Big myrtle. Myrtle (myrtle tree)

Myrtle- a beautiful plant that is not often found in our homes. It is rarely sold in flower shops, and caring for it is not at all easy. However, such difficulties are not at all a reason to refuse to grow myrtle, because this representative of the kingdom of Flora can be called truly unique.

And it's not just the beauty of its lush crown, delicate cream flowers and blue-black berries. Myrtle is magical: it is used to make medicines and cosmetics, eaten, used as decoration. And myrtle also has phytoncidal properties - it is able to disinfect the air around it. Myrtle has been used for ritual ceremonies since ancient times. In many religions, this plant is considered sacred.

Several interesting facts about the wonderful myrtle:

  • By tradition, a sprig of myrtle must be found in the bride's bouquet or wreath at royal weddings in the UK. This custom was first introduced by the English Queen Victoria.
  • Myrtle not only kills pathogenic microbes, including pathogens colds but also has anti-allergic properties. That is why myrtle can and should be grown in a children's room or bedroom.

[!] People with high sensitivity to keep the plant in the bedroom is not recommended. The intense aroma of myrtle essential oils can cause headache.

  • Essential oil and tincture of myrtle smell very pleasant and are also used in medicine. With their help, gastric disorders, broncho-pulmonary diseases, gynecological inflammations are treated. Myrtle lotion was known in ancient Greece and Rome: noble ladies used it for washing.
  • In Italy, a delicious fragrant liquor is produced from myrtle: red from the berries of the plant, white from its leaves.
  • In cooking, myrtle is used as a seasoning for meat and as a grill fuel. Dishes cooked on firewood from myrtle acquire an exquisite aroma and spicy taste. In addition, dried leaves can be added to tea.

But not only official science recognizes the uniqueness of this plant, since ancient times myrtle has been shrouded in secrets and legends:

  • It is believed that myrtle is a tree of paradise. His sprig was taken with him by Adam, expelled from paradise, in order to remember the blessed times forever.
  • According to signs, myrtle promotes love and family happiness. In the house where the tree grows, there is no place for quarrels and betrayals.
  • The ancient Greeks wore a myrtle wreath as a symbol of power and glory. They were decorated with rulers, winners of sports games, poets.
  • In the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, myrtle symbolizes people doing good deeds and is part of a set of four holiday plants.

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on where the name of the plant came from. In Greek, myrtle is consonant with the name of the nymph Mirsina, in Latin "myrtus" - incense, essential oil. Well, the popular names of myrtle are “Tree of Eternal Love”, “Candle Tree”, “Tree”, “Tree of Life”, “Adam's Tree”.

An amazing plant, isn't it? What is its botanical classification?

Myrtle (lat. Myrtus) belongs to the myrtle family (lat. Myrtaceae) of the myrtaceae order, and the genus of the same name. Its closest, widely known, relatives are guava, feijoa, eucalyptus. This is an evergreen tree or shrub with dense leathery leaves of bright green color on short petioles and woody shoots. Cream or white flowers, consisting of five petals, thanks to long thick stamens, look fluffy. The fruits are blue-black berries of small size.

Under natural conditions, myrtle is widely distributed. The plant is found in North Africa and Central Asia, in the south of the North American continent, the Caribbean, the Azores. In Europe, myrtle is grown in the countries of the Mediterranean basin. The height of the plant in nature reaches 3-4 meters, domestic specimens are much more modest - no higher than 1 meter.

About fifty plant species belong to the genus, some of which are listed in the Red Book due to the threat of extinction, but only one of them is grown in room culture.

Home myrtle and its varieties

The common myrtle (lat. Myrtus communis) has become a species adapted to home maintenance - a tree or shrub with small (4-5 cm in length) glossy leaves and white fragrant flowers. Subsequently, based on the species, several varieties were obtained that differ in color and shape of leaves and flowers, as well as in size:

  • "Boetica" (Boetica) - large rich green leaves up to 7 cm long, slowly growing variety.
  • "Variegata" (Variegata) - a variegated form of myrtle. The color of the leaves is yellow-green.

M. Boethica, M. Variegata
  • "Tarentina" (Tarentina) - a variety characterized by small size. There is also a variegated variety - Tarentina Variegata. And Tarentina Granada is distinguished by unusual cream-colored fruits.
  • "Alhambra" (Alhambra) also bears fruit with light greenish berries. The leaves are small, bright green, elongated.

M. Tarentina, M. Alhambra
  • "Flore Pleno" (Flore Pleno) - differs in large terry flowers.
  • "Compact" (Compacta) - a low form with a dense dense crown and white fluffy flowers.

M. Flore Pleno, M. Compacta

Myrtle care at home

As mentioned above, among flower growers, myrtle is considered a plant that is difficult to grow. It is necessary to pay attention not only to watering, lighting and top dressing, but also to organize a dormant period in the cold months. In addition, for a beautiful appearance the tree needs to be trimmed from time to time, forming a crown. Let's learn more about myrtle care.

