"Ambrobene", solution for inhalation and oral administration - step by step instructions and reviews. Ambrobene use for children, instructions for use (solution for inhalation, for oral administration) Instructions for use ambrobene solution

Cough treatment requires certain knowledge. To date, pharmacological companies present a variety of drugs that can eliminate a cough of any origin.

In this regard, the selection of a drug is started only after a clear diagnosis has been established.

In our article, we will talk about a mucolytic and expectorant that has repeatedly proven its effectiveness in inflammatory processes in the lower part of the respiratory system - this is ambrobene. Let's get acquainted with the instructions for the drug, and determine which analogues can be used if ambrobene is not suitable for a particular patient.

Composition, benefits and price

The composition of the drug includes ambroxol, Its action is aimed at the production of special enzymes that prevent thickening of sputum, and also activate the production of surfactant. The main task of ambrobene is to thin and remove sputum from the respiratory tract. If the patient has a dry cough and sputum is difficult to separate, you can safely use ambrobene.

It has been proven that ambroxol also exhibits antioxidant properties, releasing free radicals from the respiratory tract.

Ambrobene is taken in the form of syrup, capsules, tablets, used for inhalation, and also administered intramuscularly. The concentration of the drug depends on the method of its administration, naturally, with the injection method, it is higher in the body. The presence of ambroxol during therapy is observed in breast milk and cerebrospinal fluid. The largest amount of the drug is concentrated in the lung tissue.

Ambrobene acts quite quickly, about 30-40 minutes after use. The duration of the therapeutic effect lasts up to 10 hours.

The average price for a drug in Russian pharmacies is as follows:

  • solution for oral administration and inhalation 7.5 mg / ml 40 ml - 130 rubles;
  • capsules 75mg No. 20 - 220 rubles;
  • solution for injection 15mg / 2ml No. 5 - 200 rubles;
  • syrup 15mg / 5ml 100ml - 120 rubles;
  • tablets 100 mg No. 20 - 150 rubles.


Ambrobene for inhalation is suitable in the presence of a cough with viscous and difficult to separate sputum. This condition can be observed with bronchitis (any form), bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia. If a dry cough is a consequence of pharyngitis, ambrobene should not be used, because. the inflammatory process is in the pharynx.


The drug is well tolerated by patients, only in rare cases there is intolerance to the composition. The first and second period of pregnancy (up to about 28 weeks) is a contraindication for use.

Relative contraindications

There are pathologies in which ambrobene should be used with caution, they are as follows:

  • renal and liver failure;
  • immobile cilia syndrome, in which the motor function of the bronchi is impaired;
  • ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

All these contraindications are more related to the non-inhalation form of using ambrobene, when the medicine is intended for oral administration (goes directly into the stomach) or is administered as an injection. Therefore, inhalation is considered the safest way to administer the drug.

Adverse reactions

During inhalation, negative reactions are rare, but they are possible, these can be:

  • cough;
  • violation of taste;
  • perspiration;
  • dryness in the throat;
  • hives;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • anaphylactic shock.

A stool disorder is possible only if the solution for inhalation enters the stomach, so the inhalation procedure must be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

Ambrobene for inhalation - dosages

Inhalations are often alternated or combined with internal administration of ambrobene. Therefore, consider the rules for taking the medicine in both cases.

Internal reception

The drug is always taken after a meal, it can be added to the liquid (tea, juice, compote).

  1. For children under two years of age, a daily dose of 15 mg is recommended, i.e. morning and evening, 1 ml of ambrobene.
  2. In the age category from two to six years, a daily intake is added, in the morning, afternoon and evening the child receives 1 ml of medication.
  3. After six years, the daily dose increases to 30-45 mg. For adults, the maximum dose is allowed up to 90-120 mg per day.

Instructions for inhalation

Despite the simplicity of the inhalation method, it is still necessary to know certain dosage rules: how to observe rational proportions and dilute the drug, whether it is necessary to use bronchodilators before inhalation, and other nuances.

The most effective method of introducing ambrobene through the respiratory tract is considered to be inhalation using a nebulizer, when the solution is filled into the container of this device. Therapeutic vapors reach the desired area and are not sprayed on the sides. Steam inhalers are not suitable for this procedure.

Before filling the container, ambrobene is usually diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with saline (buy at a pharmacy). The dosage with saline may be different (check with your doctor).

The temperature of the treatment solution should be within 37 degrees. During inhalation, it is not necessary to take deep breaths, the patient breathes as usual. Sharp and drawn-out breaths provoke a cough, and interfere with an adequate procedure.

If the patient has bronchial asthma or COB (chronic obstructive bronchitis), it is recommended to use a bronchodilator in the form of a spray 20 minutes before inhalation.

