Attic project: layout options. Mansard roofs of private houses: types, options, device Attic layout interior photo gallery in a private house

In most private houses there is a problem of arrangement attic rooms. In the tradition of our region, this room has always played the role of a technical floor, which is destined for the role of insulation and removal of stove smoke. But gradually, with the advent of new materials and modern ones, homeowners began to understand that attic room- this is a great opportunity to expand the living or useful area of ​​​​the entire cottage.

It turns out that with proper insulation and ventilation, it can accommodate a living room, bedroom, bathroom or even a kitchen, in general, any of the rooms. At the same time, you will have at your disposal a unique design of such a room, which will distinguish it from a number of other similar ones.

Attic room design

Planning loft room design always begins, based on the shape of the roof - this is the defining element for the entire external appearance of the room. The roof can be single-pitched and gable, but it can also be tent and hip.

Accordingly, its inner surface will also have significant differences because of this, and ideally, it is the configuration of the future that should be the leading argument when choosing the type of roof.

For example, for a shed roof or a wide gable roof, the problem of mastering a low wall becomes relevant, which in these cases can be literally half a meter high. Whereas for a tent or hip structure, there may be a problem with lighting, insufficient window openings, since the area of ​​​​the roof, and, therefore, the premises, is large enough.

The second recommendation is inextricably linked to the operational characteristics of the room, because for, say, a children's bedroom or bathroom, there will be differences in humidity or the need for heat, air conditioning, and so on.

Therefore, it would be desirable to already know in advance what functions this residential area will perform. Such knowledge will allow you to competently make exactly the materials that are needed (and not all in a row, which will lead to an unnecessary rise in price), as well as lay all communications, such as organizing forced ventilation or making warm floors.

It is the topic of ventilation that should always be given special attention when developing loft room project, because, as we know according to the laws of physics, it is up all the warm air in the house and the room without good forced ventilation may simply be uninhabitable, especially since the ceilings in it are quite low.

Continuing the topic about ceilings, we note that the appearance of the ceiling can be different and this does not at all depend on the chosen method. Rather, it is about the style of the room that you want to follow.

Rafters and beams that remain in sight are a wonderful attribute of a chalet or country style, they will give the room the right mood of a real old estate. If you prefer classic or modern, then you should completely sew up the ceiling with plasterboard, and then plaster, paint or cover with plain wallpaper.

fans modern style, as well as a minimalist direction, they will definitely give preference to hanging or stretch ceilings, and for lovers of loft or industrial styles, even metal air ducts or communications uncovered by boxes will seem to be in the subject.

Lounge attic

When the area of ​​the cottage is small, then there is a dilemma, which room to place in it. The room is indeed specific in terms of operation and layout, but it has a unique romantic flair. For example, one of the benefits of hosting lounge room loft is the ability to place a window over a sofa or other bed - then you can lie down to admire the blue sky during the day and the starry sky at night. In addition, such a room can save a significant area below, which would be more logical for the kitchen and dining room, that is, those areas that are during both weekends and weekdays are used most frequently. But you can go up to the top floor in order to just lie down, watch TV, play video games or have a sincere conversation over a cup of tea - for such purposes, the size of the living room is definitely enough.

Many elements, the presence of which dictates to us, are physically difficult to place inside attic. Room layout in this case, it will be inextricably linked with the creation of sketches for furniture of non-standard shapes. This applies to the corner or even U-shaped sofa, so beloved by everyone, armchairs with high backs, a mantelpiece, bookcase and others. All this can be great, but only if it fits into numerous angles and is commensurate with the roof in height.

Making furniture to order is quite an expensive undertaking, plus, its production will take more time than buying ready-made furniture, but you will be able to use literally every centimeter of your small attic floor. In the photo in this section you can see examples of just such a recreation area, which is located on the top floor.

The central design element is a big sofa, which literally fills all the free space. Moreover, it happens as if small attics low wooden ceiling, and in quite spacious ones, where, in addition to the sofa, other objects can be freely placed, creating all the prerequisites for excellent parties (TV, wide coffee table for board games or a snack), and for fruitful work (desktop, books, musical instruments).

However, if you do not like big and noisy companies with long gatherings, you can still use the attic floor as a place to relax, even if it is quite small.

Various means are suitable for this: a hammock suspended on supports, a rocking chair or just a soft set of chairs will allow you to indulge in your hobby or reading right under the window, a source of soft, very visually beneficial lighting.

Attic room photo

The next important room that we will virtually place under the roof will be the bedroom. attic room. A photo, which you will see below, show how comfortable such a bedroom can be, how all your aspirations about perfect location for relax.

For the bedroom you plan to use all year round, it is very important to carry out the correct . This room should be warm enough, but not hot, without excess moisture, which leads to the formation of fungus and other troubles. Therefore, not only the insulation itself is placed under the roof, but also other components modern systems, such as a hydro-barrier, vapor barrier film and so on. It is also advisable to install air conditioning, as the roof gets very hot under the summer sun and sleeping indoors without cooling may not be too comfortable.

As we said above, the most difficult part in arranging a bedroom is not at all, but filling it with furniture so that all the flaws of a complex shape are leveled. The most difficult case is when one wall has a minimum size, its height is within one meter.

Then you have several options for what to place here, or it will be a bed, because when you lie down you definitely don’t need a lot of height above your head, or, conversely, here you place a storage area with a built-in wardrobe, put a TV and so on. You can look at the photo above for examples of mastering a strong roof slope and make sure that the shape roof attic room not a hindrance to be cozy and comfortable.

A separate case is when the roof has a wide area, hip, half hip or tent shape. Yes, this will significantly increase the cost of roofing work, several times, and it will take more time to install all the floors and insulate, but you will have the opportunity to do not just one, but two rooms in the attic. These can be separate children's rooms, or there can be rooms for the whole family, for example, a bedroom and a living room, separated by a partition wall.

In the photo you can see a draft of such a design solution, and in order to visually preserve the feeling of spaciousness and freedom of such a wide attic, the partition is specially designed transparent.

However, it is not at all necessary to have a transparent partition, because if in attic 2 rooms, then both of them can become completely autonomous rooms, for example, a secluded bedroom, as shown in other photos of the collection, equipped with its own spacious bathroom behind the wall or a spacious one.