Temperature and lighting

The optimum temperature for indoor myrtle varies with the season. In spring, summer and early autumn, the thermometer should be in the range of 17-22 ° C. In the warm season, the tree can be taken out to the balcony or household plot: fresh air will be good for the plant.

In winter, during the dormant period, when the plant is resting, the temperature range is 7-10 ° C. A glazed loggia of an apartment or a veranda of a private house can become a room for growing myrtle in winter. And the maximum lower temperature that the southern guest can withstand is 5-10 ° C.

[!] Warm wintering in an apartment, as a rule, negatively affects the plant - myrtle sheds leaves.

Year-round, both in winter and summer, there should be enough lighting, because the birthplace of myrtle is the sunny subtropics. That's why the best place to place the plant will be the southeast or southwest side of the room. You can grow myrtle on the southern windowsills. But in this case, it needs to be shaded a little, otherwise burns may appear on the delicate leaves. The north of the room is the most unfortunate place for growing myrtle: the sun will be missed, the growth and development of a green pet may stop.

Watering and humidity

The peculiarity of the myrtle strait is that there should be an excess of moisture, but its stagnation in the bowl is excluded. Simply put, water should be plentiful and frequent, and excess water formed in the pan should be drained.

The frequency of watering depends on the season. In spring and summer, in the warm season, the plant should be watered as the topsoil dries up by one centimeter. On average, depending on the location - four to five times a week. In winter, the frequency of watering should be reduced - once or twice a week will be enough. At any time, water for irrigation should be filtered or settled. Calcium and magnesium salts dissolved in tap water, will settle on the plant in the form of a white chalk coating.

[!] If you forgot to water the tree and the myrtle started to dry out, you can try to revive it. Immerse the whole container with the plant in a bucket filled with water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then allow the excess liquid to drain and continue to water according to the usual schedule.

High air humidity is an important parameter for growing myrtle, the dry air of apartments has a bad effect on the plant. There are several ways to increase the humidity in the air:

  • spraying with a fine mist sprayer,
  • placing the plant on a pallet filled with wet expanded clay or pebbles,
  • using an electric humidifier.

Transplant, soil and top dressing

Myrtle is a plant that does not require frequent transplants. True, this applies only to adult specimens. On average, young trees are transplanted once a year, older plants - once every two to four years. The best time to transplant is the end of winter, before the start of the growing season.

The soil for planting myrtle should be water and breathable, nutritious and slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6.5). Of the store options, soil for citrus fruits is not bad. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself from equal parts sod, leaf, peat land, humus and sand. A small addition of coco-soil or vermiculite will make the substrate looser, which will positively affect the health of the roots.

Don't forget about drainage. A sufficient drainage layer (at least a quarter of the landing tank) will ensure proper circulation of water and air.

[!] When transplanting myrtle, do not deepen the root neck, this leads to rotting of the trunk.

The tree of life certainly needs fertilizer, but to apply it all year round it makes no sense - in autumn and winter, the myrtle rests, it is not necessary to feed it. But, starting from March, fertilizers can and should be used. What exactly - depends on the condition of the plant. If the myrtle is grown as an ornamental-deciduous specimen, top dressings with a high nitrogen content, which are called - "For ornamental-deciduous house plants", are suitable. In the case when the buds have appeared, the fertilizer must be changed to those in which phosphorus and potassium predominate (“For flowering ones”).

The frequency of use of dressings is once every two weeks in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer.

Pruning and shaping myrtle

Myrtle is a plant that responds well to pruning. Moreover, a wide variety of forms can be formed from it - a tree, shrub, bonsai. And some experienced flower growers have gone even further and grow myrtle with twisted or tied trunks, in the form of a cone, ball, with two crowns. An inexhaustible field for fantasies and experiments!

In order to get a tree with one trunk, you need to choose the main, most developed, cutting, and remove the rest of the shoots growing from below. From the upper branches, you can form a crown of the desired shape.

In order to get a rounded shrub, you do not need to cut the lower branches, but pinch the upper ones from time to time, achieving the desired shape.

[!] Only adult specimens can be formed. Young immature plants after such a procedure will develop poorly and slow down growth.

It often happens that the trunk of a myrtle tree is twisted. This shortcoming can be corrected:

  • Spiral wind a thick copper wire around the barrel.
  • Give the trunk the desired shape by bending it along with the wire. Do this as carefully as possible.
  • In this form (with wire), myrtle should grow for several more months (2 months - young plants, 6 months - older specimens).
  • Then the wire can be unwound or cut with side cutters in several places, and then removed.


Myrtle does not often bloom at home, but if it does, the plant looks just great - a bright green crown is densely strewn with white fluffy flowers.

