Testosterone Enanthate: instructions for use of the solution. When testosterone enanthate begins to act: price, instructions, reviews Testosterone enanthate effect on the liver

A substance called testosterone enanthate is a derivative of the male hormone. For more effective action, testosterone is placed in ether. Now this drug is one of the most popular means for building muscle mass. Its action begins quite quickly and depends solely on the amount of natural hormone in the body of a man and the metabolic rate. The drug gained its popularity recently, when mass heavy sports, bodybuilding and powerlifting came into fashion.

The action of testosterone enanthate

Side effects and contraindications when taking testosterone enanthate

There are a number of contraindications and side effects that testosterone enanthate can cause: the instructions for use indicate that the drug should not be taken by women. This can lead to disruption of the reproductive and endocrine systems. If you do not use aromatase blockers, a large amount of testosterone can trigger the appearance of a large amount of estrogen, which leads to fat accumulation, swelling, and an increase in the timbre of the voice.

When taking testosterone enanthate, the following side effects may occur:

  • Decrease in the amount of own testosterone;
  • Reducing the size of the testicles;
  • Inhibition of sexual performance and libido;
  • An increase in the size of the mammary glands;
  • Violation of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of rashes on the skin;
  • Violation of the kidneys due to the accumulation of fluid and sodium in the body.

Testosterone enanthate reviews

Most of the reviews, both ordinary users and professionals, are based on the fact that the drug is an excellent tool for building muscle mass. Testosterone enanthate is one of the most popular steroids, so reviews on it can be easily found on the Internet. Among the positive properties of the drug, its effectiveness and the amount of weight gained are described. Nine out of ten men were satisfied with this result and recommend the use of testosterone enanthate in weightlifting and kettlebell lifting. The drug is considered effective and affordable: the price is right for most users, and they are going to use it again.

The only negative that half of the users of the drug testosterone enanthate indicated - the instructions for use indicate this, is the rollback phenomenon. Every athlete knows that when taking certain steroids, the body cannot replenish their substance when the drug is abandoned. Therefore, about half of the men lost an insignificant part of the muscle mass after the withdrawal of testosterone enanthate, but then they were able to make up for the losses on their own. Many reviews contain information about the side effects of the drug. As a rule, they occur with an overdose of the drug, its use with contraindications and in the case of long-term use.

Eugene, 40 years old

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Testosterone enanthate (Testosterone Enanthate) is an esterified form of testosterone. The active substance is planted on ether, and stored in fat depots, does not break down immediately and in full, but enters the blood gradually.

Testosterone has pronounced anabolic properties, accelerates protein synthesis (provides a positive nitrogen balance), and also has a lot of other effects that are beneficial for an athlete. In men, testosterone is produced by the Leydig cells and the adrenal cortex, while in women it is exclusively produced by the adrenal cortex. The hormone is a product of peripheral metabolism, moreover, it itself has an extremely low activity, because it practically does not bind to androgen receptors. Testosterone is a prohormone. This means that before acting on androgen receptors, it is processed (modified) by a special enzyme - 5-alpha reductase. Thus, the active form of the hormone, dihydrotestosterone, is obtained.

Enanthate is a long acting ether. It should be noted that the period of exposure largely depends on the individual characteristics of the person and can vary within two to three weeks. The half-life is 6-7 days.

  • Anabolic effect - 100% of testosterone.
  • Androgenic effect - 100% of testosterone.
  • The conversion rate to is high.
  • Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis is significant.
  • Toxicity to the liver - none.
  • Duration of action - up to a crescent.
  • Detection time - up to 3 months.

Testosterone enanthate is available exclusively in injectable form.

Effects of the steroid Testosterone Enanthate 250

  • Increase in muscle mass. The rapid increase in muscle volume is partly caused by the accumulation of fluid, which occurs due to the estrogenic activity of testosterone and sodium retention. After the course of Testosterone Enanthate 250 ends, there is a rollback phenomenon (more or less pronounced).
  • Increase in strength indicators.
  • Participation in the formation of secondary sexual characteristics (male facial features, body hair, deep voice) and the development of male genital organs.
  • Influence on sexual behavior and provision of spermatogenesis.
  • Improvement of phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism.
  • Elimination of joint pain, problems with intervertebral discs and crunch in the shoulders.
  • Stimulation of regenerative processes in the body.
  • Strengthening the overall tone and increasing motivation for training.
  • An increase in the erythrocyte mass of the blood.
  • Prevention of overtraining.