Children's room in the attic

Most of all, children love such high, non-standard premises, therefore, often, this territory is given to their possession. Projects children's room in the attic quite a lot, although the walls are not very high, but the area is large, so it will fit a bed, not even one, a place for games, and a work area with a desk and a computer. There is also a place for sports equipment, a telescope, a hut or a toy house and other children's joys.

In design girls room in the attic it is preferable to use light, natural shades, Provence or country style, an abundance of soft toys and home textiles are suitable.

Take care that attic room for a boy was not too dark, it can cause depression. You can not only make as many windows as you can, but also provide the room with additional artificial lighting.

Bathroom in the attic

Tons of benefits bathroom in the attic makes us take a closer look at such projects.

In the project, you can also place a shower cabin or take a place with a partition for taking a shower, and also indulge in a full-sized bathroom. Moreover, it is she who is the best suited for filling the space under the roof slope without losing the overall feeling of freedom and spaciousness, which are simply unthinkable in city apartments.

Attic room: design and layout. 100 ideas

What are the majority of attics in Soviet-built private houses? Dark and dirty rooms in which the owners put various belongings, which it is a pity to throw away, but no one wants to use. Give a second life to your attic space or loft - refurbish ancillary space and increase your living space. Yes, the attic has a very complex shape, a strong bevel of the ceiling, formed by a gable roof, does not allow you to be there in full growth over the entire area. But with a reasonable approach to planning and the use of effective design techniques, you can achieve unprecedented results - turn a room littered with rubbish into an incredibly comfortable and cozy space for recreation, work, creative and sports activities, games with children.

If your private house has an attic, then it would be strange not to use these square meters for the benefit of the family. Living room, bedroom, guest room, dressing room, study or even an additional bathroom - the possibilities for arranging an attic are limited only by your desire, needs and budget for reconstruction. We bring to your attention an impressive selection of design projects for the design of attic and attic spaces, due to the needs of their owners. Let modern, practical and visually attractive interiors be the inspiration for your makeover.

Bedroom in the attic - practical, comfortable, aesthetically pleasing

The arrangement of a bedroom in a room whose ceiling is formed by a gable roof is the best option. Indeed, in the sleeping space you will spend most of the time in a horizontal position, when the height of the ceilings and their bevel is not so decisive. Many attics do not have enough space to accommodate a full-fledged living room or children's room. But the master bedroom or guest room can become a comfortable additional space in your home.

If there is a fairly spacious attic room, you can equip a bedroom designed for two people. Beds placed in areas with the greatest slope of the ceiling will save usable space for the passage, which will allow you to walk to your full height without any discomfort.

You have long been able to equip the main premises of your private home - all the necessary functional areas are placed and decorated in accordance with your stylistic preferences. But a small corner of space in the attic remains uncovered. Use this room to arrange sleeping accommodations for guests. Here is a clear example of the fact that even a modest-sized room original form can be a cozy place to sleep. And everything that until now you have stored in the attic in any order can be folded into storage systems built into the bases of the beds.

Here is an example of organizing several beds in the form of built-in blocks with storage systems. Each bed is a cell with individual lighting and adjacent shelves and cabinets.

In the spacious attic room, you can organize not just a bedroom, but a multifunctional station containing, in addition to bed dressing area and workplace. Embedding a wardrobe complex around front door on the entire space from floor to ceiling allows you to significantly save the usable space of the bedroom. And the desktop in the boudoir area can also be used as a toilet.

Features of finishing the bedroom in the attic

For a radical transformation of the old attic into elegant bedroom it is difficult to come up with a more elegant design move than the use of a snow-white finish. One of the problems of attic spaces, in addition to irregular shapes and ceilings with large bevels, is poor lighting. It is rare in which roof it is possible to make a window to provide space with a source of natural light. As a rule, one has to be content with a window (or windows) located on the pediment of the building. That is why the attic space so needs a light finish, snow-white and glossy surfaces that can reflect sunlight.

One of the basic rules for the visual expansion of space is “dark bottom, white top”. Bedroom with dark flooring and snow-white walls, which often abruptly turn into the ceiling, will seem larger than it actually is. An original addition, accent and part of the design will be wooden ceiling beams to match the floor board or parquet.

Living room in the attic - design features

For attic spaces with a skylight, the process of arranging a living room is simplified. The room is filled with sunlight and you have freed up at least one wall on the pediment of the building. This free plane can be used for arranging a video zone or installing an artificial fireplace. And in the space with the lowest ceiling height, install sofas and armchairs. Light finishes, a couple of bright accents and even a small space under the very roof will look attractive, cozy and modern.

The attic rooms of private houses are often decorated with the active use of natural material - wood. Such a finish is an excellent soundproofing tool (after all, we do not forget that we will be under the very roof, on which rain will knock, or even hail), wooden panels are able to "breathe", not to mention the fact that such a design gives natural warmth throughout the room.

A living room in snow-white tones with an abundance of sunlight - none of your guests will recognize a former cluttered attic or attic in such a magnificent room. Light furniture will add elegance to the interior, glass and mirror surfaces, shiny fittings, furniture elements and lighting fixtures- all together will create a completely airy, light atmosphere.

Pastel shades are perfect for decorating a living room located in an asymmetrical room. Popular nude tones are a great option for a foundation, complemented by a pair of contrasting bright accents.

It happens that the attic space has a very modest size, and even the shape is presented in an unknown geometric variation. But even such a complex room can be equipped efficiently, brightly, modernly. Here is an example of such a bold design project with bright finishes, an unusual choice of furniture and a non-trivial approach to decorating.

If light, pastel colors for interior decoration are not your element, but a contrasting, original design can cheer you up, then you can start with an attic room or attic conversion to try your hand at original design. In the next lounge, for example, a combination of dark design elements with wood paneling. Modest in quantity, but original in design furniture, big window with a beautiful view and contrasting finishes - a non-trivial room in design is ready!

If you let your design ideas in such important rooms for the family as the living room, bedroom or nursery you do not have enough courage - try to work out in the attic! It is here that you can safely use unusual forms and creative color solutions, furniture made with my own hands and paint your own walls.