Even experienced flower growers often cannot achieve the formation of buds, let alone amateur beginners. There are several secrets of myrtle flowering at home:

  • It is necessary to organize a full-fledged dormant period with a low temperature and poor watering.
  • Good lighting is the key to flowering myrtle, without the sun the buds will not appear.
  • Fresh air doesn't hurt either. It has been observed that myrtles growing outdoors in summer bloom much more often.
  • The size of the dishes in which the myrtle grows is also important. The pot must be cramped, otherwise the plant will grow root and green mass to the detriment of flowering.
  • If you want to see the buds, approach the myrtle pruning procedure with care. The fact is that flowers do not appear on shortened shoots. In order for the myrtle to bloom, it is necessary either to stop pruning altogether, or to carry out the last pruning at the end of winter.
  • A joke recommendation based on folk omens- next to the myrtle that refuses to bloom, you need to put an ax.)))

If you did everything right, and there are still no flowers, you may just need to wait a bit. Do not forget that the timing of the flowering of myrtle is from early June to mid-August.

[!] If a flowering myrtle is pollinated (with a brush or cotton swab), beautiful blue-black berries will appear that can be eaten.


When grown indoors, myrtle propagates in two ways: by seeds and cuttings.

Reproduction of myrtle by seeds is a laborious method, more suitable for professional breeders. It is much easier to grow a tree of life from a cutting, and the result will be more predictable.

Consider the process step by step:

  1. For rooting, not too young, but not old, semi-dulled, cuttings 7-12 cm long are cut off.
  2. The lower leaves are removed, and the cut point is sprinkled with any root formation stimulator ("Kornevin", "Heteroauxin")
  3. Then the prepared cuttings are planted in a wet peat-sand mixture, peat tablet or pure vermiculite.
  4. The container with the planted process is covered with a bag or plastic bottle to create a greenhouse effect and put on a bright windowsill. In winter, when the length of daylight hours is small, you can organize additional illumination of the greenhouse.
  5. From time to time, the substrate must be watered, and the bag removed, organizing ventilation.
  6. After about a month, the first roots should appear, and when four or five new leaves grow on a young myrtle, it can be transplanted into standard soil.

You can propagate myrtle cuttings at any time of the year, but best time for this procedure will be the end of winter - the beginning of spring.

Diseases, pests and growing problems

Despite the fact that the myrtle does not cause much trouble to its owner, due to proper care the tree may get sick or be attacked by insects.

The pests most often found on the Adam tree are spider mites, scale insects, and mealybugs. At the initial stage of infection, the fight against them consists in washing the crown and trunk of the plant and mechanical removal of insects. If this does not help, you need to use modern insecticides at a dose recommended by the manufacturer.

As for diseases, the myrtle itself will tell you what mistakes the grower made:

Myrtle leaves dry or curl. Most likely, the problem is a lack of moisture. Increase the frequency of watering and spraying the plant.

The leaves fall, the tips of the shoots turn black. This alarming phenomenon is observed in two cases: a warm wintering of a plant in an apartment or rotting of the roots. If the first option is excluded, you need to check the roots for rot. Rotten areas must be removed, cuts should be sprinkled with crushed coal and the plant should be transplanted into a fresh substrate.

The branches are stretched, the leaves turn pale with a lack of sunlight. It is worth moving the bowl to a more lit place.

Always carefully inspect the myrtle and, at the first sign of pests or disease, immediately take the necessary measures. And a wonderful tree, in turn, will thank you for your attention with lush foliage and magnificent flowering.

Myrtle legend

One of the ancient Greek nymphs named Mersina was unusually pretty and talented. Once, at a sports competition, Mersina defeated Aphrodite herself, the goddess of love. Aphrodite was so upset by the defeat that she ordered the girl to be killed, and after the order was executed, she was horrified by what she had done. In repentance, Aphrodite turned to the Olympic gods to leave at least something in memory of Mersin. The gods heard the prayer, and a beautiful tree grew from the body of the nymph, strewn with delicate flowers. This is how myrtle appeared - the tree of love and life.

Common myrtle is an evergreen plant, sung in myths. It conquers with the aroma of flowers, shiny green leaves and the ability to create a bush, tree or bonsai from it at home. In a closed circuit of greenhouses, apartments, offices, the common myrtle flower is grown. It is believed that this is a paradise tree that has taken root on earth.

What conquered the myrtle of indoor flower growers

In the Mediterranean, myrtle is a tree up to 4 meters high. All parts of it are healing, not for nothing that the name is translated as a balm. Indoor myrtle ordinary retained useful properties. Only growth became lower, more than a meter in height in room conditions does not rise. But obedient branches can be directed according to the designer's idea and even grow a small grove of trees on a tray. Common myrtle, a flower, you can look at photos of its compositions endlessly.

Many years will pass, jewelry work will be required before the master creates such a miracle from a bush. This is art. But it is not easy to grow a simple fragrant bush of myrtle. In Germany, every girl used to take care of her tree from a very young age. When she got married, the flower became the talisman of a young family. The more beautiful the bride had myrtle, the more family happiness was predicted for this family. Such an understanding could also be a subtext. If a girl has already found an approach to a flower, she will also understand her husband, tame her, and there will be happiness in the family.

Myrtle is known as a cult plant not only in ancient greece. It is a symbol of marital fidelity, peace and tranquility in the house and now. Wedding wreaths of myrtle and rose ropes symbolize the fidelity of the spouses.

