Nod ball cube parallelepiped preparatory group. Open lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group

Occupation on mathematics in middle group kindergarten. Topic... > Math class in

Outline plan lessons on mathematics(middle group) on the topic ...

Abstract lessons by formation. Elementary mathematical representations.Educator: That's right, this ball. It is round and unstable. Similarly with objects of square shapes. How not to twist cube, it is stable and voluminous in ... > Outline of the lesson on

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Abstract lessons in middle group according to FEMP. "Introduction to properties ball,Cuba". Purpose: -To give children an idea of ​​​​some properties ball, Cuba: stability and not stability. -the presence and absence of corners. -to learn to examine models of figures by tactile-motor way. > Summary of the lesson on FEMP

Occupation on mathematics in senior group DOW

Synopsis of GCD on mathematics in kindergarten in the senior group on the topic " Ball, cube». Occupation on mathematics in the senior group DOW. Topic: " Ball, cube and division into parts. Tasks: 1. Form ideas about geometric bodies: ball, cube. > Math class in

Abstract lessons on cognitive development. FEMP. Topic...

Topic: " Ball and cube» Tasks: 1. Introduce children to geometric shapes ball and cube. Learn to find objects of round and square shape in a specially created environment. 2. Improve the ability to distinguish between red, green and yellow colors. > Abstract of the lesson on

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plot lessons on mathematics designed for children of average preschool age.stroke lessons. 1. Organizing time. We will stand in a circle together, Say hello to us It is said that the circle is a flat figure, and ball- voluminous. 3. Task for logic. > Synopsis of the game

Plan - summary GCD | consideration Cuba and ball

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 269". city ​​district of Samara. Outline of the GCD for the development of elementary mathematical concepts. in children of the middle group "Get acquainted with cube and...

Xn--269-5cdtbf0hi.xn > Plan - summary GCD |

Synopsis of GCD on mathematics in preschool group

Synopsis of GCD on mathematics for preschoolers of the preparatory group. Summary of GCD on mathematics in Description of the material: this summary is intended for educators DOW Tasks: 1. To form the ability to find objects of shape in the environment ball... > Summary of GCD in mathematics

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Structure and governing bodies educational organization. Charter DOW.Abstract lessons on FEMP in the senior group Topic: “Flat and volumetric geometric figures". There are also voluminous figures - cube, ball, cylinder. In geometric land, geometric...

Xn----7sblbdda4bruthme.xn > Municipal budgetary

ball cube.docx- Occupation according to FEMP in junior..

File ball cube.docx for material to download by discipline Maths, in the Development section lessonsOccupation on FEMP in the younger group Synopsis of the open lessons on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second junior group. > ball cube.docx - Lesson on FEMP

Outline plan lessons on mathematics(middle group) on the topic ...

Acquaintance with cube and ball-geometric objects.Management DOW. Physical education. ← Calendar-thematic planning on mathematics(preparatory group) on the topic: Thematic planning of the circle "Mathematical steps". > Outline of the lesson on

open occupation on mathematics in the middle group. Topic...

To take a seat in balloon, you need to find a chair with the same geometric figure as the Abstract of the open lessons in pool for younger groups of the kindergarten "Sea Journey" Purpose: Familiarizing parents with occupations their children in the pool DOW. > Open lesson on

Abstract lessons on mathematics"In the land of geometric figures

Abstract lessons in middle group "In the country of geometric shapes." Tasks: - to form children's ideas about the equality and inequality of groups based on the score; to form the ability to develop children's ideas about geometric shapes: balloon, cube, cylinder and cone > Abstract of the lesson on

Abstract lessons on FEMP in the preparatory group ...

