Warm and dry house. How to make a house warm - simple solutions and simple execution

Cozy comfortable living in a private house requires a lot of care from the owners. So the onset of cold was taken by surprise: from window frames it blows, it blows cold from the walls, the wind is walking in the chimney, there are snowdrifts in the attic. How to keep the heat in the house in affordable ergonomic ways that will not hit hard on family budget? We offer you a few simple solutions to this problem.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer, and a cart in the winter - a well-known wisdom. Therefore, with the onset of cold weather, it is worth forgetting about global methods of insulation, for example, thermal insulation of walls, ceiling, roof repair, postponing these serious works for the summer. However, you should not despair, since it is possible to significantly increase the air temperature in the house without resorting to expensive and lengthy repairs. It is enough to determine the places of latent heat loss and eliminate the source. Take advantage of the advice of experienced professionals who willingly share secrets on how to keep warm using improvised means.

Wrap glass with cling film

Everyone knows that the main source of cold air penetration into the room is window frames. An excellent, inexpensive, reliable way to insulate old plastic or wooden windows is a stretched polyethylene film used for packaging (usually sold in rolls). It has a number of advantages:

  • practically does not affect the transparency of the glass, does not distort the image;
  • resistant to many cleaning agents;
  • does not attract dust;
  • slightly protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • has a low bandwidth of infrared waves.

Pulling the film over the window is quite simple, it is better to do it together. The following steps are to be performed:

  • be sure to wash the window, then degrease the surface of the glass, frames with an alcohol solution;
  • stick double-sided tape around the perimeter of the frame;
  • cut into flat surface film: measure the canvas of the required length / width, not forgetting about 2 cm allowances on each side;
  • take a sheet of film at the same time by the top and bottom edges (it’s more convenient to do it with four hands) and glue it gently on the adhesive tape (you don’t need to pull it hard);
  • warm the film with a hairdryer until the wrinkles formed during gluing are completely straightened out (the film sheet should become one with the window).

If a small section of the film is torn, you can seal the torn surface with transparent tape.

The long-known grandfather method that will help keep the heat in the house is to install reflectors behind the heating radiator, so that warm air from them enters the room, and did not warm up the wall on which the heater is mounted.

By installing a heat-reflecting screen behind the batteries, you can increase the air temperature by at least 2°C. The following materials are suitable for the manufacture of a heat-reflecting structure:

  • foil;
  • foil polyethylene (penofol);
  • porilex with foil.

An important condition is that the finished screen must have a low thermal conductivity of 0.05 W / m * ° С. It is better to give preference to penofol, porilex, since they already have a layer of insulation. For complete sealing, the seams must be connected with metallic tape.

When performing work on installing a heat reflector behind a radiator, simple rules should be observed:

  • the thickness of the insulation should not be less than 5 mm;
  • the area of ​​the foil screen should be greater than the area of ​​the heaters;
  • place the structure behind the battery so that the foil layer is directed outward, the gap between it and the radiator is at least 4 cm;
  • glue the screen with glue / double-sided tape / furniture staples / self-tapping screws.

If you do not have time to make a heat-insulating screen yourself, then you can purchase a ready-made screen from Izospan at a hardware store.

Open curtains and blinds

Everyone knows that glass is a good conductor of heat. Proved that as the air temperature rises, the thermal conductivity of the glass surface increases. So always open your curtains/blinds in the morning to let the sunlight in. Having penetrated into the room, it will be reflected from the walls (especially if they are light) and scattered. At the same time, the glass, having let in the light, will not let it out again. This method will help increase the air temperature by 1-2 ° C. Additional degrees will be added by heating radiators, which are usually located under the window. When the curtains are closed, warm air will circulate between the window and the thick curtain, and when open, it will spread throughout the area.

Close windows tightly at night.

Sounds trite, but at night, windows are the main source of heat energy consumption. The sun sets, the air temperature drops, so cold air begins to flow through the window. To prevent the cold from penetrating the room, close the windows with thick curtains as soon as it starts to get dark. An additional way to make the house warmer is to insulate the window frames with a warm old blanket.

Seal the gaps

Cold air can enter through door/window openings, keyholes, and gaps in jambs or walls. An important and effective step towards preserving heat will be warming front door, window frames, other gaps. To do this, it is enough to stick a sealing gasket (cotton wool, foam rubber, rubber / silicone tapes), larger holes can be sealed with mounting foam, silicone, special glue.

