Hamam history. Turkish bath hammam: how it works, an overview of typical procedures and contraindications to visiting

The East has always been famous for its worldly wisdom, the longevity of the inhabitants, the secrets of health and, of course, the unique elements of culture, manifested both in philosophy and in the approach to decoration: oriental spices, aromatic oils, Exotic fruits, secrets of massage and relaxation. The associations that arise when pronouncing this word are soft warm tones, skillful mosaics, domes of mosques and sheikhs' palaces. Elements of this culture have spread throughout the world. In all countries, its components are used as something luxurious, providing benefits, pleasure and relaxation. One of these elements are Turkish baths hammam.

Turkish bath features

Eastern people know that there is no point in rushing somewhere. They have always been aware of the importance of philosophical reasoning, conversation, thinking. Hamam - what is it for Eastern peoples? This is a place where you can spend time with benefits for physical health, and at the same time put in order the psychological balance. What can be said about Hamam? What is this institution in which there is no place for counting seconds. All the components of the right hammam set you up for relaxation, temporary detachment from the outside world and its complexities. How does it all work? Comfort temperature, not burning, but warming the whole body, aromatic oils, herbal teas, massage with olive oil, surrounding aesthetic beauty. All this together gives unimaginable impressions and location to the whole culture of the East.

The interior of the hammam

Traditional hammam - what is it, what distinguishes it from an ordinary bath? Turkish hammam is a rounded room. In its center is a dome. When finishing, there is a desire for luxury, perfection and aesthetics. The whole complex is presented as a work of art. Finished in marble. Floors and sun loungers should be heated so that the cold of the stone is not felt after the steam room. The optimal temperature in the hammam is much lower than in a conventional bath, which allows you to stay in it for hours. In this case, the whole body warms up very well. Spending time in a hammam means a long relaxed conversation, distraction from pressing problems and just enjoying a pleasant and useful procedure.

Useful properties of the Turkish bath

Healing qualities for the body from visiting the bath have long been known to the world. They consist mainly in cleansing the body of toxins and toxins that are excreted along with sweat. Also, the bath has a fruitful effect on the joints and the entire musculoskeletal system as a whole. The pain syndrome in diseases of the bones and joints is reduced, the skin is cleansed, and acne disappears. An indisputable plus for women is the ability to lose weight. The temperature difference (from a hot steam room to a cold pool) helps to strengthen the immune system and the body's resistance to colds. These are common properties inherent in all types of baths and saunas. And hamam? What is it for our health? In addition to the above positive effects on the human body, it has a number of other properties. Turkish hammam baths are famous for their aroma oils. They have a relaxing effect on nervous system. Massages increase blood circulation and metabolism in tissues. A comfortable temperature does not cause a stressful situation in the body. It is this hammam in Turkey that differs from the Russian bath.

Bath contraindications

The bath has its positive effects on the body, but there are also contraindications. You should not go to the bath for people suffering from various kinds of skin diseases (eczema, ulcerative lesions of the outer integument of the skin). Open wounds and injuries - good reason to cancel such an event. Respiratory tract lesions with metastases and serious diseases, inflammation of the joints, intestines and stomach ulcers. As for the urinary system of the body, people with urolithiasis. Any inflammatory processes in the body are a contraindication to visiting the sauna.

Hamam in Russia

Not every resident of our country can afford to equip a hammam in a private house or on suburban area. The construction and design of such premises is far from cheap. Special steam generators, floor and bench heaters, pipe laying - all this is a complex technical process that requires an injection of large amounts of money. However, lovers of the oriental bath are provided with the service of public or indoor baths. Hamam in Moscow, for example, is not uncommon. Entrepreneurs equip premises in best styles Eastern culture and offer their services to those who would like to touch its traditions. Hamam in Moscow offers more than a hundred baths and saunas. So, of course, there is a choice where to patch up your body after hard and stressful working days.

Traditional hammam

No matter how hard other countries strive to embody the atmosphere of a true hammam on their territory, you will not get such a feeling as in the historical homeland of this bath. A tourist holiday in Turkey will allow you to experience a real hammam, not cut off from the surroundings. It remains only to find out how much the hammam costs. In Moscow, the price varies from 900 to 4000 rubles per hour in the bath. In Turkey, you will pay about $40 for this procedure, that is, the prices are on average the same. In any case, it is worth trying a traditional hammam surrounded by its native atmosphere, when you go to Time, you will definitely not lose it in vain.

