Do-it-yourself pond in the garden from improvised. Do-it-yourself pond in the country

In summer, we all want to have a good rest by the water, but not everyone has the opportunity to go to the sea. Someone is holding summer rest on the own dacha, but even in a small area, you can create a comfortable rest area for yourself with the help of an artificial reservoir made by yourself.

Pond for a summer residence - where to start

So that the issue of building a reservoir does not seem so complicated, it is necessary to break the whole process into several stages and sequentially carry them out.

To begin with, decide on a place for a future artificial pond and its size in a summer cottage.

How to choose the most suitable site for a pond in the country:

Important! It is easier to build a pond of a small area. If you are confused by the amount of work or the financial side of the issue, start with a small lake.

Perhaps later, having the experience and skills of work, you will create a fairly voluminous version of the reservoir with your own hands in the country, a good experience in the preparation is shown in the video

We determine the size and shape of the future reservoir in the country

The depth of the reservoir, according to experts, should not be too large; for an artificial lake, a depth of up to two meters will be enough. The deepest part is usually done in 1/5 of the area of ​​the entire reservoir.

When planning a pond, consider the landscape of your summer cottage. Designers advise doing it on a flat surface area, and if the terrain of the country house is hilly, with slopes, in this case it is better to opt for a current stream or cascade.

It is necessary to choose which version of the pond will be the most profitable and interesting to fit into the landscape of your summer cottage. Landscape designers offer a lot of options ornamental ponds, you just need to delve into the intricacies and nuances of various projects and choose the best one, optimally suited specifically for your dacha.

Varieties of the shape of water bodies

A pond can be with clear geometric lines of the coast, especially if it is located on the territory near a mansion built in a strict aristocratic style, with alleys, paths, flower beds of regular geometric shapes. In this option, a pond or lake will organically fit into the overall interior of the site.

A small pond can be made round or oval, use moisture-loving plants to decorate it.

If you want to get closer to the natural landscape, the coastline is made in a winding or arbitrary shape, so that it resembles a natural reservoir in the country as much as possible.

In advance, it is necessary to think over the design style of the artificial lake, so that it is combined with the style of the rest of the dacha, complementing it.

Before starting work in the country, you must also consider how you plan to use your future artificial pond. If you want to get a place for swimming, then it will not be possible to breed fish in it. Decorative pond can not be used for swimming sanitary standards and hygiene requirements.

When choosing the size of a future reservoir, keep in mind that an artificial pond is the same biosystem as a natural pond or lake, with the optimal ratio of animal and flora, with water purification system, self-regulation of microorganisms.

It is easier to monitor compliance with the ecological balance and maintain it in large artificial reservoirs; in small, as well as in small aquariums, it is much more difficult to maintain the necessary balance. But in making it with your own hands, both financially and in terms of labor costs, it is much easier to make a small pond.

The shape of the pit under the pond in the country

It is clear that in order to make an artificial reservoir in the country, first of all, you need to dig a foundation pit of appropriate shapes and sizes. The pit under the pond has its own characteristics. In shape, it resembles a deep plate with wide edges, as seen in the photo.

A shallow coastal zone should be made along the edges of the pit, then there is a ledge that prevents the overflow of water from the coastal zone to the bathing zone, and vice versa. A recess is made in the center to the required size.

To maintain ecological balance, the water in the pond must circulate, otherwise it will quickly become clogged, silted up and lose its decorative and attractiveness.

In a small pond in the country, to maintain cleanliness, a skimmer is installed to clean the surface layer of water from pollution, and a UV sterilizer. To do this, drainage pipes are installed at the bottom of the reservoir, through which water is pumped into the filter and back to the bathing area, as in the photo.

Materials for waterproofing the bottom of the reservoir

There can be several options for making a waterproof bottom of a reservoir:

  1. Using the finished plastic mold. Such a choice of the bottom greatly simplifies the procedure for manufacturing a reservoir for a summer residence, but it limits the choice of sizes, the shape of the banks and the volume of the water space, the shape and dimensions of the selected container. Typically, such a container has a small volume up to 4 m 3;
  2. The bottom of the reservoir in the country can be made of concrete, but this will be a rather laborious procedure, in addition, additional frost protection will be required to avoid cracking the concrete base. In addition, if it becomes necessary to remake or dismantle the pond in the country, this will be quite problematic;
  3. One of the most budget options for giving there will be a bottom of a reservoir of clay, but the process is quite labor-intensive. It will be necessary to apply two layers of clay dough to the bottom of the reservoir bowl, and then also strengthen the bottom with fine gravel, pressing it into the clay layer;
  4. The most optimal and most used method is the use of a special film laid on the bottom of the pit.

Important! If the width of the film roll does not allow covering the entire bottom of the pit with one single piece, it is necessary to weld the seams so that water cannot seep out of the reservoir.

When choosing a film, keep in mind that cheaper options have a much shorter service life, break down faster under the influence of frost and sunlight, video

Excavation work

Digging a pit with your own hands under a reservoir of 20-30m 2 or more is not an easy task. Perhaps it will be easier to attract equipment in the form of a small excavator. With a small amount of earthwork, you may manage on your own or by hiring several workers armed with shovels, video

The main thing is to correctly designate the dimensions and shape of the required pit.

We mark the boundaries of the future reservoir with a rope or hose, you can sprinkle the contours with sand so that they can be easily distinguished. Then, along the contour of the coastline, we dig a trench approximately to the depth of the bayonet, so we get the first level of depth - the line of the swamp zone, up to 40 cm deep and 30-50 cm wide. Then inside we dig the next level with a gradual deepening towards the center of the pit, so that as a result got a bowl, as in the photo.

The second level is made to a depth of 1 meter, the deepest third level is in the center of the pit.

Important! In the process of digging a pit, check the level of the banks, they must be the same height.

Along the perimeter of the dug pit, they dig another ditch, up to 30 cm deep, so that the edges of the film can be laid and fixed in it.

Film laying

Before laying the film, the bottom of the pit must be leveled, compacted, stones, tree roots, and debris removed. Then a layer of sand is poured, 15-20 cm, carefully leveled and compacted. After that, a layer of roofing material or geotextile is laid, old linoleum can be used, and then the bottom is lined with a film.

The edges of the film are fixed with bricks or stones, and after that the reservoir is filled with water. Water is poured in several portions, if there are air bubbles under the film, they need to be removed in the process of filling the reservoir with water, consider the experience of others on the video After that, the ends of the film are laid in a prepared ditch, fixed with gravel or large stones.

Do-it-yourself arrangement of a reservoir in the country house step by step

When you fill the pond in the country with water, measure how much water is required. This will be the capacity of your pond. According to these data, it will be possible to select required power pump, filters and other equipment for water treatment in a pond in the country. Usually it can be purchased as a kit and installed with your own hands in accordance with the instructions.