Block the chimney

If your home has stove (or other autonomous) heating or has a fireplace, then all the heat can leave the house through the chimney / chimney. In this case, special dampers, inflatable balloons or balls will keep the heat in the house, blocking the sources of heat transfer. As soon as all the logs burn out and the ashes cool down, it is necessary to close the damper (balls).

You should be extremely careful, as there is a high probability of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Local heating systems

The easiest option for maintaining home heat, which does not require the construction of any device on your own, is to buy a heater. Before purchasing clearly Decide what area you need to warm up. The choice of the power of the electric heater depends on this (on average, you need at least 1 kW for every 10 m2). Not bad if the device is equipped with a temperature and power regulator. Heaters for home heating different type– oil radiators, convectors, quartz radiators and fan heaters. An alternative heater can be an electric fireplace, which operates in a similar way.

Keeping the warmth and comfort in the house, do not forget to observe another important condition - the ventilation mode. It is better to replace static ventilation with periodic ventilation: 2-3 minutes every 3-4 hours. This will keep much more heat.

Remember that the best heater is love and care for loved ones. Love each other, create a family hearth, and then there will always be comfort and warmth in your home, regardless of the season.

With the onset of the winter months, the consumption of heat carriers increases sharply. The lower the temperature outside the window, the more difficult it is to heat the room. But in recent years, prices for the main heat carriers have begun to grow. And the outlook for the future is disappointing. Winters won't get shorter, gas won't get cheaper. After a long winter this year, many had to think about how to heat private house so that the family budget does not suffer.

In the past, everyone tried to connect the house to gas and use it for heating. This possibility does not always exist. Some home owners have calculated that it is now more profitable to change the heating system. There are other ways to reduce heating costs. Let's talk about everything in order.

Insulate building walls

Before discussing the options for heating a private building, it should be noted that a lot of heat is wasted. You burn gas, use electricity, heat water. And the heat escapes through the walls and roof. Don't believe? Walk in the winter along the street of the private sector. Has the snow melted on the roofs of many houses? Why?

The heated air becomes lighter and tends to rise. If the ceiling and roof are not insulated, heat penetrates the outside, melts snow on the roof, and heats the air around the building. The heat in the house does not linger and you have to constantly turn on gas burner. And the walls of the foundation conduct cold and moisture. The room is constantly damp and cold.

Scientists have calculated that half of the home heat goes outside through the structure of the building. It will not be possible to insulate a building by 100 percent. After all, a home needs to breathe. However, insulation work may well reduce heat loss by half.

There are many options for insulation. For example, you can pump liquid penoizol by drilling holes between the rows brickwork. Can be insulated external walls foam or mineral wool. A layer of expanded clay can be poured onto the ceiling.

The choice of materials for insulation is also constantly increasing. Styrofoam and mineral wool are cheap. But you can use other materials, such as glass wool or polyurethane foam. In some cases, straw, hay, sawdust are used as a heater.

If the house has heating batteries, tape the walls behind the radiator with reflective foil. The heat will not heat the wall, but will be reflected from the foil and will heat the room.

If you use gas for heating, be sure to install a gas meter. You will be able to control the gas consumption.

We heat the house with wood

Many are looking for an alternative gas heating. But is it possible to heat with wood modern house. Of course, we are not talking about the traditional Russian stove on which our grandmothers cooked. Now there are cast-iron and steel stoves that can be fired with coal or wood. Outwardly, they resemble the well-known potbelly stove, but they have a number of advantages. Immediately, we note that the cast-iron construction is more reliable.

Sellers of wood stoves claim that they can heat a house completely, that such heating will be cheaper than gas heating. Can you believe it? In order for such a stove to work at full capacity, special wood is needed. Perfectly dry logs are required. It is also better to purchase only hardwoods. Pine or maple logs will not work. You will have to buy oak or beech wood. Other firewood will also burn in this stove, but the heat from their combustion will be much less.


Now let's analyze the disadvantages of such heating. The oven will have to be installed in one room, which will heat up as much as possible. The remaining rooms will receive less heat. When heating with gas, you will distribute the body evenly in all rooms.

By turning on a double-circuit electric boiler, you can not only warm up the house. You will have hot water in the bathroom and in the kitchen. BUT wooden heating do not connect to the shower.

Firewood will have to be stored and stored in a separate room. In order to maintain a pleasant temperature in the house, you will have to throw firewood several times a day. The ashes also need to be raked out and taken out into the street.

