Homemade bath bomb. DIY bath bomb recipes

Almost every girl likes to take a bath with a certain comfort, which is created by fragrant bath bombs. Many note that they hiss very soothingly and pleasantly soften the water. This effect is achieved due to the content of soda in the composition of the product. Also, many bombs contain special aromatic oils that promote relaxation. Often they also brightly paint the water, creating interesting patterns.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy such bombs in the store, because they are quite expensive. And the effect is not the same as the manufacturer describes. Therefore, if you want to get the ideal bomb for you in all characteristics, it is better to make it yourself. Believe me, it's not as difficult as it seems!

What options for bombs can you make

There are several options for soothing and fragrant balls, which are selected according to personal preferences and skin type. Divide all bath bombs into dry and water. Each option contains certain ingredients that have a positive effect not only on relaxation, but also on improving the condition of your skin. If you are a real fan of the bath with such balls, then you can make several of them at once for every day. It is up to you to decide whether it is dry or watery, it all depends on what is more convenient for you.

What is used for cooking

If you are interested in a dry bath bomb, then you can familiarize yourself with the option of making it in detail. You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • citric acid (2 tablespoons);
  • soda (4 tablespoons);
  • edible salt (8 tablespoons);
  • cosmetic oil (any to your taste, you can buy at the pharmacy);
  • essential oil(10-12 drops);
  • herbs, flowers (optional).

Do not forget to use gloves and a medical mask during the manufacture of the ball so that you do not irritate the mucous membrane. Try to follow all precautions.

You need to put all the dry ingredients in a coffee grinder and grind to a powdery consistency. Then you should add the already mixed oils to the composition. Cosmetic oil should be used as little as possible so that the bomb remains dry. If desired, you can add herbs, flowers or food coloring to the aromatic ball, it is best to mix them with oils.

Bombs should come out dry, but not disintegrating. If the entire composition breaks down, then you can add a little alcohol or a spray bottle for water. You need to put the entire homogeneous mass into pre-prepared molds and close them tightly. They should harden in a warm place where there are no drafts. It is best to leave them alone for a day.

If you liked the water bath bomb more, then you need the following ingredients to make it:

  • citric acid (1 tablespoon);
  • table or sea salt (1 tablespoon);
  • baking soda (2 tablespoons);
  • cosmetic oil (0.5 tablespoons);
  • essential oil (8-10 drops).

The method of preparation is completely similar to the dry version. There is only one difference - after mixing all the components, you need to sprinkle them several times with small water drops and mix as quickly as possible. Then you also compact the entire homogeneous mass into special molds, close them and leave to harden.

Subtleties of cooking

While cooking, your bomb may start to explode. In this case, it must be quickly wrapped with cling film and immediately put in the freezer. And it is better to apply such a ball immediately after it hardens. And so that even after freezing it does not continue to explode, it must be taken only with dry hands.

Often such bath bombs are made as a gift. If this is your case, then you should follow the steps below. It is also better to wrap the fragrant ball with cling film and separate places drip essential oil on it. You can also use all your decorating talents and decorate the bomb with a ribbon or a bow. The main thing is that your gift retains all the planned impacts.

During the manufacture of the directly aromatic mixture, consider your personal preferences. So your body can react differently to some smells. Therefore, keep coffee beans on hand to interrupt the smell of oils at least for a while.

As you probably know, each oil has its own effect. So bombs can be invigorating or soothing. It is better to make several options at once for individual situations. So you can take either a soothing bath after a hard day at work, or an invigorating weekend morning.

The bath has long ceased to be just a means of cleansing the body. Now it is more of a pleasant ritual. However, this ritual is not always as useful as it is pleasant. So beloved by many bath foam, fragrant and fluffy - a "storehouse" of all kinds of parabens, phosphates, dyes, flavors and other "benefits of civilization".

How to make DIY bath bombs

There are two ways to make bombs

The 1st cooking method is to prepare bombs without using water. In this case, we take soda (2 parts), citric acid (1 part), and any natural filler(for example, 1 part milk powder), base oil (1 part) (this can be olive, oil walnut, sea buckthorn, almond), if desired, you can add essential oils based on 1 bath 10 drops. Grind citric acid in any way (be careful - lemon dust irritates the respiratory tract!). We mix all the components, put it in any form and leave for one hour.

