Easy pizza at home without yeast. Delicious pizza dough without yeast on the water

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn are the hot season for harvesting for the winter. Often, housewives use cucumbers and onions in preparations, which go well together, enhancing the taste of the salad. Any housewife prefers recipes that are simple in execution, but tasty in content. is exactly that: not difficult to prepare and delicious. So, everything is in order.

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Preparations for the winter

For cooking, you need a pot with a capacity of 10 liters. In this recipe, the cucumbers crunch pleasantly, as they were not processed with heat. Pepper, vinegar will make the salad sharper and with a little sourness.

Necessary products: cucumbers (3 kg), onions and dense tomatoes (1 kg each), sweet red pepper (4 pcs.), 2 tbsp each. l. vinegar essence (70%) and salt, sugar 1.5 cups, vegetable oil (glass), 1 tbsp. l ground black pepper.

All vegetables are well washed and cut. Moreover, cucumbers are cut into circles, tomatoes into cubes, peppers into strips.

Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in vegetable oil in a saucepan. Now add all the other vegetables, sugar, salt, pepper to the onion and cook for about 15 minutes. Pour vinegar into the vegetables, mix and remove from the stove.

Arrange the hot salad in pre-prepared and sterilized jars and close with boiled lids. The yield of lettuce is 7-8 jars of 0.5 l. Closed banks put under a fur coat.

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Salad awesome

Cucumbers cooked according to this recipe remain fresh. Salad can be used for hodgepodge, stew and other dishes.

Cooking products: large cucumbers - 5 kg, turnip onions - 1 kg, 100 ml of table vinegar (9%), 2 tbsp. l. salt, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, for flavor a few peppercorns, dill.

Onions are cut into rings, cucumbers are first cut in half, and then cut into half rings. Vegetables are put in a deep container and all spices are added. Mix thoroughly with your hands and leave for 30 minutes so that the vegetables release the juice. The product yield is about 6.5 liters. Lay vegetables in prepared jars, sterilize for 15-20 minutes. Closed cans are turned over and under a fur coat.

Assorted salad

Vegetable mix

Ingredients: 1 kg of turnip onions, zucchini, carrots, sweet peppers, cucumbers and 2 kg of tomato. And also 300 ml of vegetable oil, 3 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tsp. vinegar essence (70%), 6 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, 10 peppercorns.

Peeled and peeled zucchini cut into pieces, pepper without seeds into strips, cucumbers and onions in half rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Place all vegetables in a deep bowl, pour in vegetable oil, sprinkle with salt and granulated sugar, peppercorns and laurel leaves. Mix everything well and put on fire for 10 minutes, pour in the vinegar and cook for another 5 minutes. Hot cuts are laid out in jars and rolled up. The assortment is delicious.

Salad Gulliver

Marinated salad will be to the taste not only for you, but also for your guests. The recipe is simple and you can even do without sterilization.

Required products: 1 kg of hard and small cucumbers, 0.15 kg of onions, a bunch of dill, 1-2 cm of chili pepper, 6 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1.5 tbsp. l. sugar, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 4 tbsp. l. table (9%) vinegar, 5-8 peppercorns.

Carrot and cucumber preparation

Salad is considered a tasty and low-calorie product, and it is prepared quickly and easily.

We take 5 kg of fresh cucumbers, 1 kg of turnip onions, carrots, 1 cup of table vinegar, vegetable oil, ½ cup of sugar, 4 tbsp. l. salt, ground black pepper and peas to taste.

Cucumbers are cut on both sides and cut into half rings, in the same way, chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or combine. Put everything in a container, sprinkle with salt, sugar, spices, pour in oil and vinegar and mix. Close the container and leave to infuse for 2.5-3.5 hours. Then put into jars, sterilize for 10-15 minutes, roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool.

Salad for the winter cucumbers, cabbage, onions

The salad is called vitamin or rural because of its ingredients.

We take 1 kg of cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, 1.5 kg of white cabbage, 0.75 kg of carrots, a head of garlic, 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tsp. ground black pepper.

