Hamam. Turkish or Arabic bath

Hamam - Turkish bath

The Old Baths (“Eski Kaplidzha”) were built during the reign of Emperor Justinian in the city of Bursa, are considered the most beautiful in Turkey

Although the name of the Turkish bath “hamam” comes from the Arabic word “ham” (hot), Turkish hamams trace their history to the famous Roman thermae (baths). At a time when the Roman Empire was making conquests around the world, it was the Romans who introduced the tradition of visiting baths as part of their culture, starting to build them on the territory of enemy cities immediately after they were captured.


  • Literally in every village in Turkey you can find a hammam
  • In the Middle Ages, every Turk once a week was obliged to let his wife go to the bathhouse.
  • Rope across front door in the hammam - a sign of "Women's Day"
  • Women's baths in Turkey are always built next to men's, but have different entrances.
  • In the capital of Turkey, Ankara, there are about a hundred "hamams"
  • The most famous hamam (“Jagaloglu Hamami”) is located in Istanbul, it was visited by the English King Edward, Kaiser Wilhelm, Franz Liszt

At one time, Roman baths were considered the most visited places of entertainment. So, for example, the baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani, 305 AD) accommodated up to 3 thousand people, their inner gardens were decorated with fountains and pavilions, there were also a library, meeting rooms and sports exercises on the territory. However, in the East, after the birth of a new religion - Islam, and the proclamation by the Prophet Muhammad of the postulate “Cleanliness is half of faith”, with the prescription for believers to take weekly trips to the bathhouse, Turkish hammam baths became very popular among the local population. It was believed that the heat of the hamam increases "fertility", while the young religion really needed a natural replenishment of its ranks.

It is interesting:

The Turks, having become masters and taking St. Peter's Castle in Bodrum without a fight, the construction of which took place as a symbol of the unification of Christian Europe in the war against the "infidels", first of all transformed the Gothic chapel into a mosque and built a Hamam, marveling at how the Crusader Knights had been for more than 100 years went without a bath.

Turkish hammam is not just a bath, it is a whole philosophy. Sacredly honoring the precepts of the Prophet, Muslims give a visit to the hamam a truly sacred meaning. It is also worth noting that the hamam in Turkey has nothing to do with Turkish bath and in Europe are two different things!

Having become a source of true pleasure in the East, the Turkish bath was often distinguished by luxurious interior decoration. Often, the Turks rebuilt the surviving Roman baths under the hamams. A visit to the hamam became a kind of ritual; people went to the bath not only to wash themselves, but also to get a boost of energy and a feeling of health.

Over time, over the years, the Turks developed their own “bath philosophy”, a special attitude to the spirituality of this ceremonial appeared. The main rule: in the Turkish bath, hammam, people relax, and they should not be disturbed. At the same time, the hamam was a place where the main important events of life were celebrated. In these cases, the hero of the occasion filmed the entire hamam, organized music, treats and invited everyone to the bathhouse. This tradition is still found in the provincial regions of the country. So the hamam miraculously wove into the everyday life of the local population - here news, problems are discussed, cases are resolved, decisions are made, meetings of friends, relatives and good acquaintances are held. Many visitors come to the hammam early in the morning and leave this place late in the evening. People come here to relax in body and soul. Turks bring provisions to the hammam, set the table, have fun and have fun after the procedures.

In the hammam, everyone became equal: rich and poor, young and old, beautiful and unattractive - all for some time became free from the world that remained behind these walls. Even in old Turkey, women, like men, were eventually able to visit the bathhouse without restrictions - this was one of the few universally recognized women's rights. The Turkish women's bath eventually turned into a kind of women's club - news, gossip, songs, dances, matchmaking and everything related to the female half of the Turkish population. Women gathered in the hammam as if for a holiday: they dressed up in nice clothes They took sweets with them. In the hammam, they drank coffee and talked, often spending the whole day there from morning to evening. It is in the hammam that the groom's aunts examine the future daughter-in-law, revealing all her advantages and disadvantages.

Hamam for a woman in the Muslim world was the only outlet in those days. He replaced her theaters, travel, balls. Every Turk once a week was obliged to let his wife go to the bathhouse.