Then you need to strengthen the edge so that the earth does not crumble into the reservoir, and arrange the coastline in accordance with your project.

A large stone can be laid out at the bottom, it must be round in shape so as not to damage the film and not injure the swimmers. You can also decorate the banks of the pond in the country with stones, it is better if large boulders alternate with smaller stones. In addition to stones, driftwood can be used in the design of a reservoir in the country, wooden structures, animal figurines and other options.

Moisture-loving plants with large leaves, such as bergenia, as well as ferns, lilies of the valley, and coniferous shrubs, are also suitable for decorating the banks of a reservoir in a country house. In shallow water, you can plant plants such as calamus, reeds, cattail, or water lily, as in the video

Water lilies and lotus are located in the center of the pond for summer cottages. interesting design solution will create a floating in the center of the reservoir flower arrangement as in the photo.

Usually, plants in special containers or pots are used to decorate decorative reservoirs; it is convenient to remove them while cleaning the bottom and replacing water.


The creation of a reservoir in the country is within the power of everyone, the main thing is to carefully consider the recommendations of specialists. Of course, you will have to spend time and money, but as a result you will get a wonderful place to relax and enjoy spending time in your country house.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to choose the right place for artificial pond in the country
  • What size should an artificial pond be?
  • How to make an artificial pond on the site yourself
  • How to decorate an artificial pond in the country

Many owners of cottages or houses outside the city would like to equip an artificial pond on their site - after all, it will look much more attractive this way! Until relatively recently, it was quite difficult to realize such a dream, including financially. But today, an artificial pond in the country has ceased to be something unusual: many can afford it.

As a rule, most of the summer cottages are limited to 6 acres. In such conditions, the owners do not have much opportunity to place a large pond on the territory. But in general, if you act correctly, it is quite possible to build an artificial reservoir on your own.

Do not rush to start building on a grand scale, first decide for what purpose it is being started.

Depending on what function an artificial reservoir will have to perform, it can be:

    Small pond. Such an artificial pond will become an element of the landscape composition, its purpose is to decorate the site as a whole, to please others beautiful view. Of course, active recreation near such a pond will not work.

    Decorative pond. This is already a deeper reservoir, which is equipped with a decor in the form of a bridge, a fountain, and lighting. Most often, it is located next to the house or gazebo, benches, sun loungers and various types of awnings are installed nearby. Near such an artificial reservoir, the owners of the dacha often arrange pleasant gatherings with their families or friends.

    An artificial pond where fish are bred. Not only fishermen dream of owning an artificial lake with fish swimming in it. Contemplation of bright fish will be a pleasant experience for every member of the family while relaxing in the bosom of nature.

    Pools. In addition to the fact that such a reservoir will decorate the territory of the dacha, it will also provide its owners and their guests with the opportunity to freshen up and, if the size of the pool allows, even swim.

Having decided on the function of the reservoir and indicating the limit of financial opportunities, you can begin to choose the location of the pond and its shape.

The garden pond can be presented in two versions with many modifications:

  • Formal (regular) body of water.

It is a structure with a clearly defined shape.

When arranging a site in a classic style, as well as modern, minimalist and hi-tech styles, a geometrically correct shape of a reservoir will be a good choice.

The formal type of the pond, in addition to rectangular, includes structures in the form of a circle or square, as well as broken (symmetrical or asymmetric) shapes.

This option is in great demand among consumers due to the naturalness of the outlines. The wrong coastline creates the illusion of a natural reservoir, and the imagination of the creators in this case is not limited by any framework.

Tip: the owners determine the outlines of an artificial pond for a summer residence, but the more complex the coastline, the harder it will be to subsequently lay the film.

When choosing a style of reservoir, it is important to pay attention to the terrain. In the presence of flat surface it will be possible to equip an artificial pond of any configuration. If there are irregularities and drops, it is better to give preference to a pond with a waterfall or a cascade of ponds - they look the most organic in such conditions. A bridge or an artificial slide will also fit well into the composition.

The pond can be raised above ground level and on their own. Technologically, the work will differ only in the arrangement of the foundation, which will make it possible to exclude the distortion of the concrete bowl of the artificial lake.

The high pond minimizes excavation, is easier to maintain, and is suitable for families with small children (the edge is equipped with a fence with railings). Such a pond can be arranged near a covered terrace, then it will not only decorate the landscape of the cottage, but also become a place of rest.

Tip: if it is planned to make an artificial reservoir with a fountain on the site, it is better to give preference to a high pond.

The reservoir should be placed in a place where it will be visible from any point on the site. To do good choice certain factors must be taken into account.

  • Land area. This criterion determines the size of the reservoir and its shape.
  • Illumination. An artificial reservoir is better to equip in a shaded place. It is important that the exposure of direct sunlight to this area does not exceed 5-6 hours a day, otherwise the water will simply evaporate. In addition, the presence of constant sunlight will activate the biological activity in the reservoir and lead it to an inappropriate appearance. Therefore, having decided on the location, it is necessary to monitor the solar regime that operates on this territory for several days.
  • Relief. This criterion dictates the form of an artificial reservoir and additional decorative elements (for example, the presence of a certain type of relief will greatly simplify the installation of fountains, etc.).
  • Groundwater level, soil composition. Such factors determine the depth of the future reservoir, also allow us to assess the complexity of the upcoming work and lay additional costs for their implementation in the proper amount.
  • Possibility of expansion. Do not forget that in the future the reservoir can be expanded, so on the one hand it is better to leave free space.
  • Visibility. Need to arrange artificial lake in such a place that it can be seen from the house and places of rest.
  • Power supply. If there is a desire to additionally equip a fountain or make a backlight, you need to think over electrification in advance. It is better to lay wires underground already at the project development stage, while ensuring their protection with a reliable corrugation. At the junctions, there must be small hatches for access.
  • Reflection. A body of water will have a much more attractive appearance if the sky or beautiful buildings (but not outbuildings!) are reflected on its surface.
  • Landscaping. It is better to avoid the temptation to plant any trees or shrubs near the artificial lake. Of course, it looks beautiful, but the falling leaves will pollute the water and form silt. In addition, tree root systems can damage the waterproofing layer.
  • Compatibility with the overall design and other objects.

It is better to start work in the spring - then there will be enough time for the reservoir to "take root" on the site.

