What is an Arabic Hamam? Turkish bath - hammam What is a hammam.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


In Eastern culture, there are many rituals that originate from ancient times and are very popular in all countries to this day. One of them is a visit to the hamam. Regular bathing in the Turkish bath has a beneficial effect on the body. Her visit is a historical ritual, accompanied by pleasant cleansing procedures. It is worth telling in more detail about what this institution is, what it was originally and what it has become now, what are the rules for visiting.

Turkish bath features

Hamam is unique in its temperature regime. The Turkish bath differs from the Russian bath and sauna in that there is a high level of humidity. The air temperature here is relatively low, thanks to which a special atmosphere is created in the rooms, where it is easy and pleasant to be. The institution is distinguished by special bath procedures carried out by bath specialists. Soap peeling, oriental massage with cosmetic oils, tea drinking are practiced here. For the design of the premises, tiles and stones are used, while the walls of baths and saunas are sheathed with wood.

The temperature in the hammam

This aspect is the main difference between the Turkish bath and the Russian one. At high air humidity (100 percent level is maintained), the temperature in the premises does not rise more than 50 degrees. This is optimal for people who are prohibited from visiting the sauna for health reasons. The combination of this temperature with high humidity has a therapeutic effect on the body. This contributes to the gentle cleansing of the skin, the normalization of all processes. The air temperature of a standard sauna is kept at 100-120 degrees, humidity is 10-15%.

Steam supply

The building is heated by one large boiler. From it, hot steam is supplied through pipes that are laid under the floor. It enters the premises through holes on the walls, made at a height of 1.5 m. In the sauna, to create steam, water is splashed on hot stones, which does not give it a uniform supply. In the hammam, due to the device, everything warms up in the same way: walls, floors, sunbeds.

The history of the appearance of hamams

Baths of this type appeared in Turkey at the beginning of the seventh century and assumed a special culture of ablution adopted from the Arabs. The latter borrowed the technology and architecture of Roman terms. When Islam came to the eastern countries, hamams became popular. Distributed in Turkey, Arab countries, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iran, Central Asia. Traditionally, the hammam is considered to be a public institution for ablution. The name comes from the word "ham", which means "hot".

The interior design was luxurious, because ablution was declared a mandatory action by the prophet Muhammad, who said that "Cleanliness is half of faith." It was believed that in Turkish hammam you can get real pleasure. Under them, Roman baths and temples left over from other religions were often converted. Women's baths were placed next to men's, making one source of heating (boiler) and water supply, but different entrances. Sometimes there were not enough funds for this. Then they put up one building and announced certain "women's" days there.

Arrangement of premises

The classic of the old hamam is a large building with many main and auxiliary rooms. Everything was heated by a huge boiler with water, which was located under the floor. Holes for supplying hot air were placed in the walls of the steam rooms at a height of one and a half meters. Special conditions inside are created due to the proximity of the heating boiler and pipes passing under the floor.

The classical hammam, according to a long tradition, was built in the shape of a human hand with rooms of different sizes. In the center, in place of the palm, they have a steam room. There are five separate rooms around, which symbolize fingers. The dressing room is a prototype of the hand. The temperature here is no higher than 35 degrees, the room is intended to prepare the body for the ritual, to warm it up.

Five corridors lead from the steam room to other rooms (they symbolize the fingers of the hand). Each room has a different temperature, you need to visit them in turn. This contributes to the creation of a safe load on the body, the removal of toxins. Due to the boiler located in a special way, the floors in all corridors and rooms are very warm, so it is incredibly comfortable to move around them. Purpose of premises:

  1. Jamekian. The dressing room, where they take off their shoes and clothes, put on a body bandage.
  2. Pestemal. A room where visitors take a shower.
  3. Chebek. Body preparation room. There is a couch made of natural marble "chebek-tashi". You need to lie on her stomach down. There are multi-stage benches.
  4. Hararet. The main steam room is round. Designed for deep cleansing of the skin. Peeling, intensive soap massage and oil massage are done here.
  5. Keyf. Here, after the procedures, they rest, drink herbal tea.

After passing through all the rooms, according to legend, the body is cleansed. Then you should again visit the steam room for a massage session, which should be performed by oriental masters. The movements performed by them can seem very rigid, especially to those who are on the procedure for the first time. But Turkish massage perfectly relaxes, relieves fatigue, invigorates, helps to clarify the mind. After the session, you need to wash yourself with a hard washcloth, swim in three pools with water of different temperatures.

Modern Turkish steam room in classic style

Today it is difficult to find a hammam where all the procedures suggested by traditions would be carried out. You can find the closest baths to the maximum, perhaps, in Istanbul or Bukhara, in most resort towns they are not at all like the old ones. To increase the temperature, steam generators are used, which are disguised interior decoration. Hamams are intended for public ablution, and this is no longer relevant for Arab countries.

Modern Turkish baths are small, because it is almost impossible to find a suitable place for the construction of traditional-sized rooms. The trend towards the revival of the idea has been outlined in Russia in recent years. Modern institutions are more and more similar to traditional ones. Ablution in the Turkish style is offered to their clients by many health centers and sanatoriums.