For all lovers of wine drinks, collectors and not only, we can offer the option of decorating in the attic not just a living room, but a tasting room. Wine cabinets built in places with the lowest ceiling height, comfortable sofas and armchairs, a small sideboard or display cabinet for dishes - what else do you need for comfortable relaxation and gatherings with friends?

Children's room on the site of the old attic - the wonders of alteration

In some private households, the height attic space does not allow adult owners to feel comfortable there. But for small households in the space under the roof itself, you can arrange a cozy nest. Children like small nooks, little closets, where you can not only retire, but be a full owner. With a large ceiling slope in such spaces, it would be logical to place storage systems in the lowest zone, and in place highest point ceiling - a segment for recreation, creativity and games.

In the attic you can place a full-fledged children's room with a sleeping place, an area for games, activities and creativity. The main thing is that the room should be sufficiently lit, if it is possible to replace old small windows with new double-glazed windows with large dimensions - you should not miss this opportunity. It is easy to get rid of the abundance of sunlight - it is enough to have curtains or blinds on the windows, but the disadvantage natural light will affect the psychological and physical condition of the child, who spends a lot of time in his room.

The attic room more than others needs a light finish - the reason for this is the lack of large windows, capable of providing space with an abundance of sunlight, and the asymmetric forms of the room itself, on which one would not want to focus attention. But in a room for children it is impossible to get by with only light colors, the child’s gaze needs bright accents more than ours, on which one could focus attention. Use all available means to diversify the color palette of the nursery located in the attic - bright furniture, colorful textiles for decorating sleeping places, colored shades on pendant lamps and wall sconces, colorful rugs and even floor coverings.

Study, workshop or library - arrangement of the attic floor

In a tiny attic, it is hardly possible to arrange a full-fledged living room or bedroom; there will not be enough space to organize a game room or a gym either. But to decorate an office or a personal workshop, you only need a couple of square meters. A desk, easel, or musical instrument in an area with the most high level ceiling, low storage systems at the lowest points or hanging shelves on the gable - and the office or workshop is ready.

Do not sew up the structures of the roof slabs with drywall. In addition to the fact that you will significantly reduce the space of the attic or attic, you will also deprive the interior of the office of its individuality. wooden beams on the ceiling of the office become a kind of source of natural heat, which we so often lack in modern homes with an abundance of technology and electronics.

And here is the opposite design project of an office designed for the work of at least two people. Snow-white matte and glossy surfaces seem to have completely absorbed the interior of the room. Only the original floor beams on the ceiling act as a bright accent.

Here is the original and rational way embedding a bookcase in a library or office. Depending on the number and size of windows, you can get different compositions from open shelves. But in any case, you will be sure that you have used all the attic space provided to you to the maximum.

What could be better than solitude with your favorite book in a small but cozy space of the former attic, now a comfortable home library? Built-in bookcases, comfortable armchairs or sofas, floor lamps for reading at night, plenty of pillows and a warm rug on the floor - a cozy atmosphere for reading is ready.

It is rare in which private house there is a free room on the ground floor for arranging a sports area. Why not use the extra attic or attic space? Of course, provided that your sports are not connected with throwing a heavy barbell on the floor, from the blows of which the chandeliers on the first floor will tremble. In areas with the lowest height, you can place storage systems for sports equipment and clothes, install a small sofa for relaxation, and use the remaining space exclusively for training.

In big cities, where population density is high and real estate prices are exorbitant, even apartments located under the roof of an apartment building become a good purchase. The key point in this case is the location of the dwelling in the center of the metropolis. If the entire apartment is an attic room, it is not surprising that the utility rooms are located under the roof itself. The design of the bathroom, located in the attic, has its own nuances. Proper planning, taking into account not only the size of the room and the height of the owners, but also the laws of ergonomics, will help create a truly comfortable and practical space for water procedures.

Home cinema in the attic - a dream come true

In modern private houses, it is increasingly possible to find the design of the first floor in the form of a combination of three functional areas in one space through a free layout - living room, kitchen and dining room. This layout of the living segments of the dwelling is very convenient, it allows you to save usable space without infringing on each zone separately. But in such a living room it is difficult to arrange a full-fledged home theater. And in this case, we remember about the free space in the attic attic. A large TV or projector screen, comfortable and roomy sofas, a couple of small tables-stands and your once abandoned attic is ready to receive guests for an interesting movie show.

The atmosphere in the home theater will be truly magical if the design false ceiling put in small lights. You can organize the switching of lighting modes - usually for watching movies with the effect of a starry sky.

Wardrobe under the roof - save space

Where else, if not to take out all the storage functions to the attic? There is often simply not enough space in the bedroom, and only owners of very spacious houses can afford to allocate a separate room for a dressing room on the ground floor. In the attic space, you will be limited in the number of storage systems only by the size and shape of the room. But even the most modest attic area can accommodate the wardrobe of all family members.

Only at first glance it may seem that an asymmetrical attic room with niches and a large beveled ceiling is not suitable for built-in cabinet furniture. Of course, for a complex space turnkey solutions, presented in a wide range in furniture stores, will not work. But custom-made, in accordance with the characteristics of your complex premises, storage systems will be the best option for placing the maximum possible number of cabinets, shelves and racks in the minimum amount of space occupied.

Efficient and stylish arrangement attic floor or loft

The most probably The best way to increase the useful area of ​​​​your own house is to replace the gable roof of the house with a mansard. In this way, one, two or even three additional rooms can be purchased without carving out additional space on the site and without getting involved in the very laborious processes of pouring a new foundation and erecting walls. And in order to find out how to make the attic correctly, you need to consider all the stages of its arrangement, starting with calculations and ending with the roofing of the roof and finishing the resulting additional premises.

In order for all work to be successful, first of all, you need to make sure that the existing walls (if the add-on will be built in the old house) are able to withstand the additional load. It will depend on this factor whether it is worth starting such a construction site, and if so, on which design of the mansard roof it would be better to stop.

It should be noted that the load on the load-bearing walls will increase significantly - due to more rafters, due to the mass interior decoration walls and floors, windows and doors, insulation systems, as well as all elements of the interior filling of attic rooms. All these factors indicate that you need to start with choosing the optimal attic design, with calculations, drafting and drawings of the future superstructure.