The optimal size of an artificial pond in the country

Are there any 100% optimal dimensions artificial reservoir and its shape? No. The same form may look different in different areas. First of all, when choosing the right option, you should start from technical requirements. For example, the size of the minimum reservoir should be at least 3 x 2 m, because only with such parameters can a biodynamic balance be established when the water can purify itself. If the size of the site allows you to equip such a pond, then you need to pay attention to other parameters:

  • Dimensions. Depends on the location of the reservoir. It is believed that the pond should occupy no more than 3-10% of the area of ​​​​the entire territory of the dacha. There are no clear restrictions, everything is determined by the preferences of the customer.
  • Lenght and width. These parameters depend on the size of the site, the functions of the reservoir, and the capabilities of the owners, who can dig a small pit on their own, and hire special equipment for a large one.
  • Depth. The larger the pond, the deeper it can be done. If the depth of a small pond is several tens of centimeters, then the depth of the swimming pool is several meters.
  • Zoning. This parameter is important for large reservoirs. Landscape designers are recommended to divide the reservoir into three zones. The coastal zone is characterized by a depth of 10–40 cm; ornamental plants can be planted here. The shallow zone is from 40 cm to 1 meter, in this part a winter-hardy water lily or nymphaeum is already planted. If it is planned to use a pond in the country for swimming, then this zone will make it possible to enter the water, children can swim in this part. The third, deep-water, zone is more than 1 meter deep. Adults bathe here, you can also breed fish.
  • biodynamic balance. If the pond will live different kind living creatures, it is necessary to create such a balance so that the artificial lake can be cleaned independently. Purifying the water in a pond with fish or plants using bleach will not work, it is strictly prohibited.
  • Care. As a general rule, the larger the pond, the easier it will be to clean. It is imperative to think about ways to care for the structure and the fish and plants in it.

What is the best thing to do - build a reservoir or buy an artificial pond for a summer residence? There is no single answer. The choice is determined by the purpose for which it is planned to equip the reservoir, to what extent its future owner has time and money.

In its finished form, the design of the pond for giving is a form of plastic, which is dug into the ground or installed on a special frame. What are the pros and cons of such a purchase?

  1. prepare a pit;
  2. set the form according to the level and fix;
  3. fill with water;
  4. decorate.

This option is suitable when you need to make a small pond for a summer residence quickly, while it is required that its maintenance does not take much time. But the main disadvantage of such structures is their fragility.

Such forms are made, laying the necessary margin of safety, but the threat of damaging them still exists. It is possible to repair the cracks that have appeared, but for this the form will need to be dug up, moved to the workshop and back, which will require a lot of effort and financial expenses.

When building a reservoir for giving, its shape can be either a complex structure made of concrete or an ordinary hole dug in the ground and lined with pebbles or a special butyl rubber film for waterproofing.

The advantages of such an artificial pond:

This option for building an artificial pond in the country has its drawbacks. The main one is time: it will take much more than to dig a finished plastic mold into the ground.

To carry out such work, experience and tools are needed. Will have to purchase necessary materials and pay for the work of craftsmen, which will ultimately lead to high costs for arranging an artificial reservoir for a summer residence.

The amount of equipment required is determined by how complex in shape and filling the artificial reservoir is planned to be created in the country. To build a simple option you will need:

  • Shovel.
  • Trolley for the earth.
  • Building level.
  • Cord for marking.
  • Pegs.
  • Hose for water supply.
  • Pond waterproofing film or any other base.

To build a more complex artificial pond for a summer residence, additional equipment is needed:

  • Filter for water purification. Needed if you want to create a reservoir for breeding fish.
  • Water pump. A similar device is used to pump and pump out water, ensure the operation of filters, fountains and waterfalls.
  • Sterilizer. Serves as a guarantee clean water in an artificial pond.
  • Aerator (compressor). Enriches water for an artificial reservoir in the country with oxygen. We need a model specifically for the pond, analogues for aquariums are not powerful enough. In addition, an excavator may be required to dig a reservoir.

An artificial pond in the country should be built following clear instructions. In this case, it will be possible to properly dig the boiler and line it with waterproofing. The step-by-step construction of a pond using PVC film looks like this:

  1. Work begins with a plan. It is necessary to select the desired scale and draw all the details of the project, including the depth of each zone. At this stage, it is recommended to think over the decoration of the reservoir (especially if it is planned to build an artificial lake with a waterfall at the dacha). A detailed plan will help you avoid many mistakes. In search of ideas, you can turn to the Internet - there are many photos of artificial ponds in the country.
  2. The next step is marking the future pit. It is done by means of a rope stretched over pegs, a rubber hose or even sand (they draw a contour). It is important to ensure that the banks are at the same height. Digging a pit should be in accordance with the plan, periodically checking the level of the banks.
  3. Next comes the excavation phase. It is necessary to dig a hole, the depth of which will correspond to the depth of the coastal zone. Then make a markup, fix the line of penetration. Next, the second tier is set up and a line is made for digging an artificial pond in its deepest part. It is better to work in tandem with someone, and to build a large pond in the country, hire an excavator.
  4. At a dug hole, you need to measure the dimensions and depth with a cord. To the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200badd 50 cm on each side of the pit - this will make it known how much PVC film will need to be bought.
  5. The pit is tightly covered with foil. Geotextiles are recommended to be laid under the bottom, so that over time root system trees did not damage the waterproofing. Also, the structure can be strengthened with roofing material or linoleum. It is also possible to strengthen the coast and the bottom with the help of sand compacted tightly. It is better to carry out work in sunny weather - the heated film will thoroughly lie on all the bends of the pit.
  6. The edges of the film web are tucked into a pre-prepared trench along the perimeter of the pond, which is then covered with rubble or other stone. So you can securely fix the film.
  7. So that the earth does not subsequently crumble, the edge of the artificial pond for giving should be strengthened. This is done using stone blocks or plastic pipes nailed to pegs. It is recommended to lay out the edge natural stones, complementing the overall picture with large boulders.
  8. Plants for decorating a pond in the country are placed in special baskets and installed in the right places, focusing on the plan. The bottom is laid out with small stone or gravel.
  9. On the this stage the pit is filled with water. The best way to do this is to make a hose, since it is inconvenient to carry water in buckets. Stagnant water can cause certain problems, including bad smell. So that the water mass in the artificial pond in the country does not stagnate, you need to make the pond a stream. To do this, the source is raised just above the level of the pond, and water is supplied to it by a pump from the bowl itself. Such a device will deprive the owners of the pond of unnecessary trouble.
  10. Finally, a submersible pump is attached to the source of the stream, a filter is installed. It is better to use a pressure filter - it is more effective for water purification.

One of the most popular materials for arranging an artificial pond is PVC film. This is due to its low cost and good performance properties. In addition, for self construction a pond for giving with the use of PVC film does not need special skills and knowledge.

For artificial reservoirs in the country, films with a thickness of 0.5 mm or more are used, and for a really deep pit it is better to use the thickest film.