Modern hamams consist of only three rooms. Significantly simplified approach to the processes of construction, selection of materials. If earlier buildings were made entirely of stone, now ordinary bricks are used. The interior decoration is done in oriental style. Welcome to use natural stone. The modern Turkish bath consists of rooms for preliminary preparation (cloakroom), steam room (harareta), and cooling. Each room has its own characteristics.

Locker room (jamekyan)

This room resembles a traditional dressing room. Here a person must take off all clothes, shoes. Then here or in the next room (depending on the structure) take a warm shower. So the body undergoes primary cleaning, prepares for other procedures. They pass into the next room in one underwear bandage. It is important to note that the latter should be made exclusively from natural materials, such as silk or cotton.

Steam room for hot baths

Hararet - sacred place. This is a large round room with a lot of free space. She takes hot baths. First comes the steaming procedure to open the pores of the skin. This is followed by washing with a coarse washcloth made of natural goat hair. Alternate rubbing and rinsing with warm water. After this procedure, it is proposed to visit the third room, where the body will restore strength after the load, which was subjected to high temperatures.

The ceiling of the steam room deserves special attention. It is made in the form of a dome, must be at least three meters in height. This is necessary so that condensate does not accumulate from above, it does not drip onto the floor and visitors of the Hararet, but flows down the rounded walls and gets into drainage system. Lamps are mounted to the ceiling, corresponding to the overall stylistic design. Lighting should be bright, but not annoying.

Sogukluk for cooling and recovery of the body

In this room the temperature is lower than in the others, about 30-35 degrees. Here the body cools down, recovers from stress. There are showers here. After massage and other procedures, a visit to this room is a must. As a rule, in the room for body recovery and cooling, you can not only lie down to rest, but also drink fragrant tea, and enjoy oriental sweets.

How to take a steam bath in the hammam

Ablution is a whole ritual, which is a clear sequence of actions. If you want to enjoy your visit as much as possible, then you must definitely go through all the stages. How to steam properly:

  1. In the locker room, you need to take off your clothes, take a shower at room temperature, and stay for about a quarter of an hour so that the body gets used to the conditions and the pores begin to open.
  2. Visit the warm room. Stay there until the first drops of sweat stand out.
  3. Then you should go to the marble hall. Here you need to sit on a warm lounger with your stomach down. The attendant will rub you with a special scrub mitt. This is followed by several rinses with warm and cooler water. This sequence of actions will provide high-quality peeling of the skin. Then there is intense lathering.
  4. The foam from the olive soap, whipped up with special "pillowcases", will cover every inch of your body. This is the most enjoyable stage among all the others.
  5. After rinsing the body, you should plunge into the pool or jacuzzi. It is very invigorating and helps to close the pores.
  6. Then it's time for relaxation. You can drink green tea with spices, lie down with a clay mask on your face.
  7. The final stage is a massage with natural oils.

Rules for visiting the hamam

There are several traditions that are very important to observe. Basic rules for visiting the Turkish bath:

  1. There are separate rooms for women and men.
  2. Before you go for the procedure, avoid alcohol, fatty, fried and other unhealthy foods. This can create an additional burden on the body and the ablution session will seem too heavy.
  3. Be sure to wear a sarong or tie a sheet around the body. Its presence must be taken care of in advance. It is not accepted to be naked here.
  4. Be sure to lay a towel on the massage bench before you lie down.
  5. At the end of the procedures, you can not get up abruptly, because the heated muscles can be damaged.
  6. For a full course of ablution, it is recommended to spend at least an hour and a half in the hammam.

Massage treatments

Manipulations of this nature are performed by specially trained oriental specialists. Some massage may even seem too harsh, especially if a person visits the bath for the first time. The procedure is incredibly useful not only for the body, but also for the mind. After it, a person feels complete relaxation, followed immediately by a surge of strength and emotional upsurge.

How often can you visit

In this matter, you need to be guided by your own capabilities and state of health. To maintain tone, it is optimal to visit the institution once a week. You should stay in the bath for at least an hour and a half, but you can stay longer if your health condition allows. For example, women used to be able to spend the whole day there. They not only underwent procedures, but also communicated, exchanged news, drank tea with treats.

The benefits of a hamam

Regular visits to the Turkish bath have a beneficial effect on the body. What effect does ablution have?

  1. It helps to cleanse, moisturize and tighten the skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and eliminate acne. This is achieved through high level humidity. Oily and sensitive skin is well cleansed, and dry skin is softened, becomes elastic and toned.
  2. Relieves fatigue, overstrain, helps fight depression and insomnia. It has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  3. Rejuvenates. When washing a person, the metabolism is accelerated, the intensity of oxidative processes increases. This helps to rejuvenate the body.
  4. Removes toxins and waste from the body.
  5. Facilitates well-being in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Regular visits for osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis or muscle strain help to significantly reduce the pain caused by these diseases.
  6. Improves blood circulation. Stagnation is eliminated. Vessels and capillaries expand, the outflow of blood from the internal organs increases.
  7. Increases immunity.
  8. Promotes a speedy recovery from rhinitis, bronchitis. If a person often suffers colds, it is very useful for him to bathe. It is easy to breathe indoors due to the volumetric area of ​​evaporation. Prolonged warming up of the body increases immunity and helps to resist SARS.

