Radial sliding wardrobes design. Radial wardrobe - features of the structure and content

Radius corner cupboard coupe is a non-standard solution for filling corners in a room. They have a large capacity. In addition, side open shelving completes the composition and adds additional storage space for memorabilia and decorative items.

Cabinets of this design have many advantages, have features of internal filling, as well as design developments allow you to expand the range of available models.

A variety of models is distinguished by its features of external and internal structure. However, the general advantages can be traced in each of the models of the radius wardrobe. Strengths are as follows:

  • originality of external design;
  • universality;
  • harmonious internal content;
  • cabinet models are designed for location in the corner and along the wall;
  • space saving;
  • mobility of elements for storing things;
  • reliability of mechanisms, comfortable and durable use of sliding doors.

by the most big minus such models of wardrobes are considered high cost. Due to the fact that the design has many complex elements and mechanisms, its assembly and installation can be accompanied by process difficulties. An experienced specialist will solve any puzzles, so assembly and installation should be entrusted to trusted furniture makers. Some craftsmen decide to self-installation and even cabinet assembly.

Assembly and installation of a radius wardrobe

In order for the do-it-yourself radial wardrobes to not have an unpresentable appearance, you need to try hard. To do this, it is important to have some skills to correctly draw up a personal scheme for the future cabinet and calculate dimensions. The most difficult thing is to calculate the correct radius. It is he who sets the radius of the upper guide. Many factories and companies involved in the manufacture of furniture offer the service of individual ordering all the components of the cabinet. To do this, the master himself must make clear calculations, according to which furniture makers will be able to manufacture and send all the components of the structure.

In addition to the "box" - the cabinet body, it is important to pay attention to other details and mechanisms. For self assembly cabinet from A to Z, you will need the following items:

  • cabinet body;
  • radius canvas, which has similar dimensions to the guide;
  • top guide;
  • closer;
  • brush tape;
  • compartment handle;
  • sliding door mechanism.

The radius type is a carriage with an upper suspension. It serves to move the door made of wood or aluminum along the track. This mechanism includes the following parts:

  • radius guide;
  • lower and upper rollers;
  • stoppers.

The profile for radius sliding wardrobes is a radius guide. It is made of aluminum to order, taking into account the individual radius. Its purpose is to ensure smooth sliding of the rollers, attached to the cabinet ceiling. The maximum length of the radius is 6 meters.

The carriage is made of an alloy of zinc and aluminum, it includes a bearing. For one door you need two carriages. The purpose of such an important detail is to move the door along the guide. The carriage has a feature - height adjustment.

The stopper limits the movement of the door and fixes it in the desired position at a certain place on the track. The part is made of plastic, and is attached to the edges of the upper track.

The lower roller is made of plastic and can be attached to the podium or to the floor. Its purpose is to keep the door from swinging, one roller should be installed on each door.


The first thing to do is to decide on the calculation of the radius of the future cabinet. We prepare the ceiling and podium of the future product of the appropriate size. The height, width and depth are measured, and the issue of the number, size and radius of doors that can be made to order is also decided. Body parts can be made from any type of material: chipboard, MDF, veneer, natural wood.

When calculating, the following should be taken into account:

  • door width is not less than 50 cm;
  • the number of doors depends on the number of sections;
  • not less than 60 cm;
  • the width of the shelves is not more than 65 cm, in order to avoid deflection from the weight of things;
  • drawers should not be placed opposite the door frame.

Assembly steps

  • On the wall we mark the location of the future cabinet and make dimensions;
  • on the walls are marked the places of fastening of the racks, and on the ceiling - profiles;
  • details are cut to size;
  • the base of the cabinet is attached to the bottom;
  • the body is connected by minifixes and dowels;
  • when the box is assembled, the bottom and ceiling are attached to it;
  • the diagonal of the structure is checked;
  • the back wall is fixed with self-tapping screws;
  • inside, at the right places, flanges of the rods and guides of baskets or boxes, as well as holders for shelves, are attached;
  • the upper and lower rails are attached to the podium and ceiling with self-tapping screws;
  • the door leaf is installed first in the upper track, and then in the lower one;
  • fix and align the door with two screws.

The drawing is made on a scale of 1:10, and then transferred to parts of natural size. According to the finished drawing, doors of the required radius and dimensions are made to order.