Cooking. All vegetables are peeled, washed and cut: cabbage into thin strips, tomatoes into slices, cucumbers into circles, garlic cloves also into circles, onions in half rings, grate carrots. Now the vegetables are put in a deep container, mixed and infused for 15-25 minutes. After that, vegetables are laid out in prepared jars (1 l), added to each 1 bay leaf, 2 tbsp. l. unrefined vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for at least 25-30 minutes from the moment the water boils. Then the jars are closed, turned over to cool. "Country hobbies" All about country life: cottage, garden, vegetable garden, flowers, recreation, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

My sister has been preparing such a cucumber salad for the winter with onions and vegetable oil for a couple of years in a row according to the recipe that I told her when I returned from the sea. While on vacation, I met a girl who married an Arab and went to live in another country. Of course, it was very interesting to find out what it is like to live in a foreign country thousands of kilometers from home. Yes, and get into a completely different reality, into a different world, in which their laws and their foundations reign. But it turned out that Anna, and that was the name of this girl, is very happy in marriage and quite easily adapted to a new country for herself. Moreover, she perfectly learned the language and even mastered the local cuisine.

So she told me how she prepares a spicy, but very tasty snack for her oriental family. I slightly corrected the recipe for our products, added one technological process, and I got a wonderful recipe for conservation. But I myself never cooked this salad, it still didn’t work out, but I only tried the one that my sister cooked. And this year I intend to make a couple of servings of such a tasty, moderately spicy salad for sure. Moreover, there are no difficulties in cooking, I have simplified the technology and now such an appetizer can be prepared, as it were, casually.

For her, we need good strong cucumbers, it can be overripe, but so that they are still elastic and edible. In a large bowl, mix the chopped cucumbers and onions, add spices and spices, and wait until the cucumbers are slightly salted and marinated.

Then we just shift it into jars and sterilize the allotted time. So, as you can see, everything is quite simple.
From the specified recipe comes out 4 liters of salad.

- fresh cucumbers (pickled varieties) - 4 kg,
- onion turnip - 1 kg,
- granulated sugar - 200 g,
- sunflower oil - 200 ml,
- table vinegar (9% - 8 tablespoons,
- fine-crystalline kitchen salt - 5 tablespoons,
- ground red pepper - 1.5 tbsp.

Step by step recipe with photo:

The first thing we need to do is to sort and then wash the cucumbers.

We cut the cucumbers either into slices or circles - as you like more.
We clean the onion from dry scales, wash cold water. Then cut it into thin half rings.

Mix vegetables with salt and sugar.

Add spices, as well as vinegar and oil.

We leave the salad for 3-4 hours so that it is soaked with marinade. During this time, be sure to mix the salad a couple of times so that it is salted more evenly.
Then we shift it into clean jars and sterilize in a water bath.

We sterilize jars with a capacity of 500 ml for 15 minutes, and with a capacity of 1 liter - 20-25 minutes.

Then we quickly roll them up and, as usual, wrap them with a blanket. We take out the cooled jars of salad into the basement.

Bon appetit!

Old Lesya

No less tasty and spicy

Cucumber salad for the winter is prepared in almost every family, and it’s understandable - very often you don’t have time to keep track of a couple of cucumbers, and they simply outgrow the size they are supposed to be, which is defined as standard for canning. But in salads, such cucumbers are simply amazing, and there are a lot of recipes by which you can cook them. Unfortunately, you cannot preserve cucumbers in such a way that they taste as fresh as in any summer salad, and still, it turns out very tasty. After all, not only cucumbers are added to such salads, but also various spices and roots. In the end, in the winter on the table you will have a variety of winter cucumber salads that you worked on in the summer. And you can enjoy their taste anytime you want. Today we will share with you interesting options blanks that you will surely like.

Cucumber salad with onions for the winter

Cucumber salad with onions for the winter is one of the most popular salads of this type. It is very easy to prepare and does not require a lot of ingredients. In order to make a similar salad at home.

