the construction technology, a brick house is able to stand for a long time without major repairs.
  • Fire safety - brick is not a highly flammable material, so the risk of a serious fire in the house is reduced.

American style brick house

Cons of a brick house

  • The weight of the material - a brick is a rather heavy building material, therefore, for the construction of walls, it is necessary to make a very strong foundation, which in turn requires significant financial costs.
  • Hygroscopicity - brick walls are very prone to moisture absorption. Therefore, when building a brick house, a significant part of the money and time is spent on waterproofing.
  • The need for wall decoration - when using inexpensive bricks (or with improper masonry), there is a need for internal and external wall decoration.
  • The price of a brick - depending on the type and quality, the cost of this building material is very high.

Brick house in the English style

The table contains information for buildings made of brick and foam concrete blocks.

A brick house is comfortable for living and aesthetically mature structure, which is achieved with a competent approach to construction. High technical characteristics make it possible to live in such a house at any time of the year and under various climatic conditions.

wooden houses

Wealthy owners often opt for wooden beams or logs. This is explained by the fact that such houses have a beautiful appearance and have operational advantages compared to other types of buildings. To find out the characteristics of a wooden house, let's look at its advantages and disadvantages.

wooden house

Advantages of a wooden house

  • The cost of construction - if you calculate the total estimate of wooden and brick houses, then the construction of a wooden house will cost less. This is due to the lack of need for external and internal decoration. Also, walls made of timber or logs are lighter than brick walls, so there is no need for a reinforced foundation.
  • Mobility - the walls of a wooden house can be dismantled and, if necessary, assembled in a new place. Construction speed - the construction of a wooden house is almost twice as fast as a brick one.
  • Appearance - of course, everyone has their own preferences, but for most people, wooden houses look more beautiful than others.
  • Thermal insulation - depending on the thickness of the walls, wooden houses sometimes outperform brick and frame houses in thermal insulation properties.
  • Environmental safety - the walls in a wooden house do not emit harmful substances that are dangerous to human health.

log house

Disadvantages of a wooden house

  • Wall shrinkage - the final shrinkage of the wooden house structure occurs only after three years.
  • Fire safety - although now there are many refractory liquids that are used to treat the wooden parts of the house, but still a wooden house in terms of fire safety is inferior to a brick or stone one.
  • Pest and rot treatment - wooden houses require regular treatment from insects and fungi living on the tree.

Timber house

* Fine finishing of a log house can be done only 2-3 years after construction.
As you can see, a tree has its pros and cons, which should be considered when choosing building materials for a country house.

Houses from SIP panels

SIP panels are a high-quality and convenient building material for a country house, which allows you to build large structures in a short time.

Sandwich panel building technology came to Russia from North America, where it is very popular.
SIP-panel is a plate of two sheets of rigid material (fibreboard, OSB, PVC) and a layer of insulation, which is located between them. The panels are mounted on a wooden or metal frame, and as a result, a solid structure of the house is obtained.
The construction of houses from SIP panels has its fans and opponents. To determine which category you fall into, check out the advantages and disadvantages of sandwich panels.

House from SIP panels

Advantages of SIP panels

  • Excellent heat and noise insulation - due to their design, sandwich panels perfectly retain heat and isolate noise.
  • Lightweight - Being lighter than brick, concrete and even wood, SIP walls do not require the construction of a strong foundation.
  • Short construction time - thanks to the frame technology, a house from sandwich panels is built very quickly.
  • Low cost of construction - SIP panels have an affordable price and, combined with quick installation, building a house as a whole will not cost much.

Scheme of a house from sandwich panels

Cons of SIP panels

  • Short service life - compared to other building materials, sandwich panels have a relatively short service life of 30-50 years.
  • Environmental safety - materials capable of releasing harmful substances are used for the manufacture of SIP panels. This factor is especially important if you plan to permanently live in the house.
  • Low fire safety - sandwich panels burn well and emit a lot of harmful substances during combustion, so houses built from this building material require additional measures to ensure fire safety.
  • Rodents - in the space where the insulation is located, representatives of the rodent family are very fond of arranging their homes. So be sure to regularly check and treat your home for mice, rats and other pests.
  • Not prestigious real estate - houses made of SIP panels are not considered prestigious and durable housing, for this reason you can sell your property only at a price inferior to the cost of construction.

