Summer lesson in kindergarten on the street. "Assignments from Summer and her brothers

There are 3 whole summer months ahead, filled with warmth, sunshine, fragrant flowers, aromas of forests and meadows, ripe berries and fruits, splashes of refreshing water, long walks and exciting journeys. Summer is a small life, so let's fill it with the most interesting, fun and educational games.

Most often, in the summer, children themselves find classes without problems, but sometimes it’s worth giving them a fresh idea, getting them interested in something new and summer games for kids acquire completely unexpected plots and colors.

Tired of boring walks?

What to do with a child in the summer?

I present to you a list of ideas for summer activities.

  1. Gather natural materials, which will be useful to you for creating crafts - tree bark, pebbles, unusual snags and twigs.

  1. Collect flowers, dry them and make a herbarium. Tell us which flowers can be picked and which are listed in. You can make a whole album with interesting information about plants, or you can arrange dried flowers into beautiful pictures.
  1. And can you do jelly herbarium. Arrange flowers and herbs in molds, fill with gelatin solution and refrigerate. Arrange the jellies from the molds on a tray and let the children play in a random way. Unusual sensory experiences are guaranteed.

  1. Surprise the baby cucumber in a bottle. While the cucumber is small, put a bottle on it and wait for it to grow. Show the child and listen to his suggestions about how this could happen. Then repeat this experience together.
  1. Together with your child, collect leaves of mint, blackcurrant, raspberry, cherry, dry them and prepare flavored tea. Or you can master the process of fermentation of fireweed or Ivan tea and enjoy the amazing taste and incredible benefits of this traditional Russian drink for a whole year.

  1. Do it with your child. Take a disposable plate, make a hole in the center and insert a stick or pencil there, draw a dial with a marker, drawing half of the plate into 12 equal parts. At exactly noon, set the clock so that the shadow of the pencil falls on the number twelve, and watch how the shadow moves in accordance with the time of day.

  1. Organize Olympic Games for your child and his friends. Draw medals, prepare prizes. The main thing is to make sure that there are no losers and then a good mood of all participants in the games is ensured.
  1. Spend themed holidays, For example:

Many parents are interested in the question of how kindergartens work in the summer, because not everyone has the opportunity to go on vacation or send their children out of town, to the sea, to visit relatives.

As a rule, less than half of the children stay in kindergartens for the summer, so at this time there is no need for the entire preschool staff to be present at work. July and August are the traditional vacation time for all preschool education workers, in connection with this, the kindergarten work schedule may be adjusted. Some kindergartens completely stop working for 2 months (July and August), but at the same time, one kindergarten on duty should remain in each district, where parents can bring their children. In the summer, the teachers assigned to the group may change, and the composition of the children in the group is also unstable. Given these changes, child psychologists It is not recommended to start attending kindergarten in the summer months.

In the conditions of summer weather, the daily routine in kindergarten changes a little. Most of the time is devoted to walks and outdoor games. In the morning, when parents bring the kids to the kindergarten, the teacher is waiting for them not in the group, but on the playground. When breakfast time comes, the guys enter the group, but after breakfast they go for a walk again. At lunchtime, when it is especially hot in the yard, the kids eat and go to bed. But already after an afternoon snack they go for a walk, trying to stay in the shade of trees or play under a canopy on the playground.

It is recommended to dress children in light clothing made from natural fabrics (linen, cotton) at this time of the year. T-shirts, shorts, short skirts are ideal. You should definitely put on a scarf, cap or panama on your head, preferably in pastel shades, sewn from light natural fabrics. After the walk, the children rinse their face, hands and feet in cool water, so you may be asked to bring a small foot towel, especially if the kids are allowed to run barefoot a little on the playground.

Classes in kindergarten in the summer in the traditional sense of the word are not held. Usually, by June, the program according to which the educators worked in the current year ends. And new classes do not start, because due to frequent changes in the teaching staff and the composition of the children's group, they will be inconsistent and illogical.

Warm weather means that most of the activities and games are transferred to the street. It can be mobile or educational games , physical exercises, sports competitions, excursions to nature, to the zoo, cinema. How interesting the child will spend summer time in kindergarten depends entirely on the teacher. Let us consider in more detail what entertainment can be organized in kindergarten in the summer.

water games

This is a great way to have fun and cool off on a hot summer day. To do this, a garden sprinkler is installed in an open area. Children can simply run around him or jump over holding hands. You can make splash bottles or fill balloons with water.

Outdoor ball games

Such games perfectly develop dexterity, coordination of movements and motor skills of hands. Children of the younger group can be introduced to the simplest game "Beating". This game requires one large ball (not very heavy). On the site, the largest tree is chosen, which will play the role of a "house". During the draw, 2 drivers are selected. The teacher throws the ball, all the children run under the tree (to the house), and the drivers catch the ball, and then throw it at the one who did not have time to hide under the tree. The player who was hit by the driver with the ball takes his place and the game continues. Children of the older group can be taught the basics of team games such as basketball, football or volleyball. You should start with a small field, gradually increasing the distance.