You will need to take the following products:

Onions - 300 grams;

Cucumbers - 2 kilograms of cucumbers;

Vegetable oil - 13 tablespoons of oil;

Fresh dill and parsley - a large bunch;

Salt - 1.5 tablespoons (one spoon with a noticeable slide);

Sugar - 3 tablespoons without a slide;

Vinegar at 9% - 5 tablespoons.


The first thing we must do is wash the cucumbers and give them a little time to stand in the water - this way they will be more dense. After that, you need to rinse the cucumbers again and peel them - usually for those vegetables that have outgrown the desired 10 centimeters at least 2 times, the peel is not that particularly pleasant, so most housewives prefer to cut it off, and do it right. After that, the prepared cucumbers must be cut - you can cut them into circles, you can cut the circles into two halves after that. Take a larger pot, in such a way that during cooking you will need to mix the cucumbers more than once or twice, but it should be convenient to do this. The onion also needs to be peeled, after which you need to cut it into quarters. Transfer everything to the cucumbers. It is best to rinse the greens several times in a basin of water, then rinse under running water. Very often, not on how overgrown the cucumbers are, but on how well the ingredients are washed, and how your blanks will stand depends. Greens before you chop it, you must definitely dry it. Once dried, chop as finely as possible. After that, pour 13 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the cucumbers, add the indicated amount of salt, granulated sugar. Lastly, add vinegar and then mix everything. Cover the salad in a large saucepan with a tight lid and let it brew for 4 hours. As soon as 4 hours have passed, you need to mix the salad again. Now you can put it on the fire, wait for it to boil, and cook it all, stirring constantly, for 7 minutes. At the same time, we don’t make the fire big. Next, you need to put everything in jars for half a liter, they must be sterile. It is necessary to cork everything with tin lids, which you boiled in advance. That's all, it remains to turn the cans over so that the bottoms look up, and after that you need to wrap the blanks. All that remains is to wait until everything cools down, and transfer to a cool place. It is undesirable to store jars at room temperature, since in this case they very often explode. Such a salad is just a real salvation for working housewives - in winter you just need to open it, put it in a salad bowl, and serve as a side dish in any meat dish.

Cucumber salad for the winter Nezhinsky

The most popular salad, which today is prepared by a huge number of housewives. As in the previous recipe, this salad uses onions and cucumbers, but the proportions are completely different. So, try to cook a similar salad, it turns out just incredibly tasty. We are sure that you will like this recipe so much that you will prepare the workpiece year after year.

So, what do you need to take in order to prepare such a salad:

Cucumbers - 2.5 kilograms;

Onions - 700 grams;

Parsley and dill - 50 grams of fresh herbs;

Vegetable oil - 200 grams;

Table vinegar - 14 table vinegar by 9%;

Rock salt - 2 tablespoons;


For this salad, cucumbers can not be peeled, but it is still better to take not especially large ones, not too overripe. First you need to take cucumbers and wash them, put them in water for an hour or two, they will be more dense. After that, you need to wash the cucumbers, remove the tips, and then cut each cucumber lengthwise, and each half into thin, 3 mm thick slices. Put it all in a large pot, the volume should be from 5 liters - so it will be easier for you to cope with the workpiece. Now it's time for the bow. You must clean it, cut each one along the root into two halves, and after that you need to cut it as thinly as the cucumbers. Place the onion in the same bowl. After that, you need to wash the dill greens, as well as the parsley greens, and then remove all the thick stems. The greens will need to be cut as small as possible, and then put on the onions and cucumbers. Add vegetable oil, followed by salt, sugar, vinegar, and leave everything for two hours and a half under a lid at room temperature. Make sure you don't get too hot. Cucumbers will begin to give juice in 2.5 hours. as soon as you see that there is enough juice, you can move the pan to the stove. Bring the cucumbers to a boil under the lid, and then cook for another 5 minutes. During this time, it is necessary to sterilize the washed jars - it is very convenient to do this in the oven, and after that you need to put everything in jars and roll it up. Turn over, cover warmly, let cool slowly. Everything, you can take out in the cold - everything is ready.

