Glazing of balconies of the series p 44t. Iron Balcony - the best decoration designs

Hello! This page contains full information about balconies and loggias in houses of the P-44 (p-44T) series. You can get acquainted with the technology of insulation of balconies and loggias P-44, as well as study examples overhaul loggia P-44T on a turnkey basis.

You can also see examples of combining balconies and loggias P-44 (p-44T) with a room and a kitchen. Particular attention was paid to the glazing of balconies and loggias P-44 and P-44t with hinged and sliding windows.

The parapet of the loggia is insulated and reinforced with foam block masonry.

Then metal visors and ebbs with a protective polymer coating were installed.

The next stage of work is the installation of double-glazed sliding glazing

Then the crate was mounted and the installation of the wooden floor was completed. After that, the loggia P-44 boot was sheathed wooden clapboard And the class.

The final stage of the overhaul of the P-44 loggia is the installation of a built-in wardrobe.

The technology for the overhaul of the balcony P-44 boot can be found in the photo and video in the gallery.

Furniture for balconies and loggias P-44 (p-44T)

The value of furniture on the modern loggia P-44 is difficult to overestimate. The apartment accumulates a considerable amount of things, for the storage of which there is simply not enough space. The solution to the problem lies in the placement of compact and functional furniture. It could be a closet big amount shelves, a small cabinet or wall cabinet. If you plan to store outerwear on the balcony, you can develop individual project dressing room. Another original solution - corner cabinets and built-in cabinets under the window.

The cost of furniture is calculated individually. The price is affected by the amount of material used, the type of finish of the cabinet or cabinet and the size of the finished product. You can reduce the price of furniture by dismantling the rear or side walls. Such changes do not affect the strength of the structure or its service life, and the price is reduced. Examples of built-in furniture made for loggias and balconies P-44 and P-44T to order can be found in the photo and video in the gallery.

Loggia insulation technology p-44

For arranging a full-fledged living room on balconies and loggias, high-quality and inexpensive insulation is required. For insulation of balconies and loggias P-44 and P-44T, the optimal material is used - foam plastic.

For vapor barrier of loggias and balconies P-44 and P-44T, foil penofol is used. Penofol sheets are stacked with the foil side inside the room. Thanks to the foil layer, heat is retained inside the balcony and loggia.

Warming begins with the laying of foam sheets right size. Sheets are laid on the surface of the wall, then holes are drilled in them. Penoplex sheets are fixed to the wall with the help of dowels - fungi. The next sheet is laid near the fixed foam and fixed in the same way. All joints between the sheets are blown with mounting foam.

After the walls and parapet of the P-44 loggia are insulated, the ceiling surface is insulated. The floor of the P-44T balcony is insulated last. For this, a crate is mounted from wooden beam with a step of 50 cm. Sheets of penoplex fit into the gap between the bars of the crate.

After insulation, the surface of the walls, parapet and ceiling of the P-44T loggia is covered with a layer of foil foam. You can study the technology of insulation of the P-44 balcony with turnkey foam in the photo and video in our gallery.

This block allows you to calculate the price of glazing an apartment, a balcony and a loggia P-44 and P-44T. To start calculating the price, click on the banner you are interested in. Specify the height of the window, its width and the area of ​​the room. To calculate the price of glazing an apartment, also indicate the depth of the slope. After entering the numbers, you will receive: options for glazing loggias and balconies P-44T and P-44, ranging from cheap to expensive options and the cost of major repairs. Please note: your calculations are no different from the prices that the manager of our company will announce (subject to accurate measurements)

The price of glazing balconies and loggias depends on the quality of the profile (the number of chambers and its width) and double-glazed windows (2.3 chamber). Sliding windows will cost less, warm glazing from PVC profile- more expensive. The cost of glazing balconies and loggias P-44 and P-44T of complex shape (boot, iron, boat) can be more expensive (up to 10%) due to connecting elements.