Myrtle brings health to the house. Culture sheets issue nice smell, the flowers are fragrant. Scientists have determined that a small bush destroys up to 80% of microbes flying in the air. The smell of a flower on all the inhabitants of the room has a calming effect - pacifies!

For colds, steam inhalations with ordinary myrtle leaves are useful. And when the plant blooms with white and pinkish flowers, it is impossible to look away from it. Its dried berries are a spice.

Myrtle ordinary, caring for him at home

It is not easy to create conditions under which a plant thrives, sharing a home with a person. Myrtle is a special plant. He requires love and care more than other window sill dwellers.

The main task for the development of a flower is the ability to provide it with a cold wintering. In a city apartment with central heating there is hardly a bright corner with a temperature of about 10 degrees. A closed loggia or balcony can save the situation, where in winter you can keep an ordinary myrtle plant.

Let's start with the fact that we bought a flower in a store, grown in distant Holland. A beautiful tree conquered with its bright foliage, healthy appearance.

But a little time passed, and it became clear that the leaves were beginning to dry out and fall off. And although there are many of them, the bush is still fluffy, but the urgent need to see what's with the roots made me carefully remove it from the container. There, among the tangle of tangled roots, there was almost no earth. An incomprehensible composition, similar to household waste and granules of some substance, probably fertilizer, which the plant feeds on. It is necessary to transplant the myrtle, this is a common practice for all purchased flowers, transplanted after a two-week quarantine.

Common myrtle care includes the following:

  • transfer;
  • pruning;
  • content temperature;
  • mode of watering, wetting of leaves, fertilizer;
  • elimination of problems.

Plant transplantation is carried out in a pot with a good drainage hole. The pot is taken larger than the one in which the plant is settled. The roots are freed from the substrate and planted in a new soil of the desired composition. Do not bury the trunk. Create a drainage layer of at least 5 cm. Half of the composition of the soil consists of sod land, the second half represents equal shares of peat, sand and humus. In the future, a flower transplant should be done by transshipment if the myrtle does not dry out and the roots are healthy.

Pruning or pinching the growing crown is necessary so that the branches do not stretch and the plant is compact. After spring pruning the plant quickly releases young foliage and begins to bloom.

Cut off tops can be rooted, getting young myrtles. The cuttings are germinated in water, then placed in light soil under a cap until new leaves begin to be released.

The room where ordinary myrtle is kept should be bright, with good air exchange. The direct rays of the sun will dry the foliage and it will begin to fall off. In summer, the plant likes to be outdoors. In winter, the room should also be bright, cool, with high humidity.

Water the plant sparingly, but often, so that the ground is constantly moist, but not wet. Water should not contain chlorine and hardness salts. It is better if it is filtered in a jug with carbon cartridges. Regular spraying, a tray of moss will help keep the right moisture around the myrtle.

Myrtle ordinary should not be allocated a place in the bedroom. Its essential oils are stimulating and restful sleep will be violated. For the same reason, drugs from myrtle should not be taken at night.

Twice a month during the period of warm keeping, from March, fertilizing watering should be done. If a green tree is grown or a bonsai is formed, fertilizers are taken for ornamental indoor plants. For flowering bush you need to take a different composition, with a predominance of phosphorus salt.

The plant rebels and sheds foliage if the following conditions are created for it:

  • the sun's rays burning the crown;
  • non-compliance water regime and microclimate;
  • warm wintering;
  • lack of light in summer and winter;

He regards all this as a lack of love and drops the leaves.

Is it possible to revive a dying plant

As soon as drying, falling leaves become noticeable, you need to arm yourself with a magnifying glass. Perhaps a spider mite has wound up on your flower. The first sign will be yellowing of individual leaves. It can settle if the leaves are rarely moistened, and the air in the room is dry. If the yellowing of the leaves is massive, then the reason may be overflow and rotting of the roots.

If there are live branches, the plant must be reanimated. First of all, revise the roots, remove all damaged ones. Sprinkle the places of cuts with crushed coal, then with Kornevin. Free the ground part from the leaves, perform a deep pruning. Leave only live branches. Take the land for planting light so that it does not hold water. Do frequent watering with water with microdoses of Kornevin. And wait, perhaps the plant will come to life. It is better not to bring the flower to such a state.

The content of the myrtle of an ordinary house - video

It grows, blooms, releases oxygen, pleases the eye, is not demanding in care, what else do you need from a home flower?

The evergreen shrub Myrtle belongs to the Myrtle family. The palm tree is sometimes called for its feature- dense leathery leaves on thin twigs. Once a year, flowering occurs, small but tasty-smelling milky or pale pink flowers are formed. IN wild nature Myrtle is widely distributed in subtropical forests, there are almost seventy species, many of which have edible and very tasty fruits.

As an ornamental flower in homes and household plots, Myrtle has been grown for more than four centuries. Unlike wild counterparts, in culture the tree does not grow above one meter, reaching an average of 60 centimeters. Not bad for growing bonsai trees, as the crown is easy to shape. There are several different types, especially in garden cultivation, but as a houseplant, only the common myrtle (Myrtus communis) is well suited for cultivation and care.

