What clothes can be brought from Vietnam. Fun bike helmet

I must say that the eastern culture from the most ancient times was famous for its unique recipes for medicines, anti-aging agents and various tinctures. Nowadays, numerous pharmaceutical companies in these countries - India, China, Vietnam and others - sacredly honor old traditions, use ancient recipes and exclusively natural ingredients. Vietnam is no exception. All natural medicines are very cheap here, so of course you should buy as much of the medicines you need as possible, especially since you have many elderly relatives.

Perhaps the most popular ointment in Vietnam these days is Cobratoxan, which has an excellent effect on arthritis, radiculitis, muscle pain and neuralgia. And this is not accidental, because this ointment is based on snake venom, which has a healing effect. It quickly relieves all pain, penetrating deep into the muscle tissue. Tourists, as well as people who constantly visit Vietnam on business trips, buy this ointment in whole packages. On the modern medicinal market, this ointment is the best warming agent. Slightly less popular massage balm - "White Tiger". It does not have such a strong effect as Cobratoxan, but it perfectly relaxes muscles, defeats aching pains and improves blood circulation.

Do you remember how popular the Vietnamese Zvezdochka balm was in Soviet times? So, it is still produced in Vietnam to this day, only, in addition to the ointment we are used to in red packaging, many more different variations have appeared. So now it can be found in the form of a pencil, and in the form of an inhalation agent, and in the form of a liquid balm. An asterisk has been used since that time as an excellent remedy for mosquito bites, nasal congestion, colds, and headaches. On myself I tried the wonderful effect of this ointment with a wasp sting. The swelling subsided very quickly. And if you use the "Asterisk" at the very beginning of a cold, then you can cure this disease in its very bud.

Recently, not only in Vietnam, but throughout the world, medicines made on the basis of Lingzhi mushrooms are becoming increasingly popular. Even 2000 years ago, these mushrooms were considered a means of giving, if not immortality, then longevity for sure. The Chinese called them mushrooms, "giving eternal youth." They have a truly unique composition and they have practically not revealed any side effects. They help restore immunity in the body, lower blood cholesterol levels, help stabilize blood pressure, lower sugar levels and promote liver regeneration.

Another drug that is popular with our tourists is Glucosamine. It contains the well-known substance glucosamine, which helps strengthen joints and ligaments, and helps in the restoration of cartilage after injuries. These drugs are available with different content of the active drug substance glucosamine, so before using it, it will not be superfluous to consult your doctor at all.

And another very useful and important medicine, especially for the elderly, sold in Vietnam, is Cebraton. It effectively helps to improve the blood supply to the brain and generally improves its functioning, an excellent tool for worsening concentration, memory, stress and insomnia. Also, treatment with this drug is unusually effective for frequent headaches. The composition of this miraculous drug includes many medicinal herbs that grow exclusively in Southeast Asia. And most importantly, this drug is used to treat the consequences of strokes, it helps patients recover faster and return to normal.

Recently, drugs that help restore separately male and female health have become increasingly popular in the tourist environment. In Vietnam, a fairly decent amount of such funds is sold, helping in various fields. There are drugs to increase male potency and libido in women, to normalize the condition during menopause, to treat fibroids and other serious female diseases. All these drugs are created exclusively on the basis of natural herbs and plants.

And finally, it would not be superfluous to bring from Vietnam such a medicine, which has recently been very popular in the post-Soviet space, as an extract from artichoke leaves. It is sold in many pharmacies, so finding it is not difficult. Basically, artichoke extract has an excellent antispasmodic and choleretic effect, has a beneficial effect on digestive tract and also has a sedative and antipyretic effect.

You will never guess what tourists are doing in an embrace with a laptop or tablet while sitting in cafes, restaurants, on benches, in general, any places where there is WI-FI, everyone without exception asks the search engines the question ‘What to bring from Vietnam’. Paying attention to such tourists, I decided to give an answer not only to search engines, but also to those who read me or are resting here now.

This is actually the most important question of this article, in which I will try to help you and tell you where to buy souvenirs, what should not be taken out of Vietnam in any case, what is best to bring from Vietnam as a keepsake and for your loved ones. While I was thinking about my article, I read many travel blogs about this problem, and I was a little horrified by the fact that tourists have completely forgotten how to think and buy all the rubbish that they have in bulk in the city.

Summarizing this article, I can only say one thing - there is nothing special to buy here! Everything that is sold here by and large, you can buy in your city, and at lower prices. All branded clothes here cost exactly the same as yours, as for clothes in general, the quality leaves much to be desired. But you should not close your eyes, there is some kind of material from which clothes are made, you should definitely buy it, I have not seen anything like it in the world, about it a little later.

What things to buy in Vietnam? If you came here for clothes like jeans or T-shirts, then go back home or China. Rather, you will find such clothes here on every corner, you can even find boutiques in branded clothing from Adidas or Reebok, but it will all cost exactly the same as yours. Many will disagree with me, they will say that some things are much cheaper in Vietnam, take my word for quality things here at low prices.

And yet, if you really want to buy a thing, then I advise you to buy locally made things, for example, in many cities there are sewing workshops for sewing T-shirts, shirts, and bamboo T-shirts. The quality is at its best, an ordinary men's bamboo T-shirt costs from 400,000 dong, the price is based on a purchase at a garment factory, stores sell at other prices.