During the construction of the bath, professionals use special technologies. The construction of a classic hammam (Turkish bath) has the principle of a palm, these are five various premises with different levels of heating. A distinctive feature of the hammam is the temperature regime in the range from +30 to +55 ° C. It is ideal for those who do not like or cannot tolerate high temperatures, therefore high humidity Oddly enough, it is easily transferred here. This warm steam is the main secret of the Turkish bath. It saturates the body with moisture, gently opening the pores, allows tired lungs to “breathe”, literally “washes” the entire body. And in combination with traditional peeling and massage procedures, it gives a feeling of truly heavenly bliss.

The most interesting thing in the room with steam is the ceiling, it has the shape of a dome so that the steam, easily rising up, condenses on the dome, and then slowly slides down the walls, and does not rain on the heads of visitors. The dome is almost always assembled from mosaics by hand.

Through the eyes of an eyewitness

I had chronic bronchitis. Once I read that a Turkish bath can help me with this ailment. I went to the hospital with a question, where they told me - this is all nonsense - and prescribed a whole list of medicines ... When we went to Turkey with my family for a vacation, I remembered the idea of ​​​​trying a hammam to treat my illness. As a result, out of 21 days of rest, I was there 18 times. I immediately felt how much easier I felt. Upon arrival, I underwent an examination in the same clinic, where they now told me that everything was in order. I asked about my chronic bronchitis, in response the doctor smiled: “What bronchitis, don’t joke, you don’t have any bronchitis, especially chronic.” After that I visit the hammam at least 1-2 times a month for prevention, and with pleasure.

An important role is played by the decoration of the premises, an intricate ornament covers the walls and the bottom of the pools. The interior decoration of a traditional hammam always amazes with the amount of marble, the grandeur and beauty of the mosaic decoration, the ability to make the lighting so that the stone and tiles show the beauty and play of color. Being on vacation in Turkey, one should not miss the opportunity to visit the present Turkish hammam. After the procedures, the body will become strong, the skin will become elastic and velvety, pain, aches and fatigue will go away. It is best to visit the hammam at the beginning of your holiday. Soapy massage will wash away dead skin particles from the body, and as a result, the tan will lie more evenly and will differ in a more golden color.

Legends compose and about medicinal properties hamam. Staying within its walls stimulates nervous system, puts in order the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Insomnia disappears, blood pressure returns to normal, excess weight is burned.

Benefits of Hamam:

  • Helps to stabilize weight (losing up to half a kilogram in one visit)
  • Cleanses and heals the skin, cleanses the sebaceous glands, removes acne
  • Stabilizes pressure
  • Successfully helps with colds, especially with bronchitis
  • Prolonged warming up improves immunity, allows the body to successfully resist infections.
  • After several visits, salt deposits, rheumatism, muscle strains, arthritis and many other diseases are left alone for a long time

Hamam legends

In the East, there is a legend that since ancient times even gins fell in love with hamam, who penetrate here along with water and stay here to live. Genies fly in clouds of steam and share their strength and good mood with people, but they can also play pranks.

General rules for using Hamam

At first, you just need to sit or lie down for 15-20 minutes so that the pores of the body open up. Then, using either a special brush or a hard washcloth, all dead, keratinized particles that clog the sweat glands are removed from the body. Slow and thorough lathering. In hamams, soap is used, made on the basis of purified vegetable oils- olive or peach, and the hair is rinsed with herbs. This makes the skin smoother and well-groomed, and the hair healthy and shiny.

After the soap is washed off, it is worth ordering a full body massage.

At first, it may seem rather hard, but the first sensations will be replaced by a state of lightness in the whole body, returned youth, flexibility.

After all the procedures, you should go to a room with a lower air temperature, get your body wet, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin.

In conclusion, you need to slowly “cool down”, drink green or herbal tea with nuts, honey, Turkish delight. It is strictly forbidden to drink after all procedures cold water! Dressing and going out, even if there is a hot summer, you can only completely “cool down”.

The East has always been famous for its worldly wisdom, the longevity of the inhabitants, the secrets of health and, of course, the unique elements of culture, manifested both in philosophy and in the approach to decoration: oriental spices, aromatic oils, Exotic fruits, secrets of massage and relaxation. The associations that arise when pronouncing this word are soft warm tones, skillful mosaics, domes of mosques and sheikhs' palaces. Elements of this culture have spread throughout the world. In all countries, its components are used as something luxurious, providing benefits, pleasure and relaxation. One of these elements are Turkish baths hammam.