Cucumber salad with onion and sweet pepper

Delicious salad, for lovers of unexpected flavor combinations. The salad is slightly sweet, which gives it even more originality.

So, what do we need to prepare:

Cucumbers - 1 kilogram of cucumbers;

Large onion - 1 piece;

Sweet bell pepper, preferably a contrasting color;

Salt - 1 tablespoon;

Sugar - 200 grams;

Vinegar - 200 grams;

Water - 200 ml;

Basil - a few sprigs of small size.


First you need to wash the cucumbers, very carefully. You can even use a soft brush for this, the main thing is not to damage the peel. Now you need to take the cucumbers, cut them lengthwise, and after that you can cut them into very thin slices. If you want, you can entrust this business to a food processor - very convenient, and most importantly, quickly. Please note that to prepare this salad, you need to take sufficiently "adult" cucumbers, but not overripe. We also clean the onion and cut it either into rings or half rings, as you like. The most important condition is to cut as thinly as possible. Peppers need to be peeled, and after that it is necessary to cut into small strips, after carefully washing it and removing all unnecessary. Wash the basil too, and tear it into pieces, not too finely, as it turns out. Dense branches and stems are removed. Everything is mixed, sprinkled with a little sugar. We leave it all for about 10 minutes. The juice will begin to stand out very actively. Now we take water, boil, add sugar and salt. And as soon as all this is dissolved, and the water will boil. Add vinegar, stir and switch off. Cucumbers need to be put very tightly in a jar, pour marinade, close the lids that you have already sterilized, and leave to cool at room temperature. Everything, after cooling, we transfer everything to the basement for storage.

Salad for the winter of cucumbers with garlic and carrots

The salad turns out to be elegant and tasty, garlic and carrots in such blanks are simply amazingly combined with cucumbers.

In order to prepare such a cucumber salad for the winter, you will need to take the following products:

Fresh cucumbers - 1 kilogram;

Carrots - 500 grams;

Garlic - 1 head;

Onions - 1 piece;

To prepare the marinade, you will need to take the following ingredients:

Vegetable oil - 250 ml;

Salt - 2 tablespoons;

Sugar - 3 tablespoons.


My cucumbers, after that fill them with cold water and leave for a while in the water. After that, you need to rinse the cucumbers again. The smaller you cut them, the faster they will be ready. Therefore, you can cut the cucumber lengthwise, and then into thin slices. Carrots need to be peeled, washed, after which you need to cut it as thin as possible. We cut the onion into half rings or rings, but also quite thinly. After that, you need to disassemble each garlic into small slices, and clean and cut each slice into 2 parts. After that, you need to take all the ingredients, mix very well and put them tightly in jars. Now you need to prepare the filling. To do this, heat the oil, mix with salt and sugar, you can add a bay leaf and pepper to taste, but in this case, before you pour the marinade into jars, you will definitely need to remove the spices. As soon as it starts to boil, add vinegar. Fill the jars, roll up, and after that you remove everything - let it cool.

Salad for the winter with cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers

Very bright and elegant salad, it looks amazing, but how delicious! Cooking it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, despite the fact that there are quite a lot of ingredients indicated in the recipe.

So, if you decide to cook a similar salad, then you will need to take the following products:

Cucumbers - 3 pieces of small cucumbers;

Tomatoes - 5 small pieces, no larger than a chicken egg;

Sweet bell pepper of any color - 1 piece;

Onions - 2 heads of not particularly large size;

Salt - 20 grams;

Sugar - 20 grams;

Vinegar ordinary at 9% - 50 grams;

Water - half a liter of water.


