Bed near the ceiling in a small apartment. Bed under the ceiling: recommendations for choosing, types, design, photos in various styles

For small apartments, it is important to use every meter of space in the room competently. In such rooms it is very difficult to maintain practicality and functionality without compromising appearance. good option saving space will make the bed under the ceiling.

Usually such a bed has one or two beds upstairs, where both an adult and a child can easily sleep. At the bottom, most often there is a table, an armchair, a sofa, or even shelves for storing things.

Variety of loft beds

Beds under the ceiling differ in their functionality and are divided into several types:

  • Mini loft bed. This is a multifunctional version of the bed for children from 3 years old. The sleeping place is at a small height from the floor - about 80 centimeters. Below are built-in cabinets and drawers.
  • Bed with storage space. An ordinary loft bed with built-in wardrobes, wardrobe, drawers at the bottom.
  • Loft bed with work area. This bed usually combines a place for studying, playing, working and sleeping. Downstairs can be a computer, a desk.
  • Bunk bed - has 2 beds - upper and lower. In the case of a loft bed, the lower one can be located separately from the main body (sofa, folding chair, bed).
  • French bed to the ceiling. This bed is attached to the ceiling. The principle of operation of the mechanism is similar to the operation of an elevator. There is a bed on one side and rails and a counterweight on the other. Very unusual and an option and a good design solution. Lights can be built into the bottom of the case, and no one will even think that a bed is hanging above them.

  • It is also worth distinguishing between models for children and adults. Usually adult models consist of a more durable frame, and have a discreet design. The children's bed, on the other hand, has bright colors, and a light frame with rounded corners that protects against impacts.

We assemble a loft bed with our own hands

Loft bed can have different kinds mounts. For example, traditional 4 supports, or 2 racks - then the opposite corners are attached to the wall. There are also mounting options between walls in narrow rooms and wall and ceiling mount.

Drawing and dimensions

In our case, the bed size will be as follows:

  • Length - 213 cm.
  • Width - 153 cm.
  • Height - 214 cm.
  • The distance from the floor to the bed frame is 167 cm.
  • Mattress length - 200 cm.
  • Mattress width - 140 cm.

The drawing of our bed looks like this:

Necessary materials


Quantity, pcs.

Drawing number


Clear acrylic lacquer

Furniture dowels

Fittings and fasteners

The list of materials and accessories is approximate, as it may differ in specific cases. It all depends on the availability of goods in the store and your design (see).

Tools Used

  • screwdriver
  • Drills for wood in various sizes
  • Hacksaw or electric jigsaw
  • square
  • Roulette
  • Level
  • Screwdriver
  • Pencil
  • Brush and sponge for applying varnish and stain
  • furniture key
  • Sandpaper

Making a loft bed with your own hands

So, all materials and tools are prepared, and we are ready to assemble a loft bed with our own hands.

  1. First of all, we mark and cut out the details according to the drawing. Be sure to use a square when marking.
  2. Carefully process all burrs and sharp corners with sandpaper. If you bought raw bars, then you need to go through them with a grinder.
  3. Now you need to drill holes for fasteners. Do not drill holes for all the details at once, assemble the bed in stages.
  4. We will start with the back, which will be connected to the supports. To screw the parts evenly, first they need to be put on furniture dowels. Drill recesses under them and connect as shown in the figure.

Note! Recesses and holes need to be drilled not in the center, but somewhat from the edge. For example, if you bought a board 20 cm wide, then the center of the hole in the beam will be 10 cm from the edge.

  1. Drill all the recesses and holes in these six headboard pieces. Before drilling a through hole, make sure that it is really needed in this place..

  1. Now you can fasten all the elements into the finished back with furniture bolts using a screwdriver and a hexagon.
  2. Attach plastic or rubber spacers to lower part racks to protect the floor from scratches.

Attention! Be sure to check each corner when assembling, all corners must be strictly 90 degrees.

  1. Assemble the second backrest in the same way as the first.
  2. Connect both backs with a beam using dowels. Fasten it with two bolts, but not completely, so that you can insert other parts.

  1. Next, assemble the corner beam. To do this, fasten two boards with bolts. Insert dowels from the end and fasten to the backs.

Advice! For horizontal bars, birch window sills can be used instead of bars.