Relax in one of the most incredible historical sites Seville, located in the house-palace of the XVI century. Today it opens the door for everyone who wants to be transported to another era. Such corners are the history of a city that preferred to keep secrets in its bowels, but now it is you who will recognize them. You can't miss this place if you visit Seville. Why? It's simple: Arabic Hamam Aire de Sevilla (Seville Air), located in the center of the Santa Cruz district, is a real oasis in the heart of the city. You forget about the routine and seem to be transported to ancient Seville.

Many tourists admiring Seville ignore the existence of this place, although its architecture speaks of the diversity of cultures that have left an indescribable legacy. Aire de Sevilla has absorbed the marvelous work of Muslim artisans, Roman furniture, unusual vaults and decoration. Entering the hammam is like entering a real paradise for the mind, because rest and history are intertwined here. In the 16th century, one of the viceroys of India, having restored and ancient hamam, and Roman traces, built in addition to this a truly luxurious house-palace.

And this palace, which few people expect to meet while walking along Aire Street, continues to amaze tourists. Here you can not only relax thanks to water treatments, but also enjoy delicious tea. Guests are offered more than 30 types: relaxing tea, fruit, Arabic ... Of course, you will be advised to taste a sweet cake right there.

Hamam is valued not only for its appearance, but also for a variety of medical procedures. For example, this one is called "Al-Andalus". You are exfoliated (peeled) with a glove and mineral-rich soap. The skin becomes like new!

Another, even more original way of taking care of your beauty is based on "shock therapy". This is your chance to feel like a chocolate candy and, of course, inhale new life into your body.

If you want something very special, say, absolute relaxation, then by all means try the Water Ritual. Immerse yourself in the term - and a light massage begins. Soon you will find yourself in an absolute knockout, in the best sense of the word.

And, of course, classic relaxation - a hydromassage zone.

For 1500 years, the secrets of the beneficial effects on the body of water, which not only gives pleasure, but also improves health, have been passed down from generation to generation. This treasure was cherished by both the Romans and the Muslims, who were in charge at different times in Seville. According to stories, it may have disappeared in the 17th century due to the loss of the last Arab bath in the city, but the Aire de Sevilla brought it back for all of us. For example, here is this incredible corner.

The path through the baths begins with a relaxing hall where candles are lit, the sounds of water are heard and warmth emanates from the marble slabs.

The so-called bathroom consists of three zones with different temperatures: warm (36ºC), hot (40ºC) and cold (16ºC). Changes in temperature create unique sensations that you can alternate from one zone to another.

One of the most special rooms of all Arab baths- terma with salt water or "flotarium".

And in the center of Seville, on the roofs of many houses, there are luxurious terraces. Appreciate the view from the top of the Aire de Sevilla - and you will doubly want to go there!

Hamam - Turkish bath

The Old Baths (“Eski Kaplidzha”) were built during the reign of Emperor Justinian in the city of Bursa, are considered the most beautiful in Turkey

Although the name Turkish bath“hamam” comes from the Arabic word “ham” (hot), Turkish hamams trace their history from the famous Roman terms (baths). At a time when the Roman Empire was making conquests around the world, it was the Romans who introduced the tradition of visiting baths as part of their culture, starting to build them on the territory of enemy cities immediately after they were captured.


  • Literally in every village in Turkey you can find a hammam
  • In the Middle Ages, every Turk once a week was obliged to let his wife go to the bathhouse.
  • Rope across front door in the hammam - a sign of "Women's Day"
  • Women's baths in Turkey are always built next to men's, but have different entrances.
  • In the capital of Turkey, Ankara, there are about a hundred "hamams"
  • The most famous hamam (“Jagaloglu Hamami”) is located in Istanbul, it was visited by the English King Edward, Kaiser Wilhelm, Franz Liszt

At one time, Roman baths were considered the most visited places of entertainment. So, for example, the baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani, 305 AD) accommodated up to 3 thousand people, their inner gardens were decorated with fountains and pavilions, there were also a library, meeting rooms and sports exercises on the territory. However, in the East, after the birth of a new religion - Islam, and the proclamation by the Prophet Muhammad of the postulate “Cleanliness is half of faith”, with the prescription for believers to take weekly trips to the bathhouse, Turkish hammam baths became very popular among the local population. It was believed that the heat of the hamam increases "fertility", while the young religion really needed a natural replenishment of its ranks.