Turkish bath features

Eastern people know that there is no point in rushing somewhere. They have always been aware of the importance of philosophical reasoning, conversation, thinking. Hamam - what is it for Eastern peoples? This is a place where you can spend time with benefits for physical health, and at the same time put in order the psychological balance. What can be said about Hamam? What is this institution in which there is no place for counting seconds. All the components of the right hammam set you up for relaxation, temporary detachment from the outside world and its complexities. How does it all work? Comfort temperature, not burning, but warming the whole body, aromatic oils, herbal teas, massage with olive oil, surrounding aesthetic beauty. All this together gives unimaginable impressions and location to the whole culture of the East.

The interior of the hammam

Traditional hammam - what is it, what distinguishes it from an ordinary bath? Turkish hammam is a rounded room. In its center is a dome. When finishing, there is a desire for luxury, perfection and aesthetics. The whole complex is presented as a work of art. Finished in marble. Floors and sun loungers should be heated so that the cold of the stone is not felt after the steam room. The optimal temperature in the hammam is much lower than in a conventional bath, which allows you to stay in it for hours. In this case, the whole body warms up very well. Spending time in a hammam means a long relaxed conversation, distraction from pressing problems and just enjoying a pleasant and useful procedure.

Useful properties of the Turkish bath

Healing qualities for the body from visiting the bath have long been known to the world. They consist mainly in cleansing the body of toxins and toxins that are excreted along with sweat. Also, the bath has a fruitful effect on the joints and the entire musculoskeletal system as a whole. The pain syndrome in diseases of the bones and joints is reduced, the skin is cleansed, and acne disappears. An indisputable plus for women is the ability to lose weight. The temperature difference (from a hot steam room to a cold pool) helps to strengthen the immune system and the body's resistance to colds. These are common properties inherent in all types of baths and saunas. And hamam? What is it for our health? In addition to the above positive effects on the human body, it has a number of other properties. Turkish hammam baths are famous for their aroma oils. They have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Massages increase blood circulation and metabolism in tissues. A comfortable temperature does not cause a stressful situation in the body. It is this hammam in Turkey that differs from the Russian bath.

Bath contraindications

The bath has its positive effects on the body, but there are also contraindications. You should not go to the bath for people suffering from various kinds of skin diseases (eczema, ulcerative lesions of the outer integument of the skin). Open wounds and injuries - good reason to cancel such an event. Respiratory tract lesions with metastases and serious diseases, inflammation of the joints, intestines and stomach ulcers. As for the urinary system of the body, people with urolithiasis. Any inflammatory processes in the body are a contraindication to visiting the sauna.

Hamam in Russia

Not every resident of our country can afford to equip a hammam in a private house or on suburban area. The construction and design of such premises is far from cheap. Special steam generators, floor and bench heaters, pipe laying - all this is a complex technical process that requires an injection of large amounts of money. However, lovers of the oriental bath are provided with the service of public or indoor baths. Hamam in Moscow, for example, is not uncommon. Entrepreneurs equip premises in best styles Eastern culture and offer their services to those who would like to touch its traditions. Hamam in Moscow offers more than a hundred baths and saunas. So, of course, there is a choice where to patch up your body after hard and stressful working days.

Traditional hammam

No matter how much other countries strive to embody the atmosphere of a true hammam on their territory, you will not get such a feeling as in the historical homeland of this bath. A tourist holiday in Turkey will allow you to experience a real hammam, not cut off from the surroundings. It remains only to find out how much the hammam costs. In Moscow, the price varies from 900 to 4000 rubles per hour in the bath. In Turkey, you will pay about $40 for this procedure, that is, the prices are on average the same. In any case, it is worth trying a traditional hammam surrounded by its native atmosphere, when you go to Time, you will definitely not lose it in vain.

Turkish hammam is now widely used not only in Muslim countries. Hammams (from the Arabic “ham” - “hot”, from the Turkish “ham” - “bath” (the official website of Wikipedia), as they are called in the East, represent a special type of classical bath that has survived to this day and owes its origin to From time immemorial, for Muslims, visiting a hammam (in Turkish “hamam”, not “haman”) was not just a hygienic or wellness procedure, but a whole cultural event, a ritual. What is it and what are the features of this type of baths, we will consider in more detail.

History of occurrence

In the era of the existence of Byzantium, in the city of Pergamon (modern territory of Turkey), the Roman healer Galen lived, who believed that many diseases could be cured after visiting the terms, thereby actively attracting the Byzantines to follow their own example. The Arabs living on the Arabian Peninsula, due to trade relations, often visited Byzantium, as a result of which they gradually adopted some traditions from the locals, so the eastern bath is a relative of the Roman terms.