Building a house from sandwich panels

Despite all the shortcomings, accessibility, the speed of building a house and its high thermal insulation properties make sandwich panels very popular today.

Monolithic concrete houses

A concrete house is a monolithic structure that creates the shape of a house and carries all the loads. Monolithic houses are popular due to their strength and durability. Also, the pouring technology allows you to give the house the most daring and unique design. A reinforced concrete house is especially recommended for building in seismically active areas, as it is able to withstand a serious earthquake.
According to the technology of building a monolithic house, liquid concrete is poured into the formwork in which there is a frame of reinforcement. After the solution has dried, the formwork is removed and placed on the next section of the pour.
Monolithic houses are very popular in high-rise construction, but in addition to large buildings, reinforced concrete houses can be found in suburban areas. If you want to use the technology of pouring concrete to build your own home, then first read the pros and cons of this building material.

Monolithic private house

Advantages of a monolithic house

  • Structural integrity - a monolithic house does not need to fit the elements of the house to each other, as in conventional construction.
  • Long-term operation - if high-quality concrete is used when pouring, then a monolithic house can stand longer than similar houses made of brick or stone.
  • Fire safety - houses made of reinforced concrete are not subject to destruction during a fire.
  • Many forms - a monolithic house can be given any look, depending on your imagination.
  • Seismic safety - a properly built reinforced concrete house is able to withstand an earthquake of up to 8-10 points without damaging the structure.

The process of building a monolithic house

Disadvantages of a monolithic house

  • Construction cost - building a monolithic house is the most expensive option. Significant financial costs will be required for high-quality formwork, reinforced foundation, reinforcement and delivery or production of concrete.
  • The need for wall decoration - if you do not go to have a gloomy bunker instead of a house, then you will have to make efforts for external and internal wall decoration.
  • Heating - Concrete is concrete, and powerful heating systems will be required to maintain a comfortable temperature in winter.

Unusual design of a monolithic house

If there are opportunities for building a monolithic house, then this option is preferable, especially in areas of increased seismic activity.

Alternative building materials for the home

In addition to the popular construction options listed above, there are less well-known, but also materials used for building walls, we will consider some of them.

adobe house
    • Saman - adobe houses are popular in the southern regions of Russia and Central Asia. A house made of adobe keeps cool in summer and “keeps” warm in winter. Walls made of adobe are not very durable and are very afraid of water, because adobe is made from a mixture of clay and straw. Therefore, this building material cannot be used in harsh climatic zones. But for a dry climate with little rain, adobe is quite suitable for building a simple dwelling.

Wood concrete house
    • A mixture of sawdust, shavings, chemical additives and cement - such blocks are called wood concrete. This material is ideal for building walls with low load, it is used for the construction of the last floors of buildings, one-story houses and household buildings. Arbolite is an inexpensive building material, it is produced in the form of blocks. In some cases, wood concrete, like concrete, is poured directly into the formwork. The main disadvantage of wood concrete is that it has low strength and cannot be used in the manufacture of foundations and load-bearing walls.

Natural stone house
    • Natural stone is a building material for those who love old traditions and have the finances to implement them. Building a house from natural stone will be very expensive, but your great-great-grandchildren will probably get the house. Natural stone used for construction can be either in its natural form or in the form of processed blocks.

cinder block house
  • Cinder block - as the name implies, this is a block pressed from waste slag and cement. Not a very environmentally friendly material because you don't know the origin of the slag. Cinder block is a cheap alternative to brick and is used to build houses and outbuildings. The strength of the cinder block largely depends on the conscience of the manufacturer, there are times when the blocks fall apart right during the masonry.

We hope that our article helped you decide on the choice of building materials for building a house!

Which house is cheaper to build is of interest to a large number of task owners, since everyone is interested in saving money. It is worth considering that building buildings of the same size can be completely different costs. The cost factor is influenced by a large number of indicators. So, for example, the construction of a house can be done cheaply through the correct calculation of one's own strengths, knowledge, energy and talents. In our article, we will consider the most basic options, what is better to build a house from and how to keep the price as low as possible.

