What does a ripe lychee look like? Lychee fruit - beneficial properties and harm to health

Lychee (otherwise "fox", "liji", "Chinese plum", "laise", "dragon eye") is a tasty and healthy fruit that can be found not only in the countries of Southeast Asia, but also in domestic supermarkets.

Recently exported to us to a greater extent from Vietnam and Thailand. Nevertheless, many still do not know what it tastes like and how to use it. The benefits and harms of the "Chinese plum" are of interest to many consumers. Let's try to figure this out.

What does a lychee look like?

This fruit is small (from 2.5 to 3.5 cm in diameter) and weighs about 15, maximum - 20 g. It has an oval or ovoid shape. The reddish or pinkish lychee peel is dense, but brittle, consists of numerous tubercles. The jelly-like juicy pulp of the fruit has a white or creamy hue. It has an excellent, refreshing, sweet and sour taste and pleasant aroma. Inside the fruit is an inedible seed, oblong, dark brown in color. This is what a lychee fruit looks like, the photo clearly demonstrates this.

This interesting fruit grows in clusters on evergreen trees of the Sapindaceae family, reaching a height of 30 m. They have a dense, spreading crown. Their leaves are dense and leathery, usually a rich dark green hue. Lychee trees bloom with numerous yellowish flowers, collected in hanging inflorescences, similar to "umbrellas".

Where did this come from

China is considered to be the homeland of the lychee, where this fruit has been grown for over 1000 years. Since ancient times, the Chinese called this fruit because of the bright combination of red peel, white pulp and brown seed. In Europe, this tasty fruit was known only in the 17th century. Where does lychee grow now? Today, trees of the Sapindaceae family are actively bearing fruit in vast areas of Southeast Asia, Australia, in the countries of South America and Africa (South Africa), as well as in the southern United States. This fruit is exported to Russia mainly from the northern regions of Vietnam and Thailand. Harvested in the subtropics in May-June, cutting the bunches together with the stem part of the branch. Individually harvested fruits spoil extremely quickly and begin to ferment.

Lychee - a storehouse of vitamins and minerals

This tropical fruit has a variety as it contains a lot of vitamins. The dragon's eye is rich in valuable micro and macro elements. Lychee contains B vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Also, the "dragon eye" contains vitamins K, E, H and folic acid. Especially a lot of vitamin C in its composition. In addition, lychee is rich in healthy dietary fiber and a large amount pure water. In addition, the Chinese plum is also rich in minerals, including copper, fluorine, zinc, manganese, and iodine. It contains phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron, sulfur and potassium. The sugar content in lychee varies between 5-15% depending on where the fruit grows.

Lychee fruit. Benefit and harm

Such a high content of valuable vitamins, micro and macro elements, as well as fiber and pure water makes the "Chinese plum" extremely useful product. It saturates a person with the necessary substances, gives strength and vigor. Lychee has a wonderful tonic effect on the body as a whole, mobilizes the immune system. It has been known in China since ancient times that "dragon's eye" is the strongest natural aphrodisiac. It is able to rejuvenate the body, activate attraction and maintain "love" functions at the proper level. Lychee fruit has been successfully used for the prevention and treatment of many serious diseases. Its benefits and harms are, in fact, disproportionate. Counts,

It cannot cause serious harm to human health. But its benefits are enormous. However, it is advisable to be careful when consuming the fruit. Do not immediately eat too much lychee. Otherwise, an allergic reaction may occur. It manifests itself as acne on the skin and damage to the mucosa in oral cavity. To begin with, you should try one or two fruits and track the reaction of the body. If everything is in order, you can fearlessly eat up to 250 g of "Chinese plum" per day (for adults). Children over 2 years old should consume about 100 g of fruit. It is undesirable to include litchi in the diet of one-year-old babies. "Chinese plum" is contraindicated for those who have been found to have its individual intolerance.

How is lychee fruit used in folk medicine? how is it useful?