These ingredients are enough for one liter of workpiece. The jar, as well as the lid, must be sterilized. It is very simple to do this - you need to wash and sterilize the jar in the oven, and boil the washed lid. Wash the vegetables very carefully, after we start peeling the pepper - there should be no seeds or stalk. We cut it into strips, but not particularly thin, after which you need to cut the cucumber into 4 equal parts and cut into small pieces, quarters. After that, you need to take a tomato and cut the stem there. Everything must be cut into slices, but not particularly thin. The onion also needs to be peeled, and then cut into small half rings. It remains to shift everything into one pan, not very small, so that it is convenient for you to mix the salad in it if necessary, so that nothing spills over the edge. Everything needs to be mixed very carefully and after that you need to put everything that you received into a prepared jar. Now we take half a liter of water, pour it into a free pan, and after that you need to add sugar and salt to the water. Everything should boil and we should remove it from the fire only when we add vinegar. After that, add the marinade directly to the jar almost boiling, cover with a lid and put everything on sterilization. A liter jar should be sterilized for about 15 minutes, after that we roll everything up and set to cool.

Cucumber salad for the winter with herbs and onions, with garlic

In order to make such a delicious salad, you will need to take the products from the following prepared list:

Cucumbers - 400 grams;

Garlic - 2 cloves;

Onion - 50 grams;

Parsley, dill without stems - 50 grams;

Salt - to taste;

Vinegar - 20 grams;

Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.


This is how the salad is prepared. First you need to take cucumbers, wash and sort. Select not overgrown. After that, you need to peel them, cut into small pieces. Next, you need to take all the garlic, and also cut into small pieces. But don't try to grind too much. After that, you need to take the onion, peel it, cut it thinly enough, and prepare the greens. The greens should be perfectly washed, dried, and then chopped, but only the twigs must be removed. We don't need them. Now everything needs to be transferred to a saucepan, add vegetable oil and vinegar, salt. After that, you need to fill all the jars with salad and put on sterilization for 20 minutes.

Cucumber salad for the winter as fresh

This is a very spicy salad for the winter, but quite strongly resembles the taste of raw, fresh crispy cucumbers. Some housewives prefer it for only one reason - it does not have the taste of "boiled" cucumbers.

In order to prepare such a salad, you will need to take the products from the list:

Cucumbers - 3 kilograms;

Garlic - 250 grams;

Onion - 250 grams;

Greens to taste;

Coarse salt - 100 grams;

Ground black pepper - to taste;

Sand sugar - 250 grams;

Vinegar for 9% table - 150 ml.


To begin with, we must cut the cucumbers, while we must try to ensure that the width is no more than 1 cm. After that, we must take the onion and cut it into fairly thin strips, and the garlic must be peeled and passed through a press. It remains to mix everything, season with sugar and salt, as well as pepper, herbs and vinegar. After that, you need to put everything for 10 hours in any cool place, and then put it in sterilized jars. It is advisable to pour a tablespoon of oil into each jar. We twist everything and put it in the basement or in the refrigerator, the salad will not stand at room temperature.

Cucumber salad Latgale

To prepare such a salad, you will need to take the following products:

Cucumbers not overripe, but ripe enough - 2.5 kilograms;

Onion - 1 kilogram;

Table vinegar - 100 ml at 6%;

Sugar - 100 grams;

Vegetable oil - 100 ml of oil;

Coarse table salt - 1 tablespoon without top;

ground coriander;

Any greenery.


The first thing you should do is soak the cucumbers for 2 hours, and then cut them into small pieces. Next, you need to chop the peeled onion - also finely enough. Mix everything, and add herbs, coriander, oil, salt and all the rest there. Mix well. Leave for 10 minutes, then stir again - this time a little juice will stand out, and then put your saucepan on the fire and cook everything for 15 minutes. Cucumbers by this time will begin to change slightly in color. Everything, now you can lay everything out in banks and roll it up. The jars, like the lids, should already be sterilized by this point.

Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots for the winter

To prepare an incredibly tasty and simple salad of carrots and tomatoes with cucumbers, you will need to prepare the following products:

Crispy cucumbers - 2 kilograms;

Tomatoes are small in size, very dense, but ripe - 2 kilograms;

Fresh carrots of sweet varieties juicy - 500 grams;

White onion - 500 grams;

Salt - 2 tablespoons;

Sugar - 3 tablespoons;

Ordinary table vinegar at 6% or 9% - 150 ml.