Ways to save

The first option, which will help save money, concerns the features of the selected project. Such a plan should be rationally and practically calculated. In this case, remember that it is important for architects to present the scheme to you in a beautiful package, but not to reduce your costs in any way. In most cases, specialists offer beautiful large buildings with bright facades, and many are fascinated by the design picture. But, our task is to build a house cheaper.

You can build a house of inexpensive cost, adhering to such requirements, namely buildings with one floor, a gable roof, floors on the ground and on a shallow foundation. The optimal area indicator should not exceed 120 square meters. m. You can exclude the installation of internal load-bearing walls and attic flooring. A qualitative and economic object should not be like this:

  • Build too small an area. Remember that, first of all, the house must meet your needs.
  • Be uncomfortable. The project should be familiar to the living conditions.
  • The house should not be of low quality. For construction work, you can purchase inexpensive materials, but of good quality.

To date, there are such low-cost project plans:

  • You can make a rectangular plan with a gable roof;
  • Construct a one-story building without expensive ceilings, a large number of windows and stairs. This scheme will save you a lot of money.
  • The construction can be done without a basement or basement, this rate saves an average of about 30% of costs.
  • The price can be reduced by laying a shallow buried base with a plinth and floor covering on the ground.
  • You can exclude the creation of unusual and original elements on the facade, for example, arches, bay windows, columns.
  • To reduce the cost of installing a roof by 40%, two or five slopes can be created.
  • Finish the walls with the simplest methods.
  • The plastering of the facade should be made from a mixture of cement and lime.

Attention! Take the time to choose a project that will help you save on construction work.

This is not the only way to reduce the cost of construction. You can save at all stages, for example, you can perform the following actions:

  • Use traditional wall decoration, which is easier to do, so you can do the work yourself.
  • What material is the building made of? The total price of the entire building will depend on your choice. In order to further reduce costs, you should make the purchase yourself, without the help of intermediaries.
  • You can also not use the services of construction campaigns, but carry out construction on your own.

Material features

According to SNiP, the owner of a construction project is obliged to perform correct calculations and optimize the shell of the house in relation to the payback of thermal insulation. One building may have different structural elements, so the cost is calculated per cubic meter. The next step is to calculate the heating consumption. It is worth noting that each detail pays off after a different amount of time, so they need to be approached individually.

Attention! Each region of the country has its own payback period for construction projects.

The practice of many years has shown that for harsh climatic zones, it will be more economical to spend on high-quality insulation, which will reduce heating costs in the winter. For example, it is possible to create walls in two layers with an inexpensive thin load-bearing layer. So, the masonry can have a thickness of 25 cm, and the insulation can be up to 30 cm. For harsh conditions, it is more profitable to use energy-saving material, for example, aerated concrete, polystyrene foam, gas silicate.

A square meter of the frame wall contains the highest amount of effective insulation. This design pays off the fastest, as it requires a small amount of construction process costs. It is optimal to build buildings with a frame in a temperate climate zone, since the savings will be rational.

For a mild climate, building a house is the cheapest. In this situation, it is possible to build houses with one layer of lightweight concrete walls. It is worth noting that you can do without additional thermal insulation, since it is not necessary. Next, let's clarify the construction options, and determine what is cheaper to build from.

Making brick walls

This masonry has proven to be the most effective in terms of price and expenditure of physical strength. This design is most often created from ceramic bricks, for example, the M 100 brand. It is worth noting that this is the cheapest option for brick buildings. So for 1 sq. m. requires such a number of tools:

  • Bricks, in the amount of 20 pieces, will cost you less than 2 thousand rubles.
  • 26 liters of solution - about 60 rubles;
  • Reinforced concrete support belt about 200 rubles;
  • The cheapest plaster can be bought for 200 rubles.

That is, you will spend an average of 2,300 rubles to build a meter of a cubic brick wall. Of course, this amount may vary depending on the pricing policy of the store where you will buy materials.

Aerated concrete walls

The most optimal replacement for brickwork can be considered blocks of aerated concrete. This technology helps to achieve such indicators:

  • Reduce overall weight;
  • Ensure low heat conduction;
  • Increases the level of noise isolation.

