Big bath projects Beautiful bath projects

Today, the bath is gaining more and more popularity among people racing in the cycle of modern life.

The beneficial properties of bath procedures on the human body have long been proven by science, so many owners of personal plots tend to build this structure in their yard.

This article brings to your attention the material with which you will get acquainted with the modern approaches used in construction for these premises.

For visual persuasion, just look at a selection of photos that show turnkey solutions relating to the construction of the frame as a whole, and interior decoration.

Types of bath projects

Any construction begins with a project that will allow you to imagine what the final look will be of this structure, and how many necessary materials you will need for this.

In addition, the development of the project includes such parameters as the choice of a place for construction, dimensions, as well as information about the decor and design used.

The most common types of bath projects are:

  • Construction of a 3 * 3 m structure, consisting of a standard set of premises - a dressing room and a steam room;
  • The erection of a 3 * 5 m structure, here a rest room with a small kitchen is added to the standard set of premises;

  • A plan with dimensions of 4 * 4 m implies the presence of a terrace extension to the above-described type;
  • The bath project with dimensions 5*4 includes the entire complex of modern steam rooms, where there may be a separate toilet, a playroom, and a salt room.

Basically, the choice of project depends on the available space on personal plot and financial opportunities.

The choice of the foundation for the bath

Often, during the construction of this structure, one of the three main types of foundation is used. It can be a strip, columnar or pile foundation.

Tape. It is the most common type of foundation for the construction of most structures, including a bath.

The advantage of this foundation is that it is able to withstand heavy loads, therefore, if your future building will have a relatively impressive brick size, then this foundation option is ideal for construction.

Columnar. Has distinctive features associated with simple device this foundation and small financial investments, it is mainly used for relatively light structures made of timber.

It is erected exclusively in places where large loads occur, which mainly occur at the corners of the building and at the intersections of load-bearing structures.

Pile. This type of foundation is necessary for those who are forced to build their bathhouse on “moving” soil.

This is a reliable species with a rather laborious construction process, and is justified precisely in those regions dominated by this species soil.

Mistakes made during the construction of the bath

Despite the existence of a developed project and the seriousness of the attitude to this matter, mistakes still occur that are characteristic of a person when building with his own hands.

It is necessary to pay attention to the following points during construction.

Good sizing required interior spaces. Bath, designed for 2-3 people, should not be less than 10m2;

An acceptable ceiling height for such a structure is considered to be 2-2.5 m.

The materials used to build a bathhouse in a country house or a personal plot are recommended to be chosen from among light and energy-saving ones.

Particular attention should be paid to the main bath equipment. It should not only look beautiful, but also meet all safety standards for such structures.

Photo of a bathhouse in a summer cottage

Russian bath - in our modern time it's not just a traditional washing room, a steam room and a terribly cramped dressing room.

Increasingly, the eyes of homeowners are riveted by projects of unusual baths: with a veranda, a fireplace, a swimming pool, a barbecue oven, lounges, a vast terrace ... and this is not the limit of the architects' imagination!

Original baths or triple pleasure

In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with non-standard baths that go beyond the boring framework of everyday life, in which relaxation is not only pleasant and interesting, but unforgettable! After all, here you have a unique opportunity to get three types of pleasure at once: physical, mental and aesthetic.

So, let's see what solutions have recently become popular among our compatriots when building baths:

  1. Bath complex with a swimming pool. Immediately we want to dispel the myth that the implementation of such a project is mega expensive - professional builders and home craftsmen have long confirmed the opposite. The price of construction is available to almost everyone, especially if the artificial reservoir is not heated and not covered. But already the projects of two-story structures with an indoor pool are more expensive. Yes, and turn around in architectural terms, there is where.

  1. Billiards and a sauna is another excellent combination that will surely interest many representatives of the stronger sex! By and large, such projects provide for the presence of at least one rest room - billiard equipment is placed in it. The area of ​​this room can vary from a minimum of 20 m² to 40 m² or more.

