How to make a dressing room with your own hands, expert advice. Do-it-yourself dressing room: drawings and diagrams, photos, useful recommendations for arranging Do-it-yourself frame wardrobe system

A wardrobe is an integral part of any apartment or private house. No matter how small the dwelling is, people will always find a place for a chest of drawers or its older brother. After all, this is the most important place for storing not only clothes, but also various items (home accounting, boxes with appliances, shoes, and so on). Today you can not only buy a ready-made wardrobe, but also order furniture according to individual parameters. We invite you to learn how you can make a wardrobe with your own hands.

Dressing room or closet?

Many, when they hear the word "dressing room", imagine a room filled with racks and hangers with clothes and shoes. In fact, it can even be an equipped niche. By the way, it can also be done at the place where you plan to put a regular cabinet. The wardrobe that you get will be much more spacious and roomy. And visually, it will not “eat up” precious space. In other words, an ordinary closet can serve as a dressing room.

The process of creating a wardrobe with your own hands is not fast. It consists of the following steps:

  • choice of location;
  • size measurement;
  • creating a layout and drawings;
  • selection and purchase of materials;
  • wardrobe assembly.

Storage features

Have you noticed that when you open the door of an ordinary cabinet, some kind of aroma comes out? This is due to the fact that ventilation is not provided in the usual wardrobes. In a modern dressing room, an air ventilation system is a prerequisite for designing a closet. There is no need for complex and intricate systems. Enough to be natural ventilation. And then there will be no smell of mustiness and other amber. Ventilation can be implemented by indenting the doors from the top of the cabinet, creating special slots or creating a small ventilation hole.

You also need to think about lighting. If the wardrobe with your own hands is made shallow, then you can do without light. But if the dressing room is wider than a regular closet, then for convenience it is necessary to conduct wiring for at least one spotlight.

Ventilation and lighting are important. But the main point is the organization of the storage system. Dress can be made in one of the following types:

  • rack;
  • wardrobe corner;
  • pencil case;
  • niche.

Storage structures are different for each type. Somewhere hanging clothes can be stored only on retractable rods, somewhere the usual one is provided. The dressing room may have drawers or shelves. All this depends not only on desires, but also on the possibilities of the room and the size of the structure itself.


Making a wardrobe with your own hands, you choose what materials you will use. At this point, by the way, you can save. After all, even what is already at home can be used.

The best material for the base of the structure are wood sheets(chipboards). They are able to withstand the entire load of the structure, and also has a number of useful properties. Among them - the absorption of moisture and its gradual return.

If you need dock doors, it is better to buy new material. Chipboard sheets that are at hand are suitable for the internal filling (for example, from the old one).

What will be the dressing room - design dimensions

The size of the smallest dressing room is from 1.2 to 1.5 square meters. meters. That is, it is a rectangle, in which one side is 1.2 or 1.5 meters, and the other is 1 meter. By the way, there is one trick that will allow you to put more things in a small dressing room. Just make it angular, not rectangular. Most often, with a width of 1 meter, customers choose a cabinet length from 2 to 2.5 meters. A lot of things will fit in such a wardrobe, and it will take up almost the same area as a three-leaf wardrobe.

In addition to dimensions, you also need to know other parameters of the cabinet:

  • The height of the outerwear compartment varies from 100-150 cm from the floor to the level of the bar. Plus, you need to throw another 10 cm from the bar to the top bar.
  • The height of shoe and hat shelves - from 10 cm.
  • Linen shelves are usually made in height from 250 to 450 mm.

The depth of the wardrobe is from 65 to 100 cm. As a rule, this is enough for the hangers to be located functionally and the doors to close normally.

Knowing these parameters, you can easily understand what size cabinet is needed and how the project will look like.

Dressing room layout

Any dressing room should consist of at least two compartments - for hanging clothes and for folded. That is, in one there will be a bar for hangers, and in the other - shelves and / or drawers.

As for the penultimate element, it is best to buy special iron shelves for dressing rooms. They have the appearance of a lattice, so that the clothes will be well ventilated. But if you are an adherent of the vertical way of storing things, then it is better to stop at the classic version of the shelves - from chipboard.

Boxes can also be bought ready-made in the store or ordered to be assembled. But they are easy enough to make yourself. To create them, you will need sheets of chipboard and plywood, which will go to the bottom. The cut can be ordered at the same place where you buy the material. It is convenient when the drawers are put forward on rollers. Therefore, do not forget to buy this mechanism.

Additional internal elements

Today it is quite easy to make a wardrobe with your own hands, because everything can be bought separately, including additional accessories for storing various things.

There are the following devices for organizing and storing clothes and other wardrobe items:

  • Horizontal skirts and trousers: they look like transverse strips, which are fixed on special guides. Sometimes they also have clips. Skirts and trousers can be easily hung on such slats. Things will hang straight. The system slides forward, making it easy to hang and take off clothes.
  • Vertical hangers for skirts and trousers: they look like a hanger with several crossbars located one below the other. Such a system is characterized by a lower price and a compact way of placement.
  • Horizontal and vertical tie hanger. The principle is similar to trousers and skirts. Only the tie hangers are much narrower.
  • Retractable hangers for clothes. This is a more expensive alternative to the usual barbells. Ideal when you have a narrow dressing room. The dimensions of this bracket are small, but thanks to the retractable system, you can place a large amount of things deep into the cabinet.
  • a bar that has the ability to go down. A great option to make two levels of hangers. Thus, it turns out to use the cabinet space to the very top, while getting things out, you do not have to go for a stool or stairs. The system of such storage is equipped with a special handle, by pulling which you can lower the bar. True, the pantograph has a weight limit - up to 18 kilograms.
  • Various storage systems for shoes. These can be special mini chests of drawers, hanging organizers, hooks and hangers with clothespins for boots, a mesh with hooks, and so on. You can find an option for any wallet and for any size dressing room.