With a cold

If a person does not feel well, it will be useful for him to visit a Turkish bath. This will immediately alleviate the discomfort caused by malaise, sore throat, runny nose. Steaming is prohibited if the body temperature is high. Do not dive into the pool or take cold showers. What is useful turkish hammam for a cold:

  1. Warm moist air reduces pain in the joints and muscles.
  2. Ablution has a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system.
  3. Hamam bath ionizes the body, increases its protective abilities.
  4. Because of the moist air with a runny nose, mucus is easier to remove, the spread of inflammatory processes stops.

With sinusitis

Specific temperature and humidity cause positive changes in the body. With sinusitis, a bath can be visited during periods when there are no signs of intoxication and high temperature. It is better to go steaming at the stage of recovery. Ablution speeds up the process and strengthens the immune system. Hot and humid air in the steam room will help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses, it regenerates faster. Allocations will become less plentiful. Rules for visiting with sinusitis:

  1. When recovering, you can go to the bathhouse twice or thrice a week. The procedure takes no more than half an hour. You need to constantly monitor your well-being.
  2. In chronic sinusitis at the stage of remission, you can visit the bath daily. It is better not to stay there for too long, the optimal stay is 15-45 minutes. There should not be any complaints about well-being.

Hamam for weight loss

People who want to lose weight will benefit greatly from visiting the Turkish bath. In one session, you can get rid of 1-2 kg. The effect will be more noticeable if you combine ablution with tea drinking, and do an intense massage. Many nutritionists recommend going to a Turkish bath as part of a set of measures for weight loss. How does the procedure affect a person's weight:

  1. Heat transfer slows down, which is why metabolic and oxidative processes are accelerated.
  2. The pores open and sweating increases. Toxins, toxins, harmful substances and excess fluid are actively removed from the body.
  3. Metabolism is accelerated, subcutaneous fat accumulations are broken down.
  4. Intensive lathering and massage contribute to the destruction of cellulite.

With bronchitis

If the disease has moved to the stage of recovery and the acute phase is stopped, then moist air will benefit. With bronchitis, it is allowed and even useful to visit a Turkish bath. The exception is cases when the body temperature rises above 37 degrees, there is a pronounced shortness of breath. If there are no contraindications, then you can visit the hamam, strictly following these recommendations:

  1. Before entering the steam room, drink plenty of warm herbal tea. This will help the body warm up from the inside.
  2. Indoors, breathe deeply to help expel mucus better.
  3. Don't get out warm room in the cold, do not dive into the pool. The body should cool down gradually. Otherwise, a recurrence of the disease is possible.

For acne and pimples

Regular visits to the Turkish bath promote regeneration skin, cleansing. During the procedures, dead cells are removed, and the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized. This contributes to the improvement appearance. In addition, during bath procedures, toxins are removed from the body, which often cause acne and rashes. Improves skin condition and peeling.

What is useful Turkish bath after physical exertion and sports training

Every person who works hard knows what is krepatura and discomfort the next day. This is caused by an excessive load on the muscle corset received during training. To relax and neutralize discomfort after class, it is recommended to visit the hammam. Thanks to the steam room, blood circulation normalizes, inflammation disappears. The body is toned, the muscles warm up and become more elastic, receive more oxygen.

Hamam harm

In any activity, moderation is good, and a visit to the Turkish bath is no exception. In some cases, staying in it can harm the body, so you need to be careful about this, take into account all contraindications, and follow the rules. Possible Negative consequences bath visits:

  1. Pregnant women are not recommended to bathe. High temperatures can harm the fetus.
  2. You can not go to the hammam for people with mental disorders, oncology, skin diseases.
  3. Do not bathe during any acute inflammatory process.
  4. In case of severe lung diseases, it is impossible to visit the bathhouse. It will be difficult and even dangerous for a person to stay in such a humid environment.
  5. People with cardiovascular diseases should not be in the steam room. This will overload the body, which will negatively affect the condition. Caution to the steam room should be treated for those who have hypertension. Humid hot air can cause an increase in pressure. At the same time, it will be problematic to normalize the state.
  6. With high temperature and viral diseases, ablutions will only worsen the condition.
  7. Stay warm wet room encourages fungal growth. People with any manifestation of this disease should abandon the hammam. In addition, visiting public bathing places by people with a fungal infection is unethical in relation to other persons who are there.

Contraindications for visiting

Not all people are allowed to take a steam bath in a Turkish bath, sometimes the state of health prohibits it. Contraindications for visiting are:

  • bronchial asthma in severe form;
  • heart disease, hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • oncological diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • open wounds, irritations, abrasions, scratches on the skin;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

Hamam with varicose veins

This diagnosis, like other diseases of the cardiovascular system, is a contraindication for visiting the Turkish bath. High temperature negatively affects people with this diagnosis. Because of it, the vessels dilate and the volume of circulating blood increases. The load on the veins increases several times. This is an extremely dangerous condition for varicose veins. Even if precautions are taken, visiting the hammam is prohibited in case of such a disease. This is confirmed by doctors.