Bubble Festival

To carry out this event, you will need a special device for blowing bubbles, you can buy or rent it. In addition, you need to warn parents so that all children come with soap bubbles. Parents and children can be puzzled by suggesting in advance to come up with unusual tubes for blowing bubbles (you can glue a few straws for a cocktail, cut them or bend a tube out of wire).

For the holiday, a bubble blower is installed on the street and music is turned on. Toddlers can dance, chase bubbles, pop them and blow their own.

Garden work

Usually children like to dig in the ground, so gardening will be accepted with pleasure. With the kids, you can look for earthworms and talk about their life and habitats, dig up wild flowers and plant them on the kindergarten site, and then take care of them.

Properly organized classes in kindergarten in the summer will not only bring considerable benefits to the health and overall development of the baby, but will also leave a lot of vivid impressions.

Elena Malyshkina
Summary of the lesson "Summer"

Circle occupation construct"Smart Baby" on the topic " Summer in the second junior group.

SUBJECT: « Summer» .

Age group: junior group (3-4 years)

Compiler: Malyshkina E.V.

Kind of activity: informative, productive.

Technology: game.

The form lessons: group.

Educational and methodical set: program of educational activities. Circle "Smart Baby"

for the 2016-2017 academic year for children of the 2nd junior group.



demo material: illustrations on the topic "Seasons";

Handout: blue and green butterflies (6 each); glue (12, wreath strips (12, red and yellow flowers (by 36); geometric shapes of different colors.

multimedia: record "Butterflies"

Target: strengthening the ability to compare groups of objects, distinguish and name geometric shapes, basic features items: color, shape; strengthening the skills of accurate gluing.


Educational: to consolidate the ability to compare groups of objects and name geometric figures: circle, square, triangle; consolidate knowledge on the topic « Summer» .

Educational: develop speech, creativity, fine motor skills.

Educational: to educate the child's sense of taste, accuracy.

Planned result: called geometric figures: circle, square, triangle; are able to compare groups of objects, have the skills of accurate gluing.


1. Org. moment.

Guys, what seasons do we know?

What season is it now?

Why did you decide so?

Which one of you loves summer?

What do you like to do the most summer?

Now I will give you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

The flower was sleeping - and suddenly woke up,

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

Moved, stirred

Soared up - and flew away!

What do you think, what is it about?

Guys, who saw butterflies? What are they?

Imagine that you are butterflies. You fly, spin, and flowers grow beyond the river. How can we get to the flower meadow?

Yellow butterflies will fly to the clearing over a wide bridge, and red butterflies over a narrow bridge.

Look how many flowers are in the meadow! (Lot)

How many butterflies have arrived? (Lot)

Where do butterflies like to rest? (on flowers)

Do you think there will be enough flowers for all butterflies?

How to find out if butterflies have enough flowers or not? (Children offer their own versions)

To the music, butterflies will fly over the flowers, when the music ends, the butterflies will sit down to rest on the flowers. (Children, depicting butterflies, "fly" in a group and sit on flowers when the music stops)

Did everyone have enough flowers?


Which is more - butterflies or flowers? (Pick one flower)

How many flowers did I pick? (One)

And now, did all the butterflies have enough flowers? (Yes)

Are there any flowers left? (Not)

(Pick another flower)

What needs to be done so that the butterflies and flowers are equally divided?

What can you say about butterflies and flowers? (There are as many butterflies as there are flowers)

What good fellows we are! Had a lot of fun.

2. Construction from geom. figures "Track"

Our butterflies decided to return home, for this we need to build a path of geometric shapes. I suggest everyone to do for themselves track: red circle, green triangle, blue square, blue circle, black square, ...

So we are back, look how many beautiful flowers are on the table, what color are they?

We sit down at the tables, keep the back straight.

3. Application "Wreath for Mom"

I suggest you weave a wreath for mom, arrange the flowers, alternating bloom: Red, yellow, red…

Now we will weave a wreath, carefully take a flower, apply glue to the middle of the flower and glue it on a strip.

Take one red flower and stick it on the strip, stick yellow next to it, red again, yellow again ...

What is the next flower to stick on? And what is behind him?

Where have we been today?

What did you enjoy doing?

What was difficult to do?

We are great fellows! Look how beautiful we have turned out, I propose to give our beautiful wreaths to mothers and invite them for a walk.

Related publications:

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Expand children's knowledge about summer.
Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic.
To form stable ideas about the size, quantity, color, geometric shapes.
Continue to teach children to indicate the number of objects with a number, to determine the position of an object in space.
Exercise in sculptural and bas-relief modeling, gluing, drawing with fingers, stamps and pencils.
Develop the ability to repeat the movements of the teacher.
Develop thinking, motor skills, visual and auditory concentration, coordination of movements.