/ Synopsis lessons according to FEMP "Journey of a train to the country of geometric shapes." To form interest in mathematics. Cultivate the ability to listen to an adult and peersSlide number 4 - cube(Sample: I see cube, it looks like a TV, cube…) Slide #5 – ball... > Abstract of the lesson on FEMP in

GCD Study Summary mathematics in the middle group DOW

Handout: figures ( cube, ball, cylinder) by the number of children. The teacher puts three chairs and puts geometric shapes on them ( cube, cylinder, ball). Before the game, the teacher shows the figures, offers to name the form and show what actions can be performed with ... > GCD Study Summary

Occupation according to FEMP in the 2nd junior group " Cube-cube"

Abstract lessons according to FEMP in the second junior group " Cube-cube.3) to cultivate a positive attitude to participate in lesson, cooperation skills. The teacher invites the children to find ball(fixing the concept ball).Electronic notebook on mathematics 4... > FEMP lesson in 2

Synopsis of GCD on mathematics in kindergarten. Senior group

Occupation by FEMP in DOW. Older preschool age Topic: “Quantitative account, coins” Tasks: Consolidate: quantitative account Children find and bring to the table objects similar to ball and cube and explain their choice. The teacher thanks the children for their work and ... > Summary of GCD in mathematics

Synopsis of the integrated lessons on mathematics in middle...

Learn to find geometric shapes ball and cube in a number of other spatial figures, compare ball and ball and cube, determine the move lessons on mathematics in the middle group "Mathematical Locomotive". Educator. Kids, today we're going to math... > Synopsis of the integrated

Synopsis of GCD " Cube" download | views about balloon and circle

> Abstract GCD "Cube" download |

GCD" Ball and cube"- UchMet

Topic: Ball and cube. Target. Introduce children to the shape of objects: ball, cube. Tasks: To form the ability to determine the shape For each child, a box with two multi-colored balls, with two cubes one color (green, yellow, more yellow than green). > NOD "Ball and Cube" -

Abstract lessons on mathematical development...

On the lesson children perform various tasks: determine by touch which three-dimensional figures are in the bag; on cards with imagesHod lessons. Educator: Guys, do you like to travel? Today we will go on a journey, and we will travel ...

Xn--i1abbnckbmcl9fb.xn > Abstract of the lesson on

Abstract lessons on FEMP in the younger group

« ball and cube. Turret". Integration educational areasThe goals of the teacher: to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name ball (ball) and cube (cube) independently; introduce walking and running in a column in small groups; learn to push back energetically... > Abstract of the lesson on FEMP in

Technological map of organized educational activities for ...

Kind of activity: Cognition

Integration: communication, socialization, music


  1. To consolidate the knowledge of children of ordinal counting within 10 (direct and reverse counting);
  2. To consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to compose an image from these shapes;
  3. Exercise in drawing up a number from two smaller ones within 7;
  4. Strengthen the ability of children to navigate in space;
  5. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention, ingenuity, visual memory, imagination;
  6. To cultivate interest in mathematical knowledge; the ability to understand the learning task, to perform it independently.
  7. To form a sense of satisfaction from the ability to complete tasks on time. To instill in children an interest in the lesson, to help others.

Demo Material: planar and volumetric geometric shapes, a ball, cards with numbers for the game, a black box with tasks.

Handout: task sheet, set with geometric shapes for the game "Tangram", pencils.

Vocabulary work:

  • Vocabulary Enrichment: Geometric Solids
  • Vocabulary: cone, cylinder, ball, cube

Methodological techniques:

  • - game (Game "Composition of numbers 6 and 7", D / and "Direct and reverse count", ball game);
  • - verbal (questions, conversation, logical tasks);
  • - visual (demonstration material)
  • - analysis of the lesson, encouragement.

Preliminary work:

  • Composition of numbers 4, 5, 6, 7;
  • Game "Tangram";
  • Individual sessions;
  • Solving logic problems;

The course of organizational educational activities:

Music is playing, children are playing in a group.


I call the guys to play!

(children quickly remove the toy and approach the teacher).

- Guests came to our lesson, let's greet them, but greet them in a special way, we will give them our smiles, greet them.

The game "Direct and reverse counting"

Now let's make a big circle.