Such a small load on the base allows you to reduce construction costs. In order for the built house to be cheap, it is best to use D500 blocks, 40 cm thick. The rationality of such a material can be confirmed by the following calculation data per 1 sq. m.:

  • 7 block cubes will cost you 1100 rubles;
  • Special masonry glue weighing 10 kg - 85 rubles;
  • A reinforced concrete mesh costs about 200 rubles;
  • Support belt on a cube. m. - about 200 rubles;
  • Monolith frame columns - 150 rubles;
  • Substance for plaster - 280 rubles.

As a result, it turns out that a cubic meter will cost you about 1,700 rubles. As you can see, the price with the previous version is relatively the same. But, in this situation, the process requires a sufficient amount of physical effort, so you have to spend money on hired workers, and the cost will increase by 1,500 rubles.

Timber walls

This type of construction is made from natural ingredients that give the material the best indicator of its ability to save heat. Which house is the cheapest to build, now we will try to find out. So, another economical option is a building from a 20 cm beam, with a 10 cm insulation and 2 cm plaster. To create such a square meter, you need to spend money in this way:

  • The main material is about 1500 rubles;
  • Warming wool or means for steam insulation - 400 rubles;
  • The consumption of the plaster substance is approximately 70 rubles.

Such a square meter costs about 1900 rubles, and on average you need to pay 1800 rubles for its implementation. It is worth noting that such construction is best used for the construction of a small country or mountain house.

Frame type of building

How to build a house using this technique must be done with a wooden frame, a heat-insulating agent and a softboard, that is, sheathing. In order to build a frame structure, it is better to use a dry bar. Such a square meter will cost the following cost:

  • Material consumption per 1 sq. m. - 400 rubles;
  • Means for thermal insulation - 270 rubles;
  • Sheathing will cost about 300 rubles.

That is, this type of building does not exceed the cost per square meter of 1000 rubles.

Having considered the results of the calculations, it is safe to say that a wooden beam is the most expensive way to build. So, from what to build a house? If you want to save your budget as much as possible, then choose a frame type of building. However, this does not mean that now the timber building is the most expensive, since different indicators can change the price. The pricing policy of all types of buildings is approximately in the same range, savings mainly consist in labor services.

From this article you can learn how to build your own house with minimal cost and choose the best material for this. The text describes possible ways to save money and tips on how to avoid mistakes during work. The article considers the features of projects based on frame technology, bricks, timber, gas blocks and other materials, as well as the cost-effectiveness of each of them.

Building a house from scratch always comes with big expenses. Not every owner of a suburban area can afford the implementation of such a project, not paying attention to the numbers in the estimate. In most cases, you have to deal with the construction of a cheap house with your own hands in order to fit within the budget. However, resorting to savings, you need to clearly understand in what cases it will be reasonable, since subsequently the owner himself and his relatives will have to live in this building.

Which house is cheaper to build: choice of economic project

Savings start with the rational allocation of funds and the right choice of project. The more complex the shape and architecture of the building, the greater the cost of it.

After choosing a suitable project, you can build a house cheaply and quickly, but for this you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. Simple layout and layout of the building.
  2. Minimum area.
  3. Optimal materials.
  4. The use of formwork from substandard.
  5. The right approach to land work.

Important! It is not worth skimping on the quality of materials or technical supervision while building an expensive project. It is better to limit your choice to a small building with a conventional roof and no complex architectural elements, then you will not have to cut costs.

By choosing a project with a minimum number of architectural forms, you can increase the chances of fitting into a limited budget. In order to develop the optimal layout of the house, it is necessary to use the space wisely. For one person, 11 m² of area is enough. Multiplying this figure by the number of family members, and adding general rooms and sanitary facilities to the result, you can get the best house in all respects.

No matter how difficult the ground on the site, you need to buy suitable materials to build a house. When choosing what to build a house from, one should not strive for maximum savings at the expense of quality. The same applies to the services of specialists hired to perform work that cannot be done by oneself, or to prepare documentation with the appropriate permits. If you take lightweight materials, you can reduce the load on the foundation part and get by with the construction of a simplified foundation.

