Country two-story houses with a bathhouse projects. Projects of guest houses with a bath

Classic option The design of the site is the construction of a house and a nearby bathhouse. But today, the popularity of house projects with a bathhouse under one roof is growing. This option is great for small areas where everyone square meter has a high value.

A house with a sauna under one roof: advantages

  • compactness. A house and a bath in one building will take up less space than separate structures;
  • saving. Of course, building one building, even if it is more complex, will be cheaper than two: less materials will be needed for construction, and one engineering network will also be enough;
  • reliability. The bath, due to strong temperature changes, deforms faster, if it is in the house, then the service life of the building will increase;
  • no need to equip a shower room and a rest room in the bath. All this can be in the house, therefore it is enough if in the bath itself, attached to the house, there are only a dressing room and a steam room;
  • high level comfort. Visitors to the bath do not need to go outside to go from home to the steam room. If in summer such a walk does not cause inconvenience, then in winter and in autumn bad weather it will be less convenient to move along the street.

House combined with a bath: disadvantages

The main disadvantage is the increased requirements for fire safety. Failure to comply with them will result in the refusal of the authorities to issue a permit to commission the building.

These requirements exist for a reason, in the bath conditions of high humidity and strong temperature fluctuations, which can cause the appearance of fungus, mold, destruction of structures. For this reason, you need to carefully approach the issue of hydro, vapor barrier and.

If you plan to insure your property, then keep in mind that baths combined with houses are considered by insurance companies to be buildings of increased danger, and this affects the amount of insurance premiums.

Bath in the house: projects, photos

There are two options for building a bath: simultaneously with the construction of a house or as an extension to an existing building. The second option is the most popular, since the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding a bath usually arises from those who already have a house at their disposal.

A drawing of a future building can be made independently or ordered from specialists. Bath house projects and their prices can be easily found on the Internet, and free projects are also presented on the network. It is worth making a drawing on your own only if you are confident in your abilities. Building a house combined with a bathhouse is more difficult than building a regular bathhouse, which is why it is much more difficult to draw up a project. By turning to professionals, you will save yourself from mistakes, which in the future can lead to financial and temporary losses.

When building an extension, it is necessary to ensure a high level of vapor and waterproofing.

A popular option is to build a bath with a house, in which they have a common wall and roof.

If you look at the projects of houses with a bathhouse inside, you can also see the option where the bathhouse is located on the first floor, but this option is only possible with the simultaneous construction of a bathhouse and a house.

Even if the project indicates separate entrances from the street to the bathhouse and the house, it is better to provide for a transition between the rooms. This is especially true in winter period. And if you want to make your vacation even more comfortable, then pay attention to the projects of a sauna with a barbecue, in which case you can spend time outdoors in warm weather, combining steam baths with an outdoor picnic.

A veranda or gazebo can be placed between the house and the bath, in which case it will act as a corridor between the two rooms.

When developing a project, it is imperative to consider ventilation and waterproofing systems, since high humidity can destroy load-bearing structures and reduce the life of buildings. A good option would be to combine a bath with a bathroom, a common sewer will save you from extra costs.

Below are projects of bathhouses under one roof. They differ in shape, size, location of premises, etc. Combining a bathhouse and a house is a rather complicated process, so it is better to entrust the development of a project to professionals.

A house and a bathhouse under one roof differ not only in convenience, but also in a stylish appearance. Buildings made in the same style look impressive. Below you can see a photo of the baths attached to the house:

How to attach a bath to the house? Features of building a house combined with a bath

After the completion of the project and the purchase of all materials, you can proceed to the construction of the bath, the construction process includes the following steps:

Stage 1. Territory preparation

The construction of any building begins with the preparation of the terrain. It needs to be cleaned of debris and plants, and it is desirable to carry out cleaning not only within the territory of future buildings, but also with a margin of at least one square meter on each side.

Stage 2. Construction of the foundation

The foundation is the basis of the building, so it must be done especially carefully. The type of foundation depends on the chosen material for construction. For example, if you are planning to build a one-story wooden building, then you can do strip foundation. For buildings made of brick, a more reliable foundation will be required.

For the bath and the house, you need to make a separate foundation, since an increased level of humidity can cause cracks, which in turn will lead to the separation of the foundation from the general building.

At the same stage, the sewer outlet should be prepared.

And houses can be built from different materials: timber, logs, aerated concrete, bricks, etc. Each of these options has its own advantages, disadvantages and styling features.

Beam is the most popular material, it is quick and easy to build from it. It does not need additional finishing, it is light in weight and practically does not shrink.

A log bath is a more complex option, but this material is more resistant to the negative effects of the external environment. If the beam can crack in different places, then the logs are more often vertical, they retain heat better. Such a building will cost more, for example, the price of a 6x6 log house-bath project and its implementation is 600 thousand rubles, while a similar building made of timber will cost about 400 thousand rubles.