Now about smoke and combustion products. They need ventilation. Otherwise, there will be a threat to health or even life. It will not be possible to leave the stove unattended, otherwise a fire may occur if a spark falls on the floor or clothes ignite from a hot surface.

You can purchase a boiler that runs on compressed sawdust. This stove is expensive, but has several advantages:

  • fuel can be thrown up every 3 days;
  • little ash is formed, it can be removed after a week or two;
  • the heat transfer of this design is at the level of a wood-burning stove;
  • sawdust cylinders are very light and take up little space.

Candle heater

Sometimes there is a need to heat only one room or workplace. I would recommend purchasing a Doyle Doss thermal device. The American called his invention "Heat Trap". The heat source is a burning candle. It turns out that when a candle burns, a lot of heat is generated, but it is dissipated.

The heating device allows you to capture heated air. A special ceramic dome is located above the flame. Its task is to collect and accumulate warm air. The heat heats up the ceramic dome, which heats up the room.

This is what the Dosa heater looks like.

Surely you should not expect that such a heater will solve the problem of heating. As experience has shown, a ceramic radiator is able to warm up a small room no earlier than 10 hours. If the house is connected to electricity, it is better to use an oil cooler.

If you need to heat a separate room or a small section of the room, it is better to buy infrared heater. It starts working immediately and does not consume much electricity.

Previously, many were afraid that this type of radiation could be bad for health. It turned out that infrared rays even have a healing effect. This type of radiation is used to prevent colds.

Experience of European countries

If you have not yet decided how best to heat a private house, ask how they approach this problem in European countries. In many of these countries, heat transfer prices are very high. Therefore, they have long been looking for methods on how to reduce the consumption of gas and electricity when heating rooms.

In Finland, they began to build "passive" houses. This type of buildings allows you to consume a minimum amount of energy from external sources. A little later, such buildings began to appear in Germany. Energy independent buildings reduce heating costs.

An example of a European non-volatile home.

If the building is located in the south, where there are many sunny days, electricity is obtained through solar panels. In northern countries, the sun cannot provide enough energy. They build windmills. Often use the heat of the earth. Indeed, at a certain depth, even in the winter months, there is a lot of heat.

A system of heat exchangers is arranged in the ground. Ground air and heat pumps are used. During the winter months, the water is heated by the heat of the earth. It must be said that such a system requires large installation costs and pays off in several decades. If you already decide on such an experiment, then you should definitely insulate all the structures of the house, starting from the walls of the foundation and ending with the ceiling and roof of the building.

Any house by definition. It should be warm and cozy, but it happens that for some reason the room is cold and not cozy. Then the question arises: how to make a house warm? It seems that everything is simple, you need to insulate everything that is possible as much as possible and the problem will be solved. In practice, the issue is much more serious and insulation depends on many factors.

Firstly, insulation can be of two types:

External insulation, this is the insulation of the house from the side of the street, it can be both wall insulation and floor and attic insulation;
Internal insulation, insulation of the house from the inside, insulation of walls, windows and doorways.

Also, the insulation of the house depends on the material from which the house is built, the thickness of its walls, the quantity and quality of window and door openings. Before you make the house warm, you need to carefully study the design of the house, and then proceed with the insulation.

It is quite possible to entrust home insulation to professionals, in the service market it is quite possible to choose a company that will take into account all the wishes of the client, as well as do all the work for a reasonable price. But in general, insulation can be done independently, for this you need to have minimal knowledge in the field of construction. Or use the video instructions that can be found on the Internet.

You should also be aware that currently gaining popularity energy saving houses . These are such structures that were erected taking into account the fact that a frail house during operation will independently not only provide itself with electricity and water. It will also be warm and cozy.

External insulation of the house

According to experts, more than 50% of the heat escapes through the walls. Accordingly, in order to reduce this indicator, it is necessary to properly insulate the walls of the house. The easiest way to do this is from the front, strained side. Modern technologies allow you to do this quite simply and quickly. For insulation, mineral wool is most often used or modern material polyurethane foam.
Mineral wool it's environmentally friendly pure material, it has long gained wide popularity in construction due to its heat-saving and sound-insulating properties. Sheets mineral wool fastened with specially installed frames. For ease of use, these sheets are available in different sizes. Following mineral wool, the walls of the house are usually sheathed with facade panels that are now popular. facade panels also create an additional barrier, and protect the house from heat loss. In addition, thanks to them, you can completely change the appearance of the home. It should be noted that mineral wool is completely non-combustible material, this is very important when warming a residential building.
Polyurethane foam material with wide opportunities for application, one of them is the insulation of the facade of residential buildings. The material has a porous base that retains heat well. To insulate the house with the help of polyurethane foam plates, additional frames are not needed. They can be mounted using special glue or dowels with nails with special caps. Unlike mineral wool, these boards are very flammable, so after installing them, it is necessary to plaster them or finish them with facade panels.

