Make a big cage yourself for the ferret to watch. Ferret cages: features, selection and creation

Kira Stoletova

The ferret is a very playful animal. These pets are constantly on the move: they scatter small things on the floor, play pranks on the shelves in closets with clothes, and even rummage through flower pots. That's why ferret toys are a necessity that can save pet owners a lot of problems.

In order to get rid of negative consequences fluffy games, you need to make him a separate play area. For ferrets, any toys are suitable, ranging from balls to special diggers. You can also make a tunnel with your own hands.

What is suitable for games

Toys for pet ferrets can be different. Pets love everything that makes noise and moves. The animals are especially attracted to large containers filled with small objects, which is why they turn flower pots upside down.

Watching the games of the ferret is fun, but sometimes the actions of the fluffy can upset his owner: petty hooligans constantly find some small things, hide them as if they were their own prey. The owner of a small predator should make sure that the games of the ferret are safe. The only way out is to buy or make your own ferret toys.

The owner of the animal can use various unnecessary things. Since the ferret prefers to hide or hide some toys inside when playing upholstered furniture, on the shelves of cabinets and even in plastic bags, he should be given possession of an unnecessary fabric bag or hammock. They are also easy to sew. And in order for the animal not to rummage through flower pots, he should be given a shoe box filled with small toys, bottle caps and other unnecessary things.

Cat toys will be good entertainment for a ferret: the animal reflex to hunt small rodents takes its toll. By tying a small soft toy to a thread and dragging it across the floor, you can make the pet hunt. When a person cannot play with a ferret, a homemade product should simply be hung from the door handle.

No less interested in him and playing the ball. Ferrets often chase them around rooms, as do cats.

But ferrets' favorite places to play are tunnels and mazes.

Features of making tunnels for ferrets

The tunnel is a toy for the ferret, which he will never refuse, because in nature these animals often attack the holes of small rodents during the hunt.

It is not at all difficult to make such an item yourself. The main thing is to know some features:

  1. The design of the ferret toy should not have sharp edges, so braiding should be applied to the edges of the tunnel.
  2. Tunnel dimensions must be large. The longer and wider it is, the more interesting the ferret will be. In addition, the diameter of the pipe itself should be taken into account. The main thing is that the animal has enough space to turn around in the tunnel.
  3. The walls must have holes for air access. Since the animal can play in it for a long time, it is important that it receives the necessary amount of oxygen.

You can build a tunnel for a ferret with your own hands different ways. Some toys can be made in a few minutes even by children. In addition, their quality will not differ much from expensive products that are sold in specialized stores. And the ferret himself will love such a toy and spend most of his time in it.

For the manufacture of toys for pets, ordinary plastic bottles, pipes, as well as cardboard. Each ferret owner can choose any option that will be available to him. To help with the tunnel itself, advice from other pet owners who have found their own way to satisfy the need for ferrets to play can help.

How to make a bottle tunnel

An adorable pet tunnel can be made from simple high volume plastic bottles. This version of a toy for an animal will be inexpensive, but it will give him no less pleasure than even a specialized product from a store. The main thing is to follow the manufacturer's instructions:

  1. You should take several bottles of 2 liters, remove the labels from them and wash.
  2. Using a knife, cut off the necks and bottoms of all bottles.
  3. Apply electrical tape to the cut edges, which will serve as a sealing gasket to connect all parts of the tunnel and save the animal from the risk of cuts and injuries.
  4. In each bottle, make several holes through which air will enter the tunnel.
  5. All elements are combined into one common structure.

Such a toy will bring a lot of pleasure to the ferret. The animal will willingly climb into the pipe, stay there for hours, play and even sleep. The main thing is that all holes and joints of the bottles are braided with electrical tape or cloth.

There is another option, less cheap, but more interesting for the ferret. As building material can be used sewer pipes. A plastic tunnel will be good entertainment for the animal, since it is easy to make not only the tunnel itself, but even the labyrinth from this material. The manufacturing procedure itself will not be difficult, because modern plastic pipes have special grooves for connecting additional elements.

How to make a cardboard toy

It is also easy to make a tunnel from ordinary cardboard with your own hands. This method is easy and simple, especially for those people who have a lot of empty boxes. household appliances, shoes and other things. All that is needed is to cut the side walls into them and connect all the elements into one large tunnel.