  • We will give you the exact dimensions: walls, ceiling, floor of this loggia.
  • We will provide drawings - with the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach part of the balcony.
  • Let's talk about the exact dimensions of the balcony block and glazing.

Photo Boot P44T

These Boots are found in different houses. For example, in houses of the P-44 series, P-44T and P-44P, P-44M series. Loggias in old houses and in new buildings differ by 3 - 7 cm.

There are many features of this loggia. In most cases, the parapet here is concrete. Less often, the parapet is welded from metal corners.

Boat borders on Sapozhok. Here, there is no solid wall to the neighbor - there is a void under the l-shaped beam. With the opposite wall - everything is also not easy. If the loggia is in the middle of the house, then it does not exist at all (they put a partition made of hardboard). If the boot is on the edge of the house, then in this place there is a full-fledged concrete wall.

In the houses of this series, the Boat is adjacent to the Boot. There is also a loggia called the Kerchief. There is also the so-called big boot. It is found in the houses of another series. And it is similar in shape to this loggia - although it is much larger in size.

You can click on the icon and go to another balcony page.

Balcony plan (scan) with dimensions in real proportion

For you, People's Windows made a drawing in real proportion. Measurers usually use such sweeps. Here, the dimensions of the walls, floor, ceiling are indicated. These measures are internal. Everything is in millimeters - as in the drawings. The information is ours and has been collected over the years.

This loggia can be attributed to the average. Its dimensions are width 3202 mm, height 2637 mm, depth 2068 mm.

Dimensions facade wall 3202 mm by 2637 mm. The width of the sloping part is about 9 cm. Here, a moderate threshold is 157 mm. Therefore, when the floor rises slightly, it does not interfere at all.

The right wall is wide, its height is 2637 mm, width is 2068 mm. For some reason, this wall does not go all the way. Therefore, when installing glazing frames in this place, it is desirable to install foam block masonry.

The left wall is 2637 mm high, 1124 mm wide. There is a hardboard partition here. It is advisable not to touch it, but to lay down a wall of foam block next to it. Customers often save money and then build a wall of plywood and bars.

The parapet of these Boots is 1070 mm high. It consists of 3 parts. Its main part is 2413 mm long, the middle part is 1008 mm, and the narrow toe is 434 mm. Due to the fact that the toe is narrow - it's hard to work here. Check the installers in this place.p>

The floor and ceiling are shaped like a boot. Its length is 3202 mm, width 2068 mm. The floor acquires a complex 6-th form. The floor area of ​​this Boot is 4.18 m2.

The total area of ​​all walls is 16.68 m2.

Ceiling and floor area - equal to 4.18 m2.

Window unit dimensions (window + door)

Below, in real proportion, the dimensions of the balcony block are indicated. These dimensions may vary slightly. As a rule, measurers choose numbers larger than those on the drawing by 50 mm.

The dimension of the door is 2200 mm high and 630 mm wide. The dimensions of the window are 1397 mm high and 1521 mm wide.

The area of ​​the balcony block is 3.51 m2. Of these, the window surface is 2.12 m2 and the door surface is 1.39 m2.

Glazing dimensions for Boot p44t

Glazing Boot consists of 3 parts. Its height is 1567 mm. The width of the wide part is 2413 mm. The width of the middle part is 1008 mm. And the narrow part is equal to 434 mm.

This is not the cheapest glazing. Here, bay windows and dobors are also needed. Three sashes are made along the wide part. Extreme to the wall is better to make a deaf sandwich. Then you can put a wardrobe here.

Be sure to make the middle part hinged - otherwise it will not be washed. I advise you to jam the nose with a sandwich. It won't take much light. By the way, you can put it in this part - follow the link. Then muffle both extreme parts of the glazing with sandwiches.

The total area of ​​glazing is 6.04 m2.

The designers didn't disappoint. They really managed to completely surprise the apartment owners with such large balconies. Especially in all its glory, a balcony, popularly nicknamed "Iron", is located in a small room. If you look at the layout of the apartment, you can clearly see the silhouette of the iron. The whole charm of the ironing balcony is that it turned out to be almost square. One side is actually at an angle. But this has its advantages in the overall design of the house.