With bronchial asthma

People with such a diagnosis are strictly forbidden to visit the hammam. This can provoke new attacks and aggravate an already dangerous situation, especially if the disease is severe, with complications. In some cases, doctors give the go-ahead to visit the hammam for asthmatics at the initial stage. Some patients benefit from moist and warm air in the sauna rooms, because under its influence the volume of the lungs increases and the number of seizures decreases. Visiting the steam room in this situation is allowed only under the conditions recommended by the attending physician.

Turkish baths have received worldwide recognition. This is one of the types of classical baths that has survived to this day. However, it is more correct to speak not about Turkish, but about Eastern, more precisely, Islamic baths, since this is a fact of life in the Muslim world in general. Hamams in Turkey and Syria, Morocco and Uzbekistan, Iraq and the Emirates, Libya and Tajikistan, Tunisia and Lebanon are practically no different from each other. This is a powerful and bright phenomenon of Islamic culture, the significance of which goes far beyond the hygienic and health-improving procedures.

The emergence of the hamam is hidden from us in the mists of time The Byzantine Empire (Second Rome), which lasted until the middle of the 2nd millennium and all this time continued to follow many Roman traditions and customs, remained faithful to them in relation to baths. It was in Byzantium, in the city of Pergamon, which is today in Turkey, that the famous Roman physician Galen practiced - an enthusiast and a big fan of the term. The Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula, closely communicating with the Byzantines, adopted some traditions from them. Even before the advent of Islam, frequent washing was quite traditional for the peoples of the East. This is a natural necessity in a hot climate. However, the Arabs at the same time only poured themselves cold water However, acquaintance with the luxurious traditions of Roman bathing, which occurred during the conquest of the Levant by the Arabs, brought them the first of the wonders of the bath - hot steam. The Arabs learned how to bathe, but they did not stop pouring cold water on them. The fact is that immersion in a bath, pool or other container of water seemed unnatural to the Arabs: according to their religious beliefs, this is "bathing in one's own mud." And only with the advent of Islam did the development of such an original phenomenon as an oriental bath begin. The Prophet Mohammed experienced the effect of the Roman-type baths and highly appreciated them. He also pointed out that baths help increase fertility. According to Islam, this goal is sacred to every true believer. Therefore, the approval of the prophet opened a wide road for the hamam to the Islamic world.

The healing properties of hamam have been known since antiquity. The great Arab physician, scientist and naturalist, poet and encyclopedist Avicenna (Ibn Sina) considered the bath to be one of the strongest means of healing and treatment.

The work of this scientist "The Canon of Medical Science" contains a lot of information that has not become outdated to this day. A number of recipes and prescriptions are used by modern medicine. Avicenna argued: "If you engage in exercise, lead healthy lifestyle life and remember to go to the bath, there is no need for medicines. "He pointed to beneficial effect hammam on blood circulation, breathing, on the ability to get rid of excess weight. Avicenna recommended a bath for insomnia, paralysis, nervous disorders. In his opinion, it is indispensable for catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract, inflammation of the vocal cords. The bath also helps with gastrointestinal diseases: diarrhea, loss of appetite, indigestion. Dry steam is useful for the treatment of rheumatism. The list of diseases in the treatment of which Avicenna recommends bath procedures is endless: jaundice and swelling of the liver, pain in the bladder, kidney stones, pain in the spleen ... The scientist also points to contraindications for visiting the hamam: epilepsy, blockage of the liver, headaches, noise and ringing in the ears. He warns against drinking cold water after a bath and warns against the dangers of a bath for eyesight.

Hamam architecture The hamam is built on the principle of a palm, that is, in terms of the plan, the room is a structure that consists of five rays emerging from one center - niches (eyvans).
The oldest hamams were built by the Umayyad Caliphs, who ruled the Arab Caliphate from 661 to 750 and led the Bedouin way of life. Therefore, the first baths appeared not in cities, but in the wild desert. Kusair-aman, one of the oldest hamams that has survived to this day, suddenly opened up to the gaze of a traveler in the middle of a waterless desert on the shores of the Dead Sea, surrounded blooming garden. This oasis also once housed a castle for arriving guests and a watchtower, the ruins of which today are almost level with the ground.

Hamam - an integral element of the eastern cityscape- was built, as a rule, not far from the mosque, but a little to the side, in a place hidden from direct view. In the Islamic city, he was in every quarter and daily received his regular visitors.

Like the Roman baths, the hammam became the center of social life. "A city is good when it has a bath," said the early Arab historian Abu Sir. The entrance fee to the hammam has always been exceptionally low, and even the poorest person could afford this pleasure. In the Middle Ages, there was even a custom not to establish a certain fee - everyone paid according to their position.

