Bed-wardrobe with your own hands. Drawings, dimensions, diagrams

In the world modern technologies, when you want to place everything acquired in a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, transformer beds begin to enjoy popularity. Consider how to make a transforming bed in a step-by-step tutorial with your own hands.

We make an unusual transforming bed with our own hands: types of beds

Bed transformer is great solution when you need to combine several interior items into one design. This model is especially popular in small apartments. There are several basic options for transforming the bed: wardrobe, desk, chest of drawers, sofa.

Everyone chooses the model that fully satisfies his requirements. The principle of operation of the bed is based on the similarity of the sofa mechanism: with the help of special fasteners, fixation in a certain position is possible.


The most common model is the bed-wardrobe. Depending on the position of the bed when folded, two types of this furniture can be distinguished: horizontal and vertical.

The closet f of this design can be real or imitation. The main components of this type of bed: box, sleeping place, which can be single and double, lifting mechanism.

You can also make a bed-wardrobe with your own hands, if you have one. necessary material and tools.

Before starting work, you should make sure that you have a complete list necessary tools, of which there will be a sufficient number: a level, a square, a jigsaw (preferably electric) with a saw for wood, a screwdriver, a tape measure and a pencil, an electric drill with drills, a puncher and pliers.

The first thing that will be in demand at the beginning of work is drawings. They are performed independently, adhering to certain principles:

  • The type of transformation is carefully thought out. The sketch shows the furniture in a general view and sets the overall dimensions
  • According to the created sketch, a general drawing is made, in which all the details are displayed
  • Each detail is considered and drawn separately, indicating all dimensions. When performing this paragraph, the width of the material used should also be taken into account.
  • The joints of the parts are carefully calculated, while taking into account the thickness of the PVC tape for pasting the edges
  • All construction details must be more than 5cm
Bed assembly.

The very first step in the manufacture of a transformer will be the purchase or manufacture on your own grounds. Before starting work, you need to buy a mattress that will set the size of the bed. To make the base with your own hands, you will need a laminated chipboard. The required details are cut out of it. In a vertical bed, the base is also the facade of the cabinet, so it can be made from fragments that differ in texture and color.

It is not recommended to cut chipboard at home, so it is better to contact specialized enterprises. If you still have to trim some details, then in order to avoid chips, you need to use a jigsaw at maximum speed.

You should buy shock-absorbing bent special plates, which are called "lamellas", with them they also buy a frame of the appropriate size. All this is assembled together and installed on the bars.

Then the sleeping place is assembled with the help of a screwdriver and a confirmation, which is hidden under a plastic plug. Corners in work should be used iron, which guarantee durability and strength. A 4cm x 4cm beam is attached to the side walls of the bed, which is a support for the lamella structure.

The next step is to secure the mattresses and fasteners that will not allow the bed to open spontaneously.

Wall mount.

The wall to which the structure will be attached must be durable. After that, you can assemble the box, which, if desired, can be equipped with additional shelves. Then we give preference to one of the types lifting mechanism: purchased, from garage curtains or with an electric drive. The hinge is attached to the bed and the box, after which the lifting mechanism is checked, the function of which is to easily raise the bed and fix it in one position.

You will also need shock absorbers and a system of counterweights, which should be carefully selected. The base of the cabinet is attached to the wall, the bed rises, and the facade at this time is decorated with various fittings and elements. You can safely use an interior element made by yourself. The photo clearly demonstrates one of the wardrobe-bed decor options:

By the same principle, the process of making a bed-table and other variations takes place. It differs from an adult bed of a transformer a children's bed of a transformer because it is not built-in. On the contrary, all elements are built into its design.
Video selection on the topic of the article

In conclusion, we would like to invite you to familiarize yourself with the videos that were selected on the topic of this article. In them you can learn some of the subtleties of the process of making transformer furniture, as well as be inspired by ideas.

