What is the best way to decorate the walls in the kitchen? Decorative wall decoration in the apartment: options How can you decorate the walls.

The greatest number of problems during the repair of the owners, as a rule, create walls in the apartment. How to finish them so as to hide the flaws, and the interior turned out to be unusual, not like that of the neighbors. In addition, I want it to be practical, and not very expensive. Wallpaper is usually the first thing that comes to mind. We will not argue. With the current diversity of their species, it is quite possible to pick up suitable option for any room. Well, then what about the creativity and originality of the interior? And functionality should not be overlooked either. After all, let's say, being in search of an answer to the question: "How to decorate the walls of the kitchen in the apartment?", You begin to understand that the wallpaper is far from the best the best option for this room. Something else is needed, more practical and durable. However, fortunately, the current owners of apartments and houses will not have to puzzle over the problem for a long time. Market building materials so diverse that finding a suitable solution is not difficult. We, in turn, will try to help with valuable advice.

So, what do the walls in the apartment decorate, except for the wallpaper?

General principles

Choosing suitable material for walls, first of all, you need to consider in which room the decoration will take place. This is what you need to get away from. If this is, say, a bedroom or a nursery, then here you need to opt for environmentally friendly clean materials, in the manufacture of which a minimum amount of chemical components was used. If we are talking about the hallway, then you need to understand that a more durable material is best suited for it, because this is the room where the walls are most often touched by hands, so the ability to quickly remove traces of the same hands from the walls without consequences for finishing is of great importance . As for, say, the kitchen, it will require materials that can withstand temperature extremes, the presence of high humidity. Talking about how you can finish the walls in the apartment, we will, first of all, touch on the issues of practicality and functionality. As for the interior design specifically, this is not the topic of our review, however, based on our advice, you, due to the abundance of all kinds of colors and textures of the materials we describe, will be able to choose the right option for yourself.

We decorate with plaster

Do you have, to put it mildly, walls in the apartment that are far from ideal? How to finish them quickly, efficiently and inexpensively? Consider the option with decorative plaster. If you accept it, you will deal with two birds with one stone - you will hide defects and ennoble the interior. And there will be no problems with the design, since decorative plaster after application to the surface is covered with paint. So finding the right color will not be difficult. And, besides, with the word "plaster" there is absolutely no need to imagine a gray surface, all speckled with sand. Not at all. Today, decorative plaster is so diverse that it can be done with it and textured surface, and semi-antique, and marbled. The only drawback of this type of finish, perhaps, is that, without having good skills, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a high-quality finish on your own. However, if you are not particularly wise, and purchase a solution of the "bark beetle" type, then it is quite possible to get by on your own. Well, if you want the walls to be finished or their surface to imitate a stone coating, then here, of course, it is advisable to turn to specialists.


This material is quite well-known and, it seems, can surprise nothing. However, everything is not so simple. Today ceramic tile so diverse that it is used not only in bathrooms and toilets, but sometimes decorate the walls of living rooms and hallways. Well, for the kitchen, this is almost the most suitable option. Its mirror varieties will serve as excellent bedrooms.

PVC panels

Quite often, such coverage is found in offices. However, who said that they should not decorate the walls in the apartment. How to finish the surface if you want the work to be quick and painless, and the coating itself turned out to be durable, beautiful and easy to clean? Of course, you should pay attention to PVC panels. They are just perfect for the kitchen, great for bathrooms and hallways. For a budget refurbishment, this is a great option. Especially considering that all the work can be done independently, it is enough to be able to hold a drill and a screwdriver in your hands. In addition, today plastic panels are produced not only plain, but also with a pattern, which is sometimes so beautiful that you can easily create an amazing interior. Cheap, practical and original.

MDF panels

In appearance, they are similar to plastic, but not as moisture resistant as the second ones. In addition, they are produced, as a rule, only in a single-color version and most often imitate a wooden coating. Nevertheless, if you are looking for an apartment, and even for the material to be not very expensive, then this option is the best fit. These panels are quite resistant to loads, wash well, in addition, you can not only install them yourself, but also hide all communications and surface irregularities under them.