Turkish bath is not just a place where you can wash your body and improve your health. Hamam miraculously woven into everyday life. Everyone is equal here: rich and poor, young and old, beautiful and unattractive - for some time everyone becomes free from the world that remains behind the walls of the hamam. In old Turkey, women, like men, could visit the bathhouse without restrictions - this was one of the few universally recognized women's rights.

For a Turk, a hamam is a place where significant life events are celebrated. In some places in the province, these traditions are alive to this day. So, in the bath, the appearance of the first tooth in a baby is celebrated. Or, for example, a person who makes a vow in honor of the fulfillment of some innermost desire arranges a holiday in the hammam: rents a room at his own expense, provides refreshments and music. On this day, the bathhouse is open to anyone who wants to enter. Like many peoples, in the East there is a pre-wedding ritual of bathing the bride - jalim hamami. The bride, heading to the hamam, is accompanied by a whole procession of relatives to the music. She is dressed in a ceremonial costume - a vest and shalwars made of felt. This is a gift from the groom's family, and it is intended only for this solemn day. The bride was washed and steamed by relatives from the groom's side. After that, dressed in a silk shirt, she was seated on a dais in the middle of the hall, and young women - friends and maids - lit candles and lined up in a procession. While the candles were burning, they walked around the pool in the hammam with songs containing wishes for a happy life in marriage, to the sound of a tambourine. After that, unmarried people threw small money into the pool so that their marriage would come sooner and be successful. Even today, elements of these rites can be observed in Turkey and other countries of the East.

Traditions of ritual visits to the hamam are also very common on more everyday occasions. A joint visit to the bathhouse with a guest is an essential attribute of hospitality. Events such as circumcision, engagement, returning from military service or from war are not complete without a visit to the hamam. They also go there as a sign of religious purification: before putting on new clothes, before a long journey, in honor of recovery from illness, after leaving prison.

Relax in one of the most incredible historical sites Seville, located in the house-palace of the XVI century. Today it opens the door for everyone who wants to be transported to another era. Such corners are the history of a city that preferred to keep secrets in its bowels, but now it is you who will recognize them. You can't miss this place if you visit Seville. Why? It's simple: Arabic Hamam Aire de Sevilla (Seville Air), located in the center of the Santa Cruz district, is a real oasis in the heart of the city. You forget about the routine and seem to be transported to ancient Seville.

Many tourists admiring Seville ignore the existence of this place, although its architecture speaks of the diversity of cultures that have left an indescribable legacy. Aire de Sevilla has absorbed the marvelous work of Muslim artisans, Roman furniture, unusual vaults and decoration. Entering the hammam is like entering a real paradise for the mind, because rest and history are intertwined here. In the 16th century, one of the viceroys of India, having restored and ancient hamam, and Roman traces, built in addition to this a truly luxurious house-palace.

And this palace, which few people expect to meet while walking along Aire Street, continues to amaze tourists. Here you can not only relax thanks to water treatments, but also enjoy delicious tea. Guests are offered more than 30 types: relaxing tea, fruit, Arabic ... Of course, you will be advised to taste a sweet cake right there.

Hamam is valued not only for its appearance, but also for a variety of medical procedures. For example, this one is called "Al-Andalus". You are exfoliated (peeled) with a glove and mineral-rich soap. The skin becomes like new!

Another, even more original way of taking care of your beauty is based on "shock therapy". This is your chance to feel like a chocolate candy and, of course, inhale new life into your body.

If you want something very special, say, absolute relaxation, then by all means try the Water Ritual. Immerse yourself in the term - and a light massage begins. Soon you will find yourself in an absolute knockout, in the best sense of the word.

And, of course, classic relaxation - a hydromassage zone.

For 1500 years, the secrets of the beneficial effects on the body of water, which not only gives pleasure, but also improves health, have been passed down from generation to generation. This treasure was cherished by both the Romans and the Muslims, who were in charge at different times in Seville. According to stories, it may have disappeared in the 17th century due to the loss of the last Arab bath in the city, but the Aire de Sevilla brought it back for all of us. For example, here is this incredible corner.

The path through the baths begins with a relaxing hall where candles are lit, the sounds of water are heard and warmth emanates from the marble slabs.

The so-called bathroom consists of three zones with different temperatures: warm (36ºC), hot (40ºC) and cold (16ºC). Changes in temperature create unique sensations that you can alternate from one zone to another.

One of the most special rooms of all Arab baths- terma with salt water or "flotarium".

And in the center of Seville, on the roofs of many houses, there are luxurious terraces. Appreciate the view from the top of the Aire de Sevilla - and you will doubly want to go there!

Table of contents:

Oriental baths, which are called Turkish in Europe, have a long and rich tradition. Name fixed English traveler David Erkvart, who visited Greece in the 60s of the 19th century. This country was then part of the Ottoman Empire and Mauritanian Spain. There he saw these structures, described in detail their device and introduced the term that we still use today - “Turkish bath hammam”.

