Reliable building material. What material can be used to build the cheapest house

Quite often, when designing a private house, the future owner thinks about the optimal choice of materials for its construction. What is cheap to build a house from, so that it does not affect the quality, thermal insulation, external attractiveness and durability of the building. The right selection of materials will help not only build the desired house with your own hands, but also save a lot of money.

Construction stages

From the very beginning, you should determine the order that you need to follow when doing construction with your own hands:

  1. The very first building of the foundation begins.
  2. The construction of the walls begins to be engaged after checking the readiness of the base.
  3. The next in order will be the conduct of communications (heating, water supply, sewerage, electrification, gas supply) and pouring the floor.
  4. The next step will be laying the floor.
  5. The last step is to build a roof. This kind construction works produced in spring or autumn.
The level of costs is affected by the design of the house, the foundation, materials for construction, materials for hydro- and thermal insulation, installation of doors and windows

The following factors influence the level of costs:

  • effective building layout;
  • the depth of the foundation, the materials for its construction and the technique used in its construction;
  • the use of inexpensive and high-quality materials for walls;
  • heat-saving and waterproofing materials;
  • type of heating system;
  • installation of door and window blocks;
  • the use of heat-saving and waterproofing agents.

Any construction must begin with a project. This approach makes it possible to initial stage avoid unnecessary expenses and optimize the project area. You should also decide what material the house will be built from.

Create a project

To reduce the cost of construction and materials, you can calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house in such a way as to comfortably accommodate everything necessary premises on the smallest possible area and decide what material will become the basis for the walls.

To save money, when building a house, make an extension - a veranda, it will protect the building and serve as a great place summer holidays

To reduce heat loss, you can abandon poles, bay windows, as well as all kinds of decorative partitions, as well as insulate basements, roofs and walls. The fewer walls in a building, the easier it is to heat it.

An excellent solution would be the construction of verandas and balconies that will protect the building and serve as a place of rest in summer time. It is also recommended to combine the hall with the dining room and kitchen, in this case the total area will reduce heat loss, and minimal zoning will help create a cozy and original interior of a small room.

You can resist the cooling of rooms from the side of the roof by arranging the attic.

As roofing materials, it is recommended to use reliable tile materials or tiles. You should not save on roofing material, since the life of the building and the possibility of rational use attic floor. In addition, these materials look very decorative, improve the overall appearance of the structure and are very durable, which more than pays for their high cost.

Wall materials

Since low-cost construction is designed not only to create beautiful and comfortable housing, but also to do it in a short time with reasonable savings, you should, if possible, use modern materials for interior decoration.

The scheme of the insulated frame house

For the construction of a strong frame, concrete, metal, brick or wood are used. One of the options for economical construction is the installation of a wooden frame, which is then sheathed with soft insulation. This allows you to significantly lighten the design and save on the construction of the foundation, as well as significantly reduce energy consumption for heating.

Another profitable option for building walls is the construction of aerated concrete. A house made of such material is very quick and easiest to build, while reducing mortar and labor costs. The material is light and dimensional, and after finishing works he will get any required view, and will not differ in any way from brick structures.

Wood is a favorite raw material for construction, but it can hardly be saved on it. The material itself is not so expensive, but since it is constantly subjected to deformation, shrinkage, the appearance of cracks and gaps from the effects of weather conditions, and also needs careful insulation, the cost of it increases significantly.

An economical material for a wooden house is only typesetting system. It is assembled in production conditions by specialists from full-bodied structural elements.

In addition, such a house periodically requires sealing gaps as a result of building subsidence, as well as other expensive maintenance and control.

foundation type

You can reduce the cost of building a foundation by using highly efficient structures that can reduce the weight of the walls of the house and allow you to use a lightweight version of the foundation.

The ability to build a low-buried foundation is determined by the condition of the soil and the proximity of occurrence ground water.

A low-depth foundation will save a lot of money

Under what conditions can a low-buried foundation be built:

  1. Such a foundation is used only on non-rocky soils. Coarse-grained sand is an ideal base for a low-buried foundation.
  2. Subject to the installation of a drainage system. This will prevent the rise of groundwater and protect the basement of the building from excessive moisture.
  3. It is also advisable to use waterproofing.

If an architect decides in favor of building a low foundation and decides in favor of lightweight materials, then the amount saved will be quite significant.

In order to determine the appropriate type of foundation with your own hands, you should dig a hole about one meter deep. If there is no water in the pit, and the composition of the soil is represented by sand, clay and stones, then with all certainty it can be said that it is possible to build an unburied foundation (60-80 cm). If water appeared in the pit, then the occurrence of the base should be at a depth of more than one meter.

Roofing material is used to waterproof the foundation

The solution should be thick enough and consist of cement, sand and gravel. Before pouring, formwork is constructed from boards. The width of the base should be 20 cm more than the width of the walls. Be sure to use reinforcing mesh.