A sliding dressing room takes up less space than a wardrobe with doors. And it's not about the size of the wardrobe. Just such a cabinet can be placed even in the narrowest place, you will still have access to its contents. After all, for sliding doors no space is needed for opening, as is the case with sashes. Therefore, this option of closing-opening the wardrobe is especially appropriate in corridors, hallways and small bedrooms.

Also, when using sliding doors, there is wide choose cabinet design. You can choose a mirror surface, thereby using a trick with a visual expansion of space, or order photo printing on the doors, or come up with any other design method. It all depends on your fantasies, wishes and financial capabilities.

Drop-down sashes also have their advantages. One of them is that you can make shutter doors. Then the question of ventilation will disappear.

Create a project

How the dressing room project will look like depends on many factors: the size of the space allotted for the closet, design features, and storage system options.

So, first, decide on the place where you put the wardrobe. The drawings of the future project directly depend on whether the cabinet will stand under the wall, or it will be made in an existing niche, additional walls are needed and top cover or not and so on.

When the place is chosen, decide on the following question: what will be the doors. The sashes can open or move apart along special guides. If the doors open, then they need additional space. The same goes for drawers.

After drawing a rough draft of your ideal wardrobe, move on to creating a working sketch. It is necessary to clearly calculate the depth and height of the cabinet, as well as the height of each compartment and drawer. This can be done based on the recommended parameters that were mentioned above.

Decide on the layout of the wardrobe. Calculate how many drawers, shelves, shoe compartments, the size of the rod and other accessories are needed for your needs (we have already reviewed what additional storage compartments are). Also try to imagine where it will be most convenient for you to use certain systems storage. For example, it is better for you to place the boxes in the left corner, and the bar for placing outerwear and suits on the right.

Tip: when drawing up a drawing of your dressing room, use ready-made plans that were developed by professionals. Sometimes it's easier to fix something than to draw everything from scratch.

Design and implementation in specific examples

The dressing room plays an important role, but still remains a utility room. Therefore, the main principle when creating a wardrobe design is - we will make it so that it is not noticeable. This implies the features of choosing a place for a closet, and its appearance.

As a rule, a dressing room project is developed at the beginning of the repair, and its design is at the very end. When the style of the entire room is already clear, the main palette is defined, and so on.

As for the features appearance dressing room, which depend on the place of its implementation, we will consider specific examples below.

Wardrobe from the pantry or any other niche

A do-it-yourself dressing room from the pantry is the easiest option you can think of. The question of place and size goes aside. It remains to consider only the ventilation and lighting system, as well as the configuration option. It also turns out to save a lot on materials - the cabinet box is already there, and it is very durable, you only need to buy wood for the shelves and additional accessories for organizing storage, and also make doors.

Such a wardrobe can be created not only in the pantry, but also on a glazed loggia or in the principle of operation in these places is the same as when arranging a dressing room in a pantry.

Wardrobe corner

This option will turn out to be a little more expensive than the first, but it will be more optimal. Indeed, most often pantries are located in the hallway, and there it is not always convenient to make a dressing room. Therefore, it is better to assemble a dressing area in the bedroom. True, if the sleeping room is less than 16 square meters, then there is practically no space for such a wardrobe in it.

An embodiment of the wardrobe corner can be seen in the photo above. As you can see, storage compartments are placed on the walls in the corner of the room, and the doors are fixed on the sides. In creating such a dressing room, a minimum of auxiliary materials is used.


A pencil case is a narrow and tall cabinet. It takes up little space, so it is suitable for small rooms. An example of the implementation of such a closet can be the placement of a wardrobe on the sides of the bed (instead of

The internal filling of the wardrobe-pencil case is slightly different. No, the compartment with shelves and drawers remains the same. But to store outerwear, blouses, trousers, skirts, dresses and other things that are best kept hanging, you will have to buy a retractable bar.

By the way, the doors here will be wide open, since there is no room for retractable ones. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a place for their opening.


Wardrobe rack - classic version cabinetry design. The materials for its creation are the most, since it is necessary to make the side walls - the basis of the wardrobe. But with a complete set and internal stuffing, the situation here is much simpler. You can even save some money. For example, make only compartments for shelves and a regular bar, and abandon other accessories and designs.

It should be noted that when creating a wardrobe-rack, all profiles and guides, to which all the contents of the wardrobe are attached, are attached to the wall. Therefore, it should be made of concrete or brick, and not drywall. Since the load on the profiles and the guide is very large. Drywall just won't do the job.

As for the exterior design, shelving wardrobes are usually made with sliding doors. And, as mentioned above, they can be ordered absolutely any kind. Therefore, such wardrobes are perfectly written out in any room, without attracting much attention to themselves.