The 2nd cooking method is to prepare bombs using water. For cooking, we use all the same components, in this case, you can refuse to use oils or reduce the amount. We inject water 1-3 times into the mixed components from the spray gun and mix immediately. Your mass should be slightly damp and sculpted. If you overdo it with water, then a reaction will begin in your bomb, without waiting for it to get into the bathroom. ready mix We put it in the form, having received the form, we take out the finished bomb and leave it to dry.

ADVICE: When making DIY bath bombs, it is best to use silicone molds as molds. Do not use plastic and rigid forms, it will be difficult to remove the mass from them.

DIY bath bombs: recipes

For spice lovers

To prepare spicy bombs, we need soda (2 parts), crushed citric acid (1 part), sea salt (1 part), milk powder (1 part), cinnamon, vanilla, and cloves for decoration. To add aroma, we use essential oils - geranium, lavender, sweet orange, cinnamon. The cooking process is identical as in the manufacture of bombs using water.

ADVICE: When grinding citric acid, be careful with its dust!

Romantic bombs with rose petals

4 tbsp. spoons of soda;

2 tbsp. spoons of pink sea salt or clay;
1 st. tablespoons of sweet almond and apricot oil (the amount of base oil can be reduced if you make a water bomb);
rose essential oil (optional 10-20 drops);
you can add a little pink dye;
dry rose petals or small buds for decoration.

General effect on the body: rose essential oil is very good for dry skin: eliminates irritation, increases elasticity, promotes skin rejuvenation. Almond oil, rich in vitamins, maintains the pH balance of the skin. Therefore, it is perfect for the care of dry, inelastic, lifeless skin. This oil is ideal for treating rough, cracked and inflamed skin, especially the hands.

Relaxing bombs with lavender

4 tbsp. spoons of soda;
2 tbsp. spoons of citric acid;
2 tbsp. spoons of corn starch;
2 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat germ or grape seed oil (the amount of base oil can be reduced if you make a water bomb);
lavender essential oil (optional 10-20 drops);
you can use crushed dry lavender flowers for decoration.

General effect on the body: lavender not only soothes nervous system, but also relieves leg fatigue and joint pain, and also promotes the healing of small cracks in the feet.

chocolate bomb

4 tbsp. spoons of soda;
2 tbsp. spoons of citric acid;
1 st. a spoonful of dry cream or powdered milk;
1 st. a spoonful of cocoa;
1 st. a spoonful of jojoba and apricot oils (the amount of base oil can be reduced if you make a water bomb);
essential oils of cocoa and almonds (optional from 10 to 20 drops).

General effect on the body: the base oils included in the composition tone and moisturize the skin, making it smooth and supple. The smell of chocolate and almonds uplifts the mood and causes a surge of vivacity, while natural vanilla (by the way, a well-known aphrodisiac) soothes and eliminates insomnia, relieves stress and fatigue.

citrus bomb

4 tbsp. spoons of soda;
2 tbsp. spoons of citric acid;
2 tbsp. spoons of sea salt;
2 tbsp. tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil (the amount of base oil can be reduced if you make a water bomb);
essential oils of mandarin, lemon and orange (optional 10-20 drops);
food or special yellow coloring.

General effect on the body: sea buckthorn oil contains a unique vitamin complex that saturates the skin useful substances and other useful trace elements. And citrus essential oils have always been used to remove cellulite. They improve cellular metabolism and give elasticity to sluggish skin.

Bombs with honey and oatmeal

4 tbsp. spoons of soda;
2 tbsp. spoons of citric acid;
1 st. spoons of powdered milk;
1 st. a spoonful of ground oatmeal;
1 st. tablespoons of olive oil;
1 st. a spoonful of honey (preferably grains);
ylang-ylang essential oil (optional 10-20 drops);
you can use whole oatmeal for decoration.

General effect on the body: oatmeal acts on the skin like a soft scrub, without injuring it, promotes cell renewal, and makes the skin velvety. Honey stimulates blood circulation, has nutritional properties on dry and chapped skin.

Often, after an exhausting day at work, one wants not just to relax, but to receive an explosion of positive energy that can return our strength, interests and desires. Is there such a way? It turns out - there is. These are loved by all.