In the photo we see the dimensions of each side of the balcony. total area iron balcony is 4.71 square meters.

Thanks to such dimensions and the almost square shape of the balcony, a lot of ideas for design and interior come to mind. Since the balcony is located in a small room of 13.5 square meters, thanks to it we can increase the space in the room to 18.2 square meters. Which is practically the size of a large room.

Let's think about the purposes for which residents use the balcony space.

1 Balcony for relaxing

2 Balcony for work

3 Balcony for floriculture or ironing-drying area

Now let's look at each option in more detail:

Balcony for relaxation

If your family has enough space in the apartment, and you don’t need to create extra rooms, why not use the balcony as a seating area. Where can you place comfortable chairs, put coffee table, pour a cup of coffee and enjoy the early summer morning. We look at photos of balconies with this design.

Straw chairs with a coffee table perfectly found their place on the balcony

The designer beautifully crafted an arch in the balcony opening.

I went out onto the balcony, took a deep breath of air, and around the forest and the river. Lyapota!

Another cozy place turned out on the balcony. If the sun interferes with your sleep, you can close it with yellow curtains.

Workplace balcony

Most families cannot afford large apartments. Therefore, in all possible ways, use the free space in the apartment. Offices on the balconies have long become fashionable for our residents.

We combine both sports and the work area on the balcony boot. Worked at the table and get up on the simulator.

Corner table top on the balcony the best option for desktop.

Why arrange cabinets with bookshelves in the room. When this function is perfectly performed by a balcony boot.

And most importantly, everything is at hand. He rolled back in his chair and already his hand reaches the printer.

Slept, ate and forward to the balcony for work.

Balcony for floriculture and ironing

Well, what woman can do at home without flowers. And where to iron and dry the linen? Well, on the balcony, of course. A whole arrangement of flowers fit on the balcony of the young landlady.

You look from the street at the balcony with flowers and the story from the movie Seventeen Moments of Spring immediately comes to mind.

How annoying women are all the time to get and put away ironing boards with irons, which always get in the way in the rooms. Now you can forget about all the bad things. The drying and ironing complex was built on the balcony for their beloved mother, her husband and son.

Glazing of balconies of the P-44 and P-44T series has certain nuances that are not taken into account when designing work, but major delays and additional costs occur during their implementation. To reveal these nuances and our article is intended.

This is how the loggias look in the houses of the P-44 and P-44T series

Panel-type houses of the p-44 and p-44t series are quite common in the vast former USSR, therefore, the question of high-quality glazing of the loggia in them is quite acute. The difference between the two series of houses is that in series 44 there is both a balcony and a loggia, and in series 44 only a loggia. At the same time, both types of houses, depending on the type of loggia riser, are of the “boat” type and the “boot” type.

Note: Riser - an entrance with a certain set of apartments, that is, in one entrance there may not be three-room apartments, and in the second there will be two per floor.

In the first case, there are only two balcony walls, and in the second, there are three, which makes the glazing process more laborious.

The nuances of glazing balconies and loggias in houses of the P-44 and P-44t series

To begin with, let's dwell on the nuances common to both types of balconies. The front wall of the balcony in houses of the P-44 and P-44t series can be made of brick or from a finished balcony slab. Both types of walls are by no means hermetic, and without additional refinement, high-quality glazing of the P-44 loggias will be impossible.

In addition, modern plastic structures are quite heavy, and decorative partition is unlikely to be able to withstand them without additional supports that will “eat up” an already small space.
This means that the glazing of the P-44 loggia must begin with the transformation of the front wall.
Balcony glazing scheme in the p44 series house

If it is brick, most often it is plastered on both sides using a wind barrier and plaster mesh. This is the most profitable and effective way, however, the general view of the balcony from the street may not be very presentable.