Types of attic superstructures

According to current building codes, an attic is considered to be a room under a roof that has a height from ceiling to ridge of at least 2500 mm. If this parameter is less than the specified limit, then the room is considered an ordinary attic.

  • If the vertical racks that determine the height of the walls of the room are 1500 mm in size, then the attic space can be considered a full-fledged floor.
  • A semi-mansard is an attic room in which there are no vertical racks, or if they have a height of 500 to 700 mm.

At the heart of any roof structure are always triangles with their “rigid” structure.

There are several types of attic superstructures, but the most popular of them are high gable and broken structures. Their popularity can be explained by simpler calculations, relatively simple installation work and ease of use. In third place, after gable and broken structures, one can name a shed version of the roof, which is also sometimes used to equip the attic. Unfortunately, this type of superstructure can not be used in every house design, since it requires not only the reconstruction of the roof, but also raising the height of already built walls, which significantly increases the load on them and on the foundation.

If erected new house, and the second floor is planned in the form of an attic, then a shed version of the roof is well suited for this purpose. In addition, it will help save on roofing material.

More complex structures - domed, four-pitched, as well as with various protrusions-consoles arranged in roof slopes (single-level and multi-level), are used extremely rarely and only in exclusive projects, as they have a complex design both in engineering calculations and in installation.

The figure below the numbers shows:

1 - Gable attic.

2 - Broken attic

3 - Single-level console attic

4 - Multi-level attic.

Gable attic

attic space under d with a wuska roof, which is arranged at an angle between the slopes of 80 ÷ 90 degrees on the ridge, it may well be converted into an attic. To create full-fledged living quarters under it, it will be necessary to carry out a number of necessary reconstructions, for example, very often it is not possible without strengthening the attic floor. All these alterations and plus to this - the necessary insulation will certainly “eat up” a significant part of the usable space under the roof, so you should not expect that the rooms in such an attic will be spacious and with high ceilings.

Of course, if the dimensions (length and width) of the house are large enough, and the roof has a significant angle of inclination (45 degrees or even higher), then after the alterations it will be possible to count on a relatively spacious attic room.

broken roof

A room under a sloping mansard roof will be much more spacious and with a fairly high ceiling. Such an attic can be easily divided into two separate rooms.

The interior of the attic, made according to the "broken" type

The sloping roof has four planes of slopes. They are located at different angles - the upper slopes are called ridge, and the lower ones are lateral. They, for the most part, play the role of walls.

This type of mansard roof is somewhat more difficult to design and install, but the result will please you with spacious rooms and a respectable appearance Houses.

One-level console attic

This type of attic has an even more complex design than the previous one, as it implies a displacement of the attic space to one side or the other.

Using this version of the attic device, you can get spacious rooms, much larger in area than under a gable roof.

The design of a single-level mansard roof can repeat not only a gable, but also a shed version - this will depend on how much it is supposed to take the console out of the attic and raise its ceiling.

Layered add-on

A multi-level structure is the most difficult to design and install. In its development and construction, the help of qualified specialists will definitely be needed. The supports for the levels of the attic rooms are different truss systems and ceilings, which are combined with the main one. A multi-level system involves the location of rooms at different levels of the attic, which is why the consoles should be located that way.

Having chosen the most desirable type of attic, it is necessary to determine whether it is possible to arrange it on the old walls of the house, or whether they will have to be strengthened. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out accurate calculations and draw up a project.

Roof truss basics

Most roofs, and the attic in this matter is no exception, has one of two types truss system, or a combination of them. Each of these varieties has its own characteristics, which depend on the location. bearing walls buildings.

Hanging system

The hanging truss system is determined by the fact that it is supported only by two external capital walls located along the length of the building, in which there are no internal capital partitions.

Such a system is used provided that the distance between the main supports is no more than 13 ÷ 14 meters. In any case, this design gives a fairly large load on the walls and foundation of the building.

To reduce the loads in this system, various support structures are used. elements - crossbars, grandmas, struts, puffs, racks and other details.

For example, headstocks, as it were, suspend the entire system to the ridge beam with the help of a puff, and struts pull the overlapping beams to the rafter legs.

For the attic floor in this system, it is necessary to use thick bars, logs or boards that are installed on the edge. Their thickness can be determined from the table given in this publication, based on the distance between the support points.

So that when using hanging system the overlap was reliable and durable, you need to make accurate calculations, and if it’s difficult to do it yourself, then it’s better

Layered construction

The layered system is distinguished by the fact that it has supports not only on external main walls, but also on internal partitions, which have a foundation under them.

Therefore, starting the construction of a house in which an attic is planned, you need to think in advance about the location of the internal capital partitions.

For a house with an attic, a layered system is the best option, since the beams blocking the house will be firmly and securely fixed to the walls and partitions.

When erecting a broken attic roof structure, you can use a combined version of the truss system, that is, use elements of both a hanging and a layered system.

Attic design

When drawing up a project for the construction of any type of attic, it is recommended to consider it in different projections in order to visually determine the location of all supporting elements. Calculating all the parameters of the attic, they must be immediately included in the project.

Based on the calculations made, the places and methods of installation of all structural elements of the truss system are determined. The calculation is also necessary to accurately determine the materials needed for the construction of the attic and their parameters.

Structural elements

Any of the wooden structures of the mansard roof consists of certain elements that are interconnected by connecting nodes that have different configurations. In order to better understand the design of these connections, it is recommended to draw each of them, and when conducting installation work- be sure to have this drawing on hand.

The design of a broken mansard roof includes the following components of the system:

  • Mauerlat - element, made from wooden beam and laid on the main walls of the building in its length. It serves to evenly distribute the load from the structure of the truss system to the wall and foundation. Rafter legs are installed and fixed on the Mauerlat. This element is mounted both in a gable and in a broken structure of the attic roof.
  • Floor beams, which are laid on the main walls of the building and are the basis for the future floor of the attic and the ceiling of the first floor, as well as for the installation of the entire truss system.
  • The rafter leg consists of one straight element - bar or boards in a gable type of roof, or from two parts - in a broken structure. In a broken mansard roof, the upper part fixed to the ridge is called the ridge, and the lower part, which forms the walls of the attic, is called the side. Obviously, the side leg will be installed on a layered basis, while the upper ridge rafter - usually becomes hanging
  • For the ridge, a beam or board of a certain thickness is used. Sometimes they do without it, connecting the upper ridge parts of the rafter legs together, which form the ridge.
  • Racks are the supporting elements of the system. They support the rafter legs and take some of the load off the walls and foundation of the building. Racks in the future will become a crate for the walls, which will be installed in the process of finishing the attic.
  • Bevels or other elements installed diagonally are additional supports that hold the rafters and retaining beams together, making the system more reliable.
  • Between the rafter legs for rigidity, bars are installed, called inter-rafter runs - they also give the system rigidity.