What girl does not dream of more spacious storage for clothes and shoes. But far from always opportunities allow without loss in precious square meters x useful area to solve these issues. Even if there is enough space, a dressing room is a very complex project. It is possible to equip such a room with your own hands - let's see how to organize everything.

Pros of a dressing room

Most small apartments a closet is used to store clothes; many have it in private homes. But a separate, even a small room allocated for such tasks is much better.

The dressing room is very convenient and economical. In a separate room in the bedroom, hallway or in another room, you can fit much more clothes than in the largest closet, and everything that is stored there will always be at hand and in plain sight. You no longer need to rush between the closet and bedside tables.

All things will fit in the dressing room: linen, outerwear, bags, shoes and various accessories.

Another plus is that the wardrobe will allow you to remove bulky wardrobes from the apartment. This will facilitate the visual perception of space - only light furniture will remain. As a result, the whole room will only benefit from this, you can install a couch or other desired furniture in the living room in the place that was previously occupied by the closet. Hanging clothes can be removed from the eyes in the hallway.

Equipping a wardrobe system with your own hands is also an opportunity to save money. It is enough to sit down and calculate what will be more profitable: to purchase several lockers, drawers for storing things, shelves to equip the space in the wardrobe, or to spend money on a massive wardrobe, two or three chests of drawers and several cabinets.

A separate roomy room for clothes is multifunctional. Pillows, unnecessary blankets, mattresses are put here. There are always several shelves for a photo album and boxes with various little things. You can also store an ironing board here, and if the room is large, you can even arrange a laundry room.

In what cases is it not advisable to make a dressing room?

A separate storage room for outerwear, underwear and shoes, various little things is a necessary thing even for a small apartment. Another thing is when a one-room apartment is an economy segment. There is nowhere to steal precious space, and there is no storage room in such apartments. In this case, it is impractical to build a wardrobe. In any other cases, such a functional room will only be a plus.

Dressing room can be equipped even in a small niche


The modern construction market offers a lot of various materials, which can be used to build a dressing room in the apartment. Drywall, wood, metal, plastic are widely used. You can work with any materials on your own, the main thing is to purchase them in the right quantity. When finishing, use glass-wallpaper, tiles, paint as desired. The choice of a suitable material depends on the chosen scheme and layout of the dressing room, as well as the features of the room in the apartment.

Plasterboard dressing room

It must be borne in mind that drywall is a material not intended for the manufacture of furniture. This is still a finishing building material for leveling walls, ceilings, dry screeds for lightly loaded floors. And the wardrobe is something like furniture, drywall here will be too heavy and fragile.

Drywall furniture solutions are based on a frame that has a rather complex structure.

After the system is assembled, you will need to carefully do the finishing work. For arranging a utility room, and a wardrobe is a kind of utility room, labor intensity and the total cost of the project, along with construction work too high, and the capacity is reduced, since a solid drywall shelf will be at least 5 cm thick.

However, for a dressing room, it is important to have a mass of blind cavities that are sheathed with vapor-permeable materials. Humidity will be regulated, gypsum craton will eliminate sudden changes in the microclimate in the apartment. But neither clothes, nor shoes, nor any other things like this.

On the video: the creation of a dressing room from drywall.

Wooden dressing room

There is no guarantee that the clothes in the dressing room can be damp. Excess moisture will lead to mustiness. A dressing room made of wood will allow you to remove excess moisture - even painted wood has pores, it is able to take excess moisture vapor from the air.

Laminate has all the advantages of wood, but it does not have porosity. However, the laminate has such advantages as affordable price, high strength and resistance to moisture. Only there is one more nuance - unlike wood, the laminate is not able to breathe, and for a dressing room this is very, very important.

Laminate is a good substitute for wood, but you can take both chipboard and chipboard, plywood wardrobes are often found.

How to make a comfortable dressing room yourself: step by step instructions

It’s easy to start building your own wardrobe space. There are many interesting projects. It is important to choose the right scheme for the layout of the room. It is also necessary to have skills in working with wood or drywall. Work is best done in steps - detailed step-by-step instruction will help any home master.

Step #1 - Planning (diagrams and dimensional drawings)

The development of the first part of the project will not be difficult and will not take much time. Now there are ready-made drawings and diagrams that only need to be adapted to a specific situation. There is interesting ideas and for a small room, which is very important for many.

In total there are several popular schemes:

  • corner;
  • Linear;
  • G and U-shaped schemes;
  • parallel structures.

Considering the drawings, pay attention to the dimensions. The design is developed based on how large the area is. The most comfortable and standard rooms are considered to be 4 m2. It is this room that will perform its original functions of storing things.

Corner dressing room

At the first stage we make a project - planning is very important. Angled design allows you to get away from optimal size in 4 square meters and use less space. Even a size of 1.5 × 1.5 m will be sufficient for such a design.

  • it is easy to work with it even at home;
  • after installation work no debris left;
  • overlap will give a minimum load on the surface;
  • drywall partitions are easy to trim.

You can place drawers and shelves different ways, but it is much more convenient to distribute them from both walls in the resulting room. If you use only one wall, it will be irrational. It is better to design the interior arrangement using open shelves - racks will facilitate access to clothes, as well as free up space. The door is chosen, given the limited space.

