Natural zone as a natural complex. The natural complex of the forest What features do the natural complexes of forests have

They can cover both vast territories and completely small areas of the Earth. What natural complexes are there? What is the difference? What are they characterized by? Let's find out.

Geographic envelope

Telling what natural complexes are, it is impossible not to mention the geographical shell. This is a conditional concept that combines several spheres of the Earth at once, which intersect and interact with each other, forming single system. In fact, it is the largest natural complex on the planet.

The boundaries of the geographic shell almost repeat the edges of the biosphere. It includes the hydrosphere, biosphere, anthroposphere, the upper part of the lithosphere (the earth's crust) and the lower layers of the atmosphere (the troposphere and stratosphere).

The shell is solid and continuous. Each of its components (terrestrial spheres) has its own patterns of development and features, but at the same time it is influenced by other spheres and influences them. They constantly participate in the circulation of substances in nature, exchanging energy, water, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, etc.

Natural complex and its types

The geographical envelope is the largest, but not the only natural complex. them on the globe there is a lot. What are natural complexes? These are certain areas of the planet that have homogeneous geological vegetation, wildlife, climatic conditions and the same nature of the waters.

Natural complexes are also called landscapes or geosystems. They differ in vertical and horizontal directions. Based on this, the complexes are divided into zonal and azonal. main reason their diversity is the heterogeneity of the geographical envelope.

First of all, the differences in natural conditions provide an uneven distribution solar heat on the ground. This is due to the elliptical shape of the planet, the uneven ratio of land and water, the location of the mountains (which trap air masses), etc.


The complexes represent a predominantly horizontal division of the planet. The largest of them are Their arrangement consistently and naturally. The emergence of these complexes is directly related to the climatic conditions of the area.

The nature of geographic zones varies from the equator to the poles. Each of them has its own temperature and weather conditions, as well as the nature of soils, underground and surface water. There are such belts:

  • arctic;
  • subarctic;
  • Antarctic;
  • subantarctic;
  • north and south temperate;
  • northern and southern subtropical;
  • northern and southern subequatorial;
  • equatorial.

The next largest zonal complexes are natural zones, which are divided according to the nature of moisture, that is, the amount and frequency of precipitation. They do not always have a purely latitudinal distribution. And they depend on the height of the terrain, as well as proximity to the ocean. Allocate the Arctic desert, steppe, tundra, taiga, savannah and other natural areas.

Azonal natural complexes

Azonal complexes are not associated with the latitudinal division of the planet. Their formation is associated primarily with the relief and the formation earth's crust. The largest azonal natural complexes are oceans and continents, which differ significantly in geological history and structure.

Continents and oceans are divided into smaller complexes - natural countries. They consist of large mountain and plain formations. For example, the natural complexes of the Far East include the Central Kamchatka Plain, the Sikhote-Alin Mountains and the Khingan-Bureya Mountains, etc.

The natural countries of the planet include the Sahara Desert, the Ural Mountains, the East European Plain. They can be divided into narrower and more homogeneous sections. For example, gallery forests located along the outskirts of the steppes and savannahs, mangrove forests located along the coast of the seas and in estuaries. The smallest natural complexes include floodplains, hills, ridges, urems, swamps, etc.

Components of natural complexes

The main components of any geographical landscape are relief, water, soil, flora and fauna, climate. The interconnection of the components of the natural complex is very close. Each of them creates certain conditions for the existence of the others. Rivers affect the state and climate - the appearance of certain plants, and plants attract certain animals.

A change in even one component can lead to a complete change in the entire complex. The drying up of the river will lead to the disappearance of vegetation characteristic of the river area, to a change in the quality of the soil. This will certainly affect the animals that will leave the geosystem in search of their usual conditions.

Excessive reproduction of any kind of animal can lead to the extermination of the plants they eat. There are cases when huge swarms of locusts completely destroyed meadows or fields. Such a development of events does not go unnoticed by the natural complex and provokes changes in the soil, water, and then the climate regime.