The name of the tree and the whole genus is entirely derived from the Greek word, which can be translated into Russian as "balm". In historical documents, records about Myrtle are found from the time of Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, even then they noted the healing effect of the oils included in its composition. The water, in which the branches and leaves were soaked, was washed to preserve youth, wine from the fruits was drunk as an invigorating and healing drink. According to legend, Myrtle was brought by Adam and Eve from paradise, therefore its other name is “Adam's tree”.


Common myrtle is a type of myrtle flower that is most often found in homes. In nature, it grows at the lower level of pine and oak forests, in thickets of bushes in the Mediterranean, the Azores, and North Africa. It looks like a tree or shrub three to four meters high, with tetrahedral rounded shoots. The leaves on the branch grow opposite each other, sometimes collected together by 3, pointed, oval, two to four centimeters in length. Under the leathery, glossy surface of the leaves, pores filled with essential oil are hidden, so each leaf emits a strong aroma. During the flowering period, the smell intensifies many times, and small white flowers with golden stamens shower the bush from top to bottom.

crown formation

For amateur flower growers, this shrub may be of interest because it is easy for him to form a beautiful crown shape by pinching the shoots. Cutting off the top shoot will allow it to grow better, and cutting off the side shoots will give it the shape of a small tree with a branching top. If you do not prune Myrtle at home, then the plant will take the form of a pyramid, which is recommended for young plants in order to allow them to grow stronger and gain strength. Frequent pinching of shoots also reduces the strength of flowering, so they usually stop either at the formation of compact, branched bushes, or, letting growth take its course, admire the lush flowering.


For amateur flower growers, the Myrtle tree is interesting for its simple care at home.


The plant needs bright indirect light, but the tree can survive a small amount of direct sunlight. Therefore, houses are best suited for windows facing west and east. If the window faces south, you need to cover the plant from the hot sun. On the north window, Myrtle will grow more slowly and bloom less profusely. In winter, the brightest place is found for the tree, and in the absence of such, artificial lighting is additionally turned on.


At home, indoor Myrtle needs to be cool for proper care: a temperature of 17-21 ° C is desirable. The tree prefers medium humidity and fresh air, up to light drafts, so many people take the plant along with the pot to the backyard or veranda in the summer.

Recovery period

Caring for Myrtle in winter is difficult because the plant requires a relatively cold dormant period, for which the temperature is maintained around + 7 ° C, but not hotter than + 12 ° C. In the apartment, a warmed but unheated balcony would be a suitable place. Watering is reduced to moderate and ensure that there is no water left in the pan.


Myrtle is transplanted at home in March-April, young trees - annually, adult bushes - once every three to four years, as the roots of the soil coma are braided. The soil for the plant is mixed from five parts of garden soil, one part of humus and one part of sand. Special soils for ornamental foliage plants, which can be found in specialized stores, are also suitable.


At home, this houseplant can be propagated both by seeds and cuttings.


  • With improper care at home, the Myrtle flower may lose its appearance or even die. Strong overdrying of the earth or, conversely, excessive watering can lead to leaf fall. In this case, it is recommended to cut the shoots, leaving three or four buds and take care, carefully monitoring the watering.
  • With a lack of light, the stems of the shrub, and the leaves become smaller and paler. In too bright light, the edges of the leaves curl, and they themselves become yellowish and dull. If poor lighting is combined with high temperatures and low humidity, as happens in winter in apartments with central heating, the Myrtle leaves fall off, after which it may not be possible to revive the tree again.
  • Also, flower growers often wonder why Myrtle does not bloom at home. The main reasons for this phenomenon are too intensive pruning or a poorly ventilated room. If it is important to get a flowering fragrant bush in a pot, you can try to interrupt the regular formation of the crown and open the inflow more often fresh air.

The benefits and harms of Mirta

At home, this plant is grown, including for its sake. healing properties. They were known in antiquity, and in the last century it was possible to prove scientifically. According to scientists, Myrtle essential oil has antibacterial properties, so even a small bush on the windowsill releases useful phytoncides, killing pathogenic microbes, pathogens of tuberculosis and diphtheria, as well as other bacteria. Large tree (with a leaf area of ​​more than one and a half square meters) can purify 100 cubic meters of air by more than half.

Preparations containing Myrtle essential oil are used in the fight against various diseases respiratory system (including tuberculosis). Beneficial features indoor plant Myrtle is also in its leaves (ground into powder or in the form of tincture) - they help well in the treatment of sinusitis, diphtheria, and the gastrointestinal tract. Recommend medicines containing Myrtle for diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, and even in oncology in order to reduce the harmful effects of medical procedures.

The aroma of Myrtle has a calming effect, it helps with insomnia and depression. As a skin lotion, an infusion of the leaves is used to treat wounds, herpes zoster, acne, and also instilled into the eyes.

Myrtle plant, like any other medicine, when used in large doses, can harm, becoming almost poisonous. Prolonged exposure to essential oils in case of individual intolerance can cause headaches and nausea.