Carrying out basic attic calculations

It is quite difficult to develop a mansard roof project on your own, since this process requires certain knowledge and skills in designing and carrying out specific architectural calculations. If you make mistakes at the same time, the design of the attic will be unreliable, and besides, with its weight it can damage the walls and foundation of the building.

Everything must be taken into account in the calculations - from the beginning of construction to the finishing of the premises.

However, if a not too complicated design is conceived, then you can try to cope on your own.

Skate Height Calculation

Size usable area of the attic room depends on the height of the roof ridge, and the latter is determined by the selected slope of the slopes - the smaller this angle, the lower the ceiling and, accordingly, less effective area attic space.


H- the height of the skate;

L- ½ the width of the building (if we are talking about a gable symmetrical roof);

α - the angle of inclination of the slope of the truss system.

Scheme - for clarity

As an example, you can substitute the above data into the formula:

Building size 8×10 m, slope angle 30°, tangent 30°= 0.58

H \u003d 8/2 × 0.58 \u003d 2.32 m

The height of the skate will be 2,32 m.

In great detail, with all possible nuances and necessary reference tables, the process and all other parameters associated with it are described from a separate publication dedicated to this particular issue.

Area inner space attic

The technique used to determine the area of ​​​​the attic space will make it possible to calculate the amount required material for the construction of a truss system, for insulation and decoration. Especially accurate calculations are important if the attic will be used to equip additional living rooms, as they require special design.

Usually the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room under the roof is calculated, that is, both useful and the so-called "deaf". The living space is limited to the installed racks, which will be the basis for the installation and finishing material of the walls. The zone behind them is considered deaf, that is, most often not used.

The total area is calculated quite simply: the width of the overhangs on both sides is added to the width of the building. The resulting amount is multiplied by the length of the building.

It is also easy to find the area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving space: for this you need to measure the width of the attic space between the racks installed under one and the other slope of the roof, and multiply the resulting parameter by the length of the attic from gable to gable.

Roofing area

To determine in advance the amount of roofing material, it is necessary to calculate total area roof slopes.

If a decision is made to install a broken or even more complex structure, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball sections of the roof. To do this, it must be divided into separate geometric figures, and then calculate the area of ​​each of them and add the results.

For those who do not firmly remember the formulas for calculating the areas of flat figures, a "cheat sheet" scheme is given.

Shed roof area

If the attic roof is pitched, then its area can be calculated using the formula: Sabcd = Lcd × Lbd.

The area of ​​​​one slope - there is nothing easier

Pay attention to the drawing. When calculating, not only length and width are taken into account roof structure slope - we must not forget about the cornice overhangs on all sides.

gable roof

With a symmetrical arrangement of roof slopes, for calculating a gable roof, it remains only to multiply the value obtained above by two.

For example, take the same example as discussed above. The size of the building is 10×8 m. The angle of the slope is 30 °, the height of the ridge H = 2.32 m. It is easy to determine the length of the rafter - S

S = H / sin α = 2.32 / 0.5 = 4.64 m

We accept cornice overhang 0,7 m, gable overhang 0,7 m. According to the shed roof formula, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone slope is calculated.

(10 + 2 × 0.7) × (4.64 + 0.7) = 60.88 m²

Then, to get the total area of ​​​​the two slopes, the resulting result is multiplied by two.

Q = 121.76 m²

This technique is designed to calculate the continuous surface of slopes, excluding windows, ventilation channels and a chimney.

If the roof has a very complex structure, then it is better not to take risks and still seek the help of professionals who will make the necessary calculations using special computer applications.

When using slate, soft roofing, other profile materials, you can use a simplified calculation formula.

Starting from the drawing:

So, the following formula is applicable for calculation:

Q\u003d K × (B + 2A) × (L + 2C)

Q- the required amount of roofing;

IN the width of the building (along the gable wall);

BUT- the width of the planned eaves of the roof;

L- total length of the building;

C- the width of the side overhangs of the roof.

TO is a coefficient that takes into account the angle of inclination of the slope with respect to the horizon (α). By and large, it is a trigonometric function of secant (sec), equal to the reciprocal of cosα.

In order not to delve into the theory, it is easier to give a coefficient table TO in absolute, that is, numerical measurement:

Tilt angle, degreesK factorTilt angle, degreesK factorTilt angle, degreesK factorTilt angle, degreesK factor
1 1.0002 18 1.0515 36 1.2361 53 1.6616
2 1.0006 19 1.0576 37 1.2521 54 1.7013
3 1.0014 20 1.0642 38 1.2690 55 1.7434
4 1.0024 21 1.0711 39 1.2868 56 1.7883
5 1.0038 22 1.0785 40 1.3054 57 1.8361
6 1.0055 23 1.0864 41 1.3250 58 1.8871
7 1.0075 24 1.0946 42 1.3456 59 1.9416
8 1.0098 25 1.1034 43 1.3673 60 2.0000
9 1.0125 26 1.1126 44 1.3902 61 2.0627
10 1.0154 27 1.1223 45 1.4142 62 2.1301
11 1.0187 28 1.1326 46 1.4396 63 2.2027
12 1.0223 29 1.1434 47 1.4663 64 2.2812
13 1.0263 30 1.1547 48 1.4945 65 2.3662
14 1.0306 31 1.1666 49 1.5243 66 2.4586
15 1.0353 32 1.1792 50 1.5557 67 2.5593
16 1.0403 33 1.1924 51 1.5890 68 2.6695
17 1.0457 34 1.2062 52 1.6243 69 2.7904
35 1.2208 70 2.9238

Let's go back to our example:

Q= 1.1547 × (8 + 2 × 0.7) × (10+2 × 0.7) = 123.74 m²

Taking into account overlaps slate sheets - it turns out almost the same as in calculations carried out by a different method. Of course, on the advice of experienced builders, another 10 ÷ 15 %

(The figure shows a gable roof, however, the formula is fully suitable for calculations with the required level of accuracy for shed or hip roofs. True, with a caveat - at the hip roof, the steepness of the main and side slopes must match. If not, then the calculation is carried out for each pairs of rays separately, and then the value is summed).