Testosterone Enanthate solo course

The use of enanthate is recommended for adult athletes who have undergone a complete medical examination. Injections are carried out no more than twice a week. The dosage is selected individually, and depends on many factors. In general, safe limits are 250 to 500 milligrams. As body weight increases, the amount of drug administered can be increased. The average course of testosterone enanthate solo lasts approximately two to two and a half months, and PKT begins only two to three weeks after the withdrawal of the steroid. If you are a beginner and do not yet know how to take testosterone enanthate, then it is best to start with 250 milligrams and follow the reaction of the body.

In order to eliminate possible estrogenic side effects, it is best to use or others - from 2-3 weeks of the course and up to 7 days after its completion. If possible, it is useful to monitor the level of estradiol: this will allow you to track the effectiveness of suppressing estrogen "side effects". At the end of the reception, to avoid the loss of gained muscle mass, it is necessary to take cortisol blockers.

Combined courses

As far as how to take testosterone enanthate in combination with other steroids, muscle mass gain is best achieved in combination with , And. At the same time, the dosages of each drug are reduced down to the minimum recommended for the solo course.

The biggest disadvantage of Testosterone Enanthate is its high level of aromatization, i.e. conversion to estrogen. This causes frequent side effects (however, they occur in the majority if the recommended dosages and / or duration of the course are not observed) in the form of fat deposits, edema, and. The old method of remedying these shortcomings is to take antiestrogen. In principle, it is still possible to stop the above problems in the same way, but it is much more effective to take aromatase inhibitors on a course. Atiestrogen is needed, but after the abolition of the steroid - to restore the normal level of secretion of one's own testosterone. Of the negative side effects of testosterone enanthate, it is also possible to increase blood pressure, hair loss, and increase aggression.

Testosterone Enanthate Reviews

Most users are satisfied with the quality of the gained muscle mass. At the same time, more than half of the athletes are dissatisfied with the pronounced rollback phenomenon. Their testosterone enanthate reviews indicate that often a third or even more of the weight is gone at the end of the cycle. It is almost impossible to keep the indicators completely.

Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the “test” is rated as high. Testosterone Enanthate is produced by many domestic and foreign manufacturers. It makes no sense to list them, since this popular steroid is included in the line of almost all pharmacological concerns and it will not be difficult to find testosterone enanthate reviews from any company - there is a discussion of many proposed drugs on our forum.

Preparations based on testosterone enanthate

Manufacturer Name
Testaplex E
Testosterone Enanthate
Chemical Industries Development

A long-acting steroid (action time 15 days, half-life 6-7 days) is used to gain muscle mass. Despite the duration of action, injections are given 1-2 times a week to maintain a constant high concentration of the drug in the blood.
Testosterone enanthate helps to eliminate joint pain, stimulates regeneration processes in the body, increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, raises the overall tone and is a prevention against.

Along with it is often used in powerlifting as it gives a significant increase in strength.

Like any other testosterone ester, it aromatizes strongly (turns into estrogens), which can lead to gynecomastia, edema, and female-type fat deposits. Also, part of the gained mass is caused by water retention in the body, and after the end of the course, a noticeable rollback effect is observed.

There are quite a few types of this drug on the Russian market. One of the best is Testosterone Depot produced by the Yugoslav company Galenika. Such brands as Testen-100 and Testen-250 of the Indian B.M. have proven themselves well. Pharmaceuticals. you can also get good results with Primoteston Depot, produced in Egypt by CID under license from Shering AG.

Anabolic effects:

  • Pronounced increase in muscle mass
  • Significant increase in strength indicators
  • Elimination of joint problems and
  • Improving the general condition of the body
  • Improving mood and emotional background

Application and dosage:

Using testosterone enanthate as the only drug on the course is not the best solution. Enanthate is included in the work for a very long time, so the first results can be felt no earlier than in two weeks. In the first two weeks, athletes recommend using a short one along with enanthate, which will help you until the enanthate ether turns on.

After the last injection, testosterone enanthate will work in the body for about 3 more weeks. Therefore, for a smooth end of the course, it is also recommended to use propionate in the last weeks.

Testosterone enanthate is definitely not suitable for beginners, as it requires skillful handling of steroids and proper selection of dosages.

Due to the fact that testosterone enanthate is a long ester, it is not suitable for use in short courses lasting less than 8 weeks.

The average dosage is 250-500 mg per week. Injections are given 1-2 times a week, depending on the dosage (if 250 mg, then 1 time, if 500 mg or more can be divided into two times). The average duration of the course is 8-10 weeks. With an increase in the weight of the athlete, the dosages often increase and the course becomes longer.

2-3 weeks after the end of the course, post-course therapy is carried out. In order to avoid the development of estrogen side effects, the use of aromatase inhibitors or Proviron is desirable. Reception starts from 2-3 weeks of the course and ends a week after its completion.

At dosages over 250 mg and a course duration of more than 8 weeks, it is used.

1450 UAH

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Monday Thursday , or Tuesday Friday

2. Proviron 20 tablets

3. Clomid 20 tablets

weeks Testosterone Enanthate Proviron Tamoxifen
1 Tue 1 ml - Fri. 1 ml
2 Tue 1 ml - Fri. 1 ml
3 Tue 1 ml - Fri. 1 ml 1 tab per day
4 Tue 1 ml - Fri. 1 ml 1 tab per day
5 Tue 1 ml - Fri. 1 ml 1 tab per day
6 Tue 1 ml - Fri. 1 ml
9 1 tab per day
10 1 tab per day
11 1 tab per day

Ready course testosterone enanthate for solo mass

Such courses in taking one injectable drug are not often used, combinations of 2 or 3 different anabolic steroids are more popular. But still, there are lovers of not complex and easy courses with the participation of only one testosterone. The bulk of these are amateur athletes who do not want to do much harm to their body and at the same time get a clear result. After all, the use of the injectable form of steroids does not adversely affect the liver and is considered a safer option than oral drugs. The effect of taking it is even more pronounced than using the tablet form, because the testosterone enanthate solo course is not considered very easy.

The effect of taking a course of Enanthate

The proposed course is more suitable for an amateur athlete, or even a beginner, because the solo intake itself does not give a big surge in anabolic activity and the effect is smooth throughout the entire intake. Of course, it all depends on the chosen dosages, but you should not go too far so as not to encounter side effects from an overdose of the testosterone enatate course. What effects from the course of Enanthate solo can be expected during the reception period:

  1. Noticeable increase in strength and endurance.
  2. Gradual increase in muscle mass.
  3. Not a lot of fluid retention, for shaping the muscles.
  4. Complete assimilation of consumed protein.
  5. Increased motivation and desire to conduct quality training.
  6. Increased sexual activity on the course of Enanthate,
  7. There is not a significant increase in aggression in training.
  8. Good perceptible pumping during exercise.

In fact, this anabolic steroid has a lot of positive qualities for a bodybuilder and most of the ready-made cycles are not complete without the participation of the main male hormone Testosterone. After all, to get a good effect in gaining muscle mass and at the same time significantly increasing strength indicators without the use of testosterone is simply not realistic.

How to take a course of testosterone enanthate for mass

Proper intake of the course is the key to a good result and the absence of possible side effects. It is worth mentioning that side effects when using anabolic steroids occur as a result of an overdose, or improper use of drugs. If you use moderate doses, or even medium doses, then the risks of side effects will be significantly reduced.

For a solo course in a minimum period of 6 weeks, we need to make 12 intramuscular injections, with the calculation of 2 injections per week. Choose days for intramuscular injections, or Monday Thursday , or Tuesday Friday and strictly according to the chosen schedule we will put testosterone. The drug is administered only intramuscularly and it is desirable to choose a safe place for injection - this is the gluteal muscle.

It turns out that for 6 weeks of the course, you enter 2 times a week, 1 ml. testosterone for 1 time and so all the time. This dosage is considered average - minimal and is suitable for the average amateur athlete, but if your weight is more than 90 kg, then you should think about higher doses. In your case, it will be correct to consider a dosage of three times Enanthate solo per week. But, if your weight is up to 90 kg., Then such a course will be the most suitable for you.

An excellent oral preparation for reducing aromatization from the use of various testosterones. In this course, it helps to reduce fluid retention and prevent gynecomastia by suppressing possible side effects. This drug has a positive effect on improving the quality of the general muscles of the body and also increases sexual activity. It is taken from the third week of the main course, 1 tab. every day for 20 days.

An oral drug widely used in PCT (after a course of therapy). It begins to be used 2 weeks after the cessation of the main course of steroids. It is taken 1 tab. every day for 20 days. It perfectly copes with the suppression of high levels of female hormones and has a positive effect on the restoration of the production of one's own testosterone, which is extremely important for PCT. The faster you complete these tasks, the more likely you are to keep your results.

The proposed course includes drugs:

1. Testosterone Enanthate 12 injections

2. Proviron 20 tablets

3. Clomid 20 tablets

weeks Testosterone Enanthate Proviron Tamoxifen
1 Tue 1 ml - Fri. 1 ml
2 Tue 1 ml - Fri. 1 ml
3 Tue 1 ml - Fri. 1 ml 1 tab per day
4 Tue 1 ml - Fri. 1 ml 1 tab per day
5 Tue 1 ml - Fri. 1 ml 1 tab per day
6 Tue 1 ml - Fri. 1 ml
9 1 tab per day
10 1 tab per day
11 1 tab per day

Latin name: Testesterone Enanthate 250
ATX code: G03BA03
Active substance: testosterone enanthate 250 mg
Manufacturer: Aburaihan Pharmaceutical Co., Iran
Vacation from the pharmacy: on prescription
Storage conditions: t 15-25, dryness, darkness
Best before date: 5 years

Testosterone enanthate is an oily solution for intramuscular injection, belonging to the group of androgenic hormones. The substance is an ester of the hormone testosterone, which is produced and secreted by the testicles.

The drug is widely used by men professionally involved in sports, but its use is also advisable for various deviations in the reproductive system in patients, both male and female. The benefits of the introduction of a medicinal substance can be achieved only if the course of therapy is correctly drawn up and the recommendations of the doctor are fully observed.

When the drug is prescribed

The use of an injectable drug in men is advisable for:

  • Delayed development of the genital organs
  • Decreased or complete cessation of pituitary hormone production
  • Decreased sex drive and activity
  • Androgen deficiency after castration
  • Osteoporosis caused by acute androgen deficiency.

The drug can be prescribed to women in case of:

  • Too much estrogen in the body
  • Uterine bleeding
  • Endometriosis of the uterus or ovaries
  • Menopause (the use of the drug is carried out in parallel with the use of estrogens)
  • Oncology of the mammary glands
  • Osteoporosis.

The dosage of the drug depends on the pathology, and is prescribed by the doctor to each patient individually.

When not to use the drug

Intramuscular administration of Testosterone enanthate is strictly prohibited if at least one of the following contraindications occurs:

  • hypersensitivity to drug components
  • carcinoma of the prostate or breast
  • hypertrophy (enlargement) of the prostate gland with concomitant disorders in the process of urination
  • nephrosis
  • nephrotic stage of nephritis
  • swelling of the limbs or face
  • abnormally high levels of calcium in the body (hypercalcemia)
  • liver dysfunction
  • diabetes
  • heart or coronary insufficiency
  • a history of myocardial infarction
  • atherosclerosis in older men
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Neglect of contraindications and the use of the drug in the presence of one of the above deviations can cause irreparable harm to health!

Testosterone enanthate should be used with caution in case of kidney dysfunction, arterial hypertension, epilepsy or frequent migraine attacks. Persons with a history of such abnormalities should be regularly observed by a doctor when using the drug.

Composition and forms of release

The average cost of a medicine is 196 rubles.

The composition of the drug contains the active ingredient testosterone enanthate at a dose of 250 mg. Auxiliary substances of the drug are:

  • phenylcarbenol
  • peanut or peach butter
  • benzyl benzoate.

The drug is released in the form of an oily solution in 1 ml ampoules in white-green cardboard boxes. The substance has a yellowish color and a specific smell.

Medicinal properties

Testosterone is a male sex hormone responsible for the development and functioning of the prostate gland, genitals, larynx, and muscles. It is able to retain trace elements in tissues, while reducing the dissimilation of proteins.

When the drug is used by women, the gonadotropic function of the ovaries, breast, and pituitary gland is suppressed. Until the end of the course of therapy leads to atrophy of the pathological endometrium. The drug has an antagonistic effect, so its use in fibroids, endometriosis and breast cancer is fully justified.

Substance excretion

The absorption of Testosterone enanthate is a rather slow process, so its maximum concentration in the blood is reached 3 days after the administration of the drug. The process of biotransformation occurs in the liver tissues, after which 90% of the residues of the substance are excreted with urine and only 5-6% with feces.

Mode of application

It is necessary to prick the drug only intramuscularly - its intravenous administration is unacceptable! The needle must be inserted as deep as possible into the gluteal muscle - this will help to avoid the formation of an infiltrate. The dosage of the drug is calculated individually, with special attention paid to body weight, illness, age and gender of the patient.

Adult patients are administered from 50 to 200 mg of the drug every 14-28 days. The maximum allowable monthly dosage is 400 mg. The duration of the course of therapy also depends on individual factors.

Treatment of hypogonadism allows the administration of 50 to 400 mg of Testosterone enanthate every 14 to 28 days. If there is a delay in puberty, the patient is administered 50-200 mg every 14-28 days. The course of therapy can be repeated after 4 months or six months.

Therapy for oncology of the mammary glands, the patient is administered 200-400 mg of the drug every 14-28 days. The course of treatment can be prolonged only if necessary, and only as directed by the attending physician.

Solo course

Testosterone enanthate solo course is used by novice athletes who have reached the age of 18 and have undergone a complete medical examination. Injections are allowed to be done no more than 2 times in 7 days, the maximum allowable dose is 500 ml of the drug. The medicine begins to work after the first injection, but since its action is very slow, you can see the results only after a few weeks.

On average, a solo course lasts about 2.5 months, but in the absence of the expected results, it can be extended. For men who have not previously used this drug, 250 ml of the drug should be administered first. In the absence of side effects or allergies, the dosage can be gradually increased.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of Testosterone enanthate with anticoagulants and hypoglycemic drugs, inhibition of cyclosporins occurs. If the drug is used together with liver enzyme inducers, the effectiveness of testosterone is significantly reduced.

Adverse reactions and overdose

Intolerance to the components of the drug can lead to the following pathologies or ailments:

  • excessive sexual activity
  • acceleration of sexual development and early closure of the epiphyses (in boys)
  • violations of the processes of maturation of spermatozoa
  • pathologies of the prostate
  • vaginal bleeding
  • increase sexual desire in women
  • epidermal pathologies: seborrhea, acne, pimples and other rashes
  • water and sodium retention in tissues
  • development of thrombophlebitis, etc.

The risk of overdose with the drug is extremely low, but if you regularly exceed the permissible overdose, there is a risk of developing such an unpleasant condition as priapism. Until the symptoms disappear, the use of the drug should be stopped, and after the resumption of treatment, the substance should be used in reduced doses.


Testosterone enanthate is not always available at a pharmacy, moreover, without a doctor's prescription, so it can be replaced with Androgel or Nebido.

Androgel is intended for external use, and can replace Testosterone enanthate in testosterone deficiency in men.

Producer: Bezen Manyufekchuring Beldzhium, Belgium, or Laboratories Bezen International, France.

average price 85 rubles.


  • Availability
  • Low price
  • Low risk of side effects


  • Available only by prescription
  • Not applicable to the treatment of women.

Nebido is an oily solution for intramuscular injection, the active ingredient of which is testosterone.

Producer: Bayer Pharma AG, Germany.

average price the drug is about 5000 rubles for 1 vial containing 4 ml of the medicinal substance.


  • High efficiency
  • No need for frequent use (the drug is administered intramuscularly every 2.5 - 3 months, this is quite enough to maintain normal testosterone levels in the body).


  • High price
  • A large number of contraindications
  • High risk of adverse reactions (of which there are also many).

Before starting the use of the drug Testosterone or its analogues, it is necessary to undergo a complete medical examination to make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of the drug. Otherwise, the patient will not be able to be completely sure of his safety.