Long before the adoption of Islam in a hot climate, pouring cold water among the Arabs was a common event and a favorite pastime (immersion in containers of water was considered unnatural). After the Arabs conquered the states of the Levant, they "acquainted" with hot steam. And after the adoption of Islam, oriental baths became widespread. The Prophet Muhammad himself set an example by experiencing them miraculous properties. It was his approval that allowed hammams to enter the Islamic world and firmly gain a foothold in it.

The first hammam baths were built by the Bedouin caliphs who belonged to the ruling Omeidan dynasty (661-750). Being nomads, they built hammams not in cities, but in deserts. One of the oldest has survived to this day and is located on the shores of the Dead Sea, surrounded by a picturesque garden.
Gradually, along with the spread of Islam, Turkish baths began to appear in Iraq, Central Asia, Egypt, Morocco, and Libya. Even in Spain, during the reign of the Arab ruler there, castles, palaces and cathedrals were rebuilt into hammams.

Hammam from inside

Traditionally, the eastern hammam was located near the mosques, while in such a way that it was not visible to a simple layman. Usually a small fee was charged for a visit, but in such an equivalent that even for the poor segments of the population an oriental bath was available. It is noteworthy that wealthy people who had their own baths considered it their duty to visit public baths as a sign of purity of soul and body.
During the construction of Turkish baths, they adhered to the so-called "principle of the palm." That is, if you look at the eastern hammam from above, you can clearly see five rays - eyvans emanating from the center. The room was heated by a huge boiler with water, and the steam coming from it came through special holes in the wall. The special temperature regime characteristic of the hammam (maximum temperature - 55 degrees) is suitable for those who cannot stand the heat.

The main architectural feature of the hamam is its luxurious decoration. The walls are finished with multi-colored mosaics, drawing intricate oriental ornaments, fountains and huge pools with water of different temperature levels are being built. Hamam is usually built of marble, and not of wood, as is customary with us.

Traditions associated with visiting the hammam

Since ancient times, for the Turks, visiting the hamam was associated with special procedures, here it was possible not only to bathe, but also to put the body in order, to improve one's health. Hammam is a sacred place where everyone is equal before each other: poor and rich, young and old.
To this day, in some Turkish provinces, it is customary to celebrate important events in life in the eastern baths. For example, the appearance of the baby's first tooth is not complete without a celebration in the hammam. Or the pre-wedding rite of washing the bride called “Jalim Hamami”, accompanied by music and a procession of relatives, is necessarily performed in the bath. The bride is dressed in a special costume given to her by the groom for the ceremony - a felt vest and shalvars, they are taken to the bath, washed and soared, then they are seated on a pedestal in the center, they dance in a circle with candles in their hands. At the end of the chants, unmarried girls throw change into the pool in order to count on their speedy and happy marriage. Many Muslims consider it their duty to visit the hammam at circumcision, engagement, returning from the army, before the morning service, as a religious bath.

Bathing procedure

A visit to the hammam was necessarily accompanied by five actions:
warming up the body;
Peeling, depilation;
Wash off and rest.
Earlier in the eastern bath, telaks and barbers were assigned to help visitors. Both of them performed several functions at once: the Telaks sold tickets, greeted guests, gave massages, eliminated disturbances, consulted, served meals. In ancient times, this profession was one of the most respected, telak even eliminated the need to pay taxes. Barbers in the baths healed, cut hair, sold medicines, massaged, washed visitors and monitored the temperature regime.

Turkish bath hammam was visited by both men and women. It all started with a greeting from the telak, who took the client's clothes and gave out three towels: the first was wrapped around the waist, the shoulders were wrapped in the second, and the head was wrapped with the third. It was strictly forbidden to expose intimate places for all to see (the only exception is the steam room), such an act offended the feelings of believers and was considered a sin. Therefore, the telak monitored the observance of this rule and expelled anyone who violated it. Wooden shoes were given out on the feet, protecting the feet from burns that could occur when touching the hot floor, since the material from which it is made is marble.