Quite often, a billiard room is made on the second, that is, attic floor. In this case, the free space is organized in the most ergonomic way: on the first floor there is a washing room, a steam room and a relaxation room, on the second floor there is a billiard room.

  1. Buildings with an attic. Of course, this is far from being an innovation, but every year enterprising architects come up with more and more interesting projects baths with an additional attic floor. In addition, this is a unique opportunity to get never superfluous square meters no extension total area buildings. What can be done from the second floor? Equip with your own hands the same billiard room, relaxation room, gym or even an office!

  1. Unusual bath with a veranda or terrace. Agree, because it is the absence or presence of open / closed extensions that forms the general aesthetic perception of the building, its colorful, unique appearance.
    For example, either along the entire facade or even a bay window - these are not just additional useful squares, but also a decoration of the bath, its hallmark, business card!

Even if for some reason you prefer a typical bath project to an individual one, then it can be made original by choosing the right location, shape and type of extension.
Try to equip a traditional corner log house with a veranda, and you will be surprised how unusual your bathhouse will become.

  1. Barrel bath. According to an ancient legend, a wise man named Diogenes lived in a barrel. Since that time, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, but this legend is still alive to this day, only in an embodied form. Unfortunately, it is not known from history who first "gave birth" to the idea that in oak barrel you can have a great steam bath ... but a step or two and today we can admire the most interesting baths in the form of barrels!

Baths of this type appeared in the middle of the 20th century in snowy Finland and instantly won the hearts of the European people. Not surprising, because in addition to colorful appearance a barrel bath, compared to a typical square building, warms up quickly and retains heat longer.

By the way!
Today, there are also such models of bath-barrels, which are placed on a mobile chassis in the form of a trailer.
This solution allows you to take it with you if, for example, you want to get out into nature and take a steam bath there.

Top 5 most extraordinary baths in the world

What wonders you will not meet on the globe!

Now, having looked at the most unusual projects of baths, avid bathers will burn with a desire to try on their own body the result of procedures in such steam rooms:

  • "Saunaforall" or simply "Sauna for everyone"! This phenomenon is located in the Czech town of Liberec. Those who built it did not have to build a solid foundation, as they came up with a more original solution. The sauna for everyone stands right in the middle of the river, on stilts, not far from the city beach.

Those wishing to visit this bathhouse do not need to pay money, since it is completely free. Instructions for use: just place an order with the architectural studio MjolkArchitects, who built it from wooden frames, plywood, spruce planks and aluminum.

  • And in Milan there is a curious bathhouse in a tram car. It can easily accommodate a company of 10 people. Plasma is also installed here, on the screen of which they show the amusing history of Milanese trams.

  • Turku Archipelago, Lake Larsmo – fabulous steam bath. In this stunning place, you can not only take a steam bath at any time of the year, but also admire the beauties of the picturesque natural region from the sauna floating on the lake.
in time 40 minutes: the mobile capsule manages to rise twice to a height of 500 meters and go down.

By the way!
As an additional bonus, so to speak, you will certainly be offered to cool off in the purest snow on top of the mountain.

  • Well, who would have imagined that a real bathhouse could be located on the territory of the ice arena?! The dream of almost every man is to relax in the steam room and enjoy the game of his favorite hockey team!


The Russian banya is a delight in itself, primarily for the body. Well, when she is also beautiful, colorful, not like everyone else, then boundless spiritual pleasure is added to the physical! So don't be afraid to experiment. And for a "snack", especially for lovers of bathing art - an interesting thematic video in this article.

Bath is the main constituent element of Russian culture. Bath procedures served hygienic purposes. Various diseases were treated in the steam room. To this day, hot steam helps to cope with various ailments, balances nervous system, restores strength. Long frosty winters taught our ancestors to keep warm indoors: high thresholds, small windows, low doors.