Linear design

This arrangement is convenient to apply near the walls. It is easy to build such a room at home, but it is relevant in the bedroom. There are no beveled corners - this will facilitate the process of arranging furniture. It is easy to distribute internal elements in such rooms. You can equip retractable hangers for clothes. One movement of the hand is enough, and the right clothes will be in sight.

In the design process, it must be taken into account that the optimal depth of the dressing room is 1.5 m. However, partitions inside will narrow the space - you should not install them. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing allows, then narrow rooms will not be comfortable, and there will be little free space.

L- and U-shaped design

The layout with the letter G is when the dressing room is part of the room. The peculiarity is that it is not necessary to make a partition here. The instruction recommends using only open-type racks, since the issue of saving precious space is very acute, as well as the issue of ergonomics. The same instruction provides for the almost complete absence of any partitions in the design.

If you look at the sketch, you can clearly see that the method is very economical - for the manufacture of a partition, you need to purchase additional materials.

They also use designs with the letter P. They are good only for large and spacious rooms, but they allow you to place a lot of clothes and rationally fill the space.

What are good U-shaped wardrobes:

  • are highly practical and very interesting in terms of design;
  • due to the unusual design, you can emphasize the interior;
  • you can get optimal storage for clothes and more;
  • such schemes involve a large number of different boxes for small items, gloves, accessories.

If you choose the right color scheme, you get a very simple, functional and outwardly attractive dressing room. Due to the presence of functional elements, it will be very comfortable to use.

parallel type

Designing and arranging a dressing room according to this scheme is the simplest solution. This is a popular example, often used at home by ordinary craftsmen. More often this design can be found in the hallway and closets. To implement the design, it is necessary to organize only a few partitions. Separate furniture sets are also used.

Such a scheme is good if you arrange it in the passage room, but not in the corridor. If the room is deaf, you should choose another project.

Step #2 - Installation work

Let's see how to make a dressing room. The desired option is selected design work finished, location selected. It remains to realize the drawing in metal and drywall. Plywood is also suitable, you can make a structure from chipboard.

Step by step installation instructions:

1. First, we make the markup according to the drawings and diagram.

2. A frame is being assembled from a profile, on which the entire structure will be attached. In these works, the main thing is accuracy. Profiles should be fastened as securely as possible - they will withstand high loads.

3. When the frame is ready, you can sheathe it with sheets of drywall, plywood or chipboard on both sides. As a result, a niche is formed, in which the electrical wiring and the lighting system are then hidden.

4. In the case of drywall, all the resulting seams are carefully glued with a special tape and then puttied.

On the video: do-it-yourself installation of a pantry (dressing room) from drywall.

Step number 3 - Finishing the dressing room

When the design is ready, you can proceed to finishing work. There are several ways: finishing with plastic panels, regular painting or wallpaper. The last option is the simplest.


Wallpaper is, of course, not the best solution, but one of the budget ones. The walls should first be prepared: cleaned of dust and dirt, if necessary, putty bumps and joints (in the case of drywall). Pasting technology is no different from the usual. Wallpaper can be chosen to your personal taste.


Here you can use drywall systems, pvc panels, lining - you can do whatever you want. But do not greatly complicate the design of the ceiling. It is enough that the ceiling hides the wiring and fixtures. This will be enough. The ceiling can be painted or wallpapered.


It is best to design the structure in such a way as to use sliding doors. They are not only functional, but can also add zest to the design. Even children can use such a door - it's so easy. Install sliding systems is also very simple.

The corner dressing room requires a slightly different approach. Here, an appropriate brother-in-law is needed - a radius or accordion door.

Step #4 - Lighting and Ventilation

This point should be given special attention. Lighting should be sufficient. If there is daylight, then this is good, but it is better to organize an additional one - it can be any lighting. The number of lamps is determined by the size of the room. So, in a small dressing room, only two light sources are enough.

The interior lighting of linen drawers with the help of LED strips will not be superfluous.

It is very important to choose the right ventilation system to the dressing room. It allows you to automatically ventilate the room and guarantees protection from unpleasant odors and dust. It is better to choose special ventilation solutions.

If you don’t want to buy an expensive option, then you can get by with installing a fan. It will also need an inlet hole. Power is calculated according to the following formula - the volume of the room is multiplied by 1.5. This will be the final performance.

Step number 5 - Arrangement: filling and storage systems

It is necessary not only to assemble the structure and conduct light there, the internal content is much more important. It also needs to be designed. The ergonomics and functionality of the dressing room depends on the correct filling.


It is better to make shelves retractable and place them so that there is 35-40 cm between them. The depth is made more than 40 cm. On wide shelves it is convenient to fold clothes in piles. In cases with long shelves, one or more additional supports are needed.


When choosing the location of the shelves in the room, one should not forget that they store linen, as well as various little things. You need to immediately think about what will be stored on open racks. This is a practical solution, so they should be made in different sizes. It is important to identify needs and you can boldly act.


Filling the dressing room should be modern. Innovation comes to the rescue. There are special hangers for trousers and skirts, clothes are fixed on them very gently, and there are no crumpled marks left. The hangers themselves slide out of the niche. They have different sizes, which is very convenient.

You can also purchase a convenient device - this is a hanger-organizer. The device is used to organize things.

You can install a pantograph - this is such an elevator. It will allow you to use the dressing room space up to the ceiling and there will be no damage to comfort. The elevator is attached to the crossbars on the sides and to the back wall. The only drawback is that it can only be used with light clothing.