So what are natural complexes? This is a natural-territorial system, the components of which are homogeneous in origin and composition. The complexes are divided into two main groups: azonal and zonal. Within each group there is a division from large to smaller areas.

The largest natural complex is the geographic shell, which includes part of the lithosphere and atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere of the Earth. The smallest complexes are individual hills, small forests, estuaries, swamps.

The geographic envelope is not tripled in the same way everywhere, it has a "mosaic" structure and consists of separate natural complexes (landscapes). Natural complex - it is a part of the earth's surface with relatively homogeneous natural conditions: climate, topography, soils, waters, flora and fauna.

Each natural complex consists of components between which there are close, historically established relationships, while a change in one of the components sooner or later leads to a change in others.

The largest, planetary natural complex is the geographic shell; it is subdivided into natural complexes of a smaller rank. The division of the geographic shell into natural complexes is due to two reasons: on the one hand, differences in the structure of the earth's crust and the heterogeneity of the earth's surface, and on the other hand, the unequal amount of solar heat received by its various parts. In accordance with this, zonal and azonal natural complexes are distinguished.

The largest azonal natural complexes are continents and oceans. Smaller - mountainous and flat areas within the continents (West Siberian Plain, Caucasus, Andes, Amazonian lowland). The latter are subdivided into even smaller natural complexes (Northern, Central, Southern Andes). Natural complexes of the lowest rank include individual hills, river valleys, their slopes, etc.

The largest of the zonal natural complexes - geographic zones. They coincide with climatic zones and have the same names (equatorial, tropical, etc.). In turn, geographical zones consist of natural zones, which are distinguished by the ratio of heat and moisture.

natural area called a large land area with similar natural components - soils, vegetation, wildlife, which are formed depending on the combination of heat and moisture.

The main component of the natural zone is the climate, because all other components depend on it. Vegetation has a great influence on the formation of soils and wildlife and is itself dependent on soils. Natural zones are named according to the nature of the vegetation, since it most obviously reflects other features of nature.

The climate naturally changes as you move from the equator to the poles. Soil, vegetation and wildlife are determined by climate. This means that these components should change latitudinally, following climate change. The regular change of natural zones when moving from the equator to the poles is called latitudinal zoning. Moist equatorial forests are located near the equator, and icy Arctic deserts are located near the poles. Between them are other types of forests, savannas, deserts, tundra. Forest zones, as a rule, are located in areas where the ratio of heat and moisture is balanced (equatorial and most of the temperate zone, the eastern coasts of the continents in the tropical and subtropical zone). Treeless zones are formed where there is a lack of heat (tundra) or moisture (steppes, deserts). These are the continental regions of the tropical and temperate zones, as well as the subarctic climatic zone.

The climate changes not only latitudinally, but also due to changes in altitude. As you climb up the mountains, the temperature drops. Up to a height of 2000-3000 m, the amount of precipitation increases. A change in the ratio of heat and moisture causes a change in the soil and vegetation cover. Thus, unequal natural zones are located in the mountains at different heights. This pattern is called altitudinal zonation.

The change of altitudinal belts in the mountains occurs approximately in the same sequence as on the plains, when moving from the equator to the poles. At the foot of the mountains there is a natural zone in which they are located. The number of altitudinal belts is determined by the height of the mountains and their geographical position. The higher the mountains, and the closer they are to the equator, the more diverse the set of altitudinal zones. The most complete vertical zonality is expressed in the Northern Andes. Moist equatorial forests grow in the foothills, then there is a belt of mountain forests, and even higher - thickets of bamboos and tree-like ferns. With an increase in altitude and a decrease in average annual temperatures, coniferous forests appear, which are replaced by mountain meadows, often turning, in turn, into stony placers covered with moss and lichens. The tops of the mountains are crowned with snow and glaciers.