Considering relatively budget options for wall decoration, one cannot ignore painting. At one time it was extremely fashionable and was considered a very sophisticated finishing option. Today, painting is not so popular, even though many modern materials. Indeed, at the very beginning, when such finishing options had just begun to appear (we, of course, do not mean the panels in old Soviet apartments, covered with a nasty green color), they took an ordinary water-based emulsion and added dye to it to get the desired shade. It was far from always possible to achieve the desired result, and such a coating was difficult to clean. No, now there are enough ready-made paints on the market, some of which contain lacquer in their composition, so dirt is simply washed off from them. This finishing method is rapidly losing popularity for another reason.

The fact is that in order to obtain a high-quality result, the desired surface must be carefully leveled and made perfectly smooth. That will require large material costs and the involvement of specialists. In addition, this method is considered one of the dirtiest. Tip: to reduce costs and speed up the process, you can first paste over the plastered walls with special wallpaper, and then apply paint on them.

All of the above options are the most common and, by and large, publicly available. And the better to finish the walls in the apartment, if the owners of it are not constrained by funds and can afford to fork out for expensive materials. Let us consider further the most promising options in this regard.


Great option. Natural will create an atmosphere of comfort in the room and will allow you to create any desired interior design, because on this moment it comes dyed various colors, and at the same time, its inherent property is preserved. In addition, the cork will insulate the walls and will contribute to their sound insulation.

Decorative rock

Another expensive finishing option. But on the other hand, it is also durable, in addition, incredibly refined and emphasizing the status of the owners. And if you do not know how to finish the walls in the hallway in the apartment, consider it. Thus, you will make the interior of this room not only original, but also functional, because such a coating is not afraid of any “injuries” and dirt. Advice: I must say that today in the construction markets you can easily buy a magnificent fake - not a natural, but an artificial decorative stone. And, we dare to say, it was made so high quality that not even every specialist can determine its unnatural origin. Such material will cost you an order of magnitude cheaper, which, by the way, will practically not affect its quality characteristics.

3D panels

A great option for those who do not know how to decorate the walls in the apartment, except for wallpaper. After all, this is a super novelty on the modern market, so it is ideal for those who want to create a creative, “not like everyone else” interior. As for the coating itself, it is, of course, expensive, but all costs will be covered by its amazing appearance and stunning visual effect that such panels create. In addition, a huge plus is that the installation of such panels can be done by hand. And the surface does not require special preliminary preparation. So, don't lose sight of it when choosing the right wall decor.


We told how in the apartment. How to finish them - you choose, of course. But in conclusion of the article we want to give one more piece of advice. Don't discount wallpaper. If you don't want to decorate the walls with them - no need. The choice of materials, as you can see, is more than great. But remember: sometimes a combination of wallpaper and, say, the same decorative stone looks much more interesting than just walls covered only with the latter. In general, fantasize. And you will certainly succeed.

How to replace wallpaper on the walls and create an interesting, enjoyable and original design using simple and convenient wall decor options to replace and complement the wallpaper on the walls? Manufacturers offer a large selection of finishing materials, working with which will bring pleasure, and the result will delight you with beauty and practicality.

How to replace the wallpaper on the walls: 6 ideas on how and with what you can replace the wallpaper on the walls

When planning repairs, the main task is to correctly calculate the required footage of wallpaper. Often more rolls are spent in the process of work than planned, then the question arises “how can I replace the wallpaper in the apartment”? There are several ways to replace wallpaper, but their advantage is that these options are suitable for apartments, houses and even summer cottages.