This tropical fruit is widely used in folk oriental medicine. It can and should be used to prevent beriberi and anemia. Lychee is often used to prevent cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, because it contains a significant amount of potassium.

The fetus also contains nicotinic acid, which has a positive effect on lipid metabolism in the body. Helps cleanse blood from cholesterol and dilates blood vessels lychee fruit. What else is useful? It is used to normalize blood sugar levels, so it is indicated for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia. In addition, useful decoctions and infusions are made on the basis of the "Chinese plum", which normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, have a mild laxative effect, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Lychee preparations are prescribed for people with lung diseases, including those suffering from bronchitis, asthma, or those with tuberculosis. These drugs make breathing easier and normalize the function of the respiratory system. Regular consumption of lychee is useful for those who have peptic ulcer, gastritis and pancreatic diseases. In oriental medicine, "Chinese plum" in combination with lemongrass is even used to treat cancer, including breast cancer. Is lychee peel good for you? It is no less valuable than the pulp of the fruit. Lychee peel is used to prepare decoctions and infusions that have a pronounced diuretic effect. They contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the tissues of the body, as well as increase the overall tone and improve well-being.

"Chinese plum" in diet food

Nutritionists recommend eating lychee in order to saturate the body with water, as well as reduce hunger. The "Chinese plum" contains pectin. It allows you to quickly saturate the body, giving nutrition to the beneficial intestinal microflora. Therefore, it is recommended to consume several lychee fruits before each meal, which will reduce the standard serving of food and not overeat. The calorie content of lychee is only 76 kcal / 100 g, so people who carefully monitor their weight can safely eat it.

How to choose a good, fresh fruit in the store?

If you want to purchase high-quality, tasty fruits, you must be guided by the following simple rules. First, when choosing a lychee, you need to pay attention to the color of its peel. It should be pink or red. The brown color indicates that the fruit was plucked from the tree a long time ago and has already deteriorated. The taste of dark-colored lychee will be unpleasant, and the smell will be sharper and stronger. The light yellow color of the fruit, on the contrary, indicates its immaturity. This fruit is also not worth buying. Secondly, when choosing a "Chinese plum" you need to pay attention to the presence of damage. A good fruit will not have any suspicious spots, dents, cracks. Thirdly, the lychee should be resilient, as if it would "burst" soon. Too soft or, conversely, hard fruit should not be taken. Fourthly, in the place where the petiole was located, there should be no white spots and mold. And finally, the smell of lychee should be pleasant, fresh, slightly reminiscent of the scent of a rose. Too heavy and sweet indicates overripe and stale fruit.

"Dragon's eye" in cooking

How to eat lychee? The fruit just needs to be washed under running water, peeled, and then the inedible bone removed. The juicy pulp of the fruit can be eaten fresh. Reminiscent of a mixture of strawberries, white grapes, currants and dried apricots lychee fruit. Its taste is pleasant, sweet and sour, fresh. In addition to fresh consumption, lychee canned, dried, frozen and heat-treated. Drinks, desserts are made from it, including delicious ice cream, a variety of sauces, mousses, and jellies. On the basis of lychee, an excellent golden wine is also made, with a pleasant fruity aromatic and soft sweet and sour aftertaste.

"Dragon's eye" is also used in the preparation of dishes from game, meat and sea ​​fish. In Chinese restaurants, you can enjoy deep-fried shrimp with sweet and sour sauce with lychee (Lizhi Xia Qiu). If you manage to get a fresh "Chinese plum", be sure to try the homemade sweet and sour chicken with almonds and lychee sauce. In addition, the fruit is used in the preparation of a variety of pastries, it is added to the filling of pies and pies, cookies and cakes are made from it.

How to store lychee?