It is easy to build a bath from aerated concrete, the slabs are large, so construction will not take much time. The disadvantages of materials are hygroscopicity, so you have to make high-quality waterproofing, and unaesthetic appearance, so they need additional finishing.

Bricks make strong and reliable structures that can stand for decades. But building a brick bath is better if you have the skills, since this process is quite complicated.

If you are making an extension of the bath to the house, then it is important to do correct docking, otherwise a gap will appear between the bath and the house. You can provide a strong bond using reinforcement bars that need to be driven into the walls of the house and then attached to the walls of the bath.

Stage 4. Installation of the roof

The roof must be solid, otherwise the building will begin to collapse much faster. It is recommended to use two or hipped roof for a combined building, one- and two-slope - for an extension.

For each of the rooms you need to make a separate chimney, as well as immediately mount a system of ebbs.

The material for the roof can be different, today metal tiles and galvanized profiles are very popular.

Stage 5. Interior decoration

The final stage is heat and waterproofing, the interior design of the bath. For the design of walls and ceilings in the bath, they most often choose natural material that helps create the right atmosphere in the bath, has high reliability and is quite easy to install.

In the bath, it is also necessary to install a stove, shelves, arrange a rest room (if provided), etc.

In addition to a residential cottage on the site, if its area allows, a guest house is also often built. It can be as simple as possible with a living room and a terrace. But more popular options with a separate sauna. It can be equipped not only with a relaxation room or a billiard room, but also with a bedroom, or even more than one. Project guest house with a bath is selected taking into account the nuances of its operation. Please note that designers recommend making the facade in the same style as the cottage built next to it.

Features of the guest-bath project at home

The guest house is not normally used for permanent residence, therefore, when designing it, the architect takes into account that it should warm up quickly in the event of an unexpected arrival of guests and retain heat well for a long time. If it is combined with a sauna, then additional vapor barrier must be made for this room. This helps to prevent dampness in connecting rooms. Fire safety regulations are also taken into account.

Typical projects of a guest house with a bath are small houses with an area of ​​​​53 m 2. When choosing a suitable layout, the following nuances should be considered:

  • frame walls are considered one of the most energy efficient, this material is environmentally friendly and affordable;
  • you can save usable space by reducing the size of the stairs leading to the second floor;
  • it is convenient if the house has at least a small kitchen, where guests can cook or heat food at any time without distracting the owners;
  • in addition to the steam room, it is worth allocating a separate room where a large bathroom or jacuzzi will be located, this is a pleasant relaxation after the sauna;
  • a terrace is required, here you can install furniture and relax in the summer in the company of noisy friends or admire the romantic sunset in autumn.

The finished project of a guest house with a bath can be selected using our catalog. There are many layout options here, from small cozy houses to two-story cottages, which, when proper insulation Can be used for year round living. And for those who want to get an exclusive solution, we recommend ordering an individual design. For the price, the project plan will turn out to be a little more expensive, but at the same time, the architect will be able to take into account all the wishes of the client in terms of the location, size and purpose of each of the rooms.

Typically, a bathhouse is built separately from a residential building, it has its own functional area with an additional set of communications. However, if the size of the suburban area does not allow you to turn around, you can build a single building under one roof structure.

From an economic point of view, it will be even more profitable - you won’t have to spend money on organizing new engineering networks. The right project of a house with a bath under one roof is a whole complex in which not only it is comfortable to live, but also to take wellness treatments.

The risk of fire or high humidity in living quarters is exaggerated. If all the nuances are taken into account, then even if steam enters the rooms, the humidity will increase by 1-2 hours. It is only important to organize steam and waterproofing.

How to build a house and a bath under a common roof


There are two options for building a bathhouse and a house under the same roof: at the design stage of a residential building or after its construction, as an extension to the wall.

The second option is more common. For him, with his own hands, using a shovel, a trench is dug and a monolithic strip foundation is laid.

It is preferable to build the external walls of the bath from the same material as the house - brick, timber, logs or foam blocks. This eliminates the need to make additional docking elements.

If you want to have a real Russian bathhouse made of logs, and the residential building is sheathed with siding, then this is not a problem. A heat-insulating layer is laid on the log mineral wool, and from above it is also covered with the same siding.

What is important to consider if the project of a bath with a shed roof will be part of the house:

  • Correct calculation of the ventilation system - more high humidity can lead to the destruction of load-bearing structures;
  • High-quality waterproofing is needed - the bath should dry well after all procedures;
  • Use the kitchen as an adjacent wall, then it will be possible to make a common stove, in addition, this contributes to the faster elimination of excess moisture;
  • When a centralized or autonomous sewage system is provided in the house, it is permissible to combine a bath with a bathroom. This will save you from unnecessary expenses for organizing the removal;
  • It is possible to lay a common electrical wiring between the capital building and the bath.