Shoe storage systems

You have to buy a special module. It is a compact retractable system. There are also hanging organizers, as well as stands. A specific solution is selected based on their needs and the size of the room.

With the help of sliding doors in the bedroom, the dressing room is separated from the rest of the area. The front of the door must be made in such a way that it fits into the design. But such ideas are relevant only for spacious rooms. Take a look at how it looks in the photo.

In one of the cottages, the attic was used as a dressing room. The walls are high enough to accommodate hangers for coats, fur coats, jackets. Shoes and accessories are stored in narrow places. But this is true for a private house.

If there is a staircase at home, there must be free space under it. Here you can equip a dressing room - it will be hidden from the eyes, it will not hide the space. It's perfect. You can assemble special retractable structures and a body made of wood and plywood, which will be hidden in the space under the stairs.

Take a look at the dressing room in the photo. Although the staircase is at an angle, this did not prevent the use of space.

A comfortable and spacious dressing room is the dream of the vast majority of women. The selection of a part of the room for such a functional corner allows you to solve a lot of problems. And it's not just about the joy of the fair half, a properly made dressing room allows you to solve the problem of storing a lot of fairly intimate items away from prying eyes.

A dressing room is a closet or room with many drawers and shelves, which is designed to store clothes and other items.

It is quite possible to make a dressing room with your own hands, for this it is enough to study the rules and subtleties of storing things, purchase suitable material and take advantage of space organizing tips.

Rules for a successful dressing room

If there is an unused corner of a sufficient area in a house or apartment, it is quite possible to make a full-fledged dressing room in it. A pantry or attic is perfect for this role, it is enough to install a partition and equip shelves. Any dressing room must obey the following rules.

  1. The size is at least 1 * 1.5 m. In a tighter dressing room, it will not be possible to install shelves or it will not be possible to enter it, which will significantly reduce functionality.
  2. To make the room comfortable, you should take care of installing a mirror. This will facilitate and speed up the daily preparation of a successful outfit.
  3. You need to take care of ventilation. If the natural one is not enough, it is worth installing a forced one. Otherwise, the musty smell will haunt you constantly.
  4. If there is no window in the corner in which it was decided to make a dressing room, sufficient lighting must also be provided.
  5. The most successful door to the dressing room is a compartment. She will not eat up the already limited space. In addition, due to its features, it will provide an influx fresh air. Yes, and decorating such a door is easier than a swing door.
  6. Be sure to plan the internal structure in advance. This will take into account all the features and preferences of the owner of the new dressing room.

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The dressing room is a closet that you can enter. It is from this rule that you should build on if you decide to make it yourself. First of all, you need to draw a plan for the future storage corner, taking into account preferences and some rules. correct internal organization dressing room will save a lot of space. What rules should be considered when planning a new closet or wardrobe?

  1. The height of the compartment for thick outerwear is from 150 cm.
  2. Office for light outerwear - from 100 cm.
  3. The height of the shelves for shoes - according to the height of the most voluminous box + 10 cm.
  4. The height of the shelves for basic items is chosen individually, but usually not higher than 40-45 cm. It is extremely difficult to store trousers and sweaters neatly on higher shelves. It is better to make more shelves.
  5. The width of each compartment, of course, the larger the better, but an approximate stock can also be calculated by inspecting your clothing stocks.
  6. You should not make shelves without a minimum margin in height and width. Free space is necessary for ventilation.
  7. It is better to make a choice in favor of quantity. It is more convenient to store a thing folded in several units. Tall stacks will inevitably shift, creating a mess.
  8. Some items, such as socks and underwear, are best stored in well-ventilated drawers or baskets.
  9. For frequently used wardrobe items, shelves should be at chest level or slightly lower.
  10. Removable shelves are excellent. Their installation will allow you to change the design of the wardrobe without global alterations.

Before you start making a dressing room with your own hands, you need to approve the final plan. This will allow you to accurately calculate the consumption of material and avoid rework.

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Material and finish

Chipboard is a good material for assembling a dressing room.

For the dressing room, you can use any furniture materials. Great fit natural wood, chipboard and laminate. These materials absorb moisture and return it to environment when conditions change. Wood and its derivatives are easy to work with, reliable and durable. But it is necessary to take care of the correct and sufficient processing so that the new cabinet does not spoil things.

Drywall can also be used, but keep in mind that it is quite heavy and the shelf from it will sag under its own weight. This building material can be used for partitions, because the reliability of the dressing room walls does not play a decisive role. In addition, drywall will absorb excess moisture, thereby ensuring the safety of things.

For interior decoration dressing room, you can use the same materials as for decorating the room. If the updated closet and bedroom are designed in the same style, this will emphasize the taste of the owners. Wardrobe cabinets painted in bright colors or pasted over with wallpaper look stylish and original. And a special chic - dressing room, decorated with wooden panels.

It is always worth remembering that the dressing room is a closed space and care must be taken to maintain the correct level of humidity.

Bags with moisture-absorbing material, such as silica gel, will help solve the problem.

If a lot of things have accumulated in the apartment, and attempts to systematize them do not lead to anything, then you just need a dressing room. The advantages of the dressing room are that it is hidden from the eye and invisible, which means that an atmosphere of neatness is created in the apartment. A storage room will make it possible to remove even a bulky closet and put in its place, for example, a large aquarium or build a pleasant corner for relaxation.

