The use of mdf panels for walls. Wall cladding with MDF panels - a new word in wall decoration MDF panel mounting technology

MDF wall panels - boards made from wood fiber by dry pressing wood chips. This building material has a medium density, and to give it a high degree of strength, sawdust is mixed with carbamide resins and processed using high temperature and significant pressure. Finally, the MDF panel is further processed to obtain an aesthetic appeal.

Features and Benefits

MDF for walls is harvested using the same technology, but their surface finish is always different, in connection with this, several types of these wall panels can be distinguished:

  1. created using decorative finishes natural veneer coverings. Products differ not only in excellent durability and reliability, but also in the high price.
  2. panels are the most popular and sought after of all types of material. To create these panels, pasting with melamine film is used. This allows you to simulate the structure natural wood so popular when decorating the walls of the room. For improvement appearance plates are pasted over with a high-gloss film.
  3. Technical, service rooms, workshops and garages are finished using painted MDF panels. In this case, the decorative coating is a layer of paint. On such models, there is no imitation of the tree structure.

MDF panels are distinguished by improved technical specifications. When creating them, the manufacturer does not use harmful resins rich in phenol.

After crushing and processing wood chips, the resulting dust is processed under the influence of high temperature in special furnaces. The process lasts until the release of lignin, which ensures the bonding of raw materials.

The main advantages of the MDF panel are:

  • attractive price;
  • the possibility of using both for leveling the surface of walls and for decorating;
  • ease of installation without the help of a qualified specialist;
  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • ease of maintenance.

There are several mounting methods wall panels from MDF in the course of work related to decorating the surface of the walls inside the room. One of them requires the assembly of a frame and battens, while the other requires a special adhesive for wall panels.

Mounting on the frame

To assemble a high-quality frame and battens, wooden blocks or a metal profile are used. Both structures are required for fastening decorative material in the design of residential and office premises. Methods for attaching panels to the frame allow not only to visually change inner space, but also to hide certain defects found on the surface of the walls. When choosing how to fix, you need to take into account the degree of unevenness of the base. Significant flaws in the form of voids, dips or bumps can be corrected with a high-quality frame and crate.

Fastening wall panels to the frame is necessary in the course of work related to leveling the surface. In rooms with high humidity, only a metal profile is used to build the frame. The construction of the crate allows for the installation of additional insulation. The frame for fastening the panels with your own hands in a dry and warm room is assembled from a wooden beam: prepared wood (bars with a section of 30x40) must be installed and fixed strictly vertically around the entire perimeter of the room.

The very first (starting) profile is attached directly to the floor, the second - to the ceiling. Having installed horizontal profiles around the entire perimeter of the room, they begin to mount the vertical guides. The distance between the bars does not exceed 60 cm. This is due to the fact that the dimensions of the MDF panels are as follows:

  • width is from 153 to 200mm;
  • the length depends on which company is the manufacturer; this parameter reaches from 2 to 2.6 m;
  • thickness from 5 to 14 mm.

Installation Features

Installation of MDF panels, metal profiles or bars starts from any corner of the room by laying individual elements vertically or horizontally. If it is necessary to create additional noise or heat insulation, insulation boards are placed between the battens of the crate.

The distance between the rails in this case depends on the parameters of the thermal insulation material used. It is less than the width of the insulation by 2-3 cm, which allows you to tightly lay the mineral wool slabs.

Each MDF panel is equipped with a special groove for installing clamps and fastening to the frame. The frame itself is fixed with the help of "crabs" and brackets. Fastening MDF panels to the wall cannot be called a complicated process if the frame of the structure is assembled correctly and strictly according to the level.

When creating a crate, it is important to remember that the fasteners (self-tapping screws), or rather their length, are selected taking into account the thickness and height of the bar or profile. The self-tapping screw must be inserted into the wall to a depth of at least 40 mm.

Before constructing the frame, you need to determine the most high point on the surface of the wall and from this value set the vertical and horizontal. All work is carried out under constant control of the building level, equipped with a spirit level. It is necessary to check not only the horizontal and vertical, but also both diagonals on each sheathed wall.

The dimensions of MDF panels are of great importance when it is decided to attach them to the wall using a frame, and when performing work using a special adhesive composition, certain types of panels are chosen.

It is more difficult than to sheathe a correctly assembled frame with such panels.