Doses of ambrobene are taken into account according to the age category (in 1 ml - 7.5 mg of ambroxol):

  • babies under two years old - 15 mg per day (the dose can be divided into two inhalations, i.e. 1 ml in the morning and one in the evening);
  • from 2 to 6 years - the dose is doubled 2 ml in the morning and 2 ml in the evening;
  • after 6 years, it is allowed to use 3 ml of solution per inhalation (up to 45 mg of the drug per day).

The duration of therapy and the frequency of inhalations is determined only by the doctor, depending on the patient's current history and concomitant chronic pathologies. Self-admission is possible for only five days.

To enhance the therapeutic effect during the use of all forms of ambrobene, it is recommended to consume more liquid, but this also requires the advice of a doctor, because. in some diseases, additional water intake can provoke, for example, an increase in blood pressure.

Sometimes parents ask the question: “How many drops of ambrobene do you need for inhalation?”. The question is not quite correct, for inhalation doses are calculated in milliliters. If the child does not want to breathe with the device and perform inhalations, most likely the pediatrician will suggest another form of ambrobene, for example, syrup, to treat cough.

Ambrobene analogues are cheaper

Ambrobene has many analogues, and if necessary, you can use the following drugs:

To carry out inhalation, you need the form of a solution, therefore, when purchasing an analogue for the inhalation procedure, do not forget about it.

Ambrobene is considered an inexpensive drug, and cheaper analogues are not so easy to find. For example, ambroxol in a solution of 100 ml costs 180 rubles, and ambrobene in the same form of 40 ml costs 130 rubles. It is clear here, it is more profitable to buy ambroxol. When purchasing an analogue, it is necessary to look not only at the price indicated on the box, but also at the concentration of the drug, as well as the quantity.

Doctors often offer a choice of several drugs, allowing the patient to decide for himself what is best. Naturally, in this case we are talking only about the price, because. not all patients have the opportunity to buy expensive drugs. Based on price, action and other criteria, let's compare lazolvan, ambrobene and acc.

Lazolvan or ambrobene?

Both drugs enhance the cough reflex, thin thickened sputum and remove it beyond the tracheobronchial tree. The action of these two drugs is the same, because. they have one active substance - ambroxol, therefore, they are structural analogues.

Pharmaceutical companies that produce lazolvan and ambrobene are different. Lazolvan is a product of Italy or Greece, Ambrobene is produced in Germany and Austria. The therapeutic effect of the drugs is the same, although some patients "pull the blanket over themselves" in the direction of one of the drugs. Usually this is due to the financial ability to purchase medicines.

For ease of use, companies are trying to produce drugs in different dosage forms so that the doctor can choose the right and most effective for a particular patient. Ambrobene has more dosage forms than lazolvan. Compared with lazolvan, ambrobene has more contraindications. Rather, this is due to the composition of the excipients.

During the period of gestation and lactation, both drugs are not used. Also, drugs are not prescribed for a wet cough. Ambrobene has the advantage in price.

Which is better - ACC or Ambrobene?

In principle, both drugs have two goals - to thin and remove thickened sputum from the respiratory tract. In order to find other differences, it is necessary to study these drugs in more detail and determine what features there are.

If the question is “what is better to choose?”, we ask the doctor. The doctor has more experience in using such drugs, so he will tell you what is more effective in your case.

  1. These drugs are not structural taxes, they have completely different main and auxiliary composition.
  2. Acc and ambrobene are produced by different manufacturers. The first drug is a product of Germany, the second - of Germany and Austria. Manufacturers are different. There are significant differences in the form of release.
  3. ACC has effervescent tablets, ambrobene is the usual tablet form. Ambrobene does not have capsules, but Azz does. Ambrobene and ACC both have a form for intramuscular and intravenous administration, as well as solutions and syrups used inside.

If you delve into the pharmacological action of these drugs, you will notice that they “work” in different ways. Ambrobene affects serous cells, protects the alveoli. Shows antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant activity.

ACC is able to destroy the chemical interaction between polysaccharides that maintain sputum in a viscous state. ACC also relieves inflammation, adversely affects the bacterial flora, has a detoxifying and antioxidant effect.

It can be concluded that the main difference between these drugs is their way of dealing with sputum. For many patients, this fact will seem insignificant, the main thing is that it helps. Hence, there are so many useless purchases, and disappointments when the drug does not “work” at all, which is why a doctor's consultation is always necessary.

Ambrobene or ace - often such a question is asked by mothers to pediatricians. First of all, you need to read the instructions for each remedy in detail, and make sure that your baby has no contraindications to their use. But remember, self-appointment is unacceptable.

Both drugs are not prescribed for children with intolerance to milk sugar and glucose-galactose malabsorption. Also, ambrobene and acc are not used in pediatrics with intolerance to the composition of any of them.

ACC and Ambrobene are prohibited in the first gestation period (up to 12-13 weeks). Capsules are allowed only after 12 years, tablets after 6 years, and inhalations are performed when the child can independently perform them.