  1. In the same way, attach one beam from the bottom, which will be on the side of the wall.
  2. Fasten the limiters on top so as not to fall during sleep. On one side, make room for a ladder.

  1. When the structure is complete, fully tighten the bolts. For reliability, you can strengthen the connections with metal corners.
  2. Assemble the ladder and fasten it to the body.

  1. Complete the base of the bed with strips of plywood on which the mattress will lie. Fasten them to the body, this will give additional rigidity to the structure. You can also attach a chipboard sheet instead of strips of plywood.
  2. Treat the bed with stain and varnish.
  3. And finally, the most pleasant part of the work - laying the mattress.

Advice! For a beautiful design of the bed ceiling, you can pull a white fabric over it using hooks. Holes for hooks can be made in the form of metal rivets with a hole.

Owners small apartments especially appreciate every free meter of living space. This also applies to the arrangement of a bed, which, as a rule, takes up a lot of space within a small room. In such cases, the ideal option is to install a loft bed. It fits perfectly into the interior, significantly expands the practicality and functionality of the room due to built-in elements. Such furniture can have one or more beds. Today we will tell you how to make a bed under the ceiling with your own hands with additional elements.

Bed under the ceiling - a whim or a necessity?

Small-sized housing cannot boast of a sufficient amount of free space, which is why residents face the problem of optimal use of the available space. Naturally, everyone wants the house to have enough space for a full-fledged living, but it is not always possible to competently combine the limited space for entertainment and sleep.

Important! An example of competent optimization can be considered the option when the working area is located under the bed, and the shelves play the role of steps.

Many tenants, trying to get out of the situation, buy an ordinary sofa so that it can be assembled and laid out as needed. But you must agree that not a single folding sofa can replace a full-fledged bed with an orthopedic mattress. There is a way out of the situation - a loft bed that rises or falls with one movement of the hand.

Important! Children are delighted with such furniture with beautiful staircase and shelves for storage.

Positive and negative sides of beds under the ceiling

Have you decided to make a bed under the ceiling with your own hands? Then check out the main features of this furniture first, because they can be both negative and positive.

Benefits of a loft bed:

  • One hundred percent saving of free space under the bed.
  • Any guest will be surprised by the presence of such an interesting piece of furniture.
  • This bed can be installed anywhere.
  • Homemade design can be easily decomposed and folded.

Cons of a bed under the ceiling:

  • You will have to spend a lot of money to buy all the necessary materials.
  • Some people experience discomfort just from the mere thought that they may fall during sleep and be seriously injured.

After analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that installing a loft bed is an ideal way to save living space.

Important! Directly under the place to sleep, you can put a table or sofa, plus there will still be room for a person to walk in full growth. Professional designers and engineers develop unique designs that are almost invisible and light.

Varieties of beds under the ceiling

These multifunctional, versatile pieces of furniture, depending on their intended purpose and the availability of additional options, are divided into the following types:

  • Mini loft bed. They are used more often for arranging children's rooms in order to create a safe sleeping place at a small height from the floor level. From below, such furniture has built-in and drawers.
  • Bunk models. They, as a rule, have two beds, which are located, respectively, on the upper and lower tiers.
  • Loft bed with work area. main feature Such a model consists in a combination of a table and a bed, that is, it allows children to do their homework, play at the computer, and, if they wish, immediately go to rest.
  • French bed. This - best example the most successful design solution. In this case, the ceiling plays the role of a support for the suspension mechanism. The bed itself can rise to the desired height right up to the ceiling. At the bottom, if desired, you can install a lamp or some decorative elements.

Important! It should be noted that beds under the ceiling are necessarily divided into adults and children: the former have a more restrained design and a reliable frame, while the latter are decorated in bright colors and they often have a lightweight frame with safe rounded edges.

Preparing to create a loft bed

Before you make a bed under the ceiling with your own hands, be sure to take care of developing a drawing to create a design.

  • Be sure to take into account the functionality of the bed and the maximum level of safety in terms of future operation.
  • It is necessary to decide on the option of fastening the structure. This can be done using four supports or two racks, fixing opposite corners to the wall surface. In addition, the base can be attached between a ceiling and a wall or two walls.

In our case, create a drawing with the following settings:

  • Case length - 214 cm.
  • Case width - 154 cm.
  • Case height - 215 cm.
  • Mattress width - 140 cm.
  • Mattress length - 200 cm.
  • The distance from the body to the base is 165 cm.