The subtleties of combining a house and a bath in projects

There are three degrees of combining a bath with a house:

  • The location of the bath complex on the first floor of a residential building, then the projects of the house and the bath under one roof are laid at the planning stage;
  • A full-fledged extension of the log house to one of the walls - then the steam room, dressing room and washing room are enclosed in their own four walls. At the same time, the roof structure of the house is extended, closing the newly acquired extension;
  • The third option assumes that the bathhouse has one common wall with the house, which greatly facilitates their docking and transition from one building to another.

She will be the link between them. The price of such a project is quite high, but in terms of ease of use it is significantly superior to other, simpler ones.

Arbor for a bath complex and a residential building

It is possible to combine three buildings, different in complexity and purpose, only after consultation with the architect. They require a special approach, especially when the projects of a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof were not included in part of a residential building.

How to make a gazebo comfortable:

  • Since it will serve as a transition from the house to the bathhouse not only in summer, but also in winter, it should be made more closed and, if possible, glazed. Windows are made large for good natural light;
  • Floors must not be tile or stone optimal solution- This wooden planks. They are warm and not slippery;
  • If at the design stage, all three structures were supposed to be combined into one, then one system of heating, water supply and electricity is needed. And this is a significant savings - the gazebo will be warm, you can sleep in it or arrange a summer kitchen.

Single monolithic foundation will serve as a good support for several buildings.
Therefore, thinking about building on suburban area several buildings, they are best done in the same style and under the same roof.

There is simple instruction how to make a bathhouse with a gazebo and a house safe and comfortable to use:

  • Arrange good ventilation to eliminate excess moisture;
  • Rationally use land plot- perhaps the combination of living quarters and baths will be a better solution than connecting them with a gazebo;
  • projects of baths with a shed roof are well suited for joining the house, and it will not be difficult to attach a gazebo to them.

Now it has become much easier to create a beautiful and original architectural ensemble.


And if there is also a residential building and a gazebo nearby, then this will add joy from visiting the bathhouse. The video in this article will tell you more about modern bath complexes under the same roof as the house.

Many of our clients are interested in where the definition of "Guest house" or "house-bath made of logs" came from. The answer is simple - these options make it possible to bring together a bathhouse and a wooden residential building during the construction process. This type of housing is economical and at the same time very convenient. There is no need to run through, most likely, a cold street, after taking a bath. Bath procedures can be conveniently combined with a stay in guest house, where everything is provided for the most comfortable spending time.

The guest house often serves as a place active rest hosts: table tennis, billiards, a variety of exercise equipment - all this is perfectly placed here, freeing the owners from the need to build additional premises in the main house and install soundproofing. The terrace can be used as a barbecue area. A good addition to this building will serve as an attached winter Garden or pool.

If there are adult children in the family, they will certainly take the opportunity to invite their noisy friends to relax, who, if there is a guest house, will not interfere with you at all, and at the same time will be under your control. Accordingly, you will always have the opportunity to receive a large number of guests or relatives without a headache about where to place them.

Recently, the owners of suburban land plots in Moscow, they are increasingly moving away from the traditional scheme of building houses and baths made of concrete, giving preference to wooden natural building materials. After all, it is wooden houses give you the opportunity to fully feel your closeness to nature.

The main advantage of the building country house for guests or baths is that wood is a living material, with its own energy. People living in wooden houses have much better health, peace of mind and a charge of vital optimism.

The second important advantage of using wood as a building material is the savings factor. When erecting a wooden structure, there is no need for a heavy and expensive foundation; the process of finishing the walls will also not affect your financial capabilities. Under equal conditions, construction will cost you ~ 1.5 times cheaper than brick or concrete. Well, the undoubted advantage of a wooden house is its aesthetically beautiful appearance. Log buildings have extraordinary beauty and are in perfect harmony with stone houses. Warm, beautiful, cozy and durable - such a house will forever remain a favorite vacation spot for you and your family.

Most often, a small guest house or bathhouse is built on an already built-up site, taking into account the buildings present on it. Therefore, special attention should be paid to its placement. Since a wooden building has an increased level of fire hazard, the best option its construction will be at a distance of at least 10. from the nearest neighboring building. The bath should be located so that in the winter months its entrance is not covered with snow.

Our specialists will listen and take into account all your individual wishes, and engineers will first carefully examine the proposed building area, prepare project documentation, after which it will be possible to proceed directly to the construction process.