Azz and ambrobene are allowed to be used up to the age of two (only with the permission of a pediatrician).

In any case, the best drug will be the one that suits each patient individually. The advantage of these funds is that they can be used from early childhood, when the child caught a virus, accompanied by a complication from the lower respiratory system. ACC and Ambrobene will be effective in the treatment of dry cough with sputum difficult to separate.

Compatibility of ACC and Ambrobene?

There are cases when ACC and Ambrobene are combined. Is it possible to do this, is it not harmful? The fact is that the drugs are similar in therapeutic effect, but have a different composition. Therefore, joint administration is permissible, but not immediately (at one time), but by alternating drugs.

This is done in the presence of addiction to one of the means, or when the inflammatory process has gained momentum. To achieve the effect of therapy, it is better, for example, to do the following. For inhalation, we use ACC, and we use lazolvan in syrup or tablets. Different ways of administering these drugs will only enhance the therapeutic effect.

A cough that occurs in a child signals a developing pathology in the body. The main causes may be infectious and colds that develop in the bronchi and lungs. What actions to take, many mothers ask, and what drugs are allowed to treat young children? This is especially true for parents of newborns. Today we will consider one of the most effective drugs that help against such ailments - Ambrobene.

Ambrobene, intended for children, is allowed to be used in the following forms:

  • In the form of syrup from 1 month.
  • In capsules from 12 years.
  • In tablets from 5 years.
  • In the form of a solution for inhalation from 6 months.
  • Drops from birth.


In all types of the drug are the following components:

  • Ambroxol hydrochloride (the main active ingredient).
  • titanium dioxide.
  • Colloidal silicon precipitated.
  • Gelatin.
  • Carboxymethylcellulose.
  • Iron oxide.
  • Triethyl citrate.


  • "Ambrobene" is recommended for babies suffering from dry cough. Such a cough is the most unpleasant and debilitating and naturally affects the character of the child. Children in this case become restless, capricious, sleep poorly and sometimes lose their appetite.
  • The medicine helps to remove the main symptoms of this phenomenon, and relief is noticeable after half an hour. Children are advised to take the drug in the form of a syrup. Children take it with pleasure, and it is safe.
  • It is recommended to make a sweet solution from the drug in the form of tablets by mixing the medicine with sweet tea or boiled water, and only then give it to the child.
  • The drug is convenient to use in inhalation, they also relieve the first symptoms of dry cough, colds and bronchitis.

When applied

  • Bronchitis, pneumonia and other protracted pathological processes in the lungs.
  • Helps to improve sputum discharge, which is important for obstructive bronchitis.
  • Pediatricians prescribe the drug to premature babies on the first day after birth to stop the development of distress syndrome.
  • It is used in case of bronchial asthma in acute form.

Babies up to a year

For newborns and infants, the drug can only be prescribed by a specialist, and it is allowed to take it only under the supervision of a doctor. Basically, children are determined in a hospital, after which treatment begins.

For premature newborns, the drug is prescribed necessarily in the prevention of distress syndrome.


  • Children under two years of age use 1 ml twice / 24 hours.
  • Children from 2 to 5 are given 1 ml three times a day.
  • From 5 to 12 apply 2 ml three times a day.

The solution for inhalation in equal doses is mixed with saline. The temperature of the liquid must correspond to room temperature.

Important: during inhalation, ensure a calm and comfortable environment around the baby, do not let the baby be naughty.


Photo of Ambrobene syrup. Click to enlarge.

Children under one year old are recommended to give the product in the form of a syrup, it is easier for babies to drink and it tastes good. The product is available in a glass container, a measuring cup is attached to it. It is advised to take the medicine during or after a meal.

  • Up to 2 years old baby(except for newborns and premature babies) offer 0.5 tsp. (2.5 ml) daily.
  • From 2 to 5 years old give 0.5 tsp. (2.5 ml) three times a day.
  • Five to twelve years old- three times 1 tsp. (5 ml).
  • From the age of 12, it is permissible to take the first three days no more than 3 times a day for 2 tsp, then - no more than 2 times a day.

Important: during the treatment of acute bronchitis, the maximum dose is used for the first three days, then halved.


It is convenient to drink the solution for babies and small children. It is recommended to dilute the product in a drink and offer the child when he eats.

  • Babies up to two years old recommend a dose of 1 ml twice a day.
  • From two years to six give 1 ml three times in 24 hours.
  • six to twelve- 2 ml three times a day.
  • Children over twelve years of age it is allowed to use the drug for the first 2-3 days 2-3 times a day, 4 ml, and then - no more than twice a day.


It is best to buy medicine for children marked "children's".


  • Individual intolerance.
  • Epilepsy.
  • lactation period.
  • Severe liver disease.
  • Renal failure.
  • Poor bronchial motility.

