Bath guest house 6x6. House-baths from a bar

Guest baths from a bar are very popular, this is due to the versatility of the structure and economic benefits. Most of the projects presented in the catalog are designed as follows, the first floor is almost completely devoted to the bath complex, which includes a steam room, a shower room and a relaxation room, and on the second floor there are rooms for a guest bedroom, an office, etc. It will be right to buy a guest bath solution, the building can serve as a full-fledged building for life, an excellent cottage structure. Inexpensive wooden house it can be either an additional extension or the main building on the site, depending on preferences and main goals.

Guest bath options

Our company offers many options for standard typical buildings, designed optimally for comfortable rest and residence, both temporarily and permanently. In the photo you can see all the projects of guest baths made of timber and get acquainted with the basic configuration in more detail. At will, any of the projects can be changed and supplemented, in accordance with personal preferences. Construction takes a minimum of time, any type of building is being built quickly and efficiently, while the price is quite affordable.
A turnkey guest bath can be erected on any type of site, regardless of the soil throughout the Moscow region. It is possible to choose a project of any modification:

  • number of storeys (bath can be one- and two-story);
  • the presence of an attic with additional rooms;
  • terrace;
  • balcony;
  • other types of architectural elements.

Buying such a house will allow you to enjoy a country holiday at any time of the year with comfort. A ready-made bathhouse with rooms for living can be ordered inexpensively at an office located in Moscow, the delivery of materials and the construction of a building from profiled timber takes no more than 1-2 weeks.
If you purchase an option with an attic floor, then the obvious savings are noticeable not only in funds, but also in space on suburban area. In addition, this is an opportunity to maximize the functional distribution inner space to reduce the load on the foundation. A comfortable guest bath, the projects of which can be adjusted and rational changes made, will cost the new owners inexpensively, sales and construction are carried out at any time of the year.

The implementation of the project of a guest house with a bath can be performed on almost any personal plot. Two types of buildings are combined in one building. This is an advantageous solution, especially when the space is quite limited. Having decided to build such a structure, there is no doubt that it will be a profitable investment.

Having gone to the dacha with family or friends, it will be possible to take a steam bath in the bathhouse, and then relax with family and friends. Such projects are now very popular. If the owners personal plot have minimal building skills, they will be able to create a similar structure on their own.

Project Features

Projects of a guest house with a bath (the photo is presented below) differ in some features. The building is an ordinary cottage, in which, in addition to living quarters, there is a steam room with a dressing room. The building will not take up much space on the site.

If desired, you can create two-storey houses. Buildings with an attic are also very popular. The bathroom will be located on the first floor. Rest rooms should be arranged on the second floor. There are many one-story guest houses with a bathhouse. The choice depends on the construction budget, as well as the preferences of the owners of the house.

In the process of erecting the presented object, it is necessary to maintain a single style solution for all premises. The materials from which the house will be built must be environmentally friendly. This is the main requirement for organizing such a construction. The bath will take up most of the space of the house.

Featured Projects

Considering best projects guest houses with a bath, the most popular options should be noted. Most owners of a personal plot choose two-story types of buildings. Buildings with an attic are also popular.

In the first place in popularity in our country are the projects of the presented buildings from foam blocks. It is an available, relatively inexpensive material. It is easy to work with him even for a non-professional. Foam blocks have good thermal insulation qualities. That is why the presented material is in demand everywhere today. The layout in such a building can be very diverse.

In second place in popularity are the projects of guest houses made of wood. In this case, logs or glued beams are used. It's beautiful, environmentally pure material. He is able to emphasize the atmosphere country house, to set the guests to rest and tranquility. When using such material, special attention should be paid to protection against fire and decay of wood.

Accommodation on site

Considering the projects of a guest house with a bath, it is necessary first of all to plan the location of the building on the site. The comfort of its operation will largely depend on this. If there is already a house or other buildings on the site, the new building should be at a distance of 6-15 m from them. This takes into account the flammability class of the material from which all objects are made.