IN different countries at all times, this Myrtle flower was endowed with special symbolic meanings, but in most cases it served as an attribute of peace, silence, beauty, tranquility and pleasure. Myrtle's wreath was an attribute of the goddess of beauty, it was often worn by brides. Even in Great Britain in the 19th century, it was a tradition to weave a branch of this tree into a wedding bouquet.

Thanks to this symbolism, the Myrtle plant is credited with a special energy. It is believed that three leaves on the pillow of the bed will help to see prophetic dreams, and twigs in a bag around the neck will attract wealth. Myrtle jewelry strengthens romantic relationships, and the light aroma of essential oil is a natural aphrodisiac, widely used in love magic.

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  • Briefly: Strong rooted cuttings. Plants have antimicrobial properties. Description ATTENTION: Plants are sent only on prepayment! It is transported in a container along with an earthen clod. For Novosibirsk: the plant is supplied in a container with good fresh soil, it does not need to be transplanted.

    Myrtle large-leaved - one of the most useful house plants with unique properties, belongs to the Myrtaceae family.

    Myrtle Large-leaved variety of Common Myrtle (Myrtus COMMUNIS).

    Among the ancient Greeks, Myrtle was considered a symbol of youth, beauty and chastity. Even then, the beneficial effect of essential oils was noted. Noble townspeople washed themselves with water infused with myrtle. Wine infusion on the fruits of myrtle was used as an elixir of health and vigor.

    By releasing phytoncides, myrtle destroys pathogenic microbes, even in extremely small doses they kill tuberculosis and diphtheria bacilli and other bacteria. A plant with a total leaf area of ​​1.5 m2 can purify 100 m3 of air by 40-50%, kills up to 22% of streptococci and up to 40% of staphylococci. Helps to cope with influenza and acute respiratory infections.
    Myrtle has the same properties that antibiotics have. That's just it, unlike antibiotics, is harmless and does not provoke dysbacteriosis. For this reason, it is actively used in the prevention and treatment of many diseases: herpes, pyelonephritis, inflammatory gynecological diseases, prostatitis, cystitis, dysbacteriosis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tonsillitis, sinusitis, diphtheria, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis and influenza.

    Myrtle is a symbolic plant that, according to legend, was taken out of paradise. In Greek legends, he is also assigned the role of a symbol. The cult of the plant was also supported by the Romans, who made wreaths from it. The Bible claims that it was the sprig of myrtle that was carried in its beak by the dove released by Noah from the ark. Since the time of Queen Victoria, not a single royal wedding in England has been held without it: myrtle adorns wedding bouquets. It is widely used in perfumery. And in some countries it is used as a food seasoning.

    It grows in the undergrowth of evergreen oaks and pines and in thickets of shrubs in the Mediterranean region, the Azores, North Africa. Trees or shrubs up to 3-4 m tall; shoots 4-sided, finely hairy, rounded, glabrous. Leaves opposite, sometimes collected in 3, ovate, lanceolate, 2-4 (up to 5) cm long and 1-2 cm wide, pointed, leathery, entire, smooth, glabrous, glossy. If you look at a leaf of myrtle in the light, you can see small dots filled with essential oil, thanks to which the plant emits a pleasant aroma. The most fragrant white flowers of the plant. They are medium-sized (up to 2 cm in diameter), five-petalled, located one at a time on long pedicels. Numerous golden stamens give them a special identity.
    In nature, myrtle reaches a height of 3-5 m. In culture, the plant is low (about 60 cm), rarely reaches 1 m. In home floriculture, it can be grown as a lush bush, standard tree, or formed in the bonsai style.

    Common myrtle has many cultural forms that differ in leaf position and ability to bloom.

    Myrtle. Care and maintenance:

    Lighting: It is very good if there is a place for him in the children's room, this will drastically reduce the frequency of colds in a child. Myrtle, according to some reports, also has anti-allergic properties, which is also important for the health of modern children. Myrtle loves bright diffused light, tolerates a certain amount of direct sunlight. Suitable for growing near western and eastern windows. At the windows of the south direction in the summer, it is necessary to provide the plant with protection from the midday sun. It can grow on a north window, but flowering will be less plentiful or not occur at all. In winter, myrtle is placed in the most illuminated places.
    In summer, the myrtle can be exposed outdoors, to a place where protection from the direct midday sun is provided. The plant should be accustomed to a new level of illumination gradually. Some flower growers bury a pot of myrtle directly into the ground to harden the plant for the summer.

    Temperature: Myrtle likes coolness, in spring and summer it needs moderate or slightly below moderate temperatures (18-20°C). During the winter months, the myrtle tree is best kept at a temperature of +5°C and no higher than +8-10°C. At higher than optimal winter temperatures, the plant may shed its leaves.
    Myrtle needs an influx of fresh air.