Bathhouses were built outside the courtyard, preferably on the shore of a reservoir, so that a steamed person could plunge into the water, because there was no running water in those days. They bathed on certain days, sometimes the whole street used one bathhouse. Today, knowing the benefits of this procedure, many build personal baths in their backyard or equip a sauna in a city apartment. Own bath has become a symbol healthy lifestyle life, this type of construction has become almost mandatory on the site.


The traditional village bath consists of three rooms:

  • dressing room;
  • washing room;
  • steam room.

In the same order they are usually located. First, the visitor enters the dressing room - dry warm room for changing and relaxing between bath procedures. Then it enters the washing department, from where, after rinsing and getting used to elevated temperature, goes to the steam room.

The steam room is the main branch of the bath, for which it is being built. The temperature here reaches 60-70 degrees, with high humidity up to 90 percent, this heat penetrates into the deep layers of muscles, relaxes and warms up all organs. Using a broom made of birch, oak, juniper acts as a massage. After the steam room, a rinsing or dousing procedure is needed cold water, then rest. Design features baths provide for comfortable carrying out of all the listed procedures.

Modern baths are not displayed outside the boundaries of a private plot; small comfortable log cabins or two-story brick buildings are erected in the yard for frequent and convenient use. The set of premises includes an open terrace or balcony of the second floor. Here you can lie on fresh air or have a cup of tea after the steam room. The washing room is equipped with a conventional or massage shower. For those who like to lie down in the bathroom, the necessary equipment is installed.

The dressing room receives additional space, furnished with a sofa, armchairs, a table with a samovar. This room is often used for temporary accommodation of guests, so the design of the rest room is given great importance: it is equipped with appliances for a comfortable pastime - a TV, a refrigerator. Many decor and household items for their own baths are created by the owners with their own hands. Inside or outside, the walls are lovingly decorated with hunting trophies or carved decorations.

In addition to the traditional Russian steam room with wet steam, a sauna with dry hot air is popular with many northern peoples. Manufacturers produce a whole line of equipment for suburban or apartment saunas. Saunas can have a large area, or they can fit in the size of a shower cabin. Heating units various modifications effectively create the desired temperature and humidity in rooms of any size.

The bath complex can be arranged in the attic. To do this, measures are taken to insulate the roof, mount a comfortable staircase with railings. This detail is necessary, since the effect of hot temperature on a person causes a loss of attention and concentration, the steps should be as comfortable and non-slip as possible. If the bath has beveled ceilings, then shelves for storing bath accessories and woodpile are installed in the low parts so that unused dead zones do not form in the low parts of the room. To avoid bruises, the active area for soaring and washing is located in the highest part, its height should not be less than 2.3 meters.

Sauna stoves are used various modifications. Solid fuel units have proven themselves well: firewood, pellets, coal. Latest ergonomic models long burning with a water circuit allow heating adjacent rooms and another floor. Temperature regime maintained throughout the entire firing time. If the bath is connected to the main gas pipeline, cheap gas is used to operate the stove. Electrical counterparts are less convenient due to the high cost of electricity. When choosing the volume of the firebox, you need to calculate the volume of the steam room and adjacent rooms and select the stove of the required power.

Compliance with fire safety rules is essential. Continuous use of the furnace for many hours can cause ignition of surrounding structures. All heating parts of the stove and chimney must be securely isolated from wooden parts. The chimney at the junction with the ceiling and roof is made of "sandwich" pipes and is additionally protected with a layer of expanded clay. Chimney height according to requirements safe operation taken at least 50 centimeters above the level of the roof ridge.

The walls around the stove are finished with drywall, porcelain tiles, mineralite, stainless steel with a layer of mineral wool or brick and natural stone. Superizol withstands heating up to 1000 degrees, light and non-flammable - a new insulating material for high-temperature furnace units. The height of the insulating layer should be 15-20 centimeters higher than the level of the stove and as much wider. When finishing internal walls and structures of the steam room use non-combustible and environmentally friendly clean materials which do not emit harmful substances when heated. They try to keep the design in the same style.