To ensure waterproofing, a roofing material is laid in the foundation at ground level in two layers and then built up to the required height.

After the completion of construction work, the foundation should be given several months to mature, and only after that the walls should be built.

Window systems

When choosing and installing window systems with your own hands, you should pay attention not only to the quality of the window block itself, but equally to the condition of seals and fittings. They must provide a snug fit, high-quality heat and sound insulation.

Poor-quality double-glazed windows will contribute to the cooling of the room and the formation of drafts.

The number of windows required for optimal lighting is calculated by the formula: floor area divided by 8. For example, for a room with an area of ​​40 meters, 5 windows are needed.

Heating system

The finished building needs the installation of a gas or electric heating. Measures to insulate the walls, floors and basement of the building significantly reduce heat loss, but they are not able to provide comfortable temperature at home during the cold season.

The underfloor heating system is one of the most effective ways space heating. There are two types of such a floor: electric and water. This system is quite cheap and provides pleasant warmth and comfort in the room. The acquisition and installation of such a system with your own hands will allow, without causing a significant increase in the cost of the project, to ensure savings and organically fit into the interior of the house.

Comfortable for this type of heating, the distribution of warm air from the bottom up, in comparison with other types, is the most correct. Whereas heating from radiators can be minimized by drafts walking inside the room.

Knowing what is cheaper to build a house from, you can save a good amount and bring your dream home project to life with your own hands. Arrangement tips low cost home they will help to build a comfortable, beautiful and ergonomic design with their own hands, in which it will be possible to pay maximum attention to the interior decoration of the room with the remaining funds.

In our country in recent decades has been actively developing individual construction. In addition to the construction of warm and durable houses from classic wood and brick, new materials and technologies are increasingly being used, primarily borrowed from abroad.

New materials for building a house are being developed in order to simplify and speed up installation, to increase the heat-saving characteristics of external walls. But in itself, the low cost of the material for the construction of the building box and its good specifications do not guarantee that the final costs will be small, and the house will turn out to be warm and cozy.

To choose cheap materials for construction, take into account the following factors:

  • Climate and location of the building plot. This factor affects the choice of wall thickness, the need for additional insulation.
  • Soil type. Influences the choice of the foundation base, the technology of waterproofing the underground part.

Thus, it is important not only to compare the cost of materials for building structures, but also to determine which is the cheapest option suitable for specific operating conditions.

Final cost of work

It is the final cost of the work that should be taken into account when evaluating the characteristics and cost of materials for building the walls of the house and looking for the most budget option.

The total construction costs are made up of a number of components:

  • Architecture - the simpler, the cheaper.
  • Engineering solutions - selection the best option execution of each design.
  • Internal layout is a rational approach to the use of space in order to get the maximum usable area.
  • Insulation - the need and costs depend on the thermal conductivity of the walls.
  • Finishing external, internal - the need depends on the characteristics of the wall material, when choosing finishing materials you can save.
  • Building materials - it is on their choice that developers try to save as much as possible.
  • Foundation - the cost is up to 40% of the total investment in construction, the parameters of the foundation base depend on the choice of materials for mounting the building box and the roofing system.

If you want to reduce construction costs, keep in mind that choosing a cheap material for building walls can result in the need to spend extra money and time on their insulation and decoration. When building a house above one floor, strength characteristics also require special attention.

The cheapest building materials

Building a classic brick house it will not be cheap - and the piece material for laying walls is expensive, and a solid foundation is required. Plus, the installation itself will take a lot of time and will require the involvement of professional masons if there is a desire for the house to be durable, warm and stand for at least 100 years.

Today, new materials and technologies are being used, thanks to which the construction of a private house will require a minimum of time. These include the construction of monolithic concrete walls using fixed formwork from expanded polystyrene. Steel reinforcement is installed inside the polystyrene foam blocks with a tongue-and-groove connection.

The foamed material performs the function of a heater, the cavity between the walls is filled with concrete, due to which a monolithic frame of the building is formed. By themselves, the materials that are used for construction (concrete, polystyrene foam, rebar) are affordable, but the rise in price is due to:

  • rather high cost of finished blocks with installed fittings;
  • the need to hire a concrete truck.

In addition, such a house needs external and internal decoration, as well as installation of high-quality ventilation system because walls with a double layer of Styrofoam do not breathe. This is an example of how the cheapness of materials does not guarantee savings in construction and comfort in the house.

Expecting to find the most cheap material for building a house, you should pay attention to the structures made:

  • from foam blocks;
  • from expanded clay concrete;
  • from gas silicate blocks;
  • on frame technology;
  • from a bar;
  • from round logs.

To evaluate which material is better, you should compare the pros and cons of each option.