Wash and soak the cucumbers, then cut off the tips, clean the cucumbers themselves if necessary, and then add already washed tomatoes with cut stalks and cut into slices, as well as chopped onions and carrots. The thinner you can cut the carrots, the better. In a saucepan, mix everything together with granulated sugar and vinegar, as well as vegetable oil and sugar, put on medium heat. Such a salad is cooked for a long time, almost for an hour, and only after that it is laid out in jars. Banks must be sterilized, and after that everything must be rolled up.

Assorted salad for the winter of cucumbers

In order to prepare this salad, you will need to take the following products:

Cucumbers - 2 kilograms;

Tomatoes - 2 kilograms;

Sweet pepper - 7 pieces;

Hot pepper - 2 pieces;

Garlic - 200 grams;

Sugar - 200 grams;

Vegetable oil - 150 grams;

Salt - 2 tablespoons of salt;

Table vinegar - 80 grams.


First you need to take two types of peppers. Wash, cut so as to remove the stalks and seeds. After that, you need to pass the tomatoes, garlic and tomatoes through a meat grinder. Then you need to add vinegar to the same mixture, as well as vegetable oil and granulated sugar, as well as salt. Now you need to send everything to the fire. Let everything cook for 10 minutes. Now the cucumbers - the tips are cut off, after that you need to peel them, if necessary, if the peel is not dense and not bitter, then you can completely do without this step. Now it remains only to boil everything for 7 minutes after boiling. We lay out everything in jars - already calcined, close with boiled lids and that's it, cool, transfer to the cold.

Salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers for the winter

Another delicious salad for which you need products:

Cucumbers - 4 pieces;

Tomatoes - 4 pieces;

Large sweet bell pepper - 4 pieces;

Onions - 2 heads;

Salt - 2 tablespoons;

Sugar - 1 tablespoon;

Vinegar - 2 tablespoons;

Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;

Parsley - to taste;

Basil - to taste.


So that you can cook such an unusual and delicious salad assorted cucumbers, wash all products. After that, you need to cut the cucumbers into very thin rings. After that, you need to cut the tomatoes into small pieces. In this case, the onion will need to be cut as thin as possible, not necessarily in rings, as you prefer. Pepper should be cut into strips. Greens should be chopped very finely. After that, you need to take clean liter jars and pour in vegetable oil. At the bottom of each jar it is necessary to lay out the greens, finely chopped. Then you need to take and put the cucumbers on top. Now lay out the onion rings. Then add all the pepper, add the tomatoes.

From above it is necessary to lay out a small umbrella of dill, and now salt and vinegar, vegetable oil and granulated sugar must be added to each of the jars. Banks are simply filled with boiling water, and all this is cooked for 15 minutes with covered lids. It remains to roll up and put to cool at room temperature, after cooling, everything remains to be taken to the basement.

Step-by-step recipes for spicy cucumber salad for the winter with onions and carrots, peppers, tomatoes and garlic in a classic, spicy and spicy tomato marinade

2018-07-19 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

1 gr.

0 gr.


6 gr.

28 kcal.

Option 1: Classic cucumber salad recipe for the winter with onions

Pickled cucumber salad for the winter with onions is the perfect appetizer that goes well with any side dish and meat dish. And how to make a blank and what can be added to the recipe in addition to the main ingredients, we will tell in this collection.


  • 3 kg of fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 kg of peeled onions;
  • 74 grams of food vinegar;
  • 20 grams of non-iodized salt;
  • 41-42 grams of sugar;
  • 20 grams (medium bunch) dill;
  • garlic (old) / peppercorns in jars;
  • half a liter of boiling water if necessary.

Step-by-step recipe for cucumber salad for the winter with onions

Peel a kilogram of onion with a knife. Throwing away the husk, wash the roots. Then cut into quarters of rings.

Now thoroughly wash the fresh cucumbers with a sponge. Chop the vegetables into circles (approximate thickness - 1 cm). If the fruits are large, then it is better to cut them into halves of circles.