Internal filling

The concave or convex shape of the cabinet affects the shape of the shelves and internal filling elements. Some shelves can completely follow the contours of the cabinet radius. The corner cabinet most often has a "dead" zone in depth. To fill the space and use it rationally, voluminous things are stored in small cabinets in the very corner. household appliances such as a vacuum cleaner. In large closets, dressing tables with make-up mirrors or folding sports equipment are installed.

The location of the closet has a significant effect on the internal content. For example, in the hallway, voluminous outerwear, many pairs of shoes, umbrellas and other things are stored in the closet. The wardrobe in the bedroom should provide a place to store underwear and other accessories, as well as large, deep and roomy shelves for bed linen, blankets and pillows. In the hall, a corner cabinet can turn into an L-shaped. This model is combined, it includes a closed storage area and an open rack. Shelves can store books, decor, and even a TV or music center.

For ergonomic storage of things, it is important to know and adhere to established standards based on the average human physique:

  • it is preferable to store socks, underwear and other trifles in boxes, the depth of which ranges from 15 to 30 cm deep;
  • boxes for storing accessories such as belts, watches, bracelets and ties should not be deeper than 12 m, and cells should be 10 by 10;
  • width of shelves for bed linen - from 50 to 80 cm;
  • a bar for storing long things should be at a sufficient height so that clothes up to 160 cm long can hang freely on hangers;

Standard rectangular furniture is widely used today, but designers are constantly developing models of unusual geometry. With their help, you can transform the interior, add softness and originality. This group of products includes a cabinet with a radius facade.

Radius cabinet - features, advantages and disadvantages

The design of the model is distinguished by smooth forms. Dimensions and design depend on the characteristics of the room in which the furniture is planned to be installed.

Models of unusual shape have a number of features. Some are marked with a plus sign and others with a minus sign.

The advantages of such furniture are:

  • original performance;
  • the ability to install in rooms of complex geometry;
  • space saving;
  • lack of sharp corners reduces the risk of injury;
  • different ways of outdoor decoration

However, there are also weaknesses:

  • the internal volume with a concave facade has a smaller capacity;
  • there are difficulties in choosing the elements of the storage system, they will have to be made to order;
  • some types of materials are not suitable for radius facades (chipboard, mirrors);
  • higher cost compared to standard models;
  • Not every master can handle the installation of the product on his own, you will have to turn to professionals.

Types of radius cabinets

There are several ways to classify such furniture.

First of all, products are divided into convex, concave and combined.

Convex facades are best suited for installation in a small room (for example: a hallway). It can be quite difficult to place ordinary furniture there.

A semicircular wardrobe will look appropriate where there is enough free space, decorated in high-tech style.

If the doors are concave inside the cabinet, then the effect of expanding the space and smoothing the corners is created. The room acquires more volume and depth.

The simultaneous use of facades of the first and second types gives a wave-like or S-shape. This approach is often applied to furniture for the living room, nursery, bedroom.

By design, the radius cabinet can be corner or side.

The first type is the most commonly used. He possesses affordable price, not too difficult to install, suitable for any room and best fulfills the task of saving space. If it has a convex facade, it will please with a large capacity.

Attached modules are easier to place in a room with the correct geometry. When they are combined, a common facade of a curved shape is obtained.

Radius cabinet designs

If we talk about the design, then the radius cabinet can be built-in and cabinet. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Case models

The case version consists of side walls, bottom, cover and rear panel. It can be rearranged if necessary. However, it is more expensive, as well as reduced internal volume compared to the built-in model of the same size.

Several types of materials are used in the manufacture of the case.

  • Natural wood has environmental safety, high strength, long term operation. However, the high cost of such products makes the average buyer opt for models from more affordable materials.
  • MDF takes second place. Products made from it are durable and will last a long time.
  • Chipboard is the cheapest option. This is where her virtues end. It is much inferior to the previous types in quality.
  • For the back wall, fiberboard and plywood are often used, but the use of chipboard will increase the strength, rigidity of the structure and increase the attractiveness of the product.

If we talk about the thickness of the chipboard used for the sidewalls, then it is 16, 18, 25 mm. The higher the value, the more reliable the furniture will be. The structure of the material consists of 3 layers. At the edges, it is denser, which provides protection against mechanical stress. The middle, on the contrary, is loose. This allows you to securely hold the fasteners.

There are several ways to attach the back panel.

  • The simplest is overlapped. Differs in low attractiveness and poor reliability. The backrest is fixed with self-tapping screws, nails or furniture clips. The best option are self-tapping screws, although the work will take more time.
  • The groove system will provide greater strength. They can be located on 2, 3 or 4 sides.

