Independent construction of a half-timbered house. Half-timbered houses: technology and construction Do-it-yourself half-timbered houses step by step instructions

Half-timbered style originated in the 14th century in Germany, some buildings have been preserved to this day.

Now the style is experiencing a renaissance, because there was a great general interest in history, and there was a desire to move the construction to a greater extent on an environmentally friendly level.

Initially, these buildings were erected on the spot, the dimensions depended on the number of openings for windows and doors. The pillars remained unhewn, the logs were dug into the ground, they also trimmed the openings. Rafters were laid along the girders, the roof was made of straw. Clay or earthen floors were erected.

To prevent the poles from rotting, they decided to put them on a fundamental foundation made of stone. Racks began to be processed with the advent of structural wood. Over time, a particularly stable format was determined - a triangle, so inclined struts were introduced into the style of the half-timbered structure.

The design has acquired a complete look with the advent of girders, racks and diagonal braces. The invariability of the format of the frame structure was ensured by the rigid combination “on a secret spike”, “on a dovetail”, connected by a dowel mount.

The tiered increase in area has become a useful function to preserve the foundation from dampness. To reduce rain damage to the walls of the facade in the Middle Ages, each next floor of the building was built with a slightly larger area.

Half-timbered spaces were filled with adobe over braided branches. Wall areas were filled with adobe or adobe, plastered, sometimes painted.

Half-timbered style in the modern world

This type of construction of houses is one of the varieties of frame housing construction.

The load-bearing purpose is performed by a frame made of wood.

It is more successful to use glued laminated timber for this, because it does not deform.

At the same time, special connection methods, performed at different angles, endow the frame and, consequently, the house with stronger rigidity.

An important point is the absence of metal fasteners, all joints of timber and beams are made using wooden fasteners, dowels and other elements.

For the construction of the walls of the house, any materials are used. If adobe was originally used, then in modern variations OSB, brick and even glass are used. This turned out to be possible, since the walls are not load-bearing, and the entire load goes to. It, in turn, is not closed, as it is an element of architecture.

These houses are distinguished by special warmth, including due to the use of insulation. A huge bonus will be unlimited layout variations. Due to the fact that the walls do not belong to the supporting structure, they can be moved, completely remove the internal and external partitions.

It is better to entrust the construction professional specialists. Then you can be sure of the reliability and quality of construction, and this work will not take much time. But it is also possible to build a half-timbered house with your own hands. To do this, you must have initial experience with wood.

Building a house in half-timbered style: fundamental nuances

A simpler variation of recreating a half-timbered house is the installation of a structure strictly taking into account the main technological points. In order to better understand and understand the technology in the future, we will analyze the main nuances of a half-timbered house with our own hands in step-by-step instructions:

  • Let's process wooden materials with a special antiseptic, it will prevent the occurrence and spread of mold, fungus and reduce the absorbent feature of wood.
  • Install the frame of the building.
  • Let's fill the frame with sound and heat-insulating materials.
  • Let's do roofing.
  • We will carry out internal and exterior finish walls.

From the beginning of the construction of buildings in the style of fachwerk, it was believed that they were intended only in those regions where mild climatic conditions prevailed. But technologies are being improved and today for half-timbered structures it is proposed to use insulating panels, energy-saving glazing, and underfloor heating systems.

Prepare the area for construction

  • ahead of the start construction works, you should prepare the site on which the future house will stand and explore the soil. As a base for a house, any one used in the construction of wooden buildings is suitable. After all, the ease of construction and its load-bearing components, which are inherent in any type frame building made of wood, will not create special pressure on the foundation area.
  • If the soil in the selected area is characterized by an abundance of heaving soils, we build the strongest foundation so that it can prevent soil from being squeezed out by water on frosty days. It is necessary to give preference to the foundation with a focus on the characteristics of the soil. They will help you choose a tape, columnar or pile type.

We carry out the installation of the frame

To prevent the appearance of moisture in the building from above on the foundation, we lay out a layer of waterproofing, after which we will carry out work on the strapping crown of timber.

The beam section should correspond to 50 by 200 mm.

Before mounting the skeleton, we will treat the timber with an antiseptic.

When the crown is prepared, attach to it lower part skeleton.

To ensure rigidity, we will use parts for fastening of various types (mentioned above):

  • Buildings in the style of fachwerk are characterized by a rigid frame. It contains vertical and horizontal beams, as well as braces (diagonal elements) - this individual characteristic of the structure gives it special stability. To make fasteners invisible and veil the visible elements of the skin, we will use a connection in the groove and tenon.
  • Planed polished from coniferous wood is more relevant. To build a house using this technology, the material is pre-treated protective equipment. Often, metal beams are used to build the frame, their use gives the structure additional strength.
  • We will install the supporting racks, according to the requirements of the plan, we will take into account the width of the openings. The gap between the pillars of the supports directly comes from the width of the openings, but still it should not be more than four meters.
  • To install the floor beams, we will choose an edged board (the cross section is 50 by 200 mm.), We will process it with a biological and fire-retardant mixture. We will carry out the installation of frame parts that are not visible under the skin, by means of edged board with a section of 45 by 145 mm., We will also process it with a biological fire-retardant mixture.

By the time the installation of the walls is completed, we will make a truss four-slope system roofs. Installation of the frame of the building in half-timbered style at this stage, differs little from the installation of a traditional frame

Fillers for wall surfaces

After completing the skeleton, you can begin to seal the gaps between the details of the walls. We fill in the resulting grid. Brick, stone, aerated concrete crumb are used as a filler. AT modern buildings wood and tile materials in sheets are often used. In the form of OSB, moisture-resistant plywood, lining, gypsum-fiber materials, etc. When choosing a material for filling walls, it is advised to take into account that the products must be: especially moisture-resistant, excellently durable, light, environmentally friendly, low thermal conductivity.