The issue of storing the "dragon's eye" deserves special attention. In general, it is advisable to eat this fruit as soon as possible - on the first day after purchase. At room temperature, litchi can be safely kept for 2-3 days. In the refrigerator, at 7°C, lychee can be kept for one or two weeks, provided that the shell is intact and not damaged. In general, this fruit deteriorates quite quickly, its peel darkens and the amount of vitamins in its composition decreases. If you want to keep the lychee on long term, we advise you to peel the fruits and freeze them. You can also dry the fruit or preserve it. In China, pickled lychees are stored inside bamboo stalks. In India and Vietnam, whole fruits are dried, after which the peel becomes hard, while such fruits are called "nuts". In this article, we looked at an interesting Chinese fruit - lychee, the benefits and harms of which are of concern to many consumers. As you can see, the "Chinese plum" has practically no contraindications and therefore can be fearlessly eaten. Moreover, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and has a lot of undeniable advantages! Be sure to try this delicious exotic product.


Good afternoon, my dear readers! Lychee is a fruit of the Sapind family, not quite familiar to our area, well unknown. It is imported to us mainly from the African Republic, from America and from Asia.

On sale, this fruit can be found under various names, in particular, as Chinese plum, lasi, ligi, fox.

The overseas fruit is distinguished by its small size, bumpy brick-colored dense peel and juicy sweet pulp resembling jelly in consistency.

Let's see if there is any benefit in lychee fruits, how to use them correctly, and where is the best place to store an exotic product.

Lychee calories

Lychee is an overseas fruit that belongs to low-calorie foods. The calorie content in this case will depend on the type (variety) and growing conditions of the fruit. On average, 100 grams of lychee pulp accounts for 65 to 75 Kcal.

How much can you eat lychee per day?

According to experts, the daily norm of litchi per day for adults is 10-12 pieces, and for children 3-5 pieces.

Lychee: beneficial features

Lychee: useful properties

Lychee is a product with oriental roots, and therefore, for the most part, it is used in the preparation of various medical recipes healers of Asian countries. They recommend consuming 7-10 lychee fruits per day:

- to lower sugar;

- to cleanse the blood of cholesterol plaques;

- in diseases of the pancreas and liver;

- with constipation;

- with improper bowel function;

- for the prevention of diseases of the kidneys and lungs;

- for the treatment of tuberculosis;

- for weight loss;

- for the prevention of heart disease;

- for the prevention of atherosclerosis;

- to quench thirst;

- for the treatment of oncological diseases;

- to improve potency and sexual desire.

Lychee - bones

Lychee fruit: useful properties of the bone

As a rule, litchi is consumed fresh and only the pulp of the product. Few people know that the fruit bone is also of particular benefit.

Once in the body, the powdered composition (it must be mixed with other products), and it is in this form that litchi seeds can be consumed, has an analgesic effect, and also helps:

- with orchitis;

- with intestinal disorders and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

- with neuralgia;

- in violation of metabolism.

Among other things, Chinese healers prepare teas and decoctions from seeds ground into a powder, adding some other ingredients to the powder, which they then consume for medicinal purposes, usually for the prevention of worms and the treatment of diarrhea. However, there is still no evidence and evidence that these funds really help to cope with these diseases.

Attention! Representatives of traditional medicine claim that in addition to useful properties, lychee seeds also contain poison, which, consumed in large quantities, can lead to serious poisoning. Before you start using powder from the seeds of an exotic fruit, get professional advice from your doctor.

How to choose lychee fruit?

1. To choose a tasty and juicy, ripe lychee, you should first carefully examine the fruits. Fruits with deep red skin are considered good. At the same time, there should not be any dark or rotten spots on them. The color should be uniform throughout the fruit.

2. And the second rule, when choosing an exotic product, touch it to the touch. Ripe fruits are soft to the touch.

Lychee fruit. A photo. How it grows

Lychee fruit. A photo. How it grows.

How to store litchi at home?

1. At home, lychee is not difficult to store, in principle, like any other fruit. It is enough to put the food out of the bag on a plate and put it right in the room in the coolest place, that is, not near the stove or electric kettles. Keep in mind that mature lychees spoil very quickly.