Combine these ingredients in a clean dry bowl. Introduce chopped clean dill. Sprinkle with sugar. Salt and mix gently. Cover with a lid.

Leave the vegetable mixture on the refrigerator shelf to marinate evenly for two hours. During this relatively short time, cucumbers will release some juice.

Arrange fairly tightly the vegetables from the bowl. Immediately add vinegar (10-11 ml per liter jar) and add vegetable juice in an equal volume.

If the liquid did not cover the cucumber salad for the winter with onions, add a little boiling water. Cover, pasteurize, roll up and cool well. Preservation is ready.

Boiling water, as a rule, will require a little. However, if there is very little vegetable juice, then it is better to salt the water added to the jars. Besides, in canned salad it is permissible to lay not only garlic and peppercorns (black), but also cloves with lavrushka leaves.

Option 2: A quick cucumber salad recipe for the winter with onions

How to cook onion-cucumber salad quickly? Eliminate infusion by putting prepared vegetables in jars immediately after cutting. It remains only to fill them with marinade and sterilize for about fifteen to twenty minutes.


  • 2000 grams of fresh narrow cucumbers;
  • 700 grams of onion (bulb);
  • 2-3 cups of boiling water;
  • 10-12 grams of coarse or fine salt;
  • 22-24 grams of fine sugar;
  • a leaf of laurel in each jar;
  • 5 peppercorns in each jar;
  • 33 grams of regular vinegar (9%).

How to quickly prepare a cucumber salad for the winter with onions

Rinse cucumbers and onions peeled from light husks in a bowl of cool water. For best result it is recommended to use a sponge.

Chop both vegetables into small neat pieces (halves or quarters of circles).

Pour mixed vegetable mixture into sterilized glass jars. At what in advance to place peppercorns and laurel on the bottom of the container.

Top with cucumber salad for the winter with onion vinegar (a spoonful in a liter jar). Boil separately and mix with sugar and salt two to three glasses of water.

Introduce the marinade (boiling) into whole glass jars up to the neck. Sterilize, be sure to cover with washed lids. At the very end, carefully roll up.

We did not include greens in the quick preparation. However, if you want to add dill or parsley, be sure to wash it thoroughly and chop it on a dry cutting board.

Option 3: Cucumber salad with onions and carrots for the winter

The first additional ingredient that we will add to the salad will be carrots. Moreover, it is permissible to chop it with bars or grate it on large cells of a grater.


  • 0.5 kg of fresh carrots and onions;
  • 3 kg of fresh (with peel) cucumbers;
  • 45 grams of food vinegar;
  • 19-20 grams of coarse salt;
  • 39-40 grams of regular sugar;
  • a couple of tablespoons of oil for vegetables;
  • in jars with a leaf of laurel and a couple of cloves.

How to cook

Clean both used root crops. Then chop the carrots as thin as possible, for which it is permissible to use a special (Korean) grater.

In addition, cut the onion into thin half rings. Pour the prepared vegetables into an enamel bowl.

Now washed and wiped dry cucumbers on a clean board, cut into halves of neat circles. Add cut to the rest of the vegetables.

Mixing the ingredients of the cucumber salad for the winter with onions, add sugar and coarse salt. Also fill everything with oil. Leave for a couple of short hours in the refrigerator.

After the written time has passed, in clean jars for cloves and small laurel. Spoon over the boiled vegetables. Add some vinegar.

Pour up to the neck with the resulting vegetable juice. If there is not enough liquid, which in principle should not happen, introduce a little boiling water, add another pinch of salt.

Carrots chopped into thin bars will undoubtedly decorate the salad. However, it is permissible to simply rub or chop this root crop into the thinnest possible halves of identical circles. You can also supplement the preparation with chopped herbs.

Option 4: Cucumber salad with onions in Chili sauce for the winter

We will close the next salad in spicy tomato sauce, for which it is necessary to purchase Chili ketchup. But for the flavor, we recommend putting garlic and dry laurel into conservation.