When using stone or brick to fill the walls, it is worth remembering even in the design that a sufficiently powerful one is required for such a capital and heavy house. It is necessary to make its calculation taking into account the material of the walls.

When filling the core, one should not forget that its beams from the outside must remain visible - in general, the filling materials should not completely hide the entire outer wall surface. From the inside of the building we use various variations - it all depends on the style of the interior

If we are building an extraordinary building, then double-glazed windows will act as a filler for the walls.

The result will be daylight rooms to the maximum and a panoramic view around the building.

Only the abundance of glass does not contribute to the conservation of heat in the room.

Even by installing energy-saving double-glazed windows, in regions with severe frosts, this will not help to save heat.

The final finishing of wall surfaces can be decorated, for example, with tiles that imitate brickwork, plaster or clapboard.

Roof of a half-timbered building

Often in a half-timbered house an ordinary gable roof. It is in perfect harmony with the overall architectural style of the building.

A characteristic feature of these buildings is the absence of an attic floor and attic space. In addition, half-timbered houses are characterized by wide roof overhangs. They perfectly shield the walls of the house from precipitation, and block the rooms from the abundance of the sun on summer days.

Roofing can be presented in different variations. For example, corrugated board, euroslate, metal tiles. In view of the tangible mass, it is not recommended to use natural tiles as a roof covering.

Heating system

Heating in a built house must certainly be of a modern type. It can be represented by: recuperators, fuel pumps, solar collectors.

The optimal variation for space heating will be a floor heating system, because there will be almost no space for radiators due to the large number of double-glazed windows. It is recommended to install a fireplace as an additional source of heat. It is more successful if the fireplace is made of cast iron and with a closed firebox, which has a heat-resistant glass fencing.

Indoor interior

The special construction of the half-timbered frame also implies a special creation of the interior inside the building.

To equip a building in this style, it is possible to resort to any variation: from country to minimalism:

  • You can artificially add the effect of antiquity to the beams, use wood details in the decoration, lay the floors with “antique” tiles, planks, arrange massive pieces of retro furniture, use coarse fabrics and rugs made using the “ hand made». home appliances it is convenient to hide behind the facade of the cabinet or in some structures. By placing a German stove, in the future, we will be able to enjoy the comfort and charm of old European countries.
  • When choosing minimalism, it is recommended to pre-plan the glazing of areas. The house will be filled with space and light. At the same time, the details of the frame structure and the rafters are advised to be painted in milky color and lay out the floors with whitewashed parquet. A light palette of walls, a discreet fireplace, a small number of pieces of furniture on the ground floor - and the half-timbered house turns into a slightly strict, but especially light housing in a minimalist modern style.
  • When decorating classics, beams are advised to be carved or turned into sculptures. The floors can be lined with wood, erect deaf internal partitions, pasting them with wallpaper. This will change the interior beyond recognition. Solid pieces of furniture in the classics, exquisite fabrics, solid details can turn the half-timbered space into a classic room.
  • You can simply recreate the half-timbered style. Of course, this is the conditional name of the style. In fact, the internal entourage of a half-timbered house is (and was) diverse. They were united only by the hearth and the presence of a frame. Starting to create an interior in the half-timbered style, we note the emphasis on the details of the frame, painting them in a contrasting tone. The floors are made of wood or stone (worn tiles). When constructing partitions inside, it is necessary to preserve the visible frame, as well as outside the building. Walls should also be lined with stone or sheathed wood paneling. When performing additional partitions, it is advised to imitate frame elements using wooden overlays, creating a half-timbered layout.

Design solutions provide a great atmosphere for creativity - there is a chance to change volumes, combine and divide space, apply various zoning, etc.

Construction of a frame half-timbered house

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What is "half-timbered" and how to build using this technology and in this style

Rice. 1. The wooden frame of a half-timbered house consists of racks, beams, crossbars, struts, struts, upper and lower trims.

After erecting the frame of the house, at the next stage, the walls are filled with panels of fascines (in Europe, fascines are woven or knitted from willow twigs, and in East Asia - bamboo), coated with clay, adobe raw brick or, as well as natural stone.

Brick inserts are attached to the frame on pins inserted with one edge into beams or racks. Another old way of attaching brick inserts to the frame is to use trihedral rails that are attached along the perimeter of the opening to the inner surfaces of the frame. At the same time, a triangular groove is cut out in the extreme bricks for these slats.

Rice. 2. The strength and rigidity of the frame gives the application various types spiked joints and cuts, fixed to increase the strength of wooden dowels.

The gaps inevitably formed between the inserts and the details of the frame of the house in the old days were caulked with wool mixed with lime, and then plastered with lime mortar.

AT modern conditions gaps are sealed in approximately the same way, but more technologically advanced industrially produced sealing and finishing materials are used.

In addition, to turn a half-timbered building into a house that matches modern requirements according to the comfort of living, the walls must be insulated and additional soundproofing should be arranged in them.

However, they arrange additional heat and sound insulation, as a rule, from the inside of the walls, trying not to violate the traditional, historically established architectural style of a half-timbered building.

According to the established tradition, the wooden beams of the frame are painted in dark red, brown or even black. On plaster, the wooden frame is also traditionally outlined with a “thick” black line so that the details of the frame seem thicker, more massive and durable. Moreover, this technique is used both in Germany and in China. Very often, plastered panels are decorated with various floral ornaments, coats of arms, inscriptions or other images. If the filling is brick, then various geometrically correct, repeating patterns are laid out of the brick.