Finishing materials

The microclimate with high temperature and high humidity dictates the use of natural materials. A bathhouse built from solid logs of linden, aspen, cedar does not require additional wall cladding. These materials, when heated, lighten the air by releasing healing oils. This material has plasticity when changing temperature and humidity conditions, and is durable. Beautiful weaves of wood fibers create a pleasant visual sequence.

A steam room made of bricks or blocks artificial stone, sheathed from the inside with clapboard from the same wood species. It is undesirable to use pine, due to high temperature indoors, it can release resin, which creates unaesthetic streaks on the surface. Pine is unstable to moisture and strongly deforms from dampness. Although it is an affordable and inexpensive material with good decorative qualities, it can be used to decorate a rest room and an entrance area.

The lining has various cutting profiles, rectangular or cylindrical, which imitates log house. For sheathing, you can use a polished edged board. The thickness is better to take 2-4 centimeters. This will allow the wood to resist deformation longer, retain heat well. The sheathing from unedged boards looks original. This gives a rustic touch to the interior.

The interior looks beautiful, fully decorated both on the walls and on the ceiling with one material of the same type of wood. It is better to choose light colors of wood. A small steam room will look more spacious. Treat wood paneling with oil or wax in natural tones. Varnish or paint in the steam room is not used.

In a brick or block building, the wall is sheathed with a lath and insulated with vapor barrier material. Then they make another rack frame, on which they pick up the front finish. The ceiling of the floor is finished in the same way. The floor in the steam room is also sewn up with wood. edged board. A layer of waterproofing is laid between the cement screed and the finished floor.

For the body of the stove, refractory bricks are the best choice, it gives a beautiful slender pattern, has good performance. Gives the interior warmth and comfort. The heated brick retains heat for a long time and contributes to maintaining the optimal temperature in the room for a long time. Cast iron or steel models are comfortable to use and easy to install. Boxes are specially provided for natural stone: basalt, jadeite, quartzite. These stones heat up quickly, do not crack from high temperatures, and do not contain harmful secretions.

The washing department is traditionally tiled. For the floor, porcelain stoneware or grooved boards are used. The main requirement is a non-slip surface. The ceiling is sewn up with the same clapboard as in the steam room. In some cases, plastic ceiling panels are mounted to match the color of the tile or lining.

Doors in bath rooms are made capital, with good thermal insulation qualities. Such qualities are natural wood. Door leaf decorated with carved panels or glass inserts to visually expand the space. Modern door designs can be made entirely of special glass. These models are equipped with insulating gaskets.

Decoration inside

A huge selection of options for finishing materials and modern equipment for the bath allows you to create stylish modern interiors. A sauna in an apartment in a multi-storey building becomes a valuable component of comfort. Manufacturers offer a complete turnkey set of different sizes and modifications of the steam room. Outwardly, these steam rooms look like an ordinary room, but interior decoration block house or clapboard immerses you in the atmosphere of a real steam room.

Home sauna area ranges from traditional to miniature, about the size of a shower. But all the details of the traditional steam room are made on high level. Shelves have standard sizes, a convenient configuration for accommodation of two or more people. The shelf of the upper tier is made wider and installed at a height of no higher than 1.5 meters from the ceiling. The design of the doors involves a glass component. Glass does not close a small space, but serves as a unifying element of loft-style interiors.

The sauna is installed in the bathroom, or a special room is allocated for it. In studio apartments, saunas have become fashionable, included in the interior of the room. Fully glass partitions create the illusion of a single space. Colored LED lighting gives a feeling of peace and relaxation. A functional shower completes the full cycle of the bath procedure. Smooth surfaces, lack of details, monochrome composition of minimalism make it possible to relax in the fast pace of modern life.