The advantages of this material are the variety of colors that allow you to achieve different optical effects. So, a black film coating will make the bottom of an artificial reservoir for giving a mirror - it will effectively reflect the nearby trees and buildings. A brown film will imitate a soil bottom, a light blue or cream one will make the pond as transparent as possible, which will make it possible to see everything that happens in it.

The film is cut with a margin - so that after lining the bottom and walls of the reservoir, about a meter of canvas remains. The cut pieces are connected with special glue or adhesive tape.

As an element of the design of an artificial pond in the country, you can install a decorative fountain in the pond. It can be built on your own or purchased ready-made. Often the pond is equipped with bridges, decorated with garden figurines along the banks. Flowers and plants planted in an artificial reservoir in the country require special care. There are deep and shallow water plants.

The first are pre-planted at the bottom in the baskets intended for this. Such plants should occupy no more than 30% total area reservoir, otherwise the artificial lake in the country will turn into a swamp. In addition, an excess of plants can lead to the death of other inhabitants of the reservoir, in particular, fish. On the coast, flowers also need to be planted carefully, remembering that over time they tend to grow.

First, nymphs are planted in the pond in the country, then the bottom is covered decorative stone away from the deepest zone. Susak, calamus, marsh calla, sedge and chastukha are planted on the terrace. On the water surface, you can place a hyacinth, rogulnik, pistia or a swamp.

The coast line is decorated various types iris, reeds, aruncus, miscanthus, buzulnik. The composition can be diluted with perennials: hostas, primroses, buttercups, astilbes or bathing suits.

An artificial pond in the country can be populated with different fauna, for example, ducks and even swans, it all depends on the capabilities of the owners. As a rule, fish live most often in reservoirs in the country. Their choice must be approached very responsibly and carefully. Most often among the inhabitants: crucian carp, goldfish, carp. It must be taken into account that one fish up to 15 cm in size requires about 50 liters of water space.

Great idea for landscape design the dacha will become a fabulous garden. Paths can be laid out with colored tiles. In this version, an artificial reservoir is designed as a magical place: plants with leaves of a non-standard shape are planted, colorful fish are launched into the reservoir, boulders along the banks of the pond are painted with bright colors. You can also actively use decorative lighting or lanterns to achieve a spectacular result.

If an artificial pond in the country is intended for swimming, then the perimeter zone can be arranged in the form of a sunny beach. A certain space is separated from the rest of the area with a fence, sand can be laid out inside the fence, sun loungers, a table and umbrellas can be placed.

Where to buy an artificial pond for a summer residence

The Sportstyle company was founded in 1992 and has been successfully presenting its products and services in the markets of Russia and neighboring countries for more than 25 years.

One of the main activities of the company is the production of frame and tent structures, sports equipment, goods for recreation. Our products are very popular and in demand, among them:

Pools. Resistant to household chemicals, fastened with sealed seams with a special film safe for health.

Waterproofing. Industrial waterproofing, as well as for roofing and foundations.

Shelter tents. Protective awnings, covering canopies of any size made of PVC fabric or tarpaulin, complete with mounting hardware. Covering awnings for pools protect water from pollution.

Pond bowls. Let's make bowls for ponds of any form and the size.

Curtains for gazebos, verandas. Protective curtains with the ability to open in good weather and close in bad weather.

Almost every garden has a pond. And he definitely gets into the frame: the owners love their pond (or even the smallest pond), are proud of it and consider it perhaps their main garden achievement. And this is understandable. But the strict eye of a professional often notes the unfortunate blunders in the creation of reservoirs, which are repeated in many gardens with offensive constancy.

We asked landscape designer Valeria Ilyina to analyze some typical mistakes lovers and talk about what you need to know to do it yourself in the garden decorative pond, stream or waterfall.

Are you building a reservoir? Make no mistake!

Perhaps it makes no sense to convince someone that a pond in the garden is good. Water like a magnet attracts everyone's attention and even in photographs it always looks mysterious and alluring. Is it any wonder that today the reservoir has become an indispensable attribute of the "gentleman's set" of any design project for the development of a new land plot or renovation of an old one.

Unfortunately, as a result of a formal approach to business, one garden becomes similar to another. Gardens are churned out by professional designers like cakes are baked, and they actually turn out to be cloned. To be honest, the gardens of amateurs are closer to me, which, although they sin with some dilettantism, still attract more with their ingenuous sincerity. All actions of an amateur come from the heart, and therefore the path is often tortuous, but in the end the truth is found, and not least thanks to intuition.

To make the path to beauty shorter, let's try together to analyze the characteristic mistakes that miraculously repeat in many reservoirs, and analyze their nature. And after that, we will gradually analyze all the subtleties and secrets of a quick, easy and economical creation of a reservoir that is ideal for your garden. So, the most typical misses.

Wrong size

This is the most common mistake: the pond does not match the size of the garden and its surrounding plants. A small puddle located somewhere near the fence or at the entrance to the garden and squeezed from all sides by lush and beautiful garden plants no matter how hard you try, it will always look ugly.

Wrong place

In no case do not place a reservoir against the backdrop of unsightly buildings, a sloppy garden, a pile of garbage, a rickety fence, and who knows what else.

old fence- not the best background for a pond

Water always attracts the eye, so placing your pond in an unsightly place, you thereby focus on the shortcomings of the garden.

Mistakes in the selection of material

Purchasing garden supplies follow the law of similarity. If the house is made of brick or stone, then their color, texture, shape and size must be repeated in the material of the fence, paving, finishing of other buildings. The same applies to wooden house or a house sheathed with siding.

Often you can see a picture when individual corners of the garden are very good: beautiful plants are logically grouped, the reservoir is carefully and with fantasy decorated - and the overall impression of the garden is negative. You start to analyze, and it turns out: the brutal appearance of the house is made of red brick with white architraves plastic windows, a powerful fence is assembled from ready-made concrete blocks painted with bright pink paint with white scallops on top, a carved arbor is gilded with turned beams, an asphalt tape of the path leads to it, over which the yokes of openwork white arches for roses are thrown, the presence here and there of colored plastic , various-sized borders, flowerpots, and to top it off - like a gold medal for bad taste - a plastic water lily on a living leaf of a nymph. As they say, comments are superfluous.

while arranging the garden, introducing new elements into it, try to predict the final result, predict how the garden as a whole will look like. The body of water should always match the garden, buildings and surrounding plants in size and style, and be positioned in the most advantageous position depending on the image you choose.

Defeat in the fight against the plastic mold

Common misconception: the finished plastic mold is best choice if you decide to create a reservoir, as they say, with small means. Yes, indeed, manufacturers offer a wide range of such "baths", and it seems that you can choose a shape for every taste. But everything is not so simple. Even the largest of them (and they are very expensive) will not be big enough in the garden, and the small ones just look like a misunderstanding. At the same time, all of them, although obviously small in size, have an overly intricate shape that will never turn out to be natural in place.