We go further on things, the most important attribute that is being carried is the ‘non’ or Vietnamese conical hat, a little lower I am in this hat. As for the non, until now this headdress is worn by all the peasants working in the fields and at sea, it covers you very well from the sun and ventilates your head well. Non will cost you only $80, you can bargain up to $40 on the market. You can take it out of the country in hand luggage.

As for the material of clothing, which I spoke about at the beginning and which girls should definitely buy, they have not yet guessed what I mean - this is silk. The silk here is really of high quality, and I mean silk made at the ‘XQ’ sewing workshop, I will have a separate article about this workshop from which you will learn how all clothes are made only by hand and how silk paintings are made for at least half a year.

Where to buy silk in Vietnam? If you go on an excursion or on your own to the city of Dalat, then here you will find a factory called XQ, where they make such things and do-it-yourself paintings. You can find out about excursions and prices from me in a separate article called ‘ ‘. About things a little lower in the photographs, but for now I’ll go over the prices a little, one picture made of silk costs from $ 150 to several million dollars, a meter of silk costs from $ 80, a silk dress costs from $ 200, but now look at the photos.

Bring cosmetics and medicines from Vietnam?

As for medicines and cosmetics, is it worth taking them? To be honest about drugs, they are not here, the entire local population does not even know what chemical drugs and antibiotics are. If a Vietnamese caught a cold, then the most best way treatment is ‘Asterisk’ balm and iodine mesh, in the most extreme cases of the disease they begin to take an antibiotic.

Here, just as a medicine or a souvenir from Vietnam, you can bring Asterisk balm, and you can find it here both as an ointment and as drops with various solutions. As for cosmetics, there is a chic selection of cosmetics made from natural raw materials. On one of the excursions, you will definitely be taken to the Meringa cosmetics factory, they do absolutely everything from Asterisk balm to dry perfume.

As for the prices of cosmetics and medicines, the asterisk balm costs 120,000 VND, the mulberry tincture for insomnia costs 250,000 VND (0.5 liters), the immune drink for all diseases called Meringa in capsules costs 650,000 VND.

What souvenirs to buy?

What souvenirs to bring from Vietnam? Well, let's come to my favorite topic, I always bring souvenirs from the country where I was, one of the most banal souvenirs for me has always been considered a magnet, I also brought it in numerous versions, but lately I'm tired of banality, so I bring from countries only what is sold only there.

What to bring from Vietnam as a souvenir? All souvenirs can be bought in the markets, but recently the Vietnamese are not very willing to bargain with the Russians, knowing that a Russian tourist will buy a souvenir from them anyway. In order to somehow drop the price, you can do this: come up to ask the price, then step back a little and count the money without change by 20% less, come back and say that you only have a certain amount and are a little short, in this scenario 99 % of the Vietnamese makes concessions.

To be honest, I do not advise you to go to the markets to buy things and souvenirs, the prices here are the same as in stores. Personally, I went to one of the supermarkets in Ho Chi Minh City, which is located away from the center and bought everything that I considered necessary for myself and my relatives. What Vietnamese souvenirs did I buy? See below, mine is not trite.

Figurine of a girl made of wood

Rear view with price. Cost 100,000 VND

I don't see, I don't hear, I don't say. Three monkeys made of mahogany cost me 300,000 VND

Tincture of cobra and scorpion venom, useful for men, the cost of 1 liter is 250,000 VND

Here we will dwell a little more specifically, if we decide to purchase a tincture of cobra and scorpion venom as a souvenir, then we take any volume, even the smallest one, the volumes of such bottles: 0.2; 0.5; one; 2 liters. If you decide to purchase such a drink as a medicine, then be sure to ask the seller if you can drink it. The thing is that small bottles are an ordinary solution with artificial toys inside, a real tincture, and with a real snake it will be expensive and have a volume of 1 liter or more.

As for the dose of this glorious drink with poison per person, we remember one single recommendation - this is not an alcoholic drink, but a healing one! It is recommended to drink it no more than one small glass or even a cork per day!

Mother and child. The cost of the kit is 270,000 VND

Hand-painted plastic plate worth VND 200,000

Shell, cost 120,000 VND

fridge magnet

The cost of magnets is from 50,000 VND

Should I bring tea from Vietnam? If you have not been to Thailand, then you should definitely bring tea from Vietnam. Here you can find both pressure tea and earth tea, and tea from the leaves that grow on the ground is worth trying at some tasting, but I don’t recommend buying it, you can drink tea with the taste of ordinary earth at home. Earth tea, or rather its flat cake, weighing about one kilogram costs $100, I think it's stupid to pay $100 for ordinary earth.

But I recommend you definitely buy tea with ginseng, jasmine or white tea, in my city I have not found such tastes and aromas as here. If you touched on the topic of tea drinking, then you should also learn how to brew tea correctly. All tea is brewed here using a special device, tea is put into it, then poured hot water(not boiling water), the first portion of the tea is poured out and, starting from the second portion, it is brewed in mugs for tea drinking.

This procedure especially applies to earthen tea, we pour out the first tea leaves, then we already brew it in our mug. The brewing device is sold both in the market and in stores, but I bought it in a supermarket for 20,300 dong, its photo is a little lower.