Older generations remember the times when baths were built on the shore of a reservoir. Today it is not always appropriate to dive into a pond after a steam room, or not everyone was lucky enough to have one on their site. Owners of their own baths can equip them with pools. The pool can be located in the open air next to the entrance to the bath. Another option involves the construction of a swimming pool in the washing room.

The pool occupies the central part of the shower room. Beautifully designed sides and floor around the pool will create an additional decorative effect. An unusual shape will also become a design element. It is better to lay out the bottom and walls with blue or colored tiles so that the color of the water has a pleasant color. A small steam room for aesthetic purposes is separated by a glass partition.

The interior of a bathhouse with a pool on the street can be decorated in a fashionable single space. The pool is a way of dividing into a steam room area and a relaxation area, while separating an indoor steam room and an open-air gazebo. Combined terrace designs create a barrier from prying eyes. The original glazing of the roof will allow you to admire the starry sky during bath procedures.

Two-story bath expands the possibilities for arranging additional premises. Such a structure can combine both the functions of a bath and the functions of a living space. The first floor is reserved for the steam room, washing room, dressing room and kitchen. The second is given for rest rooms, a living room or a bedroom, rooms for massage or a training complex.

An elegant interior solution can be the design of a Turkish-style steam room. A traditional oriental bath - a hammam - is heated by a stone bed located in the center of the room. Hamam is often complemented by a stylized waterfall on one of the walls, where you can rinse after hot treatments. Air in Turkish bath not burning, but has a comfortable temperature. Such a constructive heating device is perfect for spa treatments and massages. The room is finished with mosaics or tiles with oriental ornament. Neon lighting and hammam benches unite Eastern and European cultures.

Adherents of Japanese philosophy will surely like to decorate a Japanese-style bath. To do this, it is enough to equip the washing compartment with a round wooden font. This font-furaco is divided into two parts: in one there is a bench for sitting, in the other - heating element. An excellent relaxation procedure takes place in the open air in the fresh air. Another option is ofuro - rectangular containers in human height with heated cedar or linden sawdust. Immersion in them for 20-30 minutes cleanses the body of toxins. This beautiful equipment can be placed in a city apartment.

The traditional dressing room has turned from an ordinary dressing room into a full-fledged living room or relaxation room. This room is finished in the appropriate style, furnished with wooden furniture sets that match the style of the entire complex. The firebox of the fireplace stove is often taken to this front room, here they communicate with friends or family members gather for tea on the veranda. Unexpected guests can spend the night in the relaxation room, for this there is one or two beds. Furniture is better to choose stylized Russian style.

Russian bath interior

The classic Russian bath is an unsurpassed and favorite option for decorating a bathhouse in the countryside. Living fire, crackling of burning logs, heat and humid steam are the best cleansing procedures for residents of the cold regions of our country. The steam room is often combined with the washing room in one room. In summer, swimming in an ice hole replaces a wooden bucket of cold water, which is hung from the ceiling. The interior is decorated with fairy-tale characters from Russian epics.

Finishing unedged board - the best choice for this bath. Comic statements on the topic of bathing procedures are cut out on the panels that decorate the walls. Carved wooden furniture, small windows with platbands in a log house are decorated with flowered curtains. Rural charm does not interfere with equipping such a bathhouse with modern stove equipment.

A stone stove is an indispensable attribute of a Russian bath. It can be lined with tiled tiles, which will add a noble antiquity. Such a bath can be made with your own hands. The main condition: good insulation to keep warm. The height of the room is visually reduced by understating window openings. Logs and finishes are deliberately rough to preserve the Russian style.

A separate bathhouse is an indispensable element of a country estate within the boundaries of St. Petersburg, Moscow and other large cities. She guarantees comfortable rest, a luxurious reception of dear guests and the health of the whole family, excluding problems with humidity and temperature, which occur when arranging such premises inside the house. This section of Domamo offers to buy standard projects baths - fully finished developments with the possibility of turnkey construction and architectural changes (plan, decoration, etc.) at the request of customers. You will be able to choose a suitable sample for the cost, general photo and layout drawings.