Designing a dressing room is not difficult. And the market building materials and other accessories are simply replete with offers for every taste and imagination.

Do not think that the dressing room should be a large room, it is not. The advantage of a large room is that you can put a dressing table there, hang mirrors and even install an ironing board with a clothes dryer.

Corner dressing room: drawings, diagrams and photos

The first step in creating a dressing room is planning. The corner format of the dressing room allows you to get away from the ideal of 4 m 2 and use less space. Even the size of one and a half by one and a half will look perfect in this arrangement. The peculiarity of such a dressing room is that the partition is installed in such a way that the corner of the room is cut off. The result is compactness. With a minimum space, a full-fledged corner dressing room with the most useful functionality is organized.

Use drywall as a partition material:

  1. It is easy to use at home, even for a non-professional.
  2. After installation, there will be no debris left, and the ease of contraction allows you to dismantle it at any time if necessary.
  3. Such an overlap minimally loads all surfaces.
  4. Drywall is easy to decorate.

You can arrange drawers and shelves in different ways, but it would be preferable to distribute them on both walls of the dressing room. Using only one wall does not give the most rational room. Use special corner design elements during repairs.

An unusual look will make it possible to use a small space as useful as possible.

The connecting element between the shelves in the form of a spiral will smooth out the corners, and therefore visually expand the space. And it will not be a bad highlight of the design. It is better to give preference to open shelves, rather than closed cabinets. This design will not only make it easier to access things, but also free up some space. front door Choose according to limited space. It is worth giving preference to an accordion door. Since it saves space for opening. You can open such a door with one movement. door leaf will not bother you to pick up things and try them on.

Schemes of wardrobe rooms: linear design

This arrangement of the dressing room is convenient to use near the wall. It is very easy to equip such a dressing room, and there will be no beveled corners, which will facilitate the arrangement of furniture in the room. It is easy to distribute drawers and shelves in this type of room. For example, install retractable clothes hangers. With a single movement of the hand, all your clothes will appear in front of you.

It is easy to distribute all the clothes in a linear-type dressing room, but such an arrangement is unlikely to allow you to comfortably install an ironing board or clothes dryer in a small area.

Design nuances:

  1. One and a half meters is considered the optimal depth, but it is not worth narrowing the space with partitions.
  2. If the footage of the apartment allows, then the narrow room will not be comfortable to use, and there will not be much free space in such a room.

If the size of the room allows, install ordinary cabinets with doors in the dressing room, but open racks and shelves will save space.

L- and U-shaped design: drawings of dressing rooms with dimensions

According to the L-shaped layout, it can be seen that the dressing room is obtained as part of the room. The specificity lies in the fact that there is no need for partitions. As a rule, it is recommended to install only open shelving, as the issue of space ergonomics is acute. The scheme provides for the complete absence of partitions. And it turns out that such a layout is the most economical, because in order to build a partition, material costs for materials are necessary. Another convenient option is the U-shaped layout. The opinion that a dressing room of this form is relevant only for a large room. Wrong.

You can make the hallway beautiful and modern on your own if you choose the right design. Look at the design options for hallways on our website:

This is easy to see from the drawings and diagrams:

  1. This layout is highly practical, and is very interesting.
  2. The unusualness of such a layout can be emphasized by interesting interior details.
  3. Equip your dressing room with a furniture complex. You will get the most necessary set furniture for various forms of storage.
  4. Here there are drawers closing, for example for small change, gloves and other accessories.
  5. Unscrew the shelves to store shoe boxes and of course hangers for convenient placement of daily essentials.

The color scheme of the room in light colors and its shape together create a very simple, comfortable and attractive dressing room. Use this layout in long and narrow spaces. Such a room turns out to be independent and separated from the rest of the space. Increasing the size of the upper shelves will increase the size of the usable area. Expanding the upper shelves will allow you to place more things.

Dressing room drawing with dimensions: parallel type

It is not difficult to create a dressing room with a parallel layout with your own hands. A project of this form is very popular, because for its implementation only partitions and a divided furniture set are needed.


  1. Apply this layout in the passage room.
  2. When you equip a dressing room in a deaf room, it is better to plan it in a different form.
  3. In order not to experience problems with moving from one wall to another, make the width at least one and a half meters. Thus, it turns out that the distance between the racks should be at least 80 cm. Such a distance will allow you not to experience discomfort when using the dressing room.

The most ergonomic option would be end hangers. This option will be the most practical and compact. Also, a set with drawers will successfully fit into such a dressing room.

We make a dressing room with our own hands: drawings and diagrams (video)

A wardrobe will save you time in the morning. You will no longer have to experience discomfort during the collection, because you and your family members will know exactly where everything is and is stored. Also, a dressing room is preferable for storage, since things are not exposed to external environmental factors, which means they will serve you for a long time.

In detail: do-it-yourself dressing room (photo examples)

Not sure how to make the best use of space? Where to put things that have already accumulated a lot? Ideal Solution- make a dressing room from the pantry. Examples of design, arrangement secrets, thanks to which your things will always be at hand.

