Turkish sauna: take a steam bath with health benefits. Turkish bath hamam - what is it What does hamam mean

Turkish hammam is not just a place where people can bathe and enjoy wellness procedures. First of all, this type of bath is a particle of rich Eastern culture, a work of art, a unique building with its own ritual features and traditions, allowing you to plunge into the life and mysterious worldview of the East at least for a short time.

The traditional Turkish bath hammam dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. But if you look deeper, then the ancient terms are the progenitor, the secret of construction of which was borrowed from the Romans by the Arabs, and the Turks, in turn, improved the Arab soapboxes. With the adoption of Islam in eastern countries, interest in this type of bath grew so much that they began to rebuild ancient temples of other faiths under hamams.

Even the great prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of the bath, as an integral part of the faith, which contributes to the fertility of the Muslim population. Although the hammam is considered an original Turkish heritage, this type is inherent in almost all eastern countries.

Word "Hamam" is derived from Arabic "ham", which means heat or "spreading steam". And this name fully reflected the process of work of this institution. Water in a huge cauldron was brought to a boil and steam, through small holes, heated the walls, floor, benches for lying, made of marble.

From the central hall, you can alternately move through rooms with different temperature amplitudes. At the same time, the body, receiving certain loads, gets rid of toxins, toxic substances, acquires freshness and vivacity.

On request, you will be given an oil massage, peeling, all kinds of wraps with sea salt, honey, healing clay. An old Turkish wisdom says that if a person goes through all the rooms of the hammam, illnesses will leave him forever.

At the end of the bath procedures, you can once again visit the steam room, or you can finish the ritual by rinsing in a pool of cool water, after which you can drink tea in the relaxation room, chat with friends, and even smoke a real Turkish hookah.

Massage in the hammam bath

I want to talk about massage separately. A person who is not experienced in the oriental wisdom of this action may at first think that he fell into the hands of cruel chiropractors or executioners. Bones crunch, joints break and twist, it seems, a little more, and you will run away wherever your eyes look. But the masters know their business, and the consequences of a miracle massage will not keep you waiting long. After such procedures, a feeling of lightness sets in, the body becomes flexible, elastic, filled with youth and health.

Modern Muslims, however, like their distant ancestors, can spend the whole day in such a bath, which, under comfortable conditions of temperature and humidity, does not affect their health at all. Meetings are held here, holidays are celebrated, and the comfortable and pleasant atmosphere contributes to unhurried and cordial communication.

The benefits and harms of visiting the Turkish bath hammam

A visit to the hammam, as well as other similar establishments, can be of great benefit to the human body, but if there are contraindications, the consequences can be negative. Why is a Turkish bath hammam useful?

Hamam is not a special exception, and like any other bath, it has great advantages. Soft, sparing temperature conditions and moist steam help a person to completely relax, put in order nervous system and really relax. A healthy atmosphere has a positive effect on all body systems:

  • Improves heart function, strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • Increases immunity, helps with colds, treats respiratory diseases
  • Cleanses the body of toxins, removes toxins and other harmful substances
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain, helps with disorders of the musculoskeletal system
  • Accelerates metabolism, which promotes rejuvenation and weight loss
  • Effectively affects the skin, cleanses, moisturizes, promotes regeneration, makes it supple and elastic

With a regular visit to the Turkish bath, you can forever forget about depression, insomnia, get rid of stressful conditions, and without the participation of doctors and psychologists.

Thanks to its soft and gentle action, turkish hammam has fewer contraindications than other baths, however, if you have health problems, it will not be superfluous to consult your doctor. You need to be extremely careful if there is:

  • some skin diseases (eczema, fungus) - humidity can provoke an exacerbation;
  • oncology - hot air stimulates the growth of cancer cells;
  • hypertension - heat stress can cause an increase in blood pressure;
  • inflammatory processes;

Under any circumstances, measure comes first. Even if you are completely confident in your good health, with minor signs of malaise, you must leave the steam room, sit down in a cool place, drink water with lemon or call the bath workers for help.

It is better to visit the hammam on a day off, you will have more time for relaxation, all kinds of massages, you can have a good rest and improve your health. Eastern residents believe that morning is the most convenient time of day for these procedures, since the body is still relaxed and perfectly amenable to all sorts of influences.