The edges of such forms have a rounded profile, on which it is impossible to fix neither soil for coastal plants, nor stone, much less gravel. Some of the more expensive forms have quartz sprinkling glued with a wide tape along the upper edge, but most often it is so strikingly different from our local materials that it still cannot be decorated.

Plastic molds are made by stamping, and cheap products often have an annoying defect - the edges are skewed along the periphery, due to which, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to dig such a shape neatly and evenly in principle. Needless to say, a piece of black plastic sticking out above the water will nullify all your efforts. For clarity, such a reservoir can be compared with a luxurious suit, in which a carelessly sewn lining is bristling in the most visible place. The sight of such a suit is at least regrettable.

Protruding black plastic of the finished form sticking out above the water- poor decoration of the reservoir

It is not superfluous to add that it is not easy and expensive to transport a finished form, especially a large one, and as a result, the final cost of the structure increases significantly. I once had a chance to work with a plastic mold of small size and at the same time intricate design. She was hopelessly skewed. I spent a lot of time, effort and nerves to somehow neutralize this innate flaw, but, unfortunately, there are things that cannot be fixed.

However, rigid forms have a future. In Europe, plastic molds of regular geometric shapes have been produced for several years now: round, rectangular, trapezoidal. They have a wide, flat, horizontal edge, making them easy to mount under all sorts of flooring. It is advisable to use them for raised formal reservoirs, which are effectively decorated with stone, wood, plastic, metal; they can be located at different levels and combined with fountains and waterfalls.

Unfortunately, our trade so far offers only round shapes, but we must not forget: if there is a demand, there will also be a supply. The breadth of the horizons of consumers shapes the market.

before choosing one or another method of waterproofing, you need to fully familiarize yourself with the positive and negative sides of each and carry out comparative analysis. The lack of information about the qualities of waterproofing materials in the presence of a large supply on the market leads to the wrong decision.

Pump for waterfalls and filtration AMP 10000 Jebao capacity 10000 liters per hour 8 300 rub

Fountain nozzle Pondtech HQ-ST25 1 730 RUB

UV filter PU 36 Jebao JUVC 6 500 rub

Fountain pump Multi 4000 SICCE capacity 3800 liters per hour 4 990 rub

Trying to repurpose an old bath

Speaking of ready-made forms, it should be mentioned that amateurs often try to recycle enameled cast iron bathtubs. Once upon a time, in times of chronic scarcity and absence available materials, this simple way to create a garden pond was welcomed by many. However, few people managed to decorate a white bath so that the enamelled pond looked more or less attractive.

More often, such a structure looks miserable: greenish white walls, mounds of garbage at the bottom (after all, you can see everything against a light background!), round cobblestones are artlessly laid out along the edge, and a collectible beauty hosta is planted nearby. An unattractive spectacle…

But there are ways to embellish such a reservoir, you just need to move your imagination. The easiest way is to paint the bath with any dark or black paint. Visually, the container will look deeper, the reflectivity of the water will increase, and the edges will almost merge with the ground. In the presence of all kinds of plasticizers and modern mixtures (for example, Eunice-plus cement glue), the inside of the bath can be coated with a layer of 1–3 cm, give it texture, tint by adding mineral powder or liquid colored pigments or finely crushed brown peat to the solution. If desired, if such an image fits into the overall picture, a mosaic of colored pebbles or glass, pieces of a mirror, or simply glued pieces of crushed stone of different sizes can be laid on top of the cement.

If you have a whole arsenal of used household bathtubs, you can dig them close to each other in a chain or square-nested way, depending on the quantity, finish the inner surfaces as mentioned above, and mount a decorative flanging made of tiles, clinker, wood over the joined edges etc. You will get a channel or a pool with separate cells, each of which can be decorated in a special way: somewhere there are plants, somewhere a spring or a small fountain, somewhere there are fish or lights - an unplowed field for fantasy.

Such a structure can be made partially raised over the entire area, or you can place the cells at different levels, and even arrange the flow of water from one block to another. So an old primitive idea can be applied in a completely new way and achieve a wonderful result.

old, used containers can be successfully used to create reservoirs, you just need to be creative and never leave the wrong side in sight.

stone beads

The most common mistake in decorating a garden pond is a rounded cobblestone laid out around the edge like beads. More often such beads lie in one row, but some manage to lay two rows on top of each other.

Such a way of laying a stone will never look natural, not to mention the fact that it is absolutely impossible to decorate a film or a board of a rigid structure. So the multi-colored “monists” lie on the monstrous black shores, and no matter what beauty you arrange around, such an aqua garden will serve as a mute reproach to the owner.

When relaxing on the banks of rivers and lakes, try to pay attention to how nature "lays out" the stones, and what you like and remember the most. Usually, small fractions serve as a background, while larger ones are textured by contrasting groups.

The stone for decorating the reservoir must be carefully selected. Photo by Valeria Ilyina

Output: stone for decorating a reservoir must be carefully selected. It is desirable to use a stone of a homogeneous breed and color scheme but varied in size. This does not mean that the pellets are completely unsuitable, just that they “play”, you need to work with them even more carefully.

Toys around the pond

Another typical drawback that can spoil the most beautiful, carefully thought-out design: the simultaneous presence of a large number of decorative figures and various garden accessories in a small area.

An abundance of accessories and decor elementsa sure way to ruin any body of water

Nobody argues, some bright gnomes and funny lafs can really decorate some corners of the garden, bring a smile. But if plastic frogs, papier-mâché ducks and clay mermaids are already enough, and you were also presented with an “overturned” jug with Maya painting for a fountain, white bent furniture in the rococo style and black lanterns a la Montmartre, it is inevitable there will be overkill. Any of these items can be quite attractive on their own, but put together within line of sight, they will most likely do you a disservice by turning the garden into a haberdashery.

Do not abuse accessories and decor. Photo by Valeria Ilyina

The thoughtless use of decorations will break the garden harmony. Try to look at the garden as if from the outside, and if you tend to get carried away with "decoration", at least spread the decorative "gadgets" in space and time.

Next time we will finish the analysis of the most common mistakes, which gardeners allow when creating ponds and think about what kind of body of water - a pond, stream or fountain - will suit your garden. Read the article. landscape design,

We tell you how to make a pond in the country with your own hands, what materials can be used for this. We consider the basic rules for decorating and arranging that will help make an artificial pond an excellent addition to existing landscape design.