Features of the guest bath house

The classic version of the Russian bath is a structure made of logs or, which is insulated with linen or jute felt. Alternatively, you can apply the method. This method is the most economical and has a wide variety interior decoration, and the appearance of the room can be made in a variety of architectural styles. Under construction log cabin we use only the highest quality material from northern coniferous forests: pine, larch, spruce. in the best way connecting logs for a bath is considered a cutting "in the oblo". Thus, the log house is given maximum stability and heat saving.

With limited space on the site or the inability to allocate the necessary communications into a separate system, a bathhouse can be built under the same roof as the house. A properly created project will save space and the cost of building an extension. A plus is the comfortable movement from the bath room to the house, if you make an entrance from the house.

Projects of a house with a bath under one roof can be very different. For example, in two-story house 8x8 m, you can place a bathhouse, a swimming pool, a relaxation room and a living room on the ground floor, and a bedroom (or an additional relaxation room) and a balcony in the attic.

With the large dimensions of the complex, the house performs the functions of not only a country house, but can also be used as permanent housing. The recreation area is isolated from the main part of the house by a separate entrance. Up to 6 people can live in the room. On the second floor there are three bedrooms, a playroom or an office, on the first floor there is a living room, a bathhouse with a pool, a kitchen, a utility room.

A small wooden house can be made functional and aesthetically original due to the ridgeless, gable roof. The part where high ceilings are not required is allocated for the bath complex, and the rest - for living quarters. There is a spacious veranda for relaxation.

You can build a small wooden guest house with a sauna inside a 6x6 m terrace and a balcony on the second floor according to the diagrams below.

In both cases, the rest rooms can be converted at any time into a living room with small kitchen or bedroom, and use the balcony and terrace as relaxation areas.

The foundations for the bath are selected depending on the type of material: a tape, deepened by 50 cm with a width of 30 cm, is suitable for a log house or glued laminated timber. Brick and block houses require a full-fledged foundation.

In order for the extension to be under a common roof with the house, the roof is extended by the necessary distance to close the bath rooms. However, for log cabins and wooden houses it is necessary to think over the presence of a bath at the planning stage. A small house 7x8 m with a sauna, a living-dining room, a terrace on the first floor, two bedrooms and a balcony on the second perfect solution for a holiday for two or three people.

If the house is properly insulated and supplemented with a heating system in areas with a temperate and warm climate, this can become a permanent home. The only caveat: it is better to glaze the balcony and terrace, otherwise winter time they will still be uncomfortable to use for recreation.

Another point, at the design stage, you need to clarify how long it will take to shrink and connect the necessary communications. If a house with a bath inside will serve as the main housing, it will not work to enter it immediately after construction.

The advantages of placing a bath in the house

The advantages of such an extension will be one system communications, which will allow you to use the bath all year round. If necessary, it is easy to move from the room to the house without freezing or getting wet on the street. For all amenities, only the entrance from the house is required. The entire extension can take 26.3 m 2. The space is enough for two people.

The bath can be equipped according to several schemes:

  • use the basement if it is multi-level;
  • make another room on the first floor;
  • place combined with a bathroom;
  • attach to the house (if the bath was not originally planned in the project).

The extension can be framed, made of timber, blocks or bricks. The most reliable and durable will be a house made of bricks, the most susceptible to the influence of high humidity and temperature changes - wooden.

The house, if desired, is equipped with a built-in garage, a balcony. The number of floors is also selected: one-story, with an attic or a full-fledged two-story building. Examples in the photo below.

What inconveniences you may face

The steam room must be placed in the farthest corner of the building relative to residential premises. Between the steam room and the wall of the house, it is best to place a washing or rest room. It is important to adhere to the current SNiPs, otherwise problems with registration cannot be avoided. The wall adjacent to the bath is additionally heat and waterproofed.

The design of an extension requires good ventilation, waterproofing (external and internal), thermal insulation, the presence of a centralized or autonomous sewer system, treatment with antiseptics and refractory impregnations. But even with all the rules, problems can arise.

Insurers are reluctant to take out insurance on high-risk homes. If the construction technology is not followed, the public utilities may also refuse to connect gas or electricity, as well as the authorities responsible for registering the building.

When building the entire complex from wood, you need to take care of all degrees of protection, otherwise there will be dampness and mold in the room. If both the house and the bath are large, an electric or gas boiler of high power will be required, which means that heating costs will increase significantly. We'll have to tinker with sewage, the load on it will increase.

To remove gases, two pipes are required, respectively, and two openings in the roof. The washing room must be equipped with tiles. Particular attention is paid to the floors, ensuring complete drainage, otherwise the increased humidity will spread throughout the house.

When using a wood-burning stove, it is necessary to organize good traction. With the wrong design, smoke will penetrate into the living quarters, and over time, soot deposits will form on the ceilings.