  • Do not go to the Turkish bath on an empty stomach , at the same time, it is also not recommended to abuse food. Can eat light vegetable salad, drink freshly squeezed fruit juice or a glass of tea with lemon.
  • You can't spend too much time in the steam room , you should alternate her visit with cooler rooms. Before you lie down on a hot stone, be sure to lay out a towel, and make sure that all parts of your body are approximately at the same level.
  • Do not make sudden movements while in pairs Yes, it can be bad for warm muscles.
  • Periodically replenish the water balance in the body drink plenty of fluids, preferably natural water, herbal teas.
  • After warming up in the main steam room, decrease in body temperature should occur gradually . Immerse yourself first in warm water, then in cool water, and you can finish the procedures in an ice pool.

How often you can visit the hammam depends on your well-being, personal perception of the oriental way of healing, and, of course, you need to have free time, since going to the Turkish bath will not cost you an hour or two.

Fans of a healthy lifestyle and have a nice rest all over the world have always appreciated the advantages of the Turkish way of cleansing the soul and body. Unfortunately, not all modern buildings, under the eastern name, correspond to the original. Therefore, in order to feel the true national ritual, admire the beautiful interior and feel divine bliss, you need to visit the homeland of the hamam - Turkey. Only there you will open a new view of the world, you will learn how to treat difficulties philosophically and learn to enjoy life.

Turkish sauna Hamam is the coolest of all existing types of baths and, at the same time, one of the most humid. The average temperature in the hammam rarely exceeds 35-50°C, but the humidity approaches absolute 100%. Such a "tropical" climate is very easily tolerated, allowing a person to relax and get the maximum effect from the procedures.

Turkish bath hammam - terms in an oriental way

Turkish baths are very similar in structure and design to. According to historians, this is due to the fact that the Roman steam rooms were just the same as the prototype of the hammam. Enterprising Arabs and Turks borrowed the idea of ​​a bath from the Romans, starting to build something similar in their homeland, but with an oriental flavor. Of course, the hammam is much more modest in size than the Roman baths, but the interior decoration is just as luxurious. In addition, the principle of arranging several rooms with different temperatures in one bathhouse has been preserved in the hammam - just like in thermal baths.

And there are really a lot of rooms in the Turkish bath, here there was not only a steam room and a sink. And every room has a different temperature! Entering the Turkish bath, the visitor immediately enters the locker room. It is not hot here, but it is already warm enough - about 28-30°C. This is followed by a transition to the main hall of the hammam (“Sogolyuk”), heated to 40-50 ° C. There are marble deck chairs (“Chebek Tashi”), on which massage and wellness procedures are carried out.

Usually the main hall of the hammam has a round shape, from which, like rays from the sun, 5 niche-steam rooms depart with different temperatures, which can reach up to 70 ° C. Such a number of steam rooms is needed so that each visitor can choose the optimal heating temperature for himself (suitable for his health and ability to tolerate heat). In modern private hamams, most often you will not see such a number and there is only one steam room.

Traditionally, all surfaces of the Turkish bath, including those, are made of marble. A system of pipes runs underneath them. hot water which is used as heating. Thus, initially cold stone becomes a source of very pleasant, soft heat, which spreads through the boors. The only cold part of the Turkish bath is the ceiling, so condensation forms on it. So that it does not drip on those present in the bath, but flows down the walls, the ceiling is made in the form of a dome.

Now many companies offer a Turkish bath in ordinary private houses and even in apartments. However, most often a Turkish bath in an apartment is a steam cabin with a connected steam generator or a converted bathroom. Maybe the climate can be reproduced in this way and it will be possible, but the atmosphere of grandeur, luxury and a real oriental fairy tale is unlikely.

There is no burning heat in the Turkish bath, so it is impossible to get steam here naturally. But, nevertheless, the humidity in the bath is very high! Where does steam come from? Initially, hot water boilers were used for this, which were installed under the floor. The steam rose up and was discharged into the room through special openings in the walls. In modern Turkish baths, the role of boilers is performed by steam generators that create fine steam in the form of a light mist.

What procedures are typical for a hammam?

When visiting the hamam, even in the locker room you will be given overalls - a large towel in which they turn around (it is not customary to bathe naked in a Turkish bath), and slippers with wooden soles. Then you will go to the main hall, where, lying on a stone lounger, you will warm up for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the pores of the skin will open and natural cleansing will begin. To enhance the cleansing effect, the skin is peeled with a hard mitten made of camel hair. In a traditional hammam, this procedure is performed by a bathhouse attendant, who rubs the visitor's body and at the same time conducts a light massage.