The bed with the folding mechanism is a transformable design. The product, if necessary, is modified into a cabinet, a furniture wall, helping to save space in small apartments. The design is convenient to use, compact, technologically advanced, provides quality rest. Folding bed do it yourself - a budget option. Self-assembly reduces the cost of the product, allows you to develop an author's design, add details (shelves, mirrors, etc.).

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Types of folding beds

Designs with a folding mechanism are multifunctional, because. combine several pieces of furniture. Manufacturers produce beds combined with a wardrobe, with a sofa or a shelving unit. There are designs that transform into a cabinet.

A bed with a folding mechanism, built into the closet, allows you to accommodate a single bed or a double Euro-format bed. Options have been developed that hide 2 separate beds. The doors of the simulated cabinet can swing open or slide apart.

Models of beds combined with a wardrobe and a sofa are ergonomic and allow you to equip a place for daytime relaxation. The design is roomy, so only double format models are produced. A bed with a sofa is more expensive than other transformers.

The design with the folding mechanism can be modified in a curbstone. In the disassembled state, the product is a sleeping bed, and during the day it makes room for a study. The model is budgetary, because does not require a powerful lifting device.

Placing a folding bed on the balcony is an ergonomic solution for small studios. But to organize a place of rest, you will need to insulate the room.

Folding beds can be with one or more tiers. More common products are single. Designs with 2 tiers are used in the arrangement of rooms for children and adolescents.

According to the method of opening, the models are divided into 2 groups: transverse-folding (horizontal) and longitudinally-folding (vertical).

The vertical rise bed is popular in small apartments. The sleeping bed is fixed perpendicular to the wall surface. The model is not limited in length and width. The size range is represented by single, one and a half and double products. The designs are massive and not intended for children's rooms.

Horizontal lift beds are suitable for narrow spaces with low ceilings. Designs are optimal for attics and children's rooms, because. take up minimal space even when unfolded. Products can be disguised as bookcases and shelves.

Types of fasteners

3 types of folding mechanisms for transforming beds have been developed: manual, spring, gas.

AT handheld device there are no elements that facilitate the lifting of the bed, so physical effort is required during operation. The mounting structure is simple, reliable and budget. However, the mechanism is not suitable for children's bedrooms.

The design on springs is universal, with affordable price. Twisted spirals are used in the lifting mechanism. The manufacturer issues a guarantee for the system from 3 to 5 years. During the operation of the bed, it is required to inspect and control the condition of the springs.

The gas mechanism is the most functional, reliable, durable. The device does not require physical effort during operation, because. the bed is raised by gas lifts. The power of the mechanism is selected depending on the dimensions of the structure, the weight of the mattress. The manufacturer's warranty on the devices is 10 years. The cost of the mechanism is high.

Fasteners are selected taking into account the dimensions of the bed. The configuration of the room and the availability of free space affect the choice of a horizontal or vertical type of lifting.

The power of the gas mechanism is selected taking into account operating conditions. Some devices have a limit permissible load, therefore, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the bed and mattress when choosing a wall attachment system. Complete with mechanisms, amplifiers and blockers are implemented to protect against arbitrary operation of the device.

Folding bed drawings

In the production of a folding bed with your own hands according to the drawings, you can use schemes with standard parameters. Custom design is also possible. You can design furniture according to drawings designed for dimensions, room configuration and required functionality. The product can be supplemented with a chest of drawers, drawers, shelves, including them in the drawing.

A typical design should be built using the parameters of the bed base, cabinet frame, lifting mechanism, decor elements. It is required to fix the box to the wall, based on the dimensions displayed on the dimensional and assembly drawings. It is important to accurately carry out the mounting scheme of the power element, taking into account the thickness of the mechanism, the height and width of the bed, the thickness of the sides, etc. You want to display main fastening lines in drawings.

Self-assembly of the structure

Before you make a folding bed, you need to prepare a set of tools, raw materials, elements and installation schemes. You will need a wooden beam under the frame, edged boards for crossbeams, and for sidewalls and a headboard - furniture boards. The kit includes plywood sheets, loops for attaching the structure to the wall, bars for the legs. The set of tools includes a tape measure, a level and a square, an electric jigsaw, a set of screwdrivers and screwdrivers, a drill, and a grinder.