Guys, if I make a mistake when counting, you clap your hands and name the missing number (Direct and reverse counting)

"Ball game"

- Well done! And now, guys, I will throw the ball to one of you, and ask a question, and you have to catch the ball and answer it:

  • What are the neighbors of the number 7? (6 and 5)
  • What is the number that comes after 5? (6)
  • What is the number that comes before the number 7? (6)
  • What is the number between 6 and 8? (7)
  • Which number is greater, 4 or 6? (6)
  • How much more is 6 than 4? (on 2)
  • Which number is less than 3 or 5? (3)
  • How much is 3 less than 5? (on 2)
  • Count from 4 to 9? (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
  • Count down from 10 to 5? (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5)

Well done boys!

And now I will ask you to sit at the tables of the boys, and now the girls (children sit at the tables)

Every time, always, everywhere

In the classroom, in the game,
Clearly, boldly speaking

And sit quietly!

Everyone sat down comfortably, listen to me carefully!

Guys, what geometric shapes do you like?

1 child: square

What do you know about the square?

2 Child: all sides are equal, he has 4 corners and 4 sides

Well done! What geometric shape do you like more?

3 Child: circle

Tell me about the circle

4 Child: a circle has no corners, no sides

Let's draw a circle in the air

Also, what geometry do you like?

5 Child: Rectangle

Tell me about the rectangle

6 child (a rectangle has opposite sides equal, it has 4 sides and 4 corners)

Guys, look at the square and the rectangle, are they similar? How?

7 child: they have 4 sides and 4 corners

And how do they differ?

8 child: A square has all sides equal, and a rectangle has opposite sides!

Also, what geometric shapes do you like?

9 child: triangle

What does a triangle have?

10 child: 3 corners, 3 sides, 3 tops

Well done boys. What one word can we call these figures? (geometric, planar)

Why are they called flat? (because they are flat, thin)

And what do you think? (ask a few children)

Also, what are the geometric shapes? (volumetric)

The teacher shows the children pre-hidden three-dimensional geometric shapes (in a box, under a large lid, like a bread box)

And who can correctly name three-dimensional geometric shapes for me? (cube, cone, sphere, cylinder). They are also called geometric bodies.

You have a yellow sheet with tasks on your table, look carefully at the task. What do you see? (geometric figures and geometric bodies)

Guys, what do you think, what could be the task here? (connect

geometric shapes with the geometric bodies they look like)

I suggest you connect geometric shapes and geometric bodies.

Grab your pencils and do it.

Guys, while you were doing the task, I also connected geometric shapes and bodies.

The teacher posts his work on the blackboard.

Check. Guys, did I do the right thing?

1 child: You correctly connected the cone and the triangle

2 child: You correctly connected the ball and the circle

3 child: You correctly connected the cylinder and the rectangle

4 child: You correctly connected the cube and the square

Did you also complete the task? Raise your hand who also connected geometric shapes and geometric bodies

Well done! Raise your hand to whom this task was difficult

Movable game to the music "composition of numbers"

“Now I suggest you play a little!” Only boys will come to me. The boys will play, and the girls will be the jury, to see if the boys are doing the task correctly!

I have number cards on my desk (upside down). To the music, you calmly walk around the table, on which there are cards with numbers. As soon as the music ends, you need to take any card and see what number you have written, then quickly find a pair for yourself. You should get the number 7 from the two smallest numbers.

The couple turn to face the girls and show their cards.

Now let's check the results...

We formed pairs: 1 and 6, 2 and 5, 3 and 4

Well done boys!

And now you sit down, you will be the jury, and the girls go out to play the same game, only you need to get the number 6 out of the two smallest numbers!

We got pairs: 1 and 5, 2 and 4, 3 and 3

Well done girls! Done with the task!

Sounds like a melody from the game "What? Where? When?"

Guys, do you recognize the tune? Where did you hear it? (on TV, broadcast)

This music is from the game “What? Where? When?

Guys, look, this is a black box from this game, what is interesting about it?

The teacher opens the black box and shows the children:

Yes, there are tasks ... I suggest you take one card with the task.

What do you think should be done in this task? (put the signs "greater than", "less than", "equal").

That's right, do it yourself! (Children complete tasks on their own).