Yes, it is the desire to take a soothing fragrant warm bath that overcomes us at the end of the working day. Best of all, of course, it would have happened in one of the modern spas. But there you still need to transfer your mortal body. And the forces are already running out ... This is where we can try the notorious bath bombs. And they are sold in any store in a wide range. And according to manufacturers, bombs can not only relax the whole body, but also make the skin velvety and soft. But most often in the manufacturing process they use technical soda, not food, as well as dyes based on chemicals, which not only cannot be beneficial, but will also cause significant harm to the delicate skin of the body. But at home they can be made from natural ingredients, which will only enhance the positive qualities of the product. If you decide to make your own bath bombs, then not only will you be able to get a cosmetic and therapeutic skin care product, but you will also be able to avoid the risk of aggressive chemicals and allergies. But the calm use of cosmetics, the composition of which is well known, enhances their effect a hundredfold, because the body responds better to them. And besides, it’s much cheaper, because such a tool costs a lot of money with its meager volume, but when acquiring the most useful natural ingredients for hand-made bombs, the result will still be much cheaper, and even with a supply of ingredients for re-manufacturing the product.

Recipes for such a do-it-yourself bath bomb are described in many women's magazines and forums, including for young mothers, according to whose reviews they give amazing results. These geysers, as bombs are also called, have become very popular not only due to their usefulness, but also to the effective dissolution process, accompanied by active hissing and bubbling. Such violent actions occur due to the content of citric acid and soda in the product, which enter into a similar reaction. What can we say about essential oils, various extracts, sea salt, which have a beneficial effect on the skin and general well-being of a person.

Boiling Bomb Recipe

To make such a bath bomb at home, you will need:

  • 10 st. spoons baking soda,
  • 5 st. spoons of citric acid,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sea salt
  • food coloring (your choice)
  • 25 drops essential oil (also of your choice)
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil,
  • 1 st. a spoonful of dry cream,
  • dried or fresh herbs (previously chopped).

It is advisable to carry out all work with gloves, and mixing must be carried out in a glass container. To decorate the product as bomb molds, many women advise using round ice molds. So, wearing gloves, in a glass bowl, mix citric acid and soda until a homogeneous mass is formed. Next, food coloring of selected colors, sea salt, essential oils and olive oil are added. Crushed medicinal herbs and powdered cream are added to the mixture. The mass is mixed until homogeneous. The degree of mixing is determined by the ability of the components to bind: finished product easy to mold. If the consistency remains crumbly, then you will need to add a little more water. True, if you overdo it, then a reaction can occur, which subsequently makes homemade bath bombs ineffective. When the hissing nevertheless began, you will have to add a little soda and acid again. The resulting mixture is formed into balls - the shape of future bath bombs.

Then the blanks are tightly packed into molds. Bomb molds include ice trays, tennis balls cut into two halves, and even hollow toys for children, silicone baking molds, and egg crates. Then they are left to dry, and after 25 minutes they are carefully and carefully removed from the mold. If the bath bombs are made correctly, then you can easily remove them, the balls will not fall apart in your hands. On the eve of the holidays, you can prepare such cosmetics as a gift to your friends. They will definitely like them, especially if they are shaped like a heart.

Relaxing bath bomb

Depending on the ingredients used, this product can be given special properties. So with the help of a lavender bath bomb, you can achieve a relaxing pleasure. The recommended composition of the ingredients of the recipe is as follows:

  • 4 tbsp. spoons of baking soda
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of citric acid,
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sea salt
  • 3 art. spoons of dry milk
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons wheat germ oil
  • 25 drops of lavender oil
  • 1 st. teaspoon crushed dry lavender

To prepare lavender bath bombs, first choose a convenient dish. Well suited, for example, deep braids. Back on initial stage mixed powders of soda and citric acid. After that, milk powder is added and everything is stirred until a homogeneous mass, into which wheat germ oil is slowly poured in drops.

Further, the mixture is slowly supplemented with lavender essential oil. After that, sea salt and lavender herb powder are mixed into it. Behind them comes the turn of the water. You should be especially careful with it and add it with a spray bottle, spraying lightly and at the same time stirring the mixture with a spoon. The amount of water is determined by the moment of hissing, which is a signal that the product is ready. It is important not to miss this moment in order to get really bubbling bath bombs.