Most often, the starting material for the main element of a half-timbered house - filling - is clay, since it is not scarce, it is distributed almost everywhere and it can be obtained without causing any damage to the natural environment. Clay is a fine-grained sedimentary rock that is pulverulent when dry and plastic when wet. The diameter of its particles does not exceed 0.005 mm, but if the traditional technology of erecting half-timbered buildings is followed, dust is not formed during their subsequent operation.

Another common filling material is ceramic brick. The main raw material for its production is the clay described above, and therefore, at the stage of operation, the brick is safe for human health. However, when assessing the degree of influence of ceramic materials on environment high energy consumption and industrial emissions at the stage of their production should be taken into account.

Occasionally used as filling natural stone. In most cases, natural stone is friendly to humans, moreover, already in its natural state it has the necessary building properties, the most important of which is durability. In half-timbered construction, natural stone is used without any additional processing, so there is no waste, and when using local stone materials, the burden on the environment associated with its extraction and transportation is also reduced.

The roof of half-timbered houses, as a rule, is made of traditional materials: tiles, reeds and plates of natural or industrially produced slate. In humid climatic conditions, the walls of buildings are also covered with it. Currently, slate has already ceased to be made using asbestos, replacing it with other fibrous materials that are safe for human health.

However, when choosing modern building materials and technologies, one should exercise some caution and caution, since not all of them are combined with the historically established and peculiar architectural style of half-timbered buildings.

So, for external window sills and external floor rails, you should not use softwood. Even when treated with modern protective equipment, it has a limited service life.

For these purposes, it is better to use traditional oak, although it is more difficult to process and costs much more.

You should also not get carried away with wide openings for entrance doors and entrance gates, as heavy hinged doors will inevitably lead to deformation of wooden racks and frame beams over time. Distance between neighboring wooden racks should not exceed 120 cm, or if this distance still needs to be increased, steel structures should be used.

Fig.3. Project modern home half-timbered with all the elements of this traditional architecture and technology.

Also, care should be taken when using modern insulating and sealing materials when filling a half-timbered frame. The fact is that historically the walls of half-timbered houses always had gaps. This made it possible for many decades to avoid rotting of the wooden parts of the frame due to effective natural ventilation. When using modern sealing materials, it is necessary to provide for special ventilation gaps and channels, which is far from always possible to do without violating the traditional style of a half-timbered house.

Among the details that do not fit well with traditional trends in half-timbered architecture, one can single out metal doors with a large glazing area, especially if they have many rounded decorative elements. Absolutely not suitable for a half-timbered house modern plastic windows with wide openings devoid of small binding details. Such windows can completely destroy the architectural style and character of the building. A similar effect is achieved when the window openings are placed in a "step" in relation to the adjacent horizontal beams or strapping bars. We should not forget that the intersecting beams and racks should divide the wall space into even rectangles of the correct shape. Warped rectangles and squares are completely out of place on the facade of the house.

In contrast to the structural elements of the house, when choosing the method of finishing it, decorative details and color shades, the possibilities are much wider. The frame and its filling can be either in contrasting colors or painted in two similar shades of the same color, and even in the same color.

According to an old German tradition, at the end of construction work, a half-timbered house is decorated with branches deciduous trees and arrange a housewarming party.

Fachwerk is not only a construction technology, but also an architectural style

Despite the centuries-old history and more than respectable age, fachwerk remains popular in modern housing construction.

Fachwerk is a frame structure made of wooden beams, consisting of a system of racks, beams, crossbars, braces and strapping. It is the presence of braces, as well as a wide variety of joints, fixed with wooden dowels and giving the frame rigidity, that distinguishes fachwerk from other types of frame housing construction. Another difference is that the frame elements are not hidden under the skin, but protrude from the flat surface of the walls, visually dividing the walls into geometric sections and giving the building textural clarity and expressiveness. space between wooden beams the frame is filled with a variety of building material and the walls themselves are covered with plaster.

On a note

In the old days, almost any material at hand was used as a filler for walls in half-timbered houses: clay, wood chips, adobe (a mixture of clay with reeds or straw), broken stone, and even construction debris. Wealthy citizens filled the interframe space with carved wooden panels.

To not drip from above

Very often in half-timbered structures floor ledges are used: upper floors hang over the lower ones, forming a kind of stepped ledges. You might think that the goal is to increase the area of ​​each subsequent floor. Partly it is. But this is only a consequence, and the main thing was something else. In such an ingenious way, medieval architects protected the unbaked adobe walls with wooden frame from destructive moisture, from which the facades of buildings with high gables and large quantity windows.

Modern version

Today, for the frame, instead of conventional timber, glued timber is most often used, which is more durable and minimally prone to deformation and cracking. Factory-made glued beams and beams can have different sections and non-standard lengths (up to 18 m), which allows you to implement any architectural ideas. In addition to glued beams in modern half-timbered houses, a supporting frame made of a metal thermal profile can be used. It is possible to lay a modern fibrous insulation in a half-timbered frame, although due to the presence of braces, this procedure is noticeably more complicated, because in the thickness of the insulation there should in no case be empty "pockets".

Tradition and innovation

A more expensive, but very effective option for "insulation" is energy-saving double-glazed windows. Facades can be glazed almost 100%, while creating a unique spirit in the house, which could be called the realm of space and light. The use of a large amount of glass does not affect the strength of the building. Custom-made double-glazed windows with low-emission glass (i-glass, K-glass) allow to achieve low heat loss levels that meet modern standards for heat retention in residential buildings. Which, in combination with modern heating systems, provides warmth and comfort with a very modest energy consumption. Well, to isolate yourself from immodest eyes, you just need to draw the curtains.