Choice of bath projects

Bath projects in the catalog are buildings adapted to the weather conditions of Russia, made from the best materials in terms of thermal insulation:

  • Tree (log),
  • Specially processed timber - for areas with a problem of humidity and temperature changes,
  • Foam concrete or brick, including refractory - for individual elements of the steam room,
  • Energy efficient frame structures.

When choosing the basis for a bath project, you should immediately decide which result will best suit your needs. A traditional woody “spirit” will be felt in a log bath, brick or concrete will make the building especially reliable, and the frame and the timber option will open wide opportunities modern design.

Construction features

The bath project can have a different area, including not only a steam room and a shower room, but also additional rooms for functionality and comfort. This may include:

  • Second floor (full or attic) with a loggia or balcony,
  • Rest rooms used as bedrooms, gym or billiards,
  • Swimming pool, terraces for summer tea parties and even a built-in garage.

In addition to the main entrance, the bathhouse may have access to a nearby pond. At the same time, the bath itself can be built both as a standalone and as an extension to a residential building - in order to save on communications for the steam room and other premises.

What is "beautiful" and what are they, beautiful baths around the world? In fact, the term "beauty" seems simple only to ordinary people - among designers and architects - this is one of the most difficult concepts. Everything is contained in it: a sense of harmony at the sight of a certain object, the influence of its color scheme on the psycho-physical characteristics of a person, the literacy of combining shapes and lines, the expediency of using certain textures and decor. Yes, it is difficult for a simple layman to even imagine how long the creative team of any construction company can work on the creation of just one project! Sometimes a beautiful bath is built in time faster than its sketch was created and approved ...

And the most interesting trap lies in the fact that in the most expensive and complex 3D visualization, which meticulously conveys sunlight and the finest shades of color, a steam room can look one way, but in real life it looks completely different. A vivid example of this is torn brickwork on white walls, which look so impressive on the glossy pages of a magazine and so ugly and ridiculous on a real building. After all, our vision and perception has always been and will be more complex than any 3D program, just like our brain is smarter than any cutting-edge computer.

And therefore, choosing a ready-made nice project, flipping through the photos of the most beautiful baths in the country, and trying to implement it in life is not a guarantee of success. And then it will be almost impossible to remake. That is why, since the sleeves have already been rolled up, the stove has been selected and the brick is ready for its independent laying, any Russian peasant will have enough intelligence and talent to build his own beautiful bathhouse - according to a personal project and taking into account personal preferences. The main thing is to choose the right direction from the very beginning - what will it be like, his future beauty bath?

Lord's mansions or bathhouse in Russian

The Russian soul is wide - and its views on the construction of houses and baths are just as wide. If you have a budget and a desire, why not build real mansions instead of a small steam room? From expensively thick logs, with a chic weather vane on the roof, skillful wood carvings and spacious bright rooms.

Why are such beautiful baths being built today from thick massive timber, and where does so much usable area go? How about: a relaxation room, a billiard room, a home-style SPA for women, a summer bedroom on the second floor, a guest room, an indoor pool ... Such baths are already called bath complexes, and similar ones only in the Moscow region require payment in the amount of average monthly income in the country. And there is a reason.

To say that such a bath looks chic is to say nothing. But the tendency to unconventionally use the roof of baths has recently become more interesting. As in New York skyscrapers, in such mansions it often has a certain flat area and sun loungers are already being set up on it, a barbecue gazebo is being organized, and even real greenhouses are being mounted. Surely not a single ferret will climb there! And not a single thief will steal expensive equipment for heating and automatic irrigation.

But pools in such steam rooms are not always inside - often they will simply attach it to the building, protecting it from vegetable debris and the hot sun with a polycarbonate cap. And warm, and beautiful, and accessible to any Russian, even within their means.