Glue mounting

Before attaching MDF panels to the wall, you must:

  1. Clean the surface of any dust contamination, remnants of the old coating in the form of paint, wallpaper or cracked plaster.
  2. Re-plaster all areas to be restored.
  3. After the solution has completely dried, prime the wall for maximum adhesion.

Knowing how to fix MDF panels to the wall, you can complete all the work in the shortest possible time. It is necessary that the surface was not only carefully prepared, but also absolutely flat. It is necessary to glue the MDF panels on the wall in such a way as to ensure a complete fit and avoid air from entering under the components of the structure.

If tiled or ceramic tile is glued to the walls in one motion and cannot be dismantled and re-glued, then the peculiarity of the process of gluing MDF panels is that the future sheathing cannot be glued immediately. It must be pressed against the wall, held for a few seconds and torn off. After that, allow the glue to dry slightly and reattach the panel to the wall surface. MDF can be glued only by applying considerable force when pressing the panel.

With improper or poor-quality preparation of the wall surface for gluing MDF panels, the fixation will not be strong and durable.

Panels with adhesive applied to their surface must be laid on a clean, dry, absolutely even and smooth wall. The quality of the sheathing also depends on how correctly the first panel was glued. It must be fixed in strict accordance with the vertical mark made using a plumb line or laser level level.

The final stage is the installation of plugs and other decorative elements. The inner corners are fixed with glue. Its color is selected exactly to match the finishing material and applied with a thin snake, trying to avoid the appearance of excess on the panels after pressing the corner.

You can study in detail all the stages of the work by watching the video.

Interior decoration using MDF wall panels is very popular due to the many positive qualities that this finishing material has. This is not only an opportunity to perform all manipulations without the involvement of qualified specialists, but also to increase the strength and reliability of the structure. MDF wall panels allow you to change the interior space of the room, giving it attractiveness and increasing its aesthetics.

MDF is one of the most popular finishing materials to date. In many ways, this is due to its relatively low cost, but for many consumers, the installation process looks much more important. If the finish can be installed with your own hands, this is already a huge plus.

That is why, in this article, we decided to talk about how to attach MDF panels to the wall, and if you are even one hundred percent confident in your abilities, we strongly recommend that you read this material to the end and watch the videos posted in this article.

Preparatory work

Any repair, including fixing MDF panels to the wall, begins with careful and thoughtful preparation. It is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances, and first of all, to calculate the number necessary materials. Fortunately, today it is much easier to do this than 10 years ago, just use the calculator on one of the construction sites on the Internet.

Important! The calculation of materials using an Internet calculator may have an error, which can be compensated by simply adding 10 percent to the result. Thus, you will not only accurately guess with the required quantity, but also leave a margin in case of marriage during the installation process.

It is not difficult to calculate the number of panels on your own, but only if the room in which the renovation is planned has straight walls, without communications and architectural frills. So, everything is bought and delivered, in principle, you can get to work, but there is one little trick - before attaching the MDF panels to the wall, they need to lie down at room temperature for at least a day in the open, that is, removed from the package.

This is necessary in order for the material to pick up moisture and produce all the deformations that inevitably occur when changing temperature regime. In the meantime, our panels are getting used to the new room, it's time to prepare the tool. It is very important that everything you need is at hand, often it takes much more time to search for a hammer or a nail than to repair directly.

To make it easier for you to prepare the tool, here is a complete list of what you may need during the installation process.

Set of tools


  • Tape measure and pencil for marking. This most important tool should always be in your arsenal. home master, and moreover, be at hand. For the entire repair, you will have to use them more than once, so it is better if they always lie in your pocket.
  • Hacksaw for wood, but with a small tooth. If possible, this tool can be replaced with a jigsaw, but if your repair is not planned in a huge room, then buying it is simply pointless. MDF panels and batten material are easy to cut by hand, and it does not require any special physical strength.
  • Building level. A simple tool that no repair can do without. In the arsenal of professional builders there are high-tech laser levels, but in the everyday life of a home master you will not often meet him. The fact is that the price of this tool can reach 10 thousand rubles or more, so buying it for the sake of one repair is simply not profitable.
  • Thunderstorm of neighbors - perforator. A very loud tool, but without it, you are unlikely to be able to drill holes in a stone wall. A drill will also be needed for a puncher, and it is better if it is with a diamond tip.
  • Construction stapler. If you are still unfamiliar with this tool, then it's time to get acquainted. In many situations, it is able to replace a hammer and nails, and it is much easier and more convenient to work with it. You simply put the gun on the attachment point, and press the handle, and the metal clip itself penetrates the base and holds the materials together.
  • A hammer. They say that any repair can be done with just a hammer and a strong word. Like it or not, we will not argue, but the fact that the fastening of MDF panels to the wall without it cannot be done, this is a fact.