These methods of external insulation will be highly effective for brick houses, as well as for buildings made of foam blocks and concrete. In the same way, you can insulate a wooden house, however, for greater efficiency, you should think about additional thermal insulation of the basement, roof, all ceilings, as well as window and door openings.

Internal insulation of the house

Naturally, it is much easier to insulate the house from the side of the facade, while the usable area is not consumed, and the insulation itself is more efficient. However, if there is no such possibility, then the way to make the house warmer will be the internal insulation of the house.

Internal insulation can be directed not only to the walls, but also to the floor and ceiling of the house, as well as to its doors and windows. When insulating a house from the inside, you need to take into account the material from which the house is built.

For wooden house you need to choose environmentally friendly materials, the structure of which is able to respond to the changing internal climate of a wooden house. This, first of all, concerns frequent changes in heat and moisture, which, if the heaters are not properly selected, can cause condensation. And excessive condensation can eventually cause the destruction of the house. In this case, the same mineral wool and its varieties can become an ideal insulation. You can also pay attention to various sealants for local use. Let's say the gaps between the walls and window openings can be insulated with foam.

Insulation of windows and doors

Thinking about it how to make a house warm, it is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that part of the heat inevitably leaves through windows and doors. And the thermal insulation of these integral architectural elements requires close attention.
A few years ago, heat loss due to cracked frames or gaps under doors was a difficult problem. Today help solve this problem plastic windows and modern doors that not only retain heat, but also decorate the interior and exterior.

Of course, replacing windows and doors is quite expensive, but in fact, it's worth it. If this is not possible temporarily, then you can use temporary measures. For example, for the autumn-winter season, windows can be insulated with putty or other "old-fashioned" methods. The door will release less heat if it is covered with felt, cotton wool or other heaters on the hard side.

You need to understand that temporary measures are inadequate insulation and it is better to spend money once, but replace all windows and doors with modern ones than spend time and energy annually on something that will not bring the desired result.

energy saving house

For those who are thinking about how to make the house warm for another early stages construction, it will be interesting to learn about the concept of energy-efficient housing.

energy saving houses this is a relatively new trend. The main task of such a house is to reduce the cost of heating the house, as well as providing it with electricity and water. Ideally, an energy-saving house can be completely autonomous and not depend on external sources of heating, or on power lines, or on central sewerage and plumbing.

With regard to heat, the key points are laid at the very early stage of planning a house. Here everything is of great importance and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and its shape and number of floors, as well as the shape of the roof and the number of windows and doors.

From the point of view of energy-saving construction, the most profitable for living will be a square cottage from shed roof, and the windows in such a house should face south, this will reduce heat loss from windows and doors.

Despite the growing popularity of this type of construction, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the region of residence. In addition, the initial costs should pay off in the first 10-15 years, otherwise the construction is simply not profitable.

The warmest home

If an energy-efficient house seems too complicated, then when deciding how to make the house warm at the construction stage, you should pay attention to Construction Materials, or rather, from what material the house will be the warmest without additional investments.

brick houses

Brick houses are warm enough, but this material has negative sides:

Brick is an expensive material; building walls of the required thickness from it will require large financial costs;
Brick wall needs additional thermal insulation, which means additional costs of labor and money;
In order to brick house did not collapse ahead of time, it needs to maintain a constant microclimate, otherwise moisture will quickly begin to affect the strength of the structure in the most negative way;
Despite the fact that the brick holds heat well, it takes a relatively long time to properly heat the brick room.

Despite the fact that brick construction is quite expensive and has other disadvantages, brick houses are built quite often, brick allows you to build buildings of even complex architecture.