Foam block

The popularity of foam concrete is explained by its affordable price, simple installation - building a house does not require special tools and lifting equipment, since the weight of the block does not exceed 25 kilograms, and it can be cut with an ordinary hacksaw.

Also in the list of advantages of foam blocks includes:

  • savings on the foundation - wall structures weigh relatively little, which makes it possible to equip a lightweight underground base;
  • high installation speed;
  • strict block geometry (if the material is of high quality) - due to this, the thickness of the seams is minimal, which reduces the consumption of adhesive, increases the strength of the masonry and reduces the thermal conductivity of the walls;
  • high thermal insulation parameters - the porous structure prevents heat loss through the walls;
  • vapor permeability - the material "breathes", so that the room has a comfortable microclimate;
  • environmental friendliness and fire safety - the material does not burn and does not emit harmful substances.

The disadvantages include:

  • the need for external cladding - the building needs external decoration, since the porous material is gaining moisture and freezing and thawing cycles do not benefit it;
  • in a cold climate, the walls of the house need to be additionally insulated, while insulated ventilated facades increase the cost of construction, gluing with polystyrene foam boards will be inexpensive, but the walls will become vapor-tight and a supply ventilation system will be required;
  • the risk of cracking blocks during shrinkage of the house, if insufficient quality material is used.

Manufacturers claim that the service life of a foam block building reaches 80 years. But the material appeared relatively recently, so there is no information about its real durability.

Expanded clay concrete

Hollow claydite concrete blocks are used for external walls and partitions of a private house. If we compare expanded clay concrete with foam concrete, then expanded clay concrete is more difficult to process, it is heavier, which should be taken into account when calculating the foundation. The size of the expanded clay concrete block is larger, which speeds up installation.

Expanded clay concrete is characterized by:

  • environmental friendliness and safety for health;
  • resistance to combustion, biological damage;
  • good soundproofing and heat-insulating properties;
  • breathability.

Walls made of this material need external cladding. Finishing allows you to make the facade aesthetically attractive and protect the porous material from damage during moisture and subsequent freezing. Also required interior decoration premises, it should be taken into account that fasteners do not hold well in expanded clay concrete.

If the masonry is not of sufficient quality, or the material is cracked as a result of shrinkage, cold bridges appear, and the walls of the house need additional thermal insulation.

aerated concrete

Trying to find the cheapest building material, developers buy aerated concrete - lightweight blocks that are easy to install. It is important to use autoclaved aerated concrete from a trusted manufacturer - a material made by drying in a hydration chamber has a strength 3 times lower, they can only be used as a heater.

The blocks must be even, as the seams are cold bridges. But even if the masonry is made with a minimum thickness of the seams, the house needs to be insulated if there is a desire to reduce heating costs. Mandatory external and internal decoration of walls made of porous aerated concrete.

The advantages include the ease of processing blocks. At the same time, during the transportation of material and construction work, care should be taken - the blocks are unstable to mechanical damage.

Frame house

To build a house using frame technology, you need to use a whole set of building materials, usually these are:

  • lumber for mounting the supporting frame;
  • heat insulator, which is laid inside the walls;
  • sheet material for external and internal cladding (OSB boards, etc.).

Frame housing construction has a number of advantages. During construction, it is not required to use machinery and specialized tools, the work is carried out in a short time. The load on the base is small, so a lightweight foundation is used. It is convenient to mount communications in a frame house - they are hidden inside the wall. A structure built using this technology does not require time to shrink.

This construction option is not without its drawbacks. If a foamed polymer insulation is laid in the walls, the house does not “breathe”, which affects the microclimate. Mineral wool is vapor-permeable, but it absorbs moisture and due to this, its thermal insulation properties are reduced.

To protect the insulation from getting wet, it is necessary to mount a vapor barrier on the side of the room. It is better to use a special membrane that allows air to pass through, but retains moisture. This is noticeably more expensive than using polyethylene, but contributes to a good microclimate in the house.

Having saved on the construction of walls, you will have to spend a lot of money on exterior decoration, since the frame sheathing should be reliably protected from atmospheric influences. The service life of such a house depends on how well the wooden elements of the frame are treated from biological damage, on the choice of exterior finishes, and on the quality of construction work.


A wooden house is warm and home comfort, a unique microclimate, thanks to the use of natural wood for construction.

For the construction of a log house, the following types of timber are used: simple (natural moisture or dry) or glued, consisting of several lamellas. Today, in house building, it is customary to use a profiled beam, which allows you to connect the crowns without ventilated slots.

When choosing a beam, it should be borne in mind that:

  • a house made of wood of natural moisture shrinks strongly, including with deformation of the crowns, with the formation of cracks in the frame, the beam cracks;
  • dry material is resistant to cracking and deformation;
  • the structure of glued beams practically does not shrink, does not deform, finishing can be started immediately after the completion of roofing work.