It's great when you have your own dressing room, or at least a convenient dressing room. So far, I only have a corner bedroom with an uncomfortable niche that I would like to adapt for a makeshift wardrobe. But faced with a large selection of frame furniture on the one hand, and inspiring DIY projects on the other, I began to doubt what to spend my energy on to embody what was already in my head. And how are things going with you? If you intend to make a wardrobe on a minimal budget, using only Leroy Merlin blanks (Amazon, Ikea, the list goes on), then you are here.

Dressing room from the pantry in Khrushchev

The presence of a pantry in the apartment is a priceless treasure for those people who always lack space. Turn your pantry into a cozy changing area in several ways. For example, in Khrushchev, a pantry can be replaced with a wardrobe.

To do this, you need to follow these steps:


If the door opens inward or moves on rollers, then this design will save even more space, try making the door mirrored.

The dressing room will be no less attractive if done according to a different plan. To create a new functional space from the pantry, it is necessary to make a drawing and update the design of the internal surfaces of the walls. The ceiling needs to be repaired. You can make the wardrobe illuminated and conduct electrical wiring inside.

If you are planning to add light to a closet, find an electrical box that can provide power and plan the cable route. If you don't know how to do this, call a licensed electrician to help you connect and install the lights. Buy a large mirror that is mounted on the door. Now you need to think about different compartments.

More space should be allocated for long items, we should not forget about the bar for hangers. In addition, you need to pick up special shoe stands, the upper shelves on which hats will be stored. When everything is done by hand, the design can be changed according to personal preference.

The wardrobe should take into account women's comfort, providing boxes for small items. For example, they can store brushes, threads, needles, and other devices.

How to make a wardrobe from wooden slats?

Need more closet space? If you have enough floor space and some basic carpentry skills, you can build a closet in a bedroom, guest room, study, or hallway that looks like it's been there all along.

The first step is to build the cabinet frame and attach it to the surrounding walls. Next will be finishing the doorway and installing the door (s) to your liking. Finally a barbell will be installed or you will customize the interior with rods, shelving, drawers and any other accessories you want.

Planning the construction of cabinet walls

Plan to build a 2m by 4m cabinet frame with 2/4 inch slats, making a depth of at least 70cm. You can build the frame in one of two ways: build the walls on the floor and then raise them in place, or build them in place.

It is much easier to connect all the elements together on the floor if there is a large free area in the room to work on. But using this method, you will have to make a slight modification to the height of the cabinet walls because it is not possible to lift a 2m high wall into a 2m high space. So, build a wall 1cm shorter than the height of the ceiling, and then install spacers or thin blocks between the top panel and the ceiling.

Beginning of work

First, mark the position of the top bar (in the figure "top plate") and the bottom (sole plate). On the ceiling, mark both ends of the center line new wall closet. Measure 1 3/4 inches (half the width of the 2 by 4 top bar) on both sides of each mark. Fix parallel lines between the corresponding marks with chalk to show the position of the top bar.

Basic structural elements

Then, hang a plumb bob from each end of the lines and mark those points on the floor. Secure these lines with chalk to connect the dots of the floor, marking the position of the sole. If the cabinet has a side wall, lay out its top and bottom rails as well.


Use a frame rectangle to make sure it is perfectly perpendicular to the front wall. Cut the top and bottom strips to the correct length.

Mark the top bar and sole for pin placement using a square and pencil.

Lay each edge of the top plank on the edge towards the sole of the plank to hem at both ends. Starting at the end that will be attached to the existing wall, measure 1 1/2 inches and then make lines on both planks as shown. Starting at this end, measure and draw lines 15 1/4" and 16 3/4" apart. Next, starting at these marks, advance 16 inches each time until you reach the far end of both planks.

Do-it-yourself dressing room from the pantry

A wardrobe, whether built-in or classic, should have a functionally designed arrangement of shelves, drawers, clothes hangers, etc. Drawers should be placed in the lower zone, up to 120 cm from the floor, to see what's in them. The wardrobe can be short and long, depending on the length of things. It is enough to install shirts, trousers, jackets, blouses in a closet 90-100 cm high, or create two floors with hangers - one above the other.

The long part of the closet includes coats and dresses, which require about 150 cm. Shelves can be placed in any part and at any height in the closet.

A small storage room easily converts into a multifunctional wardrobe and is a great option for small apartments that lack space for comfort. It can store clothes, household items, sundries, and anything else that creates visual clutter. Now all this will be hidden from view in a convenient pantry, transformed into a closet with many shelves and niches that will be spacious enough for any needs.

Special systems consist of many elements:

  • pipe products;
  • brackets;
  • shelves;
  • a door.

You can order this design in the furniture salon, after specifying the required size. Then it remains only to collect the pipes. Thus, not only closets are assembled, but also exhibition stands, shelving for office space and much more.

The advantage of the frame structure is the ability to change the position of the shelves at any time.

Wardrobe options

Dressing room can be made using drywall. This option involves the implementation of drawings at all stages of work. Before assembling and arranging the elements, it is necessary to accurately calculate the size of all parts and place the data on the drawing diagram.

Necessary steps

  • put the layout on the wall;
  • make frames from wooden beams;
  • to arrange the cabinet, you need to start with the beams, which will be placed horizontally next to the ceiling. They will serve as a guiding element;
  • then make vertical beams. Their distance from each other is determined based on the size of the drywall sheets. It should be no more than 70 cm;
  • via cross beams shelves will be attached;
  • sheathe the frame with drywall;
  • it is very convenient to finish both sides, not forgetting about thermal insulation. Hide the wire inside to provide high quality lighting;
  • at the final stage, it is necessary to finish the drywall from the outside and inside, fix the shelves.