  1. Linkrust is a special finishing material with a convex pattern, which has strength and plasticity. It is produced in rolls, is made on the basis of natural components, has heat resistance and "breathes" perfectly. Linkrust retains the relief well, does not deform in case of light damage and is subject to coloring. This is a fairly expensive way to replace wallpaper.
  2. Decorative paint is a good answer to the question “how can I replace wallpaper in an apartment?”. At the present time, decorative paint creates unusual stylistic solutions and touches the desired tone of the room. Decorative paint does not fade and does not lose its color. Caring for painted walls is not difficult - just a simple wet cleaning is enough. Decorative paint can replace wallpaper if special bathroom wallpaper is not enough.
  3. If there was not enough wallpaper, and you don’t know how to replace them, use a proven material - decorative plaster. Using decorative plaster is quite convenient and profitable: armed with textured rollers and spatulas, you can create the most unusual patterns, imitation of stone, cork, wood and various metals. By using additional materials pressed into wet plaster: glass, beer caps, an original wall covering and a kind of panel are created.
  4. Wood - a budget option wallpaper replacement. Wooden boxes from fruits are made of good wooden planks, varnishing them and treating them with “sandpaper” will get a good version of “euro lining”. Wood creates a warm, soft and cozy interior in any room. If you are already familiar with wooden wallpaper or wall panels made of wood, then do not deny yourself the pleasure of complementing the interior of the kitchen, bedroom or living room with a wooden coating.
  5. Wall panels are an unusual way of finishing a room, quickly and qualitatively changing the interior of an apartment. There are such types of panels: type-setting rack - in the form of narrow oblong boards, suitable for finishing small rooms; tiled type-setting - in the form of a square, convenient in creating drawings; sheet panels for walls - in the form of large rectangles, designed for finishing large rooms. Wall panels are made from the following materials: natural wood and its derivatives: chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, glass, gypsum vinyl, PVC.
  6. Fabric is a popular wallpaper replacement material. When deciding on a fabric for wall decoration, remember: it is better to choose airy, wide, non-stretch fabrics. It is not advisable to use this type of wall decoration in places with high humidity and with the presence of strong odors. Textiles on a thick base will be appropriate in rooms with the necessary good sound insulation. It is better to carry out wall decoration using a seamless method, fixing the fabric only at the edges.

Experiment, try new decorating options and don't be afraid to change the wallpaper and combine it with other materials.

Wall decoration in the apartment is the last stage of repair on which the result of all work depends. Speaking about a new building, I will note that the only plus in the repair (finishing) of a new building is complete freedom in choosing the methods and methods of repair at the stage of “rough finishing” and, most importantly, a huge selection of finishing materials for “finishing” your apartment in a new building. In this article, I want to in general terms review on finishing work in the apartment.

Wall decoration. Wallpaper. A classic finish that requires precision

Wall decoration in the apartment with wallpaper is a classic version of the decoration. It was and remains the most popular option for finishing an apartment. The modern market of finishing materials offers a huge selection of a wide variety of wallpapers, and design solutions for combining different wallpapers can create a unique design for your apartment.

Under the wallpaper, the walls must be well leveled, it is better to putty 2 times. Before gluing wallpaper, you need to glue, putty and paint ceiling plinths.

Wallpaper is glued end to end. A small overlap is made on the ceiling plinths, which is carefully cut off with a wallpaper knife. To cut off the wallpaper allowance, you need to use a special metal ruler or a smooth, clean spatula.

Important! When gluing wallpaper end-to-end, use wallpaper glue that leaves no residue (almost any glue of well-known brands), carefully set the first sheet of wallpaper to a vertical level, check the vertical every third piece of wallpaper, additionally coat the wallpaper joint with glue and often change the water with which you wipe the protruding glue with the front side of the wallpaper.

In the room where the wallpaper is glued, the windows should be closed. When buying wallpaper, consider wallpaper cuts for selecting a pattern. And lastly, this work requires special care and scrupulousness in detail.

Textured plaster. Easy to mix, hard to apply

Recently, the decoration of the walls in the apartment is increasingly done with textured plaster. Textured wall plaster is gaining more and more popularity as a finishing material. I would like to make two points.

According to the sellers and manufacturers of textured plaster, everyone can apply textured plaster to the wall. This is not entirely true. Of course, you will be able to knead it, but for a high-quality result, you need to have at least experience in puttying work. The one that if you start working with textured coatings for the first time. Practice on small wall areas.

Other articles in the section: We repair walls

For high-quality repairs in the apartment and country house invented many amazing design solutions, allowing you to create a single harmonious image, taking into account the state of the surface, the purpose of the rooms, the material possibilities and personal preferences of the residents. Quality in the apartment, the options for which are numerous and interesting, sets the overall style and mood of the room.

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How to choose material

The answer to the question of what material to choose for decorative wall decoration in an apartment will fully depend on the general interior style, room features and surface condition. It is enough to slightly change the appearance or make small bright touches, and the interior will sparkle with new colors.