Houses from profiled timber can be built on their own, the material is easy to process. But the thickness of the walls is usually insufficient so that in cold climates all year round operate the house without additional insulation Otherwise, you will have to spend more money on heating.

rounded log

In trying to find best material for building a house, you should pay attention to rounded logs. The use of this material makes it possible to seriously reduce the total construction costs, because:

  • the weight of the structures is not the largest, therefore, a reinforced foundation is not required;
  • for the construction of a log house, logs of large diameter are used, the thermal conductivity of which makes it possible to do without additional wall insulation;
  • even smooth logs look attractive, the house looks great without any external and internal decoration.

A rounded log is a good option for construction, if you order the manufacture of a log house kit. In this case, a numbered “constructor” is delivered to the construction site, where all elements are made using modern equipment, that is, all connections are made with high precision. The material used is treated with special agents that protect wood from biological destruction and increase resistance to fire.

If you want to live in a house where the optimal microclimate is always maintained (cool in summer, warm in winter, the air does not dry out and does not become waterlogged), it is recommended to choose.


The choice of material for building a house affects the speed and cost of building a box, the quality of life in the house, and the durability of the building. The desire to save on material for wall structures can result in increased costs for insulation and finishing. If the house is being built on their own, ease of installation, the need to use a specialized tool are evaluated.

Building a new home is never an easy task. Not many people can afford to build mansions without paying attention to the costs. And if the budget is limited, then you need to calculate everything in advance and find out what is cheaper to build a house from and not lose quality. But despite the limited budget, you need to save wisely.

Preparation for work

Before starting construction, you need to select a project. If the project contains complex architectural solutions, then the construction will cost more. It would be unwise to choose an expensive project and then try to cut costs on workers and poor quality materials.

It is better to decide in advance on the necessary housing, without depriving family members, but also avoiding excesses in the form of arches, columns, bay windows and other things.

By approaching construction in this way, a comfortable, dry and inexpensive dwelling can be built.

You can significantly save when building a foundation if you purchase lightweight building materials. Plus, you can make formwork from fiberboard.

The main thing you should not save on is cement. Buying a quality product Otherwise, it threatens the safety of the whole house. And also you need to dig a trench of the appropriate depth so that the building does not settle.

The main materials used in construction: brick, gas block, timber.

Brick house

If the task is how to quickly build a house, then a brick is not the case.

Brick is a traditional building material. It can hardly be called cheap. But then it has many other advantages: environmental friendliness, durability, reliability and fire resistance.

If a person has a plot and a building permit, then you can start planning the project, but if there is no permit, you will have to get it from the district administration, and for this you need to collect a whole package of documents.

Project planning

You can find it in hardware stores different types bricks, but the most popular are silicate and red clay. They have enough big weight, so the foundation will need to be poured solid, tape is best.

You can not start construction without having thought through all the stages in advance. Since this will be a residential building, it must be built either in one brick or in one and a half, depending on whether there will be a second floor or not. If the house has only one floor, then you can save money by making plasterboard partitions.

Marking on the ground

In order to avoid defects during the construction process, it is important to make markings on the ground, appropriate house design. This is done in a similar way: iron rods or pegs are taken and driven in around the perimeter, where there will be corners. Then the ropes are stretched over all the pegs. Similar design will help you navigate when preparing a trench for the foundation. The last step will be to dig the trench itself according to the landmarks. It will be problematic for one person to dig a trench, so you can call friends or family members.

Foundation pouring

The foundation of the house should be 15 cm above ground level, therefore when pouring, formwork must be installed which it is desirable to make from boards.

The foundation is poured in several stages:

  1. A "pillow" of gravel, sand or stones is laid at the bottom of the trench. The pillow is tamped down.
  2. Then, a reinforcement frame is laid along the perimeter of the trench: the more massive the building, the more it needs to be laid.
  3. Fill. The most important stage at which outside help is needed, one cannot cope with such work. The foundation must be poured in one go, if this is not done, then cracks may form at the junction.


Before erecting walls, it is necessary to make a solution of sand and cement. How to do it correctly will be indicated on the cement packaging.

After preparing the solution, you can start laying. The first step is to draw the corners. Lay the first bricks as carefully as possible, because all subsequent masonry depends on them. It may seem that the matter is simple, but it is difficult for inexperienced builders to remove the wall. So you need to be patient.

The next step is to check the level of the horizon and pull the rope over the top brick. This must be done after each laid out row of bricks.

After the construction of the frame, you need to start the construction of the roof. But it will be difficult to carry out such work on your own, so it is better to hire a team of professionals.

frame housing

If the builder is puzzled by how to build a house cheaply, then a frame structure will come to the rescue.