Assembly work is carried out on a smooth surface. At each stage, it is required to check the perpendicularity of the corners using a square. A typical design involves the assembly of an internal mechanism, a sleeping surface, facade walls, handles, belts for fixing bedding and a mattress.

Do-it-yourself vertical bed

The design of the vertical lift includes a box, a sleeping surface, and a lifting device. For the type of fastening, the strength of the walls is important, concrete or brick panels are preferred.

Work begins with the assembly of the frame, the dimensions of which are affected by the size of the sleeping bed. The main components of the box: vertical and horizontal walls, rear panel, thrust shelf and plinth. The depth of the frame is determined taking into account the thickness of the mattress, 32 cm is added to the indicator. For a furniture box, the width of the mattress is important, to which 16 cm is added. The details of the box are fastened with self-tapping screws, the elements located on the facade are glued.

Then they assemble a place to sleep, which consists of sidewalls, a headboard, a slatted base. The mattress is attached to the loops of belts. The box and bed are connected by a lifting mechanism to self-tapping screws. Completed the installation of parts. Shelves are mounted on the sides of the box, cabinets for linen are installed below.

What do you do with old furniture?

Transformable bed models are suitable for small spaces. Products are ergonomic, compact, stylish and combine several functional items. During the day, the transformer acts as a table or work area, and in the evening it becomes a quality place to relax. Furniture is produced various dimensions, shapes, sizes, price categories. If necessary, you can make a transformer bed with your own hands.

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Types of beds

Transformable products differ in design options and the number of pieces of furniture combined in the product. There are models that connect a sleeping place and a closet, a recreation area and a work area, a bed and a spacious sofa, etc. Built-in structures, folding and folding, have been developed.

The bed, combined with a wardrobe, is pressed against the wall by a lifting mechanism and acts as a shelving unit. The product is practical and used in small apartments.

Wardrobe bed combined with a sofa. This model of furniture is optimal for living rooms, because it is modernized into a recreation area. When disassembled, the sofa is an additional support for the bed, which increases the load-bearing capacity.

Beds combined with a working area are used in the design of children's rooms, as the furniture is equipped with drawers, shelves and a comfortable bed. Sockets and lighting are added to the design for efficient use of space.

The sofa bed can be standard or convertible into a bunk design, equipped with a spacious compartment for bedding. The built-in double transforming bed can be combined with a table. The model is used in the design of teenage and children's spaces.

The designs of hidden folding beds are original and ergonomic. The sleeping space in such models is hidden on the other side of the closet. The furniture is equipped with a swivel mechanism that allows you to move the module.

A bed model of the original transformation has been developed and is gaining popularity, which allows you to raise the sleeping bed, fix it and mask it against the ceiling. The design helps to free up a large area of ​​​​the room and becomes invisible in the daytime.

Transformable furniture is multifunctional due to built-in cabinets, mezzanines, shelves, etc. Additional functions are selected depending on the interior design and the needs of residents.

Designs are divided into transformers with a horizontal or vertical mechanism. The choice of system is influenced by the dimensions and style of the room. Products that rise vertically are the most frequently purchased and functional. Horizontal transformers fit narrow rooms with low ceilings.

Tools and materials

Before you start creating a transformer for a small apartment or rooms with a larger area, it is recommended to purchase working materials and tools. For structures, wood-based panels are needed: furniture panels, chipboard, LDS, etc. Materials are purchased after drawing up diagrams, 10% is added to the indicator.

The furniture board is produced by pressing boards, bars without the addition of synthetic compounds. The material is environmentally friendly, durable, easy to use, but has a high price. More budgetary and affordable - chipboard (chipboard, chipboard). Boards release different colors, thickness and density. The strength index of the composition is less than that of furniture panels. The preferred thickness is about 20 mm.