Even simpler, but more expensive is the complete removal of the native wall and installation metal-plastic structures in full growth. In this case, the balcony glazing P44T will have an excellent appearance and will not require the cost of repairing the facade and its decoration from the inside and outside.

Replacing the facade consists in disassembling the old one and laying instead of it a foam block, gypsum blocks or other lightweight building materials. Above will be installed window blocks for full-fledged glazing of the balcony P44. This method is cheaper in relation to the purchase plastic windows or wooden window blocks, however, it is more costly in the labor of building a wall and finishing it.

The nuances of glazing the balcony of the p 44 "boot" series

This type of balcony has a complex profile, therefore, calculations must be made with great care, since each alteration will be quite expensive.

Also, do not forget that the houses of this series are equipped with fire escapes with special sides that allow you to go to the upper / lower floor in case of fire. Part of the structure of the facade part is attached to these sides, however, they will interfere with some work on the glazing of the P44t loggia, for example, laying a semi-block in the second row behind the main facade and similar work. Part of the side will have to be cut to the desired level in order to ensure full-fledged glazing of the P44 balcony.

It is also worth remembering that the hatch itself is also not airtight. Some apartment owners completely remove these hatches and wall up the window to the neighbors before proceeding with the glazing of the P44 series balcony.

Do not forget that there are two hatches in each balcony, except for the extreme floors, two (both above and below), therefore, when deciding on the glazing of P-44 balconies, carefully calculate all the costs, since after glazing it will be quite difficult to cut and wall up the hatch.

Glazing of balconies and loggias in houses of the P-44 and P-44t series will allow you to create a small island of comfort and expand, albeit not by much, the useful area of ​​​​the apartment. A correctly calculated loggia restructuring plan will be the key to a successful and economical repair. Decide which work you can do on your own with proper quality, and which one is better to involve a specialist. Put a little originality into the project and it will pay off handsomely.

And you can ask our experts questions after reading the article in the comments below.

Since Soviet times, balconies have been mainly used as a closet for storing unnecessary things that are both a pity to throw away and have nowhere to go. But this room in an apartment, studio or loft, with the right arrangement, can become a separate office, blooming garden, a corner for sports or a mini-lounge where you can read a book and have a cup of tea in the evening for a leisurely conversation. A real miracle for owners small apartments. With your own hands, you can beautifully decorate a balcony or loggia, using ready-made design solutions or connecting your own imagination.

Layout and forms

There are several types of balcony layout:

  • Ordinary with wind protection;
  • corner;
  • Group of balconies with protection;
  • Offset on the facade;
  • With pantries;
  • loggias.

By design, balconies are classified into several subgroups:

  • On a cantilever reinforced concrete slab;
  • On cantilever beams;
  • With external supports;
  • Mounted;
  • Attached;
  • Attached.

Loggias, in turn, can be divided into several types:

  • Loggia-balconies;
  • Remote;
  • Embedded.

French balconies, which perform a decorative function, stand apart from these classifications. They are completely glazed, very narrow and completely unsuitable for arranging a separate room.

Important! Before proceeding with the repair, it is necessary to study the design features of the balcony. If necessary, it will be necessary to install additional fences, strengthen the base, create a frame.

in Khrushchev

In Khrushchev, balconies can be of three types in length:

  • 2.4 meters;
  • 2.7 meters;
  • 3.2 meters.

The width of such a room is always less than a meter. The dimensions of the balconies in Khrushchev will not allow much "turn around". To arrange such a narrow room will have to try. Perfect style for the design will be minimalism. Furniture should be light and multifunctional. In addition, balconies in Khrushchev are not recommended to be heavily weighted. Their design may not withstand heavy weight, so from ceramics, facing stone and parquet will have to be abandoned. Otherwise, the design will have to be strengthened.