Side effects

While taking the drug, the following negative reactions may occur:

  • Dry mouth.
  • Urticaria, skin rash.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Constipation.
  • Rhinorrhea.
  • contact dermatitis
  • Anaphylactic shock (in exceptional cases).
  • Nausea.
  • gastralgia.
  • Decreased blood pressure.

The drug should not be taken in conjunction with other similar medicines that prevent sputum excretion.

If side effects have been noticed, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.


It is important to monitor the condition of the child taking the medicine and follow the dosage according to the instructions. And if suddenly there was an overdose, then follow our instructions and call a doctor.

So, the symptoms of an overdose:

  • A sharp deterioration in the well-being of the child.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Increased secretion of saliva.
  • Lowering blood pressure.

First aid for overdose is as follows:

  1. Gastric lavage during the first hour and a half
  2. Give your child any high-fat foods.
  3. Be sure to monitor the condition of the crumbs, in case of deterioration, call a doctor.

Storage and vacation

All types of the drug, except for syrup, should be stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees

Syrup - from 8 to 25 degrees.

"Ambrobene" should be in a dry, closed place out of the reach of children.

The drug is sold without a prescription.


"Ambrobene" is allowed to be used from the first days of birth, and this is the main advantage over analogues.

Analogues include:

  • "Medox";
  • "Ambrosan";
  • "Lazolvan";
  • "Bronchoxol";
  • "Flavamed.

According to many reviews, the medication gives positive results and is very comfortable to use, since it has many forms that are convenient even for the smallest children. Already after a few days of use, positive dynamics are noticed and relief comes.

"Ambrobene" and "Lazolvan"

There are practically no differences between the drugs, they consist only in excipients and price. You should choose individually, because one thing helps someone, and another helps someone.

Use with other drugs

You can not use the medicine with antitussive drugs: it complicates the withdrawal of sputum, since cough suppression occurs. But "Ambrobene" is often prescribed with antibiotics, for example, "Doxycycline", "Erythromycin", etc. Such combinations are allowed.

Cough is an unpleasant symptom that occurs with many diseases. If it is unproductive, then specialists prescribe antitussive drugs or mucolytics. Among the latter, Ambrobene is very popular, the instructions for use of which describe the drug in detail.

The product is manufactured by a German pharmaceutical company. The variety of dosage forms, a limited list of contraindications and the rarity of side effects make Ambrobene the preferred drug for adults and children.

In contact with


Composition and active substance

The components used for production vary depending on the mold.

Table 1. Ambrobene - composition and active ingredient

Active substance

AmbroxolThe active ingredient in Ambrobene is Ambroxol. Promotes a change in the structural bonds of mucopolysaccharides, which leads to liquefaction of the tracheobronchial secret. Stimulates the formation of glycoproteins. Accelerates the movement of cilia of the intrapulmonary epithelium. Improves the production of pulmonary surfactant and prolongs the time of its disintegration.

Additional substances

Potassium salt of sorbic acidWater soluble preservative
Hydrochloric acidRegulator of metabolic processes
propylene glycolhygroscopic substance
flavoringProvides raspberry flavor


Milk sugarFiller
Corn starchFiller
Stearic acidstabilizer, preservative


A significant role in the evaluation of the medicinal product is played by the organization releasing it. Manufacturer Ambrobene - Merckle GmbH. The company was founded in the German city of Ulm in 1881.

Initially, it was a small production company specializing in various pharmaceutical products. Over time, the organization grew, opening more and more subsidiaries.

At the moment, the company focuses on the production of generic drugs. This is the name of analogues of well-known drugs that have high quality, a single composition. However, their main difference is a more attractive price. The representative office of the company in Russia is located in Moscow.

What is this remedy for?

Instructions for use contains information on what Ambrobene is from. Taking the drug contributes to:

  1. Accelerating the movement of the cilia of the lung epithelium, stimulating the peristalsis of the branches of the bronchial tree. This leads to an increase in the synthesis of tracheobronchial secretion and its liquefaction.
  2. Stimulates the synthesis of a substance lining the pulmonary vesicles (surfactant). It prevents the walls of the alveoli from joining together.
  3. It leads to getting rid of the tracheobronchial secret due to increased ciliary activity of the lung epithelium.

This allows you to quickly clear the bronchi from viruses, infections and bacteria.

According to the instructions for use, Ambrobene is prescribed for respiratory diseases complicated by an unproductive cough with a viscous tracheobronchial secret (sputum).

From what cough - dry or wet?

Some medicines can only be used for a certain type of cough. Instructions for use gives the following instructions on which cough Ambrobene should be taken from:

  1. When wet. In the case of such a manifestation, the drug allows you to stimulate mucaciliary clearance, which means that it leads to the removal of sputum and recovery as soon as possible.
  2. Ambrobene with a dry cough leads to its softening, dilution of the tracheobronchial secret, its removal from the bronchi - making the cough productive.