Total weight from truss system and roofing

It is equally important to correctly choose the optimal material for roofing and correctly make a crate for it. This calculation is carried out taking into account the length of the rafters and the angle of their slope.

The crate for roofing material can be sparse, mixed or solid. For example, a metal tile, corrugated board or slate is fixed to a sparse crate, and soft roof- only on a continuous one.

When choosing a roof, you need to get information about its operational characteristics. It is from them that the durability and reliability of the roof structure will depend. Roofing material must also be selected taking into account the specific region and its climatic conditions, especially factors such as temperature changes and strong winds.

An important factor is the weight of the roofing, especially if the mansard roof is installed on old walls. Therefore, you should estimate the weight of the roof in advance and find out how much the load on the building structure will increase, and whether it will be acceptable.

Roofing material for mansard roofRoof slopeMaterial weight kg / m²
Asbestos cement slate sheets with medium profile1:10 to 1:211
Slate with reinforced profile1:5 to 1:113
bituminous tilesFrom 1:10 and more6 - 8
Soft roofing, taking into account the continuous lathingFrom 1:10 and more9 - 15
Galvanized metal sheets with single seamFrom 1:4 and more3 - 6,5
With double foldsFrom 1:5 and more3 - 6,5
Ceramic tiles1:5 to 1:0.550 - 60
Cement-sand tiles1:5 to 1:0.545 - 70
metal tileFrom 1:5 and more5 - 7
OndulinFrom 1:10 and more3 - 3,5

Most often, soft roofing or ondulin is used to cover attics, since these materials are one of those that have the lightest weight and are easy to install.

For example, you can calculate the weight 1 square meter roofs where ondulin is used for coating, taking into account the crate and insulation - sprayed polyurethane foam. To do this, you need to find the sum of the weight of each of the materials and multiply by a factor of 1.1 (this factor takes into account the overlap on adjacent sheets of roofing material).

  • The weight from a flat crate, 20 mm thick (plywood or OSB) is 14 kg / m².
  • Insulation - polyurethane foam, 100 mm thick, has an average weight of 3 kg / m²
  • The average weight of ondulin is 3.3 kg / m²

We get in total:

(14 + 3 + 3.3) × 1.1=22.3kg /m²

To calculate the total weight load of the roof on the walls, you need to multiply the weight of one square meter by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire coating. In our example, this will work:

M = 123.74 × 22.3 = 2751.82 kg.

A lot - almost 3 tons gives only a very light roofing with a crate and also a very light type of insulation.

But that's not all! Snow loads on the roof winter period, plus wind pressure, all year round. These parameters are also necessarily taken into account when calculating the necessary wooden structural elements of the truss system and floor beams, and when taking into account the total load of the roof structure on the walls and foundation of the building.

- Then, the whole system is closed with a vapor barrier film, which is fixed on the logs with brackets.

- Boards or plywood sheets can be laid on top of it.

- A decorative coating is laid on them - it can be linoleum, laminate, parquet board and other materials.

Additional insulation can be created by laying an electric cable or infrared warm floor under the decorative coating. It is better to read about these possibilities separately in the article devoted to

  • If the floor is mounted on floor beams, you will have to work from the side of the first floor.

- From the side of the lower room, boards are mounted on the floor beams. It is desirable that they be even, you can even use a floorboard for the subfloor.

- After that, a vapor barrier film is laid on these boards from the side of the attic, which will cover not only the subfloor, but also the floor beams.

- On top of it, another layer of vapor barrier is laid and attached to the beams.

- Then, logs are fixed to this coating perpendicular to the beams.

- Another layer of insulation is mounted between the lags, for it it is better to choose mineral wool, since, when straightened, it is tightly installed between the bars, leaving no voids.

- Then it should also be covered with vapor barrier material.

If it is decided to cover the floor with one of decorative coatings, then plywood sheets are laid on top of the log, and then laminate, linoleum or other materials are laid on them. Again, nothing prevents in this case from using, for example, film floor heating.

Installation of insulation on the walls and ceiling of the attic

Having finished the installation of the floor, you can proceed to the installation of insulation on the walls.

- If material in mats is chosen for this process, then before laying it, sheets of vapor barrier material are fixed on the rafters.

It is fixed in such a way as to close the entire space and deepen it between the rafters.

If the vapor barrier is fixed on the other side of the rafters, then the mats will independently hold between two wooden surfaces.

- If one of is selected, then you do not need to pin under it vapor barrier film. It will be enough waterproofing, which is laid on the rafters outside the structure.

Spraying polyurethane foam - quickly and efficiently, but requires special equipment and work skills

To use this insulation technology, you must have a special technological equipment, or you will have to invite a specialist who will do the work in one day. It is not easy to carry out this operation on your own without experience - in order to do the work without harming your health, you need to know the process technology and have the necessary protective equipment.

After carrying out insulation work, wall cladding is carried out.

Prices for popular types of heaters


Attic wall decoration

Before you start finishing the walls, you need to resolve the issue of electrical wiring, the cable of which must be well insulated with double-layer corrugated pipes.

After the wiring of the electrical cable is done, you can safely proceed with the installation of the finishing material.

Usually used for decoration wooden lining, drywall or plywood with a beautiful textured pattern.

For any specified materials preferably on rafter legs and uprights make a crate of slats with a cross section of approximately 20 × 70 mm. These guides are fixed in increments of 500 ÷ 600 mm. In addition to the fact that the crate of the slats becomes the basis for fastening the finish, it also forms a ventilation gap between finishing material and vapor barrier.

  • made quite simply. It leaves walls smooth and neat, ready for painting, traditional wallpapering or even liquid wallpapering.