Recently, frame dwellings have become very popular. This is a quality housing that can be built quickly and at minimal cost. The construction of such a house can take from several weeks to several months, depending on the number of workers and their experience.

Frame-panel construction

This is a fairly expensive and reliable option. requiring less effort. At the plant, shields of a one-piece design are made, which then will make up the frame of the house. They are sold already insulated and ready for use.

Frame-panel option

If we compare this option with a frame-panel one, then it will be cheaper. You can assemble a frame-panel structure with the help of small skills and tools with your own hands. The frame is made of wood and sheathed with sandwich panels.

Each detail of the structure is assembled separately, which affects the time and laboriousness of the construction of housing.

Advantages of frame houses:

  • Small cost. The construction of a frame house does not require significant investments.
  • Construction timeline. The construction of such a house takes, on average, 1 month.
  • Service. The frame house does not need constant repair and maintenance.
  • Shrinkage. When building a frame house, you do not have to wait for it to sit down.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material. Since the material is made of wood, it is absolutely harmless to the human body.
  • Thermal conductivity. The frame house has a low thermal conductivity, which means that it is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Disadvantages of a frame-type house:

  • combustibility of the material. As you know, the tree burns well, but this problem can be solved by applying special compounds.
  • Experience needed. To build such a house, you need the appropriate qualifications.

You can choose any foundation for a frame house - tiled, tape or columnar.

House frame:

  • Metal. It is made from a thermoprofile. The advantages include incombustibility, low weight and protection against corrosion, and it is also not afraid of fungus and mold.
  • Wood. It can be treated with special solutions, but still this does not guarantee complete protection against moisture and microorganisms. Its service life fluctuates around 55-60 years.

House of gas blocks

Aerated concrete block houses are a great alternative to brick housing. The material is known for its durability, reliability and thermal insulation qualities.

The technology of building a house is the same as that of a brick house. Building a house in in general terms looks like that:

Timber - reliability and quality

Another material that is gaining popularity is timber. Timber housing can provide everything the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay. This material is also inexpensive and very common.

The construction of such a house does not require special knowledge and special equipment. That allows you to build a house from a bar even for a novice builder.

The structure of the timber is expressive appearance which fits perfectly into the natural landscape. The cost may vary depending on the material chosen. But as a rule, a 220 mm thick spruce structure is chosen. Then it is insulated with 100 mm material and finished with 20 mm plaster.

Material Advantages

The beam is durable and environmentally friendly pure material. The aroma of wood helps to create a favorable microclimate in the house. Another plus of the material is its practicality. It, unlike a log, has a rectangular shape, which greatly simplifies the process of building a house. The walls without any processing are smooth, which allows you to immediately proceed to the finish.

Cons of timber

A house made of timber is a fire hazard. To reduce risks, wood is additionally treated with special compounds. But there are also strict requirements for heating system and to wiring. They must be observed without fail, otherwise it will not be possible to register housing.

You should know, before you build a house, that wood is subject to decay processes. Insects and fungus can spoil the material. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase special means to protect wood.

Housing made of timber can shrink, so when carrying out finishing work, the builder must have certain knowledge. Typically, house shrinkage occurs in the first couple of years of operation.

Price comparison

To find out how cheap to build a house, you can compare prices per square meter, under standard conditions. They will be like this:

  • Frame house - 900 rubles.
  • Bar - 2 thousand rubles.
  • Gas blocks - 2200 rubles.
  • Brick - 2500 rubles.

Based on these figures, you can understand what is the cheapest cost frame house. But the final price will always depend on the specifics of the project.

Buy finished house few can afford, and it is difficult to find a suitable layout for themselves. At the same time there is an option construction personal real estate on your own project. Modern industry provides a lot of unique materials that can contribute to the realization of any individual ideas.

However, most owners land plots are wondering what is cheaper to build a house and how not to lose in the quality and reliability of the entire structure. Let's try to figure out the choice of the optimal project and materials for the organization construction.

Project selection: main criteria

The main goal is to build a dwelling for which the average resident of the country will have enough money. It makes no sense to plan a room with the possibility of subsequent expansion or extension - no need to waste years on a grueling series of reconstruction works. Much smarter from the start build more modestly, but more efficiently, only in this way it will be possible to get the maximum pleasure from living in a personal "apartment".

Among low-rise housing, projects of one- and two-story buildings, sometimes with an attic floor, are very popular. The main criterion for choosing a technology construction is the price per 1 m². Consider, which house is cheaper to build of the most common materials:

  • brick;
  • gas blocks;
  • beam.

Another popular construction method is frame. It should be noted that the material for the walls is not the main indicator that affects the final cost when construction.

When making a budget taken into account:

  • the entire structure and thermal insulation must comply with all heat saving standards;
  • the project must be efficient in terms of economy and labor costs;
  • the design of the foundation must be optimally calculated for the soil and the selected material.