What cough Ambrobene is effective for is not a determining factor in prescribing the drug. It is important to understand what diseases the drug helps. Indications for the use of Ambrobene include:

  • acute diseases affecting the respiratory tract;
  • chronic pathologies of the respiratory tract.

Types of the drug and methods of its use

Instructions for use for the medicinal product are somewhat different for different dosage forms. Their appointment is determined by the individual characteristics and preferences of the patient. What form should be chosen, with what cough to take Ambrobene, in what dosage - in addition to the annotation, it is regulated by a specialist.

It has a dosage of 7.5 mg per 100 milliliters. It is sold in bottles made of tinted glass with a volume of 40 and 100 milliliters. Each container is packed in a cardboard box, supplemented with instructions for use and a special measuring cup.

The solution can be used both in pure form and added to food or liquids. In its pure form, it is difficult to consume due to the bitter taste of the medicine.

This is not a separate dosage form, but the same solution that you can drink. Used for inhalation in inhalers. Forbidden for use in steam-type devices. It is not used in its pure form, it is necessary to dilute the product.

Includes 3 mg ambroxol per 100 ml liquid. The optimal form of Ambrobene for children. It has also been successfully used to treat adults. It has a pleasant berry flavor. Instructions for use warns of the presence of sweeteners and flavors in the composition. With high sensitivity to these components, it is worth replacing the drug.

This dosage form is convenient to take with you. However, in its composition, according to the instructions for use, there is lactose. In some people, it causes persistent allergic reactions.

Instructions for use

Even if the medicine was prescribed by a specialist, it is important to study all the nuances prescribed in the instructions for use. Annotation Ambrobene contains complete data on the features of use, restrictions and prohibitions.

Dosage for children and adults

The use of Ambrobene directly depends on the age of the patient. In addition, each dosage form is consumed in a different dosage. You can only drink one type of remedy at a time.

Table 2. Dosage of Ambrobene depending on the form of release.


SolutionFor children under two years of age, 1 ml of the drug is recommended twice a day; from 2 to 6 years the same amount three times a day; over 6 - 2-3 ml once or twice a day.
SyrupInstructions for use Ambrobene for children under two years of age defines 2.5 ml of the drug twice; from 2 to 6 years the same amount three times; 6-12 years 5 ml three times a day. For adults and children over 12 years of age for the first 72 hours, 10-20 ml 3 times a day, then 10 ml 2 times a day.
PillsHalf a tablet for children from - to 12 years old per day. For adults and children over 12 - 60-120 mg of the drug. Each tablet of Ambrobene 30 mg (instruction for use contains detailed data on the dose)

How to drink?

How to drink Ambrobene is also influenced by the form of its release. According to the instructions for use:

  1. Solution. This dosage form has no special instructions. To determine the exact dose, it is recommended to use a measuring cup.
  2. Syrup. After consumption, do not eat, drink or smoke for half an hour.
  3. Pills. How to use Ambrobene in tablet form - chew the product and do not drink it with water. Food and water should not be consumed for 30 minutes after ingestion.

Before or after a meal?

The intake of many drugs is associated with diet. However, answering the question of how to drink Ambrobene - before or after a meal, we can say that the remedy does not apply to those.

It can be consumed regardless of the diet. The solution can be added to food and liquids. However, other dosage forms are not recommended to drink or seize for a certain time.

How many days to take?

The instructions for use do not give a clear answer to this question. How many days to take Ambrobene is determined by the attending physician, based on the dynamic performance of the patient.

On average, therapy lasts from 3 to 7 days. If the drug was purchased without the consent of a specialist, then if there is no effect for 5 days or more, it is recommended to seek advice.

During pregnancy

Scientific studies that would confirm the safety of the product for the unborn child have not been conducted. Instructions for use tells how to take Ambrobene for women who are expecting a baby:

  1. Ambrobene during early pregnancy is strictly prohibited. It is this period that is fundamental and most dangerous.
  2. Upon reaching the 28th week of gestation, the drug may be prescribed. However, treatment occurs under the close supervision of a doctor, only in the case of a competent assessment of the possible risk and likely benefit.

When breastfeeding

The manufacturer conducted a study of the properties of ambroxol. As a result, during the experiment on mammals, it was proved that the substance passes into breast milk. Ambrobene with HB is recommended to be administered with caution.

Instructions for use informs that if side effects occur in the mother or child, the remedy must be immediately canceled. Ambrobene when breastfeeding, according to the instructions for use, may cause an allergic reaction in the baby.


The consumption of medicines for certain pathologies is prohibited. Ambrobene's contraindications include:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. As a rule, only ambroxol is considered an allergenic component.
  2. Early pregnancy.
  3. Violation of the absorption of milk sugar (relevant only for the tablet form).