House made of aerated concrete slabs

A fairly new, but already very popular material is aerated concrete. Its advantages in comparison with brick are obvious:

Aerated concrete is much cheaper than brick, the price of building material often plays a decisive role in its choice;
The technology for manufacturing aerated concrete blocks makes it possible to produce blocks of such a size that is needed to build a wall in one layer, this also reduces financial costs;
The structure of aerated concrete is porous, which gives the material good heat-conducting properties, so aerated concrete houses do not need additional wall insulation, which saves not only money, but also time.

Thanks to all the advantages of this material, aerated concrete houses can be used even in regions with a very cold climate, without the need for additional insulation.

wooden house

Wooden houses have always been in good demand and had their own admirers, this situation continues today. Now houses are built to choose from timber or logs.

Houses from a bar have excellent indicators concerning heat. The size of the timber can be chosen in such a way that the thickness of the wall will be large enough to keep the house warm. If necessary, a house made of timber can be sheathed with any facade material.

Logs are in demand due to the excellent appearance. Depending on the size of the log, you can do without additional insulation. It is important that the log, like the beam, be treated with a special compound that will increase the life of this type of house.

frame construction

Frame houses also took their place in the construction of residential premises. Widely distributed in the west, they can be said to be newcomers to our latitudes. However, they have many advantages:

Construction frame house much faster than any other type of construction. The basis of such a dwelling is a solid frame made of wood or metal-plastic. Panels assembled taking into account the climate and the wishes of the customer are attached to the frame. The top layer of such a panel consists of insulation and facade material.
In order to build frame house no need to spend a lot of money. The price of such a house directly depends on its area and materials used in construction.
Houses built in this way are very reliable, despite the simplicity of their construction. Average term operation of such a house from 60 years.

In order for the house to be warm, you need to put a lot of effort and money, but in the end it all pays off, with the comfort of the resulting home.

Everyone knows that a comfortable stay in the house is not possible without heat. Being indoors at a low temperature, you constantly catch yourself thinking that you need to warm up somehow. A good heater will only help to get rid of such sensations for a while, but the problem should be solved radically - make the house warm.

Today, thanks to the "care" of the so-called democrats, the constant increase in prices for energy and building materials is forcing private owners to save heavily on literally everything. Including the heat. Over the past few years, domestic and world industry has developed a number of integrated systems for insulating houses to solve this issue.

To date, technologies for insulating existing houses are available:

  • from wood;
  • from brick;
  • frame and concrete buildings.

If possible, such methods of insulation should be used even at the stage of construction of a private house - design solutions of this type already exist, for example, a “thermal house”.

It's no secret that the walls of a building are the most weakness in keeping warm. It is through them that its greatest losses occur (more than 50%). Knowing this, any economical owner, willy-nilly wondering how to make the house warm, starts work from the walls of the facade of the building, and, if possible, insulates the walls from the inside.

External insulation of houses.

External insulation of a private house involves the use of mineral wool and polyurethane foam as a heater. These materials are universal and have a number of positive properties.

Read also: Canadian technology building houses

Mineral wool is an environmentally friendly material with excellent thermal insulation characteristics and increased strength. It is also important that the properties inherent in it do not allow the material to support and spread combustion.

In most cases, when equipping a house from the facade, mineral wool is placed in the cavities of the frame floor. However, there is another way of fastening to external walls - using special anchor dowels.

polyurethane foam differs in small weight, but at the same time having good strength characteristics, and at the same time a wide range of applications.

Polyurethane foam is attached to the facade with glue, and then, in addition, it is fixed with anchor dowels. Unlike mineral wool, this material is combustible. To prevent fire, it outside plaster on the grid.

How to make a wooden house warmer.

The reason for significant heat loss in wooden houses is due to thermal radiation through basements, roofs, walls and windows. At the same time, more than 30% falls on the walls of the building and 30% on the windows and ceiling. This fact suggests that the insulation of the walls of the house should be made a priority.

Perhaps you are a poor student or just a frugal one. What to do if your house is still not fixed heating system? Maybe you live in an old, drafty house? Perhaps you want to reduce your CO2 emissions. Regardless of the reason, in cold weather you need to warm up. Here are some helpful tips.


How to make your house warmer without a heater

    Close all windows carefully. Make sure winter frames, if you have them, are installed and tightly closed. Windows must be closed. Open them during the day when the sun is shining, if the temperature outside is higher than the temperature inside.