Sometimes the back panel consists of several parts. They are interconnected plastic profile or reinforced tape. But it is better to opt for a product with a solid surface.

Built-in wardrobes

Built-in furniture is different in that part of the functional details replace the walls, floor and ceiling of the room. Its dimensions are determined by the individual characteristics of the room. It will be difficult to change the location of the built-in wardrobe, but such furniture will allow you to use the allotted space. the best way. For its device, internal filling and a facade are required. However, in order for the product to function without surprises, it is necessary to prepare the selected area: check the strength, level the surfaces and carry out finishing work.

The facade of the radius cabinet - types and features

Radius facades have limitations related to the possible bending limit of the selected material. Exceeding the extreme values ​​will lead to the rapid destruction of structural elements. When calculating, the location of the furniture, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and design solution. The outer radii are 300, 700 and 1000 mm, and the inner ones are represented by one value - 300 mm.

The number of doors is calculated based on the length of the arc. In doing so, the following must be taken into account:

  • the width of one door should not be less than 500 mm, otherwise the doors will constantly move off the rails;
  • the number of doors must match the number of compartments, otherwise "dead" zones are formed;
  • all parts of the curved facade have the same width, the optimal spacing is from 60 to 90 cm.

For the manufacture of facades, several types of materials are used.

  • MDF is used most often. Vacuum-compressed wood chip board is given a certain bend.
  • Curved tempered glass is framed with an aluminum profile.
  • Plastic is represented by a wide colors, has strength and low weight.
  • Wooden array is used quite rarely due to the high cost.

Decorative design is performed in different techniques:

  • photo printing;
  • sandblasting;
  • fusing;
  • painting with special paints;
  • stained glass inserts;
  • combination of different materials.

Types of door opening mechanisms on radius cabinets

Cabinets with radius facades can be equipped with hinged doors or a sliding door system like a compartment.

Swing facades

Models with rounded swing doors are much less common. Although they differ in silent operation and attractive appearance. curved door leafs attached to the frame with hinges. To close the doors to the end, the mechanism is equipped with an automatic closer.

For radius facades, the following types of loops are used:

  • invoices;
  • semi-overhead;
  • inserts;
  • corner;
  • inverse.

Despite the presence of a closer, the door often does not slam shut completely. This is due to a violation of the geometric parameters of the sash or frame. In this case, it is worth installing hinges with a large rebound angle or adjusting the height using a wedge bar.

Radius wardrobe with hinged doors simplifies access to the contents, thanks to the full opening of the doors. And also such a system does not reduce the usable volume of furniture.

Sliding (coupe)

In sliding facades with rounded doors, the movement is carried out along curved guides using rollers. There are 2 types of mechanisms.

  • The top hung version is used in built-in models. The rail is attached to the ceiling, so it is important that the latter is characterized by increased strength. However, despite the attractive appearance, sagging of the structure is observed over time, which prevents normal functioning. To avoid this, regular maintenance operations must be carried out.
  • The device based on the lower rail does not impose special requirements on the ceiling, since the main weight goes to the guide located below. The load distribution in this case occurs more evenly, so this mechanism is considered more reliable.

For the manufacture of guides use aluminum or steel. The first option is different the best performance(stability, low noise).

Filling - types of systems and rules for planning the interior space of the cabinet

The filling of any cabinet depends on its purpose, and radius models are no exception.

If the product is intended to accommodate a home library, then all the internal space is occupied by shelves. The distance between them is defined as the length of a standard book plus 15-20 cm.

In the case when the furniture is planned to be used to store a collection, beautiful items, dishes, it would be wise to install glass shelves and supplement them with lighting.

Most often, wardrobes are needed to accommodate clothes and other items. Interior space conditionally divided into 3 zones. Under the very ceiling there is a mezzanine, a wide shelf or a bar with lifting mechanism. In the middle part there are shelves, drawers and a regular crossbar. The lower tier is given for shoes, travel bags, suitcases, household appliances (for example: vacuum cleaner, iron).

To organize a convenient and rational storage system, the following elements are used.