However, the definition is not entirely accurate. The Turks were not the inventors of these baths, but adopted the custom of their use from the Arabs.
They, in turn, borrowed them from the Romans when, during their period of intense conquest, they became acquainted with the Greek and Roman baths in Syria. The ancient Greeks invented this type of baths, and the Romans popularized it. The Arabs and Turks continued the traditions of the terms and brought oriental flavor to their arrangement.

How is a Turkish bath arranged?

The word "hamam" is Arabic and is translated as "spreading heat, heat." On the plan, the bath looks like a palm, each of the five fingers of which is a steam room. As in thermal baths, the floors in Turkish baths are heated, but do not burn, but give pleasant warmth.

The bathing culture of the region is formed depending on the climate. It is no coincidence that hot and dry saunas are loved in cold and damp Finland, while in the hot and dry East they are rather cool and very humid hamams. In them, this figure is almost equal to 100%, while the temperature is not so high. This arrangement of the Turkish bath makes the steam "light" - it is not difficult to carry. This is facilitated by a large area of ​​evaporation, as not only the floor is heated, but also the walls and deck chairs. The floors are additionally constantly watered with heated water, as a result of which steam is formed. Another source of it is boilers or steam generators with boiling water, which are built into the walls. Steam exits through holes Ø 5x5 cm, located at a height of 1.5 m from the floor.

Procedures begin with the Jamekyan locker room, an analogue of the Russian dressing room. In this room, the temperature is maintained at 28-35 degrees. There, visitors warm up, then to move to more heated rooms. Room sequence with different conditions- cool, warm, hot humid - inherited from the Roman terms, but their ratio has changed. In addition, massage therapists have now appeared in the hot steam room, and the sweat room has replaced the room with dry heat.

The traditional rules of the Turkish bath say that the first room for the procedures should be “sogukluk”, it contains stone beds - “soup” (“flat stone” in Turkish). The Turks colloquially call them "chebek-tashi" - "a stone for the stomach."

On it, you must lie on your stomach. The purpose of the procedure is to sweat well.

They move from sogukluk to steam rooms, gradually raising the temperature from +35 to +70°. They return to it to rest.
After the steam rooms, there is a massage, both regular and foamy or oily. They start it from the head, moving to the neck, shoulders and then go down to the torso and legs. This is not just a massage, but a healing procedure. From it, the muscles become flexible, the ligaments are elastic, the mood is joyful and peaceful.

Next comes the washing procedures. According to Turkish tradition, one should wash with soapy foam using a coarse horsehair mitten. After washing, you need to douse yourself with cold water and swim in shallow pools with water of different temperatures. The visit to the bath ends with a rest room - “keyf”. You can have a cup of coffee or tea there. By the way, a funny detail, our slang word “kaif” comes from the Arabic “keyf” - “rest”.

Visiting a Turkish bath is useful for all those who suffer from joint diseases and inflammation, arthritis, radiculitis, spinal diseases. In it you can get rid of osteochondrosis, neurosis and sleep disorders. The procedures are incredibly useful for people who have prolonged physical activity, especially for athletes.

  • the presence of cancer;
  • inflammatory processes, including internal organs, in an acute form;
  • pregnant women are allowed to visit only on the recommendation of a gynecologist;
  • infectious diseases.

The construction of Turkish baths is becoming more and more popular

To experience the full range of pleasures from the hamam, today there is no need to go to Turkey. It can be built on your site, and even in an ordinary city apartment. "Warm floors" and a steam generator, which are the basis of such a bath, can be purchased without any problems in specialized stores. In a cramped apartment, of course, you can’t reproduce the entire space of the hammam, but a shower cabin with a Turkish bath will help you recreate the atmosphere of a warm fragrant steam room and get to know the interweaving of oriental traditions and modern technologies.

Now many companies offer the service of erecting such baths and showers. But get ready for the fact that, due to the specific equipment and device, the construction of a Turkish hamam bath will cost you significantly more than a Finnish or Russian one. And, in this regard, I would like to warn you in advance that you are unlikely to succeed in a real Turkish bath with your own hands. A modern hammam is a very complex engineering structure.

It includes insulation, vapor barrier, power frame, thermal systems floors, walls, loungers, as well as multi-layer waterproofing and special finishes. At the same time, extreme operating conditions dictate an absolutely exact reproduction of the required technology. As we have already said, the construction of Turkish baths is possible both on the site and in apartment building. But for this, the surface of the walls must be covered with a special adhesive-based insulation. Next, is the installation of the reinforcing cage. A plaster and road mesh is mounted to it, the ceiling is equipped with another variety - brick-fabric. Heating systems for floors, walls and benches are equipped power frame. Heat must be supplied by a heating cable controlled by thermostats. This makes it possible to set and regulate separate temperature conditions on each heated surface of the bath. The plaster must be applied three times - this provides additional waterproofing. Further produce membrane waterproofing over the dried plaster layer. This operation is also performed three times, at intervals of 2 days, necessary for the hardening of each subsequent layer. The design of the floors in the hammam is no less complicated. It is a pie consisting of a backfill, two layers of screed with waterproofing laid between them, a heating system and a facing layer.