Next in line is one of the most pleasant procedures - soap massage. The bath attendant whips up soap suds in a large bag (like a pillowcase) and applies it to the visitor's body. In this case, only natural soap is used, made according to special recipes based on vegetable oils(peach, olive, jojoba, etc.). After that, the attendant begins a relaxing massage, which can last from 10 to 30 minutes.

Soapy massage and peeling are mandatory procedures in the hammam. However, in addition to this, they can offer you much more: oil massage, honey massage, various masks.

After all the procedures, you can go to a cool room, drink green or herbal tea with oriental sweets and relax. Only after you feel that your body has cooled down and has acquired a normal temperature, you can get dressed and go out.

The benefits of such a bath and contraindications for visiting

In addition to relaxation and pleasant sensations, the climate of the Turkish bath heals the body and allows you to cope with:

  • diseases of the ENT organs. Moist steam, penetrating into the respiratory tract, cures bronchitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, laryngitis. It is not uncommon for a regular visit to the hammam to get rid of chronic respiratory diseases that a person has suffered for years.
  • pain in the joints and muscles caused by rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, gout, neurasthenic conditions.
  • stress, insomnia, depression. Even in ancient times, they noticed that the calm, relaxing atmosphere of the hammam, combined with a light massage, not only helps to cleanse the body, but also the soul.
  • acne, skin rashes. The heated steam helps the skin's pores open up and become completely cleansed. Sebaceous plugs are removed, irritations disappear, oiliness of the skin decreases.
  • colds. High temperatures and humidification of the air allow you to quickly cure colds, but only if the patient's temperature is not elevated.
  • overweight. It has long been known that high temperatures and massage contribute to weight loss, therefore, while relaxing in the hammam, you can simultaneously correct the shortcomings of your figure.

If you are interested to know how you can lose weight in the bath, we advise you to read the article

Despite its mild effect on the body, the Turkish bath also has contraindications. There are few of them and they are:

  • any acute disease states. With severe inflammatory processes, high temperature bodies, exacerbations of chronic diseases, it is strictly forbidden to visit the hammam.
  • oncological diseases, since any tumors tend to grow when heated
  • bronchial asthma
  • tuberculosis
  • cirrhosis and other severe liver diseases
  • recent strokes or heart attacks
  • thyroid disease
  • pregnancy

At the slightest suspicion of any of the above, do not rush to make a trip to the hammam. Consult a doctor and, if he gives the go-ahead, go to a healing session with a light heart.

Turkish baths have received worldwide recognition. This is one of the types of classical baths that has survived to this day. However, it is more correct to speak not about Turkish, but about Eastern, more precisely, Islamic baths, since this is a fact of life in the Muslim world in general. Hamams in Turkey and Syria, Morocco and Uzbekistan, Iraq and the Emirates, Libya and Tajikistan, Tunisia and Lebanon are practically no different from each other. This is a powerful and bright phenomenon of Islamic culture, the significance of which goes far beyond the hygienic and health-improving procedures.

The emergence of the hamam is hidden from us in the mists of time The Byzantine Empire (Second Rome), which lasted until the middle of the 2nd millennium and all this time continued to follow many Roman traditions and customs, remained faithful to them in relation to baths. It was in Byzantium, in the city of Pergamon, which is today in Turkey, that the famous Roman physician Galen practiced - an enthusiast and a big fan of the term. The Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula, closely communicating with the Byzantines, adopted some traditions from them. Even before the advent of Islam, frequent washing was quite traditional for the peoples of the East. This is a natural necessity in a hot climate. However, the Arabs at the same time only poured themselves cold water However, acquaintance with the luxurious traditions of Roman bathing, which occurred during the conquest of the Levant by the Arabs, brought them the first of the wonders of the bath - hot steam. The Arabs learned how to bathe, but they did not stop pouring cold water on them. The fact is that immersion in a bath, pool or other container of water seemed unnatural to the Arabs: according to their religious beliefs, this is "bathing in one's own mud." And only with the advent of Islam did the development of such an original phenomenon as an oriental bath begin. The Prophet Mohammed experienced the effect of the Roman-type baths and highly appreciated them. He also pointed out that baths help increase fertility. According to Islam, this goal is sacred to every true believer. Therefore, the approval of the prophet opened a wide road for the hamam to the Islamic world.

The healing properties of hamam have been known since antiquity. The great Arab physician, scientist and naturalist, poet and encyclopedist Avicenna (Ibn Sina) considered the bath to be one of the strongest means of healing and treatment.