Toys for a ferret, which ones to buy and which ones to refuse?

Do-it-yourself game tunnel for a ferret

In one of the combined boxes, you can put various small items, scraps of paper and bottle caps. Since the animal loves to dig into small things, such a find in a tunnel or labyrinth will pleasantly surprise him, because these fluffies love everything that rustles, spins and makes noise.

Size matters

Gone are the days when hamsters were kept in aquariums, three-liter jars and small cages. Currently in pet stores huge selection cells for every taste. In nature, hamsters are able to travel long distances. They even need movement. Therefore, the minimum cage size for a hamster is 50 x 30 cm. In such a space, the animal will have enough room to move.

And two-story cages with stairs, all kinds of pipes and tunnels will be of interest even to the owner. It is very interesting to watch how the hamster warms up and frolics. In cells with big amount stairs and tunnels have only one drawback - they are inconvenient to disassemble in order to wash.

When choosing a cage for the distance between the bars, you should pay special attention. It should not exceed 2 cm. After all, despite the fact that hamsters are outwardly voluminous, they can crawl into the tiniest cracks. Be sure to check that there are no bent and damaged rods.

The floors in hamster cages can be solid plastic or metal rods. Some people think that animal wicker floors are uncomfortable. But actually it is not. Animals do not experience discomfort when moving along the slatted floor. But in terms of hygiene, these floors are much better than solid ones.

If the cage is not too small, then it is very convenient to have two doors. So during the assembly of the cage, it can be very difficult to install all the accessories with one hand. And two doors allow you to get full access to the inside of the cage. This is especially true for large cells with many tunnels, ladders, etc.

What is suitable for games

Toys for pet ferrets can be different. Pets love everything that makes noise and moves. The animals are especially attracted to large containers filled with small objects, which is why they turn flower pots upside down.

Watching the games of the ferret is fun, but sometimes the actions of the fluffy can upset his owner: petty hooligans constantly find some small things, hide them as if they were their own prey. The owner of a small predator should make sure that the games of the ferret are safe. The only way out is to buy or make your own ferret toys.

The owner of the animal can use various unnecessary things. Since the ferret prefers to hide or hide some toys inside upholstered furniture, on cabinet shelves and even in plastic bags when playing, he should be given possession of an unnecessary cloth bag or hammock. They are also easy to sew. And in order for the animal not to rummage through flower pots, he should be given a shoe box filled with small toys, bottle caps and other unnecessary things.

Cat toys will be good entertainment for a ferret: the animal reflex to hunt small rodents takes its toll. By tying a small soft toy to a thread and dragging it across the floor, you can make the pet hunt. When a person cannot play with a ferret, a homemade product should simply be hung from the door handle.

No less interested in him and playing the ball. Ferrets often chase them around rooms, as do cats.

But ferrets' favorite places to play are tunnels and mazes.

Additional sections and floors

For an animal, the presence of additional floors does not matter. This is even more interesting to the owner. When choosing a multi-storey cage, you should pay special attention to the fact that the distance between floors should be no more than 30 cm and no less than 18 cm.

Preference should be given to a cage in which you can independently set the floor levels. And the shelves should not be made of rods, but of solid plastic. The slatted floors of the floors can lead to injury to the pet. And the fact that food and material for the nest will fall through it will upset the animal and cause him a lot of inconvenience.

Features of making tunnels for ferrets

It is not at all difficult to make such an item yourself. The main thing is to know some features:

  1. The design of the ferret toy should not have sharp edges, so braiding should be applied to the edges of the tunnel.
  2. Tunnel dimensions must be large. The longer and wider it is, the more interesting the ferret will be. In addition, the diameter of the pipe itself should be taken into account. The main thing is that the animal has enough space to turn around in the tunnel.
  3. The walls must have holes for air access. Since the animal can play in it for a long time, it is important that it receives the necessary amount of oxygen.

There are many ways to construct a ferret tunnel with your own hands. Some toys can be made in a few minutes even by children. In addition, their quality will not differ much from expensive products that are sold in specialized stores. And the ferret himself will love such a toy and spend most of his time in it.