So, the whole tool is prepared, and you can take a break before the next step, but for now we suggest you see how to fix the MDF panels to the video wall in order to understand from the very beginning what to expect in the future.

Foundation preparation

Our panels are still getting used to the new place, and it's time for us to start preparing the walls.

Instructions for fastening panels implies two options:

  1. Fasten the panels directly to the wall. Let's make a reservation right away that this option does not suit us, and most often it is offered to their ignorant customers, negligent and extremely lazy workers. Over time, such a finish will begin to gain moisture, and for MDF this is certain death, and sooner or later, you will realize that the repair needs to be completely redone.
  2. On the prepared crate. Only in this way can the panels be protected from moisture. MDF is mounted at a distance from the wall, so this finish lasts much longer. Further, we will describe this particular option, and if sometime, the workers will try to convince you that the crate is not important, just look for other performers, these are clearly trying to fool you.

The preparation of the walls begins with the removal of the old finish, and the more carefully it is removed, the better the base will turn out. It is not necessary to expose the wall to the very brick, just remove the old paint or wallpaper (see How to remove wallpaper from the walls correctly and without pain).

It is very easy to do this with a plaster spatula, and if in some places the paint stubbornly does not want to leave its place, just leave it there, which means that it has become related to your walls and will not interfere with a new repair.

The next step is priming. It is necessary in order to protect the walls, and subsequently the entire finish, from the appearance of mold, which inevitably forms due to the constant accumulation of condensate. Primers and impregnations of deep penetration, in this case, work as antiseptics, that is, they do not allow fungus and mold to spread.

To get an attractive design of the walls, to provide comfort in the room and an environmentally friendly atmosphere in it, it is possible with the help of modern finishing material - MDF. Its release is carried out in the form of panels. He gained fame extremely quickly, thanks to his practicality and attractiveness, his use is allowed in rooms with extreme loads: kitchen, living room, hallway. MDF panels surprise with a variety of shades and textures, they can very accurately imitate natural wood materials, brickwork or tile. The cost of the material is low, with its independent installation, you can get significant savings on finishing works ah, during operation, especially complex care is not required.

Wall MDF panels, their properties and advantages

To begin with, we note that MDF panels are produced not from solid wood, but from waste, and no synthetic impurities or glues are used, technological process consists in heating wood chips to high temperatures and pressing them under high pressure. A strong connection of fragments of the material occurs due to the natural polymer compound released during heating - lignin.

Among the important advantages of MDF panels, it should be noted:

  • environmental friendliness of the material,
  • the possibility of quick and easy installation,
  • good thermal and sound insulation characteristics,
  • material strength, long term services,
  • ease of replacement of any fragment of the finish, if necessary,
  • simple care that does not require the purchase of expensive household chemicals,
  • the ability to hide wires, pipes, other engineering communications under a layer of lining,
  • affordable cost of the material.

The main disadvantages of the panels are:

  • combustibility of the material - when laying electrical cables under the plates, it will be necessary to carefully insulate them in a self-extinguishing corrugation,
  • inability to use in conditions of high humidity,
  • fragility, the need for very careful handling when performing installation work.

Varieties of MDF panels

In the manufacture of panels are used different methods finishing the front side, respectively, the panels themselves are divided into two types:

  • laminated, the surface of which is covered with PVC film, characterized by an attractive appearance, imitating the structure of natural wood, others building materials, not prone to dust accumulation, resistant to damage;
  • veneered, for finishing which veneer of the best wood species is used.

The external finish of the panels can be shiny - glossy, or matte.

We purchase MDF panels and materials that will be required during installation work

Although the installation of MDF panels is not a complicated process, however, it will require preliminary preparation, the purchase of the facing material and necessary components. To correctly calculate the number of panels, you should first of all take into account the width of the space to be finished. MDF panels have the following dimensions: their standard width is 148, 190, 240 mm. Determining the required number of panels is simple: it will be the quotient of dividing the width of the wall by the width of the panel. A little more material should be purchased than was obtained by calculation: defects may come across, some of it will go to trimming, losses may also occur as a result of errors.