In small pantries, racks can be made by yourself. Design the structure with adhesive film, varnish, paint, or veneer.

How to install a wardrobe system?

Wardrobes come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common, which is that they are not big enough. Whether our closet is small or large, we inevitably manage to fill every available centimeter. As a result, there will still be little space for us.

The best solution to the problem is seen in the following steps:

  • minimizing the good we have accumulated (good luck!);
  • installing a storage organizer that will make better use of every available cubic centimeter;
  • using a wardrobe system to improve storage.

Wardrobe systems allow you to maximize the use of space and ensure the availability of things. Which, in turn, greatly simplifies our lives.

They are of several types:

  • modular;
  • professional;
  • suspended.

Modular systems can be installed by cabinet specialists, or you can go your own route and install own kits ready-to-assemble melamine or wood panels.

Professionally installed systems can be extremely rational, efficient and expensive. Build systems are more affordable, and most are relatively easy to assemble and install if you have a few basic DIY skills.

Hanging wardrobe systems are also relatively easy to install and can be great solution for some types of organizations. The best solution often there is a combination of several types of system wardrobes that allow you to use even non-standard or uncomfortable space.


Develop a plan for your closet. Choosing the best views organizations, focus on what you want to store in it. Using a tape measure, check the hanging length of dresses, coats, shirts, blouses and trousers. Then figure out how much space you need for shoes, hanging bars, clothes racks to get to a point where they're not overcrowded.


Plan to place items you use frequently on open shelves. The top shelves are great for bulky items, sweaters, hats and the like.

Make a rough drawing on graphic paper, including the main dimensions. It will serve as a guide to work out your needs. To do this, you need to know the sizes of storage systems that you can use.

Hanging wardrobe systems: how to do it yourself?

In a simple hanging organization system, shelves are attached to the wall via hooks, and diagonal metal supports are attached to each end of the shelf to provide extra support.

Start with cleaning. If there are items left in the wardrobe, pull them out with a nail puller or similar tool. Before any installation, you need to close up the holes with putty and paint, since this stage will be much more difficult if you start it after installing the shelves.

Often it is the kits that save you time and money. If you buy a kit, make sure it has everything you need and comes with all the parts you need. If you are sure of your measurements, drill holes for the shelves and brackets with a drill so that you can simply hang the purchased set on the wall. Otherwise, you will have to cut the parts with a hacksaw.

There are two main types of hanging shelving:

  • some use a vertically mounted horizontal hanging track with equal intervals between standard shelves that can be adjusted;
  • the other type is a non-adjustable suspension system that uses shackles or brackets.

Installing wardrobe shelving

With a simple hanging organization system, shelves are attached to the wall via hooks, and diagonal metal supports are attached to each shelf to provide extra support.

Before installation, draw on the wall where you are going to place the structure. It's okay to attach shelves to drywall, but keep in mind that it's important to attach shelves to studs if they're going to be under heavy stress. Resize the shelves as needed using wire cutters or a hacksaw. Attach rubber caps to the cut ends.

Drill holes along the mounting lines using a level.

  • Place a level on the wall where you want to attach your first shelf. Draw a line along the level to mark this position.
  • Using a drill, make a hole for the anchor hook that will attach the shelf to the wall. The shelving manufacturer must specify the size of this hole.
  • Place the anchor hook in the hole. Tighten it firmly. Duplicate this step to insert another hook at the opposite end of the shelf. (Please note that you do not need to use anchor hooks if you are drilling directly into the wall with self-tapping screws).
  • Fasten the shelf so that it sits on two anchor hooks.
  • At the front edge of one end of the shelf, secure the diagonal support piece with the bracket. Make sure the shelf is level and then drill a hole for the anchor hook where indicated at the base of the diagonal support.
  • Install the anchor hook in this hole and fasten the screw to fix the wall support. Repeat this process for the opposite end of the shelf. (Again, anchor hooks won't be needed if you're drilling directly.)
  • Repeat these instructions to install the remaining shelves.

Installation of guide racks

For a wall cabinet, also start with a blueprint on the wall where you want the top track of the shelving system to be. Plan to attach the top shelf at an accessible height and the track above it, horizontally, about 15 cm higher.

  • Use a level and a pencil to draw a line 15cm higher where you want the top shelf. Using a fastener, mark the location of each fastener on the wall.
  • On each wall, cut a hanging (horizontal) track to fit the width of the cabinet storage area. Get a helper to hold the track in place while you insert screws into each available opening. Make sure the track is securely installed.
  • Place the standard shelf (the long vertical track you attach the shelves to) in position on the track. It is best to leave a distance of no more than 10 cm between the end of the shelf and the first holder (the same rule applies to the last holder) and, if possible, install the holders above the fixing point. Make sure the holder is vertical and then insert the screw through its center and into the stud (use longer anchor hooks if you can't attach to the stud, but be aware that they will hold less weight).
  • Position the additional holders 40 to 80 cm apart by simply sliding them along the track. If necessary, cut them to length with bolt cutters or a hacksaw and cover the cut ends with rubber end caps.