Now exchange cards with your neighbor and check if your neighbor completed the task correctly!

Child: I have Sasha's card, he completed the task correctly.

(child reads inequalities)

Call the child to the board and let him explain how his neighbor did it.

The children leave their answer sheets on the board. (Ask 2-3 children)

Guys, raise your hand, who found it difficult to complete this task?

The guys got up, let's spend a physical minute with you "The deer has a big house"

D / and "Tangram"

Guys, come to me and line up. Count on 1, 2.

Children number 1 two steps forward: 1, 2!

Children at number 1 go to the table that is on your right.

Children at number 2, go to the table, which is located on your left.

Now I will ask you a few riddles.
Try to guess
And then we collect here
From "Tangram", those about whom,
We ask riddles.

Task for children under No. 1

Does not like seeds from cones,
And he catches poor gray mice.
Among the animals, she is a beauty!
Redhead cheat… (Fox)

Task for children under number 2

What kind of forest animal
I stood up like a column under a pine tree,
And stands among the grass
Ears bigger than head? (Hare)

(Children do the task according to the model.)

And now I invite team #1 to see if team #2 did the task correctly.

Well done. Now team #2 come and see if team #1 got the job done right!

"Funny puzzles"

Guys, come to me, look at what a miracle tree has grown ...

If we pick an apple, we will notice that it is not simple, but with a task, with fun puzzles. Do you want to solve these problems?

Solving fun problems:

The teacher picks apples and reads the tasks, the children answer and prove how they decided

1. Two mice entered the apartment,

We decided to try the cheese.

Then the girlfriends came -

Three gray little mice.

The cat was sleeping at that time on the roof,

About this ignorant feast.

Well, count how many mice

Ate leftover cheese? (5)

  1. Here are 8 rabbits walking along the path.

Two people run after them.

So how many are there along the forest path

Hurrying up to bunny school in winter? (ten)

  1. A chicken standing on two legs weighs 2 kg.

How much does a chicken weigh on one leg? (2 kg)

  1. Dad, mom, brother, me -

That's our whole family.

We all love for lunch

Eat a couple of meatballs.

How much mom, every time

Need to fry them for us? (8 cutlets)

  1. Five flowers at Gulnaz,
    And Almaz gave her two more.
    Who here can count
    What is two and five?
  1. Four ripe pears

Swinging on a branch

Pavlusha took off two pears,

How many pears are left? (2)

  1. Damir found six mushrooms,

And then another.

You answer the question:

How many mushrooms did he bring? (7)

Outcome: (children stand near the teacher)

Guys, raise your hand those children who think that they came to class for a reason?

What task did you like the most?

What task was difficult for you?

I really liked what you did today! You were persistent, attentive, quick-witted and therefore you managed to complete all the tasks. Thank you! You are great! Now go relax and play a little.

Title: Lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group of the MDOBU CRR - kindergarten "Alyonushka"

Position: teacher of the first category
Place of work: MDOBU CRR - d / s "Alenushka"
Location: Sibay city, Republic of Bashkortostan

Topic:"Sphere, cube and division into parts"


1. Form ideas about geometric bodies: a ball, a cube.

2. Fix:

The idea of ​​the relationship of the whole and the part when dividing an object into several parts;

The idea of ​​a number as a result of measuring length;

The composition of the number of units within three.

Demo Material: 3 balls and 3 cubes; loaf of bread, board, knife.

Handout: 3 colored strips of different lengths; conditional measurement (3 pieces); counting sticks (for 3 tables).

Lesson progress

Children, divided into 3 teams, stand around their tables. On the tables are a ball and a cube.

- Guys, what do you see on your tables? (Ball, cube.)

- You said it right, but big children say it right: this is a ball, and this is a cube. Look at these figures, touch them. Tell me what they remind you of, maybe some geometric shapes? Are a sphere and a cube similar? What is the difference?

Children express their assumptions, reflections, learn to compare. The teacher thanks the children for their work and offers to sit on the chairs. The teacher has a loaf of bread, a board, a knife on the table.