Significant savings can be achieved by using non-conformity for the construction of formwork structures. At the same time, it is highly undesirable to reduce the cost of cement. The grade of the material must be of high quality, otherwise premature destruction of the structure will occur.

By calculating the correct level of penetration by the mass of the building, you can prevent a strong shrinkage of the house. This will reduce the risk of cracks and other defects, which in the future may require serious repair costs.

How to build a house with your own hands: photos of projects from different materials

If the construction will be done by hand, it is obligatory to calculate the costs - preliminary budgeting. The most economical and fastest way of construction is frame technology. Such structures are stable, practical and not subject to deformation changes. The service life of houses built using frame technology is about 75 years. There are no restrictions on the use of cladding.

The terms of building a house with your own hands using frame technology usually take several months. In some cases, you can limit yourself to a few weeks.

There are two types of frame technology:

  1. Panel.
  2. Shield.

Note! It is possible to build an inexpensive house using frame technology if the length of the building does not exceed 20 m, and there are no more than 3 floors. In other cases, such a project will be costly.

Frame-panel technology allows you to build with your own hands. This process consists of the following steps:

  • production of a frame from wood;
  • laying waterproofing and insulation;
  • installation of panels as cladding.

In this case, the speed of construction of the building is significantly reduced, since each element is mounted separately.

The frame-panel technology does not require much effort, it is reliable, but it is accompanied by higher costs than the previous version. This method involves the construction of a house on the basis of prefabricated panels-shields of factory production. The owner of the summer cottage will only have to correctly assemble all the structural elements

When deciding what to build an inexpensive and high-quality house from, in most cases, developers prefer the following materials:

  • brick;
  • wooden beam;
  • gas blocks.

Based on these materials, you can create a beautiful and comfortable home with your own hands. In each case, the construction will have certain advantages and disadvantages.

Frame technology: from what it is inexpensive and high-quality to build a house, the pros and cons

Using frame technology, the owner of a summer cottage deals with both the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

The positive side of this method is as follows:

  1. Profitability - the technology allows you to create cheap housing with your own hands.
  2. Lightweight structure - due to this, it is possible to simplify the foundation part of the building.
  3. High construction speed.
  4. No shrinkage - the walls are not subject to deformation changes.
  5. Walls retain heat well, so it becomes possible to reduce heating costs.

Warming up frame houses occurs quite quickly. Since the walls are made of materials with low thermal conductivity, heat loss is minimal.

There are not so many disadvantages of frame technology. This method requires at least minimal experience in construction, therefore, before starting work, it is advisable to get expert advice, get acquainted with technical information and watch visual video reviews. Only in this case the use of frame technology will be economically justified.

In addition, wood needs to be impregnated, so you will have to additionally purchase special products that provide protection from the influence of negative factors:

  • fire;

  • insects;
  • water, etc.

Note! It is advisable to provide for a good ventilation system in the house. This is especially true for buildings with several floors.

It is cheap to build a house using frame technology from wood or metal. In the first case, the material does not make the building heavier, the walls of such a house breathe and maintain optimal climatic conditions. If you use metal, then a lightweight thermal profile is ideal for construction.

Related article:

Classification, constituent materials, technological parameters and dimensions. Characteristics, value for money.

Thermal profile advantages:

  • complete fire safety;

  • there is no need to use biological protection;
  • light weight.

In many ways, metal is much better than wood, but it is very important to monitor its condition and protect it from the effects of corrosion. From which it is cheaper to build a house, each site owner decides for himself, although it should be borne in mind that the service life of a metal profile is much longer than that of wood. As a base, you can use a shallow tape, pile or slab foundation.

Features of building a brick house with your own hands

Brick is considered one of the most popular materials used for the construction of private and country houses. However, it is not very suitable for those who seek to reduce construction time and limit themselves to minimal costs.

Disadvantages of building brick buildings:

  • the need to make very thick wall panels;
  • the formation of brickwork takes a lot of time;
  • the building is shrinking;
  • a mixture is required to fix the bricks;
  • the large weight of the building, requiring a powerful and reliable foundation.

In this case, savings are not possible, since the foundation will have to be deepened to the freezing point of the soil, hire specialists for this, or rent equipment. Therefore, choosing from what it is cheap to build a house, you should not use brick, which is more suitable for creating solid and durable buildings.