Side effects

It should be noted that the drug rarely leads to negative manifestations. However, this could very well happen.

Table 3. Side effects of Ambrobene and the consequences of its use (according to the instructions)

Alcohol compatibility

The decomposition products of ethanol are extremely toxic in themselves. The compatibility of Ambrobene and alcohol leads to additional consequences for the body. Exactly:

  1. Enhances side effects. Allergic reactions, digestive disorders, and an attack of fever may occur or become more pronounced. This is likely even if this has not been observed before.
  2. Increases the toxicity of alcohol. Instructions for use stipulate that such a combination entails an increase in the negative effects of alcohol. This can lead to excessive rapid intoxication and a severe hangover.
  3. The effect of the drug is leveled. The effect of the drug itself becomes weaker or disappears altogether.

The description is up to date 13.02.2015
  • Latin name: Ambrobene
  • ATX code: R05CB06
  • Active substance: Abroxol hydrochloride (Ambroxol hydrochloride)
  • Manufacturer: Ratiopharm GmbH, Merckle (Germany), Teva (Israel)


One Ambrobene tablets includes 30 mg ambroxol , lactose in the form of monohydrate (Lactose monohydrate), corn starch (Maidis amylum), magnesium stearate (Magnesium stearate), silicon dioxide (Silicium dioxide) anhydrous colloidal.

One extended release capsule contains 75 mg ambroxol , microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulose microcrystalline), Avicel PH 102 and PC 581, triethyl citrate (Triethyl citrate), a copolymer of methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate (1: 1) (Methacrylic acid ethyl acrylate copolymer msds), hypromellose (Pharmacoat 603; Hypromellose), silicon dioxide (Silicium dioxide) anhydrous colloidal. The composition of the shell covering the capsule includes: gelatin (Gelatin), titanium dioxide (Titanium dioxide), dyes (iron oxide red, yellow and black).

In 100 ml syrup contains 0.3 grams of ambroxol, sorbitol (Sorbitol) liquid 70%, propylene glycol (Propylene glycol), (Saccharin), water, raspberry flavor.

In 100 ml oral solution and inhalations include 0.75 grams ambroxol , potassium sorbate (Potassium sorbate); hydrochloric acid (Acidum hydrochloricum), water.

In 2 ml solution for intravenous administration contains 15 mg ambroxol , citric acid monohydrate (Acid citric monohydrate), (Sodium chloride), sodium hydrophosphate heptahydrate (Sodium hydrophosphate heptahydrate), water.

Release form

Ambrobene has 5 release forms:

  • pills;
  • injection solution for intravenous administration;
  • retard capsules;
  • syrup;
  • solution for inhalation use and p / os.

Tablets biconvex, round shape. Their color is white, on one side there is a risk. In one package of the drug there may be 2 or 5 blisters of 10 tablets of Ambrobene.

The body of retard gelatin capsules is colorless, transparent, the cap is brown, the contents are white or slightly yellowish granules. One package of the drug contains 1 or 2 blisters of 10 capsules.

Syrup is a colorless (or slightly yellowish) transparent liquid with a raspberry odor. In pharmacies, it is sold in 100 ml glass bottles. Each vial is sealed with a jet cap and closed with a plastic screw cap. Each pack comes with a measuring cup.

The solution for inhalation and oral administration is a clear, odorless liquid, which can be either colorless or light yellow with a slightly brownish tint. The solution is sold in glass bottles of 40 or 100 ml. Each vial is stoppered with a dropper and closed with a plastic screw cap. Each pack contains a measuring cup.

Solution for injection into a vein is a clear, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid. It is produced in 2 ml dark glass ampoules (first type), 5 ampoules in a plastic tray, 1 tray in a package.

pharmachologic effect

expectorant , mucolytic .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Ambroxol is a substance that is metabolite . Its action is aimed at stimulating the prenatal (intrauterine) development of the lungs: against the background of the use of the drug, synthesis and secretion of pulmonary surfactant and blocking its decay.

Ambrobene renders secretomotor , expectorant And secretolytic effects , activates the function serous gland cells , which are localized in bronchial mucosa , increases the amount of mucous secretion and stimulates the release of surfactant into alveoli And bronchi , helps to restore the disturbed balance of the mucous and serous components of sputum.

Ambroxol increases activity hydrolyzing enzymes , stimulates the release lysosomes from those in bronchioles of the lung Clara cells and function ciliated epithelium cilia , due to which liquefaction of sputum occurs and mucociliary transport of pathological secretion improves.

In preclinical studies, it was found that ambroxol has antioxidant action . When used simultaneously with antibiotics , and increases the concentration of the latter in bronchial secretions and sputum.

The effect after using the drug develops approximately half an hour after taking p / os (orally) and approximately within 10 minutes to half an hour after rectal administration. The duration of the therapeutic effect is dose-dependent and varies from 6 to 12 hours.