Instructions: how to make bath bombs

These two recipes confirm that the main ingredients of bath bombs are soda (food), acid (citric) and dyes (also food). Most often, sea salt and fillers in the form of dried flowers and other useful components are also added. Moreover, the classic ratio of soda and acid in all recipes is two to one. All other ingredients are added as desired in the right amount. The variety of components can be amazing: from confetti inside the product to surprises in a large bomb. For example, a hissing reaction begins in it and, after the gradual dissolution of the shell of the product, a rubber duck for a bath or any other toy slowly appears inside. You can use standard instruction for making bath bombs. Moreover, it is recommended to carefully weigh all the necessary ingredients, for example, using electronic scales, because by eye it is unlikely that the necessary proportion will be observed. Then you can take a blender or mixer, with the help of which the whole mass is alternately crushed and mixed. Moreover, when mixing baking soda and citric acid, it is recommended to be especially careful. When using citric acid, it should not be allowed to enter the eyes and respiratory tract. Some authors even recommend using respirators and working in well-ventilated areas, since the bath geyser hisses due to the reaction of soda with acid and water, and citric acid is considered to be a fairly active substance. Before you make a bath bomb, it is recommended to carefully grind all the other ingredients. Of course, all kinds of decorations, such as flower petals, toys and other tinsel, cannot be crushed. All other components are the same general rule: the smaller they are, the stronger the hissing reaction of the bombs will be. For mixing all the resulting mass together and forming balls, especially when there are diseases skin type of eczema, or there are unhealed wounds, you need to wear gloves. And when there are no skin problems, then you can do everything with your bare hands, despite the advice in other recipes. After all, in fact, a product is made for the same skin of the body, so why be protected? And in the event of an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients, we will be able to limit the area of ​​​​damage to the body by the irritant even at the preparatory stage, rather than plunging into it with the whole body. The addition of a small amount of essential oils cannot be combined with fragrances. When a small drop of water is added to the mixture with a teaspoon, the resulting mixture will begin to sizzle slowly. At this point, it is important to start stirring the product again in order to extinguish the premature reaction in time. Then a viscosity test is done: a small lump of the mixture is taken and slightly compressed.

If at the same time there is a feeling of similarity with dampish sand, then this confirms the readiness of bath bombs for their packaging in a mold. If desired, petals and herbs can be put into the mold as a decoration. Then the resulting mixture is poured into the halves of the mold and compacted tightly. On one half of the mold, small slides of the mixture are poured into the cells, which will allow both halves to penetrate each other during bonding.

Little things like this are very important to make quality bath bombs. Master Class, step by step instructions, photo galleries and video stories will help to take into account all the details of the process and prevent common mistakes. So, according to the advice of the masters, then you need to take both halves and squeeze them tightly with your hands, holding for at least 15 seconds.

Then the halves are fastened along the edges with clamps and left for several hours, and according to some tips, even for the whole day. You can also put the form on heating battery or in the sunshine. So the products dry faster and deeper, which is very important for them. After drying, the molds are carefully opened. If tennis balls or toy eggs were used, then you need to take the mold in your left hand, firmly hold one half of the mold, and right hand make smooth circular movements of the other part of the mold. After that, the bombs are considered ready. They can be used for your own benefit and pleasure. Ready-made bombs are stored as standard - in dry, cool places. And excess moisture can lead to a loss in the quality of the product: it will either go out ahead of time and will not give any reaction at all in the bath, or it will react very weakly.

Recipe: DIY bath bombs

This popular easy bath bomb recipe can be customized to create your own variations. You can, for example, replace dry cream and milk with starch or oatmeal. There are no strict prescriptions in choosing the aroma and color of the bomb either: everything is up to your taste. Any reasonable experiments will only improve the quality of the product. Many women really liked the recipe with the composition of essential oils. For these bombs you need to prepare:

  • baking soda (4 tablespoons),
  • citric acid (2 tablespoons),
  • powdered milk (1 tablespoon),
  • sea ​​salt (1 tablespoon),
  • peach base oil (2 tablespoons),
  • essential oil of bergamot (10 drops),
  • rosemary essential oil (10 drops)
  • heather dried flower.