In a panel house

Panel balconies have a number of features. A thin reinforced concrete “sheet” is welded from the end of the balcony slab, which is located vertically. A special gap is formed between the plates, which is used as a "drain" of rainwater in non-glazed balconies. Because of this feature, difficulties arise in their glazing. In addition, the panel does not retain heat well, and the seams are usually poorly insulated, which makes such rooms very cold a priori. A layer of thermal insulation is usually installed on all surfaces. Particular attention is paid to the floor, on which it is best to install artificial heating. IN panel houses the floors are uneven. Their alignment can lead to the use of a large amount of material, which will make the structure heavier. The solution will be the technology of adjustable floors.

Series P44 and p44t - "Boat" and "Boot"

"Boats" have a characteristic shape: a wide middle, which tapers to the sides. Such loggias cause difficulties in glazing. Arranging a non-standard space is also much more difficult. For its visual expansion, the balcony window and door are usually removed. narrow room does not allow you to place full-fledged furniture on it, so the easiest way is to limit yourself to a flower gallery or a couple of chairs near the window sill-countertop.

The “boot” of the p44t series differs from the “boat” in the presence of three planes, which further complicates the task of glazing and finishing. The disadvantages of such a room can be easily turned into pluses if you use its “creases” as additional delimiters for zoning the space.

open balcony

The design of an open type balcony will allow you to make a separate room out of a small “cold” room. summer veranda, which residents of cramped apartments can only dream of. It should be noted that such a room is used only in warm time of the year. This is one of the downsides. similar design. Furniture is used light, multifunctional. When choosing it, emphasis is placed on quick assembly, convenient storage in winter. No need to clutter up the space with cabinets and furniture for storage. A small table and a bench or a pair of garden chairs is enough. An open balcony will require a minimum of costs for its decoration. It is enough to put beautiful gratings and make it easy flooring. This option would be ideal for growing summer garden. If the apartment is located on the first floors, such attics are sometimes wrapped around with vines, which in summer provide additional shade and at the same time decorate the facade of the house, pleasing the eyes of passers-by.

Closed balcony

Balcony glazing can be of two types:

  • cold;
  • Warm.

In the first case, an aluminum profile is used. For warm glazing, an aluminum profile with a thermal insert is used, natural wood or PVC. The cold type is ideal for those balconies and loggias, the design of which does not allow the use of additional loads. This type is most often used in Khrushchev. Warming in this case is not required. Installation of such frames is simple and economical in cost. Warm glazing will make the balcony a “continuation of the apartment”: the temperature in it will be the same as in the rest of the house, even in winter. It should be borne in mind that warm frames will add load to the balcony, so they cannot be used in fragile structures.

Also, glazing can be partial or panoramic. With partial or classic Bottom part the parapet remains closed. This type of glazing is more common. Panoramic glazing is just coming into fashion, with it the entire parapet is glazed, and forged security bars are located on the lower part. They simultaneously perform a protective function and play the role of decor. According to the type of opening, window sashes can be pivoting, sliding or tilt-and-turn. Now the practice of installing plastic windows is widespread. They are durable, tight, easy to use, have good sound insulation and are easy to install. However, the tree does not become a thing of the past, thanks to its main advantage: the presence of natural micropores that allow the room to “breathe”, excluding air stagnation.

Color design

To visually increase the space, pastel colors are usually used, among which white is the leader. If a recreation area is being designed, then it is shaded with light yellow, pale green and shades of brown so that the eyes rest in such a room. For the office use all shades of brown, gray or black. For the dining area, warm colors are used to promote relaxation and increase appetite. An area for entertainment or sports is designed by combining bright, aggressive shades with soft colors for balance. You can create separate "blocks" of dark or flashy shades that will focus the attention of guests on themselves.

Important! It is worth considering which side the loggia windows face. If the side is sunny, then cold and warm colors are allowed. If the side is north, then warm shades should prevail in the design.

Material selection

To expand the functional space of the apartment, it is necessary first of all to insulate the balcony. For these purposes, use different kinds thermal insulation materials. As an additional measure, a "warm" floor is equipped. Particular attention is paid to the decoration of the room. For interior decoration walls use:

  • Wooden lining;
  • Plasterboard sheets;
  • plastic lining;
  • cork;
  • Siding;
  • PVC panels;
  • Block house.