For work you will need to stock up:

  • MDF panels,
  • insulating corrugation, if electrical wiring will be laid under the panels,
  • self-tapping screws,
  • ceiling lamps,
  • suspensions,
  • kleamer,
  • profiles.

The preparation of the walls will consist in cleaning them from the remnants of old wallpaper. You will also have to remove the plinth. The surface of the walls must be treated with an antifungal primer, especially for rooms with increased air humidity. If necessary, the walls can be pasted over with an insulating material, for example, foam foam A foil. It is fastened with glue, end-to-end, with the foil side inside the room.

The use of finishing corners will greatly simplify installation. Consisting of strips located with a gap of 2 mm, they are designed to fasten the strips, a film is applied on their surface that matches the color of the panels. The formed corner is very easy to bend outward or inward. This point is especially important if the geometry of the available corners is far from ideal.

To build a frame for cladding, you will need slats, preferably 20x40 mm. It makes no sense to use rails with a large cross section - the weight of the panel is small. In addition, rails with such a cross section are constantly available for sale in hardware stores. The rails can be fastened with plastic dowels and wood screws.

To fasten MDF panels to the frame bars, clamps are required, most often they are sold complete with panels. It will be convenient to glue the corners with liquid nails. The quality of the glue should be discussed especially - since the panels can change under the influence of moisture and temperature, the glue for them must also have some plasticity. Such characteristics of the adhesive are usually indicated on its packaging. In addition, the adhesive must have a texture that allows it to be applied in a thicker or very thin layer, depending on the curvatures on the walls. Liquid nails meet these requirements.

The installation of the crate should be carried out with a check of the evenness of the structure, for which you can use the usual building level.

Before fixing the MDF panels, you should definitely make sure that the battens are mounted - this will ultimately determine the overall appearance of the walls. Cleamers are used to fasten the panels to the crate.

Those who decide to finish with MDF panels with their own hands should not neglect the following recommendations:

  1. If necessary, it is best to use a jigsaw to cut the panels - the cut will be even and clear. It should also be remembered here that milling, grinding and drilling panels is quite simple to perform, while the tools are the same as those used in the processing of wood materials.
  2. In rooms with a high level of humidity, the frame is best made of a metal profile. If the crate will be made of wood, then it should be treated with high-quality antifungal impregnations.
  3. If it is planned to finish the junction of the ceiling and walls with a plinth, then before installing the panels around the perimeter of the room, the mounting device is installed. In its groove, after the installation of the plates, a ceiling plinth is installed.
  4. In places where hanging interior items are supposed to be placed, it will be necessary to strengthen the frame with additional bars.

Finishing with MDF panels - the order of work

The installation of the crate starts from the most convex place on the wall. The bars are mounted in a horizontal direction, with a step of no more than 40 cm. Increasing the step can lead to distortion of the pattern.

Start fastening the planks from the corner, it is advisable to make a calculation in such a way that last panel remained intact. Before starting installation work, you can repeat the calculations or even try on how the purchased material will lie on the wall. The spike of the first panel should be in the corner.

Along the length of each panel, you will need to use 5-6 mounting clamps. They are evenly distributed and fastened with a screwdriver to the rails. Fixing the opposite end is carried out using self-tapping screws.

In order for the self-tapping screw head to sink into the material, you must first drill a hole with a diameter of 8-10 mm in the bar. The next plank is fastened with a spike into the groove of the previous one, this procedure is repeated until the last one is installed. Each of the joints at the joints, the side and upper edges are fixed with corners, on liquid nails.

If the option of laying the panels in a horizontal or diagonal direction is chosen, then the direction of the crate should be changed - its strips should be perpendicular to the panels of the facing material.

All found significant depressions on the walls should be laid with blocks or wedges.

From below, the joints of the plates are covered with an ordinary plinth, it can be fixed with nails or planted on a sealant. For the convenience of fixing the plinth, the lower lath of the crate is fixed at the floor level. The joint under the ceiling can be decorated with a corner or a plinth.

Methods for fixing MDF boards

Methods for fixing MDF boards can be different, depending on the condition of the concrete surface on which the installation is made. If it is leveled and clean, then the panels can be glued directly to the wall using adhesive sealant.