Varieties of artificial reservoirs

Before you make a pond in the country, you should decide on the type of future reservoir. Depending on the functional purpose 4 types can be distinguished:

  • small pond- serves as a decoration of the garden, a small part of the overall landscape composition. Leisure near such a reservoir is not expected.
  • Fish pond. Own reservoirs with bright fish are actively replacing small aquariums from the market. It can be reservoirs of absolutely any shape, the main thing is that the size is comfortable for the inhabitants. In such a pond you can run decorative types fish or fish suitable for fishing and subsequent consumption. Regardless of who will be bred in the pond, it is important to take care of the water filtration system and enrich it with oxygen.
  • decorative pond- a deep reservoir, additional equipment with curbs, a bridge, special lighting.
  • Swimming pond. Pools can also be attributed to varieties of artificial reservoirs. In addition to aesthetic functions, they allow you to cool off or swim, depending on the size.


The functions of the pond in the future will determine the choice of location, shape, parameters. An important nuance for everyone who is interested in how to make a pond on the site is the choice of the style of such a reservoir. There are two main styles that have many modifications:

  • Formal or regular. It provides for the construction of a rigidly defined shape (round, rectangular, square, oval, broken). Suitable for landscape design, made in classical style, hi-tech, modern, minimalism.
  • Landscape. Features irregular coastline, more natural appearance, does not limit the flight of design imagination.
The choice of style largely determines the terrain in your country house. If the surface is flat, this allows you to create a pond of any configuration. Differences and irregularities leave no other choice than to make an artificial pond with a waterfall, cascade or bridge.

Choosing a place for a reservoir and a form

If you have already wondered how to make a pond in the country with your own hands, then pay more attention to its future location. You should not make a reservoir for the sake of a reservoir, when you can create a real highlight in the overall landscape design.


When choosing a place for the location of the pond, it is worth considering several nuances:

  1. Plan the pond in an open area, away from large trees. Fallen leaves will constantly clog the water.
  2. Avoid the sunny side. The sun will constantly heat the water, dry up the pond, promote the development of bacteria. It is not recommended that the time of exposure to direct sunlight exceed 5-6 hours.
  3. Provide for the possibility of expanding the reservoir if necessary in the future. If the size of the plot allows, then the owner will eventually want a bridge, a fountain and other decorative elements.

When determining the location, consider:

  • plot size;
  • relief;
  • soil composition;
  • groundwater level;
  • power supply;
  • visibility from the house or gazebo.


The pond should be combined with other elements of the landscape composition, buildings and the general style of arranging the dacha. Having studied all the above parameters, you can determine how to dig a pond, what shape and size to give preference to.

Base selection

The market offers many ways to make a pond in the country with your own hands. To do this, manufacturers offer various materials, although many suggest using improvised devices as a basis.

Each of the methods has its own advantages. Everyone decides for himself what to choose, based on the idea of ​​​​design, financial capabilities, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage.


Tools you will need, regardless of the type of base:

  • shovel;
  • irrigation hose;
  • cord (for marking);
  • stakes;
  • a wheelbarrow for the export of land;
  • cleaning filter and compressor (for fish pond);
  • pump (for pouring water or during the construction of fountains, the operation of cleaning filters);
  • sterilizer (needed to purify water).

concrete base

A concrete bowl is one of the most expensive options, but guarantees a long service life of the reservoir. Most often, such a base is used for the construction of swimming pools in a summer cottage, or for the creation of artificial reservoirs in the northern regions due to its resistance to temperature extremes.


Concrete allows you to create compositions of any shape and size. The main features of using such a framework:

  • it is better to choose a sunny area remote from communications and trees;
  • before you make a pond with your own hands, you need to dig a pit and make waterproofing;
  • the concrete structure is reinforced with reinforcement;
  • can be used to level the bottom surface cement mortar.

Concrete bowls are decorated with tiles, artificial stone, figurines of birds, animals.

Arrangement of a pond using a ready-made form

To simplify the work, ready-made forms made of PVC or fiberglass are used. They are easy to install, durable (up to 30 years of operation). Among the disadvantages is the difficulty of transporting large-sized molds. The best choice is a fiberglass mold with a rubber base.


How to make a pond in the country with your own hands step by step:

  • After choosing a place and the finished form, you need to dig a foundation pit. To do this, the form is placed on the ground, the contour of its borders is marked. The pit should be 8-10 cm larger than the shape parameters.
  • Installing the container in the prepared pit. Use the measuring rod to determine if it is level.
  • Filling the mold with water.
  • Fill the voids formed around with sand and tamp.

Before digging a pit with your own hands, you need to think over a sketch on paper, and then transfer it to the ground. Marking is more convenient to do with sand or a garden hose.

For decoration along the edges of the form, you can lay out stones or plant plants. This should be done after the container has completely shrunk. Often such a pond is additionally decorated with a fountain.

Arrangement of a reservoir using a film

One more modern material, which is often used to create an artificial reservoir of any shape and size, is a film. You can use different types of it - PVC, polymer, butyl rubber. The choice depends on the operating conditions: the service life of the polymer film - up to 10 years, butyl rubber - more than 50 years, even in conditions of constant frost or rocky surface of the site.


How to make such a small pond in the country with your own hands step by step:

  • Digging a pit of the required shape. Depending on the size, this can be done with an excavator or with your own hands. It is important that the bank slope level is 45 ° C, and the minimum depth is 60-80 cm. If the parameters are less, this threatens the freezing of the reservoir in winter, excessive heating in summer, and the death of the flora and fauna of the mini-pond.
  • To further secure the film along the perimeter of the pit, a ditch 15 cm deep is torn off.
  • Leveling the bottom of the pit, cleaning it from branches, stones, roots that can damage the film. Additionally, it is recommended to sprinkle the surface with washed sand and cover with a geotextile.
  • Covering the prepared pit with a film. The sheet must be laid freely, fixed along the edges with a brick.
  • Fill with water and leave for a day so that the material takes the desired shape. Water must be supplied to the center of the pit without pressure.
  • Cut off the excess film, leaving 20-25 cm under the blind area.

The calculation of the required film web is done as follows: add 2 depths and 1 meter of margin to the length and width of the pond. The edges of the film should extend 20-25 cm beyond the edge of the pond. When choosing a film, consider its thickness, composition, resistance to UV radiation, mechanical damage.


On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

When choosing a PVC film, you need to understand the features of using different colors:

  • a black film covers the bottom, which makes it possible to observe the reflection of the sky on the surface of the reservoir;
  • brown film makes the reservoir more realistic;
  • blue or cream - ideal for a pond with fish and other inhabitants.

To make the bottom suitable for planting plants or for the purpose of additional protection against mechanical damage, the film is covered with pebbles or stones. This approach requires further constant cleaning of the pond due to rotting organic particles, so many people prefer to leave the film open.

You can decorate the coastline with tiles, stones, bricks. The main thing is that the material is laid on the cement mortar, and the width of the blind area is at least 60 cm.