When taking p / os, Ambroxol is almost completely absorbed from digestive tract . Cmax is reached after 1-3 hours. Due to first pass metabolism, the absolute bioavailability of ambroxol after taking p / os decreases by about a third.

The resulting metabolites (glucuronides And dibromoanthranilic acid ) are excreted kidneys .

Analogues according to the mechanism of action are:, Acestine , , , N-AC-Ratiopharm , Solvin , , Cofasma , .

Ambrobene for children

Why are tablets and syrup prescribed to children? The drug is indicated for the treatment respiratory tract diseases that occur in acute or chronic form.

Tablets to a child can be prescribed only after reaching the age of six, capsules - not earlier than from 12 years. The optimal dosage form for children is Ambrobene syrup. However, it should be remembered that for children who are not yet 2 years old, syrup, solution for intravenous administration and solution for taking p / os and inhalation are prescribed only according to the doctor's indications.

The most important property of Ambrobene is the ability to stimulate the formation surfactant - a substance that is necessary to ensure normal operation lungs . And it is this property that makes the drug valuable for babies who, after birth, have problems with light .

Newborn babies and for children up to a year old Ambrobene are prescribed in order to normalize the production surfactant and prevent sticking lung alveoli , as well as in order to prevent, which is often complicated, go into a chronic form.

The dosage regimen and the optimal duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician, taking into account the nature of the course of the disease and the age of the small patient.

The main message of advertising is that the standards in accordance with which Ambrobene is created are in no way inferior to the high quality standards and those user characteristics, thanks to which German cars, toys and household appliances have long and firmly earned the recognition of consumers in different countries of the world.

And confirmation of the manufacturer's statements about the effectiveness of its product are the numerous positive reviews about Ambroben for children: according to most mothers, the remedy is one of the best today, because it really works well and helps the child cope with a strong cough.

Ambrobene during pregnancy

To date, there are no reliable data on the safety of Ambrobene during pregnancy (in particular, in the first 28 weeks). In the course of studies conducted on animals, no teratogenic effect of ambroxol was detected.

The use of the drug in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is possible only on prescription and only after an assessment of the potential benefit to the mother and possible risks to the fetus has been made.

Animal studies have shown that Ambroxol has the ability to pass into breast milk. However, the use of the drug in lactating women has not been studied enough, and therefore Ambrobene can be prescribed only after assessing the benefit / risk ratio for mother and child.

Reviews about Ambrobene

Reviews of Ambrobene syrup, as well as reviews of tablets, inhalation solution or intravenous solution, are mostly positive. They are confirmed by rather high drug ratings on specialized forums where people share their experience in using this or that drug: on a five-point scale, Ambrobene is rated at 4.5-4.8 points.

The main advantages of the drug are noted:

  • efficiency;
  • speed;
  • ease of use;
  • pleasant taste for the child;
  • the ability to apply from the first months of a child's life;
  • a large number of dosage forms (tablets, solution for intravenous administration, retard capsules, solution for inhalation use and p / os, syrup), which allows you to choose the best one for yourself.

However, there are also neutral and negative reviews, which are associated with the fact that the use of the drug did not give such a pronounced result as expected.

Ambrobene price

Price Ambrobene tablets— 54 UAH/165 rubles, long-acting capsules- 59 UAH / 190 rubles. Price Ambrobene syrup for children - 63 UAH / 108 rubles. Price Ambrobene for inhalation 40 ml - 38 UAH / 127 rubles, solution for inhalation 100 ml can be purchased for 62 UAH or 176 rubles.

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    Ambrobene tablets 30mg 20 pcs. Teva

    Ambrobene syrup 15mg/5ml 100ml Teva

    Ambrobene solution for ing and for vnutr. approx. 7.5mg/ml 40mlRatiopharm GmbH/Merkle GmbH

The leaders of the international market for the production of medicines, the German concern Merckle GmbH have developed Ambrobene - an effective means of combating coughs of various etiologies. Liquefaction of sputum, its removal from the bronchi and lungs - this is the effect of the drug Ambrobene.

Instructions for use refers the solution to the mucolytic pharmacotherapeutic group. It is presented in liquid form, there is no pungent odor and with a barely noticeable yellowish tint.

In contact with


The composition of the solution Ambrobene

Ambrobene in solution is intended to be taken through the stomach. Ambrobene solution in a 100 ml vial contains:

  • active substance ambroxoli hydrochloridum - 0.75 mg;
  • additional substances: preservative E202-0.1 g; acid (hydrochloric) 25% - 0.06 g; aqua purificata - 99.190 g.

A special stopper - a dropper allows you to measure a certain amount of solution for ingestion.

Ambroxoli hydrochloridum (lat.) is a synthesized active homologue that thins and secretes sputum, helping to improve its structure by reducing viscosity.