In the manufacture of a transforming bed, you will need a set of special tools: a drill, a screwdriver, a jigsaw, a puncher, a grinding machine, a centimeter tape measure, a building level, a square. Pliers, a file, a hacksaw, a set of screwdrivers, etc. will also come in handy.

For the construction you will need accessories: folding mechanism, confirmations, self-tapping screws and screws of various sizes, furniture corners - standard and reinforced, anchor fasteners, handles, facade decoration elements.

Do-it-yourself wardrobe-bed

A model that combines a closet and a sleeping bed is simple and accessible for self-fulfillment. The product consists of 3 parts, which are created separately and then combined into a decomposed design. Before you make a transforming bed with your own hands, you need to calculate the dimensions of the model and draw up a drawing with marked places for fasteners. You can use ready-made schemes or draw up a plan yourself, designing every detail.

The dimensions and shape of the base frame for the bed depend on the required functionality and the size of the room. An important part of the transformer is a spacious niche for a sleeping place. At self-manufacturing slabs (laminated or standard) are often chosen for the frame of the wardrobe-bed, because the material is unpretentious in processing, affordable. You can order the cutting of chipboard parts according to the required parameters from the manufacturer, in which case the edges of the elements will be processed with an edge tape.

MDF or chipboard plates are fixed at the bottom of the base; when assembled, they serve as a furniture facade. When designing elements, interior design is taken into account. The rack and a berth are united by the lifting device. The mechanism carries heavy loads, so experts advise choosing high-quality systems. In the manufacture of a wardrobe bed, you should also pay attention to the dimensional characteristics of the mattress, the presence of accessories.

Making a carcass frame

The transforming frame should hide a compact resting place, so it is made according to the calculated dimensions and configuration. The design should provide access to a spacious niche for a sleeping bed. When calculating, it is important to take into account the parameters of the mattress so that the depth of the box matches the thickness of the bed. Experts recommend adding 2-3 cm to the required size.

The material is chipboard, easy to process. Parts are cut by manufacturers to avoid chipping. You can order a ready-made frame from specialists, which will simplify installation work, but it will cost more than self-execution of the design.

The box contains several elements: plinth, back wall of the cabinet, shelves for support. There are typical size standards, but you can do individual project- according to the author's design. In this case, accurate independent calculations will be required.

For the base of the frame, 2 boards are needed, which become load-bearing in the structure. The size of the beams is about 2 m. From above, below and along the edges, the beams are fixed with self-tapping screws and glue. Reliability is added by transverse boards. Sheathing is performed on the finished frame, the materials are fixed with adhesives. Parts are fastened using self-tapping screws or screws, which are placed at a distance of 25 cm. Assembly work is carried out on a flat surface.

Making a folding bed

The next step is the installation of the folding part of the sleeping bed. The basis is plywood, sawn to the required dimensions. To avoid deflection and damage after installation, it is recommended to use 4 boards and add cross plates. Additional boards will strengthen the sleeping bed. Additional elements must not interfere with the functioning of the lifting system.

When performing a folding block, competent calculations are necessary to avoid overloading the box. The movable part should facilitate the design. The lifting mechanism by the bed can be represented by garage curtains, a solid axle or trunnions with bearings.

It is important to ensure that the frame with the mattress is lifted and the structure is fixed vertically without physical effort. This requires spring blocks or counterweights. It is not necessary to make a lifting mechanism for a transforming bed with your own hands, the systems can be purchased ready-made.

What do you do with old furniture?

With small apartments in which a large number of people live, there is a need to save space. The issue of furniture placement can become acute in the children's room, especially if it is alone, and several children of school or school are forced to sleep in it. preschool age. To significantly save space, you can buy a folding bed. You can create a drawing and make a wardrobe bed with your own hands. This will significantly save financial expenses and allow you to create a bed of the required dimensions, taking into account the color scheme of the room and the decorative elements in it.

Before starting the process of making a bed, you must have a drawing, following which you can make a wardrobe bed with or without additional shelves. Detailed scheme the arrangement of the parts will help to create a quality bed as quickly as possible, which will function correctly.