    Watering: Water myrtle from spring to autumn regularly and abundantly (as the top layer of the substrate dries up), in winter - limitedly, with soft settled water. In no case should even a short-term drying of the soil be allowed. If, nevertheless, the substrate is dry, apply watering by immersing the pot in a container of water. At the same time, care must be taken that the water does not stagnate in the pan.

    Humidity: You should carefully monitor the humidity of the air. Although under natural myrtle conditions the air humidity rarely exceeds 60%, in rooms with central heating it is usually less than half. From spring to autumn, the plant should be sprayed regularly. For spraying, use only soft settled or filtered water. In winter, when kept cool, the plant is not sprayed.

    Top dressing: From spring to autumn, myrtle is fertilized weekly with flower fertilizer.

    Rest Period: Myrtle has a pronounced dormant period. Depending on the position in the room, the myrtle is at rest from 3 (on the north window) to 1.5 (on the south) months.

    Trimming: Myrtle easily tolerates a haircut, and it can be given a very bizarre shape. However, one should not get too carried away with pruning lateral shoots, especially in young plants, since the myrtle stem is not strong enough. Also, do not pinch young shoots too often - this reduces the intensity of flowering. Therefore, when caring for myrtle, you need to decide what is preferable - strongly branching compact bushes or beautifully flowering specimens with a loose crown. Plants are fast growing, so within 2-3 years you can have small branched bushes (in 12 cm pots).

    Transplantation and soil: Young plants are transplanted every year in the spring, without deepening the base of the trunk into the soil, then transplantation is carried out if necessary after 2-3 years. The following mixtures are recommended as a substrate: 1) sod-humus-peat soil and sand in equal proportions; 2) ordinary greenhouse soil; 3) clay-soddy-peat-humus soil and sand (1:1:1:0.5). The pH of the substrate should be in the region of 5-6. The bottom of the pot provides a good layer of drainage.

    Myrtle is propagated by semi-woody cuttings in January-February and in summer - in July. Cuttings are taken from the lower and middle parts of the crown, the size of the cutting is 5-8 cm; to reduce evaporation, half of the existing leaves are cut off, and the remaining ones are shortened. It is useful to treat the cut with growth stimulants. N. Tsybulya et al recommend using heteroauxin mixed with ascorbic acid (0.25% 0). Root in boxes, bowls, wide low pots in a mixture of leafy soil and coarse sand, or sphagnum and sand in a cool (16-20 ° C) shaded place. The cuttings are watered, sprayed and covered with glass or plastic wrap. Occasionally, the soil is ventilated to avoid rotting of the cuttings and acidification of the soil. Cuttings take root within 20-30 days. Rooted cuttings are planted in 7 cm pots. Watered abundantly. Young plants are pinched to encourage flowering. By weaving a clod of earth with roots, transshipment is given. A plant from cuttings blooms for 3-4 years.

    Precautionary measures:
    The leaves of common myrtle are slightly poisonous: in sensitive people, they can cause nausea and headache.

    Possible difficulties:
    If there is not enough light, the stems are stretched, the leaves become smaller and turn pale, in the case of its excess, they fade, turn yellow, the edges curl. IN dark room with high temperatures, the plant sheds leaves.

    The plant suffers greatly due to drying and overflow of the substrate. If the plant has shed its leaves due to overdrying or waterlogging, cut the shoots to half and continue watering (in case of waterlogging, watering is very careful) and spraying. After two weeks, young leaves may appear.

    If placed too warm and dark, the leaves may fall off.

    Damaged: spider mite, scale insects, whiteflies, thrips, mealybugs, especially at elevated temperatures.

    Myrtle is an evergreen plant grown as a shrub and as a small tree. The myrtle tree is very popular as a gift for the bride, symbolizing a successful marriage. This plant is not so easy to care for, but it is worth it.

    General information

    Myrtle has long been valued for its medicinal properties- flowers and foliage contain essential oils, and if the leaves and fruits are dried, they can be used as spices (spices). For example, cloves are a product obtained from one of the types of myrtle.

    In the season of colds, for prevention, essential oils are used, spreading their smell around the room or simply putting the plant on the windowsill, for example, in the children's room. The study also showed that myrtle can reduce allergic reactions in children.

    Myrtle plants also include such valuable plants, according to their characteristics, as tea tree, eucalyptus and clove tree.

    Species and varieties

    (Myrtus communis) or it is also called " communis " (aka " indoor ”) is the most common type in home gardening. This species is characterized by a short, well-branched trunk, which is covered with exfoliating reddish-brown bark.

    The leaves are green, oval, shiny and have a pleasant aroma. The flowers are white (sometimes a faint pink shade is observed) with protruding stamens. blooms in summer season. The fruits are black berries with a reddish tint.

    This type of myrtle has developed many varieties:

    • - a compact shrub with many fruits, smaller in size than the mother.

    • Myrtle variety Alhambra - has white fruits-berries and dense foliage.

    • (Variegata) stands out among others with variegated foliage.

    • Myrtle "La Clape" - has purple berries.

    • There is also a dwarf form among them - myrtle "Microphylla" .