If you want to look at the projects of baths with a pool, we recommend that you read the article

The only thing that the designers responsible for the exterior of such baths always insist on is the absolute stylization of the Russian folk style. So that such a bath really looks like a mansion, and not like a mighty complex of a secret organization. And this is an external stylized decor, wooden furniture at the porch, processed round logs, strict color solutions with a desire for naturalness and masterful woodcarving. Indeed, in such a bath, if it has already been called Russian, not only the body should rest - but also the soul!

Miniature beauty baths or a masterpiece of architectural thought

But what if the budget for the construction of a bath is very limited, but you don’t want to bathe in a barrel? Does this mean that you should give up your dream and be content with a miserable bath house on chicken legs? Not at all! Indeed, minimalism is in fashion, and this style has affected not only interiors - it has created a whole trend in architecture.

And miniature baths at the same time look great: they are compact, functional and stylish. The main thing is to correctly distribute the valuable area in them: the steam room and the washing room have certain volume requirements, otherwise you can safely show your imagination. So, in such baths, the relaxation room can be at the same time a veranda, a billiard room, a dressing room and even a summer bedroom! And it all looks chic: just a beautiful glazed extension with sliding glass panels is being completed to the log steam room. Nearby is a pond or an artificial pool. In cold weather, this is a living-dining room and a guest room, in sunny summer day- an open patio with cool blue water, which is so nice to plunge into after a good Russian heat.

In order to save space and money, they also build small baths on two floors: after all, the most significant part of the budget goes just for the construction of the foundation, and attached second floor, oddly enough, ends up being much cheaper. On the first floor there is a small waiting room with a boiler, a steam room and a compact washing room, on the second floor there is the same billiard room and cushioned furniture. It’s just that a ladder needs to fit into all this, and some craftsmen manage to make it from the outside of the bath, believing that some extreme for a steamed body in the form of Siberian frost is only good for health.

And how do you like baths on the water, at height and in the air? And all this thanks to new construction technology and electric light ovens, which can be installed even in space!

In fact, compactness in construction is a trend in Europe, where the scope of the soul in the architecture of residential complexes is somehow not welcomed, but the ability to create a SPA-paradise on a piece of land is considered a skill. The Europeans prefer to give away the extra meters of land under Orchard or a pond - there is a rational grain in this, isn't it?

Baths of the most unusual forms

They say that many modern famous architects were speechless when they saw which bathhouses are actively gaining popularity in Russia! These are autobahns and baths of the most unimaginable forms. And, interestingly, in terms of their functionality and durability, they are in no way inferior to ordinary stationary steam rooms. But they provide much more opportunities: go with a company to the river for barbecue, and take a bathhouse with you, take your steam room to the forest, roll it back to a new place and even go on a trip with a bathhouse in the back!

Hi-tech and techno in the bath style

But before the adherents modern technologies there is a difficult task at all: how to build a good, functional Russian bath, but without any hint of a hut? In this case, directions in techno and high-tech architecture (“high technologies”) help out. After all, the internal filling of the steam room can be anything, and the essence of the bath is only to maintain the correct temperature and humidity conditions. And sometimes new steam generators, ventilation systems, powerful chrome-plated stoves and a pool with hydromassage somehow do not look against the backdrop of shaggy slabs and rough log walls. And what kind of outer shell a real Russian bath will have is another question.

And so a new style of architecture and exterior of Russian baths was born: strict, laconic forms, almost complete absence of accessories, huge darkened Euro-windows from the dressing room from ceiling to floor and techno colors: gray, brown and black. This may also be wooden baths, and beautiful steam rooms made of cinder block with a spectacular siding finish imitating something. Yes, it is unusual, but quite stylish, and in any suburban and personal plot such a bath will be a striking architectural object.

Unleash your imagination and real Russian craftsmanship - and the most beautiful baths in the world from glossy magazines will be eclipsed!