Attic houses with a garage. Projects of private houses and cottages with a garage

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Buildings with - a practical and very attractive idea for an individual plot. The cost of equipping a residential attic is less than the construction of a full-fledged floor, additional square meters will appear in the house. For suburban area the best option is . Projects, photos of successful interiors and recommendations from experienced builders are in our material.

Even small attic transform the facade of the house and make it unique

The attic refers to the living space under the roof. The roof for the arrangement of a residential attic must have a double slope, such that the height of the attic space is not less than human height at the highest point.

Important! A high ceiling should occupy at least half of the area. Smaller sizes will cause discomfort in a person.

The outer wall of the residential attic consists of two planes: inclined and vertical. The vertical part is built from the main material of the house, the inclined part consists of blood rafters and inner lining.

For your information! The attic in urban planning standards is considered a residential floor.

When building a private house, many owners think about the question: give preference to a full-fledged floor or an attic?

Advantages and disadvantages of country houses with an attic: projects with a full floor or a residential attic?

The main argument in favor of the attic floor is always the cheapness of its arrangement. Is it really? The reduction in costs is due to the use of a frame structure of the roof. In practice, the larger the roof and, accordingly, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe frame for sheathing, the more profitable the attic.

But it should be remembered, no matter how spacious the attic is, in any case it occupies less usable area than the real floor. It turns out that in order to make the attic room suitable for living, it is necessary to provide for such an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe first floor that it exceeds the attic at least twice.

In order to create a normal microclimate in the attic room, it is necessary to provide a ventilation system with forced air supply. All these costs will form an additional burden during construction. And in fact, the savings will not be so significant.

Proponents of attic construction note that houses with such “curly” roofs look attractive. And the designers add that the arrangement of a residential attic has many original solutions.

Prudent owners do not like it when something goes to waste. Including attic space. Some turn it into a dump of unnecessary things. But in fact, it can accommodate a full-fledged office, workshop, bedroom or even a children's room.

Opponents of such prudence remind that the active exploitation of the space under the roof worsens the condition of the roof structure and greatly complicates its repair.

Expert point of view

Yaroslav Galaiko

Lead Designer and Head of Ecologica Interiors Studio

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“Psychologists warn that the low ceilings of the attic make a person feel in a confined space, adversely affecting his psyche. Particularly impressionable natures can even feel suffocation due to low ceilings and sloping walls. It is worth thinking about this fact when planning a children's room in the attic.

Proponents of a full-fledged second floor give the following comparison:

AtticSecond floor
Limited in layout to inclined structuresHas full layout options
Difficulties with arranging full-fledged windowsLack of problems with the organization of natural lighting
The design of the walls and ceiling of the attic does not allow you to easily repair the roofMaintainability of the roof and simplicity of roof construction
The need for complex roofingUse of a simple shaped roof
The need for forced ventilationUse of natural ventilation
Strong room heating on hot daysPreservation of optimal temperature due to the presence of attic space

Despite all these disputes and disagreements, projects country houses with an attic and a veranda or garage are very popular. This is not surprising, because frame construction, which is gaining immense popularity, offers many options for just such buildings, with a large usable area and various layouts. Consider photo projects of houses with attics in more detail.

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The best projects of houses with an attic: photos with drawings

A good residential building design should take into account many factors:

  • the climate of the area in which the construction will be carried out;
  • features of the soil and landscape of the site;
  • a combination of home decoration with surrounding buildings and terrain;
  • organization of the most comfortable living conditions for all family members, taking into account their age and individual needs.

The finished project of a house with an attic is developed by professional architects with the participation of specialists of a narrow profile. It is important to consider not only the location of the rooms, but also the features of the placement of engineering networks.

Projects of a small area are suitable for a summer cottage, 36 - 40 square meters. This space is quite enough to accommodate a kitchen and a spacious living room on the ground floor and two compact bedrooms or an office in the attic. Houses with an area of ​​more than 60 square meters contain a spacious living room, bedroom and kitchen on the ground floor and rooms on the second.

For big houses ideal would be the construction of a terrace, which can be accessed from the attic floor. From the top there will be a magnificent view of nature.

Idea! If the house is intended for year-round use, part of the roof can be glazed and the area can be used for a winter garden.

Country house with an attic: layout 6x6

With a minimum area is not easy. Project country house 6x6 with an attic is the best choice. In this case, you have not 36, but at least 50 square meters of usable area.