Ginseng tea

The cost of tea with ginseng is 135,000 dong

Vietnamese tea brewing device

Bring coffee from Vietnam

Well, here it is, the most important drink and a souvenir that you should bring from your vacation first thing. Bringing coffee is a tradition for a Russian tourist. Where to buy coffee in Vietnam? Personally, I bought different varieties of coffee at Prenn Falls, it is here that coffee is sold both ground and in beans. The legendary 'Luvac' coffee is also sold here, well, in principle, the manufacturer sits in cages here - martens that produce this type of coffee.

The Prenn waterfall is the easiest to reach from Nha Trang. By the way, be sure to read the article so as not to get caught in heavy rains. You will see the prices for coffee in Vietnam a little lower in the photos. As for the taste, I didn’t like Luvac coffee, for which they give 50 euros per cup in Europe, it is very tart and strong. What I can advise is to try and buy coffee ‘Elephant’, Moca Bourbon and ‘Arabica’!

Coffee bean prices in Vietnam

  • Arabica coffee costs 400,000 dong per kilogram, you can buy packaged in packs of 250 grams for 105,000 dong
  • Moca Bourbon coffee (with cappuccino flavor) costs 400,000 per kilogram
  • Luvac coffee costs 450,000 dong per half kilogram
  • Elephant coffee costs 400,000 VND per half kilo
  • Green coffee costs VND 350,000 per half kilo.

What kind of alcohol is brought from the holiday?

What kind of alcohol to bring from Vietnam? There is not a huge choice here and all tourists carry only a separate type of alcohol - Rum, there is nothing else to bring from here. Rum can be purchased both in stores and on the market. A small percentage of tourists carry wine, but the wine here is not particularly different from ours, so the decision is yours.

What fruits to bring?

What fruits to bring from Vietnam? If you have not been to Thailand, then we bring everything that you like to taste. All fruits are the cheapest to buy only in the markets, perhaps this is the only edible souvenir that is worth buying only in the markets, it is cheaper only here. Usually, all the fruits on the market are sold in small baskets, which is how everyone usually buys, but the surprises are just beginning.

As soon as you step into customs at the airport, you will be forced to eat a couple of kilograms of fruit, the fact is that usually such a basket hangs more than 5 kilograms, which are supposed to be taken out per person in hand luggage. Therefore, we calculate in advance the weight per tourist! A little lower you will find out what and how many kilograms you can take out of Vietnam.

What can not be exported from Vietnam

We wind our heads and remember what cannot be taken out of Vietnam. I'll start with fruits that are prohibited for export: durian, watermelon, coconut, juke fruit. From alcohol, everything is allowed, but not higher than 41 degrees of strength, almost nothing falls under this degree, wine here is 15 degrees, rum 13 degrees, rice tincture 8 degrees. As for souvenirs under the guise of shells or other marine attributes, it is advisable to have a check from the store to save nerves and time at customs.

In no case do we export sand from the beach and everything that was caught in the sea, while I was very tough on the tourist when exporting sand in a bottle, I do not advise you to repeat this. All others and important points about export from the country in the photo below.

For those tourists who are still deciding about purchasing plane tickets in this direction, be sure to read where and. What to bring from Vietnam? What souvenirs should be taken out of Vietnam and what coffee and tea is worth not only trying, but also buying? It seems that he told about everything that can be brought, from you a subscription to fresh and informative articles, well, I will be grateful for clicking on the social icons below, if you have any questions, then ask them in the comments.

Probably in Vietnam there is everything that you can imagine, from the original things inherent only in Vietnamese culture to high-quality fakes of clothes, shoes and accessories. Vietnam, one of largest manufacturers not only in Asia, but also in the world, and as a result, the question: “what to buy in Vietnam?” can stand in the context of not the absence, but rather the abundance of possible options. Nevertheless, if you are going to Vietnam not to shop, but “for a unique experience”, then you should pay attention to what you can buy exclusively here.

Where and what to buy

  • Local food markets are a great place to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, eat delicious food at food courts and join the local lifestyle.
  • Street clothing markets and shopping districts are a Klondike of inexpensive clothes, accessories, brand fakes.
  • Brand stores and boutiques - you can buy branded clothes, shoes, bags
  • Art galleries - original paintings and handicrafts.
  • Souvenir shops and shops - a zone strictly for tourists. As a rule, they sell expensive items made of cotton, silk, jewelry, handicrafts, dishes and many other differences.
  • Shopping centers - spices, dishes, electronics, clothes, etc., etc.
  • Bookshops and shops - guidebooks, photo albums and souvenir books.

A general tip for shopping in Vietnam is to plan one whole day for shopping in the first and last big city on the route (and in this case, unbeatable). On the first day, buy things you need for the trip, on the last - souvenirs and all sorts of different things to take home. Pay attention to local specialties (some items can only be bought in certain cities/places).

What to buy

Spices and products

Food in Vietnam is cheap and delicious. But, if you can’t bring local dishes with you, then some of their components can really be delivered in kind. For example: spices, seasonings, rice, tea, coffee, noodles fast food, fish sauce, nuts, dried fruits and so on and so forth.

Tip: buy spices and products in the last big city on the route, in the markets and in shopping malls.