The client, after receiving the necessary ammunition, went to harara, this is a Turkish steam room, where it was required to remove the two top towels and sit surrounded by clubs of hot steam until the muscles and joints were ready for the massage.
On a hot stone octagonal pedestal, intended for Turkish massage, there was a visitor. Telak began to perform active actions with his body: he turned his arms and legs in the joints, stretched his spine, jerked his head and limbs sharply, knelt on his shoulders, threw his body from side to side, beat with his fist, bent in such a way that his legs reached the crown of the head. Such frightening intense body movements under other circumstances would inevitably lead to injuries. But a hot body takes on such a load in a different way. In addition, the hammam is made of marble, which helps to relax the body. Sharp fluctuations in the client's sensations: from pain to pleasure spoke of the high professionalism of the telak.

The massage was followed by depilation, peeling. Here the element of the barber began, who retired with the client in a hot niche of a marble hammam hidden from prying eyes. From ancient times in the East, it was believed that removing hair from the body is a necessary hygienic procedure, which is designed to make life easier in a hot climate. Depilation was carried out in a hammam, either with a special paste containing plant components, or with a simple razor. In addition, the task of the barber was to carry out peeling - the removal of calluses and rough skin from the sole.

Then comes the soaping time: the telak removes sweat from the client's skin by washing the body with warm water, then puts on a hard mitten (“kesa”) made from camel or horse hair. The process of rubbing the visitor's steamed body begins. Then the dirt and sweat are removed by quick lathering and repeated dousing with water from the pelvis. By the end of all procedures, the telak gives the client a towel and accompanies him to the relaxation room (“maslak”). Here you can already drink coffee, smoke, read, discuss latest news etc.

Modern turkish hammam it has little in common compared with the ancient one: nothing remains of the former service. Everything that the client needs can be purchased at the entrance, and something is offered for free (for tourists, for example). However, until now, for an Eastern person, a bathhouse has been and remains a sacred place, firmly associated with religion and contributing to the purification of not only the body, but also the soul.

Turkish baths absorbed a variety of traditions of the peoples that the Turks had to meet in the process of wars and trade. Although the original origin they lead from. During the heyday of the Byzantine Empire, the design of the Roman baths, which she inherited, was changed. The Ottomans who came running simply took ready idea, and now we call this bath hammam.

The decoration of any Middle Eastern city, along with the mosque, has always been a bathhouse, and the rulers did not skimp on its construction. The harsh living conditions in a hot climate oblige personal hygiene, so Turkish baths have always been popular.

The Turkish bath consists of a dressing room, a steam room and several small rooms with different temperatures. Their design is compared with the palm: the base of the palm is preparatory department, where visitors were getting ready for the steam room, the palm itself is a steam room with a large stove bench made of heated marble in the center, and the fingers are small rooms with different temperature regimes.

Already in the locker room, a certain temperature regime is maintained so that the body begins to get used to the heat. In the next four rooms, the temperature gets higher and higher, but the effect of a gradual increase in temperature allows the body to get used to it and does not have a sharp contrast effect. After the steam room, you need to cool down. This process also takes place gradually in pools with warm, cool and cold water.

In the Middle East and the Mediterranean coast, in Rome, ancient and modern Turkey, bathing traditions are as important social in nature as wellness and hygiene. The main bazaar and hammam were a place where cultural and political life cities. According to tradition, visitors to modern Turkish baths are not in a hurry to go home after thermal procedures, and they have all the conditions for this at their disposal: hookah, tea, thick oriental coffee, backgammon.

You can also mention the women's hamams. They are adjacent to the men's, but have a separate entrance. According to tradition, every man must give his wife permission to visit the bathhouse at least once a week. For Oriental women it was a rare opportunity to get together and discuss the latest gossip. They spent this day in the hammam from morning until evening.

The temperature in the Turkish bath is maintained within 35-50 degrees, so it has a very mild effect on the body and is suitable for people who are contraindicated in heavier types of baths - or. The Turkish bath produces a mild relaxing effect and has a very beneficial effect on the connective tissues of all joints and the spine, eliminates neuroses and restores sleep.

And today, in the Turkish bath, massages with oils and a traditional bag of soap foam, and a number of other spa treatments are carried out.

What is a Turkish sauna - Hamam? Many, having heard about it for the first time, are interested in its difference from the traditional, health benefits. In this article, we will tell you all about the popular sauna in Turkey, which is now increasingly being made in Russia.

The name "hamam" comes from the Arabic "ham", which means "hot". So in Turkey and eastern countries they call a public bath, which is heated from a large boiler of water. In almost every village in Turkey you can find such a bath, and in the capital there are more than 100 of them.