Video description

How to make a pond with film in the video:

Pond from improvised materials

It is not always necessary to buy a ready-made form, a film or make a concrete base. There are several options for those who do not wish to purchase special construction and Decoration Materials digging a huge ditch.


As a base for an artificial pond, you can use:

  • Old bathroom. The main feature in the preparation of the pit is to provide a recess at the location of the drain, fill it with pebbles. This will allow, if necessary, to drain water into the ground. You might as well not dig a hole at all. It is recommended to cover the bottom of the bathroom with varnish or waterproof paint.
  • Taz. Does not require a large pit. It can be used as a base for a temporary artificial reservoir, or as a permanent decoration of the site.
  • Tire- allows you to equip a small decorative element of landscape design. The tire is cut in half, placed in a prepared hole, covered with a polymer film.
  • Pots, boxes, buckets, tin barrels and to create mini-ponds on the site. Insulation is also made with a polymer film. The option is suitable for growing aquatic plants.


Even with a complete lack of budget, you can create a pond that will become a real decoration of your summer cottage.

Water Filtration and Care

To turn a pond into a complete compositional element, you need to take care of its decoration. If this is a pond with fish, you can not do without a filtration system.

For an artificial reservoir, made by hand in the country, you can use the simplest filtration system. This will require a small pumping station with sand filter. The system needs two pipes: one will discharge dirty water, the other will again supply purified water to the reservoir. If additional purification is needed, a small stream of sand can be made through which the filtered water will pass.

Proper water purification in artificial reservoirs Source

Ready-made filtration kits can be purchased at stores. Detailed Instructions allow installation without the involvement of specialists.

As for care, for a small pond, a complete cleaning once a year is enough. Features of seasonal care:

  • spring with submersible pump they pump out all the water from the reservoir, clean the bottom of dirt manually or with a special vacuum cleaner with a filter for dirt. In April, fountains and waterfalls are launched;
  • in summer, it is enough to remove weeds around the pond, purify the water from filamentous algae, add it in case of drying;
  • in autumn, fallen leaves are collected with a net or ordinary rake (you can cover the pond with a special net that will protect water from pollution during a period of heavy leaf fall);
  • so that the water does not bloom, a vessel with charcoal located at the bottom of the pond.

How to clean the pond from duckweed and get rid of silt, mud, algae Source

The listed actions do not require a lot of effort, time and money, since the care is gradual.

Video description

How to make a pond filter with your own hands, see the video:

After finishing all the work on the arrangement, you can proceed to the stage of decoration. The decor can be stones, interesting figurines, figurines, small trees.

Depending on the size of the pond and the entire summer cottage, the reservoir can be supplemented:

  • run fish;
  • plant aquatic plants;
  • make a bridge, a small island in the middle of a pond, a fountain, a waterfall;
  • equip night lighting;
  • put a bench, gazebo, deck chairs, barbecue;
  • lay out the paths with gravel, stone;
  • install a beautiful fence.


Additional elements will allow you to turn an ordinary artificial pond into a full-fledged recreation area in your own garden. When choosing them, you should be guided by several rules:

  1. It is better to choose stones of different sizes to make the composition more interesting. For safety reasons, do not use sharp stones.
  2. You should not dig a deep pit with sheer walls, since it is very difficult to decorate it.
  3. Container gardening is much more convenient.


The fantasy in decorating is limitless, it all depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the summer cottage, the available budget, and the general style of landscape design.


Particular attention should be paid to planting aquatic plants. First you need to choose them correctly, since the further biological balance, self-regulating processes depend on this:

  • for the first deep level, a tail, arrowhead is suitable;
  • among floating plants, you can choose lilies, water hyacinths, water lilies. They will not only decorate the pond, but will also protect the water from the scorching sun;
  • ferns, sedges, reeds, reeds are suitable for decorating the space around the pond;
  • among flowering plants most suitable are plakun-grass, bergenia, lungwort, water iris, kupena and others.


You can start planting plants immediately after starting the filtration system. It is much easier to take care of them in the future if you use special containers for planting, which are placed at the bottom of the pit.

Winter care for an artificial reservoir should be started long before the onset of frost. A special protective mesh will help protect water from excessive amounts of fallen leaves, dirt, and swamp gas accumulation. Remove nets after the first frost.

Key points of preparing an artificial pond for winter:

  1. The reservoir should winter without equipment, filters, pumps, nozzles, lamps, they must be thoroughly cleaned and put into the room.
  2. Small ponds freeze completely to the bottom, so you need to remove all plants and fish.
  3. In order for reservoirs with a plastic bowl to endure frost without deformation of the base, it is recommended to lower several bottles filled with sand to the bottom at the rate of 1 bottle per 1 square meter reservoir.
  4. You can start the reservoir if the night temperatures are above zero.


Video description

For more on preparing the reservoir for winter, see this video:


Thus, if you understand the basic nuances of arranging a pond for a summer residence, then everyone can do it with their own hands. It does not take a lot of time, effort and money to create an excellent water recreation area near the house.

A pond for breeding fish can be created artificially. This provides not only high-quality fish for the table or for sale, but also effective in aesthetic terms - a beautifully designed pond can become a decoration of the site. There are several types of fish ponds. To organize a reservoir, you need to choose the right place and follow the instructions.

Types of fish ponds

There are many types of ponds where you can breed fish. They are classified according to various criteria:

  • the purpose of the pond is for spawning, feeding, wintering, outgrowth;
  • pond water supply - key (fills the natural spring), stream (natural stream), dug (ground, rain, flood waters);
  • the bottom of the pond - artificial or natural.

You can independently organize a pond using different technologies:

  • without concreting (without cladding) - the boundaries of the dug pond are lined with clay and turf;
  • concrete - practicality and durability, the organization of such a reservoir is quite laborious;
  • with PVC film - a simple option, but with a limited service life;
  • plastic - limited in size, suitable for breeding small and ornamental fish.

Choosing a site for creating a reservoir

To organize an artificial pond, it is necessary to choose the right site. The following factors are important:

  • Elevation. The place for the pond should in no case be lower than the level of the rest of the site, otherwise all the dirt and rainwater will fall into the reservoir. If the site is flat, then the elevation can be created artificially.
  • Lack of trees, shrubs. They should not be near the pond, as fallen leaves will fall into the pond, rot there, and this negatively affects the inhabitants of the pond. If it is impossible to move the reservoir away from such vegetation, you will have to clean it regularly.
  • Proper lighting. Sunlight should hit the water for a maximum of 7 hours a day. Shade can be created using artificial fences - this option is most effective. A complete lack of light is also undesirable, as the flora in the pond will grow slowly and the fish will lag behind in development.
  • Soil features. A clay sole is well suited for organizing a pond. It is better to choose a site for a reservoir so that there are no stones in the ground.
  • Correct calculation of the area of ​​the reservoir. For this, it is necessary to take into account the amount of fish that is planned to be grown. Overpopulation of the pond should not be allowed. This is fraught with increased feed consumption, a large amount of fish waste products - as a result, the water will bloom.