There are no special subtleties in the process of preparing the product. First, the soda is sifted so that there are no lumps and poured into a dry, clean bowl. Next, citric acid, powdered cream and sea salt are added, which must first be ground in a coffee grinder. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed to evenly distribute the components. As a filler, both powdered milk with sea salt, and starch and many other components can be used, but all in proportion. After mixing the powders, peach oil is added to them, which can be replaced with olive or almond oil. In a separate bowl, the base oil is mixed with bergamot and rosemary essential oils. A good effect is the addition of a few drops of oily vitamins E and A.

The resulting oil mass is added to the main powder mix and everything is thoroughly mixed by hand. At the same time, in most instructions on how to make bath bombs, it is recommended not to abuse the amount of water so as not to provoke the onset of a reaction. Further, a pinch of heather dried flower is placed on the bottom of the mold, and the mixture is laid out on it in layers with a teaspoon. Heather can be replaced with oatmeal, dry cornflowers, rose petals, coffee beans. Often, instead of special forms for bombs, children's plastic molds for the sandbox, chocolate egg cases, candy balls are used. But at the same time, the form should not bend. After drying, the pop will be ready for use. But for storing ready-made bombs, there is advice to wrap them in cling film, which will retain the aroma of essential oils and will not allow the humidity level to be disturbed.

Such cosmetic product will not fail to interest lovers of homemade natural cosmetics. The main thing is to get down to business more boldly, and the opportunity to get a geyser and even a volcano of pleasure from a bath with such bombs will not be long in coming!

At the end of a hard and eventful day, I really want to relax so as not to think about anything and not worry. How nice it is to take a hot bath, add sea salt, aromatic oils, foam or bath bombs to it.

bath bombs can be called a cosmetic product that contains a combination of skin-friendly ingredients in the form of milk, clay, oils, herbs, etc. Let's talk today about how to create your own homemade bath bombs without spending a lot of money and effort on it.

DIY bath bombs

When something new appears on sale, we always try to get it in order to try it on, try it on, use it. Someone decides to give a lot of money for it, others, in turn, are looking for cheaper ways - for example, independent production or cooking. Why buy bath geysers for a lot of money if you can make them at home, and believe me, it will turn out no worse than those bought in a store.

Prepare without assistance extra costs bath water bombs not difficult, especially if there is an instruction and a lot of interesting recipes, you can choose a few of them that you like.

To prepare aromatic water bombs, you will not need to run around the shops all day in search of ingredients. Everything is quite simple here, so get ready for the fact that most of the ingredients that will be required to create a bomb are in your home.

  • Bath bombs have recently gained popularity, some call this spherical composition, a geyser.
  • We can say with confidence that bath bombs are healing products, which include various useful components that will help the body relax, and at the same time, positively affect the health of the body.
  • And yet, swimming in colorful water is very popular with children, so a bath with effervescent geysers will be an excellent option for taking water procedures for the whole family.

Before, how to make a bath bomb, you need to decide on the aroma, color and composition of the cosmetic product in question, as well as the ingredients that will be needed for this.

Bath Bomb Recipes

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for such a remedy, and today we will consider the simplest and most interesting options for such bath geysers.

Of course, you can not bother and buy this product on the Internet, but:

  • Their cost in stores and the Internet is overpriced, and very much. You will understand this when you find out the cost of such bombs.
  • With self-cooking, you will be sure of the composition and all the ingredients that are included in it.
  • By making a bomb yourself, you can choose both the color and the effect that they will bring to your skin and health.

  • In the event that a person is allergic, purchased bath bombs are contraindicated for him.

Let's make our own bath bombs to avoid allergies and high costs. To make a fizzy bath geyser, we need the following ingredients:

  • dry cream
  • baking soda)
  • butter

You can use vegetable or olive, the main thing is that it is fatty. It is worth noting that it is olive oil that is considered non-allergenic, so those who suffer from various kinds of allergies should choose it better.

  • Dyes. Dyes suitable for food or dyes for bath accessories would be appropriate here. Easter egg paint is not used for this purpose unless you want to be dyed green or red like an Easter egg.
  • Essential oils. In this case, you decide on your own which essential oil you want to use to make bombs. Focus on your preferences and possible allergies to components.

  • Lemon acid.

Bath bomb molds you can buy in the store or use simple shapes for baking, modeling, etc. You will also need a vessel, a vessel in which we will mix all the ingredients. It can be a bowl or a large bowl.