For the manufacture of toys for pets, ordinary plastic bottles, pipes, and cardboard can be used. Each ferret owner can choose any option that will be available to him. To help with the tunnel itself, advice from other pet owners who have found their own way to satisfy the need for ferrets to play can help.

Cage equipment

Equipping a good cage is just as important as its size. Let's find out what should be in a hamster's cage.

You can use sawdust or paper as bedding. Sawdust absorbs moisture and odors better than paper. But animals can start to sneeze from them. Therefore, choosing a litter, you should pay attention to the reaction of the pet. It is not recommended to use cat litter or newspapers for bedding.

The newspaper contains lead, which is harmful to the hamster's health, and the cat litter is too hard. An animal can damage the delicate skin on its paws about it. by the most the best option will use small wood shavings. It is not dusty, soft enough and will protect the hamster from falling, is inexpensive and is sold in all pet stores and even hypermarkets, covers the hamster's feces and absorbs urine, which allows the cage to stay more or less clean for longer.

For a hamster in a cage, you need to make a house. They may be clay flower pot with a punched hole. In pet stores, a large selection of ready-made houses for hamsters. You need to choose a house of the optimal size. But wood is not well suited as a material for a house. It absorbs moisture. It is better to take a plastic house that can be disassembled for cleaning. In addition, the hamster chews less plastic.


With the appearance of a ferret in the house, the owner of the furo necessarily and certainly faces the question where to live pet. Unlike domestic animals, a ferret requires special conditions for organizing its life.

Leaving a ferret alone when no one is home is the real negligence. This animal is very curious, active. When you come home, you may find some things that are dear to you spoiled. Therefore, it is necessary to organize a special place where it should be during the absence of its owners, as well as at night.

The cage should become a real home for the animal, and not a place of punishment or imprisonment. In close quarters, ferrets often get sick.

It is quite possible to make housing for a pet on your own.

Advantages of self-production:

  • The optimal size of the future home
  • Minimum cash outlay
  • Quality materials

Required size

For the full development and comfortable life Ferrets need quite a lot of space. The most important thing before making a cage is determine the optimal size of the house. The minimum area of ​​a furo cage must be within 60x80 centimeters. But if the apartment allows, then it’s still better to make the cage bigger, at least 150x100 centimeters.


A very important factor is the location of the cell. Where the house will stand should be dry. Not suitable for places where:

  • Dark
  • Draft
  • bright sunlight
  • Heating

Once a suitable location has been identified, the manufacturing process can begin.

Construction of a cozy house

The easiest option is a plywood cage. This is a very economical choice. Even a novice master can make such a dwelling.

The house must have at least 2 rooms. It is desirable that they are located on different floors. It would be ideal if there is a tunnel between them. The recommended dimensions of a separate room are at least 50x80 centimeters, height - 40 centimeters.

When making a house, do not forget that ferrets love to hide. Over time, the "warehouse" will need to be cleaned, so the house should have access to any area for cleaning. It is best to give preference to a removable roof.


In order for the dwelling to be durable, you will need wooden blocks (the ideal section from 2-3 to 5 centimeters). They are attached to each other with self-tapping screws.

The surface of each part must be sanded so that the pet does not get hurt.

Walls and partitions are made of mesh.

The walls need to be well fixed. It is better to upholster it with a cloth on top. Linoleum should be laid on the floor of the new house. This will protect the base of the house from getting wet and swelling.


The back wall is most often non-removable. The front facade is best done in the form of two opening doors. They must be closed so that the pet cannot open them on its own and climb out.

A good option is a metal mesh facade with a cell 10x10.

Indoor design

After the house is ready, you need to start arranging it. The first step is to install stairs between floors. For their manufacture, a bar with a cross section of 2 centimeters and 3 mm plywood is used.

All necessary household items (feeder, drinker,) are installed on the first floor. On the second and subsequent floors, you can place a room for relaxation and games.

First floor

When choosing a tray, you should give preference corner option. It is better to put it on the lower tier of the room. Cutlery is placed in the next room on the same floor. They must be well secured so that the ferret cannot knock them over. best material for the feeder - ceramics. It is better to purchase a drinker with an automatic supply of clean water.


On the upper floors it is desirable to place rooms for games and recreation. In the corner you can put a rag, where the animal will often burrow. Also, you can sew a foam mattress.