    • Windows must be sealed. You can purchase special window putty to seal them better. At the very least, place a shirt or towels in areas where air can seep in, or plug gaps with newspaper.
  1. Hang cheap shower curtains on windows that let in sunlight. This will help keep cold air out from outside, and solar heat heat up your house. You can also cover the windows tightly with plastic.

    Hang curtains. Heavy curtains block the air flow. Open them when the sun is shining and close them at other times.

    Seal the doors. Check the door frame as well as the space under the door. You can buy and stick a sealant. Again, at least put a towel or something under the door.

    Let as much sunlight into your home as possible. Make sure the sunlight is not obstructed by anything (e.g. plants, awnings). Remove anything that is leaning against the sunny side of your home (it's best to put these items back at night to create extra insulation).

    Close unused rooms. This will create another barrier between you and the cold air from outside. This will also reduce circulation and therefore heat loss.

    • You can purchase a magnetic register at a hardware store that turns off forced air electric heaters in unused rooms. This way, only the rooms you use will be heated, and the heating will be used much more efficiently.
    • Make sure all heaters are mounted open, especially where water pipes may freeze. Unblock the circulation of cold air in the heated room (it may be blocked by furniture or carpet) so that the heated air can circulate efficiently.
  2. Lay down the carpet. Carpets and rugs help prevent heat loss through the floor. They tend to be warmer to the touch than wood or stone and are a warmer walking surface.

    Add insulation in the attic. A large amount of heat escapes through the attic as warm air rises and cold air sinks. Make sure the attic is well insulated.

    Light a fire in the fireplace . If you have a fireplace, turn it on to keep the house warm. If you don't have a fireplace, consider installing one. Never leave a fireplace in which a fire is burning unattended.

    Get ready. You will warm up during the cooking process, the kitchen will become warmer from the included stove, and you will please yourself with something tasty and hot.

    Light a candle. Candles can produce a lot of heat. Place them carefully and do not leave them unattended. You can find cheap candles at any grocery store.

    • Use a candle warmer. It won't produce as much heat as a fireplace or real heater, but it will be very cheap heat.
  3. Turn on incandescent lamps. The average incandescent light bulb releases up to 95% of its energy as heat rather than light, making it an extremely efficient source of heat.

    • CFLs and LEDs won't help warm a room, so save them for warmer days and use the money saved to pay your heating bill.

    How to keep warm in a cold house

    1. Drink warm drinks. Warm drinks will raise your body temperature. This process is very relaxing and even stimulating. Make a cup of tea or coffee. Drink warm broth.

      Dress warmly. Many believe that the largest percentage of heat loss occurs through the head, but in fact, the heat loss of the whole body is the same. However, if you're cold, a hat or scarf definitely won't hurt. A sweater can also work wonders. Dress in layers, especially when it comes to wool or cotton. Put on slippers or warm socks. If you are sitting, wrap yourself in a blanket.

      • If you still have cold feet, buy black tights. They must be opaque. Wear one or even two pairs under your clothes. This will create another layer of clothing to keep you warm. Men can wear long underwear.
    2. Use small spaces. For example, if your bedroom is much smaller than your living room, spend more time in it.

      Go in for sports. 20 minutes of vigorous exercise can not only keep you warm, but also keep you warm after a workout. In addition, a healthy body tends to be more tolerant of cold.

      • Be active. Movement produces heat! The more actively you move, the better your blood circulation. This means that warm blood flows to the fingers and toes, keeping them warm.
    3. Hug a friend or pet. The body of any warm-blooded animal warms. Snuggle up to your dog or cat and keep each other warm.

      Use a hair dryer. You can quickly warm up yourself or cold shoes and clothes before putting them on. You can also warm up the bed before going to bed. Never cover the hair dryer! It can overheat and catch fire.

      Get an electric heater. Instead of heating the entire house or rooms, use a heating pad on a low setting. You can also make your own heating pad:

      • Use a bottle of hot water. Thus, it is very convenient to warm hands and feet in a sitting position; you can also put her to bed, at her feet.
      • Heat socks or small pillows filled with rice, dried corn or beans for one minute in the microwave and use as a heating pad or put in bed.
    4. Buy a thick robe. Think of it like a big fluffy blanket with sleeves. It is very warm and comfortable, and you can even sleep in it!

      Go on a visit or vacation. Consciously spend time in a well-heated place that won't cost you anything, such as the library, church, friend's, and so on.

      Try an electric blanket. An electric blanket can keep you warm and cozy all night and is cheaper than inefficient and expensive old heaters.