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"Natural zones of the cold belt" - Natural zones of the earth. Natural zones of the temperate zone. Natural zones of the cold zone. Taiga. Tundra zone. tundra ecosystem. Deserts. Taiga mixed broad-leaved forest forests. "Ecological Systems". In the direction from the pole to the equator, natural zones replace each other in a certain order. cold moderate hot moderate cold.

"Natural zoning" - Make a description of the natural zone. Agro-climatic resources of the natural zone Problems of protection of the natural zone. What is indirect and direct impact on natural areas? Learning new material. Human economic activity in natural areas. Name and geographical position. The doctrine of natural zones.

"Natural complexes and zones" - Equator. Water. Precipitation. Relief. Man has created new natural complexes. Heat. Sea. equatorial forest. Variety of natural complexes. Components of the natural complex. Climate is the leading component of the natural complex. Give examples of natural complexes. Change of natural zones. Plants. Desert.

"Geography of natural complexes" - The entire hydrosphere. The relationship of organisms Natural complex Geographical shell and biosphere. Atmosphere. Lithosphere. the entire biosphere. "Component" - translated from Latin means "an integral part of the whole." Hydrosphere. The mountains. Large natural complexes - continents and oceans. “Complex” means “combination” in Latin.

"Savannas and woodlands" - In Africa, the most diverse fauna of the savannas. Dry. Soils. Australia. South America. Climatic features. Savannahs and woodlands. Humus accumulates in the soil. Each continent has its own vegetable world savannas and woodlands. Animal world. Definition of a natural area. Climatic features, soils, flora and fauna.

"Natural areas of the world" - Tapir. Define the natural area according to the description. Steppes (pampas). Savannah-. The reason for the change of natural zones? Throughout the year. Lives near the water, swims and dives, feeds on the stems of aquatic plants. Natural areas of South America. Vnazhlye villages (selva). You need to warn the geography teacher about your delay in the semi-deserts of Patagonia.

It is obvious that the structure of the geographic envelope depends on the specific region, so it consists of separate natural complexes.

Natural complexes of the Earth

The geographic envelope has a mosaic structure, this is due to the different natural complexes that it includes. The part of the earth's surface, which has the same natural conditions, is commonly called a natural complex.

Homogeneous natural conditions are relief, water, climate, soil, flora and fauna. Separately, natural complexes consist of components that are interconnected by historically established relationships.

That is why, if there is a change in one of the components of nature, then all components of the natural complex also change.

The geographic envelope is a planetary natural complex and the largest. The shell is divided into smaller natural complexes.

Types of natural complexes

The division of the shell into separate natural complexes is due to the heterogeneity of the earth's surface and the structure of the earth's crust, as well as the uneven amount of heat.

In view of these differences, natural complexes are classified into zonal and azonal.

Azonal natural complexes

The main azonal natural complexes are oceans and continents. They are the largest in size. It is customary to consider the flat and mountainous territories that are located on the continents to be smaller.

For example, the Caucasus, the West Siberian Plain, the Andes. And these natural complexes can be divided even into smaller ones - the Southern and Central Andes.

Even smaller natural complexes will be considered river valleys, hills, various slopes that are located on their territory.

Interrelation of components of natural complexes

The relationship between the components of natural complexes is a unique phenomenon.

This can be traced to simple example: if the amount of solar radiation and its impact on the earth's surface changes, then the nature of the vegetation in the given territory will also change. This transformation will change the soil and landforms.

Human impact on natural complexes

Human activity has a significant impact on natural complexes since ancient times. After all, man not only adapts to the nature of the Earth, but also exerts a constant and extensive influence on it.

Over the centuries, man has perfected his skills and created different ways using nature to your advantage. This had an extremely negative impact on the development of most natural complexes.

It is for this reason that more and more people talk about such a phenomenon as rational environmental management. Under this concept, it is customary to understand human activity aimed at the careful development of natural complexes and the preservation of natural resources in any circumstances.

Occupation ______________________ date ________________

Subject: The study of individual components of the natural complex. Natural complexes of forests, meadows, fields, reservoirs.