— 3 buyers came to the seller's store. They asked them to divide the loaf into 3 parts. Like this.

The teacher cuts the loaf into 3 parts.

How many parts did the seller cut the loaf into?

This is one part of three. Is it larger or smaller than a whole loaf?

- And this is two parts of three. Are two pieces larger or smaller than the whole loaf?

- And this is three parts of three. Are three pieces larger or smaller than the whole loaf?

— Yes, three parts make a whole loaf.

How many pieces did I cut the loaf into?

How many incisions did I make?

- And if I make one cut, how many parts will it be?

The teacher thanks the children for the correct answers and invites them to divide into 3 teams, as at the beginning of the lesson. On each table are a strip, a conditional measure, counting sticks.

There are colored stripes on your tables. I know that on one of the tables the strip is the longest, on the other it is shorter, on the third it is the shortest. How to determine the length of the strips? That's right, with the help of measurements. Start measuring. Do not forget about the correct measurement. Set aside the sticks for counting: one stick is a measure once set aside.

Children determine that the longest strip is on one table. It holds 4 measurements. On the other table, the strip is shorter. It holds 3 measures. The third table has the shortest stripe. It holds 2 measurements.

“Now have one person from each team take a stripe and come up to me. Who has the longest stripe? (Dasha's.) Whose stripe is shorter? (From Vera.) Who has the shortest streak? (At Maxim.)

How many children came to the blackboard in total? How did you make the number 3? (One Dasha, one Vera, one Maxim. Only 3 children.)

How many stripes do you see? How did you make up the number of stripes? (One long, one shorter, one shortest. Total 3 strips.)

The teacher thanks the children for their work.

Preschool age is the age of formation and development of the most common abilities, which, as the child grows up, will improve and differentiate. One of the most important abilities is the ability to know.

The development of elementary mathematical concepts is an extremely important part of the intellectual and personal development of a preschooler. In senior preschool age the problem of the development of elementary mathematical concepts is most relevant, this is due to the upcoming transition of the child to systematic education at school.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the content of educational work should ensure the development of primary ideas about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and consequences, etc.). The standard assumes a comprehensive and integrated approach that ensures the development of pupils in all declared complementary areas of development and education of children.

Target: continue to form elementary mathematical representations of children through practical activities with three-dimensional geometric shapes and bodies.



To consolidate children's knowledge of three-dimensional geometric bodies (cube, cylinder, ball, cone, parallelepiped).

To consolidate the ability of children to create buildings from geometric bodies.


Develop logical thinking, imagination, attention, fine motor skills of hands, perseverance.

To develop children's orientation in space.

Enrich vocabulary children.


Build an interest in mathematics.

To cultivate the ability to listen to an adult and peers, to speak without interrupting, the desire to help each other.

List of activities, forms of work:

  • Motor activity: physical education minute "A deer has a big house."
  • Game activity: didactic exercise“Name the geometric shapes”, didactic-speech game “I see a body, it looks like an object”, the game “Place three-dimensional geometric bodies on a sheet”.
  • Communicative: ascertaining and cognitive questions, explanation, solving the rebus, reflection.
  • Cognitive - research: the game "Construction site".

The presented summary of the lesson is the author's development. Compiled in accordance with the program "Education and Education in Kindergarten", author M. A. Vasilyeva, meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and is included in the educational area "Cognition". The outline clearly shows integration of such educational areas as: cognition, socialization, physical development, speech development.

Planned result:

  1. Children will gain knowledge of geometric shapes.
  2. The skills to create buildings from geometric bodies are being improved.
  3. Children will enrich their vocabulary through mathematical terms.
  4. Children will develop the skill of solving puzzles.

List of equipment and materials used: a laptop, a projector, a set of constructors, a set of geometric bodies for each child, sheets of paper, red and blue circles.

PList of methodical and fiction literature:

  1. The program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. - 4th ed., Rev. And extra. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007. - 240 p.
  2. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Formation of elementary mathematical representations. The system of work in the preparatory group of kindergarten. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012.-80 p.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.