When preparing an estimate Let's accept as a fact such indicators:

  • the groundwater level is at the level of 2.5 m;
  • freezing depth - 1.5 m;
  • the soil is homogeneous sandy loam with the presence of clay less than 10%.

Materials and structural elements will be calculated for a one-story building with an attic residential floor.

Available options: what is cheaper to build a private house

Let us first clarify that the room is intended for year round living, which is especially important for calculating the price per 1 sq. meter for frame or block construction. For all the materials listed above, from which the walls are made, ideal pile-grillage foundation.

Brick walls

This option is recognized one of the most effective in terms of the ratio of labor costs and financial investments. The construction is based on single-layer walls made of porous ceramic bricks, for example, Porotherm 44 M-100. The calculation below shows an answer to the question, which house is cheaper to build, and basic materials for the implementation of the process.

IN cost 1 square meter walls includes:

  • brick - 20 pieces - 1790 rubles;
  • masonry mortar - 26 liters - 60 rubles;
  • plaster - 280 rubles.

The total amount without taking into account the work - 2330 rub. If you plan to use the labor of hired workers, then about 1000 rubles should be added to the announced figure.

Walls made of aerated concrete blocks

A worthy alternative to traditional brick can be a block of aerated concrete. Its manufacturing technology allows achieving amazing characteristics: light weight, low thermal conductivity and excellent sound insulation. A small load on the foundation makes it possible to reduce the cost of its arrangement.

In all respects, aerated concrete block D500 400 mm thick exactly the material What is the cheapest way to build your own house?, which is confirmed by the calculations:

  • blocks - 7 pieces - 1076 rubles;
  • masonry glue - 10.5 kg - 85 rubles;
  • reinforced concrete anchor, mesh - 220 rubles;
  • support belt for Mauerlat made of reinforced concrete - 200 rubles;
  • columns of a monolithic frame made of reinforced concrete - 120 rubles;
  • plaster - 280 rubles.

Price per 1 square meter walls from block D500 excluding work - about 2000 rub. Here it should be borne in mind that this option has a larger amount of labor, therefore when using hired labor, the price will increase by an amount in the range of 1300-1600 rubles.

Timber walls

This type of construction made of natural material in terms of heat-saving characteristics is practically a standard in comparison with the above walls. For example, a spruce wall with a thermal conductivity of 0.16 W / (m * C) and a thickness of 220 mm will correspond in terms of brick parameters only when the thickness of the masonry is at least 600 mm. Therefore, to meet the question of which house is cheaper to build, you need to consider a more economical option than brick. It is based on the use of 200 mm timber, 100 mm insulation and 20 mm plaster.

Exemplary cost of 1 square meter wooden beam walls:

  • timber 200x200x6000 mm - 0.8 pcs. - 1416 rubles;
  • insulation (mineral wool and vapor barrier) - 0.1 cubic meters. m - 400 rubles;
  • plaster - 70 rubles.

The total amount is approx. 1900 rub., when using hired labor workers will have to pay another 1700-1800 rubles.

This option is perfect for building a small cozy house in the mountains for a family vacation and skiing or spending a romantic evening by the fireplace.

frame structure

The essence of this technology is to use wooden frame, thermal insulation and cladding (softboard). For the construction of the frame is necessary dry planed timber 150x50x6000 mm. Calculation of materials for construction 1 square meter wall from the following materials:

  • timber - 0.05 cu. m - 375 rubles;
  • insulation, waterproofing, vapor barrier - 270 rubles;
  • softboard - 230 rubles.

Total amount - 875 rub., for the work you should pay about 1500-1700 rubles.

Final review: which house is cheaper to build and why

According to the results of the calculations, wooden beam is an the most expensive material. most affordable price and time construction should be recognized frame structure. However, it is impossible to make a hasty conclusion that a dwelling made of timber will cost more than all the above options.

Here it is necessary to take into account wall thickness - the larger it is, the wider the foundation should be. If we take into account that a pile-grillage foundation was chosen in absentia, then the width of the grillage for stone walls should be wider than for a timber structure. Based on this, it must be said that the total cost of all buildings will be in the same price range.

Where else can you save

Firstly before you think what is cheaper to build Vacation home for all-season living, you need to decide on dimensions. Naturally, the smaller the dimensions of the room, the lower the costs.

Secondly, the overall construction estimate is greatly influenced by foundation design and its optimal calculation. Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals who can accurately determine the planned loads and calculate the best option.

Thirdlythe simpler the cheaper. That is, complex roofs, bay windows, balconies - all this significantly increases the total amount for their implementation.

Before deciding on independent work on the construction, all the nuances should be taken into account: the presence of certain experience, free time and, of course, necessary tool. It is possible that soberly assessing their abilities, the best option will hire experienced craftsmen. In this case, the above calculations will also come in handy - they will help to negotiate more productively with any builders.