Modern finishing materials for interior and exterior work are distinguished by safety, variability and the ability to embody the most daring ideas. The result is a harmonious image that reflects the internal state of its owners, so the materials for wall decoration must meet several criteria:

  • practicality finishing material for interior walls;
  • overall satisfaction appearance;
  • the complexity of repairing the walls in the apartment and the ability to do it yourself;
  • affordable price.


How do they decorate the walls in the apartment today, what novelties and proven materials worth considering starting a renovation?

The modern market offers a huge range various kinds wall finishes of various price categories:

  • wallpaper;
  • decorative plaster;
  • panels;
  • tile;
  • dye.

Let's take a closer look at each of these types.


The traditional type of wall decoration in modern apartments are wallpapers. Huge selection various textures and colors allows you to choose perfect option for any interiors and gives great freedom for creativity in the form of various experiments. - a fairly easy process and does not require the invitation of expensive specialists.

There are many different types of wallpaper:

  • Paper wallpapers consist of several layers of high-quality paper. it the cheapest type of coating for walls. Great for hiding imperfections. Not suitable for use in rooms with high humidity.
  • Non-woven wallpaper is a mixture of natural and synthetic fibers. Easy to apply and do not shrink when dry. They are an environmentally friendly and safe finishing material for interior walls.
  • Vinyl wallpapers are covered with a layer of polymer coating. Are strong, reliable and durable material for wall decoration. They wash well and do not fade in the sun.
  • Textile wallpaper, the front side of which is fabric, allows you to create a unique atmosphere in the house. The cost of textile wallpaper depends on the characteristics and characteristics of the fabric.
  • Fiberglass wallpapers are made using high quality fiberglass. After that, the wallpaper can be painted with latex paints or on water based. Fiberglass wallpapers have unique fire-fighting properties a.
  • successfully combined the properties of plaster and conventional roll wallpaper, which is based on cellulose. Allows for easy partial repairs, perfectly absorbs sound and moisture.
  • Wallpapers for painting are covered with any water-based paint and allow you to decorate the interior in the desired colors.

Decorative plaster

If traditionalism is not your topic, we suggest considering how to cover the walls in the apartment instead of wallpaper. One of the modern and spectacular types of decorative wall decoration is plaster.

Depending on the composition and fillers, plaster has a different texture and performance properties.

Decorative plaster allows you to hide minor defects and does not require special preparation. It adheres well to any surface.

Caring for such a surface is very simple - it is enough to periodically wipe them with a damp cloth. Great for use in city apartments, country cottages, shopping malls and other public places.

Types of plaster:

  • The composition of terrazitic plaster includes mica and various fillers. After drying, the wall acquires a pleasant relief surface.
  • Textured plaster contains various synthetic fillers.
  • Silicate plaster is resistant to dirt.
  • Latex plaster is not afraid of mechanical influences.
  • After applying Venetian plaster, the surface resembles polished marble.
  • Does not contain synthetic additives and perfectly resists high humidity tadelakt.

Advantages of decorative plaster:

  • strength and durability;
  • a huge range of colors and textures;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease and simplicity of cleaning;
  • perfectly hides defects and is suitable for various surfaces;
  • is an excellent soundproofing material.

Decorative rock

One of the modern finishing materials used for interior work is decorative stone.

Wall covering made of stone has several advantages:

  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • huge assortment.

Decorative rock looks great in combination with other materials. When repairing an apartment, partial decoration of door and window openings, working area in the kitchen, fireplace area. The result is a very stylish spectacular room.

Important! The use of decorative stone in small rooms can make the interior heavier.

Ceramic tile

One of the most common types of wall decoration in an apartment is ceramic tile, which has many options on the modern construction market.

Depending on the material of manufacture, the following types of ceramic tiles are used for interior work:

  • terralia;
  • bicottura;
  • monocottura;
  • monoporosis;
  • majolica;
  • ceramic granite;
  • clinker.

Advantages of ceramic tiles:

  • ease of care;
  • strength and resistance to mechanical stress;
  • excellent soundproofing properties;
  • resistance to water, moisture and sunlight;
  • abrasion resistance.


Staining is one of the most economical wall coverings, however, requires high-quality preliminary alignment.