Sheathing the room with clapboard will be the final stage of surface treatment. In this case, you can connect fantasy only when choosing a color. Plasterboard cladding will allow you to subsequently paste over the walls with wallpaper to your liking. Cork finish is the most expensive and environmentally friendly. On brick balconies, sometimes the walls are left in their original form. Modern design premises often offers such an idea as an original solution. The brick is processed in a special way: it is leveled, primed and painted. Such Brick wall itself will become an element of decor. At the same time, the texture of the brick can be made perfectly smooth, rough or harmoniously combined. different types textures and colors. A photo gallery in metal frames or a series of abstract paintings will look great on a rough surface.

The following materials are used to finish the floor:

  • Laminate;
  • Linoleum;
  • Carpet;
  • Parquet;
  • ceramics.

Carpet and linoleum are used for balcony structures that do not allow heavy weighting. Laminate looks richer, but at a cost it is a step higher than other materials. For the ceiling, it is best to choose lightweight materials with a decorative function. The practice of using stretch ceilings is widespread.

Important! Do not forget about outdoor decoration. It will not only make your balcony beautiful from the side of the street, but also additionally warm it. The best option for these purposes, sheets of corrugated board are considered.


Provence is a light style of the French hinterland. It is characterized by the use of natural materials, floral patterns and light colors. Be sure to have an abundance of indoor flowers and cute trinkets made of glass and porcelain.

Art Nouveau is characterized by softness of shades and curves of forms. He does not recognize strict geometric lines. Although the rooms are decorated in pastel colors, individual elements of bright colors are artificially emphasized. Paintings and photographs on the walls, a small number of vases, lamps and souvenirs enliven the atmosphere. Stained glass windows emphasize the sophistication of the balcony interior in an Art Nouveau apartment.

Minimalism recognizes only the presence of functional interior details. It is characterized by simplicity and conciseness. The style is based on just two basic colors, which play with shades in large interior details. Minimalism calls for open spaces and an abundance of natural light.

Hi-tech is considered modern style close to minimalism. It recognizes only strict geometric shapes. From the colors used shades of black, white, gray. It is possible to add red, blue or purple as a backlight. Hi-tech prefers an abundance of chrome, metal surfaces and glass. Emphasis is placed on artificial lighting which diffuses and visually enlarges the space.


Furniture for open balconies is more like garden furniture. The main principle when choosing it is the ability to quickly fold and put it away in a storage room. It is a completely different matter when it comes to a full-fledged room in an apartment or private house of a closed type. Here the designers did their best. Depending on the functional purpose rooms, you can choose furniture parts made of metal, glass, plastic or wood. If the room will be used as a gym, then it will be equipped with compact simulators that will allow one person to train freely.

The loggia combined with the bedroom is used as a corner for evening preparations before going to bed. In this case, a dressing table, a pair of ottomans and a comfortable sofa are used as furniture. For the recreation area, they are limited to a small table with a seating area: a folding sofa or a solid ottoman with a large number of soft pillows where guests can climb with their feet. If the space is arranged for the work area, then the emphasis is on cabinets and storage racks. It will help to save space furniture-transformer type ZM2. Wide choose such furniture items affordable prices in Dutch Ikea stores.


Properly placed lighting can become a saving straw for a small balcony room. With the help of light, you can visually expand the space. Restrictions on choice lighting fixtures no. It can be light bulbs, chandeliers, lamps, sconces, LEDs, floor lamps and entire lighting systems. They can be placed on walls, ceilings and even on the floor. In order not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room with electrical wires, they should be taken care of at the finishing stage. Then the wiring will be of a hidden type, which will avoid peeking wires. Open wiring is masked with decorative elements and special panels. The main advantage open wiring its availability is considered repair work, which cannot be said about hidden.