Such schemes most often involve the manufacture of beds with dimensions of 1800 * 2000, 2120 * 1715, 2040 * 2200, 1731 * 2020. These are double beds. Single beds are most often designed for children's rooms, so they are smaller. Since they are installed independently, it is possible to create a drawing of the dimensions of the bed, depending on the availability of free space, the age of the child and the possible use of this bed by younger children after the older ones grow up. To create a transformer bed, the drawings must be as accurate and clear as possible.

To make a wardrobe bed with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • Drill;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Saw;
  • File;
  • Pliers;
  • Roulette;
  • Level;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Carpenter's pencil;
  • Sandpaper with different numbers abrasiveness;
  • Furniture screws;
  • Self-tapping screws.

This is the minimum set of tools; others may be required in the process.


You also need to have the following materials:

  • Furniture boards or chipboard boards;
  • Wooden beams;
  • Wooden boards;
  • Loops for fastening;
  • corners;
  • Hinge mechanism;
  • Decoration materials;
  • Materials for the manufacture of legs.

This is also the minimum set of materials. Cutting is carried out according to the drawing. It is done like this:

  1. With the help of a tape measure and a pencil, all the details of the future cabinet are made in the form of patterns according to the data from the drawing;
  2. For patterns, you can use connected sheets of whatman paper or wallpaper;
  3. Each element must be signed;
  4. Mark the connection and fastening points of the transformation mechanism.


Frame assembly

To assemble the frame, you need to know the exact dimensions of the proposed bed. They depend on the size of the bed and on the type of bed: single or double. The frame requires 2 side plates located along the frame, 2 side plates for fastening along the width of the bed, as well as a rear base. The back wall will occupy the entire area of ​​​​the so-called closet, so it should be larger in size than the mattress that will be on the bed. Based on these considerations, it is recommended to make a frame 15 cm larger in width and 40 cm larger in length (a margin in length is necessary for the possibility of folding).

Having decided on the size of the side plates and the back wall for the frame, you must:

  1. Make a cut on a chipboard panel or on a furniture plate, using patterns for this;
  2. Cut out the details with a jigsaw, sand them carefully, turn over the edges;
  3. Prepare markings for fasteners, transferring data from patterns to plates;
  4. Connect the shield with furniture screws, for the reliability of fastening of which, pre-drill a hole with a drill with a drill with the possibility of preparing a groove for the hat and fasteners (the connection with screws should be carried out every 25-35 cm).

We carry out a cut

We grind the coating

We connect the elements with fasteners

Mattress box

Creating a box for a mattress yourself is the most difficult thing in making a wardrobe bed. When cutting, cutting out parts from furniture boards (or from other materials), you should carefully follow the numbers indicated in the drawing. Thanks to this, it will be possible to create a box that will correspond to the dimensions of the frame.

To make a box you need:

  • Two side walls that can be diagonal;
  • One side wall
  • bottom (most suitable material for manufacturing is plywood).

How to make a box:

  1. It is necessary to cut and cut the plywood bottom in the same way as the back wall for the frame;
  2. Make the back and side walls, process their edges with sandpaper and edging tape;
  3. Using furniture screws, attach the side and back walls to the plywood bottom. It is worth adhering to a distance of 25-30 cm between the screws;
  4. Along the perimeter of the resulting structure, it is necessary to lay a wooden beam, which will serve as a support for the mattress pad. It is advisable to use a beam measuring 50 * 50 mm. It is attached with wood screws to the side walls;
  5. To create a mattress pad device, edged boards are used, which are fastened with screws to wooden beam. The length of one board should be such that it reaches from one edge of the beam to the opposite. They are placed in the same plane as the plywood bottom. The distance between the boards is 10-20 cm.

Carrying out chipboard cutting

We make the side and back wall

Laying the slats

Installation of the transformation mechanism

The lifting mechanism performs the function of moving the box in relation to the immovable frame.