Note! The arrangement of the house must be approached with all responsibility. If the animal does not like the dwelling, he will be sad there. Being in an unattractive room will become a burden for him.

A hammock can be placed in the play area. Ferrets love to swing in a hanging hammock.

Instead of minks in housing, install tunnels. Animals love to climb in holes, so this activity will be very exciting for them.

For the manufacture of tunnels, you can take ordinary plastic sewer pipes suitable diameter(110 millimeters). With transitions, you can interesting minks where the pet will spend a lot of free time in the game. He certainly will not get bored in your absence.

In addition to the usual tunnels, inventive owners build for their animals and labyrinths. Ideally, if the labyrinth or tunnel will pass through all the rooms. This will allow the ferret to run in circles.

Other options

There are a lot of options for making a home for a ferret on your own. If you have certain skills and abilities, then you can make the facade of the house out of plexiglass. Often this material is used to make the entire house. One disadvantage of such a room is that the walls do not allow oxygen to circulate. Therefore, many holes are needed for normal air access.

Also, you can build a cage from a grid. To do this, you need to carefully approach the choice of material. It must be durable. It is also better to mount the floor and ceilings from plywood so that the animal does not get stuck with its paw and does not injure the limbs.


Whatever type of house you choose for your pet, always remember that independent production- This additional responsibility for the animal. The animal will be seen already on the first day of living in a new room, whether he likes it.

If you see that the pet does not show interest in his home. Something urgently needs to be changed:

  • Add toys
  • Rearrange the "furniture"
  • Pour in treats

Any new place is stressful, so the first time you need to take care of the ferret as much as possible.

Important to remember!

  1. Before you start building, think about whether you can make the place in which the animal will feel comfortable. If you are confident in your abilities - start acting.
  2. In addition, the house should be spacious. If there is not enough space for the ferret, he will begin to get bored and get sick.
  3. When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to its environmental class. It is not necessary to make premises for animals from low-quality synthetic and plastic materials. Plastic ferrets will quickly gnaw through, which can contribute to poisoning.
  4. Make sure that the ferret can do its own things indoors - play, swing, climb in tunnels. The pet must spend its energy. Inactivity will lead the ferret to disharmony in his life. Therefore, it is necessary to organize a sufficient amount of entertainment for your pet.
  5. The structure must be firmly fixed. It should not have sharp details so that the animal cannot damage itself when playing.
  6. The house must have at least three rooms: for eating, a toilet and a play area. All household items must be properly fixed so that the ferret does not move them.
  7. If you notice that the ferret did not like the housing, you will have to redo it.

With a serious approach to business, even a novice master will come up with a worthy version of a cage for a ferret.

The choice of a house for a fluffy home hustler is a rather serious matter, therefore it requires a thorough approach.

Today in specialized stores you can find a lot of options for houses for ferrets. So, the most common ones are:

  • metal-plastic shop cage;
  • plywood cage and wooden frame handmade;
  • fabric housing with foam walls;
  • cardboard, temporary house;
  • dwelling with a front wall made of plexiglass;
  • wicker cage;
  • a dwelling made of metal mesh, on a frame of any kind.

As you already understood, there are a large number of cell types, but in more detail we will focus on cells that you can make with your own hands.

What to choose

It would seem, what could be easier? You need to go to the pet store and buy a cage. If you have a parrot, then this method really will not cause difficulties. But with a ferret, everything is much more complicated, since the houses for this pet are quite diverse:

  • a standard cage from a store with metal rods and plastic components;
  • do-it-yourself plywood house with a frame made of wooden beams;
  • analogue of the previous one with a front wall made of plexiglass;
  • a cage with a frame made of any material, closed with a metal mesh or weaving from a vine;
  • foam housing lined with fabric;
  • a temporary house made of several interconnected cardboard boxes.

Most often, cages for ferrets are made by hand. The advantages of this method lie not only in the possibility of selecting optimal sizes that will suit both the pet and the landlord. The price of a comfortable house made of quality materials is quite high, and not everyone can afford such a pleasure.

You can buy a ferret cage at a pet store or make your own from scrap materials.


Domestic ferrets spend almost all their lives in their house or cage, so the owner must create the most comfortable conditions in them. Large cages that are at least 60 by 80 and 45 centimeters are best suited for ferrets. Cells should be selected at least three or five centimeters.

The pet house should be easy to clean and be strong enough, as ferrets often break weak rods. A quick-witted and intelligent pet often tries to break free, so the cage door must be firmly locked.

Veterinarians advise selecting cages for such animals, consisting of two levels with the possibility of transition between floors, so that the ferret can move freely when not sleeping.

Active pets build nests in secluded dark places. In the cage, it is worth separating a corner for a nest, which the ferret can build from rags or old things. Some ferret owners purchase special hammocks made of soft fabric.

A hammock for a ferret is both a sleeping place and a great toy.

However, you need to pay attention to how much time the ferret spends in a hammock, because many representatives of this species prefer more secluded places. If the cage is designed for two ferrets, chances are the animals will sleep together even if each has a separate nest.

The cage in which ferrets will live should be practical first of all. It will be much more convenient to clean it with a pull-out tray. Above the pallet in most finished cages is a bottom made of mesh. If the mesh size exceeds five or six centimeters, then the net is not suitable for keeping ferrets, because this can lead to animal injury.

The tray intended for the toilet must be very securely fastened so that the pet cannot move it away and drag it around the cage. Of course, plastic ferret cages look more attractive, but they are completely unsuitable for active animals.

It is best to purchase an iron cage - it is more difficult to damage it. It is better if the rods are not covered with paint, as ferrets often gnaw on them. wooden pallet not worth choosing, as wood will easily absorb unpleasant odors and will always keep them.

A cage with a ferret can be installed both indoors and on a balcony or loggia. The animal has a fairly warm fur coat, so it can easily endure even severe cold. In no case should a ferret be settled near the battery and in places with frequent drafts, because this can lead to serious diseases of the animal.

Direct sunlight also negatively affects the pet - ferrets do not tolerate high temperature often overheat and can get heatstroke. This usually results in the death of the pet.

Ferrets cannot be constantly kept in a cage: at least once a day it must be released for two to three hours.

As a rule, the owner of a ferret tries to make a cage with his own hands for the simple reason that to acquire suitable option in the store is not possible, whether due to financial problems, whether due to lack of the desired cell option.

A ferret (namely, this is what domesticated ferrets are called) is not a small hamster, and not a parrot, it without fail needs a sufficiently large space for rest and play.

What are the rules to follow when trying to make a ferret cage with your own hands? When building a home for a fluffy pet, its size and number of storeys are important.

Take a look around the room and decide in which corner you are going to place the pet cage. It is on this that the overall dimensions of the future house depend.

The minimum cage size for a ferret is 0.6m * 0.8m * 0.5m, but if you are ready to give your fluffy more space, then it makes sense to make a larger house.

We bring to your attention a kind of master class on making a plywood cage for a domesticated ferret.

So, to make a do-it-yourself ferret house, we need:

  • wooden blocks of different lengths and sections;
  • a couple of plywood sheets, at least 1 cm thick;
  • aviary lattice;
  • small, narrow planochki for fixing the lattice;
  • a small piece of linoleum;
  • canopies on the doors;
  • latch;
  • pen;
  • self-tapping screws.

Do-it-yourself cell construction algorithm:

  1. At the first stage, we need to make a frame for the future home of the ferret. So, with the help of wooden blocks and self-tapping screws, we assemble a frame that matches the selected dimensions.
  2. Now we take sheets of plywood and cut out partitions that will cut the floors of the future ferret house. For hygiene, linoleum of the appropriate size should be filled on the base of the partitions, which will help make the cleaning process more convenient.
  3. We fasten the floor partitions to the frame so that they hold securely and do not come off, because ferrets have a very playful and playful disposition, so they will often jump and run around the cage.
  4. If you make a cage with your own hands, then the roof can be decorated according to the interior of the room where the ferret house will stand. She may have flat design, inclined or double-sided. If desired, the master who makes the home for the ferret with his own hands can decorate the roof with all sorts of decorative elements. It all depends on skills and imagination. Holes on the plywood roof will look good, into which gratings will be inserted in the future. With the help of such decorative elements, you can easily fix all kinds of interior items of the future ferret house. So, for example, using the holes on the roof, you can hang a small hammock in the cage for the animal to rest.
  5. Now we need to make the back wall of the structure. As a material for this cell element, we will use the same plywood. It is important that the plywood sheet is solid. Cut out by overall dimensions frame a piece of plywood and fasten it to the back of the future house. In order to later be able to fix all kinds of interior elements in the ferret cage, it is necessary to make neat holes in the back wall at the level of each floor. It is recommended to leave a solid border at the bottom, thanks to which it will be possible to avoid getting a quarrel on the floors in the room.
  6. The front wall of the ferret cage is best made in the form of large double doors. To do this, you need to assemble the frames of each door, which will correspond to the size of the ferret's dwelling itself. Then we sheathe each door with a piece of plywood sheet and cut out neat windows on each of them, which will need to be closed with pieces of a strong mesh using wooden architraves.
  7. The side walls of the future ferret house are made in the same way. But it is not necessary to cut windows on them. Although this is decided by the master himself, who decided to make a pet cage with his own hands.
  8. We hang the front doors on the hinges, adjust and fasten the latch so that the fluffy can’t get out of his house on his own.

That's all, the do-it-yourself ferret cage is ready! Now it remains only to design its internal design.

On the floor above, you can install a comfortable house, which will become perfect place for the rest of the home fluffy. A rounded manhole should lead to this room, the diameter of which should be at least 15 cm.

Ferrets are considered the funniest animals, so they can often be found as beloved pets in many houses and apartments. Since this exotic rodent is too inquisitive and mobile, it should not be left in the room unattended. To keep animals, owners should purchase ready-made cages or make them themselves from improvised materials.

Design features

A cage for a ferret should not only serve as a reliable shelter, but also be a comfortable place to sleep and be alone. Since this design will act as a permanent place for keeping the animal, it should be chosen taking into account many parameters, among which size, design, price and quality play a huge role. In addition, the cell must meet certain parameters.

  • Be spacious. Ferrets prefer to be active and, unlike other rodent species, do not like to sit in one place. Therefore, they should be provided with free space and additionally equip housing with various “simulators” and play areas. Most often, sand containers, bags with rags, nets, scratching posts and special pipes are installed in cages. In addition, it is desirable to manufacture or purchase two-level cages with shelves. With a lack of space in animals, muscle atrophy can develop.
  • Have small gaps between gratings. Ferrets are able to get out even through the thinnest gap, so optimal distance 2-3 cm is considered between the gratings. It is best to choose a mesh not from plastic, but from metal.
  • Be able to quickly assemble and disassemble. You can, of course, use a stationary cage model, but if you have to move to another place of residence, there will be problems with transportation, so a transformer is needed to keep animals.
  • Be easy to use and clean. It is best to give preference to designs with a pallet on wheels. They are much easier to move during the cleaning of the apartment, and the pallet will avoid scattering the filler throughout the room. Today, there are many variants of pallets on sale, which are equipped with special clamps and are quickly removed.


In order to create comfortable living conditions for ferrets, their house must be made spacious. The cell must be large. Structures with dimensions less than 91x63x100 cm are not suitable for keeping this type of rodent. The ideal option are spacious multi-storey cages, such multi-level models will allow you to equip your home with all the necessary accessories, and the ferret will be able to freely run and frolic in them.


A huge role in the manufacture of a cage for a ferret is played by the choice of its shape. Since this design is one of the important attributes of the daily life of an animal, it should be not only beautiful, original, but also comfortable. Experts recommend installing square and rectangular cages for rodents. Such a design will ideally fit into any room design and will allow you to rationally distribute the space of the cage into areas for recreation and games.


In conditions wildlife ferrets live in burrows, preferring steppe zones, therefore, to keep them at home, comfortable housing is required, equipped with tubular ladders for running and soft bedding for sleeping. Cages that are sold ready-made are usually made of metal and plastic. If the owners decide to make a house with their own hands, then preference should be given to materials such as plywood, wood and plexiglass.

The frame itself must be additionally sheathed with a metal mesh and insulated with foam rubber or a dense tarpaulin. There are also options for making cages from wicker baskets and cardboard boxes.

Of course, the purchased designs in finished form are of high quality, but if you put a little effort and skill, you can assemble them yourself, from improvised materials.

How to choose?