Fachwerk according to the "simplified"

There is a simplified version - external and interior decoration half-timbered houses. It consists in the fact that wooden decorative elements imitating racks, beams and braces of a half-timbered frame are glued onto plastered walls. These wooden details are painted, as a rule, in a dark contrasting color. This solution applies to houses built in various styles from different materials. Under the elegant half-timbered "skin" any constructive "skeleton" can be hidden: a frame, unplaned timber, brick or foam blocks.

Do-it-yourself half-timbered frame house - an example of a project and construction

The reputation of frame-type houses, including half-timbered ones, has been undermined in our country.

Maybe not hopeless, but serious enough. There are many reasons for this. After all, we all dreamed of the cheapest and most affordable homes. And when, at the end of the last century, relatively inexpensive and energy-efficient frame structures finally appeared on the domestic market (for some reason, we immediately began to call them Canadian, although often they had nothing to do with Canada), everyone was delighted.

Here it is! It happened! simple and warm house! But instead of adopting Western experience in the construction and operation of such houses and creatively reworking it in order to adapt to Russian conditions, customers and builders rushed to save on everything and everything.

The ideology of the customer, however, is quite understandable: pay less, but get more. As a result, "Canadian" houses first lost their air heating and cooling systems. After that, the systems of forced supply and exhaust ventilation also sank into oblivion.

The builders also contributed both to the "saving" of building materials and to the simplification of structures, which was often fraught with very unpleasant consequences. "Joint efforts" in a matter of years have led to the fact that most customers still do not want to hear about frame houses.

As a result, builders who know how to build good frame structures have been trying for 15 years to restore their reputation and prove that a frame house was, is and, perhaps, will remain the most inexpensive, technological, energy efficient and economical type of building for a long time to come.

They have to prove their correctness in practice to almost every customer, demonstrating the delivered objects. And advanced builders are even developing new frame construction technologies that are beneficial ... (do not be surprised!) For the customer.

However, unfortunately, distrust has taken root somewhere very deeply, and, probably, that is why the volume of frame construction is growing extremely slowly. But, fortunately, they are still growing.

How to restore prestige to the frame?

Back in 2007, the designers and builders of the company "Zaokskie prostory i landscapes" thought about this issue. They have developed a fairly simple and understandable modular system for the design and construction of half-timbered houses, the essence of which is as follows. The frame of the house is assembled from glued racks and beams with a section of 200 x 180 mm.

At the same time, the racks are mounted with a strictly defined step - approximately 2.5 m (from which it follows that the system is modular), which corresponds to twice the width of the drywall sheets, DSP and OSB boards used for sheathing the frame, and, therefore, reduces to minimum amount of waste.

In addition, such a powerful frame, which remains visible from the outside and from the inside, as is customary in half-timbered houses, ensures the strength and reliability of the assembled structure. It is curious that at the same time it lacks all kinds of struts and similar elements characteristic of the classic half-timbered house.

Instead, the rigidity of the structure is given by OSB or DSP sheets, mounted by surprise in the openings of the frame (the technology for filling openings is know-how).

To connect the wooden frame elements to each other, original unified units were developed (there are about ten in total), which is convenient for designers - now they immediately create not only a house project, but also a special file that allows you to control an automated line that produces the necessary racks and beams.

The new system is no less convenient for builders. After all, ready-made parts with connecting cups and spikes and even with grooves for the installation of metal connecting elements (they are also used in the construction) arrive at the construction site.

At the same time, nothing needs to be customized - select the desired fragment from the brought packs (assembly is carried out in a strictly defined order, which cannot be violated), mount it in place and fix the connection with the metal part specified in the accompanying documentation (tukhari screws, metal perforated elements, etc.) - the need to use each of them is determined by the designer).

If some part does not fit, the assembler (it is more correct to call it that way), without trying to adjust something on his own, as is usually customary at a construction site, stops and calls the foreman.

However, the benefits new system this is not exhausted. Since the structure being created is not subject to shrinkage, it is permissible to install large-sized double-glazed windows in it directly into the openings formed by the frame, thus saving on their expensive frame framing. But that's not all.

The created structure can be insulated to the degree of energy efficiency required by the customer. If the client wants to build a passive house - no problem.


On the construction of a half-timbered house by the company "Zaoksky expanses and landscapes" with total area 302 m 2 own technology described in sufficient detail in the photo report with construction site. We will add only some comments.

The building site is located near the museum-reserve "Polenovo". The terrain there is quite hilly, the height difference from one edge of the site purchased by customers to the other was about 6 m.

The height difference in the "building spot" is 1.5 m, which forced the builders to make a stepped pile-grillage foundation and a basement ceiling. The steps that appeared inside the house helped not conditionally, but actually divided inner space ground floor into residential and public areas with ceilings of different heights. Living quarters on the second floor are located on the same level.

Let's add a few words about cost savings ... of the customer.

If you build a similar house using a modern, but, let's say, standard half-timbered technology, then due to an increase in material consumption and a lengthening of the construction time, it will cost about 500 thousand rubles. expensive. And if wide window openings are filled with double-glazed windows inserted into the frame, for example, from warm aluminum, then the cost of construction will increase by about 800 thousand rubles. And, as it seems to us, the customer, moving to a new house, will be happy to spend the saved money, for example, on furnishing.

Half-timbered house - project and construction: photo

Fachwerk, that is, a frame house filled with clay or brick, appeared in the 11th century, but this technology flourished in the Renaissance, that is, the 15th century. Despite such a venerable age, this technology allows you to build very durable and relatively cheap houses with an unusual appearance. In this article, we will tell you how to build a half-timbered house and avoid the most common mistakes.