What tools do you need to make a loft bed?

After the drawing is built, check if you have everything in stock necessary tools, namely:

  • Building level.
  • Simple pencil.
  • Furniture key.
  • Yardstick.
  • Square.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hacksaw or electric jigsaw.
  • Drill with drill bits for wood.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Brush or sponge for applying furniture varnish and stain.

Step-by-step production of a bed under the ceiling

If you have already prepared a drawing, all necessary materials, blanks and tools, then it is time to start the main stage of work. Carefully study each step so that you do not lose sight of any important detail.

Make the bed according to the instructions:

  • In accordance with the drawing, mark and cut out all the necessary details using a square.
  • Treat wooden elements with sandpaper to get a perfect flat surface without sharp corners and roughness.
  • Drill holes for fasteners in sequence in all parts.
  • Assemble the backrests with supports. Pre-connect all the details with furniture dowels, so that later they can be screwed evenly.

Important! Make sure that all parts are connected at an angle of 90 degrees.

  • Attach rubber or plastic protective soles to the bottom of the uprights.
  • Connect both backrests to the beam using furniture dowels. This is done in order to install other parts of the bed.
  • Install the corner beam. First, bolt two boards together, then attach them to the backs with dowels.
  • By analogy, fix the lower beam from the side of the wall.
  • In the upper zone, install limiters to ensure the safety of the sleeping person from falling.
  • Attach a ladder to one side of the structure.
  • Check the reliability of all connections, if necessary, reinforce the bed with metal corners.
  • Attach the finished ladder to the body of the bed.
  • Supplement the base in the mattress laying area with pieces of plywood or a solid piece of chipboard to give the body an additional level of reliability.
  • Treat the wood with furniture varnish or wood stain.
  • Put the mattress back in place.

Proper placement of furniture in a small room will emphasize the chosen style of the interior. A bed under the ceiling frees up space for the installation of upholstered or cabinet furniture, including a sofa, wardrobe and desk.

The advantages of placing a bed under the ceiling:

  • Competent optimization of living space.
  • A variety of designs and the possibility of making a bed according to an individual project.
  • Installation of fixed models of furniture with additional fall protection.
  • Furniture can be placed anywhere, focusing only on the height of the ceilings.

A sleeping place built under the ceiling is suitable for arranging a small living room. Under the bed there is a working area or a cozy corner for relaxation. In the children's room, you can additionally equip a playground.

In the process of installing the bed, you should consider:

  • Financial expenses. The design is considered expensive, since its installation requires careful preparation of the space.
  • Personal needs. Some people are afraid to sleep at a height, so such beds can cause not only a feeling of fear, but also physical discomfort.
  • Safety technology. The sleeping place under the ceiling is forbidden to be used by small children. Beds must be equipped with sides and other means of protection.
  • Visual reduction of free space in the room.
  • The need to install additional lighting, which is mounted in the base of the bed.

IN classic interior furniture under the ceiling looks out of place. It is more suitable for mixed or modern design rooms, especially when it comes to the style of minimalism.

How is the bed under the ceiling

The furniture placed under the ceiling is multi-component, so the reliability and safety of the structure depends on the skills of the specialists involved in the installation. Installation should only be carried out by professionals. A popular option for a bed built under the ceiling is a mezzanine bed. Designers develop a drawing of this structure, focusing on the structure of the frame, decoration options and maximum loads. The choice of mattress affects the functionality and comfort of the bed.

Components of the frame:

  • A flat wooden surface that is used as a base for a bed. It is recommended to use pre-treated solid wood without roughness and pointed corners. If the bed is designed to complement the high-tech, loft or techno style, the frame is made of metal.
  • Collars for protection against falling during a dream. The headboard is also additionally used as a fence. Some owners of furniture under the ceiling refuse limiters, thereby ignoring safety precautions.
  • Fixing elements for fixing the structure to walls and ceilings. It is allowed to install a bed between two walls or in a corner (combined mounting to the ceiling and wall).
  • A wooden, metal or rope ladder that is securely attached to the body.
  • Additional base made of lamellas, plywood or chipboard. It is installed in the mattress laying area to improve the orthopedic properties of the bed.