Of course, you can, having learned in a compressed form how to build a Turkish bath, try to recreate it yourself in your possessions. But for this you must have an extraordinary construction experience and knowledge of engineering.

Turkish bath project

In connection with all of the above, we strongly recommend: entrust the Turkish bath project only to specialists with direct experience in this field.

When planning it, it is necessary to take into account all the details and features that are inherent in this particular type of baths, which are so little like the others.

Before designing a hamam, you need to determine specifications. It requires considerable space, as it involves the presence of several rooms. Together with specialists, you will have to decide whether to make the bathhouse complete or sacrifice something if there is not enough space or funds. At the same time, there is something that cannot be sacrificed - features of the roof, for example. In all real hamams, it is domed. And this is not so much a tribute to Eastern traditions as a prudent technological solution: the condensate formed at the top in the process of vaporization does not drip on the heads of visitors, but flows down the dome. And the project should also provide for places for swimming pools and kurnas - without them, a hammam is unthinkable.

When planning both a traditional and a small private Turkish bath, close attention should be paid to waterproofing. No less consciously and responsibly it is necessary to design heating systems - they are complex and require special qualifications. Hamam needs a thick steam. Therefore, the question of the technical equipment of the bath is very serious and deserves a separate discussion.

For many Eastern peoples, a healthy person is equated with a clean one, so going to the bathhouse is a kind of ritual for them. Since ancient times, the hamam has been used to put your body and soul in order, getting rid of everything unnecessary and, as it were, being born again.

What is hamam?

Turkish bath, which helps a person to relax and achieve peace, is called a hammam. For a long time this place was considered a symbol of oriental culture and traditions. Hamam are ancient public baths that appeared during the Roman Empire. It is worth noting that the difference from Russian is associated with a special temperature regime, so the value is in the range of 30-50°C.

Hamam and sauna - differences

To highlight the main distinguishing features, it is necessary to compare the main parameters:

  1. To create steam and heat up the room in the sauna, water is poured onto the hot stones, and in the hammam, the walls, floor and deck chairs are evenly heated.
  2. Finding out what a hammam is and how it differs from a sauna, it is worth noting that the first building consists entirely of tiles and stones, and for the second option, in most cases, wood is used for wall upholstery.
  3. If we compare the temperatures, then in saunas a range of 100-120°C is used, and in hamahs only 40-60°C. Steam rooms differ and in terms of humidity, the former value is 10-15%, and the latter - 100%.
  4. Many are interested in what is more useful than a sauna or a hammam, and so it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to such a question, since each option has its own advantages. In favor of the latter, we can say that such a steam room can be visited by people who cannot withstand the high temperature of a classic sauna.

How to use the hammam?

There is a certain scheme of what needs to be done in this type of steam room in order to enjoy and maximize the benefits.

  1. You should start with a warm room where the body should warm up well. It is better to take a horizontal position on a marble lounger. It is necessary to be in this room until sweat appears. The temperature in the hammam is very pleasant, so in most cases visitors do not feel any discomfort.
  2. At the next stage, a massage is performed using oils, which is performed with woolen mittens. Thanks to this procedure, blood circulation and flexibility of the joints are improved, and the whole body is relaxed. In addition, the rough surface of the gloves exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells, thereby making the skin smooth and silky.
  3. For cleansing, it is customary to use a special soap, which has a unique composition, as it contains olive, argon or peach oil. All of these are good for the skin.
  4. At the last stage, be sure to take a cold shower and swim in a cool pool. Thanks to this, the pores are closed after all previous procedures.
  5. Finding out, hamam, what it is, it is worth noting that it is described above classical scheme visits to the steam room, but some salons add some more procedures, for example, after a massage, you can apply special oils to the body, make a wrap or mask. Thanks to this, you can get additional benefit, for example, to cope with cellulite, dryness and other troubles.

How to visit the hammam?

First you need to understand what this version of the steam room looks like, so there are these types of rooms:

  1. Jamecan- this is the first room where the vestibule is traditionally located and undressed. If the building is built in classical style, then there is a fountain in this room.
  2. sogukluk- This is a washing room in which there are showers and a toilet. The temperature in this room is maintained at 30-35 degrees.
  3. Hararet- this is the main room, which is the warmest and the value on the thermometer is 50-60 ° C. It has marble benches where people relax and get massages. In the center of the room is a firebox that creates heat for the entire room. They call it the "stone of the stomach." Even in Hararet, a pool is installed and it is called “kurna”.

To make going to the steam room enjoyable, it is important to follow a series of important tips, and there are also traditions of visiting the hamam:

  1. Turkish baths have a separate section for men and women. Visitors wear a sarong or at least tie a towel around their body.
  2. It is forbidden to drink alcohol and soft drinks while in the steam room. It is not recommended to take food for 1-1.5 hours.
  3. Many are interested in how often you can visit the hammam, so you need to do this if possible and for health reasons. To maintain tone and health, it is worth going to the Turkish bath once a week.
  4. Before you lie down on the bench, you must lay a towel on it.
  5. After the end of all procedures, it is forbidden to get up abruptly, as this can harm the heated muscles.
  6. When figuring out how to go to the hammam, it is worth pointing out what time is better to be in the Turkish bath, so it’s right to stay there for up to 1.5 hours, but it can be longer.