Two types of half-timbered houses

Today you can find two types of houses in this style:

  • built using fachwerk technology;
  • fachwerk finished.

In the first case, the house not only looks appropriate, but is also built in a frame way, then filled with some kind of filler. The basis of such a house is a frame made of coniferous timber. It is he who has all the advantages that made houses in this style reliable and popular throughout medieval Europe. Until now, there are houses in this style, whose age reaches 500 years. In the second case, the house can be built from anything, then decoratively finished in half-timbered style. Such a house cannot have the positive qualities that are inherent in the original houses, so the only plus of such a finish is unusual and stylish. appearance.

Half-timbered house materials

As a material for the supporting frame, glued larch timber is best suited. It has high strength, resistant to fungus and mold. Instead, you can use glued pine timber, which has less good performance. As a filler, you can use traditional adobe, that is, a mixture of clay and straw, however, we recommend making an analogue of SIP panels from two sheets of wood concrete and some kind of insulation. Instead of wood concrete, you can use a thin board, plywood or oriented strand board (OSB). You can use other materials that meet four basic qualities:

  • high strength;
  • ease of processing;
  • low cost;
  • low thermal conductivity.

When building the walls of such a house, you can also use recycled products, for example, organic cellulose insulation. It is made from waste paper, so the cost is low, and the level of thermal conductivity is only slightly higher than that of mineral wool. Another very successful filler material is granules or crumbs of polyurethane foam or foam. These materials are also very inexpensive and have very low thermal conductivity. In addition, they do not have to be cut, because this material is poured into the cavity. To better understand the design of such a wall, we recommend reading about double-beam houses.


The choice of foundation depends on the materials from which the walls will be made. For walls made of light materials, the pile screw foundation, which we talked about in this article, is best suited. If the walls are heavy, for example, with adobe filler, then a more powerful foundation will be required. In addition, a house built using half-timbered technology is very sensitive to frost heaving of the soil, so the foundation must be lowered below the freezing depth. Otherwise, frost heaving will first tear the foundation, and then violate the integrity of the walls, covering them with cracks and crevices. Worst of all, they tolerate frosty heaving of walls made of heavy materials - brick, adobe and others.

Frame and walls

The basis of the frame is vertical poles installed at a distance of 50–70 cm from each other. At the level of ceilings and windows, the vertical beams are tied with horizontal ones, to which the floors are then attached. It is necessary to connect vertical and horizontal bars half a tree or into a spike, fixing with a wooden dowel. If possible, use a dovetail connection and also fix with a dowel. Braces or inclined beams not only increase the rigidity of the structure, but also give it that very unique charm of the houses of old Europe.

Braces must be distributed so that they create a beautiful pattern, so they can be inserted both into small cells and fit into several cells formed by vertical and horizontal bars. The methods of attaching the braces to the beam are the same as for the junction of the vertical and horizontal beams. Fixing with a dowel will make the entire structure more durable and reliable. As a frame reinforcement, use metal corners that are attached to vertical and horizontal corners. If you find the corners of the desired shape, then reinforce them with braces. While creating the frame, prepare places for installing windows and doors.

AT original houses, built using half-timbered technology, vertical pillars were dug directly into the ground or placed on large stones. However, it is more practical to do the same as when building a conventional frame house, that is, attach a salary (lower) beam to the foundation or grillage, and then attach vertical beams to it. This mounting method is especially preferred in regions with:

  • high groundwater level;
  • frequent and heavy rainfall;
  • very low winter temperatures;
  • strong winds;
  • unstable ground.

Before assembling the frame, treat the entire timber with hydrophobic impregnations and an antiseptic, and also think over the method of attaching the filler. For adobe and arbolite mass, a lattice of branches or thin slats is well suited. To insert such a lattice, in each beam you need to make a groove along the diameter or width of the branches or slats, then assemble the frame at the same time and insert the slats into the groove. You can also use a steel mesh with small cells (up to 5x5 cm) in size.

The walls of a half-timbered house must meet three basic requirements:

  • be slightly thinner than a beam;
  • have sufficient strength;
  • have low thermal conductivity.

Cob and arbolite walls are the most correct in terms of style, but they hold heat worse than a sandwich of insulation and two facing slabs. Therefore, you will have to decide for yourself what is more important for you - reliability or lower heating costs. After drying, the walls of wood concrete and adobe will need to be caulked, because gaps will appear between them and the timber. In the summer, when the beam dries out as much as possible, these gaps will increase. For half-timbered houses, the same caulking methods are applicable as for ordinary log cabins. To reduce the shrinkage of the frame, and hence the size of the cracks, it is necessary to use well-dried glued laminated timber treated with reliable hydrophobic preparations. In addition, it is necessary to repeat the treatment of all frame bars with such preparations every 2-3 years.

Windows, doors and ventilation

Modern plastic windows harmoniously fit into the exterior of the half-timbered house. However, they cannot be fixed in the same way as in concrete or brick houses. To install windows and doors, you need to make a pigtail, which we talked about in the article (Pigtail in wooden house). If you install windows and doors without pigtails, then under the influence of seasonal shrinkage and swelling of the frame bars, the windows and doors will either jam, or more gaps will appear between them and the frame, which is very difficult to deal with. In addition, it is necessary to think over the ventilation system, because a half-timbered house, unlike a wooden one, cannot independently remove excess moisture to the outside and dump them into the atmosphere. Therefore, the lack of good ventilation leads to the appearance of mold and rot.