This is interesting:

The Turks, having become masters and taking St. Peter's Castle in Bodrum without a fight, the construction of which took place as a symbol of the unification of Christian Europe in the war against the "infidels", first of all converted the Gothic chapel into a mosque and built a Hamam, marveling at how the Crusader knights had been for more than 100 years went without a bath.

Turkish hammam is not just a bath, it is a whole philosophy. Sacredly honoring the precepts of the Prophet, Muslims give a visit to the hamam a truly sacred meaning. It is also worth noting that the hammam in Turkey has nothing to do with the Turkish bath in Europe - they are two different things!

Having become a source of true pleasure in the East, the Turkish bath was often distinguished by luxurious interior decoration. Often, the Turks rebuilt the surviving Roman baths under the hamams. A visit to the hamam became a kind of ritual; people went to the bath not only to wash themselves, but also to get a boost of energy and a feeling of health.

Over time, over the years, the Turks developed their own “bath philosophy”, a special attitude to the spirituality of this ceremonial appeared. The main rule: in the Turkish bath, hammam, people relax, and they should not be disturbed. At the same time, the hamam was a place where the main important events of life were celebrated. In these cases, the hero of the occasion filmed the entire hamam, organized music, treats and invited everyone to the bathhouse. This tradition is still found in the provincial regions of the country. So the hamam miraculously wove into the everyday life of the local population - here news, problems are discussed, cases are resolved, decisions are made, meetings of friends, relatives and good acquaintances are held. Many visitors come to the hammam early in the morning and leave this place late in the evening. People come here to relax in body and soul. Turks bring provisions to the hammam, set the table, have fun and have fun after the procedures.

In the hammam, everyone became equal: rich and poor, young and old, beautiful and unattractive - all for some time became free from the world that remained behind these walls. Even in old Turkey, women, like men, were eventually able to visit the bathhouse without restrictions - this was one of the few universally recognized women's rights. The Turkish women's bath eventually turned into a kind of women's club - news, gossip, songs, dances, matchmaking and everything related to the female half of the Turkish population. Women gathered in the hammam as if for a holiday: they dressed up in nice clothes They took sweets with them. In the hammam, they drank coffee and talked, often spending the whole day there from morning to evening. It is in the hammam that the groom's aunts examine the future daughter-in-law, revealing all her advantages and disadvantages.

Hamam for a woman in the Muslim world was the only outlet in those days. He replaced her theaters, travel, balls. Every Turk once a week was obliged to let his wife go to the bathhouse.

During the construction of the bath, professionals use special technologies. The construction of a classic hammam (Turkish bath) has the principle of a palm, these are five various premises with different levels of heating. A distinctive feature of the hammam is the temperature regime in the range from +30 to +55 ° C. It is ideal for those who do not like or cannot tolerate high temperatures, therefore high humidity Oddly enough, it is easily transferred here. This warm steam is the main secret of the Turkish bath. It saturates the body with moisture, gently opening the pores, allows tired lungs to “breathe”, literally “washes” the entire body. And in combination with traditional peeling and massage procedures, it gives a feeling of truly heavenly bliss.

The most interesting thing in the room with steam is the ceiling, it has the shape of a dome so that the steam, easily rising up, condenses on the dome, and then slowly slides down the walls, and does not rain on the heads of visitors. The dome is almost always assembled from mosaics by hand.

Through the eyes of an eyewitness

I had chronic bronchitis. Once I read that a Turkish bath can help me with this ailment. I went to the hospital with a question, where they told me - this is all nonsense - and prescribed a whole list of medicines ... When we went to Turkey with my family for a vacation, I remembered the idea of ​​​​trying a hammam to treat my illness. As a result, out of 21 days of rest, I was there 18 times. I immediately felt how much easier I felt. Upon arrival, I underwent an examination in the same clinic, where they now told me that everything was in order. I asked about my chronic bronchitis, in response the doctor smiled: “What bronchitis, don’t joke, you don’t have any bronchitis, especially chronic.” After that I visit the hammam at least 1-2 times a month for prevention, and with pleasure.

An important role is played by the decoration of the premises, an intricate ornament covers the walls and the bottom of the pools. The interior decoration of a traditional hammam always amazes with the amount of marble, the grandeur and beauty of the mosaic decoration, the ability to make the lighting so that the stone and tiles show the beauty and play of color. Being on vacation in Turkey, one should not miss the opportunity to visit the present Turkish hammam. After the procedures, the body will become strong, the skin will become elastic and velvety, pain, aches and fatigue will go away. It is best to visit the hammam at the beginning of your holiday. Soapy massage will wash away dead skin particles from the body, and as a result, the tan will lie more evenly and will differ in a more golden color.

Legends compose and about medicinal properties hamam. Staying within its walls stimulates the nervous system, puts the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in order. Insomnia disappears, blood pressure returns to normal, excess weight is burned.

Benefits of Hamam:

  • Helps to stabilize weight (losing up to half a kilogram in one visit)
  • Cleanses and heals the skin, cleanses the sebaceous glands, removes acne
  • Stabilizes pressure
  • Helps successfully with colds especially in bronchitis
  • Prolonged warming up improves immunity, allows the body to successfully resist infections.
  • After several visits, salt deposits, rheumatism, muscle strains, arthritis and many other diseases are left alone for a long time

Hamam legends

In the East, there is a legend that since ancient times even gins fell in love with hamam, who penetrate here along with water and stay here to live. Genies fly in clouds of steam and share their strength and good mood with people, but they can also play pranks.

General rules for using Hamam

At first, you just need to sit or lie down for 15-20 minutes so that the pores of the body open up. Then, using either a special brush or a hard washcloth, all dead, keratinized particles that clog the sweat glands are removed from the body. Slow and thorough lathering. In hamams, soap is used, made on the basis of purified vegetable oils- olive or peach, and the hair is rinsed with herbs. This makes the skin smoother and well-groomed, and the hair healthy and shiny.

After the soap is washed off, it is worth ordering a full body massage.

At first, it may seem rather hard, but the first sensations will be replaced by a state of lightness in the whole body, returned youth, flexibility.

After all the procedures, you should go to a room with a lower air temperature, get your body wet, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin.

In conclusion, you need to slowly “cool down”, drink green or herbal tea with nuts, honey, Turkish delight. It is strictly forbidden to drink after all procedures cold water! Dressing and going out, even if there is a hot summer, you can only completely “cool down”.

Turkish hammam is not just a place where people can bathe and enjoy wellness procedures. First of all, this type of bath is a particle of rich Eastern culture, a work of art, a unique building with its own ritual features and traditions, allowing you to plunge into the life and mysterious worldview of the East at least for a short time.

The traditional Turkish bath hammam dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. But if you look deeper, then the ancient terms are the progenitor, the secret of construction of which was borrowed from the Romans by the Arabs, and the Turks, in turn, improved the Arab soapboxes. With the adoption of Islam in eastern countries, interest in this type of bath grew so much that they began to rebuild ancient temples of other faiths under hamams.

Even the great prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of the bath, as an integral part of the faith, which contributes to the fertility of the Muslim population. Although the hammam is considered an original Turkish heritage, this type is inherent in almost all eastern countries.

Word "Hamam" is derived from Arabic "ham", which means heat or "spreading steam". And this name fully reflected the process of work of this institution. Water in a huge cauldron was brought to a boil and steam, through small holes, heated the walls, floor, benches for lying, made of marble.

From the central hall, you can alternately move through rooms with different temperature amplitudes. At the same time, the body, receiving certain loads, gets rid of toxins, toxic substances, acquires freshness and vivacity.

On request, you will be given an oil massage, peeling, all kinds of wraps with sea salt, honey, healing clay. An old Turkish wisdom says that if a person goes through all the rooms of the hammam, illnesses will leave him forever.

At the end of the bath procedures, you can once again visit the steam room, or you can finish the ritual by rinsing in a pool of cool water, after which you can drink tea in the relaxation room, chat with friends, and even smoke a real Turkish hookah.

Massage in the hammam bath

I want to talk about massage separately. A person who is not experienced in the oriental wisdom of this action may at first think that he fell into the hands of cruel chiropractors or executioners. Bones crunch, joints break and twist, it seems, a little more, and you will run away wherever your eyes look. But the masters know their business, and the consequences of a miracle massage will not keep you waiting long. After such procedures, a feeling of lightness sets in, the body becomes flexible, elastic, filled with youth and health.

Modern Muslims, however, like their distant ancestors, can spend the whole day in such a bath, which, under comfortable conditions of temperature and humidity, does not affect their health at all. Meetings are held here, holidays are celebrated, and the comfortable and pleasant atmosphere contributes to unhurried and cordial communication.

The benefits and harms of visiting the Turkish bath hammam

A visit to the hammam, as well as other similar establishments, can be of great benefit to the human body, but if there are contraindications, the consequences can be negative. Why is a Turkish bath hammam useful?

Hamam is not a special exception, and like any other bath, it has great advantages. Soft, sparing temperature conditions and moist steam help a person to completely relax, tidy up the nervous system and truly relax. A healthy atmosphere has a positive effect on all body systems:

  • Improves heart function, strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • Increases immunity, helps with colds, treats respiratory diseases
  • Cleanses the body of toxins, removes toxins and other harmful substances
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain, helps with disorders of the musculoskeletal system
  • Accelerates metabolism, which promotes rejuvenation and weight loss
  • Effectively affects the skin, cleanses, moisturizes, promotes regeneration, makes it supple and elastic

With a regular visit to the Turkish bath, you can forever forget about depression, insomnia, get rid of stressful conditions, and without the participation of doctors and psychologists.

Thanks to its soft and gentle action, turkish hammam has fewer contraindications than other baths, however, if you have health problems, it will not be superfluous to consult your doctor. You need to be extremely careful if there is:

  • some skin diseases (eczema, fungus) - humidity can provoke an exacerbation;
  • oncology - hot air stimulates the growth of cancer cells;
  • hypertension - heat stress can cause an increase in blood pressure;
  • inflammatory processes;

Under any circumstances, measure comes first. Even if you are completely confident in your good health, with minor signs of malaise, you must leave the steam room, sit down in a cool place, drink water with lemon or call the bath workers for help.

It is better to visit the hammam on a day off, you will have more time for relaxation, all kinds of massages, you can have a good rest and improve your health. Eastern residents believe that morning is the most convenient time of day for these procedures, since the body is still relaxed and perfectly amenable to all sorts of influences.

  • Do not go to the Turkish bath on an empty stomach , at the same time, it is also not recommended to abuse food. Can eat light vegetable salad, drink freshly squeezed fruit juice or a glass of tea with lemon.
  • You can't spend too much time in the steam room , you should alternate her visit with cooler rooms. Before you lie down on a hot stone, be sure to lay out a towel, and make sure that all parts of your body are approximately at the same level.
  • Do not make sudden movements while in pairs Yes, it can be bad for warm muscles.
  • Periodically replenish the water balance in the body drink plenty of fluids, preferably natural water, herbal teas.
  • After warming up in the main steam room, decrease in body temperature should occur gradually . Immerse yourself first in warm water, then in cool water, and you can finish the procedures in an ice pool.

How often you can visit the hammam depends on your well-being, personal perception of the oriental way of healing, and, of course, you need to have free time, since going to the Turkish bath will not cost you an hour or two.

fans healthy lifestyle life and have a nice rest all over the world have always appreciated the advantages of the Turkish way of cleansing the soul and body. Unfortunately, not all modern buildings, under the eastern name, correspond to the original. Therefore, in order to feel the true national ritual, admire the beautiful interior and feel divine bliss, you need to visit the homeland of the hamam - Turkey. Only there you will open a new view of the world, you will learn how to treat difficulties philosophically and learn to enjoy life.

For many Eastern peoples, a healthy person is equated with a clean one, so going to the bathhouse is a kind of ritual for them. Since ancient times, the hamam has been used to put your body and soul in order, getting rid of everything unnecessary and, as it were, being born again.

What is hamam?

Turkish bath, which helps a person to relax and achieve peace, is called a hammam. For a long time this place was considered a symbol of oriental culture and traditions. Hamam are ancient public baths that appeared during the Roman Empire. It is worth noting that the difference from Russian is associated with a special temperature regime, so the value is in the range of 30-50°C.

Hamam and sauna - differences

To highlight the main distinguishing features, it is necessary to compare the main parameters:

  1. To create steam and heat up the room in the sauna, water is poured onto the hot stones, and in the hammam, the walls, floor and deck chairs are evenly heated.
  2. Finding out what a hammam is and how it differs from a sauna, it is worth noting that the first building consists entirely of tiles and stones, and for the second option, in most cases, wood is used for wall upholstery.
  3. If we compare the temperatures, then in saunas a range of 100-120°C is used, and in hamahs only 40-60°C. Steam rooms differ and in terms of humidity, the former value is 10-15%, and the latter - 100%.
  4. Many are interested in what is more useful than a sauna or a hammam, and so it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to such a question, since each option has its own advantages. In favor of the latter, we can say that such a steam room can be visited by people who cannot withstand the high temperature of a classic sauna.

How to use the hammam?

There is a certain scheme of what needs to be done in this type of steam room in order to enjoy and maximize the benefits.

  1. You should start with a warm room where the body should warm up well. It is better to take a horizontal position on a marble lounger. It is necessary to be in this room until sweat appears. The temperature in the hammam is very pleasant, so in most cases visitors do not feel any discomfort.
  2. At the next stage, a massage is performed using oils, which is performed with woolen mittens. Thanks to this procedure, blood circulation and flexibility of the joints are improved, and the whole body is relaxed. In addition, the rough surface of the gloves exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells, thereby making the skin smooth and silky.
  3. For cleansing, it is customary to use a special soap, which has a unique composition, as it contains olive, argon or peach oil. All of these are good for the skin.
  4. At the last stage, be sure to take a cold shower and swim in a cool pool. Thanks to this, the pores are closed after all previous procedures.
  5. Finding out, hamam, what it is, it is worth noting that it is described above classical scheme visits to the steam room, but some salons add some more procedures, for example, after a massage, you can apply special oils to the body, make a wrap or mask. Thanks to this, you can get additional benefit, for example, to cope with cellulite, dryness and other troubles.

How to visit the hammam?

First you need to understand what this version of the steam room looks like, so there are these types of rooms:

  1. Jamecan- this is the first room where the vestibule is traditionally located and undressed. If the building is built in classical style, then there is a fountain in this room.
  2. sogukluk- This is a washing room in which there are showers and a toilet. The temperature in this room is maintained at 30-35 degrees.
  3. Hararet- this is the main room, which is the warmest and the value on the thermometer is 50-60 ° C. It has marble benches where people relax and get massages. In the center of the room is a firebox that creates heat for the entire room. They call it the "stone of the stomach." Even in Hararet, a pool is installed and it is called “kurna”.

To make going to the steam room enjoyable, it is important to follow a series of important tips, and there are also traditions of visiting the hamam:

  1. Turkish baths have a separate section for men and women. Visitors wear a sarong or at least tie a towel around their body.
  2. It is forbidden to drink alcohol and soft drinks while in the steam room. It is not recommended to take food for 1-1.5 hours.
  3. Many are interested in how often you can visit the hammam, so you need to do this if possible and for health reasons. To maintain tone and health, it is worth going to the Turkish bath once a week.
  4. Before you lie down on the bench, you must lay a towel on it.
  5. After the end of all procedures, it is forbidden to get up abruptly, as this can harm the heated muscles.
  6. When figuring out how to go to the hammam, it is worth pointing out what time is better to be in the Turkish bath, so it’s right to stay there for up to 1.5 hours, but it can be longer.

Why is a Turkish bath hammam useful?

Going to the steam room has a positive effect on the condition of a person who has no contraindications.

  1. The health benefits of hammam lie in the positive effect on the condition of the skin. Due to the cleansing of the body, the effect of rejuvenation is achieved.
  2. A steam room is recommended for salt accumulation, rheumatism and other problems with the motor apparatus.
  3. Finding out information about the hammam, what it is and what benefits it has, it is worth noting the beneficial effect on the respiratory and nervous systems.

Hamam with sinusitis

While in the Turkish bath, under the influence of temperature and humidity, positive changes occur in the body. If a person has sinusitis, then you can go to the steam room, but not throughout the illness. In the presence of fever and other signs of intoxication, then a trip to the Turkish bath should be abandoned. When figuring out how to bathe in a hammam, it is worth noting that it is best to go to the steam room at the stage of recovery, when the alien microflora is defeated.

  1. In this case, the procedures will have a healing effect and immunity will be strengthened.
  2. Under the influence of hot moist air, the swelling of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses and the amount of secretions will decrease, and the process of regeneration of the epithelium will also be accelerated.
  3. Steam hamams at the stage of recovery can be visited 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes. When the disease in a chronic form is in remission, then it is allowed to visit the steam room every day, but only if you feel good.

Hamam for asthmatics

If a person is diagnosed bronchial asthma, then it is better to forget about going to the Turkish bath. It is important to consider that if the disease proceeds in a complex form with frequent attacks, then the hamam can only provoke them and aggravate the situation. If the asthma is in the early stages and the doctor has given the go-ahead, then warm, moist air can be beneficial, because under the influence of moist air, lung volume increases, which reduces the number of attacks. At the same time, it is important to know how to use the hammam, so you can’t visit the steam room too often and stay there for more than half an hour.

Hamam for bronchitis

Humid warm air of the Turkish bath will be useful at the stage of recovery, when the acute phase is stopped. It is forbidden to go to the steam room if the body temperature is above 37 ° C and there is a pronounced shortness of breath. If these contraindications are not observed, then the Turkish hammam can be useful, subject to a number of recommendations:

  1. Before going to the steam room, it is recommended to drink a lot of herbal tea.
  2. Breathing in the bath should be moderately deep, which will contribute to a better discharge of sputum.
  3. It is impossible to go out of the heat into the cold air or sink into the pool, since the body must cool down gradually.

Hamam with varicose veins

If a person has pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, then the Turkish bath is contraindicated. This is explained by the fact that with an increase in temperature, vasodilation occurs and the volume of circulating blood increases. As a result, the load on the veins increases several times and such a situation with varicose veins is very dangerous. Doctors believe that any advice on how to properly walk in a hammam with varicose veins does not contribute to the protection of blood vessels, and the danger still remains.

Hamam for colds

When a person feels a slight malaise, a runny nose and a sore throat appear, a visit to the Turkish bath will be useful. It is important to remember that if the temperature has already risen, then the steam room is prohibited.

  1. Warm air helps that occurs in the muscles and joints.
  2. The bath helps to increase the body's defenses and its toning.
  3. Humid air improves the process of mucus discharge during a runny nose and stops the spread of inflammatory processes.
  4. The steam room has a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system.
  5. It is important to know how to properly bathe in a hammam with a cold, so a cold shower and a pool are definitely excluded from all mandatory procedures.

Hamam for acne

It has been proven that with regular visits to the Turkish bath, regeneration occurs. skin, which is important for cleansing the skin, getting rid of dead cells and improving appearance. The benefit is due to the fact that toxins are released from the body, which often cause rashes on the body. In addition, do not forget that one of the stages of being in the bath is peeling, which is beneficial for the skin.

How useful is a hammam after a workout?

During the reinforced sports training the muscular corset receives a load, so many suffer from krepatura and other discomfort the next day. As a relaxing procedure, you can visit the hammam after a workout. The steam room helps to restore blood circulation, relieve inflammation, improve or restore body tone and muscle elasticity, warm up the muscles and increase oxygen supply to the muscles.

Hamam harm

In some situations, going to a Turkish bath can be harmful, so you need to know the existing contraindications.

  1. It is forbidden to go to the Turkish bath for pregnant women, as the temperature increase can harm the fetus.
  2. Hamam for health cannot be used if a person has severe lung diseases.
  3. The presence of high fever and viral diseases leads to an aggravation of the condition.
  4. If a person has any fungal disease, then being in a warm and wet room cause them to multiply.
  5. Finding out the hammam, what it is and to whom the steam room is contraindicated, it is worth noting that it is forbidden to visit such establishments if there are problems with cardiovascular system. Elevated temperature creates an additional load on the heart and blood vessels.
  6. You can not go to the bath if available mental disorders, skin diseases, oncological diseases and various acute inflammatory processes.