A rich selection of spices, teas and dried fruits in the markets of Vietnam. Photo credit: Werner Kuhnis, Flick

kitchen utensils

In Vietnamese markets and local malls, you can buy everything from wine glasses and teaspoons to wok pans and traditional cast-iron utensils. Markets are especially good in this regard.

Tip: buy kitchen utensils in local markets and malls, not in souvenir shops

Wok in action / What to bring from Vietnam. Photo credit: coolground, Flick

Set for Vietnamese Traditional Phin Coffee

This is how pearls are removed from the shell. Photo credit: Cha gia Jose, Flick

Pearl showcases on Cat Ba island / What to bring from Vietnam. Katie Yaeger Rotramel


Traditional Vietnamese paintings, like sand paintings, are a good memory of. The sand version, like classical painting, is a painstaking work that requires skill and perseverance from the artist. As a rule, the finished paintings depict nature, fragments of Vietnamese history, or simply everyday scenes. But, if the theme of the finished images does not suit you, right there on the spot, you can choose a sketch from the catalog or give your photo. According to the selected sample, a personal picture will be made. And it will be ready in a few days.

Tip: plan to buy paintings at, which is famous for its art workshops and galleries.

The process of making a sand painting. Photo credit: e-dredon, Flick

Clothes, bags, shoes

Vietnam is one of the leaders quality fakes. At the same time, there are many dealers of famous clothing and footwear brands in the country. Shops that dot the city's shopping districts carry everything from Louis Vuitton bags to Nike sneakers. You can save up to 50% on branded clothing and up to 20% on shoes. In general, clothes and accessories can cost 3-4 times less than the usual prices at home, and some fakes are almost impossible to distinguish from genuine items. So, here you can find high-quality copies of famous brands of clothes, shoes, bags, watches, glasses and much more.

Vietnam is recognized as a great place for those who love to shop. It will not be difficult to choose gifts for your relatives and friends here. Not only are the locals very hardworking and can create a lot of interesting things with their own hands, but also the prices for souvenirs are very reasonable.

Beautiful jewelry and bijouterie, high-quality silk and products made from it, unusual spirits, food and fruits can be purchased not only in shops, but also in numerous markets. Be sure to bargain with local vendors, enjoying the gifts you like.

What can a tourist bring from Vietnam - five edible souvenirs

To surprise gourmets and please households with unusual sweets that are sold only where you go on a trip is a sacred thing. Consider the most popular products.

Tea and related products

Of particular interest to tourists is green tea, to which natural dried leaves of jasmine, lotus or ginseng flowers are added. Many people like ginger or oolong tea.

The most popular tea is Than Nguyen and Blao. A pack of the drink costs at least six dollars. In many cities there are specialized shops where you can taste this or that tea drink. If desired, you can find black tea with the addition of various petals.

Attention should be paid to medicinal teas that help reduce pressure, treat different kind diseases, consisting of natural plant materials.

As a curiosity, you can buy tea made from leaves that grow right on the ground. But you should know that it has an unusual taste. The price per kilogram is about a hundred dollars.

A good addition to tea will be a gift in the form of a special device for its brewing, in which raw materials for brewing with hot water are laid. After infusion, the first portion is drained and only the second is used to make tea. Such a teapot costs about one dollar. A beautiful souvenir can be a tea set of small cups and a teapot on a tray.


Considering the fact that Vietnam is the second coffee producing country in the world, leaving here without a quality product is simply stupid. More than thirty varieties of the product grow in the country. It is best to purchase one or the other near the plantations. Such a measure is a guarantee of quality.

The following varieties are among the most purchased by our tourists:

  • Arabica ($18 per kilogram);
  • Moka Bourbon with cappuccino flavor ($18 per kilogram);
  • Elephant ($36 per kilogram);
  • Green ($30 per kilogram);
  • Robusta (25 dollars per kilogram).

Product packaging may vary.

Two varieties are exquisite and expensive - the legendary Luwak ($30 per hundred grams), which in Europe costs around fifty euros per cup, and Chon. They are made from grains that have passed through the stomach of animals. An order of magnitude cheaper, but no worse in quality than the Trung Nguyen variety.

Traditional coffee is brewed using special filters, which are sold in abundance in any souvenir shops. With their help, the preparation of the drink occurs by drip.

Many people like ginger or oolong tea.


As a gift or home bar Tourists usually carry three types of alcohol:

Spices and traditional products

Fukuk Island has huge plantations where pepper is grown. He has wonderful taste qualities. You can buy a local product both in the store and on farms. Moreover, a lot of spicy herbs are grown on the latter, and it will be possible to get acquainted with the cultivation culture of which. Many travelers bring Vietnamese syrups, seasonings, noodles, and rice paper as gifts.

Fruits and sweets for children

What gift to bring a child? Sweet and outlandish fruits will definitely delight children. They should be purchased the day before or the day before departure. In the markets, the assortment is rich, but tourists are often overpriced. Therefore, you should either go to the supermarket and buy there, or study the price range and bargain in the markets. Fruits are sold there in compact baskets that are easy to transport.

The following items will become an exotic gift:

  • papaya (less than a dollar per kilogram);
  • guava (a little less than a dollar per kilogram);
  • tangerines ($2 per kilogram);
  • mango - the price, depending on the variety, varies from 1 to 3 dollars per kilogram;
  • dragon eye - tastes similar to melon and grapes, one kilogram costs a little more than a dollar;
  • rambutan - similar to grapes, one kilogram costs two dollars, and in Nachang - half the price;
  • pomelo - costs only 0.7 cents per kilogram;
  • noina - one of the most delicious fruits costs $ 1.5 per kilogram.

Instead of fresh fruit, you can purchase delicious fruit chips made from bananas, mangoes, or ginger. A good option is candied fruits.

Even more kids will like sweets made from coconut or lotus seeds, filled with caramel, toffee with durian and pineapple leaf juice.

Medicines and cosmetics for yourself and loved ones

Vietnamese cosmetics are valued for their naturalness and hypoallergenicity, as they are made exclusively from natural ingredients.

It will be interesting to take a sightseeing trip to the Meringa factory, where you can not only see how dry perfumes, the legendary Asterisk balm, body and face care cosmetics are produced, but also buy everything you like. Although it is real to make such purchases in stores.

  1. Balm "Asterisk" will cost you $ 1 for six jars.
  2. An insomnia tincture made from mulberries (a 500 mg bottle costs $3).
  3. Meringa Immune Capsules are priced at $15.
  4. For those suffering from pain in the back, muscles, joints, sprains, it is worth bringing Cobratoxan or White Tiger ointment based on snake venom. Both are suitable for treatment colds. Such useful tools cost around 2-3 dollars.
  5. The means intended for potency increase are considered very popular.

As for cosmetics, be sure to buy aromatic oils, coconut oil, which has a number of useful properties. Many tourists like hair or body masks, scrubs, soaps. On a special account are cosmetic creams, which include cobra venom. Purchase medicines and cosmetics only in pharmacies and specialized departments.

Silk in Vietnam is of excellent quality.

Three of the best gift and souvenir ideas for women

Delightful orchids

Many people buy orchids in Dalat in the Garden of Flowers. One tuber, depending on the variety, costs about $ 1.5. They are the size of a child's fist, so you can pack them in a bag and put them in a suitcase among your clothes. Ten bulbs will cost about $1.50. Sell ​​flowers and locals. The price per plant is quite acceptable - a little less than two dollars.

Luxurious silk

Silk produced in Vietnam is of excellent quality. Especially famous is the XQ manufactory (Dalat), which produces fabrics, clothes, pastel accessories and paintings. A meter of silk costs about $80. For a product such as a tunic or dress, you will be charged approximately $ 180.

The cost of paintings varies by size. Miniatures will cost $10-$60, large works of art $150 and up. A traditional dressing gown made from natural raw materials can be found on the market even for $20.


As for jewelry, your choice will depend solely on the thickness of the wallet:

  1. Jewelry from various materials (ivory, stones, shells, glass, wood, etc.) will appeal to young ladies. Prices from 2-3 dollars and above.
  2. From pearls– combine high quality and low price. It is advisable to shop at trusted TranPhu or HungVuong stores. The cheapest products can be bought in Na Trang. A string of pearls costs 10-20 dollars there. Earrings adorned with pearls will cost a maximum of 2-3 dollars, and a bracelet - 8-10 dollars.
  3. Precious Metal Jewelry presented by interesting models, decorated with opal, sapphires, quartz, rubies. More favorable offers in the price range are presented in Nha Trang. Beads with rubies, sapphires and other precious stones in a silver frame will cost from 200 to 300 dollars there.

Souvenirs from Nha Trang

You can go to Nha Trang not only for decorations, but also for souvenirs. Considering that this is a resort beach area, a lot of interesting products from sea stones, shells, corals.

In addition to the marine theme, you can find products made of wood, ceramics, natural fibers, bamboo, coconut, ivory. It can be carved paintings, figurines, garments. Vases, dishes, caskets are in good demand among our fellow countrymen. The price range varies depending on the size of the product and the material from which it is made.

Men can bring a traditional hat made from palm leaves from their trip. It will cost a maximum of 10 dollars. Music lovers will enjoy national musical instruments. And businessmen can be presented with products made of crocodile or snake skin. A solid belt in the store will cost about $ 70, a wallet - from $ 100 and up.

Children can choose interesting national dolls, masks, teenagers can bring traditional Vietnamese slippers or hats made from banana leaves (price is $ 1). Girls will like handbags, caskets, hair clips made from coconut shells, especially since the prices for products are quite ridiculous 2-5 dollars.

An example of a gift set from Vietnam with prices on this video:

When purchasing certain souvenirs and gifts, you should take into account the requirements for the export of products outside of Vietnam. So from fruits it is forbidden to transport watermelons, juki fruits, coconuts and durains. Alcoholic drinks should be below forty-one degrees in strength. For marine-themed souvenirs, it is advisable to keep receipts.

you can find Additional information on the topic in the section.

The vacation ends, the day of departure is approaching, and it's time to think about what to bring with you from your vacation in Vietnam. Of course, this resort country, like any other, is oversaturated with all kinds of magnets and souvenirs. But we are not talking about this rubbish here - there are many bright things that you will not find analogues in another country during the day with fire.

Vietnam is a country with the richest national culture, which continues to live not only in remote villages, but also in large cities. Because of this, some products that would cost a fortune in Russia can be bought in this South Asian country for next to nothing. Anyone who wants to be 100% sure of the authenticity of a souvenir can buy it in a normal store or shop, but on the market the same thing costs an order of magnitude cheaper and will come to you first hand - as they say, from the manufacturer.

Here are the top 9 best ideas what to bring from Vietnam:

For women:

  1. Cosmetics.
  2. Brand clothing.
  3. Decorations.

For men:

  1. Coffee.
  2. Clothes, shoes.
  3. Reptile skin products.

For kids:

  1. Sweets.
  2. national dolls.
  3. Flashlights.

Quick navigation for gifts that can be brought from Vietnam:

National souvenirs


As a souvenir from Vietnam for yourself or a loved one, you can bring a fan. You can find a variety of specimens in souvenir shops, small shops or markets.

The Vietnamese fan is a true work of art. Miniature fans can be used for their intended purpose, large ones are suitable for decorating the interior.

Each fan is inimitable and unique. Many copies are hand painted. The basis of the fan is sandalwood. This natural smooth surface is ideal for painting. Connoisseurs of original things will pay attention to fans with elegant silk embroidery. The main motifs of the artistic compositions painted on the fans are national natural landscapes, outlandish flowers and plants, the work of ordinary peasants in the field.

For your information: even a large fan can be folded compactly and brought home without damaging it.

Han doll

Vietnamese artisans create dolls from wood, ceramics, and make them using patchwork technique. The most expensive specimens are made of ivory. Dolls are presented in costumes of various peoples of Vietnam.

A bright wooden doll can be a great gift for a child, and a rare ivory doll in a national Vietnamese costume will decorate the collection of an avid collector.


No, these are not Mexican maracas. Vietnam has its own wooden maracas. They are usually painted by hand. As a pattern, ornate patterns, views of nature are applied to the surface of a musical instrument.

Vietnamese maracas make a pleasant soft sound. Such a gift will be appreciated by music lovers, musicians, children and all lovers of overseas souvenirs.

Maracas can also be used as home decoration.


You can bring a mask from Vietnam as a keepsake. Souvenirs look bright and display a variety of emotions. Craftsmen make them from coconut and bamboo, then paint the "faces" by hand.

A mask from Vietnam is a spectacular interior gift.


Fans of oriental cuisine will surely like Vietnamese chopsticks. They are hand painted, each pair is unique. You can give the sticks to a gourmet friend or keep them for yourself. A set of sticks is the choice of practical tourists: a souvenir can be used, and not just put it "idle".


The national religion of Vietnam is Buddhism, which is also reflected in souvenirs. On the shelves of shops and shops you can find figurines of a laughing Buddha or Hottei. Small and large figurines are made of wood and bronze.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a Buddha figurine brings good luck and success to the owners of the house in all matters, which means it is a great gift for any person.


When choosing souvenirs and gifts that you can bring from Vietnam, you can not ignore the jewelry boxes. Large and small, painted and plain, the caskets are made of wood and natural stone. The inner surface of the products is lined with natural silk. It is better to buy caskets in specialized souvenir shops so as not to buy a fake.


The attention of tourists will definitely be attracted by voluminous colorful Vietnamese lanterns, various in shape and size. They are especially spectacular in the form of a fire-breathing dragon. In some products, you can see moving images inside.

In the photo: Lanterns in shops in Vietnam © bambooland / flickr.com

They are in any gift shop and department. The most popular specimens among tourists have 4 or 6 faces.

Lanterns in Vietnam are made like Chinese ones. The tradition of making these souvenirs came from there. The technology for creating lanterns involves soaking the base of bamboo. This is done in order to give the product strength and prevent decay.

The mecca of handicraft production of Vietnamese lanterns is the village of Hoi An.

The original flashlight, brought from Vietnam, will decorate any interior, please with its attractive and elegant appearance.

Nonla's hat

The "Non la" cone-shaped straw hat is the national headdress in Vietnam. With the help of such a hat, the peasants protected their head and face from the scorching rays of the sun and from rain, or used it to carry crops or as a container for water. A thin silk thread keeps the hat on the head.

Vietnamese Nonla hats are made from immature bamboo leaves (cataphylls). They are cut into strips and soaked. Palm leaves are also used as a material for creating hats. They are cleaned with sand and dried in the sun. Products acquire a snow-white color, which is protected by a layer of sulfur. Next, the craftsmen level the surface, divide it into strips and sew it together.

The Nonla hat is a typical national wardrobe item and an example of a great gift from Vietnam.

junk boat

To visit Vietnam and not go sailing along Halong Bay on a traditional Vietnamese junk for a couple of days is a real crime for any traveler. And everyone should bring an old junk boat as a souvenir or a gift from Vietnam.

Clothing and footwear

World brands

Vietnam is a country where the world's largest manufacturers of clothing and footwear have their production facilities: Converse, Nike, Adidas, etc. You can buy original branded items from famous brands here at the lowest prices. However, there is a high probability of acquiring fakes, so you should carefully consider the choice of store and products.

Traditional Vietnamese clothing

A chic gift from Vietnam will be items of national clothing, for example, the Aozai women's costume, which includes an elongated shirt with an accentuated waistline, slits on the sides and wide silk harem pants.

As a gift for a man, you can choose a Vietnamese traditional casual suit: a brown shirt, white trousers and a cloth for wrapping your head. A more solemn image is created thanks to long dress with slits on the sides, combined with a cotton or silk turban, made in black or brown.

Silk ties and scarves are of high quality and exclusive design.

These and other wardrobe items can be purchased in shops and markets.

Tailoring of clothes and shoes to order

A popular and inexpensive service in Vietnam is tailoring to order. Needlewomen in Hoi An will quickly and efficiently sew a dress or kimono with embroidery. To do this, you need to choose your favorite style, fabric and provide your parameters.

flip flops

Of course, you can't leave the country without traditional flip flops. These lightweight and comfortable shoes are indispensable for the warm season. Just think about it: real Vietnamese flip flops. Any person will be happy with such a gift.

Silk and fabrics

Vietnam - perfect place for the purchase of natural silk and products from it. It's impossible to look away from these shiny flowing fabrics. The silk here is of high quality and affordable. Shops and markets in Vietnam are full of silk robes and pajamas, rich bedding sets, scarves and stoles, dresses, blouses.

It is also better to purchase valuable fabrics in branded stores and in factories in order to avoid disappointment from buying a fake. There you can also learn about the process of making fabrics and order tailoring.

Reptile skin products

Continental Vietnam is a humid hot jungle, a great place for all kinds of reptiles. Vietnamese leather craftsmen make a variety of items and accessories from reptile skin: bags, wallets and purses, business card holders, belts and bracelets. A quality leather item is a good gift that will always be relevant.

But the most interesting thing in Vietnam is the crocodiles. The Vietnamese have long been catching them for the sake of a very valuable skin - clothes, bags, local ritual masks were made from it. You may find a mask on the market, but you won’t be able to bring it with you. We'll have to stop at a more modest product made of crocodile skin. The prices are ridiculous, for only fifty dollars you can buy a handbag or a luxurious cigarette case.

Fruits and how to bring them correctly

Vietnam is the birthplace of exotic fruits: mangosteen, lychee, rambutan and more famous mangoes, pineapples, bananas. Tourists bring them home fresh, candied, in the form of candied fruits and chips.

How to bring fruits from Vietnam? Just follow the rules: they should not be washed, separated from each other with wrapping paper and natural cloth. Ripe bananas and mangoes are best eaten locally as they are difficult to bring intact.

Crocodile meat

Surprising as it may seem to us Europeans, people in Vietnam also eat crocodile meat. Not to say that crocodile meat is sold here at every turn, but tasting an exotic dish in a good restaurant in Da Nang or Nha Trang is not a problem. If you want to find something that you can easily bring from Vietnam, and that this something will make a big impression on your friends, then buy dried or frozen crocodile meat. An appropriate reputation with friends is provided to you.


Vietnam is the world's leading coffee exporter. The main deliveries are made to the EU countries. In Russia, Vietnamese coffee is a rarity. This country is a real paradise for coffee lovers. The drink is not brewed here, but brewed using metal filters.

The coffee here is cheap and good quality. For $4 you can buy 1 kg of good coffee. The best place to buy coffee in Vietnam - coffee plantations near Dalat. Here you can try different types of drink and go on an excursion.

In Vietnam, you can try and bring with you kopi luwak, the most expensive coffee in the world. The technology of "production" of such coffee is very peculiar: a small animal musang eats the fruits coffee tree(coffee cherries), digest the shell in the stomach and then excrete the coffee beans as their waste products. This is Kopi Luwak. Such a gift is suitable only for real aesthetes, for everyone else it is better to choose classic coffee, presented here by more than 30 varieties. For example, the varieties Nguyen Trung (Trung Nguyen) and Arabica are distinguished by a particularly mild taste. The Robusta variety contains a large% of caffeine and has a sharp taste, for an amateur.


Vietnamese people drink green tea. One of the most popular varieties - Thai Nguyen comes from the province of Vietnam with the same name. The drink is served hot or cold. In branded tea shops, you can taste the drink before buying.

The taste and aroma of tea is often enriched with additives in the form of jasmine and lotus petals. The cost of tea without additives starts from $ 4; aromatic - from 6.5.

Green tea lovers will appreciate the local drink, and as a sweet snack, you can buy Vietnamese toffee with coconut milk.


Natural Vietnamese sweets without chemical additives are in perfect harmony with tart tea:

  • candied slices of local fruits;
  • nougat sweets;
  • tender coconut milk;
  • peanut;
  • lotus seeds.

Candy with seeds

In any store or shop, you will be offered sweets that are very popular in Vietnam, inside of which the lotus seed rests. In my own way appearance and in texture they resemble our glazed peanuts, but the taste! To put it mildly, he is not at all the same, few people can get used to him. If your loved ones have a healthy sense of humor, then bring these sweets and treat them. Naturally, it is not worth warning about their unusual composition.

exotic tinctures

As mentioned above, there are countless reptiles in the jungles of Vietnam. There is little use for them, and there is practically nothing there, except that the skin can be used to make something. But the cunning Vietnamese found a worthy use for snakes as the main ingredient for medicinal tinctures. Do not be lazy, go to the market, look for a shop traditional medicine. You may not dare to bring such a drink with you, but the very contemplation of all these jars-bottles on the shelves, in which it is not clear what is marinated, will impress you.


Vietnamese cosmetics for hair, face and body skin care are famous for their natural composition. They include: aloe vera, turmeric, coconut milk and oil, snail slime, etc.

Pictured: Cosmetics in Vietnam © Haru2212 / flickr.com

Peelings are effective and therefore very popular in Vietnam. They are based on fruit acids, and hair masks are used with a natural extract of orchid flowers.

The most popular samples of care cosmetics that you can bring from Vietnam:

  1. Korean Holica Holica Gel: soothes the skin after adverse effects, 99% aloe. This gel can be bought in Nha Trang.
  2. Acne 25+ by Mentholatum: cleansing gel wash with soft exfoliating granules. The tool can be purchased for $4.
  3. Skin care mask with turmeric or aloe vera and cucumber: has a liquid consistency, after application it forms a film, it is removed after 15 minutes.
  4. pearl powder: Suitable for improving skin condition and whitening teeth.
  5. Mask-film based on activated carbon: deeply cleanses the skin, eliminates imperfections.
  6. Scrubs and peels with charcoal: You can find them in local cosmetic shops in any city in Vietnam.
  7. Collagen & Algae Seed Treatment: after using it, the skin becomes matte, firmer and healthier.
  8. Cream with snail mucus Helix Aspersa Ohio: for lovers of the exotic.
  9. Cream AHA Collagen Snail, Snail Gold: just a godsend for fans of Asian cosmetics.
  10. Day and night cream Ocsen Ban Ngay: snail secret remedy from famous brand Thoracao.

In general, cosmetics from Thoracao are in great demand among Vietnamese and European women. Hair care products of this brand are also popular, for example, shampoo with saponin soap bean pods. Due to its natural composition, it is also suitable for children.

As a gift for yourself and loved ones, you should buy Vietnamese coconut oil. This is an incredibly beneficial product for hair and skin.

Jewelry and gems

In Vietnam, the lowest price is silver, and jewelry made from this metal amaze with beauty and grace. Pearls are always popular and jewelry with him. Beautiful and high-quality jewelry with black, pink and white pearls can be bought for $10-20.

In the markets you can find cheap jewelry made of silver and ivory. For an expensive and exclusive gift, it is better to go to Nha Trang branded stores. The prices there are correspondingly higher.

In jewelry stores huge selection precious stones. They are sold with a certificate that guarantees the authenticity of the treasures. When buying jewelry, you need to beware of fakes.


Porcelain connoisseurs will find remarkable examples in Vietnam: hand-painted bowls and vases various forms and sizes, plates, dishes and whole services. Vietnamese porcelain products are unique. The drawings reflected national motives.

Dishes, as a household item or a product for interior decoration, are always a valuable and spectacular gift.

The invariable advice to tourists is to be careful not to buy fake copies.

What to bring specifically from each city in Vietnam

Now we will tell you what souvenirs and gifts you should look for in a particular city in Vietnam.

What can be brought specifically from Nha Trang

There is a museum in Nha Trang where you can admire the most beautiful paintings, buy them and bring them to your homeland. Their stories are conveyed with the help of hand embroidery on silk. Looks very impressive. Here you can see the process of creating works of art and purchase them. The cost of products depends on the degree of complexity of the work and on their size. Nha Trang is also famous for high-quality and inexpensive reptile skin products, jewelry, silk, and cosmetics.

From Mui Ne you can bring home pearls and jewelry.

If you are in Phan Thiet, then bring from this city: leather goods, branded clothing and traditional Vietnamese goods.

To the daredevils who went to Hanoi you can bring: sweets, dolls, lanterns, interior items. On the local streets it's all very easy to find at low prices. Also pay attention to branded clothes, shoes, coffee and tea, jewelry and interior items.

From Ho Chi Minh City bring home leather goods, jewelry, sweets, fruits.

What can not be exported from Vietnam

We have compiled a complete list of souvenirs and gifts that you cannot take with you from Vietnam. It includes the following items:

Gold. Gold jewelry is sold in jewelry stores and specialized departments in the bazaar. Products made from this precious metal in Vietnam are cheap, but you will have to stop when the total weight of jewelry reaches 300 g. If a tourist intends to purchase more, a permit must be issued at the National Bank of Vietnam.

Souvenirs made from local inhabitants. This list includes: products made from animals and reptiles, stuffed sea turtles, products made from bones, teeth, wool of rare animals, feathers of rare bird species, rare Vietnamese plants, natural corals.

Antiques. Without special certificates, it is impossible to export art and antiques, precious stones and jewelry with them from the country.

You can bring shells, but in very small quantities.

  • watermelons (they can crack, stain passengers and the aircraft cabin);
  • coconuts (the shell of the fruit is not translucent, therefore, there may be forbidden things inside);
  • durian (when the skin is damaged, an unpleasant odor occurs).

You cannot take more than 3 bottles of alcohol in glass containers with you from Vietnam (based on 1 person).

In Vietnam, you can find exquisite national souvenirs for every taste and budget, thereby taking with you a piece of this diverse country.

Decide for yourself what you should always bring with you from Vietnam: banal souvenirs, interest in which will evaporate in a week, or something non-standard. There are no Vietnamese comrades for the taste and color.