The work of this scientist "The Canon of Medical Science" contains a lot of information that has not become outdated to this day. A number of recipes and prescriptions are used by modern medicine. Avicenna argued: "If you engage in exercise, lead healthy lifestyle life and remember to go to the bath, there is no need for medicines. "He pointed to beneficial effect hammam on blood circulation, breathing, on the ability to get rid of excess weight. Avicenna recommended a bath for insomnia, paralysis, nervous disorders. In his opinion, it is indispensable for catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract, inflammation of the vocal cords. The bath also helps with gastrointestinal diseases: diarrhea, loss of appetite, indigestion. Dry steam is useful for the treatment of rheumatism. The list of diseases in the treatment of which Avicenna recommends bath procedures is endless: jaundice and swelling of the liver, pain in the bladder, kidney stones, pain in the spleen ... The scientist also points to contraindications for visiting the hamam: epilepsy, blockage of the liver, headaches, noise and ringing in the ears. He warns against drinking cold water after a bath and warns against the dangers of a bath for eyesight.

Hamam architecture The hamam is built on the principle of a palm, that is, in terms of the plan, the room is a structure that consists of five rays emerging from one center - niches (eyvans).
The oldest hamams were built by the Umayyad Caliphs, who ruled the Arab Caliphate from 661 to 750 and followed the Bedouin way of life. Therefore, the first baths appeared not in cities, but in the wild desert. Kusair-aman, one of the oldest hamams that has survived to this day, suddenly opened up to the gaze of a traveler in the middle of a waterless desert on the shores of the Dead Sea, surrounded blooming garden. This oasis also once housed a castle for arriving guests and a watchtower, the ruins of which today are almost level with the ground.

Hamam - an integral element of the eastern cityscape- was built, as a rule, not far from the mosque, but a little to the side, in a place hidden from direct view. In the Islamic city, he was in every quarter and daily received his regular visitors.

Like the Roman baths, the hammam became the center of social life. "A city is good when it has a bath," said the early Arab historian Abu Sir. The entrance fee to the hammam has always been exceptionally low, and even the poorest person could afford this pleasure. In the Middle Ages, there was even a custom not to establish a certain fee - everyone paid according to their position.

Turkish bath is not just a place where you can wash your body and improve your health. Hamam miraculously woven into everyday life. Everyone is equal here: rich and poor, young and old, beautiful and unattractive - for some time everyone becomes free from the world that remains behind the walls of the hamam. In old Turkey, women, like men, could visit the bathhouse without restrictions - this was one of the few universally recognized women's rights.

For a Turk, a hamam is a place where significant life events are celebrated. In some places in the province, these traditions are alive to this day. So, in the bath, the appearance of the first tooth in a baby is celebrated. Or, for example, a person who makes a vow in honor of the fulfillment of some innermost desire arranges a holiday in the hammam: rents a room at his own expense, provides refreshments and music. On this day, the bathhouse is open to anyone who wants to enter. Like many peoples, in the East there is a pre-wedding ritual of bathing the bride - jalim hamami. The bride, heading to the hamam, is accompanied by a whole procession of relatives to the music. She is dressed in a ceremonial costume - a vest and shalwars made of felt. This is a gift from the groom's family, and it is intended only for this solemn day. The bride was washed and steamed by relatives from the groom's side. After that, dressed in a silk shirt, she was seated on a dais in the middle of the hall, and young women - friends and maids - lit candles and lined up in a procession. While the candles were burning, they walked around the pool in the hammam with songs containing wishes for a happy life in marriage, to the sound of a tambourine. After that, unmarried people threw small money into the pool so that their marriage would come sooner and be successful. Even today, elements of these rites can be observed in Turkey and other countries of the East.

Traditions of ritual visits to the hamam are also very common on more everyday occasions. A joint visit to the bathhouse with a guest is an essential attribute of hospitality. Events such as circumcision, engagement, returning from military service or from war are not complete without a visit to the hamam. They also go there as a sign of religious purification: before putting on new clothes, before a long journey, in honor of recovery from illness, after leaving prison.

Relax in one of the most incredible historical sites Seville, located in the house-palace of the XVI century. Today it opens the door for everyone who wants to be transported to another era. Such corners are the history of a city that preferred to keep secrets in its bowels, but now it is you who will recognize them. You can't miss this place if you visit Seville. Why? It's simple: the Arab hammam Aire de Sevilla (Air of Seville), located in the center of the Santa Cruz district, is a real oasis in the heart of the city. You forget about the routine and seem to be transported to ancient Seville.

