Tropical berries. Exotic fruits: photo with names

The term "fruit" appeared in 1705 and since then means edible or inedible fruits of trees, shrubs (earlier, all plant fruits were called vegetables). The product is one of the main components of the human diet, since, depending on the variety, it contains many vitamins and microelements. According to rough estimates, there are a little more than 2,000 fruits on the planet.

passion fruit

An ancient tropical crop of the genus Passiflora that produces yellow or dark purple oval fruits (when ripe) growing on vines. Passion fruit is grown for its juice, which is often added to other fruit juices for flavor. Passionfruit fruits are yellow-orange or dark purple fruits, oval in shape and about 6-12 cm in size. Fruits with smooth, shiny skin are preferred, but sweeter with rough, cracked skin.


tour. musmula
This is a whole genus of plants, which includes almost 30 species. However, there are two main cultivated types of medlar: German and Japanese. The German medlar has been known to mankind for more than 1000 years BC. In the territories of Ancient Babylon, Mesopotamia, it was freely traded, it was taken on ships to the west to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. It was from here that the medlar came to European lands. To date, the German medlar grows in the Balkans, Asia Minor, the Crimean Mountains, Transcaucasia, Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Greece and northern Iran. The tree is quite finicky and grows well only in dry, sunny places and on slightly acidic soil.


A fruit that is a peach with a smooth skin. Despite the widespread myth, the nectarine is obtained by selection or simple mutation of peaches and is not a peach-plum hybrid.
This classic example of a bud mutation occurs when peach trees self-pollinate. Nectarines sometimes appear on peach trees, and peaches on nectarine trees. Nectarines are first mentioned in 1616 in England.


A low, slender tree with a thin, branchless trunk 5-10 meters high, crowned with an umbrella of palmately dissected leaves on long petioles. Papaya leaves are large, 50-70 centimeters in diameter. The flowers develop in the axils of the petioles, turning into large fruits, 10-30 cm in diameter and 15-45 cm long. Ripe papaya fruits are soft and have a color from amber to yellow.


A tree of the Rosaceae family, has a subgenus of almonds. It differs from almonds only in fruits. The leaves are lanceolate with a serrated edge and almost sessile, appearing before the development of the leaves, pink flowers. The fruit is a peach, spherical, with a groove on one side, usually velvety. The peach pit is wrinkly furrowed and punctately dimpled.


English pomelo
Citrus fruits of the evergreen tree of the same name. The peel of the fruit is quite thick, and the slices are large, separated by hard white partitions, bitter in taste. The color of a ripe pomelo can vary from light green to yellow-pink. The pink color usually acquires only one side, which during ripening was turned to the sun. The fruit is the champion among citrus fruits. Its diameter can be 30 cm, and its weight can reach 10 kg. The taste of pomelo is very close to grapefruit, but the pulp is not so juicy and when peeled, the inner membranes are more easily separated from the edible part.


It is also called Chinotto or Bigaradia - it is a woody evergreen plant belonging to the Rut family, a species of the genus Citrus. It is considered a hybrid of pomelo and mandarin. When fresh, the orange is considered inedible, and it is valued mainly because of the zest. The peel is quite easily separated from the fruit, you just need to cut it into 4 parts. The zest of oranges is used to make desserts. It is also often added to ice cream. For such a dessert, you need to take orange zest and juice, cream and sugar. All this must be beaten with a mixer and sent to freeze.


Tropical fruit tree of the Sapindaceae family. Rambutan fruits - small, the size of a hazelnut - grow in clusters of up to 30 pieces and are rounded "balls" with an elastic yellow or red peel, covered with fleshy hairs 4-5 cm long. Rambutan pulp covering the bone (edible, but to taste resembling an acorn), is a transparent white gelatinous mass, a pleasant sweet taste.

Arriving in a warm country, you encounter an abundance of exotic fruits, the name of which you heard for the first time. Let's deal with these "overseas fruits", a complete overview of the tropical fruits of the world of warm countries that you need to try. For each tropical fruit, below is a description, taste, ripening seasons, as well as how to cut and consume it.

Round red fruit, up to 4 cm in diameter. Wonderful, delicious fruit. It has one bone in the middle. Similar to Longon in shape, texture and stone, but with a richer taste and aroma. Very juicy, sweet, sometimes sour. The peel is easily separated from the white-transparent pulp.

Unfortunately, fresh Lychee can not be consumed all year round: Lychee harvest season starts in May and lasts until the end of July. During the rest of the year it is almost impossible to find it.

During the off-season in Asia, canned lychees can be purchased in jars or plastic bags in their own juice or coconut milk.

Ripe fruits keep in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. You can freeze and store in the freezer for up to 3 months peeled fruits.

Lychee contains many proteins, pectins, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. A very high content of nicotinic acid - vitamin PP, which actively prevents the development of atherosclerosis. The wide prevalence of Lychee in the countries of Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand) is the reason for the low level of atherosclerosis in this region.

Rambutan (Rambutan, Ngo, "hairy fruit from Thailand").

Round fruits of red color, up to 5 cm in diameter, covered with soft processes like thorns. The pulp covering the stone is a transparent white elastic mass, with a pleasant sweet taste, sometimes with a sour tint. The stone is quite tightly connected to the pulp, and is edible.

Contains carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, nicotinic acid and vitamin C. Fruits have a short shelf life - up to 7 days in the refrigerator.

Harvest season: May to October.

It is cleaned by cutting the peel with a knife, or without using a knife, as if twisting the fruit in the middle.

Rambutan is eaten fresh, cooked jams and jellies, canned.

Mangosteen (Mangosteen, mangosteen, mangosteen, garcinia, mankut).

The fruit is about the size of a small dark purple apple. Beneath the thick, inedible skin is the edible pulp in the form of garlic cloves. The pulp is sweet with sourness, very tasty, not like anything else. Generally pitted, although some fruits have small, soft pits that can be eaten.

Sometimes there are sick fruits of Mangosteen, with a dark creamy, sticky and unpleasant-tasting pulp. Such fruits cannot be identified until you peel them.

The harvest season is from April to September.

Natural biologically active substances contained in mangosteen reduce inflammatory reactions: swelling, soreness, redness, high temperature.

Dragon's eye (pitahaya, pitaya, moon yang, dragon fruit, pitaya).

These are the fruits of a cactus. The dragon's eye is the Russian version of the name of this fruit. The international name is Dragon Fruit or Pitahaya.

Rather large, oblong fruits (palm-sized) red, pink or yellow on the outside. Inside the pulp is white or red, dotted with small black seeds. The pulp is very tender, juicy, slightly sweet, with an unexpressed taste. It is convenient to eat with a spoon, scooping out the pulp from the fruit cut in half.

The dragon's eye is useful for stomach pain, diabetes or other endocrine disease.

Harvest seasons are all year round.


King of fruits. The fruits are very large: up to 8 kilograms.

A fruit famous all over the world for its smell. Almost everyone has heard of it, some have smelled it, and very few have tasted it. Its smell is reminiscent of the smell of onions, garlic and worn socks. With this fruit, because of its smell, it is even forbidden to enter hotels, transport and other public places. To remind you of the ban in Thailand, for example, they hang out signs with a crossed-out image of a fruit.

The sweet pulp of the fruit has a very delicate texture, and does not at all correspond to an unpleasant odor. You should try this fruit, if only for the reason that many have heard about it, but few dare to try it. But in vain. The taste is very pleasant, and the fruit itself is considered the most valuable fruit in Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia). It is very high in calories and healthy. Durian also has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Sold cut (into slices) and packed in polyethylene. In supermarkets, you can find very interesting sweets with the taste and smell of Durian.

Sala (salak, rakum, snake fruit, snake fruit, sala)

Oblong or round fruits of small size (about 5 cm long) red (Rakum) or brown (Salak) in color, covered with dense small spines.

Fruit with a very unusual, bright sweet-sour taste. Someone reminds a persimmon, someone a pear. It is worth trying at least once, and then how you like it ...

You should be careful when peeling the fruit: the spines are very dense and dig into the skin. It's better to use a knife.

The season is from April to June.

Carambola (Starfruit, Kamrak, Ma Phyak, Carambola, Star-fruit).

"Star of the tropics" - in the context of the shape we represent an asterisk.

Fruit with an edible peel, eaten whole (there are small seeds inside). The main advantage is a pleasant smell and juiciness. The taste is not particularly distinguished by anything - slightly sweet or sweet and sour, somewhat reminiscent of the taste of an apple. Sufficiently juicy fruit and perfectly quenches thirst.

Sold all year round.

People with severe kidney failures are not recommended to consume Carambola.

Longan (Lam-yai, Dragon's Eye).

Small fruits, similar to small potatoes, covered with a thin inedible skin and one inedible bone inside.

The pulp of Longan is very juicy, has a sweet, very aromatic, taste with a peculiar touch.

The season is from July to September.

Longkong (Longan, Longcon, Langsat, Lonngkong, Langsat).

Longkong fruits, like Longan, are similar to small potatoes, but are slightly larger in size and have a yellowish tint. It is possible to distinguish Longan if you peel the fruit from the peel: peeled, it looks like garlic.

They have an interesting sweet and sour taste. Fruits Rich in calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates and vitamin C. The burnt skin of the Longkong gives off a fragrant smell that is not only pleasant, but also beneficial, as it serves as an excellent repellant.

Fresh fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days. The skin of a ripe fruit should be dense, without cracks, otherwise the fruit will quickly deteriorate.

The season is from April to June.

Sometimes a variety is also sold - Langsat, which looks no different, but has a slightly bitter taste.

Jackfruit (Eve, Khanoon, Jackfruit, Nangka, Indian Breadfruit).

Jackfruit fruits are the largest fruits growing on trees: their weight reaches 34 kg. Inside the fruit are several large sweet yellow slices of edible pulp. These slices are sold already peeled, because you yourself cannot cope with this giant.

The pulp has a sugary-sweet taste, reminiscent of melon and marshmallow. It is very nutritious: it contains about 40% carbohydrates (starch) - more than in bread.

The season is from January to August.

You can take the risk of bringing such a monster home as a whole, it is stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months. But it is better to buy chopped and packed slices of pulp.

Important! Some people have an unhealthy reaction in the throat after eating Jackfruit - spasms, it becomes difficult to swallow. Everything usually passes in an hour or two. Maybe it's an allergic reaction. Be careful.

Pineapple (Pineapple).

Pineapple fruits do not need special comments.

It should only be noted that Pineapples bought in Asia and Pineapples bought in Russia are completely different things. Pineapples in Russia are a pathetic imitation of real Pineapples that you can taste in their homeland.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Thai Pineapple - it is considered the most delicious in the world. You should definitely try it and be sure to bring it home with you to pamper your loved ones. For consumption on the spot, it is better to buy already peeled.

Pineapple season - all year round

Mango (Mango).

According to some estimates, Mango is considered the most delicious fruit in the world.

Mango is quite widely known and sold in Russia. However, the taste and aroma of Mango in its homeland is very different from what is sold in our stores. In Asia, its fruits are much more fragrant, juicier, and the taste is more intense. And indeed, when you eat fresh, ripe mango grown, for example, in Thailand, it seems that there is nothing tastier.