Technologies for creating ponds for breeding fish with your own hands

When creating a pond for breeding fish on your own, you must first decide on the technology. When choosing, you must take into account not only your needs, but also opportunities.

With film

To create a pond with PVC film, you first need to choose the material. It should be quite dense - 2-3 mm. Black film is cheaper. The size of the material also matters - it should be one large or several large pieces that need to be connected. It is good to use large banners as a material, but first the material must be checked for integrity.

You will also need:

  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • a special soldering iron or glue (sealant) for joining the seams of the film;
  • stapler with staples;
  • two flat boards;
  • a strip of polyethylene 10-15 cm.

First you need to dig a foundation pit for the future pond and give it the desired shape. The advantage of the film is that this material is very flexible, so any design idea can be realized.

When giving the future reservoir the necessary shape, excessive bends should be avoided. It is not recommended to make corners sharper than 130 degrees.

At the bottom of the pit, it is necessary to make a sand cushion. A 10 cm layer of sand is enough. The walls of the reservoir should be leveled - sharp stones and roots should not stick out of them - the film may break because of this.

The next step is the main one. It involves the connection of individual pieces of film. If you use a soldering iron for this, then it is enough to press the edges of the material with it for 3-5 seconds. Additionally, you can perform a second seam.

When using glue (sealant) to join the seams, it is important to degrease the surface first. To do this, you can use acetone, gasoline and other liquids with similar properties. After degreasing, the treated surface must be wiped dry and left in the sun to dry - the bonding material must be absolutely dry.

The next step is to clean the surface. For this, sandpaper is used - the grain size should be minimal.

It is necessary to glue the pieces of the film with an overlap in increments of 10-15 cm. It is effective to use boards for this - they must be perfectly even. A piece of film must be attached to the board with a stapler, and the second part of the material must also be prepared. Use a strip of polyethylene as a layer. It must be carefully smeared with glue on both sides, and on pieces of the film, apply it only on those sides that will be in contact. Then you need to connect all the parts and put a load on top - a heavy board. The drying time of the glue is indicated on the package, but it is recommended to wait at least a day.

The film must be carefully spread. It should protrude beyond the edges of the reservoir. The ends of the film must be dug up, and stones or bricks should be laid on top. You can lay out the entire pond with stones, but this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the film.

The video below shows an example of creating a pond with PVC film:

without concrete

This option can be used if the soil is waterlogged, and ground water located high. To organize an artificial reservoir, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • shovel;
  • turf;
  • clay;
  • water;
  • spatula for mixing;
  • outlet tubes.

First you need to outline the boundaries of the future reservoir and dig a foundation pit of the desired depth. A pond can be organized on the site of a natural ravine on the site - it must be expanded and deepened, an earthen dam must be organized. It is necessary to pour it along the entire length in layers of 15-20 cm and carefully tamp. The dam should be half a meter above the water level in the reservoir. The end of the dam should be surrounded by a ditch that will divert the flood.

After preparing the pit, it is necessary to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Make holes for the tubes and install them.
  2. It is necessary to cover the walls and the bottom of the reservoir with diluted clay - the layer thickness should be 10-15 cm. Then the walls should be evenly covered with turf.
  3. There is another option - to mix equally the clay with the turf and dilute the mixture with water. The consistency should be so thick that the composition does not spread. They need to evenly process the walls and bottom of the pit.
  4. Fill the pond with water. Fish cannot be launched yet - the reservoir must stand for at least a month. This is done so that the bottom of the pond is covered with silt and plants can be planted that will successfully take root.
  5. After a certain period of time, the water must be drained and the reservoir refilled. After organizing the necessary conditions (suitability of the aquatic environment), you can start the fish.

When organizing supply and bypass ditches, concrete gutters can be made. If a natural ravine was used to create a pond, then a coastline is drawn on the crest of the dam. For this, sand is poured 10-15 cm thick. The width of the coastline can reach a meter.

With concreting

This version of an artificial reservoir is attractive for its high service life, but it will take a lot of time and effort to complete it. To create a pond concrete base the following materials and tools are required:

  • shovel;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • components for concrete pavement: cement, sand, water;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • putty knife;
  • film for waterproofing;
  • pipes (drain, water set).

It is better to make a mixture for concreting on your own. Feeding from a machine is appropriate when organizing large reservoirs, since there will be a lot of concrete.

The creation of an artificial pond with concreting is carried out according to the following algorithm:


This option for organizing an artificial fish pond is simple. The difficulty lies only in finding a container of a suitable size. Usually these are small, as for fish farming, containers. You can choose any color and shape. Any design can be made to order. The plastic needs to be strong enough.

In addition to a plastic container, you will need a shovel and pipes to create an artificial pond. It is necessary to mark the boundaries on the selected site and dig a foundation pit of a suitable shape and size. It is recommended to make an allowance on each side of 5 cm.

In a dug pit, it is necessary to make holes for the tubes. You need to insert them after installing the frame. The free space between the plastic container and the soil must be tightly covered with earth.

If the soil is soft enough, then after preparing a suitable pit, it is recommended to compact it. The gaps between the frame and the soil must be filled tightly so that the plastic does not deform when the container is completely filled with water.

Conditions for the reproduction of fish in an artificial pond

It is important not only to choose the technology for creating an artificial pond for fish breeding and put it into practice, but also to create for the inhabitants of the reservoir the necessary conditions for life. Otherwise, their growth and reproduction may slow down, there is a risk of death.

For the reproduction of fish in an artificially created reservoir, the following conditions are important:

  • Oxygen. If it is not in the water, then the fish in the pond will simply die. Various aquatic plants are the source of oxygen. Preference is given to water lilies, water hyacinth, water chestnut. Flora useful for an artificial pond should be purchased at a specialized store. If you take plants from a natural reservoir, then the risk of their death in unusual conditions is high.
  • If you plan to populate the pond with plants, then you need to select them in accordance with the depth of the reservoir. For a shallow pond, it is good to use susak, chastukha, burdock. Reservoirs of medium depth are well populated with water lilies or pondweed. If a deep pond is organized, then to fill it, you can use the basilisk, Siberian chistyak, loosestrife.
  • Timely cleaning of an artificial reservoir. It is necessary to remove debris, fallen leaves, grass. Otherwise, decay processes will begin, which adversely affect the oxygen level in the reservoir and can lead to the death of its inhabitants.
  • Optimal Level acidity. It is necessary to focus on the type of fish that are supposed to be bred. The best option- neutral acidity level.
  • The presence of the necessary elements in the water.