Why is a Turkish bath hammam useful?

Going to the steam room has a positive effect on the condition of a person who has no contraindications.

  1. The health benefits of hammam lie in the positive effect on the condition of the skin. Due to the cleansing of the body, the effect of rejuvenation is achieved.
  2. A steam room is recommended for salt accumulation, rheumatism and other problems with the motor apparatus.
  3. Finding out information about the hammam, what it is and what benefits it has, it is worth noting the beneficial effect on the respiratory and nervous systems.

Hamam with sinusitis

While in the Turkish bath, under the influence of temperature and humidity, positive changes occur in the body. If a person has sinusitis, then you can go to the steam room, but not throughout the illness. In the presence of fever and other signs of intoxication, then a trip to the Turkish bath should be abandoned. When figuring out how to bathe in a hammam, it is worth noting that it is best to go to the steam room at the stage of recovery, when the alien microflora is defeated.

  1. In this case, the procedures will have a healing effect and immunity will be strengthened.
  2. Under the influence of hot moist air, the swelling of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses and the amount of secretions will decrease, and the process of regeneration of the epithelium will also be accelerated.
  3. Steam hamams at the stage of recovery can be visited 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes. When the disease in a chronic form is in remission, then it is allowed to visit the steam room every day, but only if you feel good.

Hamam for asthmatics

If a person is diagnosed with bronchial asthma, then it is better to forget about going to the Turkish bath. It is important to consider that if the disease proceeds in a complex form with frequent attacks, then the hamam can only provoke them and aggravate the situation. If the asthma is in the early stages and the doctor has given the go-ahead, then warm, moist air can be beneficial, because under the influence of moist air, lung volume increases, which reduces the number of attacks. At the same time, it is important to know how to use the hammam, so you can’t visit the steam room too often and stay there for more than half an hour.

Hamam for bronchitis

Humid warm air of the Turkish bath will be useful at the stage of recovery, when the acute phase is stopped. It is forbidden to go to the steam room if the body temperature is above 37 ° C and there is a pronounced shortness of breath. If these contraindications are not observed, then the Turkish hammam can be useful, subject to a number of recommendations:

  1. Before going to the steam room, it is recommended to drink a lot of herbal tea.
  2. Breathing in the bath should be moderately deep, which will contribute to a better discharge of sputum.
  3. It is impossible to go out of the heat into the cold air or sink into the pool, since the body must cool down gradually.

Hamam with varicose veins

If a person has pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, then the Turkish bath is contraindicated. This is explained by the fact that with an increase in temperature, vasodilation occurs and the volume of circulating blood increases. As a result, the load on the veins increases several times and such a situation with varicose veins is very dangerous. Doctors believe that any advice on how to properly walk in a hammam with varicose veins does not contribute to the protection of blood vessels, and the danger still remains.

Hamam for colds

When a person feels a slight malaise, a runny nose and a sore throat appear, a visit to the Turkish bath will be useful. It is important to remember that if the temperature has already risen, then the steam room is prohibited.

  1. Warm air helps that occurs in the muscles and joints.
  2. The bath helps to increase the body's defenses and its toning.
  3. Humid air improves the process of mucus discharge during a runny nose and stops the spread of inflammatory processes.
  4. The steam room has a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system.
  5. It is important to know how to properly bathe in a hammam with a cold, so a cold shower and a pool are definitely excluded from all mandatory procedures.

Hamam for acne

It has been proven that with regular visits to the Turkish bath, skin regeneration occurs, which is important for skin cleansing, getting rid of dead cells and improving appearance. The benefit is due to the fact that toxins are released from the body, which often cause rashes on the body. In addition, do not forget that one of the stages of being in the bath is peeling, which is beneficial for the skin.

How useful is a hammam after a workout?

During the reinforced sports training the muscular corset receives a load, so many suffer from krepatura and other discomfort the next day. As a relaxing procedure, you can visit the hammam after a workout. The steam room helps restore blood circulation, relieve inflammation, improve or restore body tone and muscle elasticity, warm up muscles and increase oxygen supply to the muscles.

Hamam harm

In some situations, going to a Turkish bath can be harmful, so you need to know the existing contraindications.

  1. It is forbidden to go to the Turkish bath for pregnant women, as the temperature increase can harm the fetus.
  2. Hamam for health cannot be used if a person has severe lung diseases.
  3. The presence of high fever and viral diseases leads to an aggravation of the condition.
  4. If a person has any fungal disease, then being in a warm and humid room will provoke their reproduction.
  5. Finding out the hammam, what it is and to whom the steam room is contraindicated, it is worth noting that it is forbidden to visit such establishments if there are problems with cardiovascular system. Elevated temperature creates an additional load on the heart and blood vessels.
  6. You can not go to the bath if available mental disorders, skin diseases, oncological diseases and various acute inflammatory processes.