There are also a few other issues to be resolved. The door of the guest house should not be located opposite the entrance to the main building of the site. There should also be a parking area.

If the guest house will be built simultaneously with the main building, it is necessary to create a common system of their communications. This will save money family budget work in progress. It is desirable to allocate a separate area for recreation near the guest house.


The owners of the site can choose a guest house project with a bathhouse and a swimming pool, an attic, a terrace and other additional elements. However, in most cases, you must first consider the layout.

  • I - steam room.
  • II - dressing room.
  • III - rest room.

In one half of the house there should be a steam room, a washing room, a swimming pool, a shower room and a dressing room (cloakroom). The second half is reserved for bedrooms, guest rooms, hallway, kitchen. At the same time, the interior decoration of these two parts should be combined, in harmony with each other.

Whatever project the owners of the site choose, they must provide for the presence certain systems and premises in guest house. There must be a kitchen, a bathroom, a separate bedroom. It is necessary to provide for the presence of heating, sewer, plumbing systems. High-quality ventilation is also required in all rooms. Even if the building will not be used in winter period, it is necessary to think over a system for protecting communications from freezing.


Having reviewed the projects of the guest house-bath from timber, foam blocks, bricks, it is necessary to draw up an expense estimate. Its main articles will include the foundation, materials for external and internal walls, roof. It also takes into account the cost of insulation and waterproofing materials, fixing material (nails, staples, self-tapping screws, etc.), windows, doors.

There should be a stove in the steam room. There are many models of a heater for a steam room. For a dry sauna, you can purchase an electric open stove. If the owners plan to create a Russian bath, it is necessary to make a closed heater. It will be heated with firewood or other type of fuel.

Next, the costs for the purchase of communication materials (pipes, fittings, ventilation ducts, electrical wires and all related materials) are calculated. A separate cost item in the estimate is decorative trim inside and outside the premises. An accurate calculation of the need for materials will significantly save in the process of building a structure.

Wooden house

The project of a guest house with a bath may involve the construction of a building made of wood. One of the most popular solutions is the construction of such an object from a log. It is an eco-friendly, beautiful material. It has a relatively low cost.

Glued laminated timber can also be used for similar purposes. A building made of such material can fully correspond in its functions to the usual country house. If you place the sleeping quarters on the second floor, and the steam room below them, the air in the upper rooms will be warm. It will be comfortable to be in such rooms.

Wood helps retain heat. With proper processing and preparation of the material, the structure will not require restoration for more than a dozen years. It is a reliable, durable and strong material. You can also decorate the interior of the steam room with wood. It is best to use lining. The type of wood should not release resins when heated.

House with an attic

Popular today are also projects of guest houses-baths with an attic. This option allows you to fit into a limited construction budget. The attic room is reserved for living rooms. Here are the bedroom and living room. Therefore, the available space will need to be divided into two parts.

To delimit a small interior space without erecting walls, an elevation is made in one half of the room. It will be sleeping place. It is necessary to organize the internal space as correctly as possible. There should be nothing superfluous here. Drawers can be made in the niche under the bed. Clothes, bedding, etc. will be stored here.

Putting chests of drawers and cabinets in the attic room is categorically not recommended. They will take up too much space. An elevated bed can be further limited with the help of nightlights. In the room you can put small low sofas. The best option becomes Japanese style.

Finishing facilities

When choosing projects of guest houses with a bathhouse made of foam blocks, wood or brick, an important issue is the planning of finishing work. The style of the attic or rooms on the second floor can be classical, Japanese, medieval, Old Russian, etc. The choice depends on the taste preferences of the owners of the house.

Having considered the features of the projects of a guest house with a bath, each owner of a personal plot will be able to choose the most suitable option for myself.

Let your guests always be as comfortable as possible to stay with you!

A bathhouse with a guest house is already, probably, an indispensable element of almost any modern country cottage. At the same time, unfortunately, the presence of several separate buildings on the site can hardly be called the optimal solution in terms of financial costs for their construction. Significantly more interesting option in this case is the construction of a bathhouse with a guest house. Such a bath complex is much more functional, more convenient and requires less money for its construction. It can be either one-story or two-story. It all depends solely on the availability of free space on the site, financial capabilities, and, of course, your preferences.

An interesting solution is to build a bathhouse with a guest house as the first object on the site. In this case, it can become a temporary place in which you can fully live in the process of building your main house. It is worth adding that often bath complexes with a guest block can include billiard rooms, barbecue areas, gym, winter Garden and many other similar spaces. It's really optimal solution, which has no drawbacks and significantly expands the functionality of your country house. So, for example, in such a bath you can not only accommodate your guests, but also provide an excellent place for a luxurious holiday for your adult children.

You can order the construction of a bath complex with a guest house at the Brusbani company. On this page, we have prepared for you a number of really interesting and thought out to the smallest detail projects that will become a real decoration of your country cottage. If necessary, qualified specialists of our company can make appropriate additions or develop a bath project with a guest block for you on an individual basis. All work is carried out by Brusbani specialists on a turnkey basis with a full guarantee of high quality. Entrust the construction of your bath to experienced professionals!

We take care of all stages of construction, development of a plan and project for a guest house-bath, delivery building materials, directly, construction, Finishing work etc. SeverStroyLes has a significant number of qualified personnel to carry out all these stages of work independently.

Prices for a guest house bath

The high price is often the main factor why people refuse to build their own bath. If our company takes up the matter, then a guest house bath can be built inexpensively . Firstly, you will save on materials - we use wood, which we ourselves produce. Secondly, if you order a full range of bath construction, the total cost will be reduced for you due to discounts. This approach is beneficial for both customers and manufacturers, so everyone is satisfied with such cooperation.

Bath guest house from a log

The log bath guest house has a stunning appearance, and will give the place where it is installed a special chic. All our clients are delighted with appearance of their new houses and baths, and environmental friendliness and health benefits are indisputable! This effect can only be achieved special processing wood that we use in our projects.

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Each person has relatives, friends, acquaintances, whom you sometimes want to invite to visit you in order to communicate closer and spend time together. There is always a place in the house for one or two guests, but if a large family of relatives comes from afar to visit, then it’s time to take up your head. You need to take care of this problem in advance ...

Guest houses

In order not to have such stresses and not to deny hospitality to your dear people, and to yourself in pleasant communication with them, it is best to build a small guest or country house on the same site as the main one, or on the next one. Our company "Projects of cottages" is always ready to offer you different variants arrangement of the guest house. In it, in addition to rest rooms, you can also place a bathhouse, equip a billiard room, and a barbecue area on the veranda. A place for rest of owners and guests equipped in this way will certainly become a favorite place for spending free time.

To make it easier to imagine how all of the above benefits can be combined under one roof, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with several projects of a guest house with a bathhouse. In our collection there are different options for projects of guest houses with a bathhouse: log, timber, brick, luxurious two-story and simpler buildings. By the way, buildings made of wood are especially popular: they are less troublesome, and they are much cheaper than, for example, built of stone. And what a beauty in the end it turns out - a wooden frame, which is accessed by a staircase, decorated with ornate carvings! And if you also “play” with the height of the building, that is, make the sauna itself one floor, and place the lounges and the billiard room in the two-story part of the building, you get a very original overall composition.

By the way, whatever you choose finished project guest house with a bath, you can make adjustments, taking into account the wishes of the customer. For example, according to the project, in order to get from the steam room to the rest room located on the ground floor, it is necessary to go through the washing and changing rooms, and the customer wants the washing room not to be a walk-through. Well, it is quite possible to fix this, because, as already mentioned, almost all projects of guest houses with a bath can be changed. From this, none of our projects of guest houses with baths will become worse - the main thing is that the customer likes it.