I see a wide circle

All my friends got up

We'll go right now

Now let's go to the left

Let's gather together in the center

And we will all return to the place

Smile, wink

Let's start the journey.

Educator: Hello guys. Now we will go on a journey to the country of geometric shapes. To travel, we need transportation. And on what transport we will go, you will find out by guessing rebus.(Slide number 1).Children's answers.

Guys, the journey will be interesting and exciting. And you be careful and try to remember everything. So, let's start our journey. During the journey, the Chuh-Chukh steam locomotive will stop at stations where interesting tasks will await you.


First station. Game exercise in an envelope Name the geometric shapes.

Educator: Before naming the figures, let's remember what geometric shapes are? Children's answers. (Slide№2)

Educator: What geometric shapes do you see on the slide? Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, guys, these are three-dimensional geometric shapes. (Slide #3)

Educator: Today we will talk about three-dimensional geometric shapes. These figures are also called geometric bodies in another way. Can plane figures be folded? Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, guys, volumetric figures take up space, they have volume, so they can't be stacked.

Educator: Let's take a closer look at volumetric bodies. I suggest playing the game "I see the body, it looks like an object." On the slide, I will show a geometric body, and you must give it a name and say where it can be found in everyday life.

Slide number 4 - cube(Example: I see a cube, it looks like a TV, a cube ...)

Slide number 5 - ball(children's answers)

Slide number 6 cylinder(children's answers)

Slide number 7 cone(children's answers)

Slide number 8 parallelepiped(children's answers)

Educator: Well done boys! Let's go further.

Educator: And we are waiting next station, which is called "Construction site".

Listen to the task. The guys at this station, you should be divided into 2 teams and build 2 buildings, and then tell what geometric bodies you used and how many.

Questions for children on the design:

What geometric bodies did you need to build?

How many geometric bodies did you use?

Educator: Well done boys. Our journey continues.

Station "Spatial".

Educator: Guys, the next task we have to do is called "Place three-dimensional geometric bodies on a sheet".

You have three-dimensional geometric bodies on your tables, now these three-dimensional bodies must be placed on the sheet according to my instructions. Listen carefully. So let's start:

Place in the upper right corner - the ball;

Place in the lower left corner - a cube;

Place a parallelepiped in the middle of the sheet;

Place in the lower right corner - the cylinder;

Place in the upper left corner - a cone.

Educator: Everyone did their job.

Questions for children:

Danil, tell me, please, where is the cone, cube? Now let's check the slide.

slide number 9

Educator: Well done boys. I suggest you rest.

Physical education "A deer has a big house"

And the last station "Savvy".

Educator: I invite you to think a little.

How many noses do three cats have?

How many ears do two mice have?

How many fingers are on one hand?

What day of the week is today?

How many times a year is a birthday?

What season is it now?

A puppy sits on the porch

Warms his fluffy side,

Another one came running

And sat down next to him.

How many puppies were there?

How many angles are in a triangle?

How many days in one week?

Which comes first: morning or evening?

Educator: Well done!

Summary of the lesson.

Did you like the trip with the train Chuh-Chukh?
Now let's see how attentive you were during the trip.

  • What geometric bodies have we met?
  • What tasks do you remember?
  • Vanya, name 2 objects similar to a ball, a cube, a cylinder.
  • What was interesting about the trip?

Educator: I invite you to rate your work. Who coped with all the tasks, take the red circle. Who failed blue.

Purpose: To create conditions for improving the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.

Organize activities to consolidate the ability to group objects by color, shape, size. Exercise in the ability to name familiar geometric shapes: ball, cube, cylinder;

- organize reflective activities.




(technologies of the system-activity approach, author Peterson L. G.)

Kind of activity: Cognitive researchPreparatory group.

Topic: Volumetric geometric figures: ball, cube, cylinder.

Purpose: To create conditions for improving the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.


Organize activities to consolidate the ability to group objects by color, shape, size.Exercise in the ability to name familiar geometric shapes: ball, cube, cylinder;
- organize activities for the formation of mathematical representations and the development of cognitive activity.
- organize reflective activities

Methods and techniques: Verbal, visual, cognitive.