The fruit is covered with an inedible peel that does not separate from the pulp: it must be cut into a thin layer with a knife. Inside the fruit there is a rather large, flat bone, from which the pulp also does not calve, and it must be separated from the stone with a knife, or simply eaten.

The color of the Mango varies from green to yellow (sometimes to yellow-orange or red) depending on the degree of maturity. For consumption on the spot, it is better to buy the most ripe - yellow or orange fruits. Without a refrigerator, such fruits can be stored for up to 5 days, in a refrigerator for up to 30 days, unless of course they were stored somewhere else before.

If you want to bring several fruits home, then you can buy fruits of medium maturity, greenish in color. They are well preserved and ripen on the road or already at home.

Noina (Sugar apple, Annona scaly, sugar-apple, sweetsop, noi-na).

Another unusual fruit that has no analogues and does not look like any of the fruits we are used to. The fruits of Noina are the size of a large apple, green, bumpy.

Inside the fruit is very palatable, sweet fragrant pulp and many hard seeds the size of beans. The unripe fruit is firm in texture and not at all tasty, similar to a pumpkin. Therefore, having bought an unripe fruit on the market and having tasted it, many tourists refuse to eat it further, immediately disliking it. But if you let it lie down for a day or two, it ripens and becomes very tasty.

The peel is inedible, it is very inconvenient to peel due to the bumpy skin. If the fruit is ripe, then the pulp can be eaten with a spoon, after cutting the fruit in half. The most mature or slightly overripe fruits literally fall apart in the hands.

To choose a ripe tasty noina, you need, first of all, to focus on its softness (soft fruits are more mature), but you need to be careful, because if you press a little harder on a ripe fruit, it will simply fall apart in your hands on the counter.

The fruit is rich in vitamin C, amino acids and calcium.

The season is from June to September.

Sweet Tamarind (Sweet Tamarind, Indian date).

Tamarind is considered a spice of the legume family, but is also used as an ordinary fruit. Fruits up to 15 centimeters long have an irregular curved shape. There is also a variety of Tamarind - green Tamarind.

Under the hard brown peel, resembling a shell, there is a brown pulp, sweet and sour with a tart taste. Be careful - inside Tamarind there are large hard bones.

By soaking tamarind in water and grinding through a sieve, juice is obtained. Sweets are made from ripe dried tamarind. You can buy in the store and bring home a wonderful tamarind sauce for meat and sweet tamarind syrup (for making cocktails.

This fruit is rich in vitamin A, organic acids and complex sugars. Tamarind is also used as a laxative.

The season is from October to February.

American Mammea (Mammea americana).

This fruit, also known as the American apricot and Antillean apricot, is originally from South America, although it can now be found in almost all tropical countries.

This fruit, which is actually a berry, is quite large, growing up to 20 centimeters in diameter. Inside there is one large or several (up to four) smaller bones. The pulp is very tasty and fragrant, and, in accordance with its second name, tastes and smells like apricot and mango.

The ripening season is different depending on the region, but mainly from May to August.

Cherimoya (Annona cherimola).

Cherimoya is also known as Cream Apple and Ice Cream Tree. In some countries, the fruit is known under completely different names: in Brazil - Graviola, in Mexico - Poox, in Guatemala - Pac or Tzumux, in El Salvador - Anona poshte, in Belize - Tukib, in Haiti - Cachiman la Chine, in the Philippines - Atis , on Cook Island - Sasalapa. The homeland of the fruit is South America, but it can be found in the countries of Asia and South Africa, which are warm all year round, also in Australia, Spain, Israel, Portugal, Italy, Egypt, Libya and Algeria. However, in these countries the fruit is rare. It is most common on the American continent.

It is quite difficult to recognize the fruit of Cherimoya at the first inexperienced glance, since there are several types of it with different surfaces (lumpy, smooth or mixed). One of the tuberculate varieties, including Noina (see above), which is widespread in the countries of Southeast Asia. The size of the fruit is 10-20 centimeters in diameter, and the shape of the cut fruit resembles a heart. The pulp resembles an orange in texture and is usually eaten with a spoon, very tasty and tastes like banana and passion fruit, papaya and pineapple, and strawberries with cream at once. The pulp contains very hard pits the size of a pea, so be careful, otherwise you may be left without a tooth. It is usually sold a little underripe and firm and must lie down (2-3 days) before getting its real amazing taste and texture.

The ripening season is usually from February to April.

Noni (Noni, Morinda citrifolia).

This fruit is also known as Big Moringa, Indian Mulberry, Healthy Tree, Cheese Fruit, Nonu, Nono. The homeland of the fruit is Southeast Asia, but now it grows in all tropical countries.

The Noni fruit resembles a large potato in shape and size. Noni cannot be called very tasty and fragrant, and, apparently, that is why tourists very rarely come across it. Ripe fruits are bad smell(reminiscent of the smell of moldy cheese) and bitter taste, but are considered very useful. In some regions, noni is a staple food for the poor. It is usually consumed with salt. Noni juice is also popular.

Noni bears fruit all year round. But you can find it not in every fruit market, but, as a rule, in the markets for local residents.

Marula (Marula, Sclerocarya birrea).

This fruit grows exclusively on the African continent. And it is not easy to find it fresh for sale in other regions. The thing is that after ripening, the fruits almost immediately begin to ferment inside, turning into a low-alcohol drink. This property of marula is enjoyed not only by the inhabitants of Africa, but also by animals. After eating marula fruits that have fallen to the ground, they are often "drunk".

Ripe Marula fruits are yellow in color. The size of the fruit is about 4 cm in diameter, and inside is white pulp and a hard stone. Marula does not have an outstanding taste, but its flesh is very juicy and has a pleasant aroma until it starts to ferment. The pulp also contains a huge amount of vitamin C.

The harvest season of Marula takes place in March-April.

Wonderful Platonia (Platonia insignis)

Platonia grows only in the countries of South America. It is impossible to find it in the countries of Southeast Asia.

Platonia fruits are up to 12 centimeters in size, with a large thick peel. Under the peel is a white tender pulp with a sweet and sour taste and several large seeds.

Kumquat (Kumquat)

Kumquats are also known as Fortunella, Kinkan, Japanese oranges. This is a citrus plant. It grows in southern China, but is also widely distributed in other tropical countries. Kumquat fruits can also be found on the shelves of our stores, but the taste is not at all what you can try at home in the freshest form.

Kumquat fruits are small (from 2 to 4 centimeters), similar to small oblong oranges or tangerines. Outside covered with a very thin edible peel, inside and in structure and taste almost the same as an orange, maybe a little more sour and bitter. Eaten whole (except bones).

The ripening season is from May to June, you can buy all year round.

Guava (Guajava)

Guava (Guajava), Guava or Guava is found in almost all tropical and subtropical countries. Despite the fact that the fruit is considered exotic, you should not expect an exotic taste from it: a rather mediocre, slightly sweet taste reminiscent of a pear. It may be worth trying once, but you are unlikely to become a fan of it. Another thing is the aroma: it is quite pleasant and very strong. In addition, the fruit is very useful, rich in vitamin C and perfectly raises the overall tone of the body and improves health.

Fruits come in various sizes (from 4 to 15 centimeters), round, oblong and pear-shaped. Skin, pits and pulp, all edible.

In Asia, a green, slightly unripe Guava is liked to be consumed by dipping pieces of the fruit in a mixture of salt and pepper. From the outside it may seem unusual, but if you try it, the taste turns out to be quite interesting and tonic.

Passion Fruit/Passion Fruit

This exotic fruit is also called Passion Fruit, Passiflora (Passiflora), Edible Passion Flower, Granadilla. Homeland is South America, but can be found in most tropical countries, including the countries of Southeast Asia. Passion Fruit got its second name because it is credited with the properties of a strong aphrodisiac.

Passion fruit fruits have a smooth, slightly elongated rounded shape, reaching 8 centimeters in diameter. Ripe fruits have a very bright juicy color and are yellow, purple, pink or red. The yellow fruits are less sweet than the others. The pulp also comes in a variety of colors. Under the inedible peel is a jelly-like sweet and sour pulp with stones. You can’t call it especially tasty, juices, jellies, etc. made from it are much tastier.

When used, it is most convenient to cut the fruit in half and eat the pulp with a spoon. The bones in the pulp are also edible, but they cause drowsiness, so it is better not to abuse them. Passion fruit juice, by the way, also has a calming effect and causes drowsiness. The most ripe and delicious fruits are those whose skin is not perfectly smooth, but covered with "wrinkles" or small "dents" (these are the most ripe fruits).

The ripening season is from May to August. Stored in the refrigerator Passion Fruit can be one week.


Avocados are also called Perseus americana and Alligator pear. Avocado is considered to be a fruit. It may be scientifically true, but it tastes more like a vegetable.

Avocado fruits are pear-shaped, up to 20 centimeters long. Covered with a tasteless and inedible peel. Inside there is a dense pulp like a pear and one large bone. The flesh tastes like an unripe pear or pumpkin and is nothing special. But if the avocado is well ripened, its flesh becomes softer, more buttery, and more palatable.

Avocados are more commonly used for cooking than for eating raw. So do not chase to be sure to try this fruit. But dishes prepared with Avocado can greatly diversify the festive table. You can find many recipes for avocado dishes on the Internet, including salads, soups, main courses, but on vacation you are unlikely to need all this, so you don’t have to look too much at Avocado.

Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis, breadfruit, pana)

Don't confuse breadfruit with jackfruit. The jackfruit, although known as the Indian breadfruit, is actually a completely different fruit.

Breadfruit can be found in all tropical regions, but mainly in the countries of Southeast Asia and Oceania. Due to the very high yield of Breadfruit, its fruits are in some countries the main product of kicking, like our potatoes, for example.

Breadfruit fruits are rounded, very large, can reach 30 centimeters in diameter and four kilograms of weight. In its raw form, like a fruit, ripe fruits are consumed, and unripe fruits are used as vegetables in cooking. It is better to buy ripe fruits on vacation, and even better already cut into portions, because. you can hardly cut and eat the whole fruit. When ripe, the flesh becomes soft and slightly sweet, reminiscent of banana and potato. Not to say that the taste is outstanding, and therefore breadfruit is not often found in tourist fruit markets. The taste of bread can only be felt when preparing an unripe fruit.

Breadfruit ripening season, 9 months a year. You can buy fresh fruits all year round.

Jabuticaba (Jabuticaba)

Jaboticaba (Jaboticaba) is also known as the Brazilian grape tree. You can meet it mainly in the countries of South America, but sometimes it is also found in the countries of Southeast Asia.

This is a very interesting, tasty and rare exotic fruit. If you can find it and try it, consider yourself lucky. The fact is that the Jaboticaba tree grows very slowly, which is why it is practically not cultivated.

The way the fruits grow is also interesting: they grow directly on the trunk, and not on the branches of a tree. The fruits are small (up to 4 cm in diameter), dark purple. Under a thin dense peel (inedible) is a soft jelly-like and very tasty pulp with several seeds.