How to mount:

  1. The hinges of the hinge mechanism are screwed onto the bed frame and onto the frame. In this case, the main support should fall on the frame, because it is immovable;
  2. The dimensions of the box and frame are adjusted to each other, and the mechanism is connected;
  3. This work must be done with an assistant;
  4. After mounting the transformation system, it is necessary to raise the box, check its compliance with the dimensions of the frame;
  5. For a level installation of the hinge mechanism, it is necessary to use a level so that the bed rises evenly and thus securely stays on the same plane with the frame. A single line should be achieved at the junction of the upper edge of the frame and the lower edge of the box.

To facilitate the transformation, you can use additional parts that simplify the movement of the mechanism (gas shock absorbers, counterweight). Such mechanisms are especially necessary if a children's or teenage bed is made. It is not recommended to allow children to fold and unfold the folding bed on their own, but even in this case, it is necessary that children can unfold the bed on their own without assistance, so the transformation system built into the closet with your own hands should be easy.

Create a headboard

The head of the transformer cabinet should be made of soft material, especially if the bed is intended for children. It is desirable to make soft not only the headboard, but also lower part side walls of the frame. The easiest option for a soft headboard that you can make yourself is soft foam upholstery. The role of foam rubber can also be performed by a synthetic winterizer.

How to make a headboard:

  1. Fold the softening material in several layers;
  2. This material must be sheathed with a beautiful fabric with decorative elements or quilted stitching;
  3. For ease of care, you can create a detachable cuff with hidden zippers. It will be easy to take it off, wash it and put it on again;
  4. The height of the upholstered headboard should be at least 60-70 cm, and preferably about 1 m. This will ensure the presence upholstery under the back of a seated person at the head of the bed. For the same reason, the same softening upholstery should be prepared for the side walls of the frame;
  5. The height of the foam cushion on the side walls of the frame should match the height of the same upholstery at the head;
  6. The prepared upholstery can be attached to the frame or to the wall using screws and fabric (or made of elastic) loops. If the upholstery is not removable, then the back of the fabric cover can be attached with a stapler.

We cut out sheets

Making holes for buttons

We glue the foam rubber

We fasten the upholstery

We mount buttons


The legs for such a bed must be movable and turn around at least 180 ° C. In such cases, it is convenient to use metal legs connected together and representing a metal bar with appropriate bends.

How to fasten:

  1. Take measurements of the height of the box above the floor, determine the height of the legs;
  2. Measure the width of the box. Calculate the length of the metal bar;
  3. Weld, grind, varnish a leg or order a finished one;
  4. Prepare holes for mounting on the box and on the leg;
  5. Such legs are attached to the bottom bar of the box so as to attach to a wooden beam in the middle;
  6. Check leg rotation.

When unfolding the transformer, the legs must be rotated 180 degrees and the bed placed on them. When lifting the box, the legs are tucked up so as to be hidden inside the so-called cabinet. In addition, a metal bar that connects two legs (or a straight bar of a cast leg) simultaneously performs the task of holding the mattress on the mattress pad. Thus, its movement during folding and unfolding of the bed is excluded. For the same purpose, you can install limiters at the top edge of the mattress pad. Limiters can serve as horizontal bars. There may be several legs, but in this case the unfolding process becomes more complicated. The leg must be strong in order to support the weight of the box, mattress, bed linen and sleeping people.

We measure the box

We buy special legs

Making holes

We fasten the leg

Decoration and accessories

With the help of decorative elements, you can completely hide the presence of a transforming bed in the room. There are many ideas for decorating the bottom plank of a bed frame that looks into the room. One of the most beautiful and simple options is to create an imitation of a three-door or four-door wardrobe.

Imitation of doors can be done using wooden planks and handles, supposedly designed to open such doors. A mirror can be placed on one of the doors.

Another a good option hide the presence of a transforming bed in the room - mount this wardrobe in the furniture wall, creating a bed from furniture plates of the same color as the wall. Next to other parts of the wall, the cabinet will look quite natural, especially if you add decorative elements such as handles and slats. At the same time, adjacent cabinets in the wall can be used to store bed linen, which will greatly simplify the process of cleaning the bed every morning.