Home is what we leave behind, what connects generations. What this memory of us will be depends on us. True, the construction of a house strongly depends on the amount of our money, and on the climate of the area where it is located. And now it is dazzling from the variety of building materials in the eyes. Therefore, in order for the house to be strong, comfortable and stand for a long time, it is necessary to take into account not only the merits of this or that material, but also its shortcomings, so that our beauty does not decay and crumble in a few years.

Basic materials for building a house

With all the diversity and dissimilarity of houses, we build them practically from only two materials: wood and stone. In fairness, it should be noted that they are specially processed, they are given the properties necessary in each specific case.

Let's look at a tree: a rounded log, a simple and glued beam, a gun carriage. Everything seems to be from the same material, but the characteristics, for example, of glued laminated timber and rounded logs differ like heaven and earth. But there is still frame houses, also consisting of wood and insulation.

Stone does not mean wild stone(mostly it goes to backfill under the foundation or on decorative trim), but artificially created. Well, since it was created by the mind and hands of a person, then the properties of the stone were given such as the person needed. And no matter how frightening the abundance of brands and standards of such a stone, it easily fits into the following classification:


    Blocks where the binder is cement;

    Building blocks made without the use of cement, based on lime or clay.

The greatest variety of manufacturing technologies (hence, types) exists in the second group, that is, the group of building blocks made on the basis of cement.In housing construction, lightweight concretes are most often used, which differ in the brand of cement, the composition of the filler, and the composition of the heat-insulating component. And already, depending on these characteristics, it is possible to distinguish cellular concretes, where air or gas bubbles serve as thermal insulation, and blocks, where this role is played by expanded clay, wood chips or foam balls. However, in order...

Brick: pros and cons

Yes, the brick is durable, frost-resistant, not afraid of fungus and does not rot. It is not afraid of precipitation and does not burn, solar ultraviolet does not have any effect on the brick. The brick is durable, and also meets all environmental and aesthetic standards. The strength of the house is explained both by the quality of the material and the method of laying - each next laid row of bricks knits the previous one, that is, there are no vertical seams passing through at least two rows.

This masonry requires a certain skill, especially when tying corners and laying a wall more than one brick thick. Thus, the complexity of building a brick house requires highly skilled labor. Another significant drawback is the weight of the brick: you need a reinforced, solid foundation.Due to the high thermal conductivity of the brick, the house cools down quickly, and it takes several days to warm it up so that it does not seem that the house is damp. This is quite simply explained: when laying, the thickness of the solution is somewhere 1 cm , and with small brick sizes, such a thickness of mortar is no longer a "bridge", but a real "bridge" of cold. The deadlines for the delivery of brick houses are usually delayed, since they cannot be immediately plastered for two reasons: shrinkage of the house (and the house will certainly settle due to its significant weight) and the moisture in the solution, which takes several months to completely evaporate. In addition to all these shortcomings, a brick can collapse if it absorbs moisture before winter. And this can be possible even if all brick production technologies are followed, if clay with salts dissolved in it is caught: water will wash the salt out of the brick, and itself will occupy the voids. This is the beginning of a destructive process.

And one moment. The cost of brick production is at least one and a half times more expensive than the production of other materials from which walls are erected. Considering that a brick is several times smaller than any other building block, the labor intensity of construction increases significantly. Together, price and labor intensity make brick house quite expensive.

Properties of cellular concrete

Cellular concrete includes foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks. Inside the concrete in the first case there are cells with air, in the second - with hydrogen. In the first case, bubbles form as a result of foaming, the concrete hardens under normal conditions. In the second, aluminum powder or paste is added to the solution, which, when interacting with water, release gas (hydrogen). The solution "grows", it is sent to an autoclave, where it solidifies at a certain temperature and pressure. Let's look at the pros and cons of these materials separately.

foam concrete we knew in the middle of the last century, but they started building from it recently, when they started talking about heat saving everywhere. After all, air is an excellent heat insulator. At the same time, almost no sounds pass through the foam concrete. Since foam blocks are light and larger than bricks, laying does not become a time-consuming process. And it’s easy to ditch walls for communication systems. How easy it is to give the block various shapes, which means you can create bay windows, make an oval wall, etc. In addition, foam concrete does not burn and is easy to transport.

The disadvantages include a rather high moisture absorption (though at a shallow depth). The walls require annual settlement, and they must stand on stable slab foundations, otherwise significant cracks appear on the blocks as a result of deformations.

aerated concrete even lighter than foam concrete, perfectly processed (it can be cutwith an ordinary hacksaw, drill with ordinary drills, etc.). Heat-insulating and noise-protective functions are also on top. Lightness requires less labor, and good heat-shielding properties reduce the amount required material. With all this, one should not forget about high strength at a relatively low price.