If desired, even the form in which ordinary candies are in the box can be used for bombs.

For convenience, when preparing bombs, you can use rubber gloves, kitchen, medical, garden. The main thing is that they are clean.


  1. It is necessary to "throw off" all the necessary ingredients in one bowl. In this case, the strand is not particularly important, but the proportions must be observed. So, in this case, everything is measured in tablespoons:
  • five tablespoons of baking soda
  • half a spoonful of dry cream
  • two and a half tablespoons of citric acid
  • sea ​​salt (half a spoon)

Sea salt is used in the presence of it and the desire of the "creator". It is better to use fine sea salt, you can color.

  1. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. The liquid components will go into the bowl next:

You can use different bath bomb oils. You can add a few drops of one oil and a few drops of another, so that in total, their number is 10 drops.

  • half spoon of dye

You can choose any color of your choice.

  1. Mix all ingredients well. The consistency should be such that something can be molded from it without any problems. If the resulting mixture is too dry, you can add a little warm water. The amount of water should be kept to a minimum, so wet your hands and mix with wet hands, or add water by spraying with a spray bottle.

If you pour a lot of water into the prepared mixture, the reaction will immediately start, and the bomb will be spoiled.

This amount of the mixture is enough for 4 small candy-sized bombs or half a large ball-shaped bomb, so if you decide to make one large bomb, you will need twice as many of all the ingredients. Molds for large bombs can be bought at a specialized store.

Another interesting option, this is a two-color bomb. It must be prepared as follows:

  1. We prepare the mixture as in the previous version.
  2. When you have already mixed it with the dye, add another dye.
  3. Stir the mixture to the consistency of small granules so that it is not a homogeneous mass. The granules will be of various colors.
  4. We sculpt bombs of the shape you need from the resulting mixture.

As a result of this recipe, beautiful multi-colored bath bombs are obtained. To make such bombs even more interesting and beautiful, you can add various inclusions to the mixture: beads, rhinestones, sparkles, etc.

Making your own bath bombs is fun and interesting. The resulting bombs can be used to take baths or give someone a gift. This beautiful and useful surprise will please anyone.

Video: Bath bombs

The opportunity to relax in hot fragrant water is the dream of every working woman. After work, there is a desire to soak up the foam, but how to make bath bombs so that they bring true pleasure? With your own hands, a cosmetic product can be prepared at home, following the simplest recipes.

DIY bath bombs - cooking rules

1. To make a sphere in several layers, lay the components in rows. In addition, you can place dried flowers or coarse salt at the bottom of the cell.

2. Food coloring won't harm the skin, so you can add it to make colored bombs.

3. Sometimes, due to inexperience, the mixture becomes very wet, do not be discouraged. Leave it for a while near the radiators or add bulk ingredients from the recipe.

4. In order not to miscalculate with the amount of added water, pour it into a spray bottle and use it when mixing the components.

5. Take care of the presence of molds into which the composition will be poured. You can buy them at a craft or cosmetics store. Plastic eggs from Kinder Surprise are also suitable.

6. Oils are often added to the bombs, but you should not use them from apricot or peach pits. Otherwise, the final mass will not hold its shape.

7. During the manufacturing process, adhere to the proportions of the main ingredients. Additional components (for example, oils) are introduced in quantity at the discretion.

8. Since you can quickly make bath bombs with your own hands, they must be stored properly. At home, keep products in an airtight container or dry, ventilated place.

Recipe number 1. Anti-stress bomb

  • powdered milk - 60 gr.
  • table salt - 25 gr.
  • almond oil - 50 ml.
  • soda - 115 gr.
  • citric acid - 50-55 gr.
  • dry plants (green tea or chamomile) - 10 gr.
  • ester of your choice (bergamot, eucalyptus, mint) - 15 drops

1. Grind the herbs, pass a lemon with salt and soda through a coffee grinder. You need to get the powder. Combine dry ingredients into a single composition.

2. Now add oil and ether in small portions. Stir and add these ingredients until the composition becomes thick.

4. Lubricate the molds with oil, package the finished mass. Let it dry for 5 hours. After this time, remove the bombs and voila, you're done!