  • Fixed and sliding shelves. They are suitable for large items, bedding. The minimum distance between them is 30 cm. It is good if there are additional holes for the holders. This will allow you to adjust the location of the shelves as you wish.
  • Drawers and baskets help to compactly arrange laundry, clothing, etc.
  • Trouser. It is a device equipped with a number of parallel bars on which trousers or jeans are hung.
  • A similar device, but smaller, is used for ties, belts, scarves, etc.
  • Barbell (one or more). The crossbar in the upper part is usually equipped with a pantograph. More often, the middle part of the cabinet is allocated under it. It is reasonable to use at least 2 rods: one for dresses, coats, raincoats, and the second for shirts, blouses, skirts, etc.
  • Low drawers, divided into sections, ideal for small items.
  • Inclined shoe racks save space.
  • Mezzanine or top shelf located along the entire length of the cabinet. It is suitable for hats and things that are rarely used.
  • Hooks for ladies' bags will also not be superfluous.

To achieve efficient use of the internal volume, the shelves are made taking into account the shape of the facade.

Photo of radius cabinets in the interior

If you want to choose the right sliding wardrobe, you need to pay attention to a number of nuances.

  • Materials used.
  • Hardware quality.
  • Color and design solution.
  • Internal filling.
  • Price.

The round shape of the furniture will help to rationally use the space of any room and create a unique interior.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us by e-mail: [email protected] website
P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what happens and navigate in the choice.

April 2, 2018
Specialization: master in construction drywall constructions, finishing work and styling floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Radius sliding wardrobes are a special type of furniture that got its name because of the curved doors, which can be of different sizes and shapes. In the article we will consider the main types of designs and understand the advantages and disadvantages of this solution.

Types of cabinets and their features

To begin with, we will consider the main types of structures. There are more of them than you think, and they all have their own characteristics. Then we'll break down the advantages and disadvantages of curved cabinetry to help you decide if it's the right solution for your situation.

Construction types

Of course, each cabinet is made to order and can have any shape, but all options can be divided into several main groups:

Illustration Description

Angular convex designs. Their main advantage is a large capacity, because inside you actually get a mini-dressing room, which you can enter.

This type is great for large rooms, it is better not to use it in small ones, as it clutters up the space.

In such systems, there are no side walls, floor and ceiling, which reduces the cost of the project.

Angled concave options- take up much less space and this is their main advantage. Due to the curved shape, such cabinets do not interfere with movement and can be placed in almost any room.

They are suitable for both right angles and irregularly shaped corners, in which it is unlikely that other furniture will be placed.

wall radius design . Interesting solution for rooms in which there is a place only at one of the walls. The option looks very unusual, it has access from three sides at once, which is very convenient, because you can open any part if necessary.

Of course, this type of cabinet protrudes quite a distance, so there must be sufficient free space in front of it.

A separate option is round cabinets that are placed in the middle of the room, but they are rare and very expensive.

Combined cabinets. Combine both convex and concave sections, due to which you can pick up best option for any room. Because of the characteristic shape, this variant is often referred to as a "wave".

This is the most variable type of radius cabinets, but it is more difficult to manufacture and design due to complex lines and large sizes.

Pros and cons of this option

To begin with, we will analyze the advantages of radius cabinets:

  • Versatility. Due to the smooth shapes and variety of options, you can choose optimal solution for any room. Thanks to this, the space is used with maximum efficiency and at the same time, the likelihood of injury is minimal, because there are no protruding corners in the design;

  • Any cabinet size. There are practically no restrictions, radius options can be compact, or they can separate a space comparable to a small room. It all depends on the purpose of use and the availability of free space in your house or apartment;

  • Ability to install anywhere. You can place furniture in a corner, against a wall, or even in the middle of a room. There are no restrictions, and even the most daring ideas can be realized;
  • Any options for internal filling. It all depends on the free space and your wishes. You decide what shelves will be in the cabinet, how many compartments you need to make and what configuration they will be. You can put both traditional boxes and modern knots which differ in convenience and functionality;

  • Radius cabinets are suitable for absolutely any interior. In addition to the fact that you can choose different sizes and shapes, manufacturers offer hundreds of finishes - from glass, metal and chipboard to mirrors, leather, precious woods and much more. Appearance can be almost anything, it all depends on your wishes and financial capabilities, because the implementation unusual ideas is expensive;

  • Possibility of compensating for an unsuccessful room configuration. You can close a non-standard corner, a niche or hide protruding communications. You can choose an option for any shape of the room and turn the flaw into an original accent.