It is applied in a zigzag across the entire board, then it is firmly pressed against the wall for a couple of seconds. If excess glue comes out, they are carefully removed with a spatula.

If a layer of insulation will be laid under the MDF boards or numerous engineering communications will have to be hidden under it, then the best option there will be an installation of plates on a metal frame.

If you need to hide noticeable irregularities in the wall, it is better to use a crate made of wooden beams- it will be stronger and more stable. In places where sockets or switches are installed, holes of the required diameter should be made using an electric drill.

MDF panels for the kitchen - are they the right material

You can often find a discussion on the topic of installing MDF panels in the kitchen. It is not easy to give a definite answer to it. MDF is an environmentally friendly material, it does not have bad smell, therefore, cannot cause any harm to people in the kitchen.

At the same time, the material is not moisture resistant to the extent that it would allow its unhindered installation in rooms with a high level of humidity - under the influence of water, the material may lose its attractive appearance. But it is still possible to ennoble areas remote from places where water is used, for example, a dining area, with the help of MDF boards. At the same time, it is recommended to fasten the panels to a metal profile - wood in a humid environment can suffer from fungi and putrefactive processes. In addition, experts recommend paying attention to the relatively new version panels with a special moisture resistant coating.

Caring for MDF boards

The period of operation of the plates will not cause much trouble. The surface of the plates is very smooth, it is well laminated and covered with paints. Cleaning of the material from contamination is carried out with a moistened soft rag; when cleaning, substances containing abrasive particles should not be used.

If during operation the peeling of the top coating of the film becomes noticeable, it can be removed with fine-grained sandpaper. Any of the damaged plates can be quite easily replaced with a new one.

Beautiful and even walls are the key to a spectacular repair. In modern decoration, there are a great many types and methods of decoration. And mdf panels are one of them. When choosing a finishing material for decorating walls, there is always a question of cost-effectiveness, ease of installation and ease of operation.

Along with paints, plastic, wallpaper and other materials, sheathing mdf walls panels are also worthy of attention. I will talk about this relatively new method of finishing in this article.

Probably many of you have come across the fact that when updating the interior of an apartment, you really don’t want to bother with long preparation of walls, cleaning a large amount of construction debris, and especially spending a lot of money on repairs. When there is no opportunity and desire to mess around with painting or wallpapering, you can get by with wall sheathing. This method allows you to level and decorate the surface in one fell swoop.

The wall is beautifully sheathed with many different materials. And this is not only drywall or plastic, but also MDF panels. Working with them is excellent in terms of speed and relative ease of installation. They look much richer than plastic ones, are more convenient in size and are just as easy to operate in the future.

MDF panel is a board of pressed wood fibers impregnated with binding materials. From above, such a plate may not be covered with anything, or it may be covered with a layer of a special film and a thin layer of plastic. This is a very environmentally friendly material that has all the properties necessary to create structures. The panel can be washed, it is quite durable and safe.

As for color and appearance, I want to say that today manufacturers offer quite wide selection colors that mimic different kinds wood, as well as bright and pastel monochrome options. So wall cladding with MDF panels can easily cope with the solution of any design solutions. The size and shape of the panel can also be different.

These can be square slabs from 300 x 300 mm to 980 x 980 mm. There are slatted panels up to 300 mm wide and 3 m long. Such panels are very similar to lining and look favorably on the wall and ceiling. If you need to sew up a large area at once or use a non-standard size, then sheets with dimensions of mainly 1220 × 2440 mm will help out.

All variants are mostly up to 25 mm thick. This helps a lot with the soundproofing problem. Therefore, MDF is definitely worth paying attention to when choosing materials for cladding.

The only disadvantage of this material is the relatively low moisture resistance. Therefore, they are suitable for finishing not all rooms. A chipboard panel is used only in dry rooms, such as a hallway, and a fiberboard panel is used in rooms with moderate humidity, such as a kitchen.

Sheathing - instruction step by step

How to sheathe walls with MDF panels, I will tell you in detail. The installation process of wall panels is quite simple and does not imply complex wall preparation. They can be mounted on a prepared frame, at the same time leveling the wall, or glue can be used when the wall does not require additional transformations.

