Glue gun. How to choose a hot glue gun

In today's article, we will look at a tool that makes it possible to quickly and accurately glue together objects from different materials. This device is in great demand in many areas of the national economy. Due to the low cost of consumables, ease of use and simple design, the hot glue gun has become quite popular among craftsmen. The tool makes it possible not only to easily solve many practical tasks, but also to use it in the arrangement of interior design.

Hot glue gun features

The use of hot glue guns from year to year is becoming more popular in repairs and design tasks. This is explained by the fact that compounds produced using heated polymers have a lot of advantages:

  • The cost of consumables is much lower, and therefore the glue gun allows you to glue the necessary elements at a lower cost. In addition, given the numerous reviews of the masters, the finished connection is reliable and durable;
  • As consumable are used, which freeze literally within 3 minutes. Based on this, maximum fixation strength is achieved in a minimum time;
  • The fixing seam is not afraid of exposure to moisture;
  • The hot glue gun does an excellent job of bonding dissimilar materials, such as ceramics, wood, metal, polymers, etc. The only thing is that the surfaces to be bonded must be thoroughly cleaned and degreased!

Another important point ! The glue gun is not suitable for fixing surfaces made of concrete and plaster.

  • Even heated polymer glue will not cause the formation of toxic fumes;
  • With the help of hot glue, you can qualitatively seal cracks and grooves on the working surface;

  • Fastening with polymers in terms of its strength characteristics can be compared with metal fasteners. An additional advantage is that when disconnected, no traces of glue remain on the surface.

In addition to these advantages, the tool is great for children's creativity, while remaining simple and safe to use.

Function and design of the tool

In its appearance, the device strongly resembles a pistol, which played a role in choosing the name. To work, the glue gun is refilled special polyurethane rods, which melt, turning into a fluid consistency. The latter quickly hardens, fixing different materials together.

The rods are installed in the gun from the back. To date, there are models that can work with rods of 7-11 mm in diameter. Glue sticks are placed in a special receiver, where the tip of the material is in the heating module.

As already noted, when heated, the rod melts, turning into a viscous state, at which time the material receives penetrating and adhesive properties, but not for long - approximately 5 minutes! When you press the trigger, the adhesive mass pours out of the nozzle, falling onto the work surface.

For a long time, the design of the hot glue gun has not changed, offering all the same 4 main elements:

  • Nozzle called a nozzle or nozzle. With it, you can adjust the dosage of the adhesive composition squeezed onto the surface. Excludes accidental leakage of the solution shut-off valve located inside the nozzle. The nozzle itself is made of a metal alloy, from the outside it is covered with a heat-insulating material. For preventive purposes, after work, the nozzle should be well cleaned;
  • The next no less important element in the design of the glue gun is clutch . It is placed directly in front of the heating chamber and looks like a tubular receiver. The coupling provides tightness, preventing the molten composition from penetrating into the structure. It is worth noting that a clutch failure often renders the tool unusable;

  • Feed unit produced in the form ring pusher, which starts to move when you pull the trigger. It is performed mechanically, and therefore its design can hardly be called a reliable part of the mechanism, since with a strong pressure, the trigger may break. At the same time, for each type of hot glue gun, you must use your own rods - with the right diameter! In extreme cases, working with the tool will be difficult, in the worst case, the gun will break;
  • heating module is placed inside the barrel, performed in the form of a metal container. The heating unit is located at the bottom of the chamber. In higher models price category there may be several heating elements at once. The performance of a glue gun largely depends on the volume of the chamber and the power of the heating elements.

The heating unit is considered to be the most reliable element in the design of the tool, since it is able to work properly throughout the entire period of operation.

As for the body, it is made of durable and hard polymers, which not only tolerate high temperatures well, but also prevent this heat from being transmitted through themselves to the hand of the master. Some products in their design provide for special windows through which you can observe the rest of the rod.

For better coverage of the handle, its surface is equipped with an anti-slip insert. Often manufacturers supplement the package special stand, which makes working with the tool much more convenient.

Hot glue guns got their wide application both in construction and in everyday life, making it possible to glue different materials as simply, quickly and efficiently as possible.

What can be glued with a glue gun?