The tree bears fruit almost all year round.

Kiwano/Horned melon

Kiwano Melon is also known as Horned Melon, African Cucumber, Antilles Cucumber, Horned Cucumber, Anguria. Kiwano really looks like a big cucumber in a section. Although it is a fruit, another question. The fact is that the fruits of Kiwano grow on a vine. It is cultivated mainly in Africa, New Zealand, on the American continent.

Kiwano fruits are oblong, up to 12 centimeters in length. The color is yellow, orange and red depending on the degree of ripening. Under a dense peel, the flesh is green, the taste is somewhat reminiscent of cucumber, banana and melon. The fruit is not peeled, but cut into slices or halves (like a regular melon), and then the pulp is eaten. In raw form, both unripe and unripe fruits are consumed. The unripe fruits can be eaten with the pits as they are soft. Also used with salt.

Magic fruit (Miracle fruit)

The magical fruit grows in West Africa. It does not have an outstanding exotic taste, but it is known and interesting in that after you eat it, for about an hour, all foods will seem sweet to you. The fact is that the Magic Fruit contains a certain protein that blocks for some time the taste buds on the tongue, which are responsible for the sour taste. Therefore, you can eat a lemon, and it will taste sweet to you. True, only fresh plucked fruits have this property, and during storage they quickly lose it. So don't be surprised if the trick doesn't work on purchased fruit.

The fruit grow on small trees or shrubs, have a rounded oblong shape, 2-3 centimeters long, red in color, with a hard bone inside.

The magical fruit bears fruit almost all year round.

Bael (Bael, wood apple, wood apple)

Also known under other names: Aegle marmelos, stone apple (stone apple), limonia acidissima, feronia elephantum, feronia limonia, hesperethusa crenulata, elephant apple, monkey fruit, curd fruit. It is very widespread in the countries of Southeast Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand).

This fruit grows on a tree and reaches 5-20 cm in diameter. The fruit is grey-green (immature) to yellow or brown (ripe) with a very dense, rough rind resembling a walnut shell. The flesh of the unripe fruit is orange, divided into segments with white seeds. In a ripe fruit, the pulp is mushy, brown, sticky, and can taste sour or sweet.

Bail fruits are not so easy to find in fruit markets in their entirety. And even if you meet him, you yourself will not cope with him. The fact is that its peel is hard as a stone, and it is impossible to get to the pulp without a hammer or hatchet.

If you can’t try it fresh (which, in general, you shouldn’t worry about), you can buy a tea from the fruits of Bail, called Matoom (Matoom tea). It consists of dried orange-brown circles, divided into several segments. It is believed that it is very effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal, colds, bronchial and asthmatic diseases. It is also used in cooking (tea, drinks, jams, jams, salads) and cosmetology (soap, aromatic oil).

The ripening season is from November to December.

Buddha hand

The Buddha Hand is a variety of Citron. It is also called Buddha Fingers and Finger Citron.

We decided to mention this very exotic fruit so that you do not try it during your vacation in a tropical paradise. This fruit is not one that you will enjoy the taste of. Undoubtedly, the fruit is very interesting and useful, and when you see it, you will most likely have a desire to try it. But don't rush. It is widely used in cooking, but you are unlikely to eat it. The fruit of the Hand of the Buddha is composed almost entirely of a rind (the pulp is inedible), which is similar to the rind of a lemon in taste (bitter and sour taste) and violet in smell.

The shape of the fruit is very interesting and looks like a palm with a large number of fingers, reaching a length of 40 centimeters. You can buy it only in order to bring it home with you as a souvenir, and already at home cook various dishes with citrus flavor from it (compote, jelly, candied fruit).

Banana (Banana, Musa)

Well, in general, everyone already knows about bananas. We accidentally mentioned banana so you can vote for them if they are your favorite. By the way, it is worth mentioning that bananas in exotic countries taste much better than those sold at home, so be sure to try bananas on vacation, maybe you will like them even more than before.

Papaya (Papaya, Melon tree, Breadfruit)

Papaya is native to South America but is now found in almost all tropical countries. Papaya fruits grow on trees, have a cylindrical oblong shape up to 20 centimeters in length.

Many who have tried Papaya say that it is more of a vegetable than a fruit. But that's because they ate unripe papaya. Unripe Papaya is really very widely used in cooking, salads are made from it (be sure to try the spicy Thai Papaya salad called Som Tam), meat is stewed with it and simply fried.

But ripe papaya in its raw form is really very tasty and sweet. In texture, it resembles a dense melon, and in taste it is something between a pumpkin and a melon. On sale there are both whole fruits of green color (not yet ripe, for cooking), and yellow-orange (ripe, ready to eat raw). It is not worth buying the whole fruit, it is better to buy ready-to-eat, peeled and cut into slices Papaya.

You can meet Papaya in tropical countries all year round.

Coconut (coconut, cocos, coco)

Coconut and coconut are quite often used as identical words. However, the name "coconut" in this case is not correct, because. coconut, in its structure, is classified as a stone fruit, such as apricot or plum.

Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm, which grows throughout the tropics. Belongs to the category of fruits.

It is a large rounded (up to 30 cm in diameter) fruit, weighing up to 3 kg. Koros has conditionally two degrees of maturation. A young coconut has a smooth, light green or green-yellow outer layer, under which is a hard pit, which in turn is a clear (coconut water) or white emulsion (coconut milk), with a small jelly-like layer of coconut flesh on the walls of the shell. The liquid inside with a slightly sweet taste quenches thirst well, the pulp can also be eaten by scraping it off the walls with a spoon.

Another degree of ripening (or over-ripening) that we see in our stores is the following: on the outside, a fibrous and rough layer, under which there is a hard brown shell, and under it a thick layer of white pulp and a slightly cloudy liquid. This liquid, as a rule, is not tasty, and the pulp is dry and tasteless.

When opening a coconut, you need to be careful, one universal kitchen knife is not enough here, you will need more “heavy artillery”. But fortunately, if you buy coconut in tourist areas, you don’t have to worry about opening it: it will be opened in front of you, and, most likely, they will also give you a drinking straw and a spoon to “scrape” the pulp. Chilled coconut is best.

Tourists are very fond of a special coconut cocktail: you need to drink a little juice from a coconut, and add 30-100 grams of cognac, rum or whiskey there.

Coconut contains vitamins A, B, C, proteins, sugar, carbohydrates, organic acids; minerals - sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus.

The ripening season is all year round.

Sapodilla or sapote tree or tree potato (Manilkara achras, M. zapota, or Achras zapota), sapodilla, prang khaa, la-mut, naseberry, chiku)

Sapodilla is an oval or round fruit up to 10 cm and weighing 100-150 g. It looks very much like a plum. The skin is matte and thin, has a color from light to dark brown.

The ripe fruit has a sweet flavor with a slight caramel flavor. In structure, the pulp resembles persimmon - soft and juicy, and just like persimmon, it can “knit” a little, only much less. Inside are several large black bones with a hook at the end (you need to be careful when using). As a rule, it is not recommended to store fruit for more than 3 days, because. it quickly deteriorates and sours. Therefore, Sapodilla is practically not found on the shelves of our stores. Unripe fruit is also not recommended, because. it has a very bad taste. It is worth choosing ripe fruits based on their color (those that are yellower or brown are more ripe, green ones should not be chosen at all) and softness. Hard fruits are completely immature, a mature fruit gives in to pressure a little, and an overripe one is squeezed very easily.

Sapodilla grows in countries with a tropical climate, in particular in America, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines.

Most often Sapodilla is used in desserts, salads and drinks. Unripe fruits are used for diarrhea, burns, and also in cosmetology.

Contains vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, carbohydrates.

The ripening season is from September to December.


Pomelo or pomelo or pamela (Pomelo pummelo, pumelo, som-o, pompelmus, sheddok, Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis, Chinese grapefruit, dzheybong, jeruk, limo, lusho, jambura, sai-sekh, banten, zebon, robeb ​​tenga)

Pomelo belongs to citrus fruits and is considered the largest among this family. It is often compared to grapefruit. As a rule, the fruit has a rounded shape, can reach up to 20 cm in diameter and weigh up to 10 kg!!! Color, depending on the variety, can be from green to yellow-green. The peel is very thick, inside there is a light pulp: from white to pale yellow or pink. The pulp is divided into slices separated by film partitions. Each lobule has large fibers and may contain small white pits. The taste of Pomelo is sweet with sourness, it can be slightly bitter. Compared, for example, with the same grapefruit, the pulp of Pomelo is more dry.

Pomelo grows in the countries of Southeast Asia (Malaysia, China, Japan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia), on about. Tahiti, Israel, USA. In Russia, it can be purchased at any supermarket, so it is not so exotic for the inhabitants of Russia.

It is worth choosing Pomelo, focusing, first of all, on a pronounced aromatic citrus smell and soft peel. Before use, you need to peel it from a thick peel, making several cuts (to make it more convenient and easier to clean), then divide into separate slices, which are also freed from partitions (they are very hard). Store at room temperature for up to a month, cleaned - in the refrigerator, no more than 3 days.

Use this fruit in cooking, in cosmetology. In some countries, it is consumed with salt, chili pepper and sugar, dipping peeled slices into this mixture.

Pomelo contains vitamins A, B, C, trace elements, fiber, essential oils.

Ripening season: all year round.

Fig (fig, fig, fig, fig, smyrna berry, Ficus carica)

Fig fruits can be round, pear-shaped or flattened with one "eye". On average, a ripe fruit weighs about 80 g, up to 8 cm in diameter. It is covered with a thin smooth skin from yellow-green to dark blue or purple on top. Under the skin is a layer of white peel. Inside the pulp is very sweet and juicy with small seeds, jelly-like consistency, reminiscent of strawberries in taste. In color - the flesh is from pink to bright red. Unripe fruits are inedible and contain milky juice.

It grows in Central Asia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in the Mediterranean countries.

You need to choose ripe figs with a dense skin, without spots, slightly soft. It is recommended to store it for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator, because. it quickly deteriorates and is not transportable. You can eat with the peel, cut into slices or in half, scraping the pulp with a spoon. Most often, figs can be found on store shelves only in dried form. Dried fruits are pre-soaked in water before use, after such a “soaking” you can drink water (useful substances pass there).

Figs are dried, marinated, jam is cooked. In dried form, it is more nutritious and high-calorie than in fresh form.

Figs contain a lot of potassium, iron, vitamins B, PP, C, carotene, minerals and organic acids.

Harvest season: August to November.

Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa), Chinese actinidia (Actinidia chinensis), Kiwi, Chinese gooseberry, Chinese grape)

Kiwi fruit is a berry. It has small fruits of a round or oval shape, covered on the outside with a fleecy thin brown skin. The mass of the fruit can reach up to 80 g, the diameter is up to 7 cm. Under the skin is juicy pulp, depending on the variety, it can be from green to yellow. In the very middle of the fruit, the flesh is white, surrounded by many small black seeds. The seeds are edible and taste sour. Kiwi pulp, in general, is sweet with a slight sourness, reminiscent of a mixture of gooseberries, apples, pineapples.