Recipe number 2. Refreshing mint bomb

  • powdered milk - 40 gr.
  • soda - 115 gr.
  • sea ​​salt - 30 gr.
  • lemon - 50 gr.
  • olive oil - 50 ml.
  • crushed ether - 14 drops
  • dry mint - 10 gr.

1. When deciding how to make bath bombs, prepare the ingredients according to the list. With your own hands, turn salt into powder at home. Mix soda and milk into it.

2. Enter lemon, olive oil, mint ether. Bring the mixture to a density, add chopped dry mint leaves.

3. Scoop the composition into a fist and squeeze. If it doesn't "seize" and starts to crumble, spray some water from a spray bottle onto this mixture. Pack into cells, dry indoors for 5 hours.

Recipe number 3. Cellulite lavender bomb

  • citric acid - 55 gr.
  • sea ​​salt - 190 gr.
  • soda - 100 gr.
  • olive or almond oil - 60 ml.
  • lavender ether - 7-9 drops

1. Turn to dust with any accessible way salt with citric acid. You can use a coffee grinder or powdered sugar maker.

2. Enter soda, oil and ether. Gently mix the ingredients until you get the consistency of wet sand. On the this stage you can add a couple of drops of dye.

3. Tamp down on greased molds; you can use Kinder Surprise egg halves as cells.

4. Then keep the bombs for 15 hours at room temperature. To speed up the drying process, leave cosmetics near the radiator for 3 hours.

Recipe number 4. Bomb without citric acid

  • corn starch - 120 gr.
  • soda - 240 gr.
  • sea ​​salt - 100 gr.
  • any ether - 15 ml.
  • wine stone - 60 gr.
  • coconut oil - 35 ml.
  • dye (food) - 3 drops

How to make DIY bath bombs without lemons? The process of creating products at home is quite exciting.

1. To make a bomb, just mix the crumbly ingredients in a common bowl. In another container, combine everything else.

2. After that, gradually start mixing the components together. Carry out the procedure carefully, thoroughly kneading the mixture.

3. Spread the finished composition over oiled molds. Wait a while, the mass will seize and dry. After a few hours of drying next to the battery, you can use it.

Recipe number 5. Honey bomb with oatmeal

  • honey - 35 gr.
  • citric acid - 60 gr.
  • apricot oil - 30 ml.
  • soda - 110 gr.
  • salt - 30 gr.
  • dry cream - 25 gr.
  • ground oatmeal - 40 gr.
  • bergamot ester - 15 drops

1. Dry components must be mixed separately from liquid ones. Keep in mind that honey must be fresh and not sugared. Combine the prepared ingredients in a common bowl.

2. Achieve uniformity from the mixture. Distribute in special forms. Carefully tamp the bombs and wait for drying for 6 hours.

Recipe number 6. Chocolate bomb in the freezer

  • jojoba oil - 60 ml.
  • drinking soda - 125 gr.
  • lemon - 65 gr.
  • cocoa butter - 45 ml.
  • cocoa powder - 30 gr.
  • powdered milk - 35 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 50 gr.
  • salt - 35 gr.

It's easy to guess how to make DIY bath bombs using available ingredients at home.

1. The process of preparing such products takes place according to classical technology. Combine all the necessary crumbly ingredients and mix thoroughly. Grind large particles if necessary.

2. Separately mix warm cocoa butter with chocolate. Dissolve the components in a couple to get a homogeneous composition. After cooling, add jojoba oil.

3. Gradually combine the contents of the two containers. Knead the components until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Divide the composition into molds and place in the freezer. Wait for complete hardening.

Recipe number 7. Invigorating citrus bomb

  • lemon - 60 gr.
  • drinking soda - 120 gr.
  • salt - 30 gr.
  • citrus esters - 20 drops
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 65 ml.
  • citrus zest - 35 gr.

1. Use a clean container and pour all dry foods into it. Gradually introduce sea ​​buckthorn oil. After mixing the components, add citrus esters.

2. To give the bomb a bright color, use a rich color food coloring.

3. Tamp the composition into special forms and wait for it to dry. Enjoy water activities.

It is easy enough to understand how to make bombs from the available components with your own hands. Such a hobby at home will bring a lot of pleasure. The undoubted advantage is that the products are completely natural and do not have harmful impurities, unlike purchased products.