If the cottage is needed only for a seasonal visit, such space is quite enough for a small family. Over time, an extension can be made to the house if the number of family members increases. What should be considered in the project of a house with an attic 6x6:

  • maximum use of each centimeter of area;
  • the number of people visiting the house at the same time;
  • age of family members;
  • frequency of visiting the suburban area.

When planning a 6 by 6 house with an attic, it is important to use all the space with maximum benefit. Traditionally, in the center there is a spacious living room with access to the bathroom and kitchen. All these rooms will completely occupy the first floor. In order not to be crowded, they select compact furniture.

The kitchen should have two entrances: from the room and from the yard. Table setting in the summer gazebo will be greatly simplified, and it will be easier to cook on a hot day by opening wide the exit to the garden.

In this option, they are located in the attic. Here you can make two full bedrooms for the owners and children.

For a bathroom, four square meters is enough. If the dacha is visited only in summer, Summer shower can be organized in the yard. Those who like to take a steam bath put a bathhouse on the site. If you do not provide a shower or bathroom in the house, you can leave three square meters for the toilet. Washing machine while installing in the kitchen.

Frame houses with an attic (projects 6x6) do not provide for internal stairs. They are placed outside. This technique also saves a lot of space. For storage of things in the house, compact mezzanines should be provided.

Here is an approximate plan of a house with an attic 6 by 6:

The specifics of the layout of houses 9 by 9 with an attic: photos of successful solutions

The house with a total area of ​​eighty square meters is a popular project. Builders note that this project has an optimal ratio of costs and comfort of living. The classic layout includes a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom on the ground floor and two or three more rooms in the attic. They can be used as additional bedrooms or organize an office, a creative workshop and a spacious wardrobe in them.

Another option for arranging rooms is in the layout of the house 8 by 10 with an attic. Photo example of such a layout:

What you should know about planning a 10 by 10 house with an attic: photos of the best ideas

One hundred square meters on the first floor and another seventy on the second - a large family can live in such a house permanently. There is a place for separate rooms for children, a bedroom for parents, an office, a spacious living room and a kitchen. From the outside, the house does not look huge. Projects of a 10x10 house with a foam block attic impress with compact placement on the site. But this is just the case when the external impression is deceptive.

There is enough space not only for placing bathrooms on each floor, but even for organizing or bathing right in the house. A convenient ladder with a wide passage will allow you to easily lift bulky furniture.

In such a house, a separate room for the boiler is usually provided. If the foam block house has a basement, a laundry room, heating appliances, a pantry for storing inventory and home seams are located here.

Layout example:

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In the article, we will consider in detail what is the advantage of these structures, types of technologies, average construction prices, original projects, helpful tips and much more.

Examples of interior design of houses with an attic inside: photo

Even a small attic can be furnished so that everything you need can fit in it. Inclined ceiling planes partially hide the total area, but you can use them to stylishly decorate the room.

Projects of small houses with an attic usually involve placing a bedroom on the second floor. In the country version, it is logical to use natural wood trim.

If the attic occupies a significant area, the task is simplified. Niches between rafters can be used as zoning elements. In one - to place a bed, in the other - a desktop by the window or a sofa for relaxation. The issue of placing a children's room on the attic floor should be approached especially carefully.

If an office is located in the attic, it is important to consider lighting.

Another idea for planning a house with an attic (photo below) is the placement of a wardrobe. Here you can build compact and convenient storage systems.

Tips for building a one-story house with an attic: photos of original ideas

The arrangement of a residential attic is most often concerned about the owners of small country cottages. Before deciding on such a project, ask to stay with your friends, owners similar design. Do you suddenly feel claustrophobic or, on the contrary, find yourself under the impression of attic windows through which you can watch clouds?

Here, if desired, you can place a wardrobe, a creative workshop, a boiler room, a gym.

Here are options for organizing attic space:

Especially in demand with a garage and an attic. This layout is extremely convenient. Especially this option will be appreciated by residents of the northern regions, who know what it is to warm up a car on a frosty day. When the garage is under the same roof as the house, even if it is not central heating, the temperature will be much higher than outside. And the car itself will be reliably protected from all the vagaries of the weather.

What do projects of houses with an attic of foam blocks look like?

Projects of houses with an attic made of foam blocks, the photos of which are presented to you, are very popular with developers of individual housing. The reasons for this demand are that houses made of this material are very functional and look solid and luxurious. The cost of building such a structure is lower than the cost of building a brick house.

Projects of houses with an attic and a garage are especially popular, photo visualizations and layouts of such projects are presented in this section. Agree, is it really convenient to have everything under one roof: a garage and a house? In addition, this solution allows more rational use of the usable area of ​​the site. This is especially true for regions where there is a lot of snow in winter and prolonged frosts. However, in addition to comfort, do not forget about the rationality of layouts. If you choose a similar project at home, pay attention that the exit from the garage to the living quarters is thought out, for example through the main entrance hallway. An important role is played by the vestibule, which cuts off exhaust gases and other unpleasant odors from the garage. Choose the project that best suits you, and do not forget that you can always make changes if something does not suit you. Carry out redevelopment, replace wall material, etc.

One of the challenges is raising funds to build a house. When they are already there, then you have to choose a project for the future building. It should take into account all the wishes of the tenants, as well as additional needs. Instead of building a house with two floors, you can organize an attic under the roof. If you have a car, good decision will be the construction of an adjoining garage. The article will consider the advantages of such a solution, as well as finished building projects.

What to consider when designing

Before you draw up a project for a house with an attic, you need to decide on the following points:

  • how many people will live in the house;
  • how many bedrooms are planned;
  • will there be a guest room;
  • how the attic will be used;
  • how the heating will be implemented;
  • how many bathrooms will be in the house;
  • Will there be utility rooms?
  • will there be a separate room where the washing machine will stand.

Depending on the purchased plot, you can choose the size for the future home, which will have an attic and a garage. It is important that each family member has his own private room where he can have a good rest. If there are plans to receive guests, it is important that there is at least one bedroom for them. It can be located not on the main floor, but in the attic. At the same time, it is important then to provide for the presence of a separate toilet in the attic. Utility rooms in a house with an attic are definitely needed so that there is a place to store various household utensils. It is also worth thinking about how the heating will be implemented. For some types of boilers, it is important to have a separate room, and sometimes even a building. It would be nice to have a separate laundry room where you can place a linen closet, as well as a washer and dryer.

building material

Already at the stage of designing a house with a garage and an attic, it is important to decide what material will be used. For a one-story house, which will have a garage and an attic, great solution foam blocks will be used. This material has many advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • light weight;
  • high speed of wall construction;
  • minimum thermal conductivity;
  • ease of finishing;
  • environmental Safety.

Foam blocks have a size that is several times larger than the size of one brick, so the work on pasture walls is significantly reduced. In addition, the weight of one block is not too large, so you do not have to tear your back when erecting. Although the blocks need external finishing with the installation of insulation, they themselves have minimal thermal conductivity. Foam blocks consist of environmentally friendly clean materials, so you don’t have to worry about harm to households. Among the shortcomings of the material, it is worth noting the exposure to moisture, so it is necessary to complete the exterior finish in a short time.


The foundation of a building with an attic and a garage is very important, because the reliability and service life of the house will depend on the foundation. It should be understood that if the walls are driven out of the foam block or gas block, then the presence of strip foundation. The attic will provide additional load, so the foundation should be given due attention. At the slightest deformation of the base, cracks will go along the walls that cannot be repaired with anything. It is desirable to deepen it below the mark to which freezing occurs. Such a move will reduce the impact of heaving soils on it and extend the service life. In addition, heat loss through the floor will also be less.


The attic is a multifunctional structure. We can say that its construction is the best solution for how to use the attic space. Some did not want to build an attic earlier, because normal insulation materials had not been developed. Today this issue can be considered resolved. The advantages of having an attic can be considered:

  • additional area;
  • additional insulation;
  • completeness of the design;
  • construction without the use of technology;
  • the possibility of a variety of uses.

The attic provides almost the same area as on the first floor. Of course, everything will depend on what form of roofing will be chosen. Thanks to the attic floor, heat loss is reduced. This is due to the fact that under the roof there is always warm air, which is a protective cushion. When building an attic, there is no need for heavy equipment. If initially built two-storey house, it may be necessary to use a crane to deliver building materials. The attic can be used as:

  • gym;
  • sleeping floor;
  • billiard room;
  • large lounge;
  • flower garden.