Long and labor-intensive work on laying walls is an important disadvantage in construction.

The advantages of brick construction are manifested in the following cases:

  • the construction of the house is carried out "for centuries";
  • the site has suitable soil parameters and the required level of the aquifer;
  • the owner is experienced enough to do all the work himself;
  • The builder has plenty of time.

If all of the above conditions are met, the cost of building a house will be justified.

Features of building an inexpensive house from gas blocks

Gas blocks are ideal for building an economical house. These elements are presented in a large number of sizes and shapes. The technology of working with them is very simple, so you can easily build a house with your own hands.

Does not need warming

Advantages of using gas blocks:

  • the ability to reduce the thickness of the walls without sacrificing energy saving;
  • light weight of the building and the possibility of saving on the foundation part;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • high level of sound insulation.

Note! A house made of gas blocks has its own characteristics, so you will need to carefully select the finish and perform high-quality waterproofing work.

Building a house yourself on the basis of gas blocks is beneficial for many more reasons. Such buildings are practically not subject to shrinkage. For work, you will need to purchase a special adhesive composition, but the construction time is minimized, and the consumption of the fixing solution is also reduced by a factor of three.

How to quickly and inexpensively build a house from a bar with your own hands

Building a wooden house is much more profitable than building a building based on aerated concrete or brick. This technology is simpler and more accessible. Housing made of timber is very warm. If you follow all the requirements, such a structure will turn out to be strong enough and will last a long time.

For construction, it is better to take a bar with a section size of 200 mm. You will also need a layer of insulation with a thickness of at least 100 mm. The walls are covered with a 2-3 cm layer of plaster. The result is a cost-effective, attractive home, the life of which will be several decades.

When , you need to pay attention to the quality of materials

What are the benefits of building a house with your own hands from wood:

  1. All work can be done by hand.
  2. Low material cost.
  3. High level of thermal insulation.
  4. Short construction time.
  5. Lightweight building.

The beam is perfect for building an inexpensive house as an alternative to blocks and bricks. However, it will be necessary to carefully study the features of this process.

An important advantage of the construction is its inexpensive cost.

What is the cheapest way to build a house?: pricing overview

When choosing materials for cheap and fast construction, it is necessary to take into account some factors:

  • soil features;
  • project specificity;
  • conditions that the building site has.

It should also be borne in mind that the most costly part is the payment for the services of workers, so many site owners are interested in how to quickly build a house on their own.

Average prices for the construction of houses:

building type Price, rub./m²
Frame 890
From a bar 1950
From aerated concrete 2000
brick 2350

If we do not take into account the features of the site, the table shows that the most economical building is a house built using frame technology.

Note! The prices in the table are based on averages: the level of soil freezing is 1.5 m, groundwater occurs at a depth of 2.5 m.

How to build a house with your own hands: a description of the technology

Before you begin work on home improvement on your own site, you should determine the order of work.

Main stages of construction:

  1. Foundation manufacturing.
  2. Creating a box.
  3. Laying of communication systems (electricity, and plumbing).
  4. Cover installation.
  5. Roof arrangement.
  6. Finishing work.

Lightening the foundation is the most effective way to reduce costs. It works provided that a light material is chosen for the construction of the walls. If a pile, slab or shallow foundation is used, the foundation is arranged at a level of 0.5 m. After that, waterproofing work is performed.

How to build a housedo it yourself: making a box

To find out how much material is needed to build a box, you should use a special formula. To do this, it is necessary to divide the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, which is measured in m 3, by the amount of piece material contained in 1 m 3.

If you want to make construction as economical as possible, you should not use brick, other materials are suitable for this purpose:

  • adobe;
  • foam concrete;
  • aerated concrete;
  • timber;
  • shell rock.

Of all the materials listed, shell rock is able to offer the highest rates of vapor permeability. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to reduce the cost of organizing thermal insulation, however, in this case, good waterproofing will be required. In a house made of shell rock, it is imperative to strengthen the door and window openings. To do this, you can use metal corners.