    This is a miniature copy of a tree, a very popular plant, of great value to flower growers, its leaves contain essential oils used in medicine and cosmetology. The price of such a tree is not small.

    The shape of such a tree can be varied, the trunk twists and bends in the process of growth, and due to the periodic pruning of the processes, you can form the shape of the crown as you wish.

    - it happens both in the form of a bush and in the form of a tree with brown exfoliating bark. The leaves are matte, dark green, white flowers that bloom in July or August. The fruits are dark red and edible.

    (Myrtus chequen) - a tree with glossy leaves and slightly wrinkled edges.

    (Myrtus ralfii) - this shrub is distinguished by flowers pink shade and red edible berries. The leaves have a white or cream border.

    Myrtle Boetica (Boetica)

    A large-leaved species, the leaves are larger than those of other species (6-7 cm, while the standard is 1-2 cm), with a pointed end. This myrtle grows very slowly. The trunk has interesting feature- it twists, in the process of growth, interesting shapes are formed. The flowers are white and large, and the berries are oblong, black.

    (Cassandra or marsh myrtle ) is an evergreen shrub that grows exclusively in swamps, from which it got its name. It reaches one meter in height. Young shoots and leaves contain poison, which is dangerous for animals (for goats and sheep).

    If you crush the leaf of such a plant, you will feel a pronounced lemon aroma. In some countries, such leaves are used as a seasoning. Leaf sizes: length 10 cm, and width 1-4 cm. It blooms first with white flowers, and then darkens to a creamy and slightly yellow hue.

    Myrtle care at home

    Myrtle is a plant that needs a humid climate, so spraying is a must for healthy and lush growth. In no case do not forget about watering, but do not flood, the plant is very sensitive and can get sick. Water only with soft, settled water.

    But myrtle is not afraid of drafts, so you can safely leave it on the windowsill, where a window is constantly open for ventilation. With the flow of air around the apartment, useful phytoncides will spread, destroying pathogenic microbes.

    The temperature must be controlled within 18-24°C. IN summer time year, it is advisable to put the myrtle on the street or balcony and shade a little so that the rays of a particularly scorching sun do not fall.

    pruning myrtle

    As for pruning, the myrtle tolerates it well, not to mention the fact that thanks to this, it is possible to give a different desired shape to the crown, creating various compositions. Pruning and transplanting is carried out in the spring season, no more than once every two years.

    Myrtle transplant

    When transplanting, the transshipment method is used, while choosing a pot slightly larger than the previous one. The soil for myrtle is simple, with good drainage. The substrate is prepared from equal parts of sod land, peat and sand.

    It would be helpful to add some charcoal and organic compost. Any pruned varieties must be additionally fed; for this, any fertilizer for indoor plants (complex mineral), without chlorine in the composition, is suitable. A young plant begins to bloom only in the fourth or fifth year after planting.

    Myrtle care in winter

    IN winter time myrtle has a dormant period, while watering is reduced (the soil is only slightly moistened, preventing drying out) and the plant is moved to a cooler (8-10 ° C), but bright place.

    If this is not done, then leaf drop is observed. Although this is not a big danger, as new, young leaves will begin to appear in the spring.

    Reproduction of myrtle cuttings

    If the main task during reproduction is the preservation of maternal (varietal) characteristics, then cuttings are considered the ideal method of reproduction.

    Cuttings are cut from a healthy plant, they should not be very young, but in a semi-lignified form. For better rooting, the cut is treated with a special growth stimulator (for example, root) and stuck into the prepared soil at an angle (45-55 °). The substrate is constantly checked for moisture.

    Myrtle from seeds at home

    The seed method is less effective, but it is also used. At the beginning of spring, the prepared substrate (one part of peat and one part of sand) is poured into boxes (soil thickness 8-10 cm), sown with myrtle seeds, sprinkled with the same soil mixture (3-4 cm thick), moistened and covered with glass. controlled temperature regime around 20°C.

    Periodically, the glass is opened to ventilate and moisten the soil, if necessary. The glass can be turned over or wiped, getting rid of excess condensate.

    After a couple of weeks, the first seedlings will begin to appear, when there are too many of them, thinning is carried out, and after at least three leaves appear on the seedlings, they are transplanted into separate pots with the same substrate composition. A month later, young plants are fed with low concentration nitrogen fertilizer.

    Diseases and pests

    If, on the contrary, constant excessive watering is observed, then in this case, rotting of the roots and damage by putrefactive bacteria and fungal infections are inevitable, and this is already serious. It is not easy to deal with such problems and most often the death of the plant is observed.

    • If leaves fade, turn yellow, and the edges curl , then this indicates an excess of illumination.
    • If the stems are too long and the leaves are too small - This is a clear sign of lack of lighting.
    • Myrtle does not bloom – if you cut too often or cut too much at one time, and also if the room is poorly ventilated.
    • Leaves wither and fall - if this happens in winter, it means that the air is too dry and heat(for example, when heating devices are operating in the room). The plant needs a cooler room and some moisture (just a little!). Also, leaves can wither when water stagnates in the pan or from sunburn (direct sunlight).