Many tourists admiring Seville ignore the existence of this place, although its architecture speaks of the diversity of cultures that have left an indescribable legacy. Aire de Sevilla has absorbed the marvelous work of Muslim artisans, Roman furniture, unusual vaults and decoration. Entering the hammam is like entering a real paradise for the mind, because rest and history are intertwined here. In the 16th century, one of the viceroys of India, having restored and ancient hamam, and Roman traces, built in addition to this a truly luxurious house-palace.

And this palace, which few people expect to meet while walking along Aire Street, continues to amaze tourists. Here you can not only relax thanks to water treatments, but also enjoy delicious tea. Guests are offered more than 30 types: relaxing tea, fruit, Arabic ... Of course, you will be advised to taste a sweet cake right there.

Hamam is valued not only for appearance but also for a variety of medical procedures. For example, this one is called "Al-Andalus". You are exfoliated (peeled) with a glove and mineral-rich soap. The skin becomes like new!

Another, even more original way of taking care of your beauty is based on "shock therapy". This is your chance to feel like a chocolate candy and, of course, inhale new life into your body.

If you want something very special, say, absolute relaxation, then by all means try the Water Ritual. Immerse yourself in the term - and a light massage begins. Soon you will find yourself in an absolute knockout, in the best sense of the word.

And, of course, classic relaxation - a hydromassage zone.

For 1500 years, the secrets of the beneficial effects on the body of water, which not only gives pleasure, but also improves health, have been passed down from generation to generation. This treasure was cherished by both the Romans and the Muslims, who were in charge at different times in Seville. According to the stories, it could have disappeared in the 17th century due to the loss of the last Arab bath in the city, but the Aire de Sevilla brought it back for all of us. For example, here is this incredible corner.

The path through the baths begins with a relaxing hall where candles are lit, the sounds of water are heard and warmth emanates from the marble slabs.

The so-called bathroom consists of three zones with different temperatures: warm (36ºC), hot (40ºC) and cold (16ºC). Changes in temperature create unique sensations that you can alternate from one zone to another.

One of the most special rooms among all Arab baths is the terma with salt water or "flotarium".

And in the center of Seville, on the roofs of many houses, there are luxurious terraces. Appreciate the view from the top of the Aire de Sevilla - and you will doubly want to go there!

Table of contents:

Oriental baths, which are called Turkish in Europe, have a long and rich tradition. Name fixed English traveler David Erkvart, who visited Greece in the 60s of the 19th century. This country was then part of the Ottoman Empire and Mauritanian Spain. There he saw these structures, described in detail their arrangement and introduced the term that we still use today - “Turkish bath hammam”.

However, the definition is not entirely accurate. The Turks were not the inventors of these baths, but adopted the custom of their use from the Arabs.
They, in turn, borrowed them from the Romans when, during their period of intense conquest, they became acquainted with the Greek and Roman baths in Syria. The ancient Greeks invented this type of baths, and the Romans popularized it. The Arabs and Turks continued the traditions of the terms and brought oriental flavor to their arrangement.

How is a Turkish bath arranged?

The word "hamam" is Arabic and is translated as "spreading heat, heat." On the plan, the bath looks like a palm, each of the five fingers of which is a steam room. As in thermal baths, the floors in Turkish baths are heated, but do not burn, but give pleasant warmth.

The bathing culture of the region is formed depending on the climate. It is no accident that people in cold and damp Finland love hot and dry saunas, while in the hot and dry East they like rather cool and very humid hammams. In them, this figure is almost equal to 100%, while the temperature is not so high. This arrangement of the Turkish bath makes the steam "light" - it is not difficult to carry. This is facilitated by a large area of ​​evaporation, as not only the floor is heated, but also the walls and deck chairs. The floors are additionally constantly watered with heated water, as a result of which steam is formed. Another source of it is boilers or steam generators with boiling water, which are built into the walls. Steam exits through holes Ø 5x5 cm, located at a height of 1.5 m from the floor.

Procedures begin with the Jamekyan locker room, an analogue of the Russian dressing room. In this room, the temperature is maintained at 28-35 degrees. There, visitors warm up, then to move to more heated rooms. Room sequence with different conditions- cool, warm, hot humid - inherited from the Roman terms, but their ratio has changed. In addition, massage therapists have now appeared in the hot steam room, and the sweat room has replaced the room with dry heat.

The traditional rules of the Turkish bath say that the first room for the procedures should be “sogukluk”, it contains stone beds - “soup” (“flat stone” in Turkish). The Turks colloquially call them "chebek-tashi" - "a stone for the stomach."