Floors, ceilings and roof

Exterior and interior decoration

Outside, the half-timbered house is carefully caulked, then the walls are painted with light colors, and the beams of the frame are dark. This creates a unique flavor of ancient half-timbered houses. To paint the timber, it is desirable to use vapor-permeable paints, this will reduce the likelihood of rot or mold in the wood. You can use any paint to paint the walls, because neither adobe or arbalit, nor moisture-resistant plywood or OSB are afraid of any paints. From the inside, such a house can be finished in any way, for example, sheathed with drywall or wagon board. You can also plaster the entire interior surface of the house or keep the original appearance of the walls.


Half-timbered houses still retain their popularity and medieval surroundings. They are easier and cheaper to manufacture than a full-fledged house made of timber and are comparable in price to inexpensive ones. frame houses. However, you are unlikely to be able to sell such a house quickly and expensively, because most people prefer traditional brick, concrete or wooden houses, but if you build it for yourself and your family, then it will serve you for more than one hundred years.

In our country, half-timbered houses are a relatively new trend, which is gaining more and more popularity every day. Such a structure has already gained its overwhelming popularity, and this is quite obvious. For its construction, only pure building materials are used, and the structure is convenient to use.

Why are half-timbered buildings so special?

Building a half-timbered house

Half-timbered houses began to be built several centuries ago, starting from the distant 12th century.

Such structures are classified as low-rise buildings and may include a maximum of four floors. And today it is very popular to build such a structure from one floor using the maximum of modern technologies.

Fachwerk is a cellular structure. The technique of building half-timbered houses has nothing to do with the usual brick or concrete buildings. Such a structure is based on a frame made of wood from load-bearing vertical posts, horizontally installed beams and diagonal braces. The basis of the house is a wooden beam made of durable species, which is treated with special glue.

The technical features that a wooden beam should differ in are shown in the table.

During the construction of buildings, chip and cement slabs are very often used, which are produced by pressing Portland cement, wood chips and various stabilizers. This canvas has:

  • high density;
  • good heat and sound insulation features;
  • not afraid of the vagaries of the weather;
  • has an affordable price;
  • easy to install.

Today, thanks to technological progress, it has begun to erect half-timbered buildings from heat-saving glass panels. In this way, you can glaze up to 95% of the surfaces in the house.

As a rule, half-timbered buildings are complemented by a two or four-slope roof, which is installed quite low. Thanks to its location on hot days, you can hide under its shade from the scorching sun.

The main distinguishing feature that is unique to half-timbered houses is a wood frame that is not hidden under a layer of finishing material.

Advantages and disadvantages of buildings

How to build a half-timbered house with your own hands?

The building in half-timbered style cannot but amaze with its accuracy and grace. Another plus in their favor is that they can be built very quickly by putting all the necessary parts together, like a designer. Despite the ease of installation, such structures have high level strength and have a long service life, as you can see if you look at the houses that were built about 3 centuries ago, but retained their original beauty.

It is also worth highlighting the following advantages:

  1. due to the fact that an axial structure is being erected in buildings, there is no need to build bearing walls inside the building;
  2. in half-timbered buildings, the main load falls on vertical racks and wood frames, which reduces the amount of pressure on the foundation;
  3. such buildings do not shrink, so they can be erected on any basis, which, in turn, reduces the cost of construction;
  4. due to the fact that the house is being built from separate parts (according to the principle of the designer), it can be rebuilt in the shortest possible time, which brick or stone buildings cannot boast of.

There is nothing perfect in our life, and a half-timbered house is no exception. But thanks modern technologies still managed to cope with many problems.

For example, earlier half-timbered buildings were very inferior to brick houses in terms of their “ability” to keep warm. But, today, thanks to modern building materials with increased heat retention, this has ceased to be a problem.

How to decorate a half-timbered house?

Do-it-yourself half-timbered houses, really?

A half-timbered building is based on a special load-bearing frame, for which glued beams made of steel or reinforced concrete are used.

Previously, it was customary to fill the spaces between the bearing parts with adobe, but today they use for this purpose:

  • brickwork;
  • a natural stone;
  • foam blocks;
  • aerated concrete.

As a rule, various heaters are added to such materials.

But, this is not the whole list of materials from which you can see the design of the half-timbered building. Also widely used:

  1. board material

To work, such plates can be cut with a grinder or a jigsaw, then pigmented in the desired shade with a water-based or oil paint.

The plates are fastened with screws, which are screwed between the frame parts.

Also, gypsum-fiber sheets with a high level of moisture resistance or lining can be used as a board material.

  1. Plaster

This type of finish is most suitable for decorating buildings made of brick or blocks.

As a mixture, it is better to choose waterproof compounds that can cover walls several centimeters thick.

If you live in a region with harsh climatic conditions, building a house with glass walls is not very cost-effective. For this, other options have been developed that allow you to make the house the most favorable for living, thereby not violating its stylistic features.

As you can see, such an imitation of a half-timbered house will be cheap, but its appearance and technical characteristics will not suffer a bit from this.

We build buildings in the style of half-timbered houses with our own hands

half-timbered house

If half-timbered buildings made an indelible impression on you, and you decide to build such a house for yourself with your own hands, get ready that this is absolutely not easy. Despite the fact that experienced builders assure the speed of construction of such a building, they mean the assembly of the structure from already prepared parts, for which all elements were previously carefully designed by computer programs.

Such parts are connected using "thorn-groove" systems, which provide the structure with strength. But, for high-quality work with your own hands, you must have at least some skills in carpentry.

Before you build a half-timbered building with your own hands, you need to consider the following points:

  • in order to properly build a building with your own hands, you need to build a lightweight foundation, because a half-timbered structure does not create a large load on the base, but distributes it between the wooden beams of the frame;
  • it will be necessary to lay waterproofing on the foundation, then install a strapping from a bar and fix it with metal anchors;
  • then install a frame of glued beams;
  • as a heater, you can use both basalt wool and cellulose mats;
  • if a lot of walls in the house are made of glass, you can install a “warm floor” or an additional heating system near them;
  • to cover the roof, you can use ceramic or metal tiles, as well as sheet iron;
  • when all the work is completed, you can proceed to the external design.