These are just some of the possible applications for the attic. You can not make partitions in it and then it will serve as a large room for spending time together. It should be understood that the attic has an additional load on the walls. If they are built from a foam block or gas block, then there is a need for an armored belt for the attic. It will be possible to rest the base of the roof on it. In this case, the pressure on the walls of the house will be distributed evenly, which will eliminate subsidence and the appearance of cracks.

When designing a one-story house, which will have an attic and a garage, it is necessary to correctly calculate its height. For comfortable movement inside, the distance from the ceiling to the floor must be at least 2.4 meters. It was said above that a lot depends on the shape of the roof. If it is gable, then you can count on 67 percent of the usable space. A broken roof is more difficult to build, but can increase this figure by up to 90 percent. If there is a need and desire to achieve the same living area as at the main level, then the roof will need to be raised by at least 1.5 meters.

Note! For fire safety it would be nice to provide for the possibility of an additional exit in the project. For this, a fire escape is installed outside the window.

Some difficulty may lie in conducting communications to the attic, so if there is no false ceiling on the first floor, then similar rooms can be placed exactly above the same ones below. This, for example, can be a bathroom or a kitchen. Then you don’t have to make boxes in which pipes will be hidden. The disadvantage of the attic is the lack of thick walls, as is the case with the main building. Due to this state of affairs, it is necessary to correctly approach the choice of insulation. Options to consider are:

  • stone wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam.

Some time ago, glass wool was common, but it has several significant drawbacks. Firstly, it absorbs moisture quite well, and secondly, it is not very pleasant to work with it, because contact with the skin leads to itching and irritation. In addition, over time, glass particles begin to enter the air, which irritate the lungs and mucous membranes. Expanded polystyrene is an excellent insulator and has minimal heat dissipation, which is why many people choose it. The manufacturer "Penoplex" has a separate the lineup especially for roofing.

It should be understood that, due to its density, polystyrene foam does not have vapor permeability. This can cause steam to condense on the insulation in the attic. The consequence of which will be the development of mold, which will certainly affect building materials. It will be impossible to live in such an attic. When installing polystyrene foam, it is important to provide good ventilation, which will contribute to quick change air masses. One of the best solutions is mineral wool for attic insulation.

The material has some vapor permeability, absolute environmental friendliness and is easy to install. Waterproofing is laid under the attic roofing, under which, in turn, a heater is attached. Additionally, the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier. There is another option for insulating the attic roof with polyurethane foam. This is a fairly quick and effective procedure, but its cost is quite high. In the case of such a choice, a good ventilation system is also important for the attic.

An important factor in the project of a one-story house with an attic is the choice of a place to place the stairs. It should allow all family members to freely ascend and descend. someone found perfect solution in putting spiral staircase.


The size of the garage in an attic house project will depend on how many cars the family has. If there are two or more of them, then you need to correctly choose the location of the entrance and its dimensions for the garage. If the house is located on some hill, then you will need to build a small ramp to climb to the garage. It can be finished with tiles, paving stones or asphalt.

Finished projects

The above is a great example of a one-story house project that includes an attic and a garage. There is a large living room, which is combined with a dining room. From the dining room there is an unobstructed exit to the kitchen. The kitchen has a second exit to the corridor. It contains a staircase to the attic and entrances to other rooms. You may notice that the bathroom in this house with an attic and a garage has a small area. If desired, it can be expanded with a utility room. Convenient is the fact that there is access to the garage directly from the house, which is especially convenient in winter.

Here is a great example compact house on one floor with an attic and a garage. The garage does not have an entrance from the house, which made it possible to exclude additional heat losses and place a living room and a bathroom through the wall from the garage. The latter is implemented in an interesting way. The entrance to the bathroom is through the toilet, and they are separated by a partition, which is very convenient. The flight of stairs to the attic is located in the corner of the living room, which saves space. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen allows you to dine right in it with a small family. The bedrooms are located in the attic.

Above is an excellent house project with an attic and a one-story garage. Area on both levels used the best way. A house with such a layout will allow you to receive many friends. Upstairs there are three large bedrooms. Two of them have separate dressing rooms. These bedrooms can be master bedrooms. Also in the attic there is a separate bathroom, which is very convenient. The rise to the attic is carried out from the hall, which makes it possible to place a hanger for outerwear or a tool cabinet under the stairs. In the video below, you can see another house project with a garage and an attic.


As you can see, the attic makes it possible to maximize the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba one-story house. In addition, the adjacent garage guarantees constant monitoring vehicle, as well as ease of maintenance in winter time. In the garage, you can make a separate branch of heating, which is turned on for the time when maintenance will be performed.

Every year the demand for one- and two-story houses is increasing. small houses. Such buildings are especially popular outside the cities, in villages and in summer cottages. Houses with a residential attic (the so-called attic floor) - this is the maximum living space for less money. Combining such a room with a garage will greatly save space on the land. Such projects are very popular among people for whom maximum convenience and comfort are a priority.

Ergonomic arrangement

The attic is often combined under one roof with a room for a vehicle. Such houses in the modern construction market are very popular, they deserve special attention.

When compared with conventional one- and two-story buildings, it can be noted that The type of house under consideration has many advantages:

  • The space on the land plot is used as efficiently as possible. On the ground floor of the house there is a garage, various utility rooms. Due to this combination, more space remains on the land: for example, for planting trees, shrubs, flowers, or placing a greenhouse and other structures you need.
  • The attic perfectly copes with the role of the bedroom, it can combine the sleeping area with the dining area. The view from the window can be very beautiful. Various projects are possible: you can choose a house that suits your preferences.

  • At the planning stage for any land owner great importance has the cost of building a building. The price per useful square meter in a house that combines an attic and a garage will be lower than that of a building with a separate garage. savings associated with rational use building materials and features of the work of builders. In addition, with this arrangement, less costs are required for heating and plumbing systems.
  • A large number of ready-made projects of such houses on the construction market increases the chance that all the wishes of the customer will be taken into account. The ability to create an individual project guarantees an original building with exceptional characteristics. Thanks to the professionalism and experience of architects and builders, you can get your favorite house in the shortest possible time.

Of course, nothing can be perfect. So a house with an attic and a garage has certain disadvantages.

This option involves a complex roof structure (to reduce heat loss), so in the future it will be difficult to repair if necessary.

Due to the slope of the ceiling, the attic area is reduced, which means that there will be restrictions regarding the layout. In addition, the design of the house is complicated by mandatory ventilation, which provides the necessary air circulation and does not allow excessive humidity. Some owners of such houses note that the attic heats up in summer time of the year.

Ideas for different areas

Appearance, internal capacity, efficiency of placement on the site and the cost of the house largely depend on the overall size and shape of the building. Quite popular are the projects of houses with a garage and an attic for small or narrow plots. The house, on the ground floor of which there is a room for a vehicle, is the best suited for narrow spaces. A small house is quite enough if you do not come to the country regularly, but only from time to time.

Even if you have a plot at your disposal, which is quite impressive in size, and you are not limited in choice, then a house with a built-in garage can be a very good option. The considerable size of the building will allow organizing a garage for two cars. This is especially true for families with a large number of people or for those who like to meet guests often. In this case, the cars can be parallel or perpendicular to each other.

Optimal options for summer cottages, houses 8 by 10 and 10 x 12 are rightfully considered. In them, the total space can reach 150 square meters. m, and the usable area can start from 100-120 sq. m. Most often, these are the options that are planned with an internal lift to the attic. There are many more ways of interior design for such houses.

Material selection

A building with an attic combined with a room for a vehicle must be made of strong, reliable and environmentally friendly materials - like any other building. Usually, wood, foam blocks, aerated concrete are used for this, gas silicate blocks or bricks: they meet all the necessary requirements, although they differ from each other in many characteristics. The cheapest option is to build a house from block elements - for example, from foam blocks. It is also worth noting that they construction works will be carried out as quickly and easily as possible, but additional finishing will be required (to improve the thermal insulation properties).

The classic version is a brick house, which is durable, high level heat and sound insulation.

Unfortunately, the use of such material requires significant financial investments and time spent on construction work. However, this is exactly the situation when more expensive is better: a properly erected building will last for decades and will please with very good quality.

For the construction of such houses, not only the above options are used, but also wood, timber. The advantages of a frame timber building - in a very aesthetic appearance, the ability to easily warm up the premises in the winter season and an undoubted feeling of comfort (due to the ability to maintain optimal level humidity). Such a building is easier to erect than a brick one, but it is more fire hazardous. Shrink wooden house it takes a lot of time. Such houses are inferior to brick ones in terms of durability.

How to do the calculations correctly?

Designing houses with an attic and a garage is a rather complicated process that requires certain knowledge, skills and time. The easiest option would be to contact specialists who will perform all the calculations necessary for the construction and cope with other work. Many Russian firms are able to provide the services of professional architects and engineers who will not only take into account all your requirements, but also offer a project that meets all the necessary modern standards.

If you want to independently carry out the calculation and take care of the layout of the attic house, you need to know the size and shape of the land. Before calculations, it is advisable to decide on the amount that you can allocate for the implementation of construction work. Based on your budget, you can start by choosing the size of the structure, the type and amount of material from which the house will be built. The next step will be a drawing: first a schematic, and then a more detailed one, indicating the optimal dimensions.

Attic space considered an attic and can be used for living in the following cases:

  • ceiling height must be at least 2.5 meters;
  • floor level to the intersection with the roof slope - 0.8-1.5 meters;
  • windows and heating system.

The calculation of the useful area of ​​​​the attic room is to exclude the part that is “cut off” by the roof. These are places with a height of up to 0.8 meters. With a gable roof, two volumetric triangles are excluded, which are located along the slope. You can calculate their sizes using the Pythagorean theorem: the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs (or c2 \u003d a2 + b2).

The entire attic room can be divided into triangles and rectangles.

When calculating usable and total area, you will need formulas to calculate the area of ​​a rectangle (length times width) and a triangle (half length times height).

The next step in the calculation will be the calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows. The glazing area in the attic room should be at least 10% of total area gender. Best Option is the installation of two windows located opposite each other. This is especially important if you plan to fence inner space partitions for room zoning.

It should be noted that for correct interior layout and calculating construction costs, it is not enough to know the size of the future building and its area. It is required to familiarize yourself with the norms for the construction of residential buildings and consider several projects of houses (to determine the best option).

Choice of interior solutions

Excellent illustrative examples are ready-made projects of houses with an attic combined with a garage. Thanks to the drawings and photographs of finished structures, you will be able to navigate the choice of the interior of the rooms. Ready-made options will help determine the material: this is important because some projects are designed specifically for a specific building material. The most interesting interior solutions are usually designed for small and medium-sized houses, as they are the most in demand in the modern construction market.

The project of a cottage with a residential attic may even provide for the arrangement of a site with a terrace.

This solution will add coziness and comfort to your home.(especially on warm summer evenings). At the request of the customer, specialists will be able to offer a building project with a garage and a basement, and later bring this practical and convenient option to life. Since a house with an attic floor and a room for a car will significantly save space on your site, you can also get your own bathhouse.

Creating a home interior is an important and time-consuming process., because it should not only please you, but also be practical. With the first floor, everything is more or less clear, since it is mostly occupied by a car and, possibly, a staircase and a storage room. With the attic floor, the situation is a little more complicated, but at the same time more interesting. On the one hand, the limited area “cuts down” the living space, and on the other hand, it gives room for new interior design ideas.

Attic sections that are “cut off” by the roof slope can be used as storage areas. The most popular option is to install long chests of drawers in these places for storing clothes, shoes, bedding and other necessary items. Another option is an open narrow cabinet with one inclined edge for books, which can simultaneously serve as a partition for zoning the room. A good solution would be to place along the wall desk but only if you really need it.

In some cases, sloping ceilings can cause discomfort, but with the right furniture and use certain colors this problem can be solved.

You can use a more compact furniture set and lighter shades of the walls. This will also help increase the space around, which is just not enough. A large number of windows and good lighting will fill the attic room with light, coziness and make the atmosphere more comfortable.

Today, people are trying with all their might to rationalize free space. Projects of houses with an attic and a garage are a vivid proof of this.

The design of such cottages has a number of features that you should familiarize yourself with before proceeding with construction.


Houses equipped with an attic and a garage are more popular in our country. This is due to the advantages of such structures, which are not only in the financial side of the issue, but also in the convenience of such buildings.

  • The presence of an attic floor adds several square meters to the living or total area of ​​the cottage. Although this indicator will be small, it can completely change the house, allowing you to organize any missing room.
  • The attic provides an almost complete replacement of the second floor, providing significant cost savings in the construction and procurement of materials.
  • The attic is a fashionable and stylish solution that completely transforms the overall look of the house. Not only functional, but also aesthetic indicators are improved.
  • The attic under the roof performs not only the role of a room. With the help of it, the roof structure is also insulated, because before getting into the house, the draft must penetrate into the attic room. If it is good to insulate the attic, organizing living space here, then you can completely get rid of drafts.
  • Like an attic, an attached garage will cost much less than a free-standing equivalent.
  • With the help of an attached garage, you can easily achieve significant space savings. This is especially true if the site cannot be called large.


One-story or two-story attic houses can be built using various materials. Popularity is not only classic options, but also modern counterparts that are easy to use, and also allow you to create a structure in the shortest possible time.

For example, you can order a ready-made standard cottage from sandwich panels, and then simply assemble it in the likeness of a designer when all the details are brought. Although not to everyone's taste simple solutions. Someone prefers a more costly way of building from a bar, which has many subtleties.

In order for the construction to be fast and of high quality in any case, you must first understand the specifics of the materials and the nuances that distinguish them from each other. Only when all factors are taken into account will you be able to do all the work correctly.


Wooden one-story houses have been known for a long time. This material has a number of positive characteristics, among which is the ability to provide optimal noise and heat insulation characteristics. Also, timber raw materials are environmentally friendly, therefore wood is perfect for building houses.

On the other hand, wood is flammable, so the risk of a fire increases, which can destroy not only the entire living space, but also the garage with the car located there. Also, the raw material itself is expensive, so log house option is not suitable for those who are limited in finances. However, these shortcomings are compensated by the durability of the building. On average, log houses, if built correctly, can last up to 50 years or more.


This option also cannot be called cheap, although brickwork refers to traditional. Like wood, brick perfectly insulates sound and does not allow heat to escape from the house. Brick walls are one of the most stable, so you don’t have to worry that they won’t support the weight of the attic.

It is noteworthy that in this case, the attic can be done after the completion of construction, even if it was not in the project. strengthening bearing walls will not be required, as a result of which the construction process will become much cheaper. It is impossible not to mention the solid, reliable type of construction. Thanks to such material as brick, a house with a garage will look like an impregnable fortress. Few people want to try to rob such a structure, as a result of which the car will be in relative safety.

Gas and foam blocks

Structures built from aerated concrete or gas silicate blocks have all the same advantages as brick buildings.

However, blocks are much lighter than bricks, resulting in several specific nuances:

  • Firstly, due to the lightness of the material, construction work can be carried out even alone.
  • Secondly, the load on the foundation foundation is greatly reduced.
  • Thirdly, the ability of the walls to support the weight of the roof with an extension is also greatly reduced. Because of this, it is necessary to plan the attic at the design stage.

A garage made of gas silicate or foam blocks can be attached to the house later, without fear that the new building will not adjoin the existing facade as it should. However, it is important to make all preparatory work, and also use the foundation of the same type as that of the house (usually a lightweight pile or grillage option is chosen).

Frames and sandwich panels

erection frame house It is easy to make, but here it is important to take into account several significant factors. When planning a veranda, it is important to include it in the project at the preparation stage.. This will allow you to correctly calculate the load on the frame. Otherwise, it may not withstand, and the structure will simply fold like a house of cards. There should not be any particular problems with the creation of a garage.

As for the sandwich or SIP panels, they are already supplied as a kit. The buyer only needs to assemble the structure. Sandwich panels are manufactured according to an existing plan, taking into account all the rooms and premises provided for by the project, including the garage and attic.

It is not possible to plan them after making the house, so you need to take care of their availability in advance.


As a rule, in projects with an attic and a garage, a roof is provided that covers both the garage and the main building at once. Sometimes one of the attic rooms. For these purposes, in theory, any design is suitable, but in practice it turns out that some roofs require too much financial investment or cannot be mounted in a windy climate zone due to excessive height. There are several types of roofs that are ideal for creating an attic under them.

These include:

  • gable;
  • hip;
  • half hip.

The last two options are four-slope.

Attic under gable roof it will turn out small, narrow and uncomfortable However, this option is the easiest to implement. It can even be designed by yourself.

Attic structures under hipped roofs are complete rooms.

When planning an attic and a garage, it is best to use a complex roof structure that allows you to organize an attic over almost the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.


The biggest problem is insulation. On the one hand, it is not necessary to insulate the garage in some special way. It has a wall adjacent to the house, so the temperature in it will always be higher than on the street. It is much more important to take care of ventilation.

It is much more difficult to insulate the attic. It is important to completely prevent the appearance of drafts, the penetration of cold wind. You also need to make sure that the waterproofing is at the proper level. The penetration of precipitation into the premises will by no means contribute to a favorable microclimate.

Used to insulate attics different materials. The choice of one or another option depends on the type of room located below, as well as on whether it is planned to live in the attic permanently, or it will be used only as a room for temporary transmission.


The material is light weight. It is sold in convenient plates, due to which it can be transported and stacked without any problems. Polyfoam has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. With other advantages, it has a low price, so you can save a lot on insulation.

The disadvantage is that the material tends to crumble over time. It is also highly flammable, which is why it should not be used near flammable objects (stoves, gas stoves etc.).


Fibreboards are the best choice in cases where the attic is located on top of the bath room or sauna. Working with fiberboard does not cause any particular difficulties. Even a beginner can handle it here. In addition, the material has excellent thermal insulation properties and almost completely conceals extraneous noise. Fiberboard belongs to the category of economy class materials.

However, there is one drawback that negates all other advantages of the material. Over time, fiberboard begins to release toxins into the atmosphere that are harmful to humans and animals.. Therefore, it is impossible to use insulation from fiberboard within residential premises.. They can only handle side rooms, such as a bathroom or kitchen.

glass wool

This cheap material also often used for attic insulation. Glass wool has more cons than pluses. It is difficult to work with it, because glass dust hazardous to health is released into the air, the inhalation of which is fraught with damage to the respiratory tract. It requires the use of specialized protective equipment that protects not only the respiratory system, but also the skin.

The advantages of the material are a high degree of thermal insulation and resistance to combustion.

Glass wool should not be used to insulate attics in which they will live permanently.

Mineral wool

The modern equivalent of glass wool has all the same advantages, but without the disadvantages of a more traditional material.

In addition, this option has additional advantages:

  • Resistance to vital processes of microorganisms. They just don't show up here.
  • Resistant to high humidity with excellent vapor permeability. This means that mineral wool contributes to the evaporation of condensate, which for a number of reasons can accumulate in the attic.
  • Reduced thermal conductivity. The material prevents the full circulation of heat between the room and the street. In winter, it keeps the house warm, and in summer it does not allow hot air from the street to enter the room.
  • Environmental friendliness. Unlike glass wool, mineral wool is completely safe for humans.

As is clear from the foregoing, there are many options for insulating attics, but there is still no single universal one. Before choosing, you need to decide what material with what qualities you are looking for, and then proceed to the selection of options.


To date, there are many projects of houses with an attic and a garage of different footage and with different content. There are options with one and several floors, with a basement, a sauna or wine storage, and even with a terrace above the garage. Each option deserves separate consideration.

The project also depends on the total footage of the house. For example, cottages with an area of ​​120-150 sq. m is much easier to equip with an attic or garage. The attic will turn out to be large and roomy, and the garage can be attached from any side (from the facade or from the end). It is important to pay attention to the overall aesthetics of the building. The extension must not be allowed to greatly distort its proportions.

Below are a few project ideas, each of which can help you finally decide how you want to see your house with an attic and a garage.

Little house

Attach a garage to small house area up to 100 m² you need wisely. It is important to pay attention to the general appearance of the cottage. If the house is narrow and elongated, then it makes sense to continue it, as it were, by placing the garage from the end. If you are a happy owner of a square building, then you have the opportunity to attach a garage the way you want.

To make a veranda, you have to try. The maximum that you can count on is a small room of approximately 12 square meters. m. However, it can be used as a full-fledged bedroom or a nursery, if the finishing work is properly carried out.

Small can be not only cottage. Having a compact two-story structure, it is better to refuse an attached garage altogether. It is best to build a free-standing garage structure.

The attic can only be built as a utility room, for example, a closet.

Garage for 2 cars

Happy owners of large houses of different areas (8 by 10 sq. M, 15 by 15 sq. M and so on) often think about arranging a garage for two cars. Now many families are faced with the fact that both the wife and husband want to have their own car, so there is a need for equipment big garage. For such cases, design agencies specifically develop suitable plans. You can see some of them in the images below.