Before you get a ferret, you need to carefully consider the location of his house and decide on the appropriate type of cage. Since designs come in various models, the following criteria should be considered when choosing them:

  • stability;
  • the strength of the materials from which the cell is made;
  • dimensions;
  • the presence of several floors;
  • lock quality;
  • mesh elasticity.

In addition, cages must have a retractable tray, removable nodes and wheels. This will greatly facilitate the care of the animal and allow you to quickly clean up.

How to make and equip?

Recently, most ferret owners prefer to make houses for their pets with their own hands. Homemade designs save money family budget and open up huge opportunities for design ideas. At home, cages are usually made from plywood. This material is characterized affordable price and does not require special tools for assembly.

Before you start the creative process, you need to create drawings, given that the ferret house should have about four separate rooms located on different floors. You will also need to install tunnels between the tiers. To make the housing spacious, each room must have a height of up to 40 cm and an area of ​​at least 50x80 cm.

In addition, at the design stage, it is necessary to take into account the fact that ferrets like to create their own small food warehouse, hiding food leftovers in it. Therefore, in the design of the cage, it is important to provide a free corner and a removable roof with small openings. An important point is the possibility of installing a collapsible mechanism.

To assemble the walls and frame of the structure, recommended to use wooden bars with a cross section up to 10 cm. They are fastened together with conventional self-tapping screws 3 to 5 mm long. After the parts are fixed, you need to carefully sand the surface - this will protect the animal from injury. Partitions can also be made of plywood, but its thickness must withstand the weight of the rodent, and be at least 5 mm. Then the plywood is fixed to the frame, upholstered with a strong fabric on top, and linoleum is covered on the floor (this will help keep the wood from getting wet).

When designing the facade, it is worth paying special attention to the fact that the back wall of the structure is made fixed, as for the front, it should have a double-leaf door with a latch, which will help to avoid the escape of the little rascal. For the manufacture of the facade, plywood slabs are similarly used, but they are attached to special loops to a frame pre-assembled from beams. Doors are also made of plywood, windows are made in them, and everything is upholstered from the outside with a strong metal mesh.

Number doorways in the house should be equal to the number of rooms, each of which is located on the corresponding level. Sometimes openings are made in the side walls, but this is not necessary.

Doors must be hung on hinges and adjusted so that their design fits snugly against the frame from the outside. The pet will constantly play in his house and scatter small rubbish everywhere. To prevent debris from flying to the floor when opening the doors, a small curb should be provided at the bottom of the structure.

After the ferret house is made, all that remains is to properly equip it. To do this, perform the following work.

  1. First of all, you need to lay a message between the floors, ladders installed from plywood or timber 2 cm thick are perfect for this. Placement of a drinker, toilet and feeder must be planned on the ground floor. A little higher you can have "living" rooms with a hammock, a bed and tunnels for climbing.
  2. On the first tier, in one of the rooms you need to put a tray where the ferret will go to the toilet. It is advisable to purchase corner models for these purposes, they are easier to fix. Drinkers and feeders can be placed in the next room. They are firmly fixed (screwed with screws). It is recommended to buy a feeder made of ceramics, and a drinker - pipette or ball.
  3. The next step will be the design of the recreation area. Perfect angle for her. top floor, there you need to lay soft tissue or sew a house with a foam frame with your own hands. At the same time, the arrangement bed special attention should be paid - if the rodent does not like it, he will not go there.
  4. After that, you can hang a hammock, if desired, it can be placed separately in each room, as the animal loves to swing. The hammock is tied directly to the roof structure if it has mesh windows, or fixed to the frame with brackets. In some cases, ferrets prefer to sleep not on "cribs", but in hammocks.
  5. The final stage will be the installation of tunnels that will replace the usual minks for ferrets. In their passages, the rodent will be able to climb, and the more complex the design of the tunnel, the more interesting it will be for the pet. In the manufacture of such structures at home, it is recommended to use small pieces of pipes with a diameter of not more than 110 mm. Tunnel sections are attached to the cage with tees or special adapters using brackets.

Depending on your imagination, you can create structures of any length and shape, and if they do not fit inside the house, they can be installed separately. In this case, the mini-maze should pass through the entire room and reach the hammock attached to the roof.

In the case when the exits of the tunnels are located near the ends of the stairs, the ferret will be able to run in circles and lead an active lifestyle.