Target : continue to acquaint forests, meadows, fields and reservoirs with PTK

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2. Natural complexes of forests, meadows, fields, reservoirs.

3. Fixing

2. Natural complexes of forests, meadows, fields, reservoirs

The geographic envelope can be divided into sections of different sizes - territories or natural-territorial complexes. The formation of each of them took billions of years. On land, it was carried out under the influence of the interaction of the components of nature: rocks, climate, air masses, water, plants, animals, soils. All components in the natural complex, as well as in the geographical shell, are intertwined with each other and form a holistic natural complex, it also exchanges substances and energy.natural complex - called a section of the earth's surface, which is distinguished by the features of natural components that are in complex interaction. Each natural complex has more or less clearly defined boundaries, has a natural unity, manifested in its external appearance (for example, a lake, a swamp, a forest, a meadow). The natural complexes of the ocean, in contrast to the land, consist of the following components: water with gases dissolved in it, plants and animals, rocks, bottom topography. Large natural complexes are distinguished in the World Ocean - separate oceans, smaller ones - seas, bays, straits, etc. In addition, natural complexes of surface water layers, various water layers and the ocean floor are distinguished in the ocean. Natural complexes come in different sizes. They also differ in education. Very large natural complexes are continents and oceans. Their formation is due to the structure of the earth's crust. On the continents and oceans, smaller complexes are distinguished - parts of the continents and oceans. Depending on the amount of solar heat, that is, on geographic latitude, there are natural complexes of equatorial forests, tropical deserts, taiga, etc. Examples of small ones are, for example, a ravine, a lake, a river valley, a sea bay. And the largest natural complex of the Earth is the geographic envelope. All natural complexes experience a huge influence of man. Many of them have been heavily modified by human activity. Man created new natural complexes: fields, gardens, cities, parks, etc.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Forest: meetboreal coniferous forests and temperate deciduous forests

The first are located in the northern part of the temperate climate zone with harsh winter temperatures. Taiga is represented by dark coniferous species - spruce, fir, pine and light coniferous - larch. The largest animals are bear, wolf, elk. Birds, squirrels, chipmunks and other small rodents feed on seeds. and needles - insects. The forest is of great importance. Coniferous forests - lumber. The forest is rich in mushrooms and berries. There is also moss and grass in the forest.

The second broad-leaved forests are south of the taiga. Of the trees, oak and beech dominate. Birds build nests. There are wild boars, foxes, hares. Rage is more difficult than in the taiga. There are shrubs. In our region, forests are represented by Tukays - floodplain forests along the river. Ural. Where poplar prevails. Also from shrubs - thorns, wild rose. Of the small shrubs - blackberries.

meadows - vast areas with grassy vegetation, which are located along the low banks of rivers and lakes. Meadow and forest live side by side. Both communities have enough heat and light. Soils are similar in composition. But the forest cannot grow right on the river bank. Since in the spring the territory is flooded with water when the river overflows. Trees cannot grow in such moisture. Grasses, after the descent of water, grow rapidly, since melt water brings a lot of silt, which is good fertilizer. Such meadows are called flooded. People never settle in the meadows. Since in the flood housing will be flooded.

In nature, there is another type of meadows - in the mountains. These are alpine meadows, which are located high on the slopes of the mountains. The higher we climb the mountains, the colder it gets. Forests give way to shrubs and then grasses. In a short summer in mountain meadows, grasses have time to grow, bloom and give seeds.Meadow plants also have their own tiers - floors, but they are not as pronounced as in the forest. Above all, light-loving grasses grow in the meadow, below - shade-loving ones.Mouse peas grow by clinging to other plants with their tendrils. It matures in pods and scatters around with force when the pod bursts. Dandelions have light seeds and are dispersed by the wind. Bluegrass. Its seeds do not get wet. They are light and float like boats on water after rain. Burdock. Its seeds have hooks that attach to the fur of animals and "move" to new places. Among meadow insects one can meet predators - dragonflies that eat mosquitoes and midges; omnivorous ants that feed on other insects, as well as the juice and nectar of plants. Beetles live in the meadow - the orderlies of the meadow. These are the gravedigger beetle and the dung beetle. From birds -quail, corncrake, wagtail. There are a lot of small animals, especially rodents, mice and moles.