Therefore, drywall finishing should be chosen by those homeowners who like to often change the interior design of the premises.

  • Clapboard wall decoration is a longer and more laborious process than. For such a sheathing, a crate with the above parameters is also perfect. The only thing to think about is the direction of the lining boards, that is, it should be located vertically with the horizontal orientation of the crate and vice versa.

If desired, after installation, the wood can be varnished on water based or give it a deeper color by using stain.

Wood is an amazing material that can create a special atmosphere in the room with the aroma of the forest, which has a positive effect on the structure and well-being of residents. That is why natural lining is very often chosen for flooring, walls and attic ceilings.

Video: insulation of the attic room and finishing it with clapboard

  • You can come up with a beautiful plywood finish. But that's only if it will not be covered with paint on top, then you need to choose a quality material that has a beautiful natural pattern. Plywood is mounted much faster than lining, and makes the walls even, covering large surfaces at once.

This material can be covered with varnish, paint or any kind of wallpaper, but you can leave the walls in their natural state only by carefully cleaning possible defects in the form of protruding splinters or burrs.

The construction of an attic is a rather laborious and complex process that requires high experience in the construction craft. If there is no one to understand the above technological operations, then you should not take it on your own - it is better to invite professional masters to perform the work. They will save you from unnecessary problems and build an attic according to the project conceived by the owner of the house.

Video: an example of the construction and decoration of the attic

The attic floor of a private house is an excellent architectural solution. The idea itself arose in the 17th century, when the architect Francois Mansart decided to make a cozy living space out of an abandoned attic. Today, this design is considered very popular in construction.

The countless photos of the attic floor presented on the network will tell you exactly which architectural and design decision take when building your own home. However, to have general idea about the features of design and construction, as well as the finishing of such a structure is still worth it.

Arrangement of the attic and its nuances

Attics under construction today are located above the entire structure, or above its part. Features of modern design allow you to create houses with an attic floor in almost any architectural direction.

A wish rational use of living space, coupled with cost savings and usable area of ​​​​the site, make the attic an extremely attractive object.

Its arrangement has its own characteristics: the additional floor is affected both from the outside, where natural forces act, and from the inside - warm air from human life tends to rise.

Therefore, all structures are carefully checked in terms of hydro, steam and thermal insulation. The roof must be correctly selected, taking into account many nuances.

Attic design

Before undertaking construction, it is necessary to analyze the plan of the built house. If the construction of the building is only planned, about its design features it is worth thinking in advance, since the attic device has certain requirements.

Construction necessarily involves taking into account the following parameters:

  • foundation analysis;
  • a clear relationship between the attic floor and communications;
  • communication of all rooms of the house among themselves;
  • the shape and size of the object being built.

The main requirement for the attic being built is the lightness of the materials used in the structural elements, the optimal load on the foundation.

Construction of an attic over a finished building

The attic floor should be erected only after a technical examination has been carried out. Thanks to the expertise, the forces acting on the walls and foundation of the building are determined.

Before you start designing, you should decide whether the future premises will be residential. If it is, then the floor being built may well become a zone of high-quality recreation. If not, then using it as a storage facility will require a different approach to building.

It is also necessary to consider the height of the roof; as a rule, the parameter ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 meters. Experts recommend not to deviate from this parameter.

The windows used on the attic floor can be large, occupying up to 20% of the entire wall and roof area, or small. Experts do not recommend violating these parameters.

After that, it is necessary to prepare a project for the attic floor, approve it with the customer. It is also necessary to obtain the appropriate permits.

Variety of sizes and shapes

The construction of the attic opens up huge opportunities in order to realize different kind architectural solutions. An additional floor, which according to the norms is not considered a full-fledged second floor, can be executed in various geometric shapes.

The simplest solution in terms of design, calculations and execution is provided by a gable roof, the system of which consists of rafter legs resting on the walls and located parallel and in the same plane of the runs.

In case of choice broken roof attic floor, parts (at least two) are formed from the rafter legs, forming a broken line. Thanks to this solution, the attic space increases, the house acquires an original appearance.

Another interesting roof design option is remote consoles that increase the space from the inside.

Design features

The attic room is a connection of walls with a ceiling. If the slopes of the roof are made steep, then a high ceiling and spaciousness can be achieved. However, its construction should be guided by building codes, according to which the height of the ceilings must be made at least 2.3 m.

Premises where the ceiling height is less than 1.5 m are considered unsuitable for habitation. Particular attention should be paid to such a constructive moment as tightening the rafters, if it is performed poorly, the strengthening of the entire roof will be minimized, and this entails great risks of collapse of the truss system.

Construction stages

During construction, even a slight discrepancy with the initially set parameters often leads to the fact that the design of the attic floor will receive serious violations, the safety of using the building will be in jeopardy.

The materials used for the construction of walls must have special properties: be non-combustible and non-toxic.

Roofing is one of the most critical stages, since the roof is exposed to aggressive natural factors transferring the load to the foundation. Insulation is of great importance, while it is necessary to use high-quality materials and technologies.

Insulation of all premises from the inside is carried out using drywall or OSB boards, steam, heat and waterproofing materials.

The main requirement for windows is their tightness. In any case, the construction of an attic is a responsible matter, it is better to entrust it to professionals.

Attic interior design

Interior design depends on the purpose of using the premises. When building from wood, it would be logical to use the same material in the design. As a plus - the additional thermal insulation that the tree will give, and a good microclimate inside the rooms.

Sometimes the finishing material is a lining that can give a furnished bedroom on the attic floor original look. If the room becomes an office, it makes sense to use MDF.

The brightness of the interior can be achieved with the help of drywall sheets. For example, arrange all kinds of partitions and arches, or make suspended multi-level ceilings.

Undoubtedly, the attic is an excellent addition to a private house, it is functional and able to decoratively complement the appearance of the building. For the safe and most comfortable use of the attic floor, it is necessary to take seriously the choice of all building and finishing materials.

Preliminary and correctly made calculations are important, taking into account both the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building and its geometric features.

Photo of the attic floor

In conditions when the land for construction in the city and the nearest suburbs is very expensive, you need to use every meter of free space for life. A well-equipped attic room allows you to slightly expand the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, in which you can place an extra bedroom, a nursery or an office.