2. If you are going to eat purchased fruits in 1-2 days, store them in the room.

3. If you purchased food in advance, and you want to serve it to guests in 3-5 days, then put the litchi without a bag in the refrigerator, in a special compartment for storing fresh vegetables and fruits.

4. Canned and dried lychees are stored for the longest time, and therefore, if you want to keep the product for several months, just make a sweet dessert in the form of jam from it or dry the fruit, after removing the peel from them.

How to clean lychee?

How to eat lychee?

In Asia, lychee is typically used to make vinegar and wine. Europeans usually add the pulp of this fruit to various drinks and desserts.

Meanwhile, both of them eat fresh lychee, but in order to really appreciate the whole taste and juiciness of this fruit, it is important to know how to clean it properly, and this can be done in several ways.

1. Take the fruit, make a small incision with a knife in the stalk area, remove the skin from the product by picking up the skin with a fingernail, cut the pulp in half, remove the bone and eat the fruit.

2. Take one fruit in your hands, give it a little in the middle with your fingers and turn the peel with one hand clockwise and with the other counterclockwise, removing the skin, thus also remove the bone from the pulp and then consume the product. Do the same for each fruit.

3. Another option for cleaning and consuming lychee is to cut sharp knife gently peel the fruit, then cut the pulp, remove the stone and eat the whole pulp.

Lychee: what does it taste like?

The taste of small oval lychee fruits is very juicy and resembles a mixture of strawberries and pineapple. This is a very refreshing and light taste that leaves an amazing aftertaste.

It is worth noting that well-ripened fruits have such a taste, that is, fruits with a uniform dark red skin.

Attention! If you purchased an unripe or spoiled lychee, then you should not eat it. This can lead to poisoning. When buying exotic fruits, always check them for foreign brown and any other spots, as well as for softness.

Lychee: contraindications

A large number of people who know about the benefits of lychee believe that this fruit simply cannot be harmful, and in this they are very mistaken.

Lychee is known by the names "dragon eye" or "Chinese plum". The fruit is valued for useful micro and macro elements in the composition.

Choosing the right ripe lychee in the store is easy. You need to know what features a ripe fruit has.

There are more than 100 varieties of fruit, but only 15 are popular. Therefore, when buying lychee, pay attention to its variety.


Lychee can be of different sizes and colors. However, damage to the skin is unacceptable on all - avoid fruits with dents and scratches. This indicates improper transportation and storage of fruits. Bruises will quickly begin to rot.

Pay attention to the place of the spine - it should be dry. Lychee is often sold with twigs - this increases the shelf life.


Ripe lychee smells good. Smell it near the spine. The berry exudes a delicate aroma of roses. If you hear an admixture of other smells, such as chemistry or mold, such a fruit is not worth buying.

Color outside and inside

To determine the color of a ripe lychee, you need to know its variety.

Variety Tai So

It is characterized by ovoid fruits with flat plaques. At the stage of full ripening, the color of the berry is bright red and dull. The pulp is soft translucent.


The berries are heart shaped and have a thick, soft, bright red skin. The pulp is white sweet.

Hak Yip

It has a purple-red color of the skin. The pulp is crispy, juicy, easily separated from the stone.

wai chii

The berries are round and red in color. The flesh is watery and very sweet. It has a large bone inside, which is why it becomes less popular in the market.

Kwai Mai Pink

It is characterized by spherical berries of orange-pink color. Valued for having one small bone. May be boneless. The pulp is dense, white, fragrant.

Seedles Leith

The berries have a bright brick-red berry color and a small core inside. The fruits are conical, large and oval. The pulp is white with a cream shade, sweet.


This is an early variety of lychee. Berries can be bright pink or orange.


The peculiarity is the second fetus attached to the stalk in an underdeveloped state. The color of the berry is carmine red, the stone and the fruit are large. The flesh is grayish-white, moderately sweet.