Fields. view presentation .

The FIELD is also a natural community, but it has developed under the influence of man. Under the field occupied different plots of land. In the steppe it is easier - they plowed areas closer to housing. It's harder in the forest. First you need to chop off the bark at the base of the tree so that the tree dries. The dried trees were then burned. Then the hardest work began - it is necessary to uproot the stumps. After that it was possible to plow.

What crops are grown in the field? Potatoes, corn, sunflowers, oats, buckwheat, beets, gourds: watermelons, melons, etc.

What pests are in the fields? -Mice, hamsters, moles, insects, slugs, Colorado beetles, sparrows peck at sunflower seeds.

What else needs to be done in the fields? It is necessary to destroy weeds, weed, process chemicals. But chemicals must be used carefully, along with weeds and pests, you can poison the earth. Irrigate the fields, there are irrigation installations.

Check your knowledge, guess the crossword puzzle . 1.Most best grade of this culture grows in the Saratov region, they make kalachi, cookies, wheat bread from it. (Wheat) 5 2. They bake from these grains Rye bread. (Rye) 3. A house grew in the field, The house is full of grain. The arrows are gilded, The shutters are boarded up, The house is shaking, On a golden stem. (Ear) 4. I am a cheerful fellow, I am green - (Cucumber)

Water: Look here. There is a toothless, pond snail, The water is quietly splashing, The water strider is running. Duckweed, lilies, cattail, Life is in full swing everywhere. And the egg-pod, and the reed. This is fresh .... (reservoir).

When in warm time year you come to the reservoir, for examplesteps to a small lake, you see only some of its obitalers. It is impossible to see everyone. But there are a lot of them!A reservoir is a place where a wide variety of living things live.creatures.

Here are the plants. Some of them(cattail, reed, reed, arrowhead) their roots are attached to the bottom, and the stemsand the leaves of these plants rise above the water. Rootsku yellow bulls and white water lilies also at the bottom, and their wideLeaves float on the surface of a pond. But there are also plants that do not attach to the bottom at all. This, for example,duckweed, that floats on the surface of the water. And the smallest green algae float in the water column. see themonly possible under a microscope. But sometimes it happens like thismuch that the water appears green.

The role of plants in the reservoir is great. They serve as foodwater, they release oxygen into the water, which is necessary for the respiration of organisms. Underwater thickets of plants serve as shelterscabbage soup for animals.Animals are everywhere in the reservoir: on the surface and in the thicknesswater, at the bottom and on aquatic plants.Here they run swiftly on the surface of the waterbugs- water striders. Their long legs are covered with fat from below, andthis water striders do not sink. They are predators, prey on comaditch and other small animals.Carnivores swim in the waterswimming beetles, growcarnivoresfrog tadpoles, different types of fish. To the 'peacenym" fish include, for example,crucian. He feeds on disguisesinsects, plants. Predatory fish areperch, pike. Live at the bottomshellfish, which guys usually callwaving "shells".

Their soft body is protected by a shell, which consists offrom two halves - shutters. These mollusks eat very interestingly. They suck in and pass water through their body,in which algae and other small living sucreatures. They live at the bottom of clean reservoirs and crayfish. They feedwith the remains of dead animals.Other mollusks live on aquatic plants - growcarnivorous snails pond and coil. They have twistednye, without shell valves.

Mammals also live in the reservoir - muskrat, beaver, vydra. The life of many birds - ducks, herons, storks - is also sacred.area with water bodies.

When the plants and animals of the pond die, their remainsfall to the bottom. Here, under the action of microbes, the deadthe remains rot, are destroyed. They form salts.These salts dissolve in water and can then be usedto feed new plants.

Fixing: I divide into groups and give the task to characterize the community; location, animals, plants, etc. Give examples.