According to the instructions for use, after oral administration of Ambrobene solution inside, depending on the dose used, the therapeutic effect of the drug occurs within 30' and remains in the body from six to twelve hours. The drug is excreted from the body by ninety percent by the kidneys.

Manufacturers produce the drug in two dosages, 40 and 100 ml each in dark brown vials, which are tightly closed with a dropper cap and a screw cap. One package includes:

  • box (cardboard);
  • solution bottle;
  • glass (measured);
  • instructions for consumers on the use of the drug.

On the medicinal packaging, the manufacturer, dosage, and expiration dates are indicated without fail. The instructions for the Ambrobene solution state that after the expiration date, the drug is strictly forbidden to use.

The drug is sold freely. It is released without a prescription.

Indications for oral administration

The drug has a stimulating and mucolytic (thinning) effect, according to the instructions for use of the Ambrobene solution.

It is used as a cough remedy of various origins, in diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, accompanied by a violation of its natural drainage function.

Indications for oral administration of Ambrobene solution are the following diseases:

  • acute respiratory and viral diseases, accompanied by a dry cough, and in which sputum excretion is difficult;
  • inflammation of the bronchi;
  • inflammation of the bronchi, trachea and bronchioles - tracheobronchitis;
  • chronic inflammation of the respiratory system -;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • rhinopharyngitis (catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx);
  • pulmonary fibrosis;
  • inflammatory process affecting the trachea and larynx ();
  • infectious diseases of children, which are complicated by inflammation of the bronchi and lungs;
  • rhinitis;
  • different origin;
  • inflammation of the mucous tissues of the larynx ();
  • pneumoconiosis (a number of lung diseases that are provoked by constant inhalation of industrial dust);
  • during the procedure of cleansing (sanation) of the lungs with antibiotics or solutions - antiseptics (antimicrobial drugs) in the postoperative period or before surgery.

The spectrum of action of the therapeutic agent is wide. Before you start using the Ambrobene solution for oral administration, you should thoroughly read the instructions for use. If you have any questions, you should get qualified advice from a specialist or a therapist.

The prescription for the drug states that without a special doctor's prescription, use is possible for five days.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use of the Ambrobene solution clearly describe how to drink it, therefore, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, a certain dosage must be strictly observed.

How to drink?

Use the measuring cup that comes with the product. It is necessary to determine the desired dose of the drug. The instructions for use of the Ambrobene solution for oral administration indicate that in 1 ml of the drug the content of Ambroxoli hydrochloridum is 7.5 mg.

Orally, the medicine is taken after a meal, with plenty of fluids: drinking water, tea or juice.

How should adults take Ambrobene solution? According to the recommendations of the attending physician and instructions for use of the drug. Following the treatment regimen, recovery will be productive and fast, without complications.

Dosage for children and adults

The amount of therapeutic agent must be exactly observed. For children, the daily dosage of the drug is indicated in the instructions for use of the Ambrobene solution:

  • children younger than two years of age are supposed to use 1 ml at a frequency of consumption twice a day, this is 15 mg in 24 hours;
  • 2 years and up to 5 years of taking the drug - 1 ml with a frequency of use three times a day, as a result - 22.5 mg in 24 hours;
  • at the age of five - twelve years, reception - 2 ml with a frequency of three times a day, and this is 30-45 mg throughout the day.

For oral administration to adolescents, after 12 years, Ambrobene solution, according to the instructions for use, requires three doses per day, each of which is 4 ml (at the initial stage of the disease, the first two to three days). With this regimen, the daily dose of the drug is 90 mg.

A pediatrician should exercise strict control in the treatment of children from birth to two years of age with the drug. Self-medication is strictly prohibited for infants.

For adults, Ambrobene solution should be drunk as indicated in the annotation to the remedy:

  • the first days of the course of treatment, 4 ml of the drug should be consumed, with a frequency of 3 doses per day, while the dosage in 24 hours should not be more than 90 mg;
  • on the following days, the daily dose of the drug is reduced to 60 mg, so the drug is taken twice a day.

For oral inhalation, adults dilute Ambrobene's solution of 0.9% NaCL, in a ratio of 1: 1 according to the instructions for use of the drug. Inhalations can be done several times a day at a dosage of two to three milliliters of medication.

special instructions

The instructions for use of the Ambrobene solution contain special instructions:

  • the simultaneous use of codeine-containing cough preparations is not recommended (sputum excretion is reduced, the treatment process is difficult);
  • the drug has side effects on the body:
    • headache;
    • general malaise;
    • dryness in the nasopharynx and respiratory organs;
    • nausea accompanied by vomiting;
    • gastrointestinal disorders.
  • it is not recommended to take the mother's medicine during breastfeeding;
  • do not use the medicine in cases where the patient suffers from liver disease.