To give the building completeness, color and half-timbered style, it must be plastered and painted with light colors, preferably in pastel colors.

Topics with the construction of houses using half-timbered technology traditionally enjoy increased attention among FORUMHOUSE users. Developers are primarily attracted by the spectacular, "antique" appearance of such a structure.

But in Russia you rarely see a genuine half-timbered house. There are reasons for this, the main of which is that not everyone can build a house using half-timbered technology. Affects the large amount of manual labor and the laboriousness of all technological stages. There is an acute shortage of practical information, because most of the tutorials, instructions and examples are on foreign languages and collected on foreign sites.

Therefore, most developers are forced to imitate fachwerk, making the layout “under fachwerk” from boards, along the facade from DSP or OSB slabs. Tem more interesting topic user of our portal with a nickname asx_75, building "in one helmet" a small, but "honest" half-timbered house.

In this article:

  • Features of fachwerk technology.
  • Construction of a house using fachwerk technology.
  • Tools and materials.

Features of half-timbered technology

Fachwerk (German Fachwerk) is a frame erected from wooden beams. A feature of the technology is that the wooden, post-and-beam frame of the house is not sewn up with anything from the outside and remains in sight. The space between the uprights, braces and beams is filled with bricks, less often with stone or, alternatively, with adobe - straw, reeds or reeds mixed with clay, which is then plastered.

This gives the house architectural expressiveness, recognition and at the same time imposes a significant limitation on the use of this technology in our harsh climate, even near Moscow, not to mention Siberia or the North.

The fact is that a frame made of a beam of large section (200x200 or 200x250 mm) is a significant cold bridge. In addition, gaps may appear between the filler and the wooden structural elements (the “living” material). The wall will begin to blow with the wind. Open frame (timber) due to negative impact atmospheric phenomena (sun rays, snow, rain, frequent transitions through "0") is subject to increased wear. This leads to the need for regular repairs and renovation of the facade.

In Europe, the climate is milder than in Russia, and half-timbered houses, with proper care, last for centuries.

The half-timbered frame itself is assembled using the tenon-groove technology on wooden dowels and using a variety of joints:

  • cut,
  • half-tree connections,
  • half pan, etc.

This requires good carpentry skills and a "stuffed" hand.

But all these disadvantages fade into the background when you see a real half-timbered house. Moreover, “honest”, because fachwerk imitation on a building, even skillfully executed, remains an imitation.

A real fachwerk will not leave anyone indifferent.

The main mistake of developers trying to imitate half-timbered houses- the choice of narrow boards for their layout on the facade. As a result, the monumentality of the structure is lost, because frame in half-timbered houses bears the main load, respectively, it requires powerful beams, jibs and racks. Boards with a section of 150/100x25 mm (often used to imitate half-timbered houses) look like some kind of strange finish, like ordinary decorative “blotches” on the facade.

Second mistake- the pursuit of the ideal geometry of the layout and bringing the surface of the boards "to shine". At that time, if you look at a real fachwerk, you can see that any timber has irregularities, natural bends, defects, knots, cracks, etc. Those. the tree is “alive”, and its natural beauty is not “killed” by excessive mechanical processing.

All this works for authenticity, and most importantly - layout during simulation should be carried out not as “it seems more beautiful” or “how you like it”, but strictly in accordance with the canons of fachwerk- where each frame element is not just like that, but is in its place.

If you do an imitation of a half-timbered house, then first you need to look at more than a dozen photographs of old European half-timbered houses. Capture the essence of wireframe elements, understand how they work in unified system, linked to each other, and then try to repeat them on the facade.

Beams, braces, racks and other vertical and horizontal frame elements in half-timbered houses perform a purely practical function - they carry and redistribute the loads of the building.

The real beauty of a half-timbered building lies in the functionality of the frame, where all the elements are necessary, and there is no place for unnecessary details and pretentious embellishments.

How to build a real half-timbered house in Russia

The simplicity of fachwerk (forms), not to be confused with technology, can play a cruel joke on a person who decides to repeat it. It seems that you can look at the pictures, buy a lumber, grab a chain saw and get to work. Such an approach will lead to disastrous results.

Fachwerk begins with the acquisition of in-depth knowledge of this type of construction and drafting a project.

You will have to take the time to learn the key elements of a half-timbered house and how they are made. Case in point - work asx_75.

asx_75 FORUMHOUSE User

I had the opportunity to visit Germany. I saw "live" the real half-timbered house that I liked so much. I studied it, took photos of buildings, read recommendations, visited thematic sites. When he returned to Russia, he decided to reproduce the "corner of Europe" on garden plot, because there was a need to build a bath. To be clear, I am not a professional builder. Much in my work was done on a whim, something not according to the canons of the half-timbered house, somewhere I thought it out myself. Worked alone and with a minimal set of tools.

Looking ahead, we will show a photo of what the participant of our portal has already obtained (the house is now in the process of building a roof).

Now we return to 2016 and proceed to the description of the process of erecting a half-timbered house.

To build a frame, and then fill it with foam blocks (this is a departure from the half-timbered classics, and why asx_75 I chose him, we will describe a little later), I had to try.

The backstory of this project is interesting. According to the user, at first the idea arose to build a bathhouse on the site. To do this, he chose a half-timbered frame, because. he considered that he would not be able to build even walls of brick or blocks. The initial idea was as follows - a frame is placed, and the space is sewn up with OSB boards, followed by the installation of insulation and vapor and waterproofing.