Most often used for staining:

  • water emulsion;
  • acrylic;
  • dispersion paint.

Coloring benefits:

  • ease of application and care;
  • excellent performance;
  • the ability to create a textured surface;
  • unlimited choice of colors, the possibility of combining several colors, as well as applying a screen pattern.


Another modern finishing material for interior work are panels with many different textures.

Depending on the features of fasteners, the following categories of panels are distinguished:

  • tiled;
  • leafy;
  • rack.

Depending on the material of manufacture and the properties of the panel, there are:

  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • cork;
  • drywall.

Panels look and fit great for use in the hallway, kitchen and other utility rooms. In combination with other materials, the panels allow any design solution to be realized.

Benefits of repairing with panels:

  • no expensive preliminary preparation is required;
  • ease of installation;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • ease of care;
  • excellent performance.

How to repair yourself

Interior decoration An apartment can tell a lot about the character and preferences of its owners.

When choosing a material for self-finishing the walls should be guided not only in appearance, but also in the complexity of application it to the surface. So what is the easiest and cheapest way to finish the walls in the apartment?

When choosing a suitable option for yourself, it is better to familiarize yourself with the main technological stages of applying and laying the main types of materials.

Painting is perhaps the cheapest wall decoration and does not require professional knowledge. All you need to get the perfect picture is good pre-training and the use of high quality paints.

Attention! Wallpapering for owners of urban apartments and country houses will also be inexpensive. Self-pasting wallpaper is not difficult, you just need to follow all the recommendations, taking into account their type.

How to cover the walls in the apartment instead of boring wallpaper or painting? There are a lot of options here.

It is not at all difficult to apply decorative plaster on your own. Necessary clean the surface of dirt, eliminate cracks and dents, treat with a primer, and you can proceed to the application stage. Various coating technologies make it easy to create a unique style.

Ceramic tiles are most often used in the kitchen, in the bathroom and require prior alignment. Tiles are quite expensive material, however its service life is practically unlimited..

One of the most expensive stages of repair is the decoration of a living space. decorative stone. To do this, you need to carry out the following steps:

  1. Alignment.
  2. Grinding.
  3. Padding.

Decorative rock applied with mortar. Cutting the material is carried out using a grinder.

Panel repair requires compliance with all technological stages. To do this, pre-install the crate and fasten the panels with mounting clips.

Important! Before installation decorative panels should be left indoors for at least two days. This will allow the material to acclimate to the surrounding conditions.

Useful video: materials for wall decoration in an apartment

Nothing has such an impact on the overall appearance of the interior as quality repair walls. That is why, when choosing modern finishing materials used for interior work, it is worth taking a responsible approach to this stage. It is necessary to consider the possibility of original combinations, take into account the features of the surface and the purpose of the room, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of a particular material.

Walls are a calling card, and when you enter an apartment, your eyes fall on them first of all, so the main attention during repairs is paid to these surfaces. The starting point in this difficult task will be the planning stage, that is, you must accurately imagine what you want, based on the available resources: the thorough footage of the apartment, location in relation to the sun, finishing materials and material costs in general. Unusual wall decoration with your own hands is not the easiest job, especially for a beginner.

Before starting work directly with materials, the walls must be prepared and leveled. Usually putty or plaster is suitable for this, in especially severe cases it is possible to cover the walls with drywall, although this leveling method “steals” part of the space.

Also often used for finishing and leveling. glass-magnesium sheet(SML) - a material obtained from magnesium chloride chips. This sheet is designed specifically for areas with high humidity and large temperature fluctuations. It is highly resistant to moisture, does not burn, it is easy to process, giving the desired shape.

Finishing LSU walls allows you to use this material as an independent coating, or as a base - paint, wallpaper, tile fit well on it. This material is easy to work with, no special skills are required.

It is most often used in interior and ceiling ceilings, as well as in the external cladding of a dwelling. Finishing the outer walls with this material allows you to better retain heat, improves the quality of sound insulation.

Well, the walls are aligned and you can go directly to the cladding. Various options can be used here - wall decoration involves wide selection decorative and finishing materials, this allows you to focus on what is preferable for you. Next, we will consider the most basic of them.