  • 4 large onions;
  • 2 kg of fresh cucumbers;
  • 205 grams of purchased ketchup "Chile";
  • 3 cups filtered boiling water;
  • 11-12 coarse salt;
  • 22-25 grams of fine sugar;
  • 55-60 grams of 9% vinegar;
  • garlic / bay leaves in jars.

Step by step recipe

Carefully remove dry husks from large onions. Wash root vegetables with fresh cucumbers in an enamel bowl with clean cold water.

Chop the above ingredients on the board: the first - in rings, and the second - in circles. Mix in a dry bowl.

Put in clean jars each garlic clove and bay leaf. Cover vegetables in thick layers. Pour table vinegar.

Enter water into the saucepan. Dilute with chilli ketchup, salt and sugar. Bring to a strong boil.

Pour marinade over cucumber salad for the winter with onions. Be sure to sterilize and roll up immediately. Transfer to a storage shelf, cool completely.

Purchased ketchup "Chili" is required for harvesting. However, in its absence, it is permissible to take ordinary ketchup and mix it with ground hot pepper. You can also add several types of pepper at once to give the salad a bright spicy aroma and taste.

Option 5: Cucumber salad with onions, peppers and tomatoes for the winter

We suggest making the fifth version of cucumber salad with sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes. You will get an incredible vegetable mix, perfect for any meat dish.


  • 1 kg of sweet red or yellow pepper;
  • 3 kg of medium cucumbers;
  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of medium onion;
  • 3 dessert spoons of salt;
  • 6 dessert spoons of sugar;
  • 120 grams of vinegar;
  • small leaves of laurel in jars;
  • two glasses of water for vegetables.

How to cook

Remove the top from the pepper. Get partitions. Carefully remove the skin from the onion. Cut off the tips of medium cucumbers. In tomatoes, cut out the places where the stalks were located.

Now wash all vegetables thoroughly. Cut the pepper into thin, and cucumbers into medium bars. Chop the onion into halves of thin rings. Cut the tomatoes into slices.

Add a couple of cups of boiling water to a basin with an enameled surface. Add salt and all sugar. Dissolve the latter, and then fall asleep pepper, onion and tomatoes.

While the ingredients are boiled, it will take about a third of an hour to scald glass jars. Throw one or two leaves of laurel at the bottom.

After twenty minutes, add cucumber bars to the basin. Mix carefully. Lay cucumber salad for the winter with onions in jars. Do this in relatively dense layers.

Pour hot liquid from the basin to the brim, after introducing vinegar. Sterilize in boiling water for about 15-16 minutes, then roll up (or twist tightly) and leave to cool.

Tomatoes will give quite a lot of liquid juice, so the amount of water we add before starting to boil may vary. Look carefully at the tomato slices and determine the juiciness of vegetables "by eye". From this, determine the amount of fluid needed.

Option 6: Cucumber salad with onions in a spicy marinade

In the last recipe, we will prepare today's salad in a spicy marinade with cloves, garlic, dill umbrella, laurel and peppercorns.


  • 3 kg of fresh medium cucumbers;
  • 1 kg of fresh onions;
  • 25 grams of coarse salt;
  • 45-50 grams of sugar;
  • 5 cups of boiling water;
  • 55-60 grams of food vinegar;
  • laurel/garlic/cloves/pepper/umbrella dill

Step by step recipe

Prepare cucumbers and onions for slicing by peeling and washing. Then chop the first in half circles, and the second in half rings.

Boil all the planned water, adding sugar and salt to the liquid. Leave to simmer gently over low heat.

Put laurel, peppercorns, cloves, dill umbrella and garlic clove into all scalded jars. Now place (tightly but neatly) chopped vegetables on top.

Add some vinegar. Pour cucumber salad for the winter with onions with a very hot marinade.

At the end, sterilize, roll up hermetically, cool well and send to the cellar or pantry.

These spices should be enough to make a winter vegetable salad amazingly tasty and amazingly fragrant. However, if desired, it is permissible to replace or supplement them with others to your liking.