Now let's deal with the disadvantages of this type of furniture:

  • High price. If it comes from customer reviews, then this is the most significant minus, if such products were cheaper, then the demand for them would increase significantly. But due to the complexity of manufacturing elements and the high cost of fittings, this option is unlikely to become cheaper in the near future;
  • Difficulty of installation. If a standard straight cabinet can be assembled independently, then it is better to entrust the installation of radius modifications to professionals. Even small distortions cause rapid wear and failure of expensive guides;
  • The need for careful handling. If you jerk the sash too hard or press it, the guides may bend and have to be replaced.


Now you know all the information you need about radius cabinets coupe - their varieties, advantages and disadvantages. The video in the article will tell Additional information so that you understand the topic even better. If you still have questions after reading, write them in the comments.

April 2, 2018

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When buying furniture directly from the factory, there are two delivery methods:

  1. Pickup from the factory warehouse in Zarechny;
  2. Pickup from the factory warehouse in Moscow;
  3. Sending transport company.

Shipping costs are paid by the transport company upon receipt of the furniture.


When ordering furniture from the factory, assembly services are provided only in Penza and the Penza region. Residents of other regions are advised to contact a specialized organization in your city.
Each piece of furniture is equipped detailed instructions by assembly. If you have any questions, please contact our managers by phone or skype.

Delivery of glass showcases

When buying glass showcases directly from the factory, there are two shipping methods:

  1. Shipping by transport company. Delivery costs by the transport company are paid upon receipt of the showcase;

In the photo - packages of curved and straight glasses, which allow you to deliver the showcases to you intact.

Curved and straight glass packaging

Delivery of Galant wardrobes and Prima bedroom furniture

When buying Galant and Prima bedroom furniture directly from the factory, there are two delivery methods:

  1. Sending to the factory dealer in your area. Delivery to you is carried out on the terms of the dealer.

Delivery of kitchen furniture

When buying kitchen furniture directly from the factory, there are two delivery methods:

  1. Shipping by transport company. Delivery costs by the transport company are paid upon receipt of the furniture;
  2. Sending to the factory dealer in your area. Delivery to you is carried out on the terms of the dealer.

In the photo - the packaging of the pencil case and cabinets for the kitchen, which allow you to deliver the furniture to you intact.

The initial stage of packing the pencil case

Pencil case packaging

The initial stage of cabinet packaging

Cabinet packaging

The classic version is radius parts made of chipboard or glass, which are attached to the side of the closet and the back wall of chipboard. But you can also creatively approach the decision on the design of the end of the wardrobe. Consider the most interesting options.

Radial shelves and a pencil case from the end of the closet

Radial shelves are not made to the full depth of the wardrobe, and the rest of the depth of the side of the wardrobe is used to make a pencil case. The pencil case allows you to create an additional closed storage area.

The design of the closet ending with the use of curved facades made of glass and MDF is interesting. Moreover, it is possible to combine simultaneously bent and straight elements.

The use of radius glass shelves when decorating the end of a sliding wardrobe

Glass radii are actively used in the manufacture of wardrobe endings. You can simply make several radius shelves and, using toucan-type shelf holders, fasten them immediately to the wall and side wall of the closet.

An interesting option do it small panel from chipboard, fix it to the wall, and glass shelves to it. As a result, we will get an easy and original solution for the design of the graduation without significant material costs. By the way, using this technique, you can improve the design of an existing wardrobe.

The false panel can be made not straight, but radial. It will be more expensive, but it looks great visually.

An interesting design trick is when the back wall of the radius end is made two-layer, and contrasting colors of chipboard are used. Similarly, the roof of the closet is made.

Interesting visual effects are obtained when using a mirror in the manufacture of the back wall and the ending radii of the wardrobe.

The illumination of the end of the glass shelves at the end of the sliding wardrobe looks modern and cool. Clip-on lamps are usually used, as in the photo below.

"Classic" design of the outer part of the wardrobe

The end of the cabinet is made in the so-called "classic" version, that is, the back wall and the radius are made of chipboard. The configurations of the radii and the back wall can be different, we show some variations on this topic in the photographs.

Rice. twenty. Straight back wall of the closet ending

Rectangular design of the outer part of the wardrobe

Not everyone likes the rounded shape of the outer part of the closet. In this case, the end of the wardrobe is made in the form of rectangular shelves, elements of cabinet furniture.

Sliding wardrobe with continuation

Sometimes the sliding wardrobe does not remain "lonely" and is complemented by elements of cabinet furniture. As a result, a whole furniture composition is created and functionality is improved in terms of creating places to store things.