How to build a housewith your own hands: the use of insulation

When the box of the building is ready, work on its insulation is carried out. The most reliable and proven materials are glass wool and mineral wool. You should not save on the quantity and quality of rolls, because the more carefully the work aimed at warming is performed, the lower the cost of heating the house will be in the future. There is another positive feature - the service life of the building is increasing, while the need for restoration and repair of the building will not arise soon.

For the manufacture of internal partitions in the box, drywall is suitable. Sheets of this material are affordable and allow you to create lightweight structures of any shape, while maintaining high strength.

The use of a metal profile will strengthen the walls. These elements are easily fixed and sheathed with plasterboard sheets. Such work does not require high costs and is carried out very quickly.

How to build a house with your own hands: organization of heating, water supply and sewerage

A gas boiler is suitable as heating equipment for a private house. The use of a furnace and a water circuit is allowed. Of course, the operation of the furnace is accompanied by some difficulties, but it saves money, unlike gas heating.

Useful advice! Solar panels are a great heating alternative. However, it is only suitable for regions with a large number of sunny days.

When organizing water supply and sewerage, it is better to give preference to systems, since they are economical. In order to drill a well, appropriate conditions will be required, the process itself is quite simple. At the same time, the owner of the site receives a constant supply of water to the house, regardless of centralized systems.

To organize the sewer system, you can build a septic tank on the site. The design will require proper installation and selection of equipment, but the work will be performed one-time. A high-quality septic tank will allow you to forget about such a problem as blockages in pipes, etc. for a long time.

How to build a house quickly: work on the organization of floors and roofs

The construction of the ceiling and roof can also be done independently. In work, beams made of wood should be used. It is first necessary to fix a reinforced belt around the entire perimeter of the building.

To build a house with your own hands at minimal cost, it is better to use materials from the budget segment for organizing the roof:

  • slate sheets;

  • ondulin;
  • corrugated board;

All of the listed materials can be found on store shelves in a wide range, so it will not be difficult to choose a coating of the required color or configuration. To increase the strength of fixing the roof, it is recommended to build a crate. Additional insulation of the entire structure will not interfere. This will prevent heat leakage through the roof. For this, glass wool is suitable. Reeds, wood, straw can be used as an environmentally friendly roofing material.

How to build a house yourself: floor technology

Concrete floors are the most simplified option. To do this, you need to organize a screed and fill everything with cement mortar. It remains only to insulate the base and finish the finish.

Manufacturing technology of concrete floors:

  • cleaning the base from debris and dust;
  • clay bedding as a waterproofing layer;
  • formation of a sand and gravel cushion;
  • laying waterproofing;
  • installation of heat-insulating material (foam plastic, basalt wool, expanded polystyrene or expanded clay);
  • reinforcement with metal rods or mesh;
  • installation of guides;
  • preparation and pouring of the solution;
  • alignment.

Useful advice! If the screed is made on the upper floors, additional reinforcement of the floors must be performed.

How to build a cheap house: interior decoration

The interior decoration of the premises depends on the imagination and budgetary possibilities of the owner. As a finishing material for the floor is suitable:

  • tile;
  • laminate;
  • linoleum, etc.

The tile is considered the most practical and resistant to mechanical damage material. It is easy to clean, and due to the use of the "Warm floor" system, such a finish will not be cold.

With the help of stretch ceilings, you can visually expand the interior space of a small house. The glossy surface creates a beautiful decorative effect by reflecting light. Structural elements such as openings, niches, arches will become a wonderful decoration of the interior. For the manufacture of these parts, it is better to use metal profiles and drywall sheets.

As a finish for wall surfaces, you can use the following materials:

  • wallpaper for painting;
  • decorative plaster;
  • wood.

As for technical supervision, it is better to involve an experienced builder or engineer in solving this issue, since not a single article or video can help to fully understand the features of this process. Also, do not save on communication systems, convenient entrances to the yard and other points that provide comfort. When entrusting the development of a project to professionals, it is very important to get the opinion of different specialists. The actions of the foreman and the designer must be coordinated.

Based on the information provided in the article, we can conclude that building a house with your own hands without construction experience is quite realistic. To do this, you will need to calculate in advance the cost and the required amount of material, study the technology and draw up a work plan, as well as allocate time in your schedule. The rest depends on effort and determination.

How to build your own house with your own hands: video- technology overview