Kiwi is grown in countries with a subtropical climate (Italy, New Zealand, Chile, Greece). There are also small plantations in Russia (Krasnodar Territory). You can buy everywhere at any time of the year.

You need to choose even fruits, without dents and other damage to the skin, their ripeness is determined by the softness of the fruit. If the fruits are hard and hard, then they will ripen at home without any problems, for which they need to be placed in a bag with apples for one or two days. Kiwi can be stored at room temperature for up to 5 days, in the refrigerator - up to two weeks, after putting it in a bag or plastic container.

There are two ways to eat kiwi: peel and cut into slices or cut in half and eat away the pulp with a spoon.

Kiwi contains a large amount of vitamins B and C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium.

Various desserts are made from it, fruit salads, served with meat, fish, seafood, preparing drinks (syrups, liqueurs, wine, cocktails). Used in cosmetology.

Chrysophyllum or Star apple (Chrysophyllum cainito), star apple, cainito, caimito, (caimito, star apple), milky fruit (milky fruit)

The fruits of the Star apple are round or oval, up to 10 cm in diameter. The peel is thin, smooth, green to purple or brown, depending on the variety. Under the peel is a layer of peel of the same color as the peel itself. The flesh is white to purple, juicy, sweet, sticky, jelly-like, with an apple flavor. Inside there are up to 10 solid brown bones, up to 2 cm long. In cross section, the pulp resembles a star. Unripe fruits are knit and inedible. The milky juice that remains even in ripe fruits is very sticky, as a result, lips can stick together a little when eating the fruit.

It grows in countries with a tropical climate: in South America, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, West Africa.

Ripe fruits should be selected for slightly wrinkled peel and softness when pressed, no damage. Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 weeks. The fruits tolerate transportation well. Before use, the fruit must be cooled and peeled and peeled (they are bitter). You can eat, either by cutting in half and picking out the pulp with a spoon, or by cutting into slices, like a watermelon, the bones are inedible.

Used in the preparation of desserts.

Star apple is rich in vitamin C and trace elements. Very nutritious.

Harvest season: February to March.


Guanabana is a close relative of Noina and Cherimoya, and they can really be confused with an inexperienced eye in appearance and even in taste. Their main difference is in the peel: in Guanabana, the surface of the peel is clearly similar to rare low spines or villi, although in fact these processes are soft and not prickly at all. The fruit is round, irregularly elongated, quite large, can reach a weight of 12 kilograms, although usually there are fruits weighing no more than 3 kilograms on sale.

The homeland of Guanabana is tropical America, but today it can be found in almost all tropical regions, including the countries of Southeast Asia. You can not find this fruit in every fruit market, but if you find it, be sure to try it.

The flesh of the fruit is white, soft creamy in texture and slightly fibrous. The taste is sweet and slightly sour, unlike any other fruit. Inside there are a large number of hard bones the size and shape of a large bean.

In an unripe fruit, the flesh is hard and tasteless, like a pumpkin. Moreover, the fruits are often sold unripe (they ripen within a few days), which is why tourists, having bought it and tried it, do not immediately fall in love with it. But it is enough to let her lie down for a couple of days, as she acquires her own unique taste. To select a ripe fruit, you need to press a little on it, the peel should sag slightly. Hard dense fruits are unripe.

Guanabana can be eaten by cutting the fruit in half and scraping out the pulp with a spoon, or cut into slices and consumed like a watermelon. Peeling a ripe fruit will not work.

Guanabana is a perishable product and should be stored in the refrigerator. If you want to bring home, choose firm unripe fruits, they ripen quite well within 2-3 days, but then deteriorate.

The ripening season of Guanabana is all year round.

Tamarillo (Tomato tree, Cyphomandra beetroot, Cyphomandra betacea)

Tamarillo is an oval-shaped berry, reaching a length of 5 to 10 cm, with a diameter of up to 5 cm. The color of the fruit varies from yellow to dark red and even purple. It looks and tastes very similar to tomatoes, which is why its second name is Tomato tree, but still it is a fruit. Its skin is hard, smooth and bitter. It is very reminiscent of a tomato with a currant flavor, but has a slightly pronounced fruity smell. The flesh may be yellow or orange. As a rule, it has two sections inside with light or dark small seeds (depending on the color of the peel of the fruit itself, the lighter the color, the lighter the seeds).

It grows in the countries of South America (Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, etc.), some countries of Central America, Jamaica, Haiti, New Zealand.

You need to choose even and smooth fruits, without external damage, slightly soft. It should be known that the fruits of yellow and orange color are sweeter, while fruits with a darker color become more sour as they ripen. Ripe fruits are not stored for long (in the cold for no longer than 7 days), unripe ones are able to ripen at room temperature. Poorly tolerate transportation.

They eat tamarillo, having previously peeled it (it is inedible), and slightly capturing a layer of pulp, or cutting it in half and scooping out the pulp with a spoon.

It is widely used in cooking, using it in dishes both as a vegetable and as a fruit.

Tamarillo is rich in vitamins (A, group B, C, E) and trace elements.

The ripening season is all year round.

Feijoa (Feijoa, Pineapple Guava, Acca Sellowiana)

Feijoa is a small oval-shaped berry, 3 to 5 cm long, up to 4 cm in diameter. The average fruit weight is from 15 to 50 g. "tail". The skin is thin dense, can be smooth or slightly bumpy, wrinkled. The flesh under the skin, depending on the degree of maturity, is from white or cream to brownish (in the latter case, the berry is said to be spoiled). Inside the pulp is divided into sections, in the center of which there are several light edible seeds. The consistency of a ripe feijoa is light and jelly-like. The taste of the berry is juicy, sweet and sour, reminiscent of a mixture of strawberries with pineapple or strawberries with kiwi (people have different tastes).

It grows in countries with a subtropical climate: in South America (Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay) in the Caucasus and southern Russia (Krasnodar Territory), Abkhazia, Georgia, Crimea and Central Asia.

You can eat as a whole fruit with a peel, however, this is not for everyone, because. feijoa skin tastes sour and astringent. In most cases, feijoa is cut in half and the flesh is scraped out with a spoon, or you can peel the skin with a knife and eat the peeled fruit.

For immediate consumption, you need to choose soft (ripe) fruits. If you have to transport, then hard (unripe) feijoa fruits are perfect for this, and will ripen on the road. Ripe berries should be stored no more than 3-4 days.

Feijoa contains a large amount of iodine, acids, vitamin C.

It is used in cooking: preparing jams and jellies, salads and drinks.

The ripening season is October-November.

Pepino (Melon Pear, Sweet Cucumber (Solanum muricatum)

This rather large berry grows up to 700 g in weight. The fruits can be different in shape and oblong, pear-shaped, and round. In color, mostly pale to bright yellow, sometimes with purple patches or stripes. ripe fruit very juicy and sweet, reminiscent of melon in taste, unripe can be a little sour. The peel is thin, dense, smooth. The pulp is yellow, inside there are sinuses with small light seeds (edible). Before eating, it is customary to peel the fruit (it is edible, but unpleasant in taste)

It is cultivated in large numbers in South America (Peru, Chile), New Zealand.

You need to choose ripe fruits for a rich yellow color with a slightly pronounced fruity aroma and a little soft. A feature of Pepino is that ripe fruits can be stored for several months in the refrigerator, unripe ones are able to ripen and also be stored for a long time.

Contains vitamins (A, B, C, PP), keratin, iron, potassium, pectin.

Used in cooking, along with vegetables, especially unripe Pepino fruits.

The ripening season is all year round.

Santol or Cato (Sandoricum koetjape, santol, kraton, krathon, graton, tong, donka, wild mangosteen, false mangosteen)

Santol grows in the countries of Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Philippines).

The fruit of Santola has a rounded shape from 8 to 15 cm in diameter with a long stalk. Depending on the variety, it can be from yellowish to brown in color, the peel is slightly velvety on top. Fruit color is usually uneven with pigmentation over the entire surface. Under a rather thick peel, a whitish opaque pulp is hidden, similar to "garlic" cloves, up to 5 pieces. Inside each slice is a large brownish bone (it is not recommended to eat it unnecessarily, because it has a laxative effect). The pulp is juicy in taste, ranging from sour to sweet and sour, reminiscent of a little mangosteen. As a rule, the fruits of yellowish varieties are sweeter.

Before use, you need to peel the fruit (it is inedible), after cutting it across into two halves, with a knife or peel it with your hands, and then remove the slices of pulp and free them from the seeds. The pulp does not separate well from the stone, so it is customary to suck it. Sometimes Santol is eaten with salt and pepper.

Santol fruits contain a large amount of iron, magnesium, fluorine.

Used in cooking (desserts, alcohol) and cosmetology (masks, scrubs).

The ripening season is from May to June.

Jujube or jujube (Zizyphus jujuba) (unabi, Chinese date, chest berry, jujube, jujube)

The fruit of the shrub is ovoid or rounded in length from 2 to 6 cm, depending on the variety. Outside, the fruit is smooth, shiny, from green or yellowish to dark red, even brown. Sometimes the color of jujube can be uneven over the entire surface, as if spotty. The skin is thin and almost inseparable from the fruit. Inside the pulp is white dense, very juicy and sweet, reminiscent of an apple. In the middle there is, as a rule, one oblong bone. The aroma of jujube is slightly fruity.

It grows in countries with a temperate climate to subtropical, in particular Thailand, China, India, Japan, Central Asia, the Mediterranean, southern Russia, the Caucasus.

You need to choose dense fruits, but not very hard (they can be unsweetened), dark red or brown. Eat with the peel. Fresh fruits do not store well, so it is recommended to dry them.

Yuyuba is a useful and even medicinal product. It is used both fresh and dried. Rich in vitamins A, B, especially vitamin C, sugars, acids, trace elements.

Widely used in cooking (drinks, wine, jams, preserves, etc.), medicine (has a calming, anesthetic, tonic effect), cosmetology.

The ripening season is from August to October.

Burmese grape or Mafai (Mafai, Baccaurea ramiflora, Baccaurea sapida)

Mafai fruits taste very similar and outwardly similar to Longan fruits. They are from yellow to red with a diameter of up to 5 cm. The peel is thin, soft, smooth. Inside from 2 to 4 cloves, outwardly resembling garlic. The pulp is juicy, white, sweet and sour with a refreshing effect. Inside each lobule is a bone that does not separate from the pulp, the stone tastes bitter. Because of this, it is not very convenient to eat the fruit, since almost all the pulp remains “stuck” to the bone, and it cannot be separated in any way. This fruit has no characteristic aroma. In general, it cannot be said that this fruit is worth “hunting” in order to definitely try it.

The peel of Mafai is well cleaned (about the pulp mentioned above), it is best stored in the refrigerator.

You can meet this fruit in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, China, Cambodia. Occurs very rarely.

The ripening season is from May to August.

The countries of Southeast Asia are simply a paradise for lovers of tropical fruits. Dragon fruit, mangosteen, tomarillo, durian, snake fruit, and many other exotic names cease to amaze here and become the norm.