But in the process of erecting the frame, everyone liked it so much that at the family council they decided to build a “gingerbread” house measuring 5x4 m, and to convert the old one into a bathhouse brick house standing on the site.

Further, the idea of ​​sewing up the space between the OSB crossbars has disappeared. If you do fachwerk, then real! In Europe half-timbered (space) is often filled with bricks, but this requires a certain skill and knowledge of certain secrets. Because the brick is laid for a reason, but after special preparation, either it or the timber. Without going into details, let's say that curly grooves are made for this.

The foam block is quite easy to process, and asx_75 I stopped at it, especially since internal partitions will be laid out from this material.

The foam block, so that it fits in the frame, was used not as a wall, but as a partition.

The choice of tools and materials for building a half-timbered house

Having drawn up a construction plan, the user began to implement the plan. First you need to decide on the material, tool and foundation. For the construction of half-timbered houses, you need to have a lot of specialized complex construction carpentry tools, with which curly grooves, spikes, etc. are cut in the beam. But asx_75 cost a lot less.


When choosing a different tool for building a half-timbered house, I would like to get a “cunning” imported saw and slowly, carefully cut grooves with it. But sawing a tree along the fibers, and even more so a timber, is another task. Thinking I went for an electric chain saw. After turning it on in the store, I decided that this was not my tool in terms of work safety, so I bought a reciprocating saw. I also needed a powerful puncher, which I used in drilling mode. Twist drills, hammer, chisel and mallet.

Although reciprocating saws are traditionally considered a demolition tool - sawing wooden partitions, frame elements, pipes, branches, etc., in capable hands this tool will become an indispensable assistant.


Having tried to work with a “saber”, I can say that she has proven herself perfectly. A file with wide teeth perfectly cuts wood along the fibers, adjusts planes, cuts grooves. Moreover, my tool is unprofessional, without a vibration damper, but it greatly simplified the assembly of the frame.

A bar with a section of 15x15 cm went to the frame. The reason is the weight and size characteristics of the material. We have already said above that the beauty of a half-timbered house largely depends on the massiveness of its frame. A beam of large section gives the structure monumentality and solidity.

Such a frame no longer looks like a cheap props.

The user reasoned as follows: a beam with a section of 10x10 cm looks frivolous, with a beam of 20x20 cm it is inconvenient to work alone, turn it over, not to mention lifting the beam to a height without using a crane or electric hoist. 15th beam - just right. It can be lifted alone, but it has enough massiveness for a half-timbered frame.

There is not a single nail connection in the half-timbered house from asx_75. All parts of the frame were fastened to ordinary purchased pins with a diameter of 2 cm.

Moreover, dowels are not just a connecting element, but play a large decorative role, giving the finished frame a genuine authenticity.


When hammering the pins, I first hammered them flush, but then, studying my photo archives, I noticed that half-timber builders often do not flush the pins flush with the surface of the beam, but leave a small “tail” about 3 cm long on the outside. I really liked this element. Moreover, then you can hang a planter with a flower on it.

The pins were not left round, but slightly planed on all sides, giving them the appearance of a hexagon. This makes the connection stronger. Holes for dowels in two elements, in the classical construction of a half-timbered (stand-beam) are not drilled symmetrically, but with a slight offset relative to each other. Those. first we drill the parts (separately from each other), and then we connect them and drive in the dowel. This also increases the strength of the connection, as when the dowel is clogged, due to asymmetrical holes, a hard jamming of the assembly occurs.

Note that the user refused this because of the significant complication of the work, especially since the “thorn-groove” + clogged dowel turned out to be very durable.

The holes for the dowels were drilled as follows: a twist drill for wood (2 cm in diameter), through a chuck, was driven into the beam by a puncher operating in the “drill” mode. Important point: the user made the first holes "by eye", as a result, the dowels went crooked. The next holes were already drilled at the corner level, which ensured the strict horizontality of the holes for the dowels.

Having dealt a little with the theoretical part, we turn to practice. The construction of a half-timbered house began with pouring the foundation. As a basis asx_75 chose a pile foundation. To do this, a hole with a diameter of 300 mm was drilled in the ground, to a depth of about 1 m; Next, the concrete was poured.

The level of the pile heads was brought to the horizon using a hydraulic level.

Tip: Deciding to repeat this species modern "folk" foundation, you should not save on roofing material and take a thicker one, because. thin keeps its shape worse, and the pile can turn out to be barrel-shaped.

This step was not without errors. The distance between the piles turned out to be different, because. the first piles were placed after 0.8 m. Then the user read that the distance could be increased to 2 m, but deciding to play it safe, reduced it and chose an intermediate value.

The error led to the asymmetry of the racks of the frame, because. attachment points fall on the pile installation sites. But this added a "zest" to the whole structure, because. often half-timbered houses do not have perfect symmetry, which makes them more "alive".

After the foundation was erected, a strapping made of timber with a section of 15x15 cm was placed on it. Such types of joints were used as half-wood and half-pan.

They were made as follows: a wedge-shaped spike is formed, a contour is outlined on the strapping, excess wood is drilled with a spiral drill, then a chisel comes into play, which forms a figured groove.

The strapping is fixed on the foundation with steel anchors, under which holes are drilled.

The user advises in advance, when pouring concrete, to lay threaded studs in piles.

Also, the timber was waterproofed / separated from the “body” of the pile with a ruberoid folded three times, the top of the pillars was smeared with a primer, and the entire piping was brought to the horizon by level.

Asx_75 . Our article tells. We also recommend articles, and. And the video shows the nuances of building a frame with a half-timbered facade.