Black pencils, a blank picture of a train on rails without sleepers, adhesive pencils, color silhouette pictures of a flower, strawberry, pear, cucumber, mushroom, hare.
Picture-background depicting flowers of different colors, plastic corks in the middle of the same colors.
Picture-blank "sunflower", black plasticine, sunflower seeds.
Cardboard "pies" - triangles folded in half from cardboard of different sizes, "strawberries" of different sizes.
Colored silhouette pictures of fruits and vegetables, background picture with painted boxes in the form of geometric shapes.
Finger paints in yellow and red, the picture-blank "apple".
Stamps "apple", red gouache, pictures-blanks "apple tree".
Clothespins, rope, color silhouette pictures depicting mushrooms.
White plasticine, picture-blank "fly agaric" without white spots on the hat.
A picture depicting four mushrooms, among which three are the same, and one is different from the others.
Background picture with the image of mushroom legs of different sizes, mushroom caps, leaves, snails cut out of colored cardboard of a suitable size.
Flat shells, glass pieces, glue, blank picture "On the seashore".
A picture-background depicting three bears of different sizes, inflatable circles cut out of colored cardboard corresponding to the size of the bears.
A container with sand, in which various pebbles are buried.
Audio recording: “This is what our summer is like!”

Lesson progress:

Greeting game "Our smart heads"

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, deftly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs straighten
We smile at each other.

Reading a poem - Train "Gifts of Summer"

Like a train rushes summer
All tickets sold out
The summer train is coming to us
Through fields and forests.
Loud locomotive hums -
A gray hare sits in it.
He is not a clown, not an artist -
He is an eared driver!

Drawing "Summer train"

Draw sleepers with a black pencil - short vertical stripes and smoke from the steam locomotive chimney - curls.

Number one, I know for sure
There is a flower car on the train!
"The way to autumn is far!" -
The cornflower says to everyone.
And nods her head
field bell,
And the sunflower looks into the distance -
He follows the sun!
Let it be small, but still
He looks like the sun!

Didactic game "Pick the middle flower"

Match each flower with a center exactly the same color as the petals.

Manual labor "Sunflower"

Let's make a sunflower like a real one: cover the middle with black plasticine, and put the seeds on top of the black plasticine.

And in car number two
Not flowers and not grass -
The berries in it are noble,
Very fragrant.
Strawberries and raspberries
Escaped from the basket -
They don't want to fall
And get into the jam with us!

Didactic game "Pies with strawberries"

There are pies in front of you. Show the largest pie, medium, smallest. Now you need to put the filling in the pies - strawberries. Just be careful, put the largest berries in the largest pie, medium berries in the middle pie, small berries in the small pie.

Car number three
Only vegetables inside!
The carrot says: "Guys,
Better there is no our beds!”
Immediately got into an argument with her.
Cucumber and tomato.

Didactic game "Put vegetables and fruits in boxes"

Arrange vegetables and fruits in appropriately shaped boxes.

Modeling "Salad of cucumbers and tomatoes"

Children sculpt a cucumber by direct rolling out of green plasticine, and tomatoes are sculpted by circular rolling out of red plasticine. Then cut the fashioned vegetables into pieces and put them on a plate. Sprinkle with greens on top - a green napkin torn into small pieces.

And in the fourth to our gardens
Ripe fruits are coming!
The apple scares the pear
That everyone wants to eat it.
The pear is very fearful,
And the plum laughs at her.

Didactic game "Count fruits in vases"

Count the fruits in the vases and label them with a number.

Drawing with stamps "Apple tree"

Dip the stamps in the paint and leave prints on the wood.

Drawing with paints "Bulk apple"

Look at this apple. He has one barrel yellow and the other red. Let's draw exactly the same apple with yellow and red barrels.

Dynamic pause "This is what our summer is like"

To the song of the same name, children take rugs, lie on them on their stomachs, wave their legs, then their arms, turn over on their side, then on their backs, raise their legs and arms. They get up, run in all directions with circular movements of the hands in front of the chest - “swim”.

And in the mushroom car - the fifth
Honey mushrooms are going to the summer forest.
And dream for a day
Take a stump before everyone else.
White mushroom asked the fox:
"Where are you growing up, little sister?"
"I grow among the grass,
In other words, where you are!”

Didactic game "Pick mushroom hats"

Choose a cap that fits each mushroom. and put a leaf on top of the hat. And plant snails below the mushrooms.

Bas-relief modeling "Poisonous fly agaric mushroom"

Make white dots from plasticine for the poisonous fly agaric mushroom.

Show a mushroom that is not like all the other mushrooms.

Exercise "Hang up the mushrooms to dry"

Children hang "mushrooms" on a string using clothespins.

From dusk to dawn
The train rushes through the summer.
The train sings a song
And giving out gifts!

Application "Summer train"

An eared driver is sitting in the locomotive - stick a hare on the locomotive. A flower rides in the first car, a berry in the second, a cucumber in the third, a pear in the fourth, and a mushroom in the fifth.

Modeling "On the seashore"

Children tear off pieces of plasticine, stick them to the background picture and put them on top, pressing flat shells and pieces of glass turned by sea water.

Didactic game "Give the bears inflatable circles"

The bears decided to swim in the warm sea, give them inflatable circles for swimming. Choose circles that are the right size.

Didactic exercise "Find the pebbles in the sand"

Try to find different beautiful pebbles in the sand.