It is a new variety. It is characterized by large round berries of bright pink color. The pulp is sugary sweet, transparent-whitish color. It is the most expensive on the market due to the absence of worms in the berries.


Press on the berry - the finger should not leave a deep dent or fall inward. But you should not feel excessive hardness.

The fruit should be of medium hardness - there should be no traces of pressing.

Lychee taste

If you use lychee with your eyes closed, you are unlikely to guess what is in your mouth. The consistency of the fruit is similar to grapes or plums. The taste of lychee is sweet and sour, reminiscent of strawberries and currants together. This fruit also resembles berry-fruit tea.

How to clean lychee

  1. Wash the berries under running water.
  2. Take the berry with both hands and make an incision with a fingernail or knife near the petiole.
  3. Separate the skin from the pulp with your fingers.
  4. Cut the berry in half.
  5. Remove the bone.

Lychee is one of the brightest fruits of Southeast Asia! No, not only in their appearance. Lychee has a super-bright taste. This fruit in the form of a berry sinks into the soul and heart of everyone who tries it. Lychee fruits are small, 2-3 cm long, grow in clusters, have a white-transparent pulp, mega-juicy and sweet, inside they contain one brown bone, which is very easily separated from the pulp.

The most frequently asked questions about lychee

What does lychee taste like?

The taste of lychee is a mixture of all sorts of different berries. Like a berry smoothie! When I first tried lychee, it seemed to me that I was drinking some kind of fruit and berry tea. Divinely delicious!

What is the consistency of lychee?

Juicy rubber. But “rubber” is a loud word, rather just non-cream.

What flavor?

Lychee does not have a very bright aroma, but it is barely perceptible - a little berry.

How to choose lychee?

It is necessary to take only dense elastic fruits, which generally do not push through at all. Such that you press them and it seems as if they are under pressure, super-elastic. If the lychee berries are pressed through, then they are not very fresh, and therefore may not be very tasty. And also, the brighter the peel, the sweeter the pulp will be.

How to clean and eat?

No special tools are needed, because lychee is very easy to clean by hand. You need to peel off the skin a little and remove it. That's all.

Is it possible to taste and fall in love with lychee the first time?

Yes! And it simply cannot be otherwise. After all, everyone loves berries, every person on our planet. Therefore, lychees will fall in love with everyone who tries them.

Where do lychees grow the most??

In, Cambodia, Vietnam and China.

Which country has the best lychee??

I've only tried Thai and Chinese lychees. More excited about Thai!

lychee season?

In Thailand it is May. Lychee has a very, very short season, literally a month. At best, 2 months.

lychee calories?

It seems to me that in terms of satiety and nutritional value, lychee is about the same. They are juicy and light, but at the same time quite satisfying, in this regard they are not as light as watermelons, pineapples and mangosteens. But not heavy on the stomach, like bananas, persimmons, jackfruits, etc. 100 g of lychee contains 66 kcal.

What effect does it have on the body?

It is well absorbed, gives a lot of energy, no negative effects were noticed.

Varieties and types of litchi

There are at least several varieties of lychee, but not to say that they are radically different from each other. There are differences, but not that big. I only know the name of one variety - Imperial. These are very large sweet lychees!

Here, for example, two different varieties of lychee (differ in size and pattern on the peel):

Usually lychee is sold like this:

Lychee is a fruit that many people in our country have never even heard of, for others it appearance so exotic that they hesitate to try it. But those who have tasted this outlandish fruit forever become its fans, and the number of such people is steadily increasing. This is the lychee fruit, or Chinese plum.

Introducing Lychee: The Dragon's Eye Fruit

Perhaps the birthplace of the lychee fruit is China, maybe the countries of Southeast Asia. Now it is not possible to clarify this for certain. Lychee fruit came to Europe only in the 17th century, although it was known long before that. But at present, there are quite a lot of countries where lychee grows. The main conditions for this fruit is a tropical climate with little rainfall.