On it, you must lie on your stomach. The purpose of the procedure is to sweat well.

They move from sogukluk to steam rooms, gradually raising the temperature from +35 to +70°. They return to it to rest.
After the steam rooms, there is a massage, both regular and foamy or oily. They start it from the head, moving to the neck, shoulders and then go down to the torso and legs. This is not just a massage, but a healing procedure. From it, the muscles become flexible, the ligaments are elastic, the mood is joyful and peaceful.

Next comes the washing procedures. According to Turkish tradition, one should wash with soapy foam using a coarse horsehair mitten. After washing, you need to douse yourself with cold water and swim in shallow pools with water of different temperatures. The visit to the bath ends with a rest room - “keyf”. You can have a cup of coffee or tea there. By the way, a funny detail, our slang word “kaif” comes from the Arabic “keyf” - “rest”.

Visiting a Turkish bath is useful for all those who suffer from joint diseases and inflammation, arthritis, radiculitis, spinal diseases. In it you can get rid of osteochondrosis, neurosis and sleep disorders. The procedures are incredibly useful for people who have long physical exercise especially for athletes.

  • the presence of cancer;
  • inflammatory processes, including internal organs, in an acute form;
  • pregnant women are allowed to visit only on the recommendation of a gynecologist;
  • infectious diseases.

The construction of Turkish baths is becoming more and more popular

To experience the full range of pleasures from the hamam, today there is no need to go to Turkey. It can be built on your site, and even in an ordinary city apartment. "Warm floors" and a steam generator, which are the basis of such a bath, can be purchased without any problems in specialized stores. In a cramped apartment, of course, you can’t reproduce the entire space of the hammam, but a shower cabin with a Turkish bath will help you recreate the atmosphere of a warm fragrant steam room and get to know the interweaving of oriental traditions and modern technologies.

Now many companies offer the service of erecting such baths and showers. But get ready for the fact that due to the specific equipment and device, the construction of a Turkish hamam bath will cost you much more than a Finnish or Russian one. And, in this regard, I would like to warn you in advance that you are unlikely to succeed in a real Turkish bath with your own hands. A modern hammam is a very complex engineering structure.

It includes insulation, vapor barrier, power frame, thermal systems floors, walls, loungers, as well as multi-layer waterproofing and special finishes. At the same time, extreme operating conditions dictate an absolutely exact reproduction of the required technology. As we have already said, the construction of Turkish baths is possible both on the site and in apartment building. But for this, the surface of the walls must be covered with a special adhesive-based insulation. Next, is the installation of the reinforcing cage. A plaster and road mesh is mounted to it, the ceiling is equipped with another variety - brick-fabric. Heating systems for floors, walls and benches are equipped power frame. Heat must be supplied by a heating cable controlled by thermostats. This makes it possible to set and adjust separate temperature conditions on each heated surface of the bath. The plaster must be applied three times - this provides additional waterproofing. Further produce membrane waterproofing over the dried plaster layer. This operation is also performed three times, at intervals of 2 days, necessary for the hardening of each subsequent layer. The design of the floors in the hammam is no less complicated. It is a pie consisting of a backfill, two layers of screed with waterproofing laid between them, a heating system and a facing layer.

Of course, you can, having learned in a compressed form how to build a Turkish bath, try to recreate it yourself in your possessions. But for this you must have an extraordinary construction experience and knowledge of engineering.

Turkish bath project

In connection with all of the above, we strongly recommend: entrust the Turkish bath project only to specialists with direct experience in this field.

When planning it, it is necessary to take into account all the details and features that are inherent in this particular type of bath, which is so little like the others.

Before designing a hamam, you need to determine specifications. It requires considerable space, as it involves the presence of several rooms. Together with specialists, you will have to decide whether to make the bathhouse complete or sacrifice something if there is not enough space or funds. At the same time, there is something that cannot be sacrificed - features of the roof, for example. In all real hamams, it is domed. And this is not so much a tribute to Eastern traditions as a prudent technological solution: the condensate formed at the top in the process of vaporization does not drip on the heads of visitors, but flows down the dome. And the project should also provide for places for swimming pools and kurnas - without them, a hammam is unthinkable.

When planning both a traditional and a small private Turkish bath, close attention should be paid to waterproofing. No less consciously and responsibly it is necessary to design heating systems - they are complex and require special qualifications. Hamam needs a thick steam. Therefore, the question of the technical equipment of the bath is very serious and deserves a separate discussion.