In terms of decorating the bed, there are no special restrictions. For example, you can install a bed bench, traditional for a Russian hut, which is placed between the ceiling and the stove. This option for arranging a bed is suitable for country houses, made in ethnic style. IN modern apartments designers recommend using carved metal or wooden sides, stylish stairs and exquisite bedding for decoration.

The frame is assembled directly under the ceiling at a height of about 250-300 cm, so the structural components are developed according to the drawings, based on the layout of the room. Upon completion of the installation, the reliability of all connections is checked.

The sleeping place can be designed in the form of a pedestal, leaving space near it for the installation of related furniture, including bedside tables and storage boxes. In this case, the design is designed for increased loads in the region of 800 kg. If it comes to arranging only a place to sleep, which can be occupied by several people, the bed must withstand 300 kg.

Built-in furniture under the ceiling will be an interesting and unusual solution for arranging the interior of a living room, master bedroom or children's room. The design must be safe and comfortable, especially if it is intended for a child.

How to choose a place for mounting a bed under the ceiling

Comfortable ceiling bed has one or two beds. If the base under the mattress is placed without a pedestal, its dimensions are equal to the dimensions of a regular single or double bed. That is, from 80 to 200 cm wide and from 170 to 220 cm long are enough to accommodate furniture.

Mounting options:

  • Between two opposite walls are placed structures designed to narrow spaces. The bed will resemble a mezzanine.
  • Placement in a corner will allow you to attach furniture to two walls and a ceiling. This is the most reliable mounting system that will perfectly complement the interior of a square-shaped room.
  • Niche installation - perfect solution to save space. The bed can be installed in a small hallway or on a spacious balcony. Fasteners are installed on three walls and the ceiling. Additionally, a canopy is used to separate the bed from the rest of the room.

A small apartment is a challenge for those who want to properly equip their living space. Good advice can help in this difficult matter. In the new review, 17 such tips-photos were collected at once, each of which is worth paying attention to.

1. Magic accordion

A spacious double bed that folds like an accordion and turns into one of the walls of a small console table. Such a functional console will perfectly fit into the interior of a one-room apartment or a tiny bedroom, or will become an extra bed in case of guests.

2. Pull-out bed

Stylish snow-white chest of drawers, the bottom drawer of which is actually a full-fledged double bed, which can be easily pulled out in the evening and just as easily pushed back in the daytime.

3. Two in one

A simple single bed with an orthopedic mattress, under the frame of which another identical bed with adjustable legs is hidden. This set of furniture can be used as two separate beds or put them close to get a spacious double bed.

4. Bookcase with a secret

A modern, comfortable fold-down bed tucked into the bottom of a large bookcase is a great idea for a one-room apartment or tiny bedroom in a small space.

5. Comprehensive approach

Stylish furniture transformer, which consists of a narrow wardrobe, many shelves, a sofa and a folding bed. Such a piece of furniture is ideal for arranging a one-room apartment in which the living room is both a place for receiving guests, and an office, and a bedroom.

6. Smaller than small

A simple and very concise bed that easily folds into an armchair, stool or nightstand. Thanks to its compact and lightweight design, this piece of furniture can be easily moved from room to room or even taken with you on a trip.

7. Bed-wardrobe

Spacious wardrobe with a bed on top, which will help to climb ladder, whose steps are also bookshelves - ideal for a small bedroom.

8. From underground

A podium with a hidden roll-out bed on wheels will be a stylish and practical idea for arranging a modern one-room apartment or loft-style apartment and will allow you to combine a bedroom and living room in a limited space.

9. Wardrobe bed

Comfortable double bed, which can be raised at any time, turning it into part of an ordinary wooden cabinet with two narrow cases on the sides for storing all sorts of things.

10. Constructor

Two small sofas that fold together turn into an original and spacious double bed and can be used as a main or extra bed in a small apartment.

11. Chair-bed

A soft, bright armchair that easily turns into a compact bed for one is the perfect solution for big family forced to share a modest apartment.

12. Under the ceiling

Big stylish bed on cables that allow you to store it under the ceiling during the day.

13. Secluded place

A small bed, hidden behind the doors of a structure that looks like an ordinary wardrobe, will be a wonderful solution for arranging a nursery that is shared by several children.