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Main types of finishes


Coloring is a rather old type of decoration, but it goes well with other types. Currently, there are a lot of types of paints, and they all have a variety of characteristics. But in order not to get confused, we will narrow the circle of searches.

To begin with, paints are divided into:

  • facade- for exterior decoration;
  • and interior- for internal.

We, of course, need interior. Then you choose where you paint.

  • For the kitchen and bathroom, it is better to use moisture-resistant paint.
  • For the hall and bedroom, you can take not moisture resistant.

Also look at wear resistance How often will you wash painted walls?

  • Water emulsion, today it is the most inexpensive and easiest to use. Most suitable for painting dry rooms, resistant to abrasion, that is, they can be washed. They are almost odorless and dry quickly.
  • Acrylic well suited for wet rooms. When dried, they form an impenetrable matte film, which makes it easy to wash the walls. These paints mix well and form interesting color variations.
  • Oily, are suitable for any premises, but have recently been little used due to long drying and a specific smell, however, this type of finishing material is quite durable and hardly amenable to erasure.
  • Decorative, last generation paints. They allow you to create almost any visual effect on the painted surface - stone, wood, gold, velvet and much more. These paints are easy to apply, dry quickly and have high strength, are not afraid of washing. Among other things, decorative paints are also environmentally friendly, so they can be safely used, for example, in a nursery.

A separate niche in the painting industry is painting. Agree, an intricate hand-made pattern looks much more original, perhaps even a plot composition, than just plain painting.

You can do the painting yourself, or you can involve a child, fortunately, at present, the stores are full of paints that are easily washed off with ordinary soapy water. it perfect solution for the nursery, because there your child is the rightful owner and he will be delighted with the opportunity to draw on the walls. Bring in fabulous motifs, or draw your favorite cartoon characters - the atmosphere in any case will be very fabulous.


Wallpaper, despite the development of the modern industry, remains in a leading position among wall coverings. As a rule, their price is the most reasonable, in comparison with other coatings. They are divided into paper, vinyl and textile, and each type has its pros and cons.

Wallpaper is one of the most interesting ways to decorate wall surfaces.

  • Paper- there are smooth and embossed, with a pattern and for painting. The cheapest and easiest to use. Such wallpapers can be changed frequently. However, they cannot be washed. Also, they tear quickly and are highly flammable, so it is best not to place heaters close to or glue them behind the battery.
  • Vinyl very durable and water resistant. They are made of dense, as a rule, polymeric materials, which allows you to mask the unevenness and roughness of the walls well. But when glued, they tend to stretch, and then, as they dry, they return to their original size and shape, often forming gaps at the joints. They also do not absorb glue well, so the process of gluing them can be somewhat delayed.
  • Textile wallpapers not cheap, however, they are most suitable for those who like to experiment with the interior. They have good thermal insulation and sound absorption. But, unfortunately, they just as easily absorb dust and moisture. Clean only with a vacuum cleaner and a dry cloth. And it is not recommended to mount it yourself if there is no experience in this.
  • Wall mural, as a rule, are made of modern polymeric materials. Very popular due to the brightness and high definition of the image. Easy to stick on and long lasting. Depending on the material from which they are made, they may or may not be washable.

Decorative plaster

This decorative and unusual finish will be a real decoration of your apartment.

This type finishing material is difficult to clearly classify, but they still have a conditional division.

  • Structural plaster is a mass of small pebbles, wood fibers, pieces of mica and other minerals. Finishing concrete wall This coating will allow you to fantasize in any direction, creating real masterpieces within a particular room. You can take care of such a coating with a soapy solution and a soft brush or rag.

Note! This type of finish goes well with staining.

  • stone plaster has no fundamental differences from the structural. Only inclusions are most often granite, stone or quartz, and in direct sunlight they look like pieces of multi-colored glass. Highly original idea for design.
  • Venetian plasterdecorative material, accurately imitating natural marble. Apply several times in thin layers. Unfortunately, this material is very capricious, so only decorating professionals will be able to correctly apply it and achieve the desired visual effect. Pay attention to the photo above.
  • Also popular decorative putty plaster.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are classical material for walls and floors.

In order to use this material, you need to have a sense of style and at least the initial skills of a designer.

The tile is different in structure, size, color.