The great popularity of the device is due to the good reliability of the glued elements and the simple design of the device itself. The hot glue gun is often used not only by builders and craftsmen during repairs, but also by children at school. With it, you can quickly and efficiently pack different kind loads without spending a lot of money and time on it. And a large number of positive reviews makes it possible to form your own opinion about the ease of working with this tool. The low cost of glue sticks is also a big advantage of the device.

But what exactly can be glued with a glue gun? Today, the use of hot-melt adhesive is allowed when working with wood, glass, plastic and rubber products. In addition, cardboard, fabric, metal and ceramic materials, as well as foam plastic, are well fixed to each other. It will not work to glue only plaster and concrete.

Consumables and gun sizes may vary depending on the intended use. So, for example, for working at home, it is best to use small-sized models with 7 mm rods. For repair and construction works you will need a more powerful tool with 11 mm rods.

The length of the glue sticks can vary in the region of 40-200 mm. The adhesive composition is not sorted by color. Based on the purpose of the consumable, the melting point can vary between 100 and 200 degrees.

To date, transparent whitish rods are considered a more versatile material for a glue gun - they make it easy to glue surfaces of different materials together. Similar white opaque rods are often used by craftsmen to fix metal and glass surfaces. Adhesives in black are used, as a rule, for insulation and sealing. Yellow blanks do a better job of gluing cardboard, paper, and wooden surfaces.


Today in the store you can find several types of hot glue gun, which differ from each other in some features in the design. In models with a carousel trigger, the glue is squeezed out when the trigger is rotated along the axis. Other versions offer slider triggers that, when pressed, release the adhesive into the chamber parallel to the barrel.

There are also versions on the market that allow you to change the heating temperature. Such devices allow you to work with rods with different melting temperatures.

Small models are equipped with a long nozzle. Such devices are in most cases purchased for children, because they do not require a lot of force to pull the trigger, and the power of the device is minimal.

The hot glue gun is a great repair tool! In addition, it often finds its application in construction. A wide variety of models on the market makes it possible to easily choose the version that best suits the requirements for work, and a considerable range in terms of power and type of design allows you to use the device when performing both domestic and industrial tasks.

If you have not yet acquired such a useful tool as a glue gun, you should seriously consider buying. This is a multi-purpose electrical appliance designed for melting polyurethane rods. Molten material adheres well various materials, providing a reliable and durable seam, resistant to water and various liquids.

Thanks to the properties of polyurethane, the molten mass can be used to glue plastic, metal, wood, or to create various decorative items, design, modeling. Such tools are widely used by builders, designers, florists, a thermal gun is also suitable for children's creativity.

What can be glued with a heat gun?

The wide scope of the glue gun is due to the versatility of polyurethane. The composition melts at a temperature of 105 ° C and can glue almost any material that is resistant to such heating. True, there are also high-temperature polyamide rods that melt at 150 ° C - they should be used if the parts to be joined can be subjected to elevated temperatures, for example, are near a heater or battery.

After polymerization, the composition does not lose its properties and can be re-melted under the influence of appropriate temperatures - this should be taken into account before work is done.

What materials can be bonded with polyurethane adhesive?

  • Textiles - leather, cotton fabrics, silk, linen and others, with the exception of synthetics, which may be susceptible to high temperature.
  • Wood of all types - commercial, semi-commercial, firewood, as well as various materials made from wood waste.
  • Rubber, many types of plastic, dense polyethylene (including reinforced), polymers.
  • Some types of ceramics, faience, glass.
  • Metal products.
  • Paper, cardboard.

However, when working, you should take into account the features of the material itself. When gluing metal, the composition must be additionally heated with a hairdryer, since the base has a high thermal conductivity, the applied sticker instantly polymerizes. When working with ceramics, it is recommended to treat the glued area with sandpaper, removing the top layer of glaze.

How to use a glue gun?

In fact, using a glue gun is very simple - the main controls are the trigger key, temperature controller (if any), pusher sleeve, pistol-type handle.

In the gun, the polyurethane adhesive rod is loaded from the back, the key acts on the pusher sleeve, moving the rod into a two-component thermal chamber made of metal and plastic, where it is heated. After about 3-5 minutes, the mass is ready for use.

With the help of a trigger, the rest of the sticker advances, creating pressure, to the thermal chamber and squeezing out liquid glue through the nozzle. Thus, the entire rod is gradually heated, after which a new one should be installed.

Operating rules

How to use a glue gun correctly? General rules are simple.

  • Everything needs to be prepared in advance. necessary materials, mark the connection points of the parts.
  • Clean the materials to be bonded from dust, technical fluids or other contaminants.
  • Turn on the device or connect it to the mains by placing it on a special stand.
  • Insert the glue stick into the gun. Even if a nipple is installed in the nozzle, the melt will still come out, so you should put a piece of cardboard under it.
  • Do not apply force when pressing the trigger, the performance of the thermal gun depends on its power and the temperature in the heating chamber. Excessive mechanical impact can lead to an early breakdown.
  • The glue intensively comes out when you press the key, it is applied pointwise or over the entire plane, the main thing is to take into account the polymerization time, which rarely exceeds 15 minutes.
  • After applying the composition, quickly connect the glued elements.
  • Upon completion of work, the nozzle should be cleaned of adhesive residue.

During the break between work, it is recommended to disconnect the glue gun from the mains - this will reduce the consumption of the adhesive composition.

Using the device in construction

With the help of a thermal gun, you can perform various construction and repair work. For such purposes, powerful models with a large diameter glue stick are best suited. They can quickly distribute a large amount of adhesive on a vertical or horizontal surface.

What construction and repair work can be done with a glue gun?

  • Fill cavities, cracks and even holes of small or medium diameter.
  • Fix wires or utilities.
  • Connect glass parts or glue glass elements to the base.
  • The polyurethane composition qualitatively glues wooden and plastic skirting boards, lightweight polymer structures, which will not be subjected to a large load, plastic panels, hooks, decorative ornaments.

The polyurethane composition adheres well to almost all surfaces, but you should know when working with which materials its properties are useless:

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • silicone;
  • drywall;
  • Styrofoam;
  • low density polyethylene.

The universal polymer composition is very convenient to heat up and make various piece products from it, to produce decorative works or paint with molten mass different colors. Often a glue gun is used in modeling, making frames and other structures.

If the device is purchased for needlework, special attention should be paid to its configuration - some models have a number of different nozzles with different nozzle diameters or an elongated feed spout, which is convenient when working in "blind zones" or recesses.

How to choose a thermal gun?

Presented on the market the widest selection various models and modifications of thermal guns. To determine which one is best suited for certain tasks, you need to clearly define the purpose of the acquisition.

If the device is needed for needlework, then it is better to choose a tool for small diameter stickers. For repair or construction, productive models are suitable - they are able to produce a significant amount of melt, which is required for gluing large areas.

Before choosing a suitable glue gun, you should understand its main technical parameters.

  • Power.

For amateur-class pistols, the heater power rarely exceeds 150 W, professional devices are an order of magnitude more powerful and consume 300 W or more. However, this characteristic only matters when buying a tool for construction work, when the speed of glue supply plays a decisive role.

  • Performance.

The parameter indicates how much composition comes out in one minute. The average value is from 5 to 30 g.

  • Temperature regime.

Standard rods melt at a temperature of 105°C, but most models heat up the composition at a temperature of 170-190°C. A technological solution is being introduced to reduce the time of the initial heating of the sticker, as well as for convenience - such tools melt any rods, including high-temperature ones, with high quality. There are also low-temperature guns with a limit value of 105-110°C.

Functional and design features

Structurally, all thermal guns are quite similar to each other: compact dimensions, mains power supply, trigger key. However, if you plan to often work with the tool and perform various operations with it, pay attention to its option.

By the way, the functionality of a seemingly simple tool is impressive.

  1. Temperature control - it can be smooth or stepped. A wide range of temperature settings is certainly a great advantage, but such devices are more expensive.
  2. The presence of automation - sometimes the microprocessor “monitors” the temperature, which independently sets the optimal temperature at different stages of work (warming up, application, standby mode).
  3. Indicator - will tell you when the mass has melted and is ready for application.
  4. Power button - in between use, the gun does not have to be disconnected from the mains.
  5. Viewing window - allows you to control the rest of the adhesive mass, as well as monitor the integrity of the coupling (the coupling retains the melted glue, but over time, the rubber parts wear out and the composition penetrates into the body, which leads to more serious damage).

Among design features it is worth noting the possibility of disconnecting the power cable, this will allow you to use the glue gun autonomously for 15-20 minutes.

There are also models according to the type of power supply: mains and battery. Battery operation greatly expands the freedom of action, but in this case, the use of the tool is limited by the capacity of the battery. On average, cordless guns can be operated for no longer than 45 minutes, after which recharging is required.

What you need to know about glue sticks?

The glue gun is designed to melt polyurethane rods, they are also called stickers. The adhesive composition is classified by diameter, length, color and purpose. The dimensions of the rod are mostly standard: diameter - 7 or 11 mm, length - from 10 to 30 cm. There are other, less common types.

The purpose of the glue is conventionally indicated by color:

  • transparent - universal application;
  • black - for sealing;
  • red - high temperature.

However, this is not a strict requirement, each manufacturer may deviate from the basic rules. The detailed composition and scope of the sticker should be indicated on the packaging.

Compositions of universal application are produced in a wide range color scheme, there are also metallic and shiny stickers. Thus, the glue gun can be used for creativity and the popular “hand-made” direction today, for repairing, sealing and gluing products of any color.

One of the most used tools in everyday life is increasingly becoming a glue gun. Glue thermo guns are used for needlework and repair. So that such a tool does not roll around at home without use, it is important to take the choice seriously. suitable model and also find out what it is applicable for.

What is a hot glue gun used for and how does it work?

The glue gun is a compact-sized electrical appliance that looks like a gun. Glue for it is used in the form of rods, different in size, marking and color scheme. The principle of operation is that the tool heats the glue rod inside it, melts it and doses it through a narrow tip.

Before you buy a glue gun, you should familiarize yourself with useful information about them, which can be found below.

Thermal guns in everyday life are used for repairs and needlework.

What does the heat gun glue:

  • wood,
  • plastic,
  • metal (before that it is desirable to warm up),
  • glass,
  • the cloth,
  • ceramics,
  • carpets,
  • rubber,
  • cardboard,
  • paper,
  • some types of plastics and others.

Thermal guns are not used for:

  • polyethylene,
  • polystyrene,
  • fine synthetic fabrics
  • concrete,
  • plasters.

Thermal guns can also be used to glue different textures and details together. Thermal guns are widely used in design work during repairs, for decorating, making crafts, collages, panels, when creating compositions from flowers, cones, branches, buttons and much more.

The advantages of a glue gun are as follows:

  1. Bonding of elements occurs instantly (1-3 minutes).
  2. Great for most materials.
  3. The connection has high strength (parts can only be separated by heating).
  4. Leaves almost no residue when removed.
  5. Well fills voids, impregnates, seals seams.
  6. Hardens completely to the full depth (useful for sealing).
  7. The glue is non-toxic even when molten.
  8. The seam at the gluing site is well resistant to moisture.
  9. Glue sticks have long term storage.
  10. Profitability of gluing (glue is fed from the gun very thinly, and spare rods for the glue gun are relatively inexpensive).
  11. The gun is quite safe and ergonomic (suitable even for children's creativity).

Types of glue guns and glue selection

How to choose a glue gun? There are various classification of hot glue guns. The main subdivides them into professional and household. The second volumetric criterion divides pistols into automatic and mechanical.

All automatic thermoguns belong to professional(used more on conveyors).

household do pistols have mechanical glue supply(by pulling the trigger) and are themselves divided into types depending on the choice of criteria.

  1. The diameter of the cartridges of the adhesive rod for thermal guns. Most often there are pistols with a cartridge diameter of 7 and 11 mm (there may be 7–8 and 11–12). 7mm is suitable for infrequent use in everyday life (1-2 times a month). If the gun is used constantly (for example, during repairs), it is recommended to choose a cartridge diameter of 11 mm. A larger diameter will provide more speed and allow you to master more significant amounts of work.
  2. Heating temperature of glue in thermal guns. In modern models of pistols, temperature fluctuations are from 105 to 200 degrees (there are up to 500). For the usual rare use of a glue gun and with the use of a classic glue stick, a heating temperature of 105 degrees is sufficient. Increasing the temperature also increases the speed of the hot glue gun.
  3. The speed of the hot glue gun. The speed range for glue guns ranges from 5 to 30 g of glue supplied per minute. High speed is important when gluing large parts, as hot melt adhesive dries and hardens very quickly and it will be almost impossible to cover a large surface area with it at a low speed. With decorative and finely repair work a speed of 5–15 grams per minute is sufficient.
  4. Power. The power of the thermal gun is directly proportional to the two previous characteristics. To increase it, you can also add the heating rate parameter of the thermal gun itself. It varies around 4-5 minutes. The faster the gun heats up, the higher the heating temperature and feed rate, the greater the power of the glue gun itself. And vice versa.
  5. Hot glue gun trigger. The triggers are swivel and slider. Professionals appreciate the swivel option more for convenient operation and easy, accurate dosing. There are also hammerless pistols in which the hot glue rod is pushed through with your fingers.
  6. Frame hot glue gun. The body of the heat gun must contain a very tight check valve. In its absence or poor quality in the case of vertical operation with the nozzle up, the glue may leak and flood the contacts and the trigger, after which the gun will be unsuitable for work.
  7. Hot glue gun cord. Thermal guns come with cords, with detachable cords and rechargeable. The cord can sometimes interfere with work and restrict movement, the battery makes the pistol heavier, the pistol with a detachable cord works after disconnecting it from the mains for 10–20 minutes.
  8. Nozzles hot glue gun. There are models with only one nozzle, models with different nozzles, and models that allow changing nozzles. When choosing a nozzle, it is recommended to pay attention to the item “protection against drops”. Such nozzles contain a ball inside and do not allow glue to drip in ready mode.

When choosing a heat gun, you can also take into account some additional criteria:

Varieties of hot melt adhesive

Part of the classification of glue for hot air guns depends on the gun itself. It is recommended to choose hot glue according to the following parameters:

  1. Diameter and length. The most popular rod diameters are 7mm and 11mm, corresponding to popular handgun cartridge diameters. The length varies from 4 to 20 cm and also depends on the length of the cartridge into which the glue rod is to be inserted.
  2. Melting temperature. The melting temperature range of the adhesive usually ranges from 100 to 150 degrees. When choosing, it is important to consider temperature regime gun, for which hot glue is selected and the place of its application. When gluing places with little heat, it is recommended to choose high-temperature rods. And vice versa.
  3. Colour. A white transparent rod is universal. Opaque colored rods (except black) can also be classified as universal. Their choice depends on the color of the surface to be glued so that the junction is the least noticeable. White opaque rods are usually marked and are used for working with glass and metal. Yellow transparent hot melt adhesive is used for working with wood, paper and cardboard. The black and gray rods work as sealants and insulation. The color range is very large. Appointment and physical properties each adhesive can be checked on its packages.

Using a glue gun: instructions

  1. Workplace preparation. It is important to protect surfaces from falling on them drops of glue.
  2. Pistol installation. To do this, you need to fold the leg-stand.
  3. Switching on the device. Connecting the battery or connecting the cord to the network. If there is a button on the case, turn it on.
  4. Kernel. It is necessary to insert the glue stick all the way into the hole in the back of the gun.
  5. Heat. The waiting time for heating depends on the type of gun and is usually 4-5 minutes. When the gun is ready to fire, a drop of glue appears on its nose.
  6. Surface preparation. Dirt and dust must be removed from the surface, dried, if necessary, sanded.
  7. Glue supply. To apply glue, you need to press the trigger of the thermal gun. The amount of glue depends on the number and depth of trigger pulls.
  8. Connecting surfaces. After applying the adhesive, the surfaces are connected. It is important to immediately dock the seam exactly, otherwise it will be impossible to move it later. Hold the joint for a few seconds for the glue to set.
  9. Rod replacement. If the glue stick is over, it is recommended to insert a new one into the hole and, pressing a little, advance the previous one. When changing colored rods, if a different color is required to continue working, the rod must be removed by scrolling it around its axis (the gun must be heated). After inserting a new rod, you need to pull the trigger several times to remove the remnants of the previous color.
  10. Upon completion of work with a thermal gun, it is turned off from the network, and the nozzle is wiped with a piece of cardboard. Glue threads left after work can be easily removed by hand or with a vacuum cleaner with a small brush.

Safety when using a hot glue gun

The safety rules with a glue gun are quite simple and are as follows:

  1. It is important to enclose the workplace from small children and pets, as high temperatures (up to 200 degrees) can cause injury.
  2. During operation, the gun must be installed with the nozzle down on the stand.
  3. Observe safety precautions when working with hot glue to prevent burns.
  4. The switched on thermal gun must not be left unattended.
  5. Dropping the appliance may cause a fire.
  6. If you use the glue gun continuously for a long time, you need to leave it alone for 5 minutes every hour.

How to use a glue gun, video:

If you sometimes have to glue fabric, natural or artificial leather, or glue rhinestones and various kinds of jewelry, then your tool kit must have a glue gun. Simple models of such an adhesive thermal gun are inexpensive (starting from 300 rubles). It is only important to choose the right pistol model so that it is convenient to use, since it can be used not only for needlework, but also for other repair and construction work.

The glue gun is also called "hot glue", which very accurately reflects its principle of operation. The glue stick is inserted into the "muzzle", where it is melted and fed in a liquid and at the same time hot form to the desired area.

About how to safely use a glue gun, how to choose it and what can be glued with it except for jewelry for needlework.

This diagram shows the device of a thermal gun of any model. The glue stick is installed in a special hole. Then this electrical appliance is connected with a cord to a 220 volt network. However, there are models that do not work from the network, but from the battery. Accordingly, they will cost much more than conventional models.

After a few minutes (5-10), the built-in heater will melt the hard glue stick. When you pull the trigger and from the nozzle of the gun, drops of hot glue will be supplied.

To make it safer and more convenient to work with hot glue, the temperature of which can burn the skin, there is a special leg (stand) on the gun body.

Glue guns are not only different appearance, body size and different parameters of its operation, but also the diameter of the glue stick (7 or 11 mm). A number of models work with rods with a diameter of 7 mm, for others, rods with a diameter of 11 mm are used.

For small decorative sewing work, needlework, it is better to use guns designed for glue sticks with a diameter of 7mm. Firstly, the size of the body of such a gun will be smaller and more compact, and secondly, the glue will heat up faster. Accordingly, his price will be significantly lower than a pistol designed for professional installation and construction work.

Glue sticks intended for needlework are produced not only colorless, but also colored. This allows you to glue rhinestones, jewelry without traces of the glued area. There are also special rods with various kinds of fillers, such as glitter. Consider all this when buying a gun and rods for it.

The thermal gun is used for different purposes, hence their prices from hundreds of rubles to several thousand. But for needlework there is no need for a powerful heating element, high speed and high productivity. It is enough to buy an inexpensive pistol in the range of 300-500 rubles and it will work efficiently and reliably. And if necessary, it can be used for other purposes, for example, for repairing shoes, broken ceramics, etc.

If you choose an inexpensive model of a thermal gun, then you should remember that you can use it for a limited time (15-20 minutes) followed by a break for cooling. This is due to the fact that the heating element for such models does not turn off automatically and the adhesive can simply overheat, which will lead to a number of negative consequences. For example, the glue will start to flow out of the joints of the case, "fill in" not only the surface of the desktop, but also the internal parts of the electric heater.

The glue heating temperature is another parameter by which you need to choose a glue gun. The low temperature regime starts from 105 degrees of heating of the glue stick, and professional models can heat the glue up to 200 degrees. Accordingly, they will also have heating elements of different power, from 20 to 100 watts or more. For needlework, it is better to buy a low-power pistol. True, it heats the glue more slowly and cools faster, but hot glue will not damage the fabric or other material.
For those who need a universal glue gun, we can advise you to buy a model with switching heating mode (105 and 165 degrees).

The nozzle of the gun can have not only a conical shape, but another. For needlework, an elongated and long nose is best suited. Firstly, you will be able to regulate the supply of glue, which will facilitate the work of gluing small rhinestones, sequins, etc. And secondly, with a long nose it will be easier to get to hard-to-reach places.

Pay attention to the quality of the case material, as well as the tightness of the connection of its parts. In case you forget to turn off the thermal gun, reliable connections of its parts and durable body material will protect your hands from hot glue that has melted and flowed out of the body slots. Leading brands of glue gun manufacturers - Bosch, Dremel, Makita, Hammer, etc.

As mentioned above, first install the glue stick. Then plug this electrical appliance into an outlet. Wait 5-10 minutes. Glue warm-up time depends on rod diameter and power heating element, which you can read in detail in the instructions attached to it.

Before you start gluing, check to see if the hot glue will come out as a drop. If the glue does not drip, then the rod is not yet fully heated. For some models, the glue is supplied with a viscous jet. After that, apply glue to the required places and install the jewelry, rhinestones, etc. you have prepared.

Prepare in advance everything you need for work. Make a marking of the places where glue should be applied, prepare the accessories and materials you need, jewelry. The operating time of an inexpensive model gun is limited and will need to be turned off to cool. For inexpensive models, the work time is 15-20 minutes, and even better if you have time to do the intended work in 10 minutes. Please note that the weaker the power of the heating element of the gun, the faster you need to work, since the glue will heat up to a temperature of only 105 degrees, and therefore it will harden faster.

After work, install the gun on a special plate, approximately, as shown in this photo. This will keep your table from leaking hot glue residue.

5. What can be glued with "hot glue"

The glue gun is used not only for needlework, gluing rhinestones when sewing clothes and various jewelry. It is also used for gluing wood, ceramics, chipboard, plastics and other materials.

Molten adhesive can be used to seal gaps in window frames, seams to honey tiles, performance of various sanitary works (sealing of connections). It is very convenient to use such a gun when restoring book bindings. You can even perform simple shoe repair, etc.

Like any other electrical appliance, a glue gun requires certain safety precautions. You can see in this photo to what extent you can get burned with hot glue if you allow the gun to overheat and hot glue flows out of the slots in its body.

Do not forget also that the wire connecting the gun to the socket must be in good condition, removed from the hands of a working person. If possible, choose a wire in a thick protective braid and preferably not too short.

Such a device as a hot glue gun came to the power tool market only a few years ago, so this product can not be found in every home. However, on the other hand, in every household there is a task that can be easily solved by using a glue gun, since repairing certain things using gluing is a fairly common occurrence.

The glue gun owes its "combat" name to the similarity with the weapon of the same name. Indeed, the body of the product is very reminiscent of a combat pistol - a similar shape, the presence of a trigger, a barrel. Yes, and with cartridges, you can draw an analogy - the thermal gun is "charged" with glue rods.

How to choose a hot glue gun

The choice of this product depends on the type of work for which the thermal gun is purchased. Getting to know the most important parameters, functions and additional features of the gun will help you choose the right model.

Tool class

Like other power tool positions, various models of heat guns are classified into professional and household models. When choosing a product for home needs, you should not pay attention to professional and expensive models, because in this case we are talking about tools for any kind of production.

Enterprises operate in continuous mode with automatic and constant supply of glue sticks, or positions with increased resource and high cost. For amateur use, a household-class instrument is quite suitable, the cost of which usually does not exceed 1000 rubles.


The main difference between glue sticks is the size of their diameter. It can have two indicators - 7 and 11mm.

Before use, you need to find out what diameter the rods support this model of glue gun.

If it is supposed to use the tool from time to time, a pistol with a seven-millimeter rod is enough.

If we are talking about constant repair work with a relatively high consumption of glue, it would be optimal to purchase a model with an eleven-millimeter rod.
For example, the model of the glue gun PK 11/100 of the Stavr trademark. The number 11 in the article indicates what diameter the consumable element has.

Melting temperature

Intuitively, a non-professional can also guess - the higher the heating temperature, the greater the performance of the tool.

For a household grade tool, the temperature ranges from 105-200 degrees. This run is due to the fact that some materials are sensitive to high temperatures (paper, cardboard, rubber) and when working with these things, the minimum melting temperature is set, that is, 105 degrees.

However, not all models of thermal guns have the ability to adjust the temperature, and therefore the value of this parameter is constant for them (for example, only 105 or only 200 degrees).
Positions with the possibility of adjustment are in the line of thermal guns of the Dremel brand.