14. Built-in bed

A stylish modern built-in bed that will allow you to zone the space and get a secluded place to relax even in a one-room apartment.

15. Two levels

The ergonomic design, which consists of two folding beds and two spacious drawers for bed linen, will be a great solution for competently arranging a small room for two children.

16. Attic

Stunning loft bed, with a spacious wardrobe below and a functional staircase, each step of which is equipped with a pull-out locker for storing a variety of things. This design will replace all necessary furniture for the bedroom and will save valuable space in a small apartment.

Video bonus:

17. Unexpected decision

To equip a sleeping place under the ceiling in the kitchen is a very original and bold decision that may appeal to the owners of small private houses with a tiny area, but high ceilings and become a real highlight of the interior.

Video bonus:

The method of installing a bed under the ceiling has been known for a long time and is widely used in transport, in mobile shifts, campers. Recently, the equipment of a bed under the ceiling has become one of the most popular ways to unload the interior of a small room, to make the atmosphere in the room more comfortable and practical.

Bed arrangement conditions

If we push into the background the aesthetic and stylistic aspects of the problem of arranging a hanging bed under the ceiling, then often the transfer of a bed to the ceiling space remains the only possible way to solve the problem of overloading a one-room apartment with furniture.

Among specialist designers involved in the development of interiors of small apartments, there is an opinion that a bed or a sleeping place under the ceiling looks quite organic, subject to several conditions:

  • The design of the bed under the ceiling should not overlap light streams indoors, shade or cover ceiling lights and decor details;
  • The color, texture of the material and the style of the bed should match the color palette chosen for the ceiling;
  • A minimum of auxiliary parts and devices must be used in the device for fixing the bed overhead. With ideal planning, a bed under the ceiling should completely hide the mount and load-bearing elements of the frame

For your information! The fewer supports, beams, poles, cable braces, any suspension parts will be used, the less the design of the hanging berth will look like a temporary hut, housing in a change house or an apartment with unfinished repairs.

It is clear that hanging beds under the ceiling in a five-room apartment will look a little strange, well, maybe, except for the vintage design that requires a second tier or bunk bedroom structure in the children's room.

This arrangement of beds ordinary interior will indicate the helplessness of the owners in interior planning rather than their skillful disposal of living space. Therefore, if there is an idea to build a sleeping place under the ceiling, photo, then you need to be ready to radically change the interior of the room.

Whereas a bed under the ceiling in a one-room apartment looks very rational. Any competent technical solutions, whether it is a bed under the ceiling or a sofa that folds into a closet, a TV set pulled out of a niche, only give the interior an individual style. Therefore, you can not be afraid to experiment and try to make a bed under the ceiling with your own hands.

Ceiling bed mounting options

The practical implementation of the idea of ​​​​a bed overhead always runs into main problem which mounting method to choose for a bed or sofa. In this case, you have to take into account the height of the ceilings and the size of the room.

Sleeping bag attachment schemes

Most often, several basic solutions for fixing a bed frame in the ceiling space are used:

As a rule, the use of any of the listed schemes for fixing a bed under the ceiling provides for capital internal walls or additional steel or wooden beams laid on the ceiling.

Advice! If the internal partitions in the apartment are built on a frame base and lined with plasterboard, or assembled from plaster blocks, then it is better to use the simplest option in the form of a frame on vertical supports.

Due to the use of racks, the design of such a sleeping bag under the ceiling is not entirely suitable for the design of a one-room apartment. Therefore, this scheme is resorted to only in cases where the size of the bed is relatively small, and it will not be necessary to use massive supports to install a bed.

Designs of sleeping bags on ceiling suspensions

According to the reviews of the owners, hanging beds to the ceiling, photo, are the safest in everyday use, can be installed in any area of ​​the room.

In addition, the load from the suspension system is evenly distributed on the ceiling and walls of the apartment. At first glance, it’s a trifle, but experts recommend choosing just this option, especially if overweight citizens will sleep on a bed suspended from the ceiling.

Sleeping bags can be installed on a suspension system of rods, cables, or in the form of a welded stationary frame fixed to the beams of the ceiling. If the gross weight of the bed box, taking into account the mass of people, is estimated at 200 kg, then to securely hold the structure with a safety margin of 1.5, six M12 anchor bolts or eight M10 fastening points will be required.