Lychee fruits appear on a tall evergreen tree of the Sapindaceae family. It has a very dense spreading crown. Lychee is a fruit that grows in clusters, and this is how they are harvested, because the fruit, taken individually from the tree, spoils very quickly.

These fruits have many names, but one of them is the most beautiful - "dragon's eye". If you have even a modicum of imagination, you can easily understand why they were called that. Well, now imagine this fruit in a section: a red shell, white flesh, a dark oblong center. Dragon's eye - other associations simply do not arise.

Lychee fruits are small, up to 4 cm in diameter, round or oval in shape. The peel is red, dense and brittle, covered with pimples and therefore rough to the touch. It is easily separated from the pulp, so peeling the lychee fruit is not difficult.

The pulp of these fruits is very unusual in appearance, it is white or slightly creamy and jelly-like. Lychee is a fruit with a sweet and sour taste that is refreshing. Has a pleasant aroma. Inside the fruit is a hard brown oblong bone.

Lychee fruit is really tasty, so much so that it is difficult to stop. But to get a complete picture of what kind of lychee fruit, you should learn about its beneficial properties.

Lychee: useful properties

Chinese lychee plum has a rich composition of vitamins and minerals. Most of all in these fruits of vitamin C, hence their slightly sour taste. It also contains vitamins E, PP, K. Of the trace elements, potassium is in the first place, followed by iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, chlorine, iodine, copper, manganese, selenium, fluorine. Such a variety of beneficial properties of lychee makes this fruit valuable. food product from which vital components enter the body.

Oriental medicine has long taken note of the beneficial properties of lychee. With the help of this tasty and fragrant fruit, many diseases are treated:

  • Lychee fruits are used to prevent cardiovascular diseases (a source of potassium, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood). It is used in the complex treatment of vascular atherosclerosis.
  • Lychee fruit removes excess water from the body, it good remedy against edema and kidney disease.
  • Lychee is a fruit that is used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract - bronchitis, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis.
  • For patients with diabetes, it is recommended to eat a dozen lychee fruits a day - and the blood sugar level will always be normal.
  • Lychee fruit is an excellent tonic for the whole body, helping in the fight against fatigue and depression, an aphrodisiac, "fruit of love" - ​​even this product has such a name in the East.
  • It is recommended to use litchi for diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcerative lesions), pancreas and liver. Regular use relieves chronic constipation.
  • Eating lychee fruit helps to forget about excess weight. With a low calorie content, these fruits are very satisfying, perfectly satisfy hunger, contain a large amount of water and have a diuretic effect. A diet with these fruits good results. You can just eat a few pieces shortly before meals - and the problem of overeating at the table will be unfamiliar to you.
  • The fruits are recommended for children's nutrition. The content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium in them is sufficient for the proper development of the skeletal system of a growing organism and strong healthy teeth.
  • Scientists have proven the fact that when eating lychee fruit, the level of the stress hormone decreases, therefore, in such a tasty way, you can protect your nervous system from emotional overload.
  • The lychee fruit contains a unique substance - oligonol. It is a powerful antioxidant and antiviral agent. In the East, these properties are used to combat the development of malignant tumors. Oligonol also protects the liver from various adverse factors and prevents premature cell aging, which means it prolongs the youth of our body. The drug of the same name has already appeared on the pharmaceutical market, which was created precisely on the basis of lychee fruits.
  • By consuming lychee fruit, you can restore the radiance and elasticity of the skin of the face. Vitamins and antioxidant substances will also take care of your appearance.
  • The rind of the lychee fruit also benefits - its decoction is used as a tonic drink, which prevents the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the body.

Everything that litchi is useful for, you can use for your health, while enjoying their extraordinary taste.

Lychee: harm

There is no doubt about the benefits of eating fruits, and the harm of lychee is potential, possible. These fruits do not have direct contraindications. But if you are trying them for the first time, then eat quite a bit and watch the body's reaction. Still, it is a tropical fruit, and some people may experience allergic symptoms, such as a skin rash.