Materials and equipment:simple pencils, geometric shapes and bodies, a pouch, various items having a clear geometric shape (cube, plate, mirror, etc.), Gyenes blocks;

Health-saving technologies: Fizminutka "Figures - fidgets."

Here are fidget figures, They like to play hide and seek. So let's them, guys, Let's look for them with our eyes. Let's take a look to the left. What's there? This is ... a square. Do not leave you prankster, From the inquisitive eyes of the guys. At the four corners the square Walks like a soldier. (Children step in place) Now look to the right, Do you recognize? This is ... a circle. And we found you. Meet us, dear friend. We will turn around ourselves And return to the place in an instant. (Children spinning in place) Who climbed so high, Almost reached the roof?

This strange figure is called - ... an oval. Jump, raise your hands, reach the oval! (Children jump with their hands up) Let's move our eyes down, We'll find a triangle there. And we'll squat down.

Well we know the figures! (Children squat).



Teacher activity

The text is written (with the teacher's direct speech) according to the OS scenario + the teacher's actions.

Children activities

The text is written

(with possible direct speech of children) according to the OS scenario + children's actions.

Expected results

Registered through the Central Organ (educational, developmental, educational)

1. Introduction to the situation (motivation, problem statement)

motivational technology.

Guys, to find out the topic of our lesson, we will play a little.Who wants to play?

Children listen to the teacher, agree.

Creating a positive emotional background.

2. Actualization (repetition, consolidation) of knowledge and skills

Communication technology.

Magic bag game(children stand in a semicircle).
I suggest that the children determine by touch the shape of the object in the bag and name it (the objects in the bag are shaped like a ball, cube, pyramid, circle, square, triangle). I show the children the figures, the shape that they determined by touch. The children name them.
- Take a square and a cube.
- What is it? (figures)
- What do they have in common?

Consolidation of knowledge by children through the game.

Children's answers.

Updating existing knowledge and ideas in children.

Development of articulatory speech.

3. Difficulty in the situation (statement of the problem)

Problem - search technology.

Do you think they are the same?
How are they different from each other?

Children's answers.

Development of logical thinking.

4. "Discovery" of new knowledge (mode of action)

Research activity.In order to find out if these figures are the same,arrange these shapes on a piece of paper. Look carefully and tell me if the figures fit entirely on the plane of the sheet?
Contradiction. (If all children answer: "No").
- What interesting things did you notice?
(the square fits completely on the sheet, but the cube does not).
- What is the question?
(why the cube did not fit on paper).
FROM clash of opinions.
- Everyone agrees? (Some children say: "Yes", others - "No").
- How many opinions are there in the group? (2).
- What question arises? (who is right?)
- Let's see.
The square lies on the plane of the sheet, and now circle it with a pencil. What trace is left - a square, and now circle the cube and see what trace is left? is also a square.
- Does the cube lie completely on the plane of the sheet? (No).
- Yes, only one face lies on the paper, and the rest are located above the sheet of paper. Therefore, a square is a plane figure, and a cube is a three-dimensional figure.
Also compare a circle and a ball, a triangle and a pyramid.
And now let's rest a little.

Observe the actions of the teacher, answer questions, play.

Perform a physical exercise.

Activate the cognitive activity of children through comparison. Development of articulatory speech, thinking.

5. Inclusion of new knowledge in the system of knowledge and skills

Game technology.

Game "Find and tell"(walk around the group and find the right items).
Children find in the environment objects shaped like a ball, a cube and a pyramid.

Didactic exercise "Assemble the chain."

Children are divided into 2 teams to work with Gyenesh blocks. At the signal of the teacher, the teams make up a chain of blocks according to the scheme.

Answer questions, show ingenuity.

They play, collect the chain according to the scheme.

Expansion of ideas about geometric shapes.

6. Making sense

(summary, reflection)

reflective technology.Guys, what concept did we consolidate today? What have you learned?Did you enjoy the activity?

Individual statements of children.

Be fluent in oral speech, the ability to express your thoughts.