Surely in Russia, in large supermarkets, there are many of these fruits, only, firstly, their prices can differ by an order of magnitude, and secondly, in order for them to appear on the shelves in a nice way, they are fairly stuffed with chemicals or sent unripe, which cannot but affect the taste and useful qualities.

But in Southeast Asia, at home, many of these fruits cost a penny - for example, a ripe and juicy mango in season can be bought for 5 rubles, and a large (3 kg), sweet papaya for 30 rubles. As for the usual apples and pears, here, on the contrary, they are one of the most expensive fruits. In addition, there are almost no berries here, with the exception of strawberries, which sometimes pleases us.

For the sixth month we have been living in Bali, and every day we enjoy a variety of fruit flavors. There are several dozen tropical fruits here, and if you consider that each of them, as a rule, has several varieties, and the taste of each variety is unique and inimitable, it becomes clear how good life is for fruit lovers here.

The same fruits that we tried in Mexico, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Indonesia often differ not only in taste, but also in name and shape. The eyes in the market or in the store run up, it is difficult to choose a particular fruit, so we buy huge boxes that can hardly fit on a bike.

We deliberately do not write about prices, since they are different everywhere, depending on the country, seasonality, variety and ability to bargain. So, we begin our acquaintance with tropical exotics.
Snake fruit (snake fruit), the Balinese call it salak

The fruits are round or pear-shaped, tapering to a wedge at the top, covered with a scaly brown peel resembling snake skin, from which the name of the fruit comes.

The peel is thin and easily removed, it is enough to cut it or tear it at the edge, and then remove it like an egg shell. The flesh is white or beige in color and consists mainly of three segments. If the fruit is unripe, then due to the high content of tannin it knits the mouth, this is how we first tried it in Malaysia in the spring - we did not like it, and we safely forgot about it.

Here in Bali, salak, as one of the most common fruits, quickly became familiar, we tried it again, and, one might say, fell in love.

In Bali, 2 varieties are common. One, more elongated, consists of 3 identical segments, has a pleasant refreshing sweet taste, reminiscent of pineapple and banana with a slight nutty flavor. The second, more rounded, with two large segments and a third small pitted, tastes similar to gooseberries and pineapples. Both varieties are quite interesting, we buy different ones with the same success.

Salak contains tannin, which removes harmful substances from the body, has astringent, hemostatic and antidiarrheal properties.

In the north of Bali, in the forests, we somehow found a wild herring. Unlike the garden one, its peel is prickly in small needles, no more than 1 mm long, and the fruits themselves are smaller in size. They taste sweet, but peeling because of the thorns is not very pleasant, so we fed them to the monkeys, who were not a hindrance to the thorns and they coped with cleaning as quickly as they do with bananas.
Tamarillo (tamarillo)

Tamarillo fruits are egg-shaped, about 5 cm long. The shiny peel is hard and bitter, inedible, and the flesh has a sweet and sour, tomato-currant taste, almost without aroma. The skin color can be orange-red, yellow, or purple-red.

The color of the pulp is usually golden-pink, the seeds are thin and round, black, edible. The fruits resemble long-fruited tomatoes, which is why they called it a tomato tree. Tomarillo can be cut into 2 halves and simply squeeze the pulp into your mouth, or peel it with a knife, holding the tail - you get such a flower

Tamarillo contains a large amount of vitamins A, B6, C and E, as well as trace elements - iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. The fruit will be useful for those who suffer from migraines.

We fell in love with this fruit because of the berry-currant taste - there are very few berries in Bali, mostly all imported (with the exception of strawberries).

Tamarillo makes an excellent sauce when lemon juice, ginger and honey are added to it. The sauce is suitable for both spicy dishes and desserts.

Of the many tropical fruits, mango is still one of our favorites - it seems you can eat it as much as you like and never get bored. In Russia, we sometimes bought them in a store and the concept of different varieties did not exist for us - there are just mangoes and that's it, what was our surprise that, it turns out, there are several dozen species of them.

India harvests about 13.5 million tons of mangoes per year (just think about the number!) and is thus the main producer (the most famous variety is mangifera indica 'Alphonso'), China is in second place in terms of productivity (just over 4 million tons) , on the third - Thailand (2.5 million tons), Indonesia 2.1 million tons.

Ripe fruits of different varieties taste very different, most often they are sweet and have pleasant aromas of different shades from honey even to ginger.

Arriving in India in early November, we were very surprised not to find mangoes on sale - it turned out that the season begins in April. We flew away at the end of March, and literally in the last week the first crop appeared on sale - these were small red mangoes, very fragrant and sweet, for several days we could not tear ourselves away from them.

We really liked the variety of mangoes in Malaysia - from Thai light yellow, with beige flesh inside, to green thick-skinned, unripe in appearance, but with bright orange, sweet flesh.

But for real, we overeat mangoes in Bali. In May and June, the choice was not very large, but in August, September and, especially, in October, the variety of varieties and prices do not cease to please us. Our favorite variety is Harumanis, a green mango with orange, sweet, honey-colored flesh.

Mango has a lot of vitamins and fructose, and few acids. Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, helps with "night blindness" and other eye diseases. Regular consumption of mango improves immunity and protects against colds. Green mango is also rich in vitamin C.

Mango fruits are often used in home medicine, for example, in India, mangoes are used to stop bleeding, to strengthen the heart muscle, and also to improve brain function.
Jackfruit (jackfruit)

Everyone who sees a jackfruit for the first time is very surprised, and there is something - this is the largest fruit in the world that grows on a tree. The length of the fruit is 20-90 cm, the diameter is up to 20 cm, and the fruits weigh up to 35 kg (in the photo, for comparison, there is a tangerine next to it). The thick peel is covered with numerous cone-shaped protrusions-thorns. Young fruits are green, when ripe they become green-yellow or brown-yellow.

If the fruit has fallen and is not ripe, it is eaten as a vegetable, in India we have repeatedly tried jackfruit curry. But the fresh one was first tasted in Sri Lanka at the end of April, the season had just begun there.

You can find a ripe fruit from May to September; when tapped, it makes a hollow sound (immature fruit is deaf). Inside, the fruit is divided into large lobes, which contain a sweet yellow pulp, consisting of juicy, slippery fibers. Each lobe contains an oblong seed 2-4 cm long, in one fruit there can be up to 500 seeds

The peel and seeds of a ripe fruit have an unpleasant putrefactive odor, while the pulp smells pleasant, there is something in common with a banana and pineapple, but the taste is still specific, for an amateur, we liked it very much.

All parts of the plant, including the peel, contain sticky latex, so it is recommended to cut the fruit by lubricating your hands. sunflower oil or wearing rubber gloves. Fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 months. In supermarkets and markets, jackfruit is sold mainly in a chopped form, since whole fruits, firstly, scare away with their thorns, and secondly, not everyone is ready to master such a giant.

Due to its weight, it is not uncommon for a jackfruit to fall from a tree and break. Due to the strong smell, it is easily found by animals, which carry seeds throughout the forest, which contributes to its active spread.

Jackfruit fruits are very nutritious, they contain about 40% carbohydrates. In particular, for this reason, and also because of the cheapness and universal availability, jackfruit in India is called "bread for the poor" or breadfruit. The seeds are also nutritious - they contain 38% carbohydrates, they are roasted and eaten like chestnuts. They taste a bit dry, but they go well with salads.
Dragon fruit or dragon fruit (dragon fruit), aka pitahaya or pitahaya

Belongs to the cactus family. Due to its interesting and unusual shape, as well as bright pink color, the fruit cannot go unnoticed. The fruit has a white or red (depending on the variety), creamy flesh and a delicate, slightly perceptible aroma. The pulp is eaten raw, the taste is sweet. It is convenient to eat, cut into 2 halves, scooping out the pulp with a spoon. To some, dragon fruit may seem bland and not very tasty, but if you taste it properly, you will definitely like the fruit (like Mozzarella cheese, for example, which also does not have a very pronounced taste).

The fruit grows on cacti and blooms only at night. The flowers are also edible and can also be made into tea. The fruit is low in calories, helps with stomach pain and has a beneficial effect on the quality of vision.
Rambutan (rambutan)

The fruits are round or oval, 3-6 cm in size, grow in clusters up to 30 pieces, sometimes they are sold right on the branch. As they ripen, the fruits change color from green to yellow-orange, and then to red. If you want to get the most pleasure, choose fruits that are bright red in color. Juicy white fruits are covered with a dense skin, strewn with curved, hard yellow-brown hairs, 1-2 cm long. The pulp is gelatinous, white, very fragrant and has a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Inside is an inedible oval seed, up to 1.5 cm long. Raw seeds are poisonous, but if they are fried, they can be eaten.

The seed oil is used in the manufacture of soaps and candles. Rambutans contain carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, nicotinic acid and vitamin C.

The fruits are eaten mostly fresh, sometimes canned with sugar. Moreover, in Malaysia, these canned fruits are sold on every corner, as a snack, and they also make refreshing drinks.

For the first time we got acquainted with rambutans in their homeland - in Malaysia. From Malay, rambutan is translated as "hairy".

Fruits are very light in weight, so 1 kilogram can contain several dozen of them. By the way, after bananas, which we pretty much hooked on in India (not only because of the taste, but also for reasons of sanitary safety), this is the number 2 fruit that you can easily and safely eat while traveling. A bunch of rambutans can be bought at the market or on the side of the road and eaten right away, which you can’t do with the same papaya or mango, not to mention the fruit, which is eaten with a peel.

You just need to tear the peel in the middle and remove the upper half (the hairs are not prickly at all), then send the pulp into your mouth and stay in your hand with the second half of the peel - you don’t even need to wash your hands.

In Malaysia, we got just in the season of rambutans (May) and the cost for 1 kg was the same as for 1 kg of mango (about $ 1), but in Bali, they turned out to be 3 times more expensive, although in October they had already fallen in price to $ 1.5 .
Mangosteen (mangostin), aka mangosteen, mangosteen, garcinia, mangkut

The fruit is round, 4-8 cm in diameter, covered with a thick (1 cm) maroon-violet inedible peel, under which there are 5-8 segments of white, very juicy pulp, with large seeds inside each segment. We met mangosteen in Sri Lanka - when we saw them for the first time, we thought that some kind of strange persimmon was here.

We were not going to buy them, but the seller stopped us at the last moment, showing a clever trick, opening this fruit in a second. Seeing the juicy pulp, we could not resist the desire and tried it, and then of course we bought it. The taste of the fruit is very pleasant, creamy-sweet and slightly tart.

In hot weather, this is a great fruit to quench your thirst.
Melodi (melodi), aka pepino, melon pear or sweet cucumber

Fruits are diverse, differ in size, shape, color and taste. Some have an exotic color - bright yellow, others purple, which is reminiscent of eggplant. The flesh of a ripe fruit is light yellow or completely colorless. Melody tastes like a mixture of pear and cucumber with a melon flavor. It can be added to sweet desserts and salads (depending on the variety). Here in Bali, we love to add it to salads - the fruit costs about the same as cucumbers, and the taste is more tender and interesting.

Shades of taste, by the way, are different - from sweet and sour to sweet. The melody itself is very juicy, it is 92% water, so it is great for quenching thirst. Vitamin C gives the sourness to the fruit, the fruit is also rich in iron, keratin and a large amount of vitamins A, B1, B2 and PP.
Longan (longan) or dragon's eye

The first name comes from the name of the Vietnamese province of Longan. And the second from the structure of the fruit - if you break the "berry" in half, then a black bone appears, which, against the background of transparent beige pulp, resembles the eye of a Longan, grows in clusters on evergreen trees, the height of which can reach twenty meters. More than 200 kg of fruits are harvested from each tree during the summer.

Outwardly, the fruits are similar to nuts, easy to clean. The color of the inedible outer shell of the fruit is spotty yellowish. Lognan tends to ripen after being removed from the tree. Under the peel hides a transparent juicy pulp - sweet and very fragrant with a musky flavor. Under the pulp is one large bone.

Longan is quite rich in vitamins, it contains a lot of vitamin C, B1, B2 and B3, as well as micro and macro elements such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, manganese and, in addition, many bioacids that are useful for the skin. With such richness, the fruit is low in calories. Longan can be eaten fresh, or as a snack with hot and spicy dishes, a drink from it perfectly quenches thirst and improves appetite

For the first time we tried the fruit in Bali - somehow walking around the market with our Balinese friend Budi, we asked him about his favorite fruits and he, without delay, pointed out this rather inconspicuous fruit. Budi comes from Java, and longan is very popular there.

The first time we did not really like it, the aroma was not as pronounced as expected. We decided that we simply didn’t taste it, and after a couple of days we bought it again - this time the longan turned out to be very tasty and juicy.

Against the background of other exotic, more appetizing-looking fruits, it certainly loses outwardly, but the palette of useful components included in it and the refreshing taste push you to buy again and again.

Longan is used in Chinese traditional medicine as a tonic for weakness, fatigue, tachycardia, dizziness, and impaired vision. Also, the pulp of the fruit is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, reduce body temperature during fever, calm with unreasonable excitement, normalize sleep and improve memory, and focus.
Kepundung (kepundung) or Asian gooseberry

In appearance, it is very similar to Longan, but the taste is completely different. The skin is thick but easy to peel. The fruits inside are white-pink, have a viscous jelly structure, there is a stone that is difficult to separate from the pulp - this is one of the reasons why kepundung is easier to use for making syrups and sauces, and not to be consumed fresh. The taste of the fruit is very pleasant, sweet and sour, refreshing with a light delicate aroma. Kepundung is a well-known source of vitamin C in Asia, making it useful for treating throat and respiratory problems.

The fruit is considered sacred among Indian and Tibetan healers who use dried fruits for a wide range of problems such as indigestion, high fever, liver problems and anemia. Kepundung is good for the prevention and treatment of stress, fever, arthritis.
Tamarind (tamarind) or Indian date, he is asam, asem, sampalok

It's actually a legume plant, but it's sold in the fruit section, and because of its sweet taste, many actually consider it a fruit. A fruit is hidden under the shell - a brown pod-shaped bean, similar, sorry, to a "turd", consisting of a soft pulp and many dense seeds.

The pulp can be eaten fresh as a fruit or a sweet for tea. It is also widely used as a spice in both Asian and Latin American cuisines.

The pulp of green fruits is sour and is used in the preparation of spicy dishes, but the ripe fruits are sweeter, with a fruity taste, they are used to make desserts, drinks, and snacks.

In Latin America, especially in Mexico, this fruit is very popular and is used in all sorts of ways. It was in Mexico that we first got acquainted with its taste - we tried Tamarindo sweets - hard candies with seeds, with a characteristic aroma and taste.

We did not like sweets, but here, in Bali, we bought fresh tamarind, not even suspecting that we had already tried it before - this time we liked it.

Thanks to their healing properties, pulp, leaves and bark are used in medicine. In the Philippines, the leaves are traditionally used to make an herbal tea to relieve fever from malaria. And in India, in Ayurveda - for the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract. Tamarind contains a large amount of vitamin C, as well as vitamins A and E. Protects against colds and heart disease.

The tamarind is the official tree of Santa Clara in Cuba and is featured on the city's coat of arms.
Papaya (papaya)

Sweet juicy papaya pieces melt in your mouth. The fruit is exceptionally nutritious, and what is most interesting, papaya is not boring at all, we have been happy to eat it very often in India and Sri Lanka, and in Bali it has been our traditional breakfast dish for the sixth month. In India and Bali, papaya is very sweet, we especially like the California variety, but in Thailand, as our friends say, it is more watery. In Mexico, we liked it only in combination with yogurt or honey - there it is more customary to eat it a little underripe and even with salt and chili peppers.

Papaya is a valuable source of beta-carotene, a third of a medium-sized fruit satisfies the daily requirement of an adult for vitamin C, and also provides the necessary amount of calcium and iron.

Papaya fruits not only in appearance, but also in chemical composition are close to melon, contain glucose and fructose, organic acids, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals, so papaya is sometimes called the “melon tree”.

They say that when roasted on a fire, papaya fruits smell like fresh bread, which gave this plant another interesting name - "breadfruit".

Green papaya has contraceptive and abortifacient properties - Asian women who wish to terminate their pregnancy ate the unripe fruit in large quantities.

In tropical countries, papaya juice is used for diseases of the spine, as it contains an enzyme that regenerates the connective tissue of the intervertebral discs. Perhaps it is precisely because of the frequent use of papaya that Asians are less prone to diseases of the locomotor system, even despite the tradition of wearing heavy things on their heads.
Coconut (cocos, coconut)

Although they are often referred to as "coconuts", they are not actually nuts, but drupes - stone fruits (like peaches). The weight of a coconut is 1.5-2.5 kg, its outer shell is green, brown or yellow, depending on the variety, pierced with fibers, and the inner, hard shell is the very “shell” that many are used to seeing on store shelves. In a young coconut, the liquid (coconut water) is clear and tasty, it is these coconuts that are bought as a drink. Gradually, with the appearance of oil droplets inside, secreted by the bark, the liquid turns into a milky emulsion, then thickens and hardens, solidifying on the walls of the shell.

In Mexico, we mostly bought already hard, sliced ​​coconuts. When eaten with chocolate, they are very reminiscent of Bounty bars.

But coconut water was first tasted in India. There, young coconuts are sold on every corner, and they are very cheap ($0.3 versus $1-1.5 in Bali). They are not sold in fruit stalls, but often just from a cart. Sometimes, right under the tree on the ground, lies a mountain of fresh coconuts and split bones. Sellers deftly, in 2-3 steps, cut off the top and insert the tube - the drink is ready

A young coconut contains about 2 cups of "coconut milk". After the natural container is empty, you can ask to split it into 2 parts and with a spoon made right there by the seller from one cut along the outer layer, scrape out the pulp - a translucent jelly slurry.

In Bali, various varieties of both young and hard coconuts are in abundance, and the latter are sold already peeled, which is very convenient.

The 1st place in the world in the production of coconuts, and this is about 20,000 thousand tons of fruits per year, is occupied by the Philippines. Indonesia and India are in 2nd and 3rd places, respectively.

Coconut is a strong aphrodisiac, it normalizes the reproductive system. Milk and pulp of coconut well restore strength and improve eyesight.

Coconut oil is generally a versatile product, it is used in cooking, for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Strengthens and nourishes hair, as well as moisturizes and softens the skin, smoothing wrinkles; improves the functioning of the digestive system and liver; normalize thyroid function; relaxes muscles and helps with joint problems; increases immunity and resistance to various infections, reduces the adaptability of bacteria to antibiotics.

The pulp normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood; helps with colds, diarrhea, and gallbladder diseases; has antimicrobial, antiviral wound-healing effect; reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases of cardio-vascular system, as well as oncological diseases and degeneration processes. Hard coconuts contain B vitamins and vitamins C and E, as well as various mineral salts.

In general, not a fruit, but a whole natural pharmacy.
Pineapple (ananas, pineapple)

The largest pineapple plantations are concentrated in the Hawaiian Islands, which is about 30% of world production. Did you know that pineapples grow on bushes, not on trees? For the first time as they grow, we are in Sri Lanka, and we were very surprised. Pineapple, along with bananas, is one of the most popular fruits in Asia, they are found in every country - of different varieties and sizes. We ate the most delicious pineapples in Sri Lanka - bright, sweet and juicy, with a rich aroma, just a heavenly delight. Our friends from Sri Lanka even brought such pineapples home to Russia as souvenirs.

And in India, we liked the way of peeling pineapples on the beaches. In the states of Kerala and Goa, vendors carry fruits for sale in large bowls on their heads, including pineapples. They are turned upside down, deftly peeled with a knife, and literally a minute later they are handed over like an ice cream cone.

Pineapple is low in calories, and the high content of potassium salts helps to get rid of excess fluid and even several kilograms of weight. Pineapple dessert improves the digestion of fatty foods and improves metabolism. Due to the complex of biologically active substances, pineapple stimulates digestion and reduces blood viscosity.

Pineapple contains vitamins A, B and C, as well as numerous trace elements, including bromelain, which improves the absorption of protein substances by the body.
Passion fruit (marakujya), aka edible passion flower, or edible passionflower, or purple granadilla

African fruits represent an inexhaustible palette of flavors and shapes. Tourists visiting this continent are delighted with their diversity and quantity. After all, sometimes it happens that already ripened fruits do not find a market and rot, never reaching the inhabitants of the northern continent.

So what are they, fruits of Africa? You will find photos and descriptions of overseas delicacies in this article.

What grows in Africa?

What fruits can a tourist choose this exotic continent for recreation? Their list is very extensive. So what fruits grow in Africa?

There are extensive orchards on specially designated irrigated areas. Apricots and peaches hang in clusters on their trees. But these fruits of Africa are different from those that we are used to seeing on the shelves of our stores. So, peaches on this continent are found in several types. The first one is selective. Its fruits are large in size, but do not have sufficient sweetness. The second type of peach belongs to local varieties. Its fruits are small in size, unsightly in shape, but very sweet. The third is one of the last to keep up. Its fruits have an almost white color, which slightly gives off crimson hues. This type of peach is also very sweet.

We are all well aware of such fruits from Africa as tangerines, pomegranates and oranges. Trees hung with these fruits are also very common on this continent.

The most famous fruits of Africa for a European inhabitant are bananas. Here they ripen year-round, bringing sweet and fragrant fruits.

What other fruits in Africa will not surprise our tourists? These are pears. Although, unlike those that grow in our country, they are tough. But local apples, which can be tasted only in summer, have a pleasant sour taste. As a rule, they are small in size and elongated in shape.

What other African fruits do we know? This is a pineapple. Although South America is considered its historical homeland, it also grows in Africa.

We are all familiar with such South African fruits as watermelons. Here you can still find this herbaceous plant in the wild. Watermelons have been known since ancient Egypt. These fruits were even placed in the pharaoh's tomb to serve him as food in the afterlife. Today, watermelons are grown on five continents. Extensive plantations of this plant can be found in China, Turkey. There are they in the Russian Volga region, as well as in the southern regions of our country.

indian fig

Of course, we can meet fruits from Africa on the shelves of our stores. But still, we will never see many of them in our homeland. And although it is not easy to give all exotic fruits, photos and names, we will still introduce you to most of them.

So, Indian figs are found everywhere on the African continent. But the traveler should not pay attention to its name. After all, these exotic fruits of Africa (and their photos prove it) have nothing to do with the figs we are used to. wild cacti called prickly pear.

Indian figs are pear-shaped. Its fruits are red, green or yellow, reaching a length of 5 to 7.5 cm, covered with small sharp spines. Under the peel is a translucent pulp with large seeds, very sweet in taste.


It is believed that this is Africa. Its homeland is the western territories of the continent. These exotic African fruits, photos and descriptions of which are given below, grow on the tropical Irvingia tree.

Mango fruits are egg-shaped. At the same time, their sizes range from the size of a pear to a coconut. Mango has a tough green or yellow skin. Inside the fruit is a large bone.

Mangoes have yellow-orange flesh. Its piquant sweetish taste, somewhat reminiscent of our raspberries, makes this fruit one of the most wonderful fruits in the world.

Since ancient times, the local population has been using mango as a remedy. And its seeds, called Dicca nuts, are used in modern cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. Mango is especially famous among those who decide to lose extra pounds. After all, the plant substance that is found in Dicca nuts is an excellent tool for losing weight.


What other exotic fruits of Africa exist, photos with names of which are interesting to consider? On the territory of Egypt, one of the subspecies of the annon tree grows. It is called cream, or Another name for this exotic plant is ashta.

In October-November, fruits ripen on the trees of the scaly annona. They look like a massive prickly apple and resemble a green cone. The ashta fruit is quite large. Sometimes its weight can approach 2.5 kg.

The white flesh of the fruit is eaten. At the same time, black seeds contained in it are recommended to be thrown away. You need to eat only those fruits that have a dark tint. It is also desirable that the fruit be soft and slightly crushed with a little pressure on the peel. Buying a completely black ashta is not worth it. This color indicates that the fruit is overripe and has an unpleasant taste. The green color of the peel is evidence of the immaturity of the "sugar apple".

Exotic ashta fruit, which you can taste while traveling through the African continent, has a very interesting taste. It looks like a mixture of ingredients such as melon and apple, yogurt and strawberries. No wonder the name of this fruit is translated from Arabic as "cream".

White pulp is not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains a lot of fructose and vitamins B1, 2 and C. Ashta also contains easily digestible carbohydrates.


Many exotic African fruits arouse the delight and curiosity of tourists who see them for the first time. The nod is no exception. This fruit is called horned melon or African cucumber.

Kiwano fruits are unusual. They look like orange hedgehogs the size of an orange. At the same time, there are amazing marble stains on the skin of fruits with soft thick cones. Having cut the kiwano, you can see the pulp, which contains snow-white seeds, “packed” in ampoules of dark emerald jelly.

The taste of an exotic African fruit is as unusual as its appearance. It simultaneously resembles a melon and a cucumber, a banana and a lime. Some even catch notes of avocado in it. In connection with such an extensive palette of flavors, kiwano is used in the preparation of not only sweet, but also spicy dishes. It is also consumed fresh, salted and pickled. Assorted kivano with various fruits and berries make delicious jam and compote.

The exotic African fruit is rich in alkaline mineral salts, vitamin C and P-active substances. In this regard, it is recommended for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as vascular and heart pathologies. In its homeland, kiwano is used by local residents to heal burns and wounds. This fruit is especially attractive for those who are on a diet. After all, horned African melon has virtually no calories.

magic fruit

What else can surprise a traveler on a sunny continent? All exotic fruits, photos and names of which are posted in this article, are unusual in their appearance and taste. But on the territory of Africa grows a small tree belonging to the Sapotov family. Its fruits are miracle fruits. These are bright red small berries, the length of which is only 2-3 cm. In their appearance, they resemble barberries.

The magical fruit is sweet and very palatable. But you need to eat it almost immediately after harvesting. After all, during storage, the fruits lose all their qualities.

Named so for a reason. It has truly magical properties. It contains the protein miraculin (glycoprotein), which acts on the magical fruit. After eating the magic fruit, the sour taste in the mouth is replaced by a sweet one. It is noteworthy that the aromatic properties of the products remain unchanged. For example, after eating a miracle fruit, a lemon will seem sweet. At the same time, citrus will fully retain its taste and aroma. This effect lasts for two hours.

Magic fruit is used as a natural sweetener. It is recommended for those who wish to adhere to a dietary diet, but at the same time experience an irresistible craving for everything sweet. It is also recommended for patients with diabetes.

The beneficial properties of the amazing African fruit do not end there. After all, it contains many trace elements that support the normal functioning of the human body. Also in the miracle fruit a lot of fiber and vegetable acids that improve the health of the digestive system.


It is unlikely that a European in his homeland could taste the rarest exotic fruits of Africa. Among them is aki. This plant is from the Sapindaceae family and is native to West Africa. Its unripe for a human. That is why in some countries aki is a forbidden fruit. However, only those fruits that have undergone improper heat treatment or have not opened on their own are poisonous.

The aki fruit is pear-shaped. Its skin is bright orange-red. In length, these exotic fruits grow up to 9 cm. After ripening, the fruits open on their own. At the same time, they expose the white juicy pulp under the skin, which contains large black seeds. Aki tastes like a walnut. It is worth remembering that you only need to eat the pulp of this exotic fruit. To avoid poisoning, it should only be boiled by dipping in boiling water for at least 10 minutes.

The aki fruit is popular in Jamaican cuisine. Here they make a side dish out of it. To do this, the pulp is pre-boiled, and then fried in oil. The resulting dish in its taste resembles the familiar omelette.

This fruit is widely used in its homeland. The peoples of West Africa make preparations from it that can save a person from many diseases.


This exotic fruit is also native to Africa. It grows on trees of the same name, found in many tropical countries. The marula plant belongs to the pistachio family. In March, small fruits appear on its branches, outwardly similar to plums. They have thick skins and very sweet flesh. Inside the fruit is a hard large bone.

Marula is rich in vitamin C. This makes it very beneficial for the human body. Moreover, a valuable vitamin is found not only in the pulp of the fruit. A lot of it and in the bone. In addition to vitamin C, marula contains all the minerals and nutrients involved in the development and building of the body's cellular structure.

The peoples of Africa use the fruit for culinary purposes. Moreover, not only the fruits, but also the leaves of the plant are used for food. This tree is a wonderful source of food for people and animals. So, the local population extracts oil from the core of the bones, which contains a lot of proteins. And in the peel and in the pulp, natural antioxidants and oleic acid are present in large quantities. That is why marula is one of the essential ingredients of many African dishes. So, from the peel of an exotic fruit, drinks are obtained that resemble coffee and tea in their taste.

Marula fruits are very high in sugar. After falling to the ground, they begin to roam. The result is a real natural bar that animals love to visit.

African pear

This plant, which is also called edible dacriodes, belongs to the Burzer family. Its homeland is the equatorial territories of Africa. Here, evergreen African pear trees can be found in woodlands with moist soils. The height of this tree sometimes reaches 40 m.

The fruits of edible dacryodes have an elongated elliptical shape. In length, they grow up to 12 cm. The peel of this exotic fruit has a purple or blue tint. That is why the African pear looks like an eggplant.

The pulp of the fruit is soft and oily. It has a dark green color. Locals consume African pear fruits raw, boiled, fried and stewed.

This amazing fruit contains many trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, fats and triglycerides. The African pear is very nutritious and high in calories. Indeed, even when boiled, its pulp contains up to forty-eight percent fat.


In the forests you can find a beautiful tree with a wide dense crown and bizarre fruits. This is Kigelia pinnate, belonging to the Bignoniev family. Another name for the plant is sausage tree. Of course, it seems a little strange. But the fact is that the fruits of this tree have an amazing shape, reminiscent of loaves due to their brownish-gray color. Moreover, they hang on long pedicels like on ropes. This whole picture resembles sausages suspended immediately after production. The pedicels are so strong that a person can swing on them if desired.

Kigelia fruits hang on their strings for several months, gradually increasing in size. After maturation, their peel bursts.

It is worth bearing in mind that, despite the appetizing name, African tree sausages are inedible. The local population eats only the seeds of these fruits, and even then only after preliminary frying. Raw seeds are poisonous. The fruits of the sausage tree are eaten only by giraffes, monkeys and hippos. Kigelia seeds are a great treat for parrots. These amazing fruits are used by people as fuel, and also to make red dye.

Can be justifiably proud of such wealth! After all, this is such an endless variety of fruits that sometimes it seems that nature is experimenting with shape, color, tastes and smells, creating unexpected combinations.

Harvested here three times a year! Therefore, fresh fruits in Thailand are always available and their prices are very cheap. Thanks to the favorable climate, no chemical fertilizers are needed for their cultivation, which means that all fruits are environmentally friendly and very healthy.

When approaching a fruit stand, travelers usually cannot make their choice right away. After all, having seen so many fruits unfamiliar to them, full of bright colors, I want to try everything at once! You can try the first thing you liked, at random. Most likely it will turn out to be an incredibly tasty fruit, and it will be very difficult to compare this taste with something already familiar. But sometimes the taste and smell of the selected fruit can be very surprising. It may be salty, or it may not taste at all.

Therefore, it is important to know something about Thai fruits in advance: how to peel them, what taste and smell they have, how they are eaten and what dishes they use. Each of these fruits is worth exploring in more detail, with names and photos.


: Sa-pa-rot

Pineapple is a familiar large tropical fruit. It is oval in shape, covered with a hard, angular skin on the outside, and has a bunch of hard leaves on top. Inside - bright yellow juicy pulp, soft and sweet. There are different varieties of pineapples that differ in size and taste. It is believed that in Thailand - the best pineapples in the world. They are sold whole directly with peel and leaves, as well as peeled. Either on a handle, for which the fruit can be held and eaten immediately, or cut into slices and packed in cling film. In Thailand, pineapples are used in salads and curries, they are also used to make jams, fresh juices, necks and alcoholic cocktails.

Watermelon (Watermelon)

Thai: Taeng-mo

Watermelon is also quite a popular delicacy all over the world. This is a large, rounded fruit (more precisely, a berry) with a dark green striped rind. Inside - very juicy red pulp with black seeds. In Thailand, you can meet not only red watermelons, but also yellow ones. They practically do not differ in taste - they all have very sweet pulp. Watermelons are sold whole, as well as peeled and cut into slices, that is, immediately ready for use. Thais like to drink watermelon juice or shake (watermelon pulp with crushed ice), and eat it often with salt.


Thai: Kluai

Bananas are a very common fruit in Thailand, where you can find many different types of bananas. Classic, familiar bananas are large in size, have an oblong shape. Beneath the thick yellow rind is an almost white flesh of a delicately sweet taste, and sometimes slightly astringent. In Thailand, these bananas are used only for cooking. They are fried with spices, boiled in coconut milk, dried, thus obtaining banana chips, or prepared delicious pancakes with egg and banana filling. In fresh form, another type is usually consumed - finger bananas. They are three times smaller than usual, have a thin peel and more yellow and sweet flesh. There are also red finger bananas.


Thai: Farang

Guava is a Thai fruit that looks like a large green apple or pear with an uneven surface. Inside - white or pink pulp, in consistency - like an apple, with many small seeds. The fruit is very sweet and has a record content of vitamin C. Guava is eaten fresh with the skin on, or cut into slices and sprinkled with sugar, spices or salt. Sometimes it is used to make juices, salads and desserts.


Thai: Kha-nun

Jackfruit is a very large oval fruit that can weigh up to 40 kilograms. It is covered with a dense crust-shell with small spikes. Inside, it consists of many large yellow lobules with a very delicate sweet taste and pleasant aroma. Jackfruit is most often sold already peeled and ready to eat. Bones are even taken out of the slices, which are then cooked separately and added to different dishes. Jackfruit is very nutritious, it is eaten fresh, added to fruit salads, juices and smoothies. The pulp of unripe fruits is used in cooking.


Thai: Too-ree-an

Durian is nicknamed the "king of fruits" in Thailand. Its fruits are very large in size and weigh several kilograms. Durian has an oval shape, the outside is covered with a hard crust with large spines, resembling a shell. Inside, it is divided into several sections, which are filled with soft yellow pulp. They may contain a couple of large bones. Durian pulp has a pleasant tart-sweet taste, which cannot be said about the smell. It is because of the disgusting smell that this fruit is forbidden to be brought into many hotels. Hence another nickname - "the taste of heaven, the smell of hell." Despite this, durian is popular in Thailand, it is very much loved by both locals and tourists. This fruit is usually eaten fresh or fried with salt. It is worth paying attention that the pulp must be soft, not elastic (which is found in unripe durians), otherwise the taste will be the same as the smell. Durian is a very nutritious fruit, it has many vitamins and warms the body. But it should not be consumed with alcohol.

Carambola (Carambola, Star Fruit)

Thai: Ma-fuang

Carambola is a small, angular, oval, bright yellow fruit that resembles sweet peppers in texture. In cross section, the carambola fruit has the shape of a star, hence the second name - "star fruit". It is usually eaten fresh, cut into slices without peeling. The fruits are very juicy with a pleasant floral slightly sweet taste and aroma. Unripe fruits have a sour taste and are often used to make refreshing juices, as well as salads and sauces.


Thai: Ma-phrao

Coconuts or more correctly - coconuts widespread in Thailand. This is a large fruit, weighing up to three kilograms, with a hard shell, green on the outside and white on the inside. Under it, in the very center of the fruit, is, in fact, the nut itself - a hard shell with pulp and liquid inside. This liquid is called coconut milk. It has a sweetish grassy taste, perfectly quenches thirst and has many useful properties. In Thailand, coconuts are used in a variety of areas. As for the cuisine, coconut flesh is fried, stewed, grilled and added to various dishes. Coconut milk is used to make soups, sauces, cocktails, desserts and ice cream.

Lychee (Lichi)

Thai: Lin-chi

Lychee is a small, round fruit with a thick, bumpy red skin. The peel is easily separated from the white pulp, which has a sweet tart taste and an oblong black stone inside. Depending on the lychee variety, the shape and shade of its fruit may vary slightly. In addition to round ones, there are oval and heart-shaped fruits, and the color varies from raspberry-pink to dark red. Lychee is eaten fresh, this fruit quenches thirst well and is very useful for anemia. Also, juices and syrups are prepared from lychee fruits.

Longan (Dragon Eye)

Thai: Lam-yai

Longan are small, nut-like fruits that grow in clusters like grapes. They have a light brown skin that is easy to peel. Under it is a white translucent pulp, in consistency - like a grape, and a round black seed in the center. Because of the appearance of its fruits, the loggan has received the name "dragon's eye", which is how its Thai name is translated. Longan pulp is very juicy and sweet, with a honey flavor and a pleasant aroma. It is eaten fresh or dried to form a dried fruit similar to raisins. Longan fruits are also used to make ice cream and desserts.


Thai: Langsat

Longkong is in many ways similar to longan, these are also small round fruits that grow in a bunch. The skin is also dense, light brown in color. The pulp is slightly different. In longkong, it is slightly yellowish in color, translucent and divided into lobules. They are easily extracted from the skin and have a sweet and sour taste. Longkong is eaten fresh and added to ice cream.


Thai: Ma-muang

Mango is widespread in the countries of South Asia, there are dozens of varieties of mangoes, so it is called the "tropical apple". This is an oval fruit, slightly narrowed on one side. Classic Thai mangoes are yellow in color with a thin, smooth skin. Under it lies a dense flesh of the same bright yellow color, with a pleasant aroma and sweet honey taste. Depending on the variety, mangoes are very diverse. Their color can be green, pink or orange, or maybe a combination of a couple of different colors. The taste of the varieties of these fruits and the consistency are also different. Mangoes are eaten fresh, peeled, and also used in various dishes, desserts and drinks.


Thai: Mong-khut

Mangosteen is a real Thai fruit that is grown here in huge quantities and exported all over the world. And if durian is called in Thailand the “king of fruits”, then mangosteen is called the “queen of fruits”. This is a purple-burgundy fruit of medium size, with dense leaves on top. It looks like a round eggplant. Inside there are several slices of white oily pulp with a delicate sweet taste. Sometimes a couple of hard bones come across in it. Mangosteen is eaten fresh, and desserts are also prepared from it. This fruit cools the body, so it is recommended to eat it after durian.

Tangerine (Mandarin, Tangerine)

Thai: Som

Mandarin is a small citrus fruit that is popular all over the world. Thai mandarin is somewhat different from the usual European ones. A better name for this fruit is tangerine. It is smaller in size, its skin is rich green and noticeably thinner. The taste is sweeter. In Thailand, they sell fresh tangerines, as well as freshly squeezed tangerine juice, which is poured into bottles with a straw immediately after squeezing. Sweet, rich citrus juice is rich in essential oils and vitamin C.


Thai: Ma-la-ko

Papaya fruits look like a zucchini or an elongated pear. When unripe, papaya skin is green, and inside there are many small seeds concentrated in the center, and dense light pulp of sour taste, which is used only for cooking, especially salads. Here papaya appears as a vegetable. It becomes a fruit when the fruits ripen: the skin turns yellow, and the flesh becomes orange and softer. The pits are easily removed, like a melon. In this form, papaya has a sweet, delicate taste and a pleasant aroma. It is eaten fresh, cut into slices, and is also used in the preparation of desserts, drinks and ice cream. Fresh papaya is great for improving digestion and getting rid of any stomach problems.

Pitahaya, Dragon Fruit (Pitahaya, Dragon Friut)

Thai: Geow mangon

Pitahaya is a fruit (or rather, a cactus) originally from Australia, but perfectly acclimatized in Thailand. Its fruits are large, oval in shape and covered with large scales. The skin color can be pink, bright crimson or yellow. Inside - white or pink pulp of sweet and sour taste with small bones, reminiscent of kiwi. Pitahaya (sometimes - pitahaya) is widely used in Thai cuisine - drinks are prepared from it, including alcoholic ones, as well as many desserts: jams, sauces, yogurts, sweets, and more. Fresh pitahaya or dragon fruit is peeled, sliced ​​and ready to eat. It is worth noting that the raspberry part of the fruit has the same bright juice, which practically does not wash off the tissues. Therefore, often this fruit is forbidden to be brought into hotel rooms.


Thai: Som-o

Pomelo is the largest citrus fruit. Outwardly, it looks like a large grapefruit and is covered with a thick peel of green or yellow, depending on the variety. Inside are slices, again, like a grapefruit or orange, but a little less juicy. The film separating them is denser, and the taste of the pulp is sweeter, slightly bitter. Slices of different varieties of pomelo can be light yellow or orange-pink. The more fragrant the peel of the fruit, the sweeter it will be inside. Pomelo is a highly nutritious fruit and is most often eaten fresh, especially for breakfast. In the city, it is usually sold already peeled and peeled, only sweet slices. Juices and refreshing cocktails are also prepared from pomelo fruits.


Thai: Ngoh

Rambutan is a fruit that immediately grabs attention. Its fruits are round, small in size and have a dense red skin covered with long villi. It is easily peeled, inside there is a white pulp, similar to grape, with a sweet taste and delicate aroma. In the center of the pulp there is a small bone that can also be eaten - it looks like a nut. Rambutans are best eaten fresh, but they are also added to desserts and often canned.

Rose Apple

Thai: Chom phu

The pink apple got its name not because of the color, but because of the aroma. The fruits of this fruit are very similar in texture and consistency to an apple, their color can be from light green to red. However, they are bell-shaped and have a pleasant rose scent. The taste of a rose apple is usually sweet with sourness. It is eaten fresh, the skin can not be peeled. Often this fruit is added to fruit salads and desserts.

Salak, Snake Fruit (Salakh, Snake Fruit)

Thai: Ra-kum

Salak or Sala is a small tropical fruit that looks like a strawberry from a distance. But in fact, it has a dense peel of bright burgundy color, reminiscent of snake scales. It is not easy to clean it with your own hands, it is better to use a knife or other object to pick off the peel. The pulp of this fruit is yellowish-white, similar in texture to a soft apple and is divided into several slices. It tastes sweet with sourness, a bit like strawberries. But her aroma is peculiar, many compare it with valerian. The aroma of the fruit is light, so it does not particularly interfere with enjoying a pleasant taste. Salak is eaten fresh, sometimes it is sold already peeled and ready to eat.

Sapodilla (Sapodilla)

Thai: La-mut

Sapodilla is a small, oval, light brown fruit that looks like a kiwi, but without the hairs. Under the thin skin is a brownish-creamy flesh with a sweet milky caramel flavor and a few small seeds. Do not store sapodilla for more than two days after purchase, as its taste changes noticeably. This fruit is eaten fresh and is also used to decorate various dishes due to the unusual color and flavor of the pulp.

Sugar Apple

Thai: Noi-na

The sugar apple is a rounded fruit with a bumpy green surface. Unripe fruits have a firm, crispy white pulp inside, like an apple. There are also several large bones. As the fruit ripens, it becomes very soft, like a puree. The sugar apple tastes very sweet in both cases, which explains its name. Often its pulp is used in the preparation of ice cream, and, of course, eaten fresh. It is important to note that the seeds of a sugar apple are used to make insect poisons, so after removing the seeds, do not touch your eyes and nose so as not to get irritated.

Tamarind (Tamarind)

Thai: Ma-kham-wan

Tamarind fruits look like a cross between bean and peanut pods ( peanut). Its peel, or even the shell, is peeled very easily. Beneath it is a fibrous pulp of brown color with a tart sweet and sour taste and hard seeds inside. By taste and texture, this fruit is often compared to dates. Tamarind is consumed fresh, and also used as spices or boiled to make soft drinks.