Bathing process

The process of visiting a traditional Turkish sauna includes a whole range of procedures:

  • People change into Turkish sheets, usually red in color with a checkered pattern. Then they begin, if any, in the complex (regular sauna, jacuzzi).
  • The next stage is the Turkish steam room. Compared to a conventional sauna, it has a low temperature of 35-55 degrees, but a high concentration of steam (humidity up to 100%).
  • Then people are sent to the hall with warm marble beds, where attendants do massage and peeling procedure.

  • After that, you are washed with water and sent to the foam washing room.

Benefit and harm

The benefits of the Turkish hammam sauna are confirmed by the statements of many doctors, who assure of its beneficial effect on the body. Experts say that it helps in the treatment of colds, asthma, bronchitis and cholera.

The benefits and harms of the Turkish sauna:

  • Due to the gentle temperature regime Hamam is tolerated by the body much easier than other species. It produces a mild relaxing effect, and the sunbeds and underfloor heating only enhance this effect.
  • Warm light steam saturates the body with moisture, relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation and metabolism, relieves muscle and joint pain.
  • The heat transfer of the body during the adoption of procedures slows down, and the body temperature rises by a couple of degrees. As a result, metabolism and oxidative processes are accelerated.
  • Increased perspiration reduces the burden on the urinary system. Under the influence of steam, the vessels and skin capillaries expand and fill with blood, its outflow from the internal organs occurs, and congestion is eliminated. The skin and hair are not dried, but rather moisturized. Hamam also helps in losing weight and getting rid of cellulite.
  • Taking a contrast shower or swimming in a pool of cold water after taking a Turkish bath also has a positive effect.
  • As for the harm, such procedures are contraindicated for people with heart disease, for cancer patients, hypertensive patients, and people with skin diseases.

How to make Hamam yourself

For the construction of a Turkish bath, almost any room in a house or apartment suitable for technical requirements. In addition to the steam room, you need in which a steam generator, flavoring and light projector will be installed.

It is best to make the ceiling in the Turkish style in the form of a dome, its height should be at least 2.5. It's not only original design solution in oriental style, but also a technological technique in which the accumulated moisture from the steam will not drip, but will be able to flow down the walls. An arched or vaulted ceiling will cost less.

Equipment selection

  • A prerequisite is the presence of a ventilation hood. To prevent moisture from entering the general ventilation system, an air dehumidification system must be installed in front of it. The vent valve must always be in the open position.

  • Sewerage must be equipped with a ladder with an odor-locking device.
  • In a modern Turkish bath, a special steam generator is used for heating. Its connection diagram is shown in the photo.

  • Heating of the floor, walls and seats is carried out using a water or electric heating installation.

Advice! Water view is more profitable to operate and less expensive to install. It is carried out by laying pipes of small diameter with a circulating hot water. Metal-plastic pipes run in three separate circuits through the seats, floor and walls. You can also use an electric underfloor heating system.

  • The room must be well insulated and waterproofed. The total wall cake with insulation is 7-15 cm.
  • The pie is made up of a layer mineral wool 5-10 cm, a layer of heat-reflecting thermal insulation, waterproofing, heating systems, plaster or screed to level the surface. For finishing marble, glass, marble or ceramic mosaics, ceramic tiles are used.

Note! The operating temperature must exceed 30 degrees Celsius. 6-8 hours before the start of the procedures, you need to turn on the surface heating at 45 degrees, and the steam generator turns on 1-2 hours before the start.

  • The steam generator is selected according to the parameters of the room. It is equipped with a temperature sensor that turns it off when the set temperature is exceeded and an automatic flushing system.
  • It is connected to the central water supply and electricity system. In private houses, it is connected to a separate circuit so that you do not have to turn on the heating of the entire house in the summer.
  • Only heat-resistant cables may be used as wiring. For lighting, you need to use only waterproof lamps for 12-24 V.
  • In Russia, the most popular are Swedish steam generators from Tylo, and Finnish ones from Helo and Harvia. The price of the cheapest of them starts from 33 thousand rubles.

Note! After the adoption of the procedures, each time it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning with detergent. The steam generator needs to be cleaned every six months.


Building a Turkish bath with your own hands is not so easy, but visiting it often at home is worth the effort. The whole process of its creation takes 1-3 months. The instruction on the video in this article will show you the technology of hammam equipment in a country house: