Small plastic window to the bathroom. What should be a plastic window in the bathroom

Windows in the design solution traditional for standard construction are present in the kitchen and in the rooms. There are no windows for a bathroom or bathroom, however, no one bothers to make a small redevelopment in such a way as to change this traditional view of this type of premises. Provided, of course, that when changing the functionality of the original space, all the necessary safety and sanitation standards, all SNiPs will be observed.

Bathroom with windows in the apartment.

AT standard projects city ​​houses, the bathroom is far from the largest room in the apartment. Lack of air, squeezing walls and ceilings from all sides, often leads to the fact that people tend to increase its area by combining it with a bathroom. This phenomenon is widespread in the repair of apartments and redevelopment. However, an increase in area by 2 square meters- far from the limit for dreams. Where great opportunities open up if used under bathroom additional space in other rooms.

The desire to make staying in the bathroom more comfortable, the desire to go beyond the standard boundaries, often becomes the driving force that leads to very original solutions in the bathroom layout. If at the same time, a window appears in the bathroom, then it reincarnates this place, not only decorating it, but also changing the life of the owners.

The presence of a window in the bathroom, not only does not interfere with privacy, but, on the contrary, serves as a necessary and important element of the interior, an energy component of the morning awakening, healthy relaxation while taking a bath.

New trends in the arrangement of the bathroom are a combination of several functional areas that harmoniously complement each other. So, it is now not only important to carry out daily hygiene procedures here, but it is also appropriate to use this place for relaxation, and with appropriate equipment and planning - for entertainment.

It is practical if two zones: a bathroom and a dressing room are lined up side by side. This allows you to comfortably, without wasting extra time, get dressed, put yourself in order. In this case, the window will be more than appropriate, as it will allow you to examine yourself in the mirror in daylight.

Having a window in the bathroom is not only not a luxury, but an important need, which, unfortunately for some homeowners, cannot be met in both a rented and privatized, owned, city apartment.

Windows in the bathroom of a country house.

When building your own country house to use all the variety of possibilities when planning future premises is no longer a dream, but a reality that most of the newly minted landlords of modern Russia embody. There is more room for creative thought and the implementation of original design projects. That's why in country houses plastic windows appear in bathrooms quite often. We did not accidentally mention the material of the frames. After all, for rooms with high humidity, to which the bathroom belongs, this is an important and defining aspect.

A tree, no matter how good it is from an aesthetic and environmental point of view, is subject to rotting processes. A rare case when, when finishing a room with high humidity, wooden materials. Wood in such cases should be from more moisture-resistant, expensive species (for example, larch), in addition, it must be properly processed. Externally finished wooden clapboard the room looks original and designer new.

More practical and, at the same time, respectable interiors are decorated with ceramic tiles and tiles.

This allows you to avoid many problems in the operation of the shower area, as well as embody a variety of design solutions. The most refined bathrooms are decorated with Italian studies of ceramic art (photo of Italian tiles).

Plastic windows in the bathroom.

Previously, before the advent of plastic windows, all bathrooms had only wood-paneled glazing. What features of wooden frames is known to everyone. Over time, they need to update the decorative outer layer of color and restoration. From the processes of constant changes in humidity, wooden frames that lock devices are destroyed and require replacement.

The use of windows based on PVC profiles, with special moisture-resistant fittings, allows you to ensure proper conditions for thermal insulation, as well as sanitary cleanliness and durability of structures. A bathroom with plastic windows becomes much more comfortable to use and a perfect room. This is probably why the windows PVC profiles are used for bathroom glazing in most cases, and this, admittedly, is quite justified. After all, the shape of such windows can be any: round, arched, semi-arched, triangular and trapezoidal.

Modern technologies lamination allows you to give the frame and sash the necessary decorative effect, up to the imitation of wood and metal.

It turns out, in such a way, that with excellent consumer qualities, any design tasks will be implemented in the best possible way.

We add that in modern double-glazed windows it is also possible to use all decoration techniques: from creating opaque frosted glazing to embossed and stained glass

The layout of modern cottages involves the installation of full-fledged windows in the bathrooms, and in country houses and baths, small plastic windows in the bathroom are considered the norm. Most often, these are narrow fanlight structures located under the ceiling, or rotary ones filled with frosted glass, as in the photo.

Small plastic windows in the bathroom advantages

  • By ordering small bathroom windows with frosted glass, you protect yourself from prying eyes. A window measuring 50x50 cm is enough to not include additional lighting in the daytime.
  • Security natural ventilation. By slightly opening the sash, you can quickly ventilate the bathroom without stopping water procedures.
  • Windows with frosted glass have another very important plus for housewives. Drops of condensate flowing down the surface of transparent glass leave untidy marks, so as not to deal with them daily, you can use special, far from cheap means, or you can insert frosted, the difference in cost will be insignificant.
  • Additional savings. The window with frosted glass does not require blinds, diffused light enters the room.
  • Attractive design. small plastic window with frosted glass opens wide opportunities for the designer. Made in white or another color, it harmoniously fits into the bathroom interior.

We offer windows of any shape and filling at manufacturer's prices. Work with professionals, this will help to avoid possible problems.

Bathrooms with windows are rare in standard high-rise apartments. But the design of a bathroom in a private cottage or studio apartment may suggest the presence of a window opening. Many owners of such dwellings do not see the advantages in the windows and do not know how they can be beautifully decorated.

The design of the bathroom is made in a pleasant light green color.

A panoramic window in the bathroom will perfectly complement the interior of the room

The advantages of a bathroom with a window opening include the following factors.

  1. The presence of a source of natural light.
  2. Visual expansion of space. In most apartments or houses, a small area is allocated for a bathroom. The window fills the bathroom with light and air, visually making it more spacious.
  3. Possibility to create an original interior. The presence of a window opening allows you to realize unusual design ideas. A properly decorated window will become the “highlight” of the interior.
  4. Beneficial effect on the psyche. The presence of natural light in the room helps to relax, improve the emotional state.
  5. Profitability. Thanks to the window opening during the daytime in the bathroom there is no need to use sources artificial lighting which saves on electricity.
  6. Aesthetic pleasure if the window opens a picturesque landscape of the city or nature.

Imitation of wood in the interior of the bathroom looks very nice and modern

Chic bathroom design with porcelain stoneware walls

Choice of colors

When choosing colors the interior should first take into account the size of the room. So, for example, if the bathroom is small, then dark colors should not be used in its design, as they will visually reduce the already small space. If the bathroom has a window facing the street, then this rule can be neglected. Brown, burgundy and even black color of the floor or wall under the rays of the sun does not look gloomy, but stylish and modern.

Wall decoration in the bathroom is made of porcelain stoneware

A large window in the bathroom will make it brighter and more spacious.

Glass decoration

The use of standard transparent glasses can be called universal option. They let in maximum sunlight and allow you to freely admire the street landscape. Glass decor will make the bathroom interior original. Transparent glass can be replaced with the following analogues.

  1. Matte. It lets in natural light, but hides what is happening in the bathroom from prying eyes.
  2. Toned. Recommended for rooms in which the window faces south. Protects from prying eyes and hot sunlight.
  3. Stained glass. This is a bright and spectacular way to decorate a bathroom, but it will not organically fit into every interior. In addition, stained glass is expensive and reduces the flow of light from the window.

The cheapest option for decorating glass is to use a self-adhesive film with a pattern. It is not durable, but it has affordable price and easy to glue with your own hands. A more expensive but aesthetically pleasing decoration can be obtained by sandblasting glass. Under the pressure of air-sand jets, beautiful patterns and drawings are created. The main thing is that the decoration of the window coincides with the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe design of the room.

The fireplace in the interior of the bathroom will create a special atmosphere

The design of the bathroom is made in nautical style with mosaic tiles

Making a window overlooking the toilet or kitchen

In old houses, you can often find a window between the bathroom and the kitchen or toilet. Such a window looks out of place and steals part of the usable space, interfering with the installation of the locker. The most elementary way to get rid of a window opening is to seal it tightly on both sides with:

cement mortar;

- bricks or foam blocks;

- moisture resistant drywall.

Another way to use an interior window is to turn it into a decorative interior detail. There are such options for decorating the opening between the bathroom and the kitchen.

  1. Replacement of ordinary glass with stained glass windows. Color highlights will create a rainbow mood in the room, make the interior bright and memorable.
  2. Installation of glass blocks. They are installed in the same way. brickwork, but let light through and look much more spectacular.

The window can be turned into an unusual and practical niche. To do this, the hole from the side of the kitchen or toilet is covered with a sheet of drywall. From the side of the bathroom, the resulting niche is leveled from the inside with cement and finished with a material that is used to clad the entire room. It is recommended to install a backlight in the recess. The original way highlight a niche - use mirror material for facing the back of the wall.

A large window in the bathroom will make it brighter

Bathroom design in Provence style

The design of the bathroom is designed in one color scheme.

To create stylish and cozy design bathroom with a window, you should listen to the advice of designers.

It is best to place the bath under the window

Bathroom design done in cream color

The window in the bathroom will perfectly complement the interior of the room

Bathroom window decoration options

Many people do not know how to properly beat the window in the bathroom. The design of the window opening should be beautiful and practical. You can decorate the bathroom window in the following ways.

  1. Blinds. When minimized, they are practically invisible, and when expanded, they close the entire window. Blinds are very common due to their affordable price.
  2. Roller blinds. Unlike blinds, roller blinds are solid canvases, not lamella strips. They are made from thick fabric, possess wide choice colors and textures, suitable for almost any design.
  3. Tulle. It looks gentle, light, airy, transmits light. At night, when the lamps are on, the tulle will not hide anything. Any movement in the bathroom will be noticeable to passers-by on the street.

The materials that will cover the window must be selected taking into account the characteristics of the room. Fabrics should be easy to wash, not be afraid of humidity and temperature changes.

The window in the bathroom can be decorated with flowers or curtains.

The design of the bathroom is designed in the same style

Stylistic solutions for a bathtub with a window

A bathroom with a window will look great in any style of interior, the main thing is to choose the right decor. To date, the following options are most popular.

  1. Minimalism. It involves the use of a minimum amount of furniture and decor. All elements of the interior should look simple and concise. On the floor of the bathroom in a minimalist style, tiles or porcelain tiles will look good. Can be used for wall decoration ceramic tiles, paint or decorative plaster. The main colors of the style: white, gray, vanilla, beige. As accents, small elements of bright or dark colors are selected, for example, a stylish trash can in black or brown. For window decoration, it is recommended to use blinds, Roman or roller blinds. Roman blinds should be solid and match the color of the floor mat. In minimalism, a big role is given to the liberation and expansion of space. A window the size of the entire wall will perfectly fit into its concept.

    Decorate your bathroom with indoor flowers

    Bathroom design in gray color with ceramic tiles on the walls

    Bathroom design with shower and wood effect

  2. Classicism. At the heart of this style is demonstration luxury. When decorating a bathroom, you can use gilding and stucco molding. It is recommended to lay parquet, moisture-resistant laminate or ceramic tiles with marble imitation on the floor. For walls, washable wallpaper with a soft floral pattern or Venetian plaster. Calm colors are selected for vertical and horizontal surfaces: white, milky, sand, beige, cream, light brown, pink, olive. Furniture and decor items can be distinguished by rich, rich tones: pomegranate, marsh, wine, chocolate. Window of the bathroom classical style should be decorated with lush curtains with lambrequins. A great option is to install a lambrequin made of dense heavy fabric in the upper part of the window opening, and lower part drape with curtains of lighter material.
  3. Provence. Combines rustic simplicity and French chic. In finishing the floor, it is worth using natural wood or its high-quality imitation. Walls can be painted, wallpapered or decorative plaster. A romantic Provence interior is created using natural pastel colors: lilac, olive, mint and others. It is desirable that the furniture french style was made of bleached wood, and the plumbing had an antique look. The window should be decorated with light curtains made of natural fabric: chintz, linen, cotton. Curtains can be both plain and with the image of flowers.