Disadvantages can appear in two cases. The wall breathes and therefore gradually accumulates moisture. To eliminate this phenomenon, you need a wall finish with good waterproofing. The second minus is the fragility of aerated concrete, that is, the wall should not experience any movement in order to avoid cracks. And for this you need a solid strip foundation.

Other lightweight concretes

These concretes are heavier than cellular ones: instead of gas or air, which change the properties of the wall material, they contain heavier components. Therefore, these concretes are approximately 1.2 - 1.5 times heavier than water, while dry foam concrete and aerated concrete can be held on the surface of the water. Nevertheless, these components are not crushed stone, gravel, but wood, expanded clay, that is, compared to heavy concrete, this material has a much lower specific gravity.

Expanded clay concrete contains a relatively light component(foamed and baked clay). With a small weight of blocks, this material is durable, versatile (not only bearing walls, but also partitions, and also fill frames in monolithic housing construction). The material is an excellent sound insulator, it is more moisture resistant than concrete, better resists aggressive environments, and is not inferior to cellular concrete in other best qualities.

The porosity of expanded clay concrete, improving its thermal and noise-protective qualities, reduces frost resistance, due to the ingress of moisture into the pores. Porosity also affects strength: you always have to accurately calculate whether the lower blocks can withstand the load of the rest of the structure (does our private developer know the strength of materials?).

IN polystyrene concrete the role of a heat and sound insulator is played by polystyrene balls evenly distributed in concrete. It seems that the material is good for everyone: it is both warm and durable, it retains noise well, it is light and not expensive, but everything crosses out one drawback. But what...In a fire, polystyrene begins to melt, releasing toxins.

slag concrete The name is more collective than specific. The point is that inas a filler in this building material it can be both slag and coal, ash, an admixture of expanded clay with something, screenings, etc. Specifically, slag is used from the waste of metallurgical production. To comply with environmental standards, it is aged outdoors for a year. For external walls, blocks with a large fraction of the filler are ideal, for internal walls - with a fine one. Voids to improve thermal properties are created using special molds for the production of this type of concrete. The material is strong, cheap, very durable. The high speed of the construction of cinder block walls is also important.

The disadvantages include low sound insulation. It is understandable, a denser material - higher sound conductivity. Also, the material is afraid of water ingress, so it is desirable to veneer it. But if you overlay a house of cinder blocks with bricks, then this significantly increases the cost of construction. In addition, it is bad to lay communications in cinder concrete, and if some kind of groove or hole is needed, it is better to foresee them in advance and put a bar in the right place in the cinder block blank.

Arbolite blocks is a building material, the main components of which are concrete and organic filler: wood chips, flax fiber or seed cake, from which oil has already been squeezed. Of course, most often it is wood chips. A characteristic feature of wood concrete is that, unlike other lightweight concretes, there is only 10-20% concrete in it, everything else is wood chips.A house made of such blocks in terms of properties is more reminiscent of wooden house, but unlike it, it is practically not susceptible to microorganisms and fungi. One of its interesting material properties is that a block of arbolite is able to restore its shape when ultimate loads are stopped. It keeps heat in and keeps noise out. It does not burn, but when exposed to an open flame, it begins to smolder. It is necessary to remove the source of the flame - smoldering stops. Eco-friendly, breathable material.

The disadvantage of wood concrete is increased moisture permeability, and therefore indoors relative humidity cannot exceed 75%, but outside must be cladding. The foundation must rise above the blind area by at least half a meter so that the spray does not fly onto the wood concrete blocks. For the same half a meter, the roof overhangs should extend beyond the walls so that water rarely hits the wall.

Blocks without cement

When choosing a material for building walls, you can come acrossgas silicate . Attention! Do not confuse it with aerated concrete. We already know that cement is needed for the production of aerated concrete. In the production of gas silicate, lime acts as a binding element. The porous structure is acquired due to gases released during the interaction of quicklime with aluminum particles. And what is the difference between the qualities of gas silicate and aerated concrete? Aerated concrete due to cement is more durable, gas silicate due to lime reduces heat loss and better protects against noise. With all the high qualities of gas silicate blocks (lightness, insulating properties, low cost, etc.), in them, as in foam concrete, the formation of a fungus is possible due to the porous structure.

ceramic blocks also does not contain cement. In addition to clay, their composition may include sand and sawdust. The voids inside the blocks resemble honeycombs. Outside, on the side faces, the blocks have grooves and protrusions. This allows you to do without vertical seams when laying. As a building material, ceramic blocks are durable, they can be used to build multi-storey buildings. They are very light,good soundproofing and thermal insulation. A significant drawback of walls made of this material is the impossibility of perforating (and often just drilling) and fixing something on the walls, since the abundance of voids and the fragility of thin partitions do not allow even a cork to be installed.