With a competent approach, a room located under the roof of a private house turns into a cozy space that is in no way inferior in comfort to other rooms. In this article, we will talk about simple rules designing a living space on the attic floor, its design options and methods of use.

An attic is a room equipped under a roof in a house, which is operated as a residential area on an ongoing basis. Its inventor is the French architect Francois Mansart, who gave the name to his invention.

In the 17th century in France, students and the poor often settled in attics under the roofs of houses, whose income was not enough to rent a room with windows. The novice architect Mansart also belonged to such low-income citizens.

However, having settled under the roof, the young designer did not fall into despair, but came up with a way to make a comfortable living space out of a cramped, dark attic, chosen by rodents of all kinds and pigeons.

He created several standard projects houses with mansard-type roofs, convenient for arranging a living room in the under-roof space, which have become very popular. Now the attic space is used as an additional area for equipping a children's room, study, guest bedroom or wardrobe.

Note! Experienced designers believe that even now the equipment of the attic floor is the most cheap way increase the useful area of ​​​​the house without large-scale reconstruction, strengthening the foundation and serious financial costs.

Design features

Layout and interior attic roomimportant points on which the comfort and convenience of using this room depends. Consider many aspects: the device of the truss frame, the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, ventilation and lighting of the room. There are several main features of the attic:

  1. Roof structure. The roof under which the living room will be equipped must be of the attic type. Its peculiarity is in the changed angle of inclination of the slopes, which has a smaller slope in the upper part and a steeper one in the lower part. The variety of roof shapes suitable for attic equipment is not so great. The best option is a broken gable design.
  2. Ceiling height. The ceiling in the room, if it is used as a living room, must have a height of at least 2.2 meters. In places with a lower height, it is advisable to organize storage places.
  3. Lighting. Getting to the design of the room under the roof, be sure to take care of natural light. To do this, it is necessary to install dormers or ordinary gable windows, which allow the maximum use of natural light.
  4. Heating and thermal insulation. So that it is not cold on the attic floor, it is necessary to reduce heat losses that occur through the large surface of the slopes. To do this, the roof slopes are insulated, and heating is organized inside the room.
  5. Ventilation. To ensure the flow fresh air, reducing excess humidity and creating a comfortable microclimate in the attic, it is necessary to equip forced ventilation.

Remember! In order for a room on the attic floor to be considered residential, three conditions must be met: it must have at least one window, that is, a source of natural light, the ceiling height in this room must exceed 2.2 meters, and the heating system must function in winter.

Use cases

The attic is a small space, which, however, can be effectively used to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. At the same time, it is not necessary to use it exclusively in the summer, because if you install heaters in this room required power, as well as organize the insulation of slopes, even in winter it will be warm and comfortable there. If you correctly develop a layout and come up with a suitable design, the attic floor can be used for the following purposes:

Interesting! Many homeowners come up with more original variants finishes and ways to use the under-roof space. Some manage to place a large home theater in the attic, avid athletes equip a small gym, bookworms can get their own library. The attic is a room that we always lack to make our dreams come true. The main thing is to correctly formulate your desires.

Lighting and color solutions

The attic floor is a small room, as a rule, the ceilings in it are slightly lower than standard, and the lighting is always insufficient. All these factors lead to the fact that the space seems darker and smaller than it really is. The color in the interior of the attic is of key importance, it can level out all the negative factors, smooth out the corners. When designing this room, experienced designers recommend adhering to the following basic rules:

  1. For the design of the attic, the most various colors, but light, pastel shades, pure tones are better suited. Use of light colors helps to make the space visually more spacious.
  2. If you want to use dark or bright colors, one wall can be reserved for this. The rest of the surfaces should be lighter, but matching in tone shades.
  3. To get a more voluminous interesting space, you can decorate the room with 2-3 several pastel colors that are only slightly different from each other. This technique gives the effect of a single space, visually making the room larger.
  4. It is recommended not to cover light sources with curtains, blinds or heavy curtains. This will lead to the fact that the room will always be dark, cramped, gloomy. On the one hand, light tulle will hide what is happening from prying eyes, and on the other hand, it will make the space light, bright, airy.
  5. Furniture, especially if it occupies a large area, should be in light colors, otherwise it will also visually reduce the attic room.

Keep in mind that light and color in the interior always go hand in hand. There is a simple rule that must be observed to make the room look visually lighter and more spacious: the darker the room and the smaller its area, the lighter the color scheme of decoration and furniture should be.

Finish options

When choosing interior styles, colors and finishes, you must definitely take into account the ideas of your designer, who will offer the best option for the rational use of the attic floor.

Modern Construction Materials for cladding walls and floors allow you to realize even the most daring ideas, including the reconstruction of a private village house with your own hands. The decoration of the attic room is carried out in two stages: first, the rough sheathing of the frame, and then the fine finish.

  • When choosing a style in decoration, you should choose the most natural, rustic, rustic design directions. They allow you to fully beat the charm of the attic, make it truly cozy.
  • During finishing works it is recommended to use the most natural building materials that will emphasize closeness with nature, and I will also “breathe”, creating a comfortable microclimate in the room.
  • Storage areas should be built in to make use of areas with a lower ceiling level, where a person is not comfortable.

Remember that wallpaper in the interior of an attic room sheathed with wood is not always a good move. If the chosen style allows, it is better to leave the walls unclad to bring out the natural beauty of the wood.

Work progress

If you are going to convert the attic into a living space with your own hands, then step-by-step instruction won't hurt you. The good news is that it is possible to equip a room under the roof for living both during the construction of the house and with the help of partial reconstruction.

To do this, you must perform the following work:

  1. First you need to insulate the roof slopes. Since the roof has already been covered by this moment, it has to be done from the inside.
  2. With the help of backfill material, the attic floor is insulated to avoid heat loss.
  3. Window openings on the gables of the house are enlarged or cut to improve natural light.
  4. Mounted ladder required to climb to the attic floor.
  5. Equipped with ventilation, heating and electrical wiring.

Important! Sometimes, in order to equip a living room under a roof, it is necessary to transfer the elements of the truss frame. It is better to entrust this work to professionals so as not to violate the integrity of the system.

Video instruction