Large window in the bathroom looks very nice

Bathroom design with a large panoramic window

To date, manufacturers offer a huge range of materials intended for decoration. window openings. Each owner can choose suitable options decorating the bathroom window to match his taste and style. A properly designed window in the bathroom will make the interior original and refined, it will be able to impress all guests. For households, taking a bath with the possibility of contemplating the blue sky and bright stars will become the most comfortable and relaxing.

Video: 5 reasons why you need to organize a window in the bathroom

The windows in the bathroom are fashion trend, a mandatory element of a comfortable home or an unacceptable violation of personal space? Everyone answers this question in their own way.

But if the owner of the house still decides to install a window in the bathroom, then a new question arises: what should it be like? Today I will talk about the characteristics, features and design of the window for the wettest room.

Window characteristics

Increased air humidity, condensation on glass and evaporation are the main problems of the bathroom. In the material " » I already said that ventilation, a high-quality hood and a plastic spacer frame will help to cope with them.

The hood and plastic spacer will provide a comfortable microclimate in the room and protect the windows from condensation. Ventilation is an ambiguous, at first glance, function for the bathroom, because here we try to keep warm and prevent drafts.

Therefore, blind doors are most often installed in the bathroom and the window is turned into only a design element. This approach cannot be called unambiguously correct, because in modern windows reliable protection against drafts is provided by a tight clamp and high-quality window fittings.

It is better to choose the type of opening of a plastic window in the bathroom based on its size and the size of the room. Very large or too small make deaf, for medium sizes choose folding or tilt-and-turn .

The bathroom is a place of privacy, so privacy is especially important here. Textile curtains or blinds can solve the problem of excessive openness, but due to high level humidity, they will quickly lose their original appearance.

Frosted colored glass or windows with electronic curtains will help to do without additional devices and create an atmosphere of privacy in the bathroom.

Protect from prying eyes and fill the bathroom with pleasant diffused light. Windows with this type of glass will not only hide you from curious neighbors, but will also not allow you to see the landscape opening from the window.

For those who live in a densely built-up area, this parameter does not matter. But what about those who live near forests, lakes or other picturesque places? For owners of houses of this type, Private Glass is suitable.

They will create an atmosphere of privacy when taking a bath and will not interfere with admiring the view from the window at other times. You can change the mode at the touch of a button. You no longer have to waste time closing curtains and worrying about uncovered areas.

Another solution for the bathroom is stained glass windows. The combination of colored glass will fill the room with pleasant light and provide privacy. The drawing on the glass will emphasize both bright modern, and laconic Provence and refined features of the English style.

Choose the type of window opening, install a good hood, take care of privacy and continue to work on the design. Play with color, shape, and other window options to give your window a unique, personal style.

Do not forget that the main thing in the bathroom is your comfort. Choose the right windows, and they will create an atmosphere of security and comfort in the room. And in order not to be mistaken, visit our blog and read interesting articles about high-quality windows.



The kitchen and bathroom are important parts of any home, as well as places where we spend quite a lot of time. Both rooms, regardless of whether they are decorated in a modern or more traditional style, require the use of specific plastic windows that will be not only functional, but also beautiful, according to the portal WINDOWS MEDIA.

The kitchen is the true heart of the home, the meeting place for the whole family, and the room where there is always a lot going on. The bathroom, in turn, is an intimate place where we enjoy relaxing after a long day of work, taking a shower, plunging into a fragrant bubble bath or performing beauty treatments.

An important role in these rooms is played by the right windows, appearance which you can choose according to current interior design trends and your own preferences. What should be guided by when choosing a plastic window for this type of premises, the WINDOWS MEDIA portal will tell.

The functionality of a plastic window for the kitchen and bathroom

The window in the bathroom usually opens wide only to wash it or to carry out instant airing of the premises after water procedures. While kitchen window used much more often, if only for the purpose of more ventilation during cooking, or simply the desire to maintain eye contact and hear the voices of children playing in the street in front of the house.

The plastic window in the kitchen is usually installed above the sink and the water faucet prevents it from opening completely. The solution to this problem can be the use of a tilt-sliding window system. The tilt function available in them works identically as in "normal" plastic windows. The opening occurs through the extension of the sash from the frame - thanks to a special mechanism - and its movement parallel to the plane of the window to the required distance.

You should also keep in mind the specifics of these most wet rooms: to natural system ventilation worked correctly, it is necessary to ensure sufficient fresh air and exhaust air removal. Using climate valves only in kitchen and bathroom windows is a serious and fairly common mistake. Climate valves ensure the flow of air from outside, and ventilation grills installed in the kitchen and bathroom help to remove it. In order for the air to circulate properly throughout the house, ventilation must be carried out using supply valves installed on all plastic windows, including in rooms. Placing diffusers in the bathroom only closes off the air circulation in the room, leaving the rest of the house without proper ventilation.

Illuminated kitchen and bathroom interior

Today it does not require proof that natural light entering inner space at home, has a positive effect on the well-being of family members and the comfort of using the building. In the case of rooms with a relatively small glass area that provides adequate lighting for the kitchen or bathroom, there is also the added advantage that they become visually larger.

Without sunlight entering the kitchen, it would also be impossible to grow indoor flowers or fragrant herbs on the windowsill. When choosing a PVC kitchen window, you should consider the optimal daylight and the issue of excessive heating of the interior.

The amount of light entering through the kitchen window can be adjusted using fabric roller blinds. it modern solution protects the room from excessive sunlight and partially dampens noise effects from the outside. Roller shutters available on the market remote control simple and convenient to use. Their color can match or contrast with the color of the interior.

In the case of a bathroom window, the lighting of the room is important while ensuring the privacy of the users. A good choice will be in favor of plastic windows with glass milky or decorative glazing. A decorative double-glazed window with a relief pattern transmits light, but distorts the visible image, allowing you to completely relax during water procedures.

Stained-glass windows in the bathroom will add sophistication to this room, and original window handles will emphasize its style, turning it from an ordinary room for washing off dirt into a unique corner for relaxation and ablution.

Fashion window appearance for kitchen and bathroom

For the bathroom, a round window is ideal, which will give the interior a unique, reminiscent of the look of a ship's interior.

For supporters of traditional wooden windows who also appreciate very good thermal insulation, the ideal choice would be window frames made of PVC, imitating wood products and at the same time being much more resistant to moisture. These innovative solutions today can be ordered on the domestic market without any problems. A modern portfolio of window companies, consisting of various forms and profile colors, allows the creation of a variety of tree-like plastic windows, taking into account the individual needs of customers.

A plastic window in the kitchen and in the bathroom can be "personalized" thanks to a wide range of accessories in the form of slats, decorative glazing beads or decorative elements glued to the double-glazed window. For these premises, a mosaic or tiled window sill will look harmonious, which, in addition to the visual effect, also tolerates moisture well.

The beauty of a plastic window is not at the expense of functionality

Moisture reigning in the kitchen and bathroom is a dangerous human rival - it destroys appliances and furniture, causing deterioration of the microclimate, promotes the spread of fungi and the appearance of mold on the windows. The best solution in the fight against excessive humidity in these rooms is to immunize the harmful effects of water through the use of a suitable method of finishing and the use of waterproof materials. This rule also applies to windows. Plastic structures perfectly tolerate contact with moisture and, with proper ventilation, will do an excellent job in these difficult rooms. Compliance with the rules for the care of PVC windows will ensure that they will last in the kitchen and bathroom for many years.

A good and functional plastic window should be decorated with practical additions. For example, by placing pots of fresh mint or basil on the kitchen windowsill, you will also get fragrant greens for the table. If you put scented candles on the windowsill in the bathroom, they will give the room a relaxing and romantic mood.

In general, the right choice of plastic window and its accessories contributes to the fact that it fits perfectly into the interior decor of the kitchen or bathroom.
OKNA MEDIA recommends reading: Window in the bathroom: a necessity or a luxury?