Note! With the help of tiles, you can both visually expand the available space and reduce it - it all depends on the colors and ornaments you use. For example, you can use small, mosaic or cubic tiles in cold tones - this will visually narrow, reduce space. If, however, use large cells and warm colors - the space will seem larger, more spacious.

The easiest way is to make a sketch, a sketch of your future room and experiment with colors and tile patterns. Laying it out is not difficult, the main thing is that the color of the grout does not contrast strongly with the color of the tile itself, does not distract attention to itself, creating a feeling of a cage. Ideally, if the grout is a couple of tones lighter, then the tile will look like a single ornament.

Wall panels

The biggest advantage of this finishing material, of course, is ease of use and the ability to decorate walls, ceilings, arched passages, finishing a niche in the wall with wall panels also looks quite organic. And if you handle them carefully, then you can use them more than once.

Wall panels are divided into rack, tile and sheet.

Finishing panels are made of MDF, natural wood, fiberboard, chipboard and some other polymeric materials.

  • natural wood- the most high-quality and environmentally friendly option, however, not the cheapest. As a rule, solid fragments of various tree species are used for such panels.

They are impregnated with special compounds that reduce the fire hazard and prevent insects from spoiling the wood. And on top they are covered with wax or varnish, which increases water resistance.

Recently, they began to produce tiles consisting of several layers - this increases the operating time and does not allow the wood to crack from water, temperature changes and direct sunlight.

  • Chipboard- chipboard tile, created by pressing hot chips and a binder composition. In terms of finishing qualities, it is not much inferior to natural wood, but it does not tolerate a humid environment and sudden changes in temperature - this can crack or delaminate, so it is better to use it in an unheated room. Also, chipboard is a rather fragile material, so it must be handled very carefully, otherwise it will crumble.
  • fiberboard- wood fiber tiles, also created by hot pressing using some other plant materials. However, fiberboard, unlike chipboard, tolerates a humid environment well, if there is no constant direct exposure to water on it, then it can swell and crack.
  • Polyvinyl chloride panels (PVC)- appeared on the market relatively recently, but are already actively used. Made of high-quality plastic, such panels are not afraid of direct water ingress, are practically not afraid of fire and are easy to mount.

A pattern imitating wood, marble and much more is applied to the surface of these panels, and covered with a special varnish on top, which prevents damage to the pattern from direct contact with water, light and protects against temperature extremes.

cork material

This material relatively recently appeared on our market, but has already managed to gain respect for itself, because it has many advantages. First and foremost is the natural origin of this coating.

It does not absorb moisture and does not slip, and also retains heat well. It is not very difficult to mount it if you follow a certain technique: all components must be at the same temperature, that is, glue, coated roll and sealant must lie down for some time (about two days) in the room.

By the way, when buying a coating, you need to keep in mind that part of it will go to repair possible errors and damage. After the coating is glued and completely dry, you can apply the sealant evenly, and preferably in several layers.

It will not only protect the coating from dust, sunlight and moisture, but also, in some types of cork coating, will allow the true wood grain to appear. As the sealant wears off, it can and should be reapplied. Once the finish has been properly treated, it can be cleaned, preferably with a mild, warm soapy solution and a soft cloth or brush.

Fabric trim

This finish is far from the cheapest among coatings. But the most comfortable, allowing you to create a warm atmosphere. The fabric itself is a tricky enough material to work with, but it can playfully cope with problems that wallpaper would not be able to handle. For example, hide roughness, protrusions and uneven walls.

Fabric, unlike wallpaper and paint, does not have to be the same in texture, density and color. It allows you to play with the space as you please.

In addition, a room decorated with this material has good acoustics, it is easy to put it in order with only warm water and soap, and it breaks much less than many wallpapers. The fabric has good air permeability and, as a rule, is a natural material, and in combination with foam rubber or synthetic winterizer increases the heat and sound insulation of the room.


Summing up everything that was described here, it should be noted that it depends only on you how your house will look like. And it depends only on you whether you and your family want to return there again and again. Even budget wall decoration, made by painting surfaces, has the right to be, and can be, quite attractive.

Remember, to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, the main thing is that you like the changes that you have conceived and are implementing.

And the video in this article will help you finally make your choice, look!