In any case, which method you would not choose, you need to take into account a few nuances. Before starting work, the panel must undergo some acclimatization. To do this, it is enough to hold it in the room being repaired to establish a balance of temperature and humidity between the panel itself and the air. MDF comes back to normal, there is some expansion.

Before installation, the wall, as already mentioned, does not require special preparation. It is enough to clean up areas with clearly outgoing old paint or plaster, to get rid of cracks.

When installing panels, be aware of their physical properties and leave small gaps at the bottom and top. A few millimeters is enough. This is necessary to take into account their normal expansion with changes in temperature and humidity in the room. Otherwise, over time, the panel may lead or warp.

On the frame

When choosing frame mounting, you will need profiles or wooden slats. When choosing fasteners, you should pay attention to the complexity of the wall itself. You may need to go around many corners or ledges.

In this case, it is better to use mounting profiles (various additional elements), since their wide variety will allow you to do the job as accurately as possible. Especially in the case of corners. However, if for some reason you decide to do without additional elements, this is also not a problem. All joints and corners can then be closed with a universal corner.

This applies not only to the frame, but also to the adhesive mounting method. So, you need to install two skirting profiles (they are also called moldings) running perpendicular to the facing plate. This means that if the panel is mounted vertically, then the profiles are placed horizontally (near the floor and ceiling).

With the horizontal direction of the MDF boards, the profiles are installed in a vertical position at the corners of the wall. In the case of fastening sheet panels of a large area, this issue is not so important. After installing the first profile, use a plumb or building level to determine the position of the second extreme profile. Next, using the same plumb or level, fix a few more intermediate profiles at a distance of about 500-600 mm.

If sudden changes in the surface do not allow you to attach the profile to the level, then you can put it under it various materials. It can be wooden slats, fiberboard, plywood.

Intermediate profiles are necessary so that the future panel does not bend under the pressure of a hand. Therefore, adjust their number based on the area and evenness of the surface to be sewn and the thickness of the panel itself. The panel is pre-cut to size, taking into account the necessary clearances. If the sheathing is made using slatted panels with a groove and a tail, then a J-profile is usually used as a molding, into which the first panel is inserted.

The tail is cut off and wound into a profile with three sides - a side and two end. The side with the groove remains free. It must be attached to the crate or directly to the wall. The next panel is driven by the tail into the groove, and is also screwed with the side with the groove to the crate. This is how all panels are assembled.

The latter is cut along the edges of about 5 mm and first driven into the second molding. After the stop, it is enough to move it slightly in the opposite direction until it enters the previous groove. When using other types of panels, they are fastened joint to joint.

Here it is very important to trim the edges evenly so that the joints are even. Cutting thick panels is best done using a hacksaw or jigsaw. You can fasten the panels to the crate with ordinary self-tapping screws or with the help of special clips and cleats.

The latter option is especially progressive and convenient, since in this case the panel does not have holes and is simply fastened to the crate. Also, this method does not interfere with the elongation of the panel under the influence of moisture and temperature, and, if necessary, is easily dismantled. This completes the sheathing and your wall looks even, smooth and beautiful.

On glue

The adhesive method of fastening allows you to do without installing the crate. The preparation of the wall remains the same. Even if the wall was painted with oil paint, it is not necessary to remove it. Modern adhesive mixtures penetrate deep enough, and allow you to do without this process.

Panels can also be glued to the crate. This option is relevant in the case when the wall is very uneven and additional rails have to be installed to reach the required level. MDF glue is applied over the entire surface of the panel in the form of zigzag strips.

This information is intended for those who want to finish MDF walls quickly and cheaply on their own, or for those who just want to expand their horizons. By studying this article, you will understand that do-it-yourself decoration is not very difficult. After all, the installation is alternately painted and shown in the form of photographs.

MDF material is wood waste (chips) mixed with a special adhesive solution and pressed.

A similar structure of the material makes it similar to boards, but at the same time it differs significantly. So, for example, the high temperature of processing wood waste in the production of particle board makes it possible to avoid adding various resins and other negative chemical compounds to the mixture for gluing.

Despite this, they have excellent technical performance, as a result of which they are widely in demand today.

Let's take a closer look

Interestingly, this material is used for finishing work on all surfaces, from ceiling to floor. On the other side, this species materials are much more common in various administrative buildings and public places. Perhaps, people do not use it for their home due to the lack of domestic warmth and comfort of this material.