Excessive consumption of lychee fruits will also not benefit the body. Especially children should be limited - 100 grams per day for their age will be enough.

Otherwise, the tropical lychee fruit can be consumed without restrictions, endowing us with its exquisite taste and unique properties.

Tropical fruit lychee: calories

The calorie content of litchi is low - only about 70-80 kcal per 100 grams (depending on the specific region of growth).

  • proteins - 0.83 g
  • fats - 0.44 g
  • carbohydrates - 15.2 g

These fruits rightfully belong to dietary products, they do not overload the digestive system, are easily digested and give a feeling of fullness at a low energy value.

How to choose and store litchi?

Only fresh, not spoiled fruits have useful properties. The longer they are stored, the less health benefits they will bring. Therefore, it is important to choose them correctly. Would you like to buy a lychee? You can buy a fruit, it is important to remember that the appearance of the fruit will be your guide:

  • Good lychee fruits are bright red in color and do not have any defects on the skin. If you notice spots and dents, put the product aside without regret, these fruits are stale. A lighter color of the skin indicates that the fruit is unripe. In this case, they are also of little use.
  • Shake the fruit, in fresh you will hear the pulp tapping on the skin. If there is no such sign, perhaps the fruits are overripe or deteriorated, they are no longer necessary to eat.
  • In the place where the petiole is attached to the fruit, there should be no white spots, especially mold.
  • The aroma of fresh lychee fruit is reminiscent of the smell of a blooming rose. It should be light and pleasant. A heavier smell indicates that the product has stale and fermented. Buying such fruits, of course, is not worth it.

After purchase, lychee fruit is best kept in the refrigerator, but not more than a week. Do not separate the fruits from the bunch - this way they will last longer. At room temperature, lychee fruit spoils almost before our eyes, in a couple of days.

Chinese plum can be frozen - it will not lose its useful qualities for 3 months. Usually, before freezing, the peel from the fruit is peeled.

On sale you can find canned and dried lychee. They are just as healthy as fresh ones, so they can also be used. It should only be borne in mind that lychee fruits are preserved in sugar syrup, so the calorie content of such a product will be higher. If desired, you can preserve or dry the fruits yourself.

How to eat lychee, or Application in cooking

Lychee pulp itself is very tasty, besides, it perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst and hunger. But, nevertheless, in the East they use other ways of consuming these fruits. Try them too. Surprise your family or guests with the unusual taste of traditional dishes.

How do you eat lychee fruit? Before use, the fruit is thoroughly washed and peeled, which is easily removed. The pit of the lychee fruit is removed. The pulp can be used to make drinks. Pieces of fruit can be added to cocktails, carbonated drinks, juices. Gourmets will be interested in the following way - put a few slices of lychee fruit in a glass of wine or champagne, which will acquire an extraordinary taste.

In Asian countries, wine is made from these fruits. Europeans who have tried it note that it is unusual, but tasty.

It is common to prepare various desserts from lychee fruits, sweet dishes, they can be used as a filling for sweet products. Children, and adults too, will appreciate ice cream with pieces of these fruits.

The sour-sweet taste of lychee fruit sauce harmonizes well with meat, fish dishes, pates. Salads acquire an exotic taste thanks to these fruits.

The fruits will fit perfectly into any table setting, especially if, in addition to peeled and ready-to-eat fruits, you decorate it with unpeeled lychees. Their bright color will create a holiday atmosphere.

In every country you can find a traditional recipe and enrich it with this unusual fruit. For example, in Russia there is such a method for pancakes stuffed with exotic fruits. Lychee fits in perfectly.

Exotic lychee fruit should definitely be added to your diet. They have such useful properties that those that grow in the vastness of our country do not have. This also applies to the Chinese lychee plum. With its help, you can diversify your menu, making it unusual and festive, improve your body by combining pleasant taste and benefits in dishes. And for some, this fruit can be the beginning of the path to a healthy and rational diet.