If the bed frame is mounted on ceiling beams, then to securely hold the bed, you only need two I-beams with a profile height of 70 mm, or lay wooden beam, section 70x100 mm.

Note! Suspended beds should be equipped with unsupported ladders like a folding ladder. Any other stair lift, if it is supported by the upper part of the guides on the frame of the berth, when a person moves up the stairs, creates a horizontal force on the body of the structure.

As a result, the bed under the ceiling will need to be additionally reinforced with a horizontal stretch or hangers from a steel profile.

Cantilevered ceiling mount

The most rational in terms of strength and easy to make with your own hands is considered to be a hinged mounting scheme. Most often, the bed box is installed in the corner area of ​​​​a one-room apartment.

In this case, two metal profiles are used to hold the frame, most often from a corner or square pipe. The supporting parts are fixed on the wall and reinforced with several, usually 4-5 pieces, legs of the same material. After installation under the ceiling, a structure resembling a right triangle is obtained. To avoid deflection of the outermost part of the sleeping bag frame, another one, this time a tubular profile, is welded into the triangle along the bisector line.

If the design of the bed under the ceiling does not exceed the dimensions of 120x200 cm, then it can be hung on a brick or concrete wall. In other cases, before assembling the reference triangle, two dowels are sewn onto the wall with dowels. vertical pipes, which account for the main load from the weight of the bed under the ceiling.

A bridge-type ceiling berth looks a little simpler.

Such a bridge for a bed under the ceiling can be assembled with fastening on two metal profiles hung on opposite walls. Such schemes are traditionally installed on the "blank" wall of a one-story apartment adjacent to the window opening, or directly above front door for studio spaces.

Elevator bed storage option for ceiling

This is the most complex scheme for arranging a sleeping bag under the ceiling:

  • A system of guide cables and blocks is used to raise and lower the bed frame;
  • The size of the bed is limited by the capabilities of the mechanism.

The easiest way to install a lift system is in a residential non-attic room with a wooden beamed ceiling.

Most parts of the lifting cable drum can be installed directly on the ceiling beams. Often, such a simplification reduces the cost of the design, makes it more reliable, but at the same time, most of the operations to raise the bed to the ceiling and return to its place have to be performed manually.

An elevator for a bed in an ordinary one-room apartment is traditionally located behind a false wall. Guides are mounted to the left and right of the body, so the space on the sides and above the lowered sleeping bag must remain free.

The most popular solutions for small apartments

The presence of an elevator mechanism does not mean that a bed rising to the ceiling should stand separately in the corner, without any furniture and interior details. One of the most successful layout options, shown in the photo, allows you to use free space to arrange a soft corner.

After the elevator is lowered, the bed frame rests on the stand-table and the side supports of the sofa. The sleeping bag is simply stored under the ceiling, and in order to use the bed, you do not need to climb the stairs to the second floor.

The lowering part of the bed body can be equipped with folding legs and used as a desktop.

For a large bed, half the width of the apartment room, you can use the unusual layout shown in the photo.

The design of the sleeping bag consists of two guides mounted in the columns of the body and a lifting and turning mechanism. The automatic lifting system allows you to install the bed in three positions:

  • In the service position, at a height of 40-100 cm above the floor. The mode is used for refueling and cleaning the bed;
  • In condition, being completely laid on the floor. This mode is used for rest and sleep. You can raise the bed to the ceiling, but sleeping in this state will not be safe;
  • When folded, the structure is fully raised and fixed in the ceiling niche.

The only drawback of this scheme is the large mass of the bed frame to ensure reliable movement, the mechanism is equipped with massive guide beams and powerful electric drive. All this provision “eats up” the usable space of a one-room apartment.

A design with two lifts built into the bed frame is considered more suitable for the conditions of a one-room apartment.

Raising and lowering the bed is carried out using two panels of durable synthetic fabric, wound on rolls built into the bed. On the ceiling, only the supporting beams of the suspensions and guide rails are mounted to stabilize the movement.


In addition to the bed itself, some interior details are often raised to the ceiling. For example, along with a bed, you can raise a night folding table, a wardrobe with accessories and a lot of other things. As a result studio apartment in terms of the size of the free area, it will turn out to be no less than a full-fledged studio of 30-35 m 2. The only disadvantage of this technology is that it will be very difficult to find lost or forgotten things in the room.