Advantages of MDF

The advantages of this finishing material include several qualities at once.

  • One of the main advantages - is the ease and availability of installation.
  • As a result, for its implementation it is not necessary to have for the implementation of this process.
  • In addition, the installation of this material does not require special preparation of the wall surface, since installation is the end point.
  • It is also worth noting that during the installation process there is not a lot of dirt and dust.
  • The repair, which includes dismantling the damaged panel and installing a new one, is quite simple and does not take much time.
  • Today, there are also requirements for heat and sound insulation, which is quite good for this finishing material.
  • As for caring for them, it is very simple, for example, they just need to be washed with warm water.
  • You should also not forget about the long service life, combined with the environmental friendliness of the material.
  • And, finally, it is worth saying a few words about the texture and color of MDF panels, which is wide enough and imitates different materials from wood to stone.
  • At the same time, the cost of this type of material varies widely.


Along with the advantages, they also have some disadvantages. So, for example, this finishing material,

  • not very resistant to high humidity, and deformed. At the same time, manufacturers are working on this shortcoming, and now there are special moisture-resistant chipboards that are designed to finish such rooms as the kitchen and bathroom. Including this material is suitable for finishing a house or a summer residence.
  • It is also worth noting the low strength, which is less than that of other finishing materials, in particular laminate. So, a strong enough hit with the ball may well deform our finishing plate.
  • And, finally, this finishing material burns well, in connection with this, experts recommend placing electrical wiring in special protective boxes (fire-resistant).


The installation process will require the presence of equipment such as special wiring boxes, a screwdriver, edge profiles, adhesives, self-tapping screws, and so on. In general, the installation process does not require special skills, but knowing little tricks will allow it to be carried out as efficiently as possible.

Preparing for installation

  • And so, before proceeding with the decoration, it is worth removing the wallpaper that is swollen or simply not holding tight.
  • After that, the surface of the walls is treated with a special raster - a primer. The fact is that this solution prevents the reproduction of fungi, which often appear in voids.
  • To increase the thermal insulation of the walls, you can use a heater and cover all the walls with it. Some types, for example, are attached to the wall with an adhesive solution, while the thickness of the insulation can be 0.5 cm. As a rule, such insulation materials are glued end-to-end. It is worth noting that the sparkling side of the insulation is glued directly inward.

Installation of mdf wall panels

Consider the first example of a finish in which they are installed in a standard bullfighting room. three-room apartment, in a multi-storey building. Considering the fact that there are no external walls, additional insulation not required. Installation work must begin from the ceiling.

  • To determine the lowest angle in the room, you should use the building level and draw a horizontal line exactly 5 cm lower, which directly determines the position of the upper UD - profile.
  • For its fastening it is worth using a quick installation. Sometimes wooden slats are used as a frame, but this is not always effective. The fact is that if the wood is even slightly damp, then for some time it can be deformed during the drying process.

  • Next comes the stage of attaching the suspensions to the ceiling surface, while they should be about 60 - 70 cm apart from each other. For their fastening, you can also use quick installation, the parameters of which are from 4 to 6 cm. Of course, before that, you should do the necessary holes on top.

  • After that, the SD profile is mounted on the suspensions.

Interestingly, such a base allows you to install any of these types of finishing materials such as plastic, drywall or particle board. As for the plates made of pressed sawdust, it is better to use cements and self-tapping screws for their installation.

Remember, first carry out the laying of all communications (wiring, and so on), and only then the panels are mounted.

  • On one side, the material should be attached with self-tapping screws, and the other end is fixed with clamps. Interestingly, the clayers are attached to the frame with the help of bedbugs. Following this technology, you can quickly and easily close the entire surface of the ceiling.

  • If you want to mount spotlight, then a puncher with special crowns will help you with this, which will make the necessary hole in this panel.

  • Next comes the turn lighting fixtures whose installation is described in more detail by their manufacturer.

  • As for the installation of wall panels, here you should not forget about special boxes for electrical wiring.

  • The next step is to create the base frame. Here again, you can use suspensions that are fixed on the surface of the walls.
  • And they already have a CD-profile installed.
  • The top and them are delimited directly by the UD profile.

As for the location of the horizontal profile, here one should focus on those places that are most often affected, for example, in the area of ​​the